GE 04-Week-4-8
GE 04-Week-4-8
GE 04-Week-4-8
(GE 04)
Week 4-8
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GE 04 instructor
Certain principles are inherent in the communication process; these principles serve as the
fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for effective
communication. When people are aware of these principles, they know what to apply in their
everyday communication with others. They significantly decrease the likelihood of
misunderstanding and conflict and increase the chances of successful business transaction,
classroom discussion, family affairs, etc. this kind of communication develops productivity,
boosts competence, and lessens errors among people. Indeed, strong communication skills
help one to excel in any operation such as sending emails, winning a client, or conducting
research. Here are some essential tips to achieve good communication skills
( have a goal; listen; adjust to one‘s medium; stay organized; be
persuasive; be clear; use visuals and stories; focus on the communication goal; and be
Principles of Communication
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b. Meaning and context may vary.
c. Verbal and nonverbal influence on meaning.
d. Meaning and the medium are interconnected.
3. Communication is culture related. The diversity of cultures establishes various
assumptions and takes different knowledge for granted.
4. Communication is relational. All communication contains both a content (message)
level and a relational level, which means that, as well as conveying information, every
message indicates how the sender of a message and the receiver of that message
are socially and personally related.
5. Communication involves frames.
6. Communication is both presentational and representational.
7. Communication is a transaction.
What is Globalization?
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GE 04 instructor
1. Cultural relativism
2. Lack of knowledge of other‘s culture
3. Discrimination and harassment
4. Language differences
As more people cross borders because of globalization, more language contact happens,
making communication more challenging.
Communication has since been increasingly global, blurring national boundaries. The
ability to communicate effectively in a global setting can be a challenge. Hence, to
effectively communicate in a global context, a general understanding of the differences
in conducting communication from one country to another or from one culture to
another helps avoid miscommunication.
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It is important to know and adapt the different communication style with the people that
you will meet in a given situation.
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The diversity of people and culture impacts communication. Communicating with people
coming from unfamiliar cultures poses challenges.
Interaction with people from other cultures introduces a number of terms with specific
meanings. These terms are differentiated in with examples for
clearer understanding and appropriate use.
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GE 04 instructor
Communication becomes successful when people involved are sensitive to the socio-
cultural aspects of communication. The socio-cultural aspects (Dapat,, 2016) are
considered among participants of intercultural events.
1. Cultural identify refers to the membership and acceptance into a larger cultural
group that share a system of tradition, norms and values. It involves the people‘s
standards of appropriate and appropriate behaviour. The level of one‘s cultural
identity influences his/her emotional significance in the cultural group that
influences his/her behaviour as well. Communication should also be multicultural; be
open to the insights of other communicators with different cultures.
2. Gender role is not necessarily limited o male and female. In some culture, dresses
and skirts are proudly worn by men. While women, in another culture, are not only
seen nursing children at home but they also run a country or lead a nation. The
society and media representations of gender inform and influence the people‘s
understanding and expectations of the gender roles in the real world. Like culture,
communicators must respect and accept the gender preference of each human being.
People do not have the authority to judge or condemn other‘s sexual orientation.
3. Age identity-refers to how people feel and think about themselves as they age. Not
all children are innocent and childish, even adults are not matured and responsible.
Age identity can influence one‘s self-image, personality, language use, attitudes and
communication with others. Hence, communicators must be oriented with the age
identity of the person they are interacting so they can give a meaningful feedback.
4. Social class-is the rank assigned by the society to its members according to their
income, titles, possessions, etc. people‘s perception of another‘s social class affects
the way they communicate. The social class one of one culture may not apply to
another culture. Generally speaking, the higher classes enjoy more privileged roles,
and the lower classes are assigned manual labor. Regardless of one‘s social class,
people should communicate with him/her in a manner that he/she finds acceptable.
5. Religious identity- refers to the active or inactive membership of a person to a
certain religious organization. Some see themselves as members of various religious
groups. Either way, their religious beliefs, values and worldviews are associated with
their way of life. Religion is very sacred and important to anyone or perhaps to
everyone. Hence, religious issues and prejudices should be handled properly and
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Cultural factors in Multicultural Settings
Uniqueness of people is rooted in their backgrounds. These are usually their reference in
expressing their insights, decisions, actions, etc. especially when they are communicating
verbally or non-verbally.
Here are the major cultural factors (Cotton, 2013) which may influence one‘s
communication in multicultural settings:
1. Mother tongue and secondary languages. The first language is the basis of how one
initially thinks, behaves, and communicates with others. Second language has a lesser
effect unless it becomes the predominant language.
