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Structural Design Proposal For The Le Boulevard Sky Light Doha Qatar

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Structural Design Proposal for the Le Boulevard Sky light Doha Qatar

Article · May 2015


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Muhammad Tayyab Naqash

Islamic University of Medina


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International Journal of
Advanced Structures and Geotechnical Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, Vol. 04, No. 02, April 2015

Structural Design Proposal for the Le Boulevard Sky light Doha Qatar
Aluminium Technology Auxiliary Industries W.L.L.P.O Box 40625, Doha, Qatar
Email: tayyab@alutecqatar.com

Abstract: The here presented report deals with the structural calculation of Le Boulevard skylight 36m by 18m
in plan, located at a height of about 42m, subjected to a wind load of 1.7Kpa[1] in Doha Qatar. The skylight is
composed of rectangular curved tube and is designed for a basic wind speed of 25m/s as per Qatar Construction
Standards[2]. It is having Aluminium metal sandwich panels (honey comb) of 2mm top and bottom thickness
with 33 mm insulating material on top , whereas on the rest of the roof area glazing of 13.52 (lite) laminated +16
(gap)+8(lite) fully tempered glass is used. Two types of steel frames have been designed, one to support the
glazing and Aluminium sandwich panel whereas other steel framing system has to transfer all the loads to the
main structure[3-5].
Stresses and deflection checks obtained from the numerical model [6]have been carried out for glass,
Aluminium sandwich panel, primary and secondary steel framing elements. The connections especially among
the primary structural system, secondary system and the base plate are realized and checked for the induced
forces. All the structural system has been found SAFE according to different acceptance criterion[7]. This report
will give an overview to the technicians involve in the façade industry.
Keywords: Skylight, steel structures, structural glass, Aluminium sandwich panels

Skylightsare light transmitting fenestration forming The Primary Structure is composed of 250 x 200 x 12
all or a portion of a building's space for day lighting rectangular hollow tubes, whereas the Secondary
purposes. Here a skylight is designed using Sap 2000 Structure is composed of 150 x 150 x 10 square
numerical model (See Fig 1) for Le Boulevard hollow tubes connected to the primary structure using
building located in Doha Qatar. channel brackets. The secondary elements are
With reference to the structural modelling, the connected to the primary structural members,
transversal frames are rigid and the longitudinal therefore an equivalent profile is adopted for the
frames are pinned, the secondary members that are primary structural system, and the property of the
resting on the primary structure are pinned profile is mentioned below. The equivalent profile
connected. The base support is pinned, therefore does has the same area and same moment of Inertia in the
not allow the transformation of moments. In all strong axis; hence contribute in increasing the overall
frames both longitudinal and transversal, frame E inertia.
(the transversal one located at the symmetric point) The serviceability limit state, the glass permissible
govern the design, both for ultimate limit state and deflection equals Span/60 whereas Steel framing
serviceability limit state. elements permissible deflection = span/200[10],
The modelling assumption are such that the Aluminium sandwich panel permissible deflection
transversal frames are assumed to be the main load under dead and wind load is span/90[12], Aluminium
bearing frames, hence all are rigid frames, whereas sandwich panel permissible deflection under dead
the longitudinal frames are working as secondary and imposed load is span/200 [12].
frames. Therefore, they are released (pinned
connected with the transversal frames), and therefore Loading and combinations:
only transferring the shear (See Fig 2). Furthermore, The dead load comprised of Glass, Aluminium panel
conservatively, the slop of the skylight in the and structural elements, the deal load is calculated by
transversal direction is ignored, so that to haven the software (SAP 2000)
maximum bending effect and consequently the The wind load is Calculated as 1.7 kPa for 25m/s
deflections in the frame elements. wind speed as per British Standard and QCS 2014 [1,
Aluminium1100 H14,proof stress 135Mpa[8, 9] for 2]. The live load is the minimum imposed load on
Aluminium sandwich panel having 2mm top and roof with no access is considered as per British
bottom thicknesses with a 33mm insulated interlayer Standards [13], the following two cases are
is used. considered: (a) Live Load1: 1.5 kN (Concentrated
Steel grade S275 having yield strength 275Mpa [10, Load applied at most critical locations) (b) Live
11] is adopted for the steel members. The allowable Load2:0.6 kN/m2 (Uniform Load), these live loads
Stress for glass is, fallow equals 50 Mpa as bending are assumed to be non-concurrent.
stress. The glass is Double Glaze Unit having The design load combinations are the various
13.52mm outer laminated sheet having 1.52mm PVB combinations of the load cases for which the model
with 16mm air gap and 8mm clear inner sheet. needs to be checked. According to the BS 5950-2000

