Styles Set #39: "Requested 2" Styles For Band-in-a-Box: Introduction and Overview
Styles Set #39: "Requested 2" Styles For Band-in-a-Box: Introduction and Overview
Styles Set #39: "Requested 2" Styles For Band-in-a-Box: Introduction and Overview
29 Cadillac Ave.,
Victoria, BC
Canada V8Z 1T3
Phone. 250-475-2874 Fax. 250-475-2937
Web Site
Note: As these styles use some of the newer Stylemaker features, you must have Band-in-a-Box Version 11.0 (or
higher) for some of these styles to work properly.
Check out these 22 great new styles covering a mixture of genres. Most of these styles are inspired by your requests in the
Styles Wishlist Forum. You’ll find some slow, mellow piano ballad styles such as Sarah1, PnoBalad, as well as SlowPop2,
Surfin2, and Venture1. We’ve also added some new Bossas (BossaNew), Modern Jazz (Mccoy1), and many more. See
below for complete styles descriptions.
One of the easiest ways to explore the new styles is from the “select style” window (press the “STY” button). If you
scroll to near the end of the categories list on the left, you can select the “Requested - 39” category, then highlight the
individual styles and press the “Load song demo button.” It’s a good idea to un-check the “Auto-change Melody
instrument” so that you’ll hear the correct demo melody instrument. You can also sort the styles by Styles Set number if
you like. More detailed information about each style is available by pressing the Memo button of the Demo tune. The
Demo tunes for these styles follow the same naming convention as the styles themselves. For example, the DEMO song for
By all means visit the PG Music home page on the Web at There are lots of interesting
downloads, demos, magazine and customer reviews, including streaming audio-visual program tutorials, radio
interviews and more. Review your favorite products or stop by the Styles wish-list page, where you can request specific
styles or leave feedback and suggestions - that’s how we stay in touch with you. So drop in and check it out.
Have fun.