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Engineering Data Users Guide

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Engineering Data User's Guide

ANSYS, Inc. Release 2021 R1

Southpointe January 2021
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Published in the U.S.A.

Table of Contents
Overview .................................................................................................................................................... 5
Definitions ............................................................................................................................................. 5
User Interface ......................................................................................................................................... 5
Menu Bar ......................................................................................................................................... 6
Tab Toolbar ...................................................................................................................................... 7
Toolbox ............................................................................................................................................ 7
Engineering Data Sources Pane ......................................................................................................... 8
Outline Pane .................................................................................................................................... 8
Properties Pane .............................................................................................................................. 12
Table Pane ...................................................................................................................................... 13
Chart Pane ..................................................................................................................................... 14
Engineering Data ...................................................................................................................................... 15
Accessing Engineering Data .................................................................................................................. 15
Filtering Data ........................................................................................................................................ 15
Importing Tabular Data ......................................................................................................................... 16
Working with Data Sources ................................................................................................................... 18
Opening the Engineering Data Sources Pane ................................................................................... 19
Creating a New Library ................................................................................................................... 19
Removing a Data Source ................................................................................................................. 19
Editing a Data Source ...................................................................................................................... 20
Importing Data into a Data Source .................................................................................................. 20
Importing Data as a Data Source ..................................................................................................... 21
Exporting a Data Source ................................................................................................................. 21
Exporting Individual Data ............................................................................................................... 22
Combining Data Sources ................................................................................................................ 22
Creating Custom Material Models ......................................................................................................... 22
Material Data ............................................................................................................................................ 25
Creating a New Material ........................................................................................................................ 25
Adding Material Properties ................................................................................................................... 25
Deleting Material Properties ................................................................................................................. 26
Modifying Material Properties ............................................................................................................... 26
Sample Libraries ................................................................................................................................... 27
Selecting the Default Material Assignment for Model Parts .................................................................... 28
Supported Properties ........................................................................................................................... 28
Eigenvalue Buckling ....................................................................................................................... 30
Electric ........................................................................................................................................... 30
Explicit Dynamics ........................................................................................................................... 30
Harmonic Acoustics ........................................................................................................................ 32
Harmonic Response ........................................................................................................................ 33
Magnetostatic ................................................................................................................................ 33
Modal ............................................................................................................................................. 33
Modal Acoustics ............................................................................................................................. 34
Modal (Samcef ) .............................................................................................................................. 35
Random Vibration & Response Spectrum ........................................................................................ 36
Rigid Dynamics .............................................................................................................................. 37
Steady-State Thermal ...................................................................................................................... 37
Static Structural .............................................................................................................................. 37
Static Structural (Samcef ) ................................................................................................................ 41
Thermal-Electric ............................................................................................................................. 42

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. iii
Engineering Data User's Guide

Transient Structural ........................................................................................................................ 42

Transient Thermal .......................................................................................................................... 45
Parametrizing Material Properties ......................................................................................................... 46
Suppressing Material Properties ............................................................................................................ 46
Suppression of Mutually Exclusive Properties .................................................................................. 47
Charting ............................................................................................................................................... 47
Validation ............................................................................................................................................. 47
Curve Fitting ......................................................................................................................................... 47
Material Model Curve Fitting ........................................................................................................... 48
Mechanical Material Curve Fitting ................................................................................................... 49
Field Variables ...................................................................................................................................... 51
Material Property Support in Mechanical ............................................................................................... 57
Linear Material Models .................................................................................................................... 58
Material Models with Nonlinear Behavior (No Unit Conversion) ........................................................ 59
Material Dependent Damping ........................................................................................................ 59
Isotropic Hardening ........................................................................................................................ 60
Kinematic Hardening ...................................................................................................................... 60
Chaboche Kinematic Hardening ...................................................................................................... 60
Hyperelastic Material Models .......................................................................................................... 60
Gasket Material Model .................................................................................................................... 61
Gurson Material Model ................................................................................................................... 61
Puck Material Model ....................................................................................................................... 62
Cam-Clay ........................................................................................................................................ 62
Drucker-Prager ............................................................................................................................... 62
Jointed Rock ................................................................................................................................... 63
Mohr-Coulomb ............................................................................................................................... 63
Porous Elasticity ............................................................................................................................. 64
Menetrey-Willam ............................................................................................................................ 64
Electromagnetic Material Properties ............................................................................................... 65
Mutually Exclusive Properties ................................................................................................................ 67
CAD Materials ....................................................................................................................................... 69
Appendix .................................................................................................................................................. 71
Appendix A: Material Library File Format ............................................................................................... 71
Appendix B: Custom Material Models .................................................................................................... 71
Create Material Models ................................................................................................................... 72
Material Definition Methods File ..................................................................................................... 74
Material Relationships File ............................................................................................................... 75
Material Properties File ................................................................................................................... 77
Metadata Element .......................................................................................................................... 81
Index .......................................................................................................................................................... 85

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iv of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Engineering Data is a resource for material properties used in an analysis system. Engineering Data can
be used as a repository for company or department data, such as material data libraries. The Engineering
Data workspace is designed to allow you to create, save, and retrieve material models, as well as to
create libraries of data that can be saved and used in subsequent projects and by other users.

The following topics cover the basics of the Engineering Data workspace:
User Interface

The documentation makes use of the following terminology:

Term Definition
Engineering The cell of a system in the Project Schematic that contains engineering data. The
Data default name is Engineering Data.
Property The identifier for the singular information (for example, Density) that together with
other properties defines or models the behavior of the material.

A property is always defined by at least one table (tabular data). Some properties
can contain a collection of tabular data (for example, Isotropic Elasticity).
Property data The identifier for tabular data (for example, Young's Modulus).

User Interface
The Engineering Data workspace is an integrated into ANSYS Workbench. Use the following image and
table to understand the default interface layout and elements.

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Name Description
Menu Allows you to access multiple Workbench menus
Bar (p. 6)
Tab Toggles various Engineering Data functions.
Toolbar (p. 7)
Toolbox (p. 7) Displays data items that can be included in Engineering Data.
Engineering Displays the available data sources and their location, edit state and description.
Data Sources
Pane (p. 8)
Outline Displays the outline of the contents of the selected data source in the Engineering Data
Pane (p. 8) Sources pane or the contents of Engineering Data.
Properties Displays the properties of the selected item in the Outline pane.
Pane (p. 12)
Table Shows the tabular data for the selected item in the Properties pane.
Pane (p. 13)
Chart Displays the chart of the item selected in the Properties pane.
Pane (p. 14)

Menu Bar
The following items in the menu bar are provided by Engineering Data or affect Engineering Data.

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6 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
User Interface

For more information on other menu options, see Menu Bar in the Workbench User's Guide.

Menu Selection(s) Description

File Import Engineering Data Imports (p. 20) data into the
selected data source.
Export Engineering Data Exports (p. 21) the selected data
source or selected items to disk.
Edit Delete Deletes the selected item.
View Various Choices Adjust the Engineering Data
workspace panes.

For more details, see View

Menu in the Workbench User's
Units Various Choices Changes the units you see
while using Engineering Data.

For more details, see Units

Menu in the Workbench User's
Extensions Various Choices Manages extensions and
displays extension log files
while in Engineering Data.

For more details, see Units

Menu in the Workbench User's
Help Various Choices Opens Workbench help.

For more details, see Using

Help in the Workbench User's

Tab Toolbar
The Engineering Data Tab Toolbar provides the following buttons. Click the button once to turn the
function on; click it again to turn it off.

Button Name Description Default

Filter Engineering Data Filters (p. 15) Toolbox content and property data based on the On
system(s) containing this Engineering Data.
Engineering Data Displays the Engineering Data Sources pane (p. 8). Off

Engineering Data filters the Toolbox to those items which are applicable for the current selection
(for example, Structural Steel as shown in the User Interface (p. 5) image.

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The Toolbox presents items in the following categories:

• Material properties and models (p. 25)

• Additional tabular data that can be added to a property or model (p. 25)

• Curve fitting of data (p. 47)

Engineering Data Sources Pane

When you select the Engineering Data Sources button, as highlighted below, you display the available
data sources that are included with the application.

The Engineering Data Sources pane allows you to select a data source to display in the Outline
pane. This pane is used to manage the data sources that are available to you. It displays your libraries
( ) and favorites ( ). You can perform the following actions in this pane:

• Create a new library (p. 19)

• Import (p. 21) and export (p. 21) data sources

• Remove a data source from the list (p. 19)

• Edit a data source (p. 20)

To perform these tasks, select one or more data source check boxes in the Edit Library ( ) column.
Once checked, the table rows change color and the various fields are editable.

Outline Pane
The Outline pane displays an outline of the contents of the selected data source. You can perform
the following actions in this pane:

• Create a new material (p. 25)

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8 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
User Interface

• Delete a material (p. 26)

• Rename a material

• Suppress a material (p. 46)

• Add a description for a material

• Add a material to the system from an external data source

• Select a default material for the solid and or fluid parts of a model (p. 28)

Use the following image and table to understand the interface elements.

Column Description
Con- Displays the name of the items contained in the selected data source. The type
tents and status of the item is indicated under the Material title by an icon to the left
of the name.

• : The data contained in this material is valid data.

• : Some data contained in this material requires attention.

For more information, see Validation (p. 47) and Filtering (p. 15).
Color Allows you to assign a specific color to your materials. This material-based color
scheme is transferred to Mechanical. The application assigns random colors by
( ) default. You can change the default colors using the palette or you can make
manual color value entries.
Suppres- Displays the suppression status of the item and may also be used to switch the
sion status (see Suppression (p. 46)). This column is only displayed when the selected
data source is Engineering Data.
( )

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 9

Column Description
Source Displays the location of the material file and whether the data is linked to the file.
You can hold the mouse cursor over the link icon to display a tool tip that includes
the path to the linked source. Link status is indicated by the following icons.

• : The data matches the data in the linked source.

• : The data does not match the data in the linked location.

• : The data could not be found in the linked source or the linked source
is missing.

Descrip- Displays the description for the item contained in the data source. Hold the mouse
tion cursor over the description to display a tool tip with the complete description. If
the column is too small, you may still see the contents without resizing.
Add Adds an item from an external data source to Engineering Data for the system
you are editing, and indicates if the item is included in Engineering Data. This
column is only displayed when the selected data source is other than Engineering
Data. Click Add ( ) to add the item to Engineering Data. When an item is
included in Engineering Data it is indicated by the Used in Engineering Data
icon ( ).
Default Displays items included by default in Engineering Data when it is created in a new
system. This column is only displayed when the selected data source is Favorites.
( )

Context Menu Options

Right-clicking a Material file in the Outline pane displays a context menu.

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User Interface

In addition to the common menu options, the following selections perform specific actions.

Menu Item Description

Duplicate Creates a duplicate of the source file.
View Linked Displays the Engineering Data Sources pane.
Refreshed From Refreshes the materials from the source file. This action discards any changes
Linked Source that you have performed.
Break Link to Disconnects the link to your material source file.
Default Solid Automatically assigns the selected material to all solid bodies that do not have
Material For Model a specified material.
Consolidate Merges all identical selected materials into a single material.

Appears in the context menu when you select multiple materials and at
least two of the selected materials contain the same data and come from
the same source.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 11

Menu Item Description

Properties Pane
The Properties pane displays the properties for the item selected in the Outline pane. You can perform
the following actions in this pane:

• Add additional properties, tabular data, or curve fitting (from the Toolbox)

• Delete a property (p. 26)

• Modify constant data (p. 26)

• Suppress a property (p. 46)

• Parametrize a property (p. 46)

Column Name Description

Property Lists the properties for the item selected in the Outline pane. Selecting a
property will change the contents of the Table pane and Chart pane.

The type and status of the item is indicated by an icon to the left of the name.

• : The material property is described in a single property data (see the

Material Definitions (p. 5) topic).

• : Some data contained in this material property requires attention (see

the Validation (p. 47) and Filtering (p. 15) topics).

• : The material property is described in a collection of property data (see

the Material Definitions (p. 5) topic).

• : Indicates that the collection of property data requires attention (see

the Validation (p. 47) and Filtering (p. 15) topics).

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12 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
User Interface

Column Name Description

Value Changes data for a property or indicates that the data for the property is tabular
( ). If the item selected in the Outline pane is not editable, this column is
Unit Displays the unit of the data shown in the Value column. If the column is editable
(see Units Menu), changing the unit converts the value into the selected unit (there
is no net change in the data, so the solution is still valid).
Suppression Dhows the suppression status of the item and may also be used to switch the status
(see Suppressing Material Properties (p. 46)).
( )
Displays the parametrization status of the item and may also be used to switch the
Parameter ( )
status (see Parametrizing Material Properties (p. 46)).

