A Basis For Automated Control of Steam Trap Subcool in SAGD: 680 September 2012 SPE Journal
A Basis For Automated Control of Steam Trap Subcool in SAGD: 680 September 2012 SPE Journal
A Basis For Automated Control of Steam Trap Subcool in SAGD: 680 September 2012 SPE Journal
where f tends to be between 0.9 and 1.1, depending on the nature An energy balance around the SAGD pool is given by
of the reservoir, and qs is the volumetric flow rate of steam qo qo Cpo ðTS TR Þ
expressed as a cold-water-equivalent volume. If there is no water
þ qw qw Cpw ðTS TR Þ þ QðtÞ_
zone in the region surrounding the well pair, f 0.95 [see, for
example, Saltuklaroglu (1999)], whereas if there is a water zone qo qo Cpo ðTp TR Þ qw qpw Cpw ðTp TR Þ
adjacent to the reservoir—for example, a top water zone—then f d
is greater than unity because water is also produced from the ¼ qo Vo Cpo ðTp TR Þ þ qw Vw Cpw ðTp TR Þ ;
water zone [see, for example, ConocoPhillips (2008)]. The oil-
production flow rate from the liquid pool qpo is given by the field ð12Þ
steam/oil ratio (SOR), as follows: _
where Cp* is the heat capacity of Phase * and QðtÞ is the heat
qS transferred from the steam chamber to the pool through the top of
qpo ¼ : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð4Þ
SOR the pool. Heat losses from the pool to the region below the pool
are considered negligible compared with the heat transferred from
After substituting Eqs. 3 and 4 into Eq. 2, the result after rear- the steam chamber. After combining Eqs. 3, 4, and 7 with Eq. 12,
rangement is the energy-balance equation is given by
qS Cpo ðTS TR Þ
qo qo þ qw ðqw fqS Þ qo qo Cpo ðTS TR Þ 1 þ
SOR geff gS kS
d qo Cpo
¼ ðqo Vo þ qw Vw Þ: ð5Þ qS ðTp TR Þ _
þ f qw Cpw þ QðtÞ . . . . . ð13Þ
dt SOR
The mass-flow rate of steam condensate produced can be esti- ¼ ½ðqo Vo Cpo þ qw Vw Cpw ÞðTp TR Þ
mated by calculating the amount of steam required to mobilize dt
oil. The steam required can be computed from the energy required After making substitutions and simplifications similar to those
to heat the oil that drains into the pool, qo, from the reservoir tem- performed for the material balance, the energy-balance equation
perature to the steam temperature: becomes
qo qo Cpo ðTS TR Þ dTp
m_ w ¼ qw qw ¼ ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð6Þ þ AðTp TR Þ ¼ B þ QðtÞ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð14Þ
geff gS kS dt
Parameter Value
Reservoir temperature Tr ( C) 4
Steam temperature Ts ( C) 200
Pressure (kPa) 1553
Latent heat of vaporization of steam kS (J/kg) 1941(103)
Steam-to-oil ratio (steam expressed as cold water equivalent) (m3/m3) 3
Density of oil qo (kg/m3) 1005
Density of water qo (kg/m3) 980
Heat capacity of water cpw (kJ/kg C) 4.187
Heat capacity of oil cpo (kJ/kg C) 1.900
Oil flow rate qo (m3/day/m well length) 0.125
Steam flow rate qS (m3/day/m well length) 0.25
Steam quality (g) 0.9
Efficiency of the process (geff) 0.5
Set subcool temperature ( C) 20
25 25
20 20
15 15
KP = –5
ΔTsc(t), °C
ΔTsc(t), °C
10 10
KP = –2
5 All Values of KI
5 KP = –1
KP > 0
–5 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Time, day
Time, day
The SOR has been taken to be equal to 3 m3/m3 for the analysis the set point of the interwell subcool temperature difference DTsc
performed here. The results do not change significantly at other is taken to be 20 C (Gates and Leskiw 2010). If the subcool drops
values of SOR. Given the steam-injection temperature, the set to zero, this means that the produced-fluids temperature is equal
point for the produced-fluids temperature is set to 180 C—that is, to the steam temperature, and live steam is being produced from
the chamber. This produced steam is not contacting native bitu-
men and is thus a heat loss.
25 Fig. 6 displays the results of the case in which proportional
control is used alone. The results reveal that, provided that the
20 proportional gain KP is lower than 1, the subcool temperature
difference evolves to its set-point value. Otherwise, the subcool
remains at the steam temperature and the controller is unable to
move the system from the state of having no liquid pool (that is,
ΔTsc(t), °C
Fig. 9—The evolution of the subcool temperature difference Subscripts and Superscripts
DTsc vs. time at different values of the PID-controller gains KP, 0 ¼ initial condition
KI, and KD. c ¼ steam-chamber condition
o, w, s ¼ oil phase, water phase, and steam phase
P ¼ SAGD liquid pool
capable of evolving the subcool temperature difference to the set R ¼ reservoir
point for negative values of the gains. Otherwise, the subcool sc ¼ subcool
remains equal to zero, implying that the produced fluids are at the ss ¼ steady state
steam-injection temperature. The value of the derivative gain that S ¼ steam condition
yields the smallest time scale for the subcool to reach the set-point
value is immediately below 1. At derivative gains larger than
1, the subcool remains equal to zero. A more-negative deriva- Acknowledgments
tive gain below 1 yields a larger time scale of response of the The authors acknowledge financial support from Shell Canada
subcool temperature difference. and the National Science and Engineering Research Council of
Fig. 9 presents the results for several cases at various values of Canada.
the proportional, integral, and derivative gains. The cases show
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scale for the subcool to evolve to the set point. With the combina-
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