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I Returned The Book Whose Cover Was Torn.: Lesson 3: Adjective Clauses 3 (Whose + Quantity & Quality)

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1. Possessive pronoun “whose”
In possessive adjective clauses, the relative pronoun whose replaces a possessive word such as
Mary’s, his, our, their, the company’s, or its. Possessive adjective clauses can follow the subject
or the object pattern.
In the subject pattern, the whose + noun phrase is the subject of the adjective clause. In the object
pattern, the whose + noun phrase is the object in the adjective^ clause.
1. Some writers feel that whose should be used to refer only to people. For animals and
things, they recommend using of which. Compare:
I returned the book whose cover was torn.

Other writers use whose in all but the most formal writing (such as legal documents).
2. When whose + noun is the subject of an adjective clause, the verb agrees with that noun.
She takes care of two children whose mother works at night.
(The verb works is singular to agree with mother.)
She takes care of two children whose parents work at night.
(The verb work is plural to agree with parents.)

2. Phrases of quantity and quality

A relative pronoun can occur in phrases of quantity and quality.
Quantity Relative Pronouns
some of whom He gave two answers, both of which were correct.
all of whom The top students, all of whom graduated with
each of which honors, received scholarships.
both of which,etc.
Quality Relative Pronouns
the best of whom She has three daughters, the oldest of whom is
the oldest of whom studying abroad.
the most important of The comedian’s jokes, the funniest of which 1 had
which, etc. heard before,were about politics.

Rewrite the sentences
1. Nam is the boy with black curly hair.
--> The boy whose has black curly hair is Nam
2. The man seems very lonely because his wife and children are away
--> The man whose wife and children are away seems very lonely
3. I went to 2 telephone boxes but they were both out of order
--> I went to 2 telephone boxes, both of which were out of order
4. The city has sixteen schools. Two of them are junior colleges.
-> The city. both of which are junior colleges, has sixteen schools
5. Last night the orchestra played three symphonies. One of them was Beethoven’s Seventh.
---> Last night the orchestra ,each of which was Beethoven’s Seventh, played three symphonies
6. I tried on six pairs of shoes. I liked none of them.
---> I tried on six pairs of shoes none of which I liked
7. The village has around 200 people. The majority of them are farmers.
---> The village has around 200 people, all of whom are farmers
8. That company currently has five employees. All of them are computer experts.
---> That company currently has five employees , all of whom are computer experts
9. After the riot, over one hundred people were taken to the hospital. Many of them had been
innocent bystanders.
---> After the riot, over one hundred people were taken to the hospital, some of whom had been
innocent bystanders
10. The man called the police. His wallet was stolen.
---> The man whose wallet was stolen called the police
11. I met the woman. Her husband is the president of the corporation.
---> I met the woman whose husband is the president of the corporation
12. The professor is excellent. I am taking her course.
---> The professor whose course I am taking is excellent
13. Mr. North teaches a class for students. Their native language is not English.
---> Mr. North teaches a class for students, whose native language is not English
14. The people were nice. We visited their house.
---> The people whose house we visited were nice
15. I apologized to the woman. I spilled her coffee.
---> I apologized to the woman whose coffee I spilled


I. Language building

Picture 1

1. The woman whose tyre is flat is calling

the telephone.

2. The woman whose baby is crying has a

flat tyre.
Picture 2 Picture 3

3. The people whose dog is adorable is 5. The children whose teacher is explaining
exercising. looks confused

4. The people are walking the dog whose 6. The teacher is explaining to the boy whose
color is both black and white book is geography book

II. Tactic Practice

1. Reorder the words to make a meaningful sentence.

Picture 1

1. The/ whose bag/ to carry/ woman/ big/ is/

very/ is trying/ it/ upstairs.
The women whose bag is very big is trying to
carry it upstairs

2. There/ is/ a/ whose /heavy/ bag/ woman/

There is a women whose bag looks heavy

Picture 2

3. The man/ standing/ is cooking/ whose/ next

to/ family/ is/ him.
The man whose family is stading next to him is

4. The man/ is/ both of whom/ cooking/ wife/

and/ next to/ daughter/ with/ his/ are standing/
The man is cooking with his wife and daughter,
both of whom are standing next to him
Picture 3

5. The man/ cleaning/ whose friend/ is

sleeping/ is/ the wall.
The man is sleeping whose friend is cleaning the

6. The/ husband/ woman/ resting/ is/ cleaning/

whose/ is.
The woman is cleaning whose husband is

2. Make sentences about the pictures with the suggested words

1. read/ interest/ whose 3. hands/ men/ stand

The women and the boy are reading book , both
II.2. câu 3. Hands/men/stand
of whom are interesting in reading it
The man whose is a partner of the women
standing next to him
2. women/ both/ cheap