Table Pane
The Table pane displays the tabular data for the item selected in the Properties pane. If there are
independent variables (for example, Temperature) for the selected item and the item is constant, you
can change it to a table by entering a value into the independent variables data cell. If a row is shown
with an index of *, you can add additional rows of data. You can sort the data by using the filter
menu in the header of the column.

Tabular Data Filter

In Engineering Data, if a material property has more than one independent variable, one of those
variables will be chosen by Engineering Data to be a primary independent variable. All independent
variables excluding the primary independent variable are shown in the left pane and are used as a
filter. The row chosen in the left pane filters the content in the right pane, as shown in the following

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The data is separated in this way to make it easier to visualize and modify but the data is maintained
in a single table by Engineering Data.

Chart Pane
The Chart pane shows the chart of the selected item in the Properties pane. If the content is tabular,
the pane displays graphs of the data contained in the tables of the selected property.

Selecting a row in the left pane of a table displays a graph for the filtered data only.

Selecting an independent variable column heading displays a graph for each of the independent
data. Selecting a dependent variable column heading displays the graph for the chosen data.

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14 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Engineering Data
Use the following topics to manage and use Engineering Data.
Accessing Engineering Data
Filtering Data
Importing Tabular Data
Working with Data Sources
Creating Custom Material Models

Accessing Engineering Data

Engineering Data is a resource for material properties used in an analysis system. Engineering Data can
be used as a repository for company or department data, such as material data libraries. The Engineering
Data workspace is designed to allow you to create, save, and retrieve material models, as well as to
create libraries of data that can be saved and used in subsequent projects and by other users.

Engineering Data can be shown as a component system or as a cell in any Mechanical analysis system.
As a standalone component system, the workspace accesses all material models and properties by default.
When viewed as a cell in a Mechanical analysis system, the workspace shows the material models and
properties pertinent to that system's physics.

To access Engineering Data:

1. Insert an Engineering Data component system or a Mechanical system into the Project Schematic.

2. Double-click the Engineering Data cell or right-click the cell and select Edit from the context menu.

3. The Engineering Data workspace appears. From here, you can navigate through the data for your
analysis system, access external data sources, create new data, and store data for future use.

If you share an Engineering Data cell with one or more other analysis systems, be aware that changes
in one system will change the data for all systems with which the data is shared.

The data contained in Engineering Data is automatically saved when the project is saved.

Filtering Data
Engineering Data filters the data pertaining to the project system being edited by default. The filtering
is based on physics, analysis type, and solver. All data is transferred to the downstream cell regardless
of filtering being turned on or off. A selected solver may ignore the data if it is not recognized or sup-

To turn data filtering on and off:

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Engineering Data

1. Access Engineering Data (p. 15).

2. On the tab toolbar, to turn data filtering off, click Filter Engineering Data ( ).

To turn data filtering back on, click the same button again.

Importing Tabular Data

Use the Table pane to populate your tabular data by importing delimited text files.

To import tabular data:

1. Access Engineering Data (p. 15).

2. In the Table pane, right-click an empty row and select Import Delimited Data from the context

The Delimited Data Import dialog box opens, as shown in the following image.

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Importing Tabular Data

3. The Auto Detect feature examines the content of the file to find recognizable delimiters and nu-
meric data and automatically changes the File Format settings to match the file formatting. During
this process, the feature attempts to convert any string data preceding the numerical data as a
variable type and its units.

To turn this feature off, clear the Auto Detect check box.

4. To select a file to import, click Browse.

5. Browse to the location of the file you want to import, select it, and click Open.

The data from the file is loaded into the dialog box.

6. To select a specific line in the file to begin the import from, type the number in the Data Starts
at Line field.

7. Select one of the following options from the Delimiter Type drop-down menu:

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Engineering Data

• Comma (default)

• Semicolon

• Space

• Tab

8. To display the header information as well as the first 50 lines of your file, select Preview. To display
the entire content of the file, select Full File.

9. To include or exclude a column of the file from import, select or clear the Import check box under
the column name.

10. To select or change the information displayed in the Variable field, select an option from the drop-
down list of available variables provided by the property shown in the Table pane.

These values are read-in by the tool.

11. To select or change the information displayed in the Unit field, select an option from the drop-
down list of units based on the specified variable.

For variables that do not require units, this field is left blank.


• The import operation always appends data in the Table pane. Data is never overwrit-

• You can drag and drop your file onto a cell of the Table pane to automatically launch
the Delimited Data Import dialog box.

Working with Data Sources

A data source contains engineering data information. There are three types of data sources used in the
Engineering Data workspace: Engineering Data, libraries, and favorites.

Engineering Data
Engineering Data is the source of the material information that is used for the analysis of the system it
is contained in. The information in an Engineering Data component system is used if shared to an
analysis system. Engineering Data allows you to view, edit, and add data for use in your analysis system.

A library is the term used for a collection of engineering data. You can add items from the library to
Engineering Data for use in your analysis system.

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Working with Data Sources

The favorites ( ) data source is the location for those items that you use frequently and allows you to
mark items as defaults for a new analysis system. You can add items from other data sources to the
favorites using the context menu (right-click). You can add items from the favorites to Engineering Data
for use in your analysis system. Material defaults for newly created systems may be assigned in the
context menu (see Material Defaults (p. 28)).

Opening the Engineering Data Sources Pane

The Engineering Data Sources pane displays the available data sources that are included with the

To open the Engineering Data Sources pane:

1. Access Engineering Data (p. 15).

2. On the tab toolbar, click Engineering Data Sources, or right-click the workspace and select
Engineering Data Sources from the context menu.

Creating a New Library

You can create a new collection of engineering data by adding a new library to the Engineering
Data Sources pane.

To create a new library:

1. Open the Engineering Data Sources pane. (p. 19)

2. In the last row of the Engineering Data Sources table, click the empty cell in the Data Source

3. Type a name for the library and press Enter.

4. In the Save as dialog box, browse to the location where you want to save the data source.

5. Type a name for the file.

6. Click Save.

Removing a Data Source

You can remove a data source from the Engineering Data Sources pane.

To remove a data source:

1. Open the Engineering Data Sources pane. (p. 19)

2. Right-click a data source and select Remove from List from the context menu.

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Engineering Data

Editing a Data Source

You can change the name of the data source and the description.

To edit a data source:

1. Open the Engineering Data Sources pane. (p. 19)

2. Select the Edit Library ( ) check box to the right of the data source you want to edit.

Once checked, the table rows change color and all of the various fields are editable.

3. Edit the text in the Data Source and Description columns, as required.

4. To save the changes, click Save ( ) in the Location column.

Importing Data into a Data Source

When you use the Import Engineering Data menu item, the data contained in that source is added
to the currently selected data source (if edit enabled).

The following types of files are supported for import:

• Engineering Data libraries exported from Workbench 9.0 to 11.0 SP1

• Material(s) file following the MatML 3.1 schema

• Material(s) file generated by AUTODYN


Exported material data libraries (.xml) are not backwards compatible in previous versions
of the application.

To import data into a data source:

1. Open the Engineering Data Sources pane. (p. 19)

2. In the Engineering Data Sources pane, select a data source from the Data Source column.

3. To the right of the data source file, select the Edit Library ( ) check box.

4. From the menu bar, select File → Import Engineering Data.

5. Select a file and click Open.


Only recognized data is imported into the data source.

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Working with Data Sources

Importing Data as a Data Source

When you use the Open File dialog box in the Engineering Data Sources pane, the selected data
source is added to the list of data sources as a library.

The following types of files are supported for import:

• Engineering Data libraries exported from Workbench 9.0 to 11.0 SP1

• Material(s) file following the MatML 3.1 schema

• Material(s) file generated by AUTODYN

• Important:

Exported material data libraries (.xml) are not backwards compatible in previous
versions of the application.

To import data as a data source:

1. Open the Engineering Data Sources pane. (p. 19)

2. In the last row of the Engineering Data Sources table, click .

3. Select a file and click Open.


Only recognized data is imported.

Exporting a Data Source

You can export selected items in a data source. The MatML 3.1 schema for Material(s) format is sup-
ported for export.

To export a data source:

1. Open the Engineering Data Sources pane. (p. 19)

2. In the Engineering Data Sources pane, select a data source from the Data Source column.

3. From the menu bar, select File → Export Engineering Data.

4. In the Save as dialog box, browse to the location where you want to save the data source.

5. Type a name for the file.

6. Click Save.

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Engineering Data

Exporting Individual Data

You can export selected items in a data source. The MatML 3.1 schema for Material(s) format is sup-
ported for export.

To export individual data:

1. Open the Engineering Data Sources pane. (p. 19)

2. In the Engineering Data Sources pane, select a data source from the Data Source column.

3. In the Outline pane, select one or more items in the Property column.

4. From the menu bar, select File → Export Engineering Data.

5. In the Save as dialog box, browse to the location where you want to save the data source.

6. Type a name for the file.

7. Click Save.

Combining Data Sources

You can combine multiple data sources into one.

To combine data sources:

Open the Engineering Data Sources pane. (p. 19)

1. Import data as a data source (p. 21) for each of the data sources you want to combine.

2. Edit the data source (p. 20) to combine it into an existing data source, or create a library (p. 19)
to combine the data sources into a new library.

3. Select a data source.

4. In the Outline pane, drag a material into the Engineering Data Sources pane and drop the
item on the data source you want to combine.

5. To save the changes, click Save ( ) in the Engineering Data Sources pane Location column.

Creating Custom Material Models

The Engineering Data workspace allows you to create custom material models. This advanced option
works in conjunction with a Material User Programmable Feature (UPF) of the Mechanical APDL pro-
gramming interface. You must have the prerequisite expertise in material constitutive modeling and
software programming.

To create a custom material model:

1. From the Custom Material Models category of the Toolbox, double-click Create Custom Model.

The Create Custom Model dialog box displays.

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22 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Creating Custom Material Models

2. In the dialog box, enter the following:

• Name: User-defined name for the model.

• Type: UPF type.

• Model Coefficients: User variable input for the UPF subroutine.

• Model State Variables: State variable input for the UPF subroutine.

For each Model Coefficient and State Variable provide the following:

– Index: Defines the argument index of the variable in the UPF subroutine.

– Name: Defines the name of the variable.

– Quantity Type: Defines the quantity type of the variable.

– Unit: Defines the variable's units.

– Default Value: Defines the default value of the variable.

– Initial State: Defines the initial value of the variable.

– Show: Determines if the variable is shown in Engineering Data.

The following image displays an example model.

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Engineering Data

3. Once the model is defined, to add the new model to the Toolbox category and the selected ma-
terial, click OK.

An example of the new model added to Structural Steel is shown in the following image.

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Material Data
Use the following topics to understand the function and use of material properties within Engineering
Creating a New Material
Adding Material Properties
Deleting Material Properties
Modifying Material Properties
Sample Libraries
Selecting the Default Material Assignment for Model Parts
Supported Properties
Parametrizing Material Properties
Suppressing Material Properties
Curve Fitting
Field Variables
Material Property Support in Mechanical
Mutually Exclusive Properties
CAD Materials

Creating a New Material

You can add a new material to the Outline pane.

To create a new material:

1. Access Engineering Data (p. 15).

2. To add a material to libraries or favorites, open the Engineering Data Sources pane (p. 19) and
mark the data source as editable (p. 20).

3. In the Outline pane, click in the cell labeled as Click here to add a new material.

4. Type the name of the new material and press Enter.

Adding Material Properties

You can add material properties from the Toolbox to an existing material.

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Material Data

To add a material property:

1. Access Engineering Data (p. 15).

2. To add a material property to libraries or favorites, open the Engineering Data Sources pane (p. 19)
and mark the data source as editable (p. 20).

3. In the Outline pane, select a material.

4. In the Toolbox, double-click the property you want to add.

Deleting Material Properties

You can remove material properties from a material if required.

To delete a material property:

1. Access Engineering Data (p. 15).

2. To remove a material property from libraries or favorites, open the Engineering Data Sources
pane (p. 19) and mark the data source as editable (p. 20).

3. In the Outline pane, select a material.

4. In the Properties pane, select the material property to delete.

5. From the menu bar, select Edit → Delete or right-click the property and select Delete from the
context menu.

Modifying Material Properties

You can modify both constant and tabular data.