2. Race. One‘s characteristics as well as how others perceive him/her. As cultures
blend and understanding increases, racial equality is becoming less of an issue around
the world.
3. Ethnicity. People can be of a particular race and have different ethnic preferences
due to their life experiences and environment.
4. Gender. Being male or female certainly has an impact on how different countries and
cultures view different individuals; as gender equality still varies widely around the
5. Local culture. It is the combined influence of one‘s home life, surrounding
environment, neighbourhood, city or village. This is where one experiences the
support system that develops the foundation of his/her cultural beliefs and values.
These values influence that standards by which he/she measures the quality of
his/her life against those of others.
6. Religion. It is often one of the dominant cultural factors in a person‘s development
and it is always connected to an entire culture‘s history. It is frequently the
judgment factor between different cultures.
7. Regional attire. It can vary greatly from one culture to the next, as a result of the
industry, climate differences, and cultural preferences.
8. Ancestry, parents, and families. These are the foundations of a person‘s roots and
development. Their involvement or lack of involvement in one‘s upbringing and life
make a crucial contribution to his/her communication with others.
9. Teachers. One-third (or more) of a student‘s life is spent in school, both good and
bad teacher‘s influence helps establish many beliefs and values of a person,
particularly in career and personal decisions.
10. Friends. These include colleagues and peers who have a strong influence on how one
behaves and makes decision in some cases.
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11. Neighborhood. It influences and defines a person within the context of his/her city,
village or town. It can imply status, wealth, class, ethnicity, or simply a unique section
in town. It can create perceptions about the people who live with them.
12. Education. The level of one‘s education and vocations of choice supersede old cultural
factors that he/she has outgrown or that have changed as a result of his/her
13. Profession. This is where more than half of a person‘s life learning and growth
happens which makes a huge contribution to the development of other cultural
14. Experience. Life experiences alter and expand the way people view people, cultures,
and countries and what they consider comfortable (and uncomfortable).
15. Politics. It has a strong impact on the global perspective of different countries.
Leaders and the decisions they make can sometimes be beloved and hated
simultaneously depending on where you are and whom a person is talking to.
16. Physical features. People are very observant in the physical features of others. Self-
confidence is attributed to one‘s physical feature (i.e beauty, skin, height, etc.)
which greatly influence their communication and relationship with others.
17. Media. In this digital age. All forms of media are very significant and more than a
necessity to most people. People are now involved to what they read, watch or post
on media which alter their values and culture one way or another.
The following are suggestive ways (Dapat, et al, 2016) to communicate with in multicultural
1. People should be mindful of the other communicators who have different culture.
2. People should mindfully choose the suitable words and actions that are culturally
acceptable to others. Polite expression (e.g please, thank you) and gestures (e.g.
smile, bow) should be considered at all times.
3. People should be skillful and tactful in communicating in multicultural settings. Many
intercultural encounters involve well-meaning clashes, so language adeptness and
diplomatic actions should always be present.
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4. People should be observant on the connection among communication patterns. These
are structures of communication that link a person in the work team and his/her
evaluation in terms of efficiency of communication and satisfaction of his/her group
members. In particular, communication patterns among employees and their
5. People should open their minds to dissimilar culture because it can give them fresh
options to try a new approach in life.
The following guidelines may help you enhance your ability to communicate effectively
across cultures (Gamble & Gamble, 2008):
There are two varieties of language—the spoken and the written language. this
differentiation is predetermined by two distinct factors: the actual situation where the
language is being used (setting) and the aim of communication why the language is
needed (purpose)/ these two varieties have equal importance.
The written language has to seek means to compensate for what it lacks. It is more
carefully organized, more explanatory; the word choice is more deliberate. The written
language is able to live forever with the idea it expresses. It can be detached from the
user and objectively looked at in a different angle. The writer has an opportunity to
correct and improve what has been put to paper. It bears a greater volume of
responsibility than its spoken counterpart.
On the other hand, the spoken language is spontaneous and momentary; it is mostly
maintained in the form of a dialogue. It vanishes after having fulfilled its purpose,
which is to communicate the thought, whether trivial or important. The spoken language
cannot be detached from its user that‘s why they say of spoken language, the idea
remains but the language disappears.
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Varieties of English
World Englishes (WE) or varieties of English stands for the localized varieties of
English as they are used or spoken in certain areas. In the Asian context, the concept
was introduced by Braj Kachru. The famous ―Three Concentric Circles of Asian
Englishes‖ attributed to Kachru presents the three circles: Inner Circle with ENL
(English as a native language)member countries; the Outer Circle with ESL (English as a
Second Language) member countries and Expanding Circle with EFL (English as a Foreign
Language) member countries. It is then to be understood that people have different
linguistic and cultural backgrounds making intercultural communication a significant
variable in communication.