IJASGE 040206 Copyright © 2015 BASHA RESEARCH CENTRE. All rights reserved

code[10], as the structure is subjected to dead load WL,1.2 DL + 1.2 LL ±1.2 WL.
(DL), live load (LL) and wind load (WL), and Dynamic pressure is 1.669 Kpa Conservatively, a
considering that wind force is reversible, the dynamic pressure of 1.669kpa is considered.Net wind
following load combinations may need to be pressure is considered to be the maximum value
considered (See Fig. 3 and Fig. 4). among all zones, i.e. 1.7 Kpa,
1.4 DL, 1.4 DL + 1.6 LL,DL ±1.4 WL,1.4 DL ±1.4

Fig 2: Frame releases definitions

Fig 1: Numerical Model in SAP 2000

Fig 3: Concentrated Point load (left) applied at the

Fig 5: Glass (Red) and Aluminum (Green) shell
most critical positions and uniform live load (right)

Checking of aluminum sandwich panel:

Fig 6: Imposed loading (left) and wind loading

(right) on aluminum shell elements
Fig 4: Uniform wind load (left) and model (right)

Aluminium sandwich panel (2mm + 33 mm (space) +

2mm = 37 mm) resting on beam grid of (4500x
1500mm) as shown below is checked initially for
strength and deflection.

The sandwich panel has maximum stresses about

84.3 Mpa < 125Mpa (See Fig 7).
The deflection in aluminium sandwich panel is
reported here, being the allowable Deflection under
DL + WL =Span/90 = 4500/90 = 50>39.2-(See Fig
8). --OK

Fig 7: Maximum stresses under 1.4 DL + 1.4 WL

(Left) and under 1.2 DL + 1.2 WL + 1.2 LL (Right)

International Journal of Advanced Structures and Geotechnical Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, Vol. 04, No. 02, April 2015, pp 97-103
Structural Design Proposal for the Le Boulevard Sky light Doha Qatar

Fig 11a: DL + WL Fig 11b: DL Fig 11c: DL+LL

Under the assumed load combinations, the Demand

Fig 8a: DL + WL Fig 8b: DL Fig 8c: DL+LL to Capacity ratio as shown in Fig 12 has been
observed. It is evident that the ratios are less than 0.6,
Allowable Deflection under DL =Span/500 = which seems that all the sections are satisfied for
4500/500 = 9mm >2.24mm ----OK strength. The maximum demand to capacity ratio is
Allowable Deflection under DL + LL =Span/200 = found 0.52.
4500/200 = 22.5mm >15.4mm ----OK
The Aluminium Sandwich panels are Safe for both This shows that the most critical load combination is
ultimate limit states and serviceability limit states 1.2(DL+WL+LL1+LL2), hence, together with
1.4(DL + WL) load combination the stresses are
Checking of glass panel for strength and shown also for this load combination.
deflection: Low stresses has been observed under combinations
The glass panel (13.52mm + 16mm(space) + 8mm = other than the above two combinations.
21.52mm) resting on beam grid of (1500x1500mm)
as shown in Fig 9 is checked initially for strength and
deflection. Conservatively, it is assumed to be
without the air gap and furthermore, it is considered
to be flat although in real situation it is curved,
therefore in real scenario will have reduced stresses
due to membrane action as well deflection.The glass
has maximum stresses of about 38.4 Mpa < 50 Mpa
(See Fig 10) -Hence Safe Allowable Deflection under Fig 12: Obtained Demand to Capacity ratios
any the adopted load combination equals Span/60 =
2250/60 =37.5 mm >23.8 mm (See Fig 11)
The design is carried out taking into account all the
loading combinations and the Demand to Capacity
ratios has been checked, as shown below.