Constant Data
You modify constant data by changing the value and/or unit of that data in the Properties pane. The
value and unit together constitute one integral piece of information, or datum. The value is modified
by selecting the cell in the Value column and typing in the new value. If available, modifying the unit
converts the value to correspond to the new unit (see Units Menu). If the value entered is not in the
acceptable range, it is indicated in yellow and causes the state of the Engineering Data cell to change
to Attention Required.

Tabular Data
If the data is in a tabular format, it is indicated in the Value column ( ). This data is modified in the
Table pane and each datum is a value and unit as one integral piece. The value is modified by selecting
the cell in the variable column you want to change. If the value entered is not in the acceptable range,
it is indicated in yellow and causes the state of the Engineering Data cell to change to Attention Required.
The unit is shown in the header, and if available, modifying the unit modifies each datum for that
variable to have the same unit (see Units Menu).

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26 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Sample Libraries

To modify material properties:

1. Access Engineering Data (p. 15).

2. To modify a material property in libraries or favorites, open the Engineering Data Sources
pane (p. 19) and mark the data source as editable (p. 20).

3. In the Outline pane, select a material that contains the property to modify.

4. Perform one of the following:

• For constant data, change the value or unit in the Properties pane.

• For tabular data, change the value or unit(s) in the Table pane.

Sample Libraries
Engineering Data provides sample material data categorized into several libraries. You must validate
that the data is consistent with the material you are using in your analysis. If you are viewing the library
in an analysis system, the contents of a material are filtered to that system (see Filtering Data (p. 15)).

The following libraries are included:

GRANTA Materials Data for Simulation,

This is a large library of hundreds of materials records encompassing many materials types and
multiple types of constitutive/mathematical models. Use the new Mechanical materials interface to
search and browse the available materials, view their properties, and assign the materials directly
within your project.

General Materials,

General use materials and consists mostly of metals that can be used in various analyses.

Additive Manufacturing Materials,

Additive manufacturing material samples for use in additive manufacturing analyses.

General Nonlinear Materials,

General use nonlinear materials for performing nonlinear analyses.

Explicit Materials,

Materials containing data, specific for use in an explicit dynamics analysis.

Hyperelastic Materials,

Materials containing stress strain data which can be used to experiment with curve fitting (see the
Curve Fitting (p. 47) topic). The data does not correspond to any particular material.

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Material Data

Magnetic B-H Curves,

Materials containing B-H Curve data, specific for use in a magnetic analysis.

Thermal Materials,

Materials containing data, specific for use in a thermal analysis.

Fluid Materials,

Materials containing data, specific for use in a fluid analysis.

Composite Materials,

Materials containing data, specific for use in a composite analysis.

GeoMechanical Materials,

Materials for use with geomechanical models.

Selecting the Default Material Assignment for Model Parts

Engineering Data is configured at installation with the default material assignments of Structural Steel
for solid parts and Air for fluid parts. You can change these defaults or remove the default for an indi-
vidual analysis system or for each newly created analysis system. If the Engineering Data cell is shared
and the default is changed, the first Model cell Edit action uses the current default.

To select the default material:

1. In the Outline pane, select the material to be used as the default for the Model cell.

2. Right-click the material and select either Default Solid Material for Model or Default Fluid/Field
Material for Model.

You can also choose to not have a default material by selecting the current default and removing the
selection in the context menu. Including and setting that material as the default for the model (or not
setting the default) affects all subsequent systems created in the project.

You can replace a default material assignment in the model by deleting the default material and then
refreshing the Model cell, which assigns the active default material.

The default material assignment is disabled when an initial connection is made to transfer material data
from another system or when the choice is made to import material data with geometry. This behavior
is controlled by the Unset the default material when materials are imported with geometry Engin-
eering Data user preference. If the option is disabled, the default material assignment occurs if a default
is selected.

Supported Properties
The supported material properties are defined by the analysis systems that contain or share the Engin-
eering Data cell. If filtering is active (see Filtering Data (p. 15)), only the supported material properties
are displayed. See the list of material properties supported by a given analysis system in the following

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28 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Supported Properties

sections. The minimum material properties required for a given analysis are marked with an asterisk (*).
Select the link to read more information about a particular property.

Also note that material property listings in the following sections are appended when field variable
support is available. Field variable dependency types include :

• f(T): Temperature

• f(C): Coordinate

• f(F): Frequency

• f(D): Displacement

• f(H): Time History

• f(U): User-defined field variable dependency.

Note that materials can support multiple field variables, for example, Hill Yield, f(T, C, D, H, U).

Note that field variable dependent data cannot be used in the solution process if it is out of scope of
the analysis type. For example, if a frequency-dependent density property is defined under Static
Structural Analysis, the corresponding MAPDL command is generated by calculating the density at the
frequencies default value (defined on the material).

Eigenvalue Buckling (p. 30)

Electric (p. 30)
Explicit Dynamics (p. 30)
Harmonic Acoustics (p. 32)
Harmonic Response (p. 33)
Magnetostatic (p. 33)
Modal (p. 33)
Modal Acoustics (p. 34)
Modal (Samcef ) (p. 35)
Random Vibration & Response Spectrum (p. 36)
Rigid Dynamics (p. 37)
Static Structural (p. 37)
Static Structural (Samcef ) (p. 41)
Steady-State Thermal (p. 37)
Thermal-Electric (p. 42)
Transient Structural (p. 42)
Transient Thermal (p. 45)

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Material Data

Eigenvalue Buckling
*Density, f(T,F,C,U)
*Isotropic Elasticity, f(T,F,U)
Orthotropic Elasticity, f(T,F,U)

See Linear Material Properties in the Material Reference for a description of the above properties.

Anisotropic Elasticity (p. 58)

Orthotropic Stress Limits, f(T,F,U)
Orthotropic Strain Limits, f(T,F,U)
Tsai-Wu Constants, f(T)
Puck Constants, f(T,F,U)
LaRc03/04 Constants, f(T)
Superelasticity, f(T)
Shape Memory Alloy, f(T)

The above shape memory alloy material model properties are supported only for pre-stress

Gasket Material Model (p. 61) is supported for pre-stress analysis.


Anisotropic Relative
*Isotropic Resistivity
Orthotropic Resistivity


Piezoelectric Matrix

Explicit Dynamics
Density, f(T,F)
Isotropic Elasticity, f(T,F,U)
Orthotropic Elasticity, f(T,F,U)

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30 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Supported Properties

Bilinear Isotropic Hardening, f(T)
Multilinear Isotropic Hardening, f(T)
Bilinear Kinematic Hardening, f(T)
Multilinear Kinematic Hardening, f(T)
Johnson Cook Strength
Cowper Symonds Strength
Steinberg Guinan Strength
Zerilli Armstrong Strength
Neo-Hookean, f(T)
Mooney-Rivlin (2, 3, 5, and 9 Parameter), f(T,F,U)
Polynomial (1st, 2nd, and 3rd Order), f(T)
Yeoh (1st, 2nd, and 3rd Order), f(T)
Ogden (1st, 2nd, and 3rd Order), f(T)
Specific Heat, Cp f(T,U)
Drucker-Prager Strength Linear
Drucker-Prager Strength Stassi
Drucker-Prager Strength Piecewise
Johnson-Holmquist Strength Continuous
Johnson-Holmquist Strength Segmented
RHT Concrete Strength
MO Granular
Bulk Modulus
Shear Modulus
Polynomial EOS
Shock EOS Linear
Shock EOS Bilinear
Crushable Foam
Compaction EOS Linear
Compaction EOS Non-Linear
P-alpha EOS
Plastic Strain Failure
Principal Stress Failure
Principal Strain Failure
Stochastic Failure
Tensile Pressure Failure
Crack Softening Failure

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Material Data

Johnson Cook Failure
Grady Spall Failure
Explosive JWL
Explosive JWL Miller
Ideal Gas EOS

See Material Models Used in Explicit Dynamics Analysis for a description of the above properties.

Orthotropic Stress Limits

Orthotropic Strain Limits
Tsai-Wu Constants

Tsai-Wu Constants must be used in conjunction with Orthotropic Stress Limit. Tsai-Wu Constants
used in conjunction with Orthotropic Strain Limit are not supported.

Harmonic Acoustics
The following material properties are supported for Harmonic Acoustics analyses.

*Density, f(T,F)

*Speed of Sound, f(T,F)

Viscosity, f(T,F)

Bulk Viscosity, f(T,F)

Isotropic Thermal Conductivity, f(T,F)

Orthotropic Thermal Conductivity, f(T,F)

Specific Heat, Cp, f(T,F)

See the Linear Material Properties section of the Mechanical APDL Material Reference for a
description of the above properties.

Perforated Media

The modeling of a perforated media is supported by the use of one of the following models:

• Johnson-Champoux-Allard Equivalent Fluid

• Delany-Bazley Equivalent Fluid

• Miki Equivalent Fluid

• Complex Impedance and Propagating-Constant Equivalent Fluid

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32 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Supported Properties

• Complex Density and Velocity Equivalent Fluid

See the Equivalent Fluid Model of Perforated Material section of the Mechanical APDL Acoustic
Analysis Guide for a more detailed description of the above properties.

Harmonic Response
*Density, f(T,F,C,U)
Damping Factor (α)
Damping Factor (β)
Material Dependent Damping (p. 59)
*Isotropic Elasticity, f(T,F,U)
Orthotropic Elasticity, f(T,F,U)
Anisotropic Elasticity

See Linear Material Properties in the Material Reference for a description of the above properties.

Anisotropic Elasticity (p. 58)

Hyperelastic Material Models (p. 60) are supported for pre-stress modal based analysis but not for
pure modal based analysis.

*Relative Permeability
Coercive Force & Residual Induction
B-H Curve
Demagnetization B-H Curve
Relative Permeability (Orthotropic)
*Isotropic Resistivity, f(T)
Orthotropic Resistivity

See Electromagnetic Material Properties (p. 65) for a description of the above

*Density, f(T,F,C,U)
Damping Factor (α)

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Material Data

Damping Factor (β)
Material Dependent Damping (p. 59)
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion f(T) (p. 58)
*Isotropic Elasticity, f(T,F,U)
Orthotropic Elasticity, f(T,F,U)

See Linear Material Properties in the Material Reference for a description of the above properties.

Anisotropic Elasticity (p. 58)

Bilinear Isotropic Hardening, f(T)
Bilinear Kinematic Hardening, f(T)
Multilinear Isotropic Hardening, f(T)
Multilinear Kinematic Hardening, f(T)
Chaboche Kinematic Hardening, f(T)
Anand Viscoplasticity, f(T)

Orthotropic Stress Limits, f(T,F,U)

Orthotropic Strain Limits, f(T,F,U)
Tsai-Wu Constants, f(T)
Puck Constants, f(T,F,U)
LaRc03/04 Constants, f(T)

See Material Strength Limits for a description of the above properties.

Superelasticity, f(T)
Shape Memory Alloy, f(T)

See Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) for a description of the above properties.

The above shape memory alloy material model properties are supported for pre-stress modal
analysis but not for pure modal analysis.

Gasket Material Model (p. 61) is supported for pre-stress modal analysis but not for pure modal

Hyperelastic Material Models (p. 60) are supported for pre-stress modal analysis but not for pure
modal analysis.

Modal Acoustics
The following material properties are supported for Modal Acoustics analyses.

*Density, f(T,F)

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34 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Supported Properties

*Speed of Sound, f(T,F)

Viscosity, f(T,F)

Bulk Viscosity, f(T,F)

Isotropic Thermal Conductivity, f(T,F)

Orthotropic Thermal Conductivity, f(T,F)

Specific Heat, Cv f(T,F)

See the Linear Material Properties section of the Mechanical APDL Material Reference for a
description of the above properties.

Modal (Samcef)
The following material properties are supported for Modal analyses using the SAMCEF solver.


The material properties and models that you use to create SAMCEF solver input must have
a temperature dependency. If not, the application does not write the input file. If you have
imported materials that do not have an associated temperature dependency, you must
add the Temperature field in the Engineering Data workspace as a field variable (p. 51)
and enter a value (e.g. 0.0) to enable the application to write an input file.

