Identification of Defects in Fruits Usin
Identification of Defects in Fruits Usin
Identification of Defects in Fruits Usin
“ ”
Dept. of Computer Engineering, Atharva College of Engineering, University of Mumbai, Mumbai, India
Corresponding Author:, Tel.: +91 9969286067
Keywords—Image Processing, Defect detection, Pre-processing, Filtering, Background subtraction, Binary image
For deciding the overall acceptance quality for customers, Generally, human experts perform the quality inspection of
the uniformity in size, shape and other quality parameters of fruits. The manual sorting by visual inspection is labour-
fruits are required. Labour shortages and a lack of overall intensive, time-consuming. It suffers from the problem of
consistency to the process resulted in a search for automated inconsistency and inaccuracy in the judgement of humans.
solutions. [6]. The important aspects for the inspection of With the advent of fast and high precision technology,
fresh fruits are colour, size and number of defects. The defect automation of the defect detection process is expected to
or damage usually occurs in fruits due to various factors such reduce labour cost and improve the efficiency of the sorting
as rotting, bruising, scab, fungal growth, injury, disease etc. process. We can find the quality of fruits by various
Proper care should be taken after the post harvesting of the algorithms using image processing [2] [3].
fruits. These defects must be removed in order to prevent
cross-contamination and reduce subsequent processing cost. The primary objective of this work is to design an algorithm
that can identify the defect and classify the fruit based on
digital image analysis.
work is discussed. Section III discusses the methodology of is used to detect the defect on the fruit surface. A method
pre-processing, background subtraction, feature extraction, is implemented for the quantification of the standard
classification of fruit and the algorithm for fruit detection. In colour of the fruit in HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) colour
Section IV, experimental result of proposed work is spaces to achieve fruit segmentation. A comparative study
discussed. Finally, Section V contains the conclusion and between the HSV and RGB colour space is done and the
future scope of this work. results are obtained [1].
● Another approach is using RGB and HSV colour space RGB to Grayscale conversion: The captured image has
model for automatic fruit defect detection. In this method, three matrices of sizes with respect to the format used to
application of computer vision system and image analysis store the images (TIFF, JPEG, BMP, etc). The three
matrices indicate that how much of the three colours red, Step 5: Perform edge detection and fill the defected parts.
green, and blue a certain pixel should use. This RGB Step 6: Calculate area and quality ratio of fruit image.
image is converted to a grayscale image, in which the Step 7: Apply the condition and display the result.
pixels have one colour which is a shade of grey in
various ranges in between. IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
Image Binarization: The grayscale image Initially, the user will upload the fruit image on the graphical
(monochrome image) is converted to a binary image by user interface (GUI) from the folder of the fruit dataset. In
thresholding with the help of a threshold value. If the the dataset the collection of fruit images will be stored and
value of a pixel is greater than or equal to the threshold each image will be given a unique number. This image will
value then set 1, and if it is less than the threshold value be accepted by the system and it will perform different
set zero. This indicates that each pixel is stored as a operations on the fruit image and classify the fruit as
single bit (0 or 1). defected or fresh. This output of classification will be made
available to the user on the GUI.
Filtering: The binary image (digital image) is then
filtered using a median filter which reduces noise and Figure 3 shows the results of original image, grayscale
improves the visual quality of the image. Filtering is also image, binary image, edge detection, contour filling and
referred to as smoothing. Value of a pixel gets replaced filtered image.
by the grey levels in the neighbourhood of that pixel. It
is used for the detection of edges [8].
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