The cheap dress are being bought by two

women, both of them looks beautiful
III. Test practice
In this part of the test, you will write ONE sentence that is based on a picture. With each
picture, you will be given two words or phrases that you must use in your sentence. You can change
the forms of the words and you can use the words in any order.
1. women/ yoga

Three women, all of whom are sitting , are doing yoga

2. move/ surface

The car is moving through the surface , whose has water

3. eat/ party

The people, all of whom are having a party, are eating

4. grandmother/ lucky money
The grandmother, whose has lucky moneys , is giving them for her grandchildrens

5. umbrellas/ all

The childrens, all of whom have umbrellas , are walking together in the rain

6. woman/ street

The women whose suitcase is red is standing on the street



A noun clause is a dependent clause that functions as a noun. A noun clause is often part of an
independent clause, where it can be a subject or an object.
What the newspaper reported was incorrect.
People once believed that the world was flat.
A noun clause can also follow certain adjectives and nouns.
We were happy that the semester was over.

Who first challenged the belief that the world was flat?
There are three kinds of noun clauses:
1. that clauses, which begin with the word that
2. if/whether clauses, which begin with the words whether or if
3. question clauses, which begin with a question word, such as who, what, where, when, or how

1.That clauses

2. If/ whether clauses

3. Question clauses


1. Write that-clauses

1. Tim hasn’t been able to make any friends.

It is obvious that Tim hasn’t been able to make any friends
2. Drug abuse can ruin one’s health.
It is true that drug abuse can ruin one’s health
3. Some women do not earn equal pay for equal work.
It is unfair that some women do not earn equal pay for equal work
4. The earth revolves around the sun.
That The earth revolves around the sun is a fact
5. Irene, who is an excellent student, failed her entrance examination.
That Irene, who is an excellent student, failed her entrance examination is a pity
6. Smoking can cause cancer.
 It is a well-known fact that smoking can cause cancer.
7. English is the principal language of the business community throughout much of the
8. It is a fact that English is the principal language of the business community
throughout much of the world

2. Write if-clause and question clauses

1. How much does this book cost?
I wonder how much this book costs
2. When is Flight 62 expected to arrive?
I don’t know when Flight 62 is expected to arrive
3.Where is the nearest phone?
 I wonder where the nearest phone is
4.Is this word spelled correctly?
 I wonder whether this word is spelled correctly
5. What time is it?
 I wonder what time it is ?
6. Does this bus go downtown?
 I wonder if this bus goes downtown
7.Is this information correct?
 I wonder this information is correct
8.Whose pen is this?
Do you know Whose pen this is

I. Building Language

a- Give some words which may be used to describe pictures 1-3. Compare with your friends
b- Complete the following about pictures 1-3 with the suitable words

Picture 1 Picture 2

1. He knows how to play golf 3. The girl knows that she has to pass exam.
2. That he can play golf is a fact
4. She doesn’t know what the score of exam
Picture 3
5. The girl is practising what she has learned

6. It is obvious that the girl can play piano

II. Tactic Practice

1. Reorder the words to make a meaningful sentence.

Picture 1

1.They/how/ are/ asking/ car/ much/ the/ is.

they are asking how much the car is

2. They/ whether/ car/ wonder/ they/ buy/

should/ the.

They wonder whether they should buy the car

Picture 2

3. They/ the/ tree/ know/ decorate/ how/ to.

They know how to decorate the tree

4. It/ is/ spring/ apparent/ coming/ that/ the/ is.

It is apparent that the spring is coming

Picture 3 The workers are doing what they can do to fix

the road

6. They/ don’t/ finish/ know/ when/ work/

they/ can/ their

They don’t know when they can finish their


5. The/ fix/ workers/ are/ they/ doing/ what/

road/ can/ to/ the.
2. Make sentences about the pictures with the suggested words
1. heavy/ lift/ athletic 2. look/ what/ man

It is obvious that the athletic can lift the The women is looking what the man is
heavy dumbbells writting

3. explain/ teacher/ help

The teacher is explaining what her student

needs help

III. Test practice

In this part of the test, you will write ONE sentence that is based on a picture. With each
picture, you will be given two words or phrases that you must use in your sentence. You can change
the forms of the words and you can use the words in any order.

1. focus/ study 2. look/ say

it's obvious that he is focused on the girl looks very scared at what her mother
studying said
3. show/ to 4. smell/ woman

the women is looking what the man’s showing It is the true that the women is smelling the
to her ………………………………………………. flower
……………………………………………… ……………………………………………….

5. fix/ break 6. swim/ pool

That the man is fixxing the break chair is a fact It is clear that she is swimming in the pool

………………………………………………. ……………………………………………….
…………………………………………….. ………………………………………………
……………………………………………… ……………………………………………..