Density, f(T,F)
Isotropic Secant Coefficient of Thermal Expansion, f(T, F, C, U)
Orthotropic Secant Coefficient of Thermal Expansion, f(T, F, C,
*Isotropic Elasticity, f(T,F,U)
Orthotropic Elasticity, f(T,F,U)
Bilinear Isotropic Hardening, f(T)
Bilinear Kinematic Hardening, f(T)
Multilinear Isotropic Hardening, f(T)
Multilinear Kinematic Hardening, f(T)



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Material Data

Chaboche Kinematic Hardening, f(T)
Nonlinear Elastic Model with Damage
Plakin Special Hardening Law, f(T)
Plastic Strain Failure Temperature Dependent, f(T)

Refer to the Samcef documentation for a description of the above


Random Vibration & Response Spectrum

*Density, f(T,F,C,U)
Isotropic Secant Coefficient of Thermal Expansion, f(T, F, C, U)
Orthotropic Secant Coefficient of Thermal Expansion, f(T, F, C, U)
Isotropic Instantaneous Coefficient of Thermal Expansion, f(T)
Orthotropic Instantaneous Coefficient of Thermal Expansion, f(T)
Damping Factor (α)
Damping Factor (β)
Material Dependent Damping (p. 59)
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (p. 58)
*Isotropic Elasticity, f(T,F,U)
Orthotropic Elasticity, f(T,F,U)

See Linear Material Properties in the Material Reference for a description of the above properties.

Anisotropic Elasticity (p. 58)

Bilinear Isotropic Hardening , f(T)
Bilinear Kinematic Hardening, f(T
Multilinear Isotropic Hardening, f(T)
Multilinear Kinematic Hardening, f(T)
Chaboche Kinematic Hardening, f(T)
Anand Viscoplasticity f(T)

Orthotropic Stress Limits, f(T,F,U)

Orthotropic Strain Limits, f(T,F,U)
Tsai-Wu Constants, f(T)
Puck Constants, f(T,F,U)
LaRc03/04 Constants, f(T)

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36 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Supported Properties

The above shape memory alloy material model properties are supported for pre-stress modal based
analysis but not for pure modal based analysis.

Gasket Material Model (p. 61) is supported for pre-stress modal based analysis but not for pure
modal based analysis.

Hyperelastic Material Models (p. 60) are supported for pre-stress modal based analysis but not for
pure modal based analysis.

Rigid Dynamics

Steady-State Thermal
*Isotropic Thermal Conductivity, f(T,C,U)
Orthotropic Thermal Conductivity, f(T,C,U)

See Linear Material Properties in the Material Reference for a description of the above

Static Structural
Physical Properties

*Density, f(T,F,C,U)
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (p. 58), f(T,F,U) (★ (p. 58))
Orthotropic Secant Coefficient of Thermal Expansion, f(T, F, C, U)
Isotropic Secant Coefficient of Thermal Expansion, f(T, F, C, U)
Isotropic Instantaneous Coefficient of Thermal Expansion, f(T)
Orthotropic Instantaneous Coefficient of Thermal Expansion, f(T)
Melting Temperature

Stress-Strain Relationships

*Isotropic Elasticity (Field Variables (p. 51)), f(T,F,U)

Orthotropic Elasticity (Field Variables (p. 51)), f(T,F,U)
Anisotropic Elasticity (★ (p. 58))


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Material Data

Damping Factor (α) (Transient Structural only)
Damping Factor (β) (Transient Structural only)
Constant Damping Coefficient (Transient Structural only)


Mooney-Rivlin (2, 3, 5, and 9 Parameter) f(T,F,U) ( ★ (p. 60))

Neo-Hookean f(T,F,U) (★ (p. 60))
Polynomial (1st, 2nd, and 3rd Order), f(T) (★ (p. 60))
Yeoh (1st, 2nd, and 3rd Order), f(T,F,U) (★ (p. 60))
Ogden (1st, 2nd, and 3rd Order), f(T,F,U) (★ (p. 60))
Arruda-Boyce, f(T,F,U) (★ (p. 60))
Gent, f(T,F,U) (★ (p. 60))
Blatz-Ko f(T,F,U) ( ★ (p. 60))
Response Function (★ (p. 60))
Ogden Foam (1st, 2nd, and 3rd Order), f(T,F,U) (★ (p. 60))
Extended Tube, f(T,F,U) ( ★ (p. 60))
Mullins Effect, f(T,F,U) ( ★ (p. 60))

General Isotropic Hardening

Bilinear Isotropic Hardening, f(T)

Multilinear Isotropic Hardening, f(T)
Nonlinear Isotropic Hardening, f(T)
Isotropic Hardening Static Recovery, f(T)

General Kinematic Hardening

Bilinear Kinematic Hardening, f(T)

Multilinear Kinematic Hardening, f(T)
Chaboche Kinematic Hardening (p. 60), f(T)

Rate-Dependent Plasticity

Anand Viscoplasticity, f(T)

Exponential Visco-Hardening (EVH) Viscoplasticity, f(T)
Perzyna and Peirce Viscoplasticity, f(T)

Rate-Independent Plasticity

Gurson Model, f(T) ( ★ (p. 61) )

Hill Yield, f(T, C, H, D, U).

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38 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Supported Properties


Strain-Life Parameters
S-N Curve
Linear S-N Curve
Bilinear S-N Curve


Prony Shear Relaxation, f(T)

Prony Volumetric Relaxation, f(T)
Williams-Landel-Ferry Shift Function (★ (p. 59))
Tool-Narayanaswamy Shift Function (★ (p. 59))
Tool-Narayanaswamy with Fictive Temperature Shift Function (★ (p. 59))

Stress Tool

Tensile Yield Strength

Compressive Yield Strength
Tensile Ultimate Strength
Compressive Ultimate Strength

Gasket Model

Implicit Creep Equations (p. 59)

Strain Hardening, f(T)

Time Hardening, f(T)
Generalized Exponential, f(T)
Generalized Graham, f(T)
Generalized Blackburn, f(T)
Modified Time Hardening, f(T)
Modified Strain Hardening, f(T)
Generalized Garofalo, f(T)
Exponential form, f(T)
Norton, f(T)
Combined Time Hardening, f(T)
Rational polynomial, f(T)
Generalized Time Hardening, f(T)

Material Strength Limits

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Material Data

Orthotropic Stress Limits, f(TF,U)
Orthotropic Strain Limits, f(T,F,U)
Tsai-Wu Constants, f(T)
Puck Constants, f(T,F,U)
LaRc03/04 Constants, f(T)


Material strength limits can be saved into a material library and they will be written to
the MAPDL solver. However, these items cannot be post-processed in Mechanical.

Shape Memory Alloy (SMA)

Superelasticity, f(T)
Shape Memory Alloy, f(T)


Cam Clay, f(T) (★ (p. 62))

Drucker-Prager, f(T) (★ (p. 62))
Jointed Rock, f(T) (★ (p. 63))
Mohr-Coulomb, f(T) (★ (p. 63))
Porous Elasticity, f(T) (★ (p. 64))
Menetrey-Willam, f(T) (★ (p. 64))

Material Damage

Damage Initiation Criteria

Damage Evolution Law

Cohesive Zone

Exponential for Interface Delamination, f(T)

Bilinear for Interface Delamination, f(T)
Separation-Distance based Debonding, f(T)
Fracture-Energies based Debonding, f(T)

Fracture Criteria

Linear Fracture Criterion, f(T)

Bilinear Fracture Criterion, f(T)
B-K Fracture Criterion, f(T)
Modified B-K Fracture Criterion, f(T)

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40 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Supported Properties

Power Law Fracture Criterion, f(T)

Crack Growth Laws

Paris' Law

(★) Refers to the corresponding Engineer Data Help page.

Static Structural (Samcef)


The material properties and models that you use to create SAMCEF solver input must have
a temperature dependency. If not, the application does not write the input file. If you have
imported materials that do not have an associated temperature dependency, you must
add the Temperature field in the Engineering Data workspace as a field variable (p. 51)
and enter a value (e.g. 0.0) to enable the application to write an input file.

Density, f(T,F)
Isotropic Secant Coefficient of Thermal Expansion, f(T, F, C, U)
Orthotropic Secant Coefficient of Thermal Expansion, f(T, F, C,
*Isotropic Elasticity, f(T,F,U)
Orthotropic Elasticity, f(T,F,U)
Bilinear Isotropic Hardening, f(T)
Bilinear Kinematic Hardening, f(T)
Multilinear Isotropic Hardening, f(T)
Multilinear Kinematic Hardening, f(T)



Chaboche Kinematic Hardening, f(T)

Nonlinear Elastic Model with Damage
Plakin Special Hardening Law, f(T)
Plastic Strain Failure Temperature Dependent, f(T)

Refer to the Samcef documentation for a description of the above


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Material Data

*Isotropic Thermal Conductivity, f(T,C,U)
Orthotropic Thermal Conductivity, f(T,C,U)
*Isotropic Resistivity, f(T)
Orthotropic Resistivity, f(T)
Isotropic Seebeck Coefficient, f(T)
Orthotropic Seebeck Coefficient, f(T)

See Linear Material Properties in the Material Reference for a description of the above

Transient Structural
Physical Properties

*Density, f(T,F,U)
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (p. 58), f(T,F,U) (★ (p. 58))
Orthotropic Secant Coefficient of Thermal Expansion, f(T, F, C,
Isotropic Secant Coefficient of Thermal Expansion, f(T, F, C, U)
Isotropic Instantaneous Coefficient of Thermal Expansion, f(T)
Orthotropic Instantaneous Coefficient of Thermal Expansion,

Stress-Strain Relationships

*Isotropic Elasticity (Field Variables (p. 51)), f(T,F,U)

Orthotropic Elasticity (Field Variables (p. 51)), f(T,F,U)
Anisotropic Elasticity (★ (p. 58))


Damping Factor (α)

Damping Factor (β)
Material Dependent Damping (p. 59)


Mooney-Rivlin (2, 3, 5, and 9 Parameter) f(T,F,U) ( ★ (p. 60))

Neo-Hookean f(T,F,U) (★ (p. 60))
Polynomial (1st, 2nd, and 3rd Order), f(T) (★ (p. 60))

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42 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Supported Properties

Yeoh (1st, 2nd, and 3rd Order), f(T,F,U) (★ (p. 60))
Ogden (1st, 2nd, and 3rd Order), f(T,F,U) (★ (p. 60))
Arruda-Boyce, f(T,F,U) (★ (p. 60))
Gent, f(T,F,U) (★ (p. 60))
Blatz-Ko f(T,F,U) ( ★ (p. 60))
Response Function (★ (p. 60))
Ogden Foam (1st, 2nd, and 3rd Order), f(T,F,U) (★ (p. 60))
Extended Tube, f(T,F,U) ( ★ (p. 60))
Mullins Effect, f(T,F,U) ( ★ (p. 60))

General Isotropic Hardening

Bilinear Isotropic Hardening, f(T)

Multilinear Isotropic Hardening, f(T)

General Kinematic Hardening

Bilinear Kinematic Hardening, f(T)

Multilinear Kinematic Hardening, f(T)
Chaboche Kinematic Hardening (p. 60), f(T)

Rate-Dependent Plasticity

Anand Viscoplasticity, f(T)

Rate-Independent Plasticity

Gurson Model, f(T) ( ★ (p. 61) )

Hill Yield, f(T, C, H, D, U).


Strain-Life Parameters
S-N Curve
Linear S-N Curve
Bilinear S-N Curve


Prony Shear Relaxation, f(T)

Prony Volumetric Relaxation, f(T)
Williams-Landel-Ferry Shift Function (★ (p. 59))
Tool-Narayanaswamy Shift Function (★ (p. 59))

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Material Data

Tool-Narayanaswamy with Fictive Temperature Shift Function
(★ (p. 59))

Stress Tool

Tensile Yield Strength

Compressive Yield Strength
Tensile Ultimate Strength
Compressive Ultimate Strength

Gasket Model

Implicit Creep Equations (p. 59)

Strain Hardening, f(T)

Time Hardening, f(T)
Generalized Exponential, f(T)
Generalized Graham, f(T)
Generalized Blackburn, f(T)
Modified Time Hardening, f(T)
Modified Strain Hardening, f(T)
Generalized Garofalo, f(T)
Exponential form, f(T)
Norton, f(T)
Combined Time Hardening, f(T)
Rational polynomial, f(T)
Generalized Time Hardening, f(T)

Material Strength Limits

Orthotropic Stress Limits, f(TF,U)

Orthotropic Strain Limits, f(T,F,U)
Tsai-Wu Constants, f(T)
Puck Constants, f(T,F,U)
LaRc03/04 Constants, f(T)

Shape Memory Alloy (SMA)

Superelasticity, f(T)
Shape Memory Alloy, f(T)


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Supported Properties

Cam Clay, f(T) (★ (p. 62))
Drucker-Prager, f(T) (★ (p. 62))
Jointed Rock, f(T) (★ (p. 63))
Mohr-Coulomb, f(T) (★ (p. 63))
Porous Elasticity, f(T) (★ (p. 64))
Menetrey-Willam, f(T) (★ (p. 64))

Material Damage

Damage Initiation Criteria

Damage Evolution Law

Cohesive Zone

Exponential for Interface Delamination, f(T)

Bilinear for Interface Delamination, f(T)
Separation-Distance based Debonding, f(T)
Fracture-Energies based Debonding, f(T)

Fracture Criteria

Linear Fracture Criterion, f(T)

Bilinear Fracture Criterion, f(T)
B-K Fracture Criterion, f(T)
Modified B-K Fracture Criterion, f(T)
Power Law Fracture Criterion, f(T)

(★) Refers to the corresponding Engineer Data Help page.