Fig 13: Stresses in shell elements under

1.4DL+1.4WL (left) and under
1.2(DL+LL1+LL2+WL) (right)

Fig 9: Imposed loading (left) and wind loading

(right) on glass shell elements

Fig 14: Overall model deflection (left) under dead

and imposed, (right) under dead and wind load

Fig 10: Maximum stresses under 1.4 DL + 1.4 WL

(Left) and under 1.2 DL + 1.2 WL + 1.2 LL (Right)

International Journal of Advanced Structures and Geotechnical Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, Vol. 04, No. 02, April 2015, pp 97-103

Stresses and Deflections in Longitudinal Frames

In the following section, the strength and deflection checks of longitudinal frames are addressed.

Max: 87.2 Mpa (1.2(DL+ WL+LL1+LL2)

Max: 88.4 Mpa (1.4DL+ 1.4 WL)

Max: 65.9 Mpa (1.4DL+ 1.6(LL1+LL2))

Fig 15: Stresses under various Load combinations in Frame 3-3< 275 Mpa

Max: 22.3 mm (DL)

Max: 34.3 mm (DL+


Max: 54.4 mm (DL+

Fig 16: Deflection under various Load
WL) combinations in Frame 3-3

Maximum allowable stress = 275Mpa > 88.4 Mpa -------Hence Safe Enough (See Fig 15).
Allowable deflection = Span/200 = 27000/200 = 135mm > 54.4mm, Hence Safe Enough (See Fig 16).

Stresses and deflections in transversal Allowable deflection = span/200 = 12000/200 =

frames: 60mm >54.4mm Hence Safe Enough
Frame E govern the design, both for ultimate limit In Secondary elements the relative displacement is
state and serviceability limit state.Maximum very small and it is normally less than 2mm, as an
allowable stress = 275Mpa >196.7 Mpa, Hence example, see the figure below for one of an
Safe Enough element where the relative displacement under SLS
is only 1.7mm. Also the stresses are generally too
small. Limiting allowable displacement is span/200
= 1500/200 = 7.5mm

International Journal of Advanced Structures and Geotechnical Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, Vol. 04, No. 02, April 2015, pp 97-103
Structural Design Proposal for the Le Boulevard Sky light Doha Qatar

Max: 189.7 Mpa

Max: 130.5 Mpa

Max: 196.7 Mpa

Fig 17: Stresses in Transversal Frame

Deflections in Frame E (Symmetrical point)

Max: 54.4 mm

Max: 22.3 mm

Max: 34.3 mm
Fig 18: Deflections in Transversal Frames

Frame to frame connection: (throat thickness 4.2mm) using E35 electrode and
It is to be noted that longitudinally there is no bolted to the main transversal frames.
moment at the joints as in the longitudinal direction Use 4 M20 bolts. The channel profile will be bolted
the members are released and therefore do not on one side and welded on the other side. The design
transfer moment but can only transfer shear. In figure of bolted side is as follows, Use 4 M20bolt
below, the shear force diagram is shown, the (minimum) and Use 6mm fillet weld (throat
maximum shear force at the joint is observed to be thickness equals 4.2mm) E35 Electrode for the cleats
61.8 kN. Hence the connections are designed for this For connecting the secondary members to the main
shear force. Vu (Shear) =61.8kN, the connections of frame members in longitudinal as well is the
the primary structural elements will follow these transversal direction, the maximum shear induced is
forces 22 kN (approx.), therefore a cleat angle is provided,
Shear capacity of M20 bolt = 91.9 KN > 62/4 = 15.5 here the bolt has to transfer shear of 22kN to the
KN---- Safe, Provide a channel to fit in between the main tube. Therefore M16 bolts will be enough. Use
main tube welded with through 6mm fillet weld 2 M16 bolt and double angle cleat or a channel tube

