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1612493-Secrets of Gravity Magic v3

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6/10/2019 The Homebrewery - NaturalCrit

Secrets of Gravity Magic

Ever since the mage Einstein proposed his legendary theory of relativity, many
spellcasters have explored further into the nature of time, space and gravity, seeking to
harness these raw forces of nature. This compilation sheds light on some of the most
elusive and dangerous of these discoveries and what it would take to actually wield even
a fraction of the destructive power of the gods!

by @artofkarthik

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Secrets of Gravity Magic

ver since the mage Einstein proposed his A Hallowed Site
legendary theories of relativity, many
spellcasters have explored further into the The Dark Elves had many possible locations to choose from,
nature of time, space and gravity, seeking to but they settled on the mountains near the fabled elven city of
harness these raw forces of nature for their Silvery Moon as the perfect site for their ritual, owing to its
own purposes. proximity to a great tear in the fabric of the spell-weave. This
would be the epi-center from which the waves of their world
This compilation sheds light on some of the most elusive domination would ripple out!
and dangerous of these discoveries and what it would take to
actually wield even a fraction of the destructive power of the The Ritual
The Drow Spellcaster Xorlarrin (Archmage) has gathered an
Discovery of Gravity Magic inner circle to help with the casting of his profane ritual to
bind the broken spell-weave to the Spider Goddess Llolth:
All magic comes from the Goddess Mystra and her
magnificent spell-weave. However, after the goddess was 10 Drow Mages
attacked by nefarious forces, a massive tear appeared in the The Curse of Many Eyes (Beholder)
weave, causing surges of wild magic and a terrifying disease Abithriax The Skull Collector (Young Red Dragon)
known as the spell-plague began ravaging the lands. The ritual requires 10 rounds to complete, requiring total
Always the researchers, the Dark Elves of Menzoberranzan concentration from at least 7 mages each round. If the ritual
first discovered the secrets of gravity magic when is interrupted during a round, the counter resets.
experimenting with the spell-weave, finding that they were
able to manipulate it using one specific tear in the fabric of
the universe: a Sphere of Annihilation. Random Encounters Approaching
Many speculate about the true nature of this discovery. Is it The Ritual
a doorway between multiple worlds? Is it a massive presence d4 Monsters Encountered
that is warping the fabric of space-time in its vicinity? Is it just
an empty void? 1 Young Blue Dragon (Ozyrandion The Deadly), Orc
Warchief, 12 Orcs
2 1 Salamander, 4 Magmins
Recommended Level 3 Young Black Dragon (Regiarax The Merciless), 10
This module is intended for adventurers between Bugbears
10-12th level, as the material component for 4 Young White Dragon (Rynnarvyx The Dread Host), 10
casting these spells requires a very difficult arcana Hobgoblins
check to attune to.
Written by https://twitter.com/artofkarthik/
A Dark Plan Art by
Always the opportunists, the Dark Elves saw this newfound norse-mythology-heimdall
power as a means to achieve great things. If they could create Document designed with
a way to control the spell-weave using gravity magic, they https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com
could create a new dark-weave, establishing their own spider- Written as a side quest/add-on for the legendary D&D 5e
deity Llolth as the new Goddess of Magic, and spreading adventure Storm King's Thunder
darkness throughout the world!
When the Dark Elves understood the true scope of their plan,
they realized that it would be impossible to accomplish it
without the right allies and resources. Other subterranean
dwellers soon partnered with the dark elves: Fire Giants,
Ogres, Orcs, Hobgoblins, Bugbears and Kobolds.


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Spells from the school of Gravity Magic