Transient Thermal
*Density, f(T,F)
*Isotropic Thermal Conductivity, f(T,C,U)
Orthotropic Thermal Conductivity, f(T,C,U)
*Specific Heat, Cp f(T,C, U)
Enthalpy f(T)
Melting Temperature

See Linear Material Properties in the Material Reference for a description of the above

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Material Data

Parametrizing Material Properties

Data can be parametrized to allow it to be used in parametric studies and design points (see Working
with Design Points). To parametrize an item in the Properties pane, select the check box in the Para-
meterize ( ) . The parameter value can then be changed in the Parameters and Design Points work-
space. Use caution when parametrizing data that is dependent on other data to maintain valid data.
The parametrized data is always calculated from the original values, so also use caution when modifying
data in the parameter workspace to avoid computer precision problems.

Constant Data
When you parametrize constant data, the constant data can be changed in the Parameters workspace,
but the original datum is not modified. The original datum is restored when the parametrization is re-

Tabular Data
You can parametrize tabular data by parametrizing the scale and/or offset for all of the tabular data.
The scale value varies the curve by multiplying the y-axis value of each point on the curve. The offset
is added to or subtracted from a y-axis value for each point on the curve. The equation used for varying
each datum value in the tabular data is:

Property = Scale * Nominal Value + Offset

The original tabular data is not modified, but the scale and/or offset datum are restored to the defaults
of 1.0 and 0.0 when the parametrization is removed.

To parametrize a material property:

1. Access Engineering Data (p. 15).

2. To parametrize a material property in libraries or favorites, open the Engineering Data Sources
pane (p. 19) and mark the data source as editable (p. 20).

3. In the Outline pane, select a material that contains the property to parametrize.

4. in the Properties pane, select the check box in the Parameterize ( ) column for the property
you want to parametrize.

For tabular data, use scale and/or offset.

Suppressing Material Properties

Data may be defined but suppressed to prevent it from being sent to a downstream cell in the system.
For example, suppressing a material or material property prevents it from being used in the model.
Suppressed items are shown by a strike through the name (for example, ) and the check
box being selected in the suppression column.

To suppress a material property:

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Curve Fitting

1. Access Engineering Data (p. 15).

2. To suppress a material property in libraries or favorites, open the Engineering Data Sources
pane (p. 19) and mark the data source as editable (p. 20).

3. In the Outline pane, select a material that contains the property to suppress.

4. In the Suppression ( ) column, select the check box for the property you want to suppress.

Suppression of Mutually Exclusive Properties

Some properties are mutually exclusive of each other and require that only one property in the mu-
tually exclusive set be unsuppressed. The addition or removing of the suppression for one of these
properties automatically suppresses the other mutually exclusive properties.

For example, defining Bilinear Isotropic Hardening and Multilinear Isotropic Hardening for the same
material represents redundant plasticity behavior. Only one behavior can be active for the material.
When such a conflict occurs, the property defined last is used and the previously defined, conflicting
property is automatically suppressed.

The axis range can be modified on a chart by selecting Edit Properties from the axis context menu
(see Setting Chart Properties). This range is used when generating the x-y data for the chart so that you
can examine the data beyond the default range.

The user interface indicates invalid data by displaying a yellow background and changing the state of
the material icon (p. 8).

To find the reason for the data being invalid, right-click the invalid item and select Display Validation
Failure from the context menu.

Curve Fitting
When curve fitting is available for a selected item in Engineering Data a Curve Fitting group is accessible
in the Workbench Toolbox. A curve fitting module can then be added to the selected item.

The data that can be used for the curve fitting module is shown, regardless of whether or not the data
is available. If the required data is not available, add it from the Toolbox. The data used for curve fitting

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Material Data

can be suppressed (in some instances), in the curve fitting module, to prevent its use in the curve fitting


• Curve fitting is only active for the running session. If you exit the application, you must
add the curve fitting module again. Select Copy Calculated Values to Property to maintain
the calculated information.

• If the active unit system for the project is changed, the current curve fitting modules in
the project are recreated using the new unit system. The seed values are reset to their
default values.

• If the experimental data is parametrized, the current design point parameter value is used
for the computations when selecting Solve Curve Fit. It has no effect for other design
points when updating a project, because of the interactive nature of performing the fitting.

Curve fitting is specific to a given solver and so the following topics provide specific information:

• Material Model Curve Fitting (p. 48)

• Mechanical Material Curve Fitting (p. 49)

Curve Fitting Icons

Module for performing curve fitting.

Indicates that this curve fitting module requires attention.

Material Model Curve Fitting

Curve fitting is specific to a given solver, this topic addresses material models.

To curve fit material models:

1. Access Engineering Data (p. 15).

2. To curve fit material models in libraries or favorites, open the Engineering Data Sources
pane (p. 19) and mark the data source as editable (p. 20).

3. From the Curve Fitting group in the Toolbox, select a material model that supports curve fitting.

4. Modify options for the curve fitting calculations.

5. Suppress any experimental data to exclude from the curve fitting calculations.

6. From the Properties pane, right-click the curve fitting module and select Solve Curve Fit from
the context menu.

7. Review the accuracy of the fitted data to the experimental data.

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Curve Fitting

8. From the Properties pane, right-click the curve fitting module and select Copy Calculated Values
To Property from the context menu.

Mechanical Material Curve Fitting

The material curve fitting calculates coefficients of material models that approximate the following
experimental data. You can enter the data or copy and paste data from a spreadsheet into the Table
pane. See the Curve Fitting (p. 47) section for additional specification information.

Hyperelastic Test Data

• Uniaxial Test f(T) (Engineering Strain vs. Engineering Stress)

• Biaxial Test f(T) (Engineering Strain vs. Engineering Stress)

• Shear Test f(T) (Engineering Strain vs. Engineering Stress)

• Volumetric Test f(T)

The following hyperelastic material models support curve fitting of the experimental data. For addi-
tional information, see the Hyperelastic Material Curve-Fitting section in the Mechanical APDL Material

• Mooney-Rivlin

• Ogden

• Neo-Hookean

• Polynomial

• Yeoh

• Arruda-Boyce

• Gent

• Blatz-Ko


The Volume Ratio equals the ratio of the current volume to that of the original volume
and all solution data displayed for postprocessing are true stresses and logarithmic strains.

The experimental data defined for all temperatures is used for curve fitting. Ensure that temperatures
are defined consistently for different experimental data. If the experimental data contains temperature
mismatch, then the warning message is displayed in the Messages pane during Solve Curve Fit.

When volumetric data is supplied, a compressible or nearly incompressible model is implied. When
no volumetric data is supplied, the model is understood to be incompressible. Supplying zero as a
coefficient for the volumetric data also denotes an incompressible model. The curve fitting will calculate

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Material Data

the parameters based on an incompressible model when volumetric data is supplied and also when
calculating the Stress-Strain points for charting.

Perform curve fitting for the various hyperelastic models to choose the one, based on the range of
strain you are interested in, that best matches the experimental data provided.

Chaboche Test Data

Uniaxial Plastic Strain Test Data f(T) (Plastic Strain vs. True Stress)


To use curve fitting with plasticity, the only experimental data supported is Uniaxial Plastic
Strain Test Data. Experimental data for plasticity is path dependent. Multiple Uniaxial Plastic
strain test data can be added from Uniaxial Plastic Strain –Additional Test Data group
which is accessible in the Toolbox, when Uniaxial Plastic Strain Test Data is selected.

Chaboche Kinematic Hardening plasticity model supports curve fitting of the Uniaxial Plastic strain
test data. For additional information, see the Chaboche Material Curve-Fitting section in the Mechan-
ical APDL Material Reference.

Viscoelastic Test Data

• Shear Data- Viscoelastic f(T) (Time vs. Shear Modulus)

• Bulk Data - Viscoelastic f(T) (Time vs. Bulk Modulus)


Both the above test data are path dependent. Multiple test data can be added from Vis-
coelastic - Additional Test Data group which is accessible in the Toolbox, when test data
is selected.

Viscoelastic models with curve fitting support:

• Prony Shear Relaxation, f(T)

• Prony Volumetric Relaxation, f(T)

For additional information, see the Viscoelastic Material Curve-Fitting section in the Mechanical APDL
Material Reference.


A change in the Number of Terms on the Prony models updates the curve fitting coeffi-
cients to allow fitting for the desired number of terms. The calculated values in the curve
fitting are normalized, when Copy Calculated Values to Property is selected. The normal-
ization uses the following equations, which describe the relationship between the Prony
Coefficient ( ) and the corresponding coefficient generated in curve fitting ( ). is the

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Field Variables

number of terms computed. is the square root of and is the square root of .
and are the shear modulus and bulk modulus at . This is done to keep all
and values used in the property table positive.





Error Norm for Fit

The error norm can be set to use normalized or absolute error. Normalized error norm considers each
experimental datum equally in computing the curve fit. It generally provides better results than the
absolute error norm, but in some cases the absolute error norm is a better choice.

Nonlinear Fitting (Ogden, Gent and Chaboche Kinematic Hardening)

For nonlinear curve fitting you can provide seed values for the coefficients or you can fix these seed
values. The seed values can be provided for each temperature data. If you do not provide seed values
internal defaults is used. It is suggested that you attempt to use seed values based on experience if
possible. The nonlinear curve fit most often converges to a local error norm minimum. It may take
several attempts (trial seed values) to achieve the desired fit, or copying and pasting the last solution
as seed values and solving again.

Curve fitting for viscoelastic models Prony Shear Relaxation and Prony Volumetric Relaxation is non-

Field Variables
Material data can be dependent on variables such as temperature, shear angle, degradation factor, or
user-defined entries. These variables known as field variables and are only available for specific material
properties and models, as listed below. For more information on this topic, see User-Defined Field
Variables in the Material Reference.

Engineering Data supports the following field variables:

• Temperature

• Mean Stress

• R-Ratio

• Frequency

• Coordinate X

• Coordinate Y

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Material Data

• Coordinate Z

• Shear Angle

• Degradation Factor

• User-defined variables (as discussed below).

The use of field variables to further define material properties enables you to simulate the effects of
environmental conditions and manufacturing processes on material characteristics. This can be of par-
ticular importance when you are using the ANSYS Composite PrepPost application to model composites.
See Variable Material Data in Composite Analyses in the ACP User's Guide for additional information.

The material properties and models supported by the field variable feature are based on the selected
analysis system. See the Supported Properties (p. 28) section of the documentation for a listing of all
of the supported analysis types and the material properties that each analysis supports. Note that certain
properties are appended with a function notation to indicate supported fields. This includes:

• Temperature (T)

• Frequency (F)

• Coordinate X (C)

• Coordinate Y (C)

• Coordinate Z (C)

• User-defined (U).


The coordinate system assigned to the body in the analysis is the coordinate system
used for the field variables Coordinate X, Y, and Z. Only Cartesian coordinate systems
are supported.

The Shear Angle and Degradation Factor field variables are predefined user-defined variables. Based
on this, isotropic elasticity supports all field variables and is denoted as: Isotropic Elasticity f(T,F,U).

However, for Modal Acoustic (p. 34) analysis system, only temperature is supported and so denoted
as: Density f(T). For material properties that are defined with unsupported field variables, the application
uses the default value for the unsupported field variables to calculate dependent values for the supported
field variable(s) values. For example, during a Modal Acoustics analysis, you can enter frequency depend-
ent and/or temperature dependent material properties, however:

• If you define frequency dependent material property data, f(F), your input is calculated using
the interpolation of the General Interpolation Library (GIL) based on the default frequency value
of the Material Field Variables property.

• If you define frequency-dependent and temperature-dependent material property data, solver

input is calculated using both the GIL, based on default frequency, and the defined temperature
points, for example, f(Fdefault, T). Any change to the default frequency value may vary the inter-
polated values.

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Field Variables

Defining System Provided Field Variables

To implement a system provided field variable:

1. Select one of the supported material properties (as listed above).

The application displays the Field Variables category in the Toolbox.

2. From the Field Variables category, select the desired system provided field variable:

• Temperature

• Frequency

• Coordinate X

• Coordinate Y

• Coordinate Z

• Shear Angle

• Degradation Factor

The new field variable populates the Table pane (p. 13). Enter appropriate values.

