Audit Proformas 07 (A To G)
Audit Proformas 07 (A To G)
Audit Proformas 07 (A To G)
38410332 Name of School GPS Chak No 6 ML
S/No. Name of Employee & Parentage Designation Scale Personal Number Appointment Order No. / Date &
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Muhammad Arif s/o Mukhtar Ahmad ESE 14 31726599 DEO Elementary, 2988, 26-05-2014
3 Pervez Ahmad s/o Allah Baksh PST 14 30532995 Dy DEO,. 2357, 28-09-1989
Tehsil Bhalwal
Date of 1st Appointment with Bank A/C No. Bank Name & Branch CODE
School Name
7 8 9
S/No. Name of Employee & Parentage Designation BPS No. Personal Number Date of Appointment & School
ycle payments (PROFORMA-C)
Date of 1st
S/No. Name of Employee & Parentage Designation BPS No. Personal No.
s Resignation (PROFORMA-E)
Date of Resignation /
Salry Paid upto
Employee's Transfer from the District & from other Distt. To Sargodha
Name of School
School Name where Appointment Order # Transfer Order No. /
Appointed Date / Authority Authority
Gross P
S/No. Name of Employee & Parentage Designation Scale Personal Number
August, September, October, November,
July, 2018
2018 2018 2018 2018
1 Muhammad Arif s/o Mukhtar Ahmad ESE 14 31726599 27592 29527 30448 30448 30448
2 Pervez Ahmad s/o Allah Baksh PST 14 30532995 54608 56882 57964 57964 57964
GPS Chak
Name of School No 6 ML