Galileo’s Greedy Grasp Eddington’s Warp Light
2nd-level Gravitomancy 4th-level Gravitomancy
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30ft Range: 1 mile
Components: V, S, M (sphere of annihilation) Components: V, S, M (sphere of annihilation)
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Concentration, upto 1 min
By compressing the space between you and an object Targeting far away locations that you have a direct line of
within a distance of 60ft, you reach out and grab the object sight on and having a medium between you and the location
and then let space restore to its usual form, making it seem through which light can traverse, you pull a focussed pocket
like the object just vanished from its location and appeared in of space towards you, allowing you to instantaneously view
your hand. If the object is in the possession of another (but not hear) what is happening in this specific location. Due
creature and you wish to stealthily take it, make a sleight of to the compression of space, the light appears slightly blue-
hand check against the creature’s passive perception. Upon shifted, allowing you to even see creatures that are invisible in
success, you are able to grab the object without the target regular light.
noticing. Upon failure, the target notices the grasp and can
attempt a strength check against your spell save DC to try Newton’s Slingshot
and hold onto the object, losing it to you upon failing its 5th-level Gravitomancy
check. Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 40 feet
Schwarzschild’s Warped Deflection Components: V, S, M (sphere of annihilation)
3rd-level Gravitomancy Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1 reaction You warp the space between you and one target, who must
Range: 60 feet attempt a strength saving throw against your spell save DC.
Components: V, S, M (sphere of annihilation) Upon failure they are pulled into an elliptical orbit around you
Duration: Concentration, upto 1 min and are then flung in a direction of your choice, taking 2d6
For the duration of the spell, whenever you are hit by a force damage per 10ft of travel away from you, to a max of
ranged missile attack, you can use your reaction to roll a 8d6. Any targets in the path of this missile must attempt a
1d10 + your intelligence modifier to attempt to warp the Dexterity Saving throw against your spell save DC, upon
space around you to deflect the missile and reduce the failure taking the same amount of damage. Upon success, the
damage taken. If the damage is reduced to zero, then you are target avoids the missile.
able to successfully capture the missile in an orbit around When cast at higher levels, the range of the spell increases
you for upto 1 min. You can capture as many missiles as your by 10ft for each level higher than 5th level, dealing the
spellcasting modifier. associated force damage for each 10ft.
As an action, you can dismiss this spell to fire any orbiting
missiles at one or more targets you can see within 30ft. Make Shapiro’s Force Step
a ranged spell attack for each missile. On a hit, each missile 6th-level Gravitomancy
does a damage of 1d10 + your intelligence modifier. Casting Time: 1 action
For each higher level the spell is cast, you can capture one Range: 60 feet
additional missile. Components: V, S, M (sphere of annihilation)
Duration: Instantaneous
Pound-Rebka's Slow Time Compressing the space between you and a location you
3rd-level Gravitomancy have direct line of sight on, you can step into the new location
Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action and release the compressed space with a bang. Everything in
Range: Self line between you and your final space of travel must make a
Components: V, S, M (sphere of annihilation) constitution saving throw against your spell save DC or take
Duration: Concentration, upto 1 min 1d6 force damage for every 10ft travelled, to a max of 6d6, or
You increase the gravitational field around you, making half as much on a success.
time run slower for you. As a result, you disappear from view When cast at higher levels, the range of the spell increases
of those around you with lower gravity, skipping ahead in by 10ft for each level higher than 6th level, dealing the
time to the beginning of your turn in the next round of associated 1d6 force damage for each 10ft.
At the end of your next action, if you are still concentrating
on the spell, you may use your bonus action to skip further
ahead in time to your turn in the next round of combat.


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Hubble’s Traverse Space Ligo’s Destruction Beam

7th-level Gravitomancy 8th-level Gravitomancy
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 10 feet Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (sphere of annihilation) Components: V, S, M (sphere of annihilation)
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
Instead of you moving through space, you are able to make You open the protective bands around your Sphere of
space move through you. Compressing the distance between Annihilation a little, sucking in gaseous matter around you
you and a location on the same plane of existence you know into the singularity, crushing it into super-hot plasma, and
the direction of, you can traverse vast distances in a single releasing a beam of energy 5ft wide in a direction of your
step, bending and weaving around obstacles as they occur. In choice. All creatures in a 60ft line must make a Dexterity
this manner, you may transport yourself and 8 other willing saving throw against your spell save DC, upon failure taking
creatures that fit within a 10ft sphere around you. If there are 15d6 radiant damage, or half as much on success. Any
obstacles along the way, check the following table for darkness created in the path of this beam is dispelled.
Einstein’s Gravity Vortex
No obstacles: Transported without issue 9th-level Gravitomancy
Minor obstacles (solid objectsthat could offer partial Casting Time: 1 action
cover): 5% chance of hitting it and shunted to the nearest Range: 60ft Radius
traversable location before it, otherwise bypassing it Components: V, S, M (sphere of annihilation)
Major obstacles (solid objects that could offer 3/4 cover): Duration: Instantaneous
10% chance of hitting it and shunted to the nearest
traversable location before it, otherwise bypassing it You unleash the power of the Sphere of Annihilation,
Impassable obstacles: Shunted to the nearest traversable warping all of space, time and light around you, pulling in all
location before it untethered objects and creatures towards the singularity. A
60ft bubble of total darkness and a 600ft bubble of partial
darkness are created around the caster. All creatures within
60ft radius of you must make a Strength saving throw against
your spell save DC, upon failure getting sucked in towards
the singularity and taking 20d6 force damage and 20d6
necrotic damage. On a success, the creatures only take the
necrotic damage.
Material Component
Sphere of Annihilation Legendary Artifact (Requires Attunement)