3. Enter appropriate values into the Table pane.

Creating User-Defined Field Variables

To implement a user-defined field variable:

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Material Data

1. In the Toolbox, select Create Field Variable from the Field Variables category.

2. In the Create Field Variable dialog box, enter a name for your new field variable.

3. Select an option from the Quantity Type drop-down list.

The default is Dimensionless.

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Field Variables

4. Once complete, click OK.

The new field variable populates the Table pane.

5. Enter appropriate values. Example entries are illustrated below for the user-defined field variable

6. Select the Interpolation Options property to display the following Table pane.

This table defines the algorithm the solver uses to interpolate between the data entered in the
Table pane from Step 2 to get the values corresponding to the calculated field variable values on
a given element. See General Interpolation Library in the ACP User's Guide for more details about
the algorithms and options used when creating user-defined field variables.

7. Select an option from the Algorithm Types drop-down list.

8. Refine the interpolation algorithm by activating one or more of the following options.

• Normalize: Scale the axes to achieve an unbiased distance metric. The ranges used to scale the
axes are defined by the Lower Limit and Upper Limit values of the Material Field Variables
table pane.

• Cache: Save previous queries to increase performance.

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Material Data

9. Select the Material Field Variables property to display the following table pane.

Field descriptions for the Material Field Variables property:

• Default Data: Used by the interpolation algorithm when the corresponding field variable
is not defined on a given element.

• Lower Limit: Defines the lower boundary on the range used when the data is normalized
and/or quantized. When you use the Program Controlled setting, the value defaults to the
minimum value of the data entered for all instances of the corresponding field variable in
the selected material.

• Upper Limit: Defines the upper boundary on the range used when the data is normalized
and/or quantized. When you use the Program Controlled setting, the value defaults to the
maximum value of the data entered for all instances of the corresponding field variable in
the selected material.

Usage Notes
The order in which you add field variables to a material property becomes important if:

• Your material data has multiple field variables.

• The data is structured such that one field variable changes while the others remain fixed.

Whichever field variable varies the most, is the variable that you should insert and define first. Consider
the example illustrated below. In this case, the Temperature varies more than the Shear Angle, so it is
best to add temperature first and then shear angle. Adding the field variables in this order results in a
table structure that, for each shear angle, there is data at multiple temperatures.

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Material Property Support in Mechanical

The context menu on the Table pane for the field variable provides sorting and filtering options.

To remove a field variable from a property, right-click the field variable and select Delete from the
context menu.

Material Property Support in Mechanical

Select your material properties based on how the material exhibits properties in orthogonal directions
(X, Y, and Z), either constant in all directions (isotropic behavior) or different in orthogonal directions
(orthotropic behavior). These orthogonal directions in a part, by default, align with the global coordinate
system. You may apply a local coordinate system to the part to change the directions. For orthotropic
properties, the X, Y, and Z value must be specified for the model to solve (2-D models only use the X
and Y values). Those properties which support isotropic or orthotropic behavior is preceded by Isotropic
or Orthotropic (for example, Isotropic Thermal Conductivity).

Temperature-dependent properties (the identifier f(T) is shown beside the property) are input as tabular
data (value vs. temperature). During solution, the material properties are evaluated for the temperature
of the integration points of the elements. If the temperature of an integration point falls below or rises
above the defined temperature range of tabular data, the solver assumes the defined extreme minimum
or maximum value, respectively, for the material property outside the defined range.

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Material Data

The following are supported.

Linear Material Models
Material Models with Nonlinear Behavior (No Unit Conversion)
Material Dependent Damping
Isotropic Hardening
Kinematic Hardening
Chaboche Kinematic Hardening
Hyperelastic Material Models
Gasket Material Model
Gurson Material Model
Puck Material Model
Jointed Rock
Porous Elasticity
Electromagnetic Material Properties

Linear Material Models

• Coefficient of Thermal Expansion

You can define the coefficient of thermal expansion using the secant or instantaneous method.
The secant method includes field variable support for temperature, frequency, coordinate, or
user defined field dependency. When you define the coefficient of thermal expansion using
the secant method, and you use multiple field variable points, you must define the zero-thermal-
strain reference temperature. When conducting a test to measure the thermal expansion, the
zero-thermal-strain reference temperature is that temperature at which the test specimen has
a zero thermal strain. As the specimen is heated from the zero thermal strain point, the thermal
strain is measured at given temperature points. If fields other than Temperature are specified
the temperature of the bodies must be the same as the zero-thermal-strain reference temper-
ature value. If only Temperature field is defined then the zero-thermal-strain reference temper-
ature value is specified by the MPAMOD command in the Mechanical APDL application, and
written as the MPAMOD command in the ds.dat file. The MPAMOD command is written
only if the temperature of the bodies using the material differs from the material's zero-thermal-
strain reference temperature. The coefficient of thermal expansion values are computed ac-
cording to the equation documented in Temperature-Dependent Coefficient of Thermal Expan-
sion in the Theory Reference.

For more information on this topic, see Linear Material Properties in the Material Reference

• Anisotropic Elasticity

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Material Property Support in Mechanical

You can define an anisotropic elasticity model by entering the stiffness terms in an elastic
coefficient matrix [D]. The following graphic show the location of the terms for this symmetric

D21 D22
D31 D32 D33
D41 D42 D43 D44
D51 D52 D53 D54 D55
D61 D62 D63 D64 D65 D66

Each row corresponds to the terms of x, y, z, xy, yz, xz. The stiffness terms must be positive
definite (requiring all determinants to be positive). The stiffness terms have units of Force/Area
operating on the strain vector.

Material Models with Nonlinear Behavior (No Unit Conversion)

Material models which have nonlinear behavior do not allow for conversion of data from one unit
system to another. For these material models, specify the units of the data in the Reference Units
drop-down list. In Mechanical if an attempt is made to solve the solution, in a unit system which is
not compatible with the Reference Units, an error is shown and the solution is stopped. The following
material models have this restriction:

• Anand Viscoplasticity

• Exponential Visco-Hardening (EVH) Viscoplasticity

• Perzyna and Peirce Viscoplasticity

• Shift Functions

The Reference Unit setting is applicable for all inputs except the Reference Temperature, where
the unit can be set independently. Modification of the Reference Unit setting converts the Reference
Temperature to the value corresponding to the temperature unit specified in the Reference Unit.

• Creep

These material models require temperature values to be in an absolute scale. Mechanical writes all
temperature inputs for a solver in °C or °F and includes a TOFFST command with the value appropriate
to the solver unit system setting. This setting allows the computation of these material models to be
performed correctly.

Material Dependent Damping

The Material Dependent Damping property grouping enables you to define the coefficients
Damping Ratio and Constant Structural Damping Coefficient. If you provide a valid value for the
Damping Ratio property, the Constant Structural Damping Coefficient property is automatically
entered as two times that of the Damping Ratio value.

For additional information, see Damping in the Structural Analysis Guide .

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Material Data

Isotropic Hardening
Engineering Data supports the following general classes of isotropic hardening:

• Bilinear Isotropic Hardening

• Multilinear Isotropic Hardening

• Nonlinear Isotropic Hardening

• Isotropic Hardening Static Recovery

In addition to the above topics, the Rate-Independent Plasticity section of the Mechanical APDL Ma-
terial Reference includes detailed theoretical and background information on isotropic hardening.

Kinematic Hardening
Engineering Data supports the following general classes of kinematic hardening:

• Bilinear Kinematic Hardening

• Multilinear Kinematic Hardening

• Chaboche Kinematic Hardening (p. 60)

In addition to the above topics, the Rate-Independent Plasticity section of the Mechanical APDL Ma-
terial Reference includes detailed theoretical and background information on kinematic hardening.

Chaboche Kinematic Hardening

The Chaboche Kinematic Hardening material model option can be defined with respect to temper-
ature and allows up to five kinematic models for each temperature. It is required that all kinematic
models be defined for each temperature. You can specify the number of kinematic models in the
drop-down list. This adds additional columns for entering the data. Also included as an option is
Chaboche Kinematic Hardening with Recovery. See the Nonlinear Kinematic Hardening topic in
the Rate-Independent Plasticity section of the Mechanical APDL Material Reference for more information.

Hyperelastic Material Models

Hyperelasticity can be used to analyze rubber-like materials (elastomers) that undergo large strains
and displacements, with small volume changes (nearly incompressible materials). Large strain theory
is required (in the Mechanical application, set Large Deflection to On).

The hyperelastic material models are isotropic and constant with respect to temperature. The hyper-
elastic materials are also assumed to be nearly or purely incompressible. Thermal expansion, in the
material, is also assumed to be isotropic.

Experimental testing data can be input for a material, and then using the curve fitting module (see
Curve Fitting (p. 47)), calculate coefficients for various hyperelastic material models. Another option
is to make use of the Response Function which allows the use of experimental testing data and the
definition of incompressibility parameters. The allowed experimental testing data are Uniaxial Test
Data, Biaxial Test Data, Shear Test Data, Volumetric Test Data, Simple Shear Test Data, Uniaxial Tension

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Material Property Support in Mechanical

Test Data, and Uniaxial Compression Test Data. The definition of the incompressibility parameters is
sequential and associated with a given index. To delete values requires that they be deleted from
the end of the sequence.

Mullins effect is used for modeling load-induced changes to constitutive response exhibited by some
hyperelastic materials. Mullins Effect should be used in conjunction with a hyperelastic material
model except for Blatz-Ko and Ogden Foam models.

For additional information on these hyperelastic models see Hyperelasticity in the Material Reference

Gasket Material Model

A gasket material model is used to analyze structural components that have a sealing component
between them. For additional information on the gasket model, see Gasket in the Material Reference.
The gasket is defined by a compression load closure curve, unloading data (linear or nonlinear), and
optionally transverse shear and the maximum tension stress. The gasket can additionally be defined
at different temperature values by adding an additional Data Set, found in the Gasket-Additional
Data category of the Toolbox pane for each temperature.

The compression load closure curve defines the pressure in the material at given closure values. To
enter this data, select the Compression item and enter the data in the Table pane.

The unloading data can be entered as linear or nonlinear data. To add unloading data, choose Linear
Unloading or Nonlinear Unloading, found in the Gasket-Additional Data category of the Toolbox
pane. When choosing linear unloading multiple curves are entered into each row of the table in the
Table pane. If nonlinear unloading is chosen each individual unloading curve is added from the
Toolbox and then the data is added in the Table pane.

To optionally define the maximum tension stress, add Gasket Parameters, found in the Gasket-Ad-
ditional Data category of the Toolbox pane.

To optionally define the transverse shear or transverse shear and membrane stiffness, add Transverse
Shear or Transverse Shear and Membrane Stiffness form the Gasket-Additional Data category
of the Toolbox pane.

• Select Data Set node in Properties Pane to display chart for all the data defined for specific data
set or temperature value.

• Select Gasket Model property node in Properties Pane to display all the gasket data. Each data
set is displayed in unique color and associated temperature value can be seen in the chart legend.

Gurson Material Model

You use the Gurson material model to analyze structural components that experience plasticity and
damage in porous ductile metals.

See Rate-Independent Plasticity for a more detailed description of the Gurson Material Model.

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Material Data

You define the Gurson model with yield function inputs which allow the growth to occur. You can
then optionally combine the yield function with a nucleation model controlled by stress or strain,
and/or, a coalescence model.

Once you insert the Gurson Model, the Gurson - Additional Data category displays in the Toolbox
so that you can add the optional additional models:

• Nucleation Stress Controlled

• Nucleation Strain Controlled

• Coalescence

You may specify either stress or strain but not both.

Puck Material Model

The Puck material model is used to analyze the failure of a material in a laminate. In some situations,
you may not have experimental data for the Puck parameters but can classify the material as a glass
or carbon. You can choose the Puck material classification from a drop-down menu and the appropriate
data is filled in. The possible entries are as follows: Material Specific, Glass, or Carbon. Material
Specific is the default selection.

The Cam-Clay material model is contained in the Geomechanical Toolbox data item. This property
supports Static Structural and Transient Structural analyses. When you added this model, the Porous
Elasticity (p. 64) model is also automatically added. For additional information, see Cam-clay in the
Material Reference.