International Journal of Advanced Structures and Geotechnical Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, Vol. 04, No. 02, April 2015, pp 97-103

80x80x8.From the above results, The Bracket is

subjected to the following, Maximum reactions due
to Ultimate limit state V= 22KN, Assume Stainless
Steel M16 bolts and therefore it is found safe.

Sleeve connection:
Since it is difficult to transport the transversal frame
as one member, therefore, sleeve connections are
made. These connections are located at a distance of Fig 22: Structural Section of the Skylight
750mm from the joint where the curve member
Checking the connection for shear,
meets. The maximum shear at this point is about
Shear area of the sleeve (220 x 170 x 12) = 220 x 12
41kN, a bending moment of 73 KN-m is recorded.
x 2 = 5280mm2
The proposed connection is as shown below, Since
Pv = 0.6 Py Av = 0.6 (275) (2x 200x)12/1000 =
six bolts are considered on one side, Axial Tension /
792KN >284 KN -----OK
Compression due to bending moment on group of
Maximum reactions under 1.4 (DL + WL) are Fx =
bolts is 73/0.3 = 243 KN, Vertical shear = 41 KN,
22 KN (Shear), Fy = 108 KN (Shear) and Fz = 182
Therefore, net axial shear in bolts will be 243 + 41 =
KN (Vertical compression), whereas Maximum
284 KN, Shear capacity of M20 grade 8.8 bolts = 71
reactionsunder 1.2 (DL + WL+ LL1+ LL2)are Fx =
KN, Bolts required = 284/71 = 3.9 Say 6 bolts (for
23 KN (Shear), Fy = 112 KN (Shear) and Fz = 187.7
safety allowance) Use 6 M20 bolts (minimum)
KN (Vertical compression)
Provide 6mm fillet weld (throat thickness 4.2mm) all
around the tube,Perimeter of the weld will be 250x2
+ 200x 2 = 900mm and Area of weld is 900x4.2 =
3780 mm2
Maximum Fx = 23 KN (Shear), Fy = 112 KN (Shear)
and Fz = 187.7 KN (Vertical compression), Resultant
shear is 114KN and therefore the stresses in weld
were found to be 30 Mpa < 220 Mpa, hence 6mm
fillet weld (throat thickness 4.2mm) of E35 Electrode
around the tube is recommended.
Fig 19: Longitudinal frame to the Transversal frame The base plate dimensions are calculatedas per
connection British Standards and found that using 400 x 300 x
20 (mm), thick steel base plate with s275 (yield
strength 275 Mpa) is safe enough. The HIT-HY 200
M16or any equivalent anchors bolts are
recommended being conservatively with the
assumption of Cracked Concrete [14] with very wide
reinforcement. The ancher bolts are designed for the
Fig 20: Detail of Sleeve Connection following loads,Maximum Fx = 23 KN (Shear), Fy =
112 KN (Shear) and Fz = 187.7 KN (Vertical
Hilti SAFEset HIT-Z anchor with HIT-HY 200
injection mortar with 96 mm embedment h_ef, M16,
Steel galvanized, Hammer drilled installation per
ETA 12/0028 or any other equivalent anchors are
Aluminium metal sandwich panels having 2mm top
and bottom thickness with 33 mm insulating material
is Safe both for Ultimate Limit States and
Serviceability Limit States and therefore shall be
used as minimum. Fully tempered glass of 21.52mm
Fig 21: Isometric view of Sleeve Connection thickness is Safe both for Ultimate Limit States and
Serviceability Limit States and therefore shall be
used as minimum 150 x 150 x 10 Hollow steel tube
of S275 steel grade for the supporting structure for
transferring loads to the main frame is Safe both for
Ultimate Limit States and Serviceability Limit States
and therefore shall be used as minimum