1. Present simple: S+ is/are + Vpp

Ex: He reads a book every day.
 A book is read everyday.
2. Present continuous: S +is/are + being + Vpp
Ex: He is feeding the dog.
 The dog is being fed.
3. Present perfect: S +have/ has + BEEN+ Vpp
Ex: He has just solved the problem.
 The problem has just been solved.
4. Past simple: S + was/ were +Vpp
Ex: He broke the plate.
 The plate was broken.

5. Future : will/ be going to + be + Vpp
Ex: He is going to draw the money.
 The money is going to be drawn.
6. have/ has someone do something = have something done (by someone)
Ex: He has the teacher explain the math.
 He has the math explained by the teacher.
S+ have/ has+ something +V3(ed) …(by someone)


Change into passive voice

1. The waitress is serving the customer.
 ……………………………………………………
2. The teacher is going to explain the lesson.
 ……………………………………………………
3. She has suggested a new idea.
 ……………………………………………………
4. They are painting the house.
 ……………………………………………………
5. A hurricane destroyed the small village.
 ……………………………………………………
6. The student is erasing the blackboard.
 ……………………………………………………
7. He is awarding her the scholarship.
 ……………………………………………………
8. The waiter handed Ann a menu at the restaurant.
 ……………………………………………………
9. The teacher is explaining the problem to the students.
 ……………………………………………………
10. They have him fix the bicycle.
 ……………………………………………………
11. The assistant manager is interviewing me.
 ……………………………………………………
12. The lesson interests him.
 ……………………………………………………
13. The result disappoints him.
 ……………………………………………………
14. The class bores students.
 ……………………………………………………
15. She has her daughter clean the house.
 ……………………………………………………

I. Building Language
a-Give some words which may be used to describe pictures 1-3. Compare with your friends
b-Complete the following about pictures 1-3 with the suitable words
Picture 1 Picture 2

1. She is ………………… an award for her 3. The clothes are piled in…………………...
4. A lot of clothes needs to be …………
2. An award is…………………….to the excellent
Picture 3

5. The mother ………. a gift on her


6. A gift ………………..to the


II. Tactic practice

1. Reorder the words to make a meaningful sentence

Picture 1
1. The/ needs/ man/ bicycle/ to be/ has/ a/
which/ repaired. 

2. The/ bicycle/ two men/ repaired/ is/ being/

Picture 2

3. Many/row/ shopping/ lined up/ carts/ are/

in/ a.

4. The/ arranged/ shopping/ next to/ wall/

carts/ are/ a.


Picture 3 6. Ribbons and tinsels/ decoration/ Christmas

tree/ are/ hung/ on/ the/ for.

5. The/ Christmas/ribbons and tinsels/being/

with/ decorated/ tree/ is
2. Make sentences about the pictures with the suggested words

1. pile/ place/ armchair 2. bed/ make/ woman

………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………
………………………… ……………………….
………………………………………………….. …………………………………………
…………………………………………………. ……………………………………………

3. chef/ prepare/ cake


III. Test Practice

In this part of the test, you will write ONE sentence that is based on a picture. With each
picture, you will be given two words or phrases that you must use in your sentence. You can
change the forms of the words and you can use the words in any order.

1.giraffee/ feed 3. ATM/ money


2. amaze/ small 3. have/ fix

…………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………
………………………… …………………………

4. grow/ next 3. child/ shout

…………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………
……………………….. …………………………


1. who, that, which- subject

2. whom, that, which -object,
3. whose, …of which/ whom
4. Noun clauses
5. Passive voice


Mini-test 1
Question 1 of 5
Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it.
You may change the forms of the words and you may use them in any order.

in front of/ building

there is a beach in front of the buldings

Question 2 of 5
Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it.
You may change the forms of the words and you may use them in any order.
a lot of/ road

there are a lot of cars on the road

Question 3 of 5
Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it.
You may change the forms of the words and you may use them in any order.

horse/ graze

there are 2 horses grazing

Question 4 of 5
Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it.
You may change the forms of the words and you may use them in any order.
interest/ music

she looks very interested in the music she is listening to

Question 5 of 5
Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it.
You may change the forms of the words and you may use them in any order.

read/ bed
he is reading a book in bed

Mini-test 2
Question 1 of 5
Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it.
You may change the forms of the words and you may use them in any order.
sit/ portrait

Question 2 of 5
Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it.
You may change the forms of the words and you may use them in any order.

award/ on

Question 3 of 5
Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it.
You may change the forms of the words and you may use them in any order.
mechanic/ teach

Question 4 of 5
Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it.
You may change the forms of the words and you may use them in any order.

newspaper/ while

Question 5 of 5
Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture using the TWO words or phrases under it.
You may change the forms of the words and you may use them in any order.
make/ speech

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