This 2-foot-diameter black Sphere is a hole in the If you attempt to control a Sphere that is under another
multiverse created by a powerful gravitational creature's control, you make an Intelligence (Arcana)
singularity, hovering in space and stabilized by a set of check contested by the other creature's Intelligence
magical bands surrounding it. (Arcana) check. The winner of the contest gains control
of the Sphere and can Levitate it as normal.
The Sphere obliterates all matter it passes through and
all matter that passes through it. Artifacts are the
exception. Unless an artifact is susceptible to damage If the Sphere comes into contact with a planar portal,
from a Sphere of Annihilation, it passes through the such as that created by the gate spell, or an
Sphere unscathed. Anything else that touches the extradimensional space, such as that within a Portable
Sphere but isn't wholly engulfed and obliterated by it Hole, the DM determines randomly what happens,
takes 4d10 force damage. using the following table.

d100 — Result:
The Sphere is stationary until someone controls it or 01-50 — The Sphere is destroyed.
attunes to it. If you are within 60 feet of an 51-85 — The Sphere moves through the portal or
uncontrolled Sphere, you can use an action to make a into the extradimensional space.
DC 25 Intelligence (Arcana) check. On a success, the 86-00 — A spatial rift sends each creature and
Sphere levitates in one direction of your choice, up to a object within 180 feet of the Sphere, including the
number of feet equal to 5 x your Intelligence modifier Sphere, to a random plane of existence.
(minimum 5 feet). On a failure, the Sphere moves 10
feet toward you. A creature whose space the Sphere
enters must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving
throw or be touched by it, taking 4d10 force damage.


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Background & Historical References

have always imagined a school of magic involving the Shapiro
manipulation of gravity, but I realised that the actual In the mid 20th century, the American astrophysicist Irwin
science of gravity is super strange, and has tons of Shapiro first identified the time delay of light passing close to
potential to be expanded upon for new spellcasting. I a massive celestial object.
took some of these strange aspects of Gravity and
converted them into spells. Eddington
We understand a great deal of how gravity works, but there English Astronomer Arthur Eddington verified the deflection
are still a lot of mysteries to be uncovered. We've gotten this of light from a quasar by the strong gravitational force of the
far only because of the research of several hard-working Sun as seen from the Earth, confirming the effects of
individuals across hundreds of years of history, and I wanted gravitational lensing.
to pay some form of tribute to some of them!
Galileo The experiment carried out by Robert Pound and Glen A.
During the early 17th century, the Italian Astronomer Galileo Rebka confirmed that time runs slower at lower potentials, by
Galilei observed that all objects tend to accelerate equally comparing the rate at which atomic clocks ran when on the
when falling towards the ground. This was later ground vs on a speeding aircraft.
observationally verified by dropping objects in a vacuum.
Schwarzschild In the early 21st century, the LIGO experiments directly
The Schwarzschild Solution, as proposed by the German detected and confirmed the existence of gravitational
Physicist Karl Schwarzschild in the 20th century, described radiation emitted through space-time from two colliding
the nature of spacetime surrounding spherically symmetric black holes.
rotating massive objects.
Hubble In the early 20th century, Swiss Physicist Albert Einstein
In the early 20th century, American astronomer Edwin proposed the groundbreaking theories that would forever
Hubble confirmed the rapid and continuous expansion of the change our understanding of the universe: The light
universe. wave/particle duality, The existence of subatomic particls via
Brownian Motion, The constancy of the speed of light via the
Newton Special Theory of Relativity, and lastly the famous
Later in the 17th century, the English Mathematician Isaac equivalence of mass and energy summed up by the equation
Newton deduced the three laws of kinematic planetary E=MC^2.
motion, and hypothesized that the force of gravity between
two celestial objects was the product of their masses,
reciprocal to the square of the distance between them. These
laws were used to mathematically discover the planet
Neptune well before it was observed via a telescope.


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