Cam-Clay includes the following physical properties:

• Plastic Slope Parameter

• Slope of Critical State Line

• Initial Size of Yield Surface

• Minimum Size of Yield Surface

• Dry Part of Yield Surface Modifier

• Wetting Part of Yield Surface Modifier

• Anisotropic Yield Surface Parameter

The Drucker-Prager material model is contained in the Geomechanical Toolbox data item. This
property supports Static Structural and Transient Structural analyses. For additional information, see
Drucker-Prager Concrete in the Material Reference

Drucker-Prager Base is the primary property and includes the following physical properties:

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Material Property Support in Mechanical

• Uniaxial Compressive Strength

• Uniaxial Tensile Strength

• Biaxial Compressive Strength

In addition, once you insert the Drucker-Prager model, the Drucker-Prager - Additional Data data
item displays in the Toolbox so that you can add one of the following:

• Softening

• Failure Plane Data Set

Jointed Rock
The Jointed Rock material model is contained in the Geomechanical Toolbox data item. This property
supports Static Structural and Transient Structural analyses. For additional information, see Jointed
Rock in the Material Reference.

The Jointed Rock property includes the following physical properties:

• Residual Strength Coupling

• Yield Surface

– Initial Inner Friction Angle (Degree)

– Initial Cohesion (Force/length2)

– Dilatancy Angle (Degree)

– Residual Inner Friction Angle (Degree)

– Residual Cohesion (Force/length2)

In addition, once you insert the Jointed Rock model, the Jointed Rock - Additional Data data item
displays in the Toolbox so that you can add one of the following:

• Tension Rankine Yield Surface

• Failure Plane Data Set

The Mohr-Coulomb material model is contained in the Geomechanical Toolbox data item. This
property supports Static Structural and Transient Structural analyses. For additional information, see
Mohr-Coulomb in the Material Reference.

Yield Surface is the Mohr-Coulomb property and includes the following physical properties:

• Initial Inner Friction Angle (Degree)

• Initial Cohesion (Force/length2)

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Material Data

• Dilatancy Angle (Degree)

• Residual Inner Friction Angle (Degree)

• Residual Cohesion (Force/length2)

In addition, once you insert the Mohr-Coulomb model, the Mohr-Coulomb - Additional Data data
item displays in the Toolbox so that you can add the optional additional model Tension Rankine
Yield Surface.

Porous Elasticity
The Porous Elasticity material model is contained in the Geomechanical Toolbox data item. This
property supports Static Structural and Transient Structural analyses. Porous Elasticity is automatically
added when the Cam Clay (p. 62) model is added. For additional information, see Porous Elasticity
in the Material Reference.

Porous Elasticity includes the following physical properties:

• Swell Index

• Elastic Limit of Tensile Strength

• Poisson's Ratio

• Initial Void Ratio

The Menetrey-Willam material model is contained in the Geomechanical Toolbox data item. This
property supports Static Structural and Transient Structural analyses. It is useful for modeling geo-
mechanic materials such as concrete. For additional information, see Menetrey-Willam in the Material

Menetrey-Willam Base and Dilatancy Angle are the primary properties and includes the following
physical properties:

• Menetrey-Willam Base

– Uniaxial Compressive Strength

– Uniaxial Tensile Strength

– Biaxial Compressive Strength

• Dilatancy Angle

In addition, once you insert the Menetrey-Willam model, the Menetrey-Willam - Additional Data
data item displays in the Toolbox so that you can add Softening (Linear or Exponential).

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Material Property Support in Mechanical

Electromagnetic Material Properties

Linear "Soft" Magnetic Material

This category characterizes magnetic material assuming a constant permeability, that is, no satur-
ation effects. Permeability is simply defined as the ratio of B to H: μ = B/H. Permeability is more
easily expressed in terms of relative and free-space values: μ = μoμr. Free-space permeability, μo,
is equal to 4πe-07 H/m. Relative permeability, μr is a multiplier of free-space permeability. Free-
space permeability is defined internally within the program. You are required to supply a relative
permeability value. This category is applicable to nonmagnetic material such as air, copper, alu-
minum. It can also be used as an approximation to magnetic materials when a B-H curve is not
available. If the material exhibits constant properties in all directions (isotropic behavior) then
select Relative Permeability and enter the appropriate value. If the material exhibits different
permeability in different orthogonal directions (orthotropic), then select Relative Permeability
(Orthotropic) and enter values for three orthogonal directions (X, Y, Z). By default, the global
coordinate system is used when the material is applied to a part in the Mechanical application.
If desired, you can apply a local coordinate system to the part. The material orthogonal properties
align with the coordinate system assigned to the part. For orthotropic material properties, all
property values must be entered for the model to properly solve.

Linear "Hard" Magnetic Material

This category characterizes hard magnetic materials such as permanent magnets. The demagnet-
ization curve of the permanent magnet is assumed to have a constant slope. The demagnetization
curve intersects the H axis at a value corresponding to the coercive force, Hc. The curve also inter-
sects the B-axis at a value corresponding to the residual induction, Br. You must enter the Coercive
Force and Residual Induction values. (Use a positive value for the Coercive Force). A permanent
magnet is polarized along an axis of the part. By default, the global coordinate system is used
when the material is applied to a part in the Mechanical application. If desired, you can apply a
local coordinate system to the part. Align the X-axis of the coordinate system in the direction of
the North pole of the magnet. The coordinate system may be Cartesian or cylindrical. A cylindrical
system may be used for radially oriented permanent magnets.

Nonlinear "Soft" Magnetic Material

This category characterizes soft materials that exhibit nonlinear behavior between B and H. Select
B-H Curve to enter nonlinear B-H data. The nonlinear behavior is described by a single B-H curve.
You may create a curve by entering B and H data points in Engineering Data, or you may choose
from a library of B-H curves for typical properties (p. 27). For material exhibiting orthotropic be-
havior, you may also select Relative Permeability (Orthotropic). You may elect to apply the B-
H curve in any one or all three orthotropic directions, and specify a constant relative permeability
in the other directions. If you use the orthotropic option, you can apply a local coordinate system
to the part in the Mechanical application instead of using the default, global coordinate system.
When creating B-H curves, observe the following guidelines:

a. The curve should be smooth and continuous.

b. Extend the curve well beyond the operating location to accurately capture local high saturation
levels. The slope of the curve should asymptotically approach that of free-space permeability.
The program extrapolates beyond the end of the curve at a slope equal to free-space permeab-
ility if required during the simulation.

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Material Data

c. Group data points around the knee of the curve for better curve-fitting.

d. For best convergence of the simulation, the curve should approach the (0,0) point asymptot-
ically. A new point in the curve near the curve origin may cause convergence problems.

Nonlinear "Hard" Magnetic Material

This category characterizes hard magnetic materials such as permanent magnets. The demagnet-
ization curve of the permanent magnet is described by a series of B-H data points located in the
second quadrant. Select Demagnetization B-H Curve to enter this data. The first data entry point
should be at B = 0, H = -Hc. A permanent magnet is polarized along an axis of the part. In the
Mechanical application, you can apply a local coordinate system to the part, instead of using the
default, global coordinate system. Align the X-axis of the coordinate system in the direction of
the North pole of the magnet. The coordinate system may be Cartesian, cylindrical. A cylindrical
system may be used for radially oriented permanent magnets. When creating B-H curves, observe
the following guidelines:

a. The curve should be smooth and continuous.

b. The curve may extend into the first quadrant.

c. Group data points around the knee of the curve for better curve-fitting.


This category defines the electrical properties of materials, including:

• Anisotropic Relative Permeability

• Isotropic Resistivity

• Orthotropic Resistivity

Choose your material properties based on how the material exhibits properties in orthogonal
directions, either constant in all directions (isotropic behavior) or different in orthogonal directions
(orthotropic). By default, the global coordinate system is used when you apply these properties
to a part in the Mechanical application. If desired, you can apply a local coordinate system to the
part. The material orthogonal properties align with the coordinate system assigned to the part.
For orthotropic material properties, all property values must be entered for the model to properly


This category contains the Piezoelectric Matrix material model. This model is based on a matrix
for tabular data. The model has the following properties:

• Matrix Type: Options for this property include Stress and Strain.

• Dimensions: Options for this property include 3D and 2D.

• Format: Options for this property include IEEE and MAPDL.

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Mutually Exclusive Properties

Mutually Exclusive Properties

The properties that are mutually exclusive are grouped in the following table.

• Isotropic Elasticity

• Orthotropic Elasticity

• Mooney-Rivlin

• Neo-Hookean

• Polynomial

• Yeoh

• Ogden

• Arruda-Boyce

• Gent

• Blatz-Ko

• Ogden Foam

• Extended Tube

• Bilinear Isotropic Hardening

• Multilinear Isotropic Hardening

• Bilinear Kinematic Hardening

• Multilinear Kinematic Hardening

• Relative Permeability

• Relative Permeability (Orthotropic)

• Coercive Force & Residual Induction

• Demagnetization B-H Curve

• Thermal Conductivity Isotropic

• Thermal Conductivity Orthotropic

• Isotropic Resistivity

• Orthotropic Resistivity

• Orthotropic Seebeck Coefficient

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Material Data

• Seebeck Coefficient

• Relative Permeability

• B-H Curve

• Coercive Force & Residual Induction

• Demagnetization B-H Curve

• Mooney-Rivlin

• Neo-Hookean

• Polynomial

• Yeoh

• Ogden

• Arruda-Boyce

• Gent

• Blatz-Ko

• Ogden Foam

• Extended Tube

• Anand Viscoplasticity

• Williams-Landel-Ferry Shift Function

• Tool-Narayanaswamy Shift Function

• Tool-Narayanaswamy with Fictive Temperature Shift


• Superelasticity

• Shape Memory Effect

• Isotropic Elasticity

• Orthotropic Elasticity

• Anisotropic Elasticity

• Blatz-Ko

• Ogden Foam

• Mullins Effect

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68 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
CAD Materials

• Exponential for Interface Delamination

• Bilinear for Interface Delamination

• Separation-Distance based Debonding

• Fracture-Energies based Debonding

• Linear Fracture Criterion

• Bilinear Fracture Criterion

• B-K Fracture Criterion

• Modified B-K Fracture Criterion

• Power Law Fracture Criterion

CAD Materials
The materials assigned to parts in a CAD package can be used in Mechanical by selecting the Material
Properties check box in the Geometry cell Properties pane. The materials assigned to parts in the CAD
package is assigned to corresponding parts in the Mechanical application.

CADMaterials Engineering Data Source: When a model is refreshed after importing CAD geometry,
a temporary MatML 3.1 file is created, which contains the materials from the CAD package. This file is
added as a Data Source in Engineering Data as CADMaterials and the file description identifies the
system it belongs to. This file is overwritten when a CAD update operation is performed, so the file
should not be edited directly.

See the following workflows related to the use of materials from CAD packages.

A. Using CAD Materials

1. Select the Material Properties check box in the Geometry cell and import geometry.

2. Refresh the model. The materials assigned to parts in the CAD package is assigned to corresponding
parts in the Mechanical application.


If the part in the CAD package does not have a material assigned, the default material
is assigned in Mechanical (see Selecting the Default Material Assignment for Model
Parts (p. 28)). This only happens the first time the geometry is attached. If you sub-
sequently update your geometry from the source application, Mechanical, by default,
does not assign the default material to new bodies. Review the description for the Assign
Default Material property in the Geometry object reference section of the Mechanical
User Guide for additional information.

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Material Data

B. Modifying Material Properties

1. Follow workflow A. Using CAD Materials (p. 69).

2. Add the material from CADMaterials Data Source to Engineering Data and modify it.

3. Refresh the model.

Mechanical uses the material defined in Engineering Data.

C. Deleting Material in Engineering Data

1. Follow workflow B. Modifying Material Properties (p. 70).

2. Edit the Engineering Data cell and delete the material.

3. Refresh the model.

The default material is assigned to corresponding parts in Mechanical (see Selecting the Default
Material Assignment for Model Parts (p. 28)).

D. Updating Material from CAD

1. Follow workflow A. Using CAD Materials (p. 69).

2. Open geometry in the CAD application.

3. Modify material properties in the CAD application and save.

4. Update geometry from CAD.

5. Refresh the model.

Mechanical uses the modified material from CAD.

E. Materials with Same Name or Synonym

1. Define some materials in Engineering Data.

2. Select the Material Properties check box in the Geometry cell and import geometry.

3. Refresh the model.

If the material in Engineering Data has the same name or synonym (seen in the tooltip) as the
material defined in the CAD package, then the Mechanical application uses the material defined
in Engineering Data and not from CAD package.

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70 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
This section includes the following:
Appendix A: Material Library File Format
Appendix B: Custom Material Models

Appendix A: Material Library File Format

Engineering Data follows the MatML 3.1 Schema for saving material data to external libraries on disk.
More information about MatML can be found at www.matml.org. For an example of the format see
Exporting Individual Data (p. 22) and then open the file with a text/xml editor.