International Journal of Advanced Structures and Geotechnical Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, Vol. 04, No. 02, April 2015, pp 97-103
Structural Design Proposal for the Le Boulevard Sky light Doha Qatar

250 x 200 x 12 hollow steel tube of S275 steel grade [2] QCS 2014-2010, Qatar Construction
for the main structure for transferring loads to the Specifications. 2010, 2014.
base plate is Safe both for Ultimate Limit States and [3] Leo Chan, Structural Use of Glass in Buildings.
Serviceability Limit States and shall be used as The Institute of Structural Engineers, 1999.
minimum [4] prEN 13474-2, Glass in building- Design of
M16 bolt of grade 8.8 and cleat angle or a channel glass panes-Part 2: Design for uniformly
tube 80x80x8 (minimum)mild steel of S275 steel distributed loads. European Standard, 2000.
grade on one side and 6mm fillet weld (throat [5] prEN 13474-3, Glass in building -
thickness 4.2mm) on the other side of cleat for Determination of the strength of glass panes -
connecting the secondary members shall be used as Part 3: General method of calculation and
minimum determination of strength of glass by testing.
M20 bolt of grade 8.8with a channel of mild steel of European Standard, 2009.
S275 steel grade on one side and 6mm fillet weld [6] CSI SAP V15, Integrated Finite Element
(throat thickness 4.2mm) on the other side for Analysis and Design of Structures Basic
connecting the longitudinal frame with the Analysis Reference Manual. Computers and
transversal frame shall be used as minimum Structures, Inc., Berkeley, CA, USA, 2002.
M20bolt of grade 8.8 shall be used for the sleeve [7] AS 1288, Glass in Buildings: Selection and
connection Installation. Australian Standard, 2006.
M16 stainless steel bolt class 80 shall be used as [8] BS 8188-1, Structural use of aluminium, Part 1:
minimum for bracket connection Code of Practice for Design. British Standard,
400 x 300 x 20 mm thick base plate of S275 steel 1991.
grade shall be used [9] BS 8188-2, Structural use of aluminium, Part 2:
Hilti SAFEset 4 numbers of HIT-Z anchor with HIT- Specification for materials, workmanship and
HY 200 injection mortar with 96 mm embedment protection. British Standard, 1991.
h_ef, M16, Steel galvanized, Hammer drilled [10] BS 5950-1, Structural use of steelwork in
installation per ETA 12/0028 shall be used as building. British Standard, 2000.
minimum [11] BS 5950-2, Specification for materials,
fabrication and erection — Rolled and welded
Acknowledgement: sections. British Standard, 2001.
The Author acknowledged the support of his [12] BS 5427-1, The use of profiles sheet for roof
employer ALUTEC W.L.L, Qatar’s largest and wall cladding on buildings. British
Aluminium and glazing company, specializing in Standard, 1996.
architectural Aluminium and glass products, [13] BS 6399-3, Loading for buildings, Part 3: Code
Aluminium doors, windows, skylights, cladding of practice for imposed roof loads. British
projects and unitized as well in standard curtain walls Standard, 1988.
systems. [14] HILTI PROFIS 2.4.7, Hilti PROFIS Anchor
software Hilti registered trademark of Hilti
References: Corporation, 9494 Schaan, Liechtenstein 2009-
[1] BS 6399-2, Loading for buildings, Part 2: Code 2011.
of practice for wind loads. British Standard,

International Journal of Advanced Structures and Geotechnical Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, Vol. 04, No. 02, April 2015, pp 97-103

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