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Cambodia V Thailand

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Temple of Preah Vihear (Cambodia v.



Cambodia complained that Thailand had occupied a piece of its territory surrounding the ruins of the
Temple of Preah Vihear, a place of pilgrimage and worship for Cambodians, and asked the Court to
declare that territorial sovereignty over the Temple belonged to it and that Thailand was under an
obligation to withdraw the armed detachment stationed there since 1954. Thailand filed preliminary
objections to the Court’s jurisdiction, which were rejected in a Judgment given on 26 May 1961. In its
Judgment on the merits, rendered on 15 June 1962, the Court noted that a Franco-Siamese Treaty of
1904 provided that, in the area under consideration, the frontier was to follow the watershed line,
and that a map based on the work of a Mixed Delimitation Commission showed the Temple on the
Cambodian side of the boundary. Thailand asserted various arguments aimed at showing that the
map had no binding character. One of its contentions was that the map had never been accepted by
Thailand or, alternatively, that if Thailand had accepted it, it had done so only because of a mistaken
belief that the frontier indicated corresponded to the watershed line. The Court found that Thailand
had indeed accepted the map and concluded that the Temple was situated on Cambodian territory. It
also held that Thailand was under an obligation to withdraw any military or police force stationed
there and to restore to Cambodia any objects removed from the ruins since 1954.

On 28 April 2011, the Kingdom of Cambodia submitted to the Court, by an Application filed in the
Registry, a Request for interpretation of the Judgment rendered by the Court on 15 June 1962 in the
case concerning the Temple of Preah Vihear (Cambodia v. Thailand). In that Judgment, the Court had
ruled that “the Temple of Preah Vihear is situated in territory under the sovereignty of Cambodia”
and that “Thailand is under an obligation to withdraw any military . . . forces . . . stationed . . . at the
Temple, or in its vicinity on Cambodian territory”. In 2008, on Cambodia’s request, the Temple was
included on the list of World Heritage sites by UNESCO. Following that inclusion, several armed
incidents took place between the Parties in the frontier area close to the Temple. On the same day
that it filed its Application, Cambodia, stressing the urgency and the risk of irreparable damage, also
filed a Request for the indication of provisional measures. In its Order of 18 July 2011 on that
Request, the Court ruled that it could exercise its power under Article 41 of the Statute and indicated
provisional measures requiring, among other things, both Parties to withdraw their military
personnel from a “provisional demilitarized zone” surrounding the Temple, as defined in the Order.

In the Judgment delivered by it on 11 November 2013, the Court concluded that there was a dispute
between the Parties as to the meaning and scope of the 1962 Judgment. The Court then turned to
the interpretation of the 1962 Judgment. It noted that the principal dispute between the Parties
concerned the territorial scope of the second operative paragraph, namely the territorial extent of
the “vicinity” of the Temple of Preah Vihear.

The Court considered that, in view of the reasoning in the 1962 Judgment, seen in the light of the
pleadings in the original proceedings, the second operative paragraph of the 1962 Judgment required
Thailand to withdraw from the whole territory of the promontory of Preah Vihear any Thai personnel
stationed on that promontory at the time. Accordingly, the Court found that the term “vicinity on
Cambodian territory” had to be construed as extending at least to the area where a police
detachment had been stationed at the time of the original proceedings. It subsequently identified
and defined the limits of that area.

The Court then examined the relationship between the second operative paragraph and the rest of
the operative part. It considered that the territorial scope of the three operative paragraphs is the
same: the finding in the first paragraph that “the Temple of Preah Vihear is situated in territory under
the sovereignty of Cambodia” must be taken as referring, like the second and third paragraphs, to
the promontory of Preah Vihear.



THE Temple of Preah Vihear is an ancient shrine situated on the

borders of Thailand and Cambodia. The temple and the grounds are

of considerable artistic and archaeological interest, and are potenti-

ally important militarily. The natural boundary between the two

countries in this region is formed by the high Dangrek Range, which,

in the area of Preah Vihear, rises abruptly out of the Cambodian

Plain forming a cliff-like escarpment from which the land then

descends to the north into Thailand. The temple is situated on a

promontory at the edge of the escarpment overlooking the Cam-

bodian Plain to the south.

The present boundary is the result of treaties which were nego-

tiated in 1904-07 and which determined that the line was generally

to follow a specified watershed in this area. The watershed line

at Preah Vihear followed the edge of the escarpment, with the nat-

ural result geographically of enclosing the temple within Thailand.

However, the maps which were later produced by a French firm,

at the request of the Siamese Government, deviated from the water-

shed line at Preah Vihear so that the temple was shown as being

in Cambodia which, until 1953, was a part of French Indo-China.

This deviation apparently went unnoticed by Thailand.

In 1949, the French Government protested on learning that

Thai troops had been stationed at Preah Vihear. No explanation

resulted and Cambodia, having become independent in 1953, insti-

tuted the present proceeding before the International Court of

Justice in 1959, asking that it be declared the sovereign of the area

in question.

The Court ruled in favor of Cambodia by a vote of nine to

three.' The result at first seems anomolous since it is contrary to

the original provision of the treaty, and since the deviation from the

watershed was probably due to a topographical mistake. Neverthe-

less, the Court justified its decision on either of two alternative bases:

(1) that the two countries adopted the maps at the time of their

publishing as officially delimiting the international boundary; and

(2) that the concept of preclusion now prevents Thailand from

claiming sovereignty over the territory.

As the facts were reported by the Court, the maps were never

specifically adopted by the Mixed Boundary Commission, 2 for that

body was dissolved before the maps were published. Copies were

delivered to the central government of Thailand, however, and there

could have been no doubt that the maps purported to be the out-

come of the Commission's work. Although Thailand did not

expressly recognize the validity of the maps, the Court concluded

that the circumstances were such as to impose on Thailand a duty

to inspect the maps, and a failure to protest was to be taken as a

tacit adoption. This conclusion was based on the concept of "ac-

quiescence" which protects a country having taken a position adverse

to the interest of another, where the other fails to protest within a

reasonable time.3 The theory is that the first country may have

relied on its own position and the other country ought to be estopped

to contest the result at a later time. This is said to be "an essential

requirement of stability" in the international sphere.4 Acquiescence

may have relevance either with respect to changes in the status of

international rights and customs, or with respect to modification of

treaties, as in the instant case.5 However, for the acquiescence to be

effective, it must be under circumstances from which consent on the

part of the adversely affected nation could reasonably be inferred.

Thailand's duty to inspect the maps also prevented it from

claiming that any adoption at the time of publication was vitiated

by the undetected error. A plea of error will not be allowed in

international law where the parties could have avoided it, and here

the circumstances were such as to put Thailand on notice of possible


Since the Court concluded that Thailand had adopted the maps

in 1908-09, thus making them a part of the treaty, and since this con-

clusion was strengthened by Thailand's continued use of the maps

over a long period of time, as well as other events,7 the Court found

it unnecessary to develop the preclusion theory. Nevertheless it was

asserted as an adequate basis for decision even if Thailand had never

adopted the maps. "Preclusion" in international law is the process

by which one nation acquires sovereignty over an area by long posses-

sion adverse to the real sovereign.8 In this case the basis of pre-

clusion would be the assertion of sovereignty in the publication of

the maps by Cambodia, and continued acts in relation to the temple

amounting to a continued claim to ownership. Thus, in the view

of the evidence taken by the Court, Cambodia could now claim the

temple even if it be conceded that Thailand could have properly

asserted sovereignty just subsequent to the events of 1908-9.

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