Appendix B: Custom Material Models

Your installation of Workbench provides templates that enable you to customize the Engineering Data
Workspace to provide inputs for a user-defined material model.

This appendix describes the files that you will use as templates to create your own property categories
and the corresponding property data for your own user-defined material model(s).

Assumptions and Prerequisites

The process of creating user-defined materials requires you to edit installation files. Therefore, it is as-
sumed that you have the necessary skills and experience to perform these tasks. Expertise in material
constitutive modeling and software programming is necessary and experience writing XML. Furthermore,
creating user-defined material models also requires validation and testing. ANSYS, Inc. strongly recom-
mends that you test both the single elements and the multiple elements with various loading conditions
to ensure correct results. This feature supports shared memory and distributed parallel processing;
however, you are responsible for ensuring that your code can use parallel processing.

In addition, in order to use user-defined material model(s) in Engineering Data, you must first follow
the steps to create the corresponding Subroutine in Mechanical APDL. See the Custom Material Models
section of the Mechanical APDL Material Reference before continuing.

The files to be customized contain instructional comments to assist you with the modification process.
The following sections further elaborate upon and explain the steps for customization.
Create Material Models
Material Definition Methods File
Material Relationships File

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Material Properties File

Metadata Element

Create Material Models

Customization Files for Engineering Data Workspace The following files are included within your
production installation. They enable you to create interface elements within the Engineering Data

• MAPDL_UserMat_Properties.xml: Defines a user-defined material model's constants to be sent

to Mechanical. These can be displayed in the Property pane or hidden. Installation location:
Drive:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\version\Addins\EngineeringData\MetaData

• MAPDL_UserMat_DefinitionMethods.xml: Defines the category and names to display for the

user-defined material model(s) in the Toolbox pane. Installation location:
Drive:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\version\Addins\EngineeringData\MetaData

• MAPDL_UserMat_Relationships.xml: Defines dependencies and mutual exclusions for the custom

material model(s). Installation location:
Drive:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\version\Addins\EngineeringData\MetaData

• EngineeringData.config: Defines the files to be used by the product and if your edits are invalid,
you can disable the product. Installation location:
Drive:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\version\Addins\EngineeringData\bin\<machine-type>

These files include instructional comments that guide you during the modification process. Each file
is described in subsequent sections.


ANSYS recommends that you use a text editor that allows you to expand and collapse
sections in the XML files for ease of editing.

1. Open the following installation directory:
Drive:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\version\Addins\EngineeringData\MetaData

2. Highlight and copy each of the following files to a new folder. This helps to ensure that the integrity
of the original files is maintained.

• MAPDL_UserMat_Properties.xml

• MAPDL_UserMat_DefinitionMethods.xml

• MAPDL_UserMat_Relationships.xml

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Appendix B: Custom Material Models

3. Rename the new files by replacing “MAPDL” with your company’s name. For example:

• MyCompany_UserMat_Properties.xml

• MyCompany_UserMat_DefinitionMethods.xml

• MyCompany_UserMat_Relationships.xml

Once copied to a new folder and renamed, you can begin editing the files.


We recommend that you use a text editor that allows you to expand and collapse sections
in the XML files for ease of editing.

Once you feel that your edits are complete and accurate, you need to modify the EngineeringData.con-
fig file. This is a critical program file.


If you introduce an error into EngineeringData.config file, you may disable the product.
Therefore, it is critical that you have a backup copy of the file before performing edits to

1. Open the following installation directory:

Drive:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\version\Addins\EngineeringData\bin\<machine-type>

2. Make a copy of EngineeringData.config before editing.

3. Open the file in any text editor and search for "UserMat" and duplicate the lines related to "UserMat"
below the existing lines.

4. Replace the filename with your filename and then change enabled to "true" as highlighted below.

5. Make sure that you have copied your files to the installation folder.

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6. Open the Engineering Data Workspace and select the Filter Engineering Data button. The
Toolbox should display your material model(s).

Material Definition Methods File

The content of the User Material Definition Methods file, MyCompany_DefinitionMethods.xml, is illus-
trated below. This file defines the category and property names that are displayed in the Engineering
Data Toolbox.

As shown above, the <PropertyCategory> element defines the Engineering Data Toolbox category
and the <Property> element defines a property contained in the category.

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Appendix B: Custom Material Models

As illustrated, you can have more than one property. In addition, this is where you also create addi-
tional property categories. You can copy and paste these lines to help you create additional properties
and property categories.


• The string for the name attribute must be the same as that used in the MyCompany_User-
Mat_Properties.xml file for the name of the user-defined material model to be valid. An
example of this entry is shown below.

• The text "(UPF)" is appended to the string by Engineering Data to clearly distinguish
user-defined material models from those provided by ANSYS.

• Make sure that your tags are properly formatted with beginning ("<") and ending ("/>")

Material Relationships File

The content of the User Material Relationships file, MyCompany_UserMat_Relationships.xml, is illustrated
below. Your material model may require specific material data, such as Density in order for it to be
computed. This file defines those types of dependencies and also defines the mutual exclusions for
your material model(s).

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The PropertyDependencies element provides all material property dependencies. A given property
is specified which then contains those properties which it is dependent upon.


• The string for the name attribute must be the same as that used in the MyCompany_User-
Mat_Properties.xml file for the name of the user-defined material model to be valid. An
example of this entry is shown below.

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Appendix B: Custom Material Models

• Make sure that your tags are properly formatted with beginning ("<") and ending ("/>")

Mutual Exclusions
A user-defined material model may not be able to be used with other material data (e.g. isotropic
elasticity) because the user-defined material model provides the needed computation (e.g. elasticity).
The relationships file enables you to specify this information so that when a user would add the user-
defined material model to the material the other material properties or models will be suppressed
automatically if in the material.

Any mutual exclusion to other material models is defined within the MutualExclusions element. You
use the subelements (ModelData) to specify those models which cannot be used together. There
can be more than one MutuallyExclusive element specified. Add the ModelData line multiple times
with a string as a property name which cannot be used with the user-defined material model.

Material Properties File

The MyCompany_UserMat_Properties.xml file contains the specific data that is sent to Mechanical.
Within the file, the Bulk Details element houses the data elements.

The illustration shown below displays the BulkDetails element in a collapsed view. The additional
elements within BulkDetails are the elements that you will make changes to.

Within the BulkDetails element, the PropertyData element defines the input data for each user-
defined material model.

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The PropertyData element requires the property attribute (property="prUSER") which is a string data
type that corresponds to an id attribute in the Metadata element within the properties files. You
may use any unique string as the identification for a given Property. The PropertyData element also
requires the minOccurrences attribute (minOccurrences="1") attribute. You use the ParameterValue
element within PropertyData to define the data for a user-defined material model.

<Data format>=string</Data>

You must include this line as shown for compatibility requirements.

<Qualifier name="UserMat">string</Qualifier>

Identifies this PropertyData as being defined in UserMat. The string should be specified as "USER"
to define inputs for this user-defined material model (TB, USER) or "STATE" to define state variables
for this user-defined material model (TB, STATE) or a material model (e.g. CZM) which supports
USER as a valid TBOPT field (e.g. TB,CZM,,,,USER).

<Qualifier name="Display">False</Qualifier>

This Boolean allows the PropertyData to be hidden (False) in the GUI but the data is sent to

The individual field data and behaviors for a user-defined material model are defined within the
ParameterValue element. The following attributes are applicable for this element.

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Appendix B: Custom Material Models

Attribute Value Description

parameter "string" The string corresponds to the id attribute in a
ParametersDetails element of the Metadata element.
You may use any unique string as the identification
for a given Parameter (user-defined material model
format "string" This attribute is required for compatibility requirements
and the string value must equal "float".
lowerLimit "string" This string is the lower limit of valid data. It is possible
to use ">0.0" for a positive non-zero value. The default
is negative the maximum double numerical
upperLimit "string" The string is the upper limit of valid data. It is possible
to use "<0.0" for a negative non-zero value. The default
is the maximum double numerical representation.

Further defining ParameterValue content includes the following:


The string is the default value for the parameter to send to Mechanical. If the desire is to have a
blank field in the GUI to indicate a value should be entered (shown in yellow), use the value in-
cluded in the example, the result of pow(2,-100).

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<Qualifier name="UserMat Constant">string</Qualifier>

The string is an integer value which specifies this parameter value's position in TBDATA command.
For example, the user input value of parameter "paC3" will be placed at the fifth position in TB-
DATA command.

<Qualifier name="Variable Type">string</Qualifier>

This string should be specified as Dependent for a dependent parameter and as Independent
for an independent parameter (e.g. Temperature).

Temperature Dependent Parameter Value

When the data can vary with temperature then you need to include a parameter (in the example,
ParameterValue parameter="pa1") as the first element of the PropertyData element. You need to
also include the following two attributes to define the number of temperature points for which data
will be provided.


minEntries="string": The string is an integer value. A value of "0" allows the user to enter data
without any temperature points.


maxEntries="string": The string is an integer value. For example, a value of "2" allows up to a
maximum of two temperature data points to be specified. The maximum entries allowed by
MAPDL is limited by the following calculation:

maxEntries <= 1000 / (number of user-defined material model inputs)

For the example content, the parameter "pa1" is defined in the Metadata table as Temperature.
You can use an alternate string if desired (e.g. "temp").

STATE Dependent Parameter Value

If your material model also needs STATE data to complete the inputs, include the groupPropertyData
parameter as the last element in the PropertyData element. In the example illustrated below, placing
this element in more than one PropertyData element will group these PropertyData under a single
property "UserMat Model Example 1" in the GUI.

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Appendix B: Custom Material Models

The parameter groupPropertyData is defined in the Metadata table with the name Material Property
which facilitates this behavior. You can use an alternate string if desired (e.g. "group").

Metadata Element
The details for the attributes used on PropertyData (property="") and ParameterValue (parameter="")
are contained within Metadata element. Metadata content is illustrated below.

Parameter Details
The string used by ParameterDetails is a unique identification for the parameter to be used in con-
junction with a ParmeterValue's attribute parameter.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 81


<Name>"string"</Name>: This string to be displayed in the GUI as the name of the parameter.


The Units element defines the name of the physical quantity for which defined units are available.
For example, units of a parameter which has Stress units (Pa) can be defined as shown below.
Use Unitless for parameters without units as shown above.


Use extreme caution if you are choosing the unit of measure. This value is converted to
the Unit System specified for the solution and if you do not enter a supported unit, you
could produce incorrect data for the solution.

Property Details
The only PropertyDetails attribute is id="string". The string is a unique identification for the property
(prUSER) to be used in conjunction with a PropertyData's attribute property. Following elements are
used to further specify PropertyDetails.


<Name>"string"</Name>: The string to be displayed in the GUI as the name of the user-defined
material model.


This is required for compatibility and should not be modified.

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Appendix B: Custom Material Models

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 83
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84 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
cad material, 69
Index charting, 47
composite, 28
A curve fitting, 47
accessing, 15, 19 definitions, 5
electromagnetic properties, 65
explicit library, 27
C fluid, 28
chart pane, 14
general library, 27
combining, 22
general nonlinear library, 27
create custom material models, 71
geomechanical library, 28
granta design, 27
library, 19
hyperelastic library, 27
custom material models, 22, 71
magnetic B-H curve library, 28
material model curve fitting, 48
D Mechanical APDL material curve fitting, 49
data source mutually exclusive properties, 67
combine, 22 properties, 25
edit, 20 property support, 57
export, 21 sample libraries, 27
import data as, 21 supported properties, 28
import data into, 20 suppression of material properties, 46
remove, 19 suppression of mutually exclusive properties, 47
definitions, 5 thermal, 28
deleting, 19 validation, 47
material dependent damping, 59
E material library file format, 71
editing, 20 material model
Engineering Data user interface, 5 cam-clay, 62, 64
exporting drucker-prager, 62
data source, 21 gasket, 61
individual data, 22 gurson, 61
jointed rock, 63
F menetrey-willam, 64
favorites, 18 mohr-coulomb, 63
filtering, 15 nonlinear , 59
plastic, 59
I puck, 62
importing menu bar, 6
data as data source, 21 modifying, 26
data into data source, 20
tabular data, 16 O
outline filter pane, 8
L outline pane, 8
layout overview, 5
Engineering Data, 5
library, 18-19 P
parametrizing, 46
M properties pane, 12
additive manufacturing library, 27

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 85

removing, 19

suppressing, 46

table pane, 13
toolbar, 7
toolbox, 7

user interface
Engineering Data, 5

working with data sources, 18
workspace, 15
Engineering Data, 5

Release 2021 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
86 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

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