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Propositions of the Concentric Limitations of the Concentric Circles
1. It has an awareness of 1. The way English is used and the roles
varieties of English and of Englishes in these countries are
endangered a large number of vastly different from each other.
critical debates about the
traditional view of English
language as the language of
particular countries
2. It has also significantly helped 2. Due to the rapidly changing nature of
shift negative perceptions of English-speaking contexts in the
varieties of English which are globalized world, the boundaries
other than the Inner Circle separating these circles have become
Varieties. less distinct, making it more difficult
to find countries that can be
accurately classified as Expanding,
Outer or Inner Circle.
3. It has critically represented 3. The idea that each country‘s people
the realities of English speak the same varieties of English is
language communication found to be too simplistic.
situations; advocating the
recognition that differing
varieties of English would not
lead to a lack of intelligibly
and, therefore, should not be
treated as deficient.
4. The notion of worldliness of 4. The sense of segregation, which is at
English argues that English the at the heart of the circle metaphor is
enables its users from many counterproductive (having the opposite of
cultures to express and the desired effect); this segregation is also
negotiate their voices and a determining factor in influencing people‘s
disperse their knowledge in far attitudes to these Englishes.
broader communities as well as
gaining the possibility of
achieving international reach.
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Philippine English
Over the decades, Philippine English began develop as a variety of English in its own right,
associated with a distinct accent, a localized vocabulary, and even a body of creative
writing by Philippine writers in English. It is legitimate nativized variety of English it is the
language used by Filipinos in controlling domains such as science and technology, the
judiciary, the legislature, bureaucracy, higher education, scholarly discourse, and the like.
It has unique features that are unique to it (Dayag, 2012).
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World Englishes for Intercultural Competence
Intercultural competence is the ability to develop targeted knowledge, skills and attitudes
that lead to visible behaviour and communication that are both effective and appropriate in
intercultural interactions (Deardorff, 2006 as cited in
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Language Varieties
Language is a tool for people to communicate verbally or non-verbally through spoken and
written forms. It is constructed through the use of words in a structured or conventional
way. This language is usually shared by the members of community or citizens of a country.
Language variety is a specific set of linguistic items or human speech patterns (sounds,
words, grammatical features), which can be associated with some external factor
(geographical area or a social group)(Wardhaugh, 1986, as cited in Mu‘in 2008). There are
five varieties of language (, which all started in oral form or spoken language:
2. Creole- when children start learning a pidgin as their first language and it becomes
the mother tongue of a community, it called a creole. Like a pidgin, a creole is a
distinct language which has taken most of its vocabulary from another language, the
lexifier, but has its own unique grammatical rules. Unlike a pidgin, however, a creole
is not restricted in use, and is like any other language in its full range of functions.
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Photo courtesy:
4. Minority dialect
Sometimes member of a particular minority ethnic group have their own variety which
they use as a marker of identity, usually alongside a standard variety. This is called a
minority dialect. Apparently, some minority dialects are getting endangered.
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5. Indigenized Variety
Written Language
Written language is the written form of communication which includes both reading and
writing. It serves as a point of reference for the spoken language. specifically, written
language, whether reading or writing, requires basic language abilities. In fact , writing
is the language unsupported by all the vocal and visual signs that involves the process of
giving feedback from the receiver. Written language has phonological processing
(understanding of words with discrete sounds and associating these letters with sounds,
i.e. decoding), vocabulary, and syntax (grammar).
1. To keep records
2. To trade with property and owning, taxation
3. To study mathematical, scientific, and astronomical knowledge
4. To perform ceremonial and religious activities
5. To appreciate literature
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• What is a Message?
- it may be encoded in various forms like spoken words, written words, non-
verbals, pictures, films, advertisements, memes, visual and performing
arts, etc.
The usual platforms for this purpose of message are newspaper articles, magazine
features, news blogs, travel blogs, radio broadcasts, television newscasts, documentaries,
online video tutorials, seminars or conventions, and classroom lectures.
2. to entertain – When your purpose is to entertain, your message should give your audience
an enjoyable and relaxing feeling. In oral communication, your message should be light and
short. In movies, it could be a romantic comedy. Whatever medium it is that you use, always
remember that you are pleasing your audience and holding their attention while making a
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The message may be humorous but you do not need to be funny all the time just to
entertain. In oral communication, you can share interesting stories or an anecdote that is
relevant to the occasion. The usual platforms for this purpose of message are music,
movies, television sitcoms, sports broadcasts, social networks and entertainment media.
