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D. All of These: Human Resource Management

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Human Resource Management

1. The basic managerial skill(s) is (are)

A. To supervise
B. To motivate
C. To stimulate
D. All of these

2. The actual achievements compared with the objectives of the job is

A. Job Performance
B. Job evaluation
C. Job description
D. None of these

3. HR Planning involves four distinct phases ONE of these stages is

A. business scanning
B. Forecasting human resource records
C. Organisation development
D. planning

4. Strategic Human Resource management is

A. proactive
B. reactive
C. both
D. None of these

5. Job evaluation is based on the:

A. Complexity of the job to perform

B. Conceptual skill required by the job
C. Relative job worth for an organization
D. Physical skills required by the job

6. ______________ is a performance measure of both efficiency and effectiveness.

A. Organisational behaviour
B. Organisational citizenship
C. Employee productivity
D. None of these

7. Which performance appraisal methods consumes a lot of time?

A. Essay method
B. Rating Scales
C. Critical incident
D. Tests And Observation

8. Which of the following is a benefit of employee training?

A. Improves morale
B. Helps people identify with organisational goals
C. Provides a good climate for learning, growth and co - ordination
D. None of these

9. Which of the following is a method used in group or organisational training needs assessment?

A. Consideration of current and projected changes

B. Rating scales
C. Interviews
D. Questionnaires

10. Which of these is a hindrance to effective training?

A. Career planning workshop

B. Aggregate spending on training is inadequate
C. Mentoring
D. Career counselling

11. Which of the forecasting technique is the fastest?

A. Work study technique

B. Flow models
C. Ratio trend analysis
D. HR demand Forecast

12. When appraisals are made by superiors, peers, subordinates and clients then it is called ______________.

A. 360 degree feedback

B. 180 degree feedback
C. Self - appraisal
D. All of these

13. The human resource Manangement helps toi improve the ______________

A. Production
B. Productivity
C. power
D. Produce

14. The solution to many so-called 'people problems' is often associated with improving the effectiveness of the
recruitment process by:

A. Having a robust HR department to carry out the process

B. Outsourcing the HR department
C. Careful selection of the right people for the job
D. Devolving to line managers

15. Human Resource Information system

A. Integrates core process into streamline systems

B. Collaborates core process into streamline systems
C. Plans core process into streamline systems
D. All of these

16. e-HRM stands for

A. Electronic
B. Economic
C. Equal
D. None of these

17. One of the most popular methods of increasing employee responsibility and control is ______________.

A. Outsourcing
B. "Military model" of management
C. Work teams
D. Manpower planning

18. What are the main aims of Employee Assistance Programmes?

A. To alter the organizational culture.

B. To address team and individual performance and well-being in the workplace.
C. To focus the attention of employees to the power structures of an organization.
D. To establish effective methods of care and support for everyone in an organization.

19. The focuses of psychological appraisals are on ______________ .

A. Future potential
B. Actual performance
C. Past performance
D. None of these

20. Which of these is the benefit of needs assessment?

A. Assessment makes training department more accountable

B. Higher training costs
C. Loss