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International certificates accepted by the University Language Centre (CLA)

as entry requirements for degree programmes and courses at the CLA, and international exchanges

International certificates accepted by the University Language Centre (CLA) as entry requirements for
degree programmes and courses at the CLA, and international exchanges
The following table of international certificates accepted as entry requirements for degree programmes and courses at the CLA, and international exchanges was approved
by the Teaching Committee of the University Language Centre on July 10 2018 and is valid from September 1 2018 .

This table is different from the the table for international certificates accepted as valid for the European Credit System, which can be found at the following link:

Some certificates were recognised in the last academic year i.e. up to August 31 2018 but are no longer accepted as valid. A list of the certificates accepted last year can be
found in the table at the following link: https://www.cla.unitn.it/en/780/certificates-do-you-have-a-certificate. As an exception, the certificates on this list which are no
longer recognised will be accepted for this academic year 2018/19 up to September 30 2019, as long as they were awarded no more than 3 years earlier and not after
August 31 2018.

For an international certificate to be considered valid for entry requirements and exchanges, it needs to have the following criteria:

1. The awarding body certifies all four skills and provides a grade for each skill.
2. Either the grade for each of the four skills is at the required level or the student had obtained the average overall grade required by the exam board.
3. The expiry date for a certificate is five years after the award date. However, if the certificate has a shorter expiry date than five years, this shorter expiry date will
4. The original certificate must be taken to the Academic and Student Support Services office in person (for entry requirements for degree programmes), to the
International Mobility office (for international exchanges), or to the University Language Centre (CLA) on enrolment (when progressing to a higher level and the
previous level is not registered on Esse3). An electronic copy of the certificate may be sent e.g. a .pdf file via apply, but this must correspond exactly to the original
certificate. For precise details on how and when certificates can be presented, please check with the Academic and Student Support Services office.

Not all university departments use this table to accept credits. Therefore it is essential – and the responsibility of the student – to check that their
Department, Faculty and/or degree programme recognises this table.

Extra information for students on the following courses:

- The School of International Studies sets extra restrictions on which language certificates it accepts. For information, please check with the person responsible for
- The certificates accepted by The Department of Economics and Management are available here: https://offertaformativa.unitn.it/it/l/economia-e-
International certificates accepted by the University Language Centre (CLA)
as entry requirements for degree programmes and courses at the CLA, and international exchanges

Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)

This framework is an international standard set by the European Council. It provides a set of descriptors of linguistic competences which a language learner develops as
s/he progresses in one or more languages. There are six levels of language competence (A1/A2, B1/B2, C1/C2), split into three main levels: Elementary (A), Intermediate
(B), and Advanced (C).

Exam Board A1 A2 A2+ B1 B2 C1 C2

(Preliminary (First Certificate in (Certificate in
(Key English Test) (Certificate of
English Test) English) Advanced English)
University of Cambridge Council of Proficiency in
Council of Europe Council of Europe Council of
ESOL Examinations Europe level A2 English)
level B1 level B2 Europe level C1
BEC Preliminary BEC Vantage BEC Higher

Bulats: 0 - 19 Bulats: 20 - 39 Bulats: 40 - 59 Bulats: 60 - 74 Bulats: 75 - 89 Bulats: 90 - 100

(1) The following certificates are also recognised:
- University of Cambridge – Council of Europe Level A2 (Cambridge Preliminary not passed, but A2 mark is achieved in each of the four skills)
- University of Cambridge – Council of Europe Level B1 (Cambridge First not passed, but B1 mark is achieved in each of the four skills)
- University of Cambridge – Council of Europe Level B2 (Cambridge Advanced not passed, but B2 mark is achieved in each of the four skills)
- University of Cambridge – Council of Europe Level C1 (Cambridge Proficiency not passed, but C1 mark is achieved in each of the four skills)
Preliminary ESOL (IESOL) Communicator
City & Guilds Access Expert Mastery
+ Achiever + +
(Pitman ESOL)(2) + + +
Spoken English Spoken English Spoken English
Spoken English Spoken English Spoken English
(ISESOL) Access (ISESOL) Expert (ISESOL) Mastery
Preliminary Communicator
(2) City &Guilds ESOL exams are only written, while the ISESOL exams are oral. It is therefore necessary to show both certificates in order for the exam to be recognised.
Trinity College of London
ISE 0 (Integrated Skills in (Integrated Skills in (Integrated Skills in ISE IV
English) English) English)
(3) Only Trinity ISE exams (Integrated Skills in English) are recognised.
International certificates accepted by the University Language Centre (CLA)
as entry requirements for degree programmes and courses at the CLA, and international exchanges

Exam Board A1 A2 A2+ B1 B2 C1 C2

Modest User Competent User Good User Very Good User
Overall band score Overall band score Overall band score Overall band score
IELTS (4) e (5) 4.5 5.5+ 7-8 8.5
(each skill must be (each skill must be (each skill must be (each skill must be
>= 4) >= 5.5) >= 6.5) >= 8.0)
(4) IELTS avallate all four langauge skills. As mentioned above, the certificate is only recognised when the Overall band score shown above is achieved. If the minimum mark in all four skills
is achieved, but the Overall band score is not, then the certificate will NOT be recognised. The relationship between IELTS and the Common European Framework, please see the
Cambridge English Scale below. Both versions of IELTS are valid: Academic or General Training.
(5) IELTS certificates are valid for 2 years from the award date
No skill lower than No skill lower than No skill lower than No skill lower than
TOEFL iBT 11 18 24 28
Internet-based (each skill must be (each skill must be >= (each skill must be >= (each skill must be >=
Testing (6) e (7) >= 11) 18) 24) 28)
See toefl website See toefl website See toefl website See toefl website
(6) TOEFL certificates are valid for 2 years from the award date
(7) Paper-based TOEFL must be presented with the TWE (Test of Written English) and TSE (Test of Spoken English); while computer-based TOEFL must be presented with the TSE (Test of
Spoken English).
English for
London Chamber of English for English for English for English for English for Business
Commerce and Business Business Level 1 Business Level 2 Business Level 3 Level 4
Industry Elementary Credit or Distinction Credit or Distinction Credit or Distinction Credit or Distinction
Credit or Distinction
Examinations Board Pass (not Pass) (not Pass) (not Pass) (not Pass)
(not Pass)
Conosciuto anche
come EDI* JETSET level 6
JETSET level 2 JETSET level 3 JETSET level 4 JETSET level 5 (Effective JETSET level 7
Jetset (Breakthrough) (Waystage) (Threshold) (Vantage) Operational (Mastery)
Pearson General
Foundation Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
English Test
Pearson Academic
Minimum mark: 30 Minimum mark: 42 Minimum mark: 65 Minimum mark: 83
English Test
Oxford Test of
- 51-80 - Mark: 81 - 110 Mark: 111-140 - -
English “B” level
International certificates accepted by the University Language Centre (CLA)
as entry requirements for degree programmes and courses at the CLA, and international exchanges

Exam Board A1 A2 A2+ B1 B2 C1 C2

Elementary Intermediate AcCEPT Proficiency Masters
AIM Awards ANGLIA Preliminary Pre-Intermediate Advanced
Practical Business Intermediate Advanced Business Proficiency in
English Business English English Business English

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