A post on Facebook may influence you to think one way by narrating only their side
of the story. As a media literate individual, you should be able to detect biases and read
The usual platforms for this message are advertisements, political speeches,
political blogs, and social media posts.
- In the mass, interactive and emerging media, the ones transmitting and
controlling most of the messages you receive are corporations,
government and individuals.
3. Be Clear – Make your message short and direct. Make sure that
there are no irrelevant information, no unfamiliar jargons, and no
ambiguous terminologies.
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Three (3) Receptive Skills (Critical Reading, Listening and Viewing)
1. Critical Reading – is a more active way of unveiling information and ideas presented
by the text. In the process of unveiling, you ,must be aware of your biases and
prejudices so that you can honestly evaluate the text. The steps involve in critical
reading are : analysis, interpretation, and evaluation.
Note: To become a purposeful, active, critical reader, you may take into consideration the
following strategies:
1. Monitor Comprehension
- It cannot be denied that you do know your limits when it comes to vocabulary,
understanding the important idea/s presented, connecting ideas to form a logical
conclusion, etc. Monitoring comprehension does not mean merely knowing what your
limitations are. You must be open to enhance your skills by applying strategies to fix your
2. Metacognition
- Besides knowing your limitations, you should also be aware of how you process thinking.
Be clear about the purpose of your reading before starting to read. While reading, be
aware of how fast or slow you read and understand the text. After reading, you try to
assess how much of the text were you able to understand. Try to assess what part made it
hard for you to understand and then find a way to fix this.
You may use the listed steps below. It may be hard at first but by regular practice,
you could be better.
3. Graphic Organizers
- If you are a visual learner, you may use graphic organizers to make it easy for you to
understand the text. Maps, graphs, frames, clusters, webs, storyboards, and Venn
diagrams are some examples of graphic organizers. Use them to understand and link
4. Answering Questions
- If you are the student who would speed read a text given by the teacher because you
wanted to get the answers to the questions posted on the board as soon as you can, then
this strategy will work for you. Asking questions will give you a purpose for reading
critically. You can start by asking explicit questions first and then move to implicit
b. Questions based on the recall of facts that are directly found in the text.
c. Questions where you can make use of what you already know against what you have
learned from the text.
- This strategy can be used when you are reading fiction. You can draft the story
structure by identifying the characters, setting, significant events, conflict, climax,
denouement, and resolution. You may combine this strategy with graphic organizer.
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6. Summarizing
- This strategy can be used when writing research. You determine what is important or
what the main idea is in the text and write it using your own words. After identifying main
ideas, you can start connecting them to complete your study. Do not forget to eliminate
unnecessary information to avoid confusion.
Learning Objectives:
1. Custom navigation (linking) between slides, to other media and to the Internet
2. Can be made into hard copy printouts or transparencies
3. Can be uploaded to the Web
B. Steps in Making Effective Multimedia Presentations
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Steps in Making Effective Multimedia Presentations
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1. Understand the importance of communication principles on television. Watch a talk
show, commercial and variety show on local television and accomplish the following
2. Through a slogan/poster, state how the knowledge of communication process aids people
in communicating effectively. Place your slogan/poster on a bond paper.
3. Create a vlog where you will answer the following rhetorical questions:
1. How do you say yes when you always say no?
2. How confident are you in speaking English?
3. When writing social media status or posting picture captions, which do you
prefer to use, Tagalog, Taglish or English? Why?
4. Do you find an English proficient person intimidating? Why or why not?
4. Read:―What is Globalization Anyway?‖ by Alex Gray (World Economic Forum, 2017) and
answer the following questions:
1. What does the experience of Starbucks tell the readers about globalization?
2. What are the driving forces behind globalization?
3. What are the benefits of globalization?
4. What are the negative effects of globalization?
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5. Read the following statements carefully. Tell whether each statement is true or false,
if the statement id false, re-write or revise it to make it true.
6. ―Human beings draw close to one another by their common nature, but habits and
customs keep them apart.‖ Do you agree or disagree? Give concrete situations to
support your stand.
8. List down at least 10 examples of Philippine English and give the definition of each.
9. Watch BBC and CNN International. Compare the two varieties of English you listened
to. Make a list of vocabulary items that each variety uses and provide their
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10. React on the advertisement below:
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12. Watch the video presentation at then
answer the following questions:
1. How many minutes did the presentation last?
2. With the number of minutes, was the presenter able to show comprehensively his
3. How was the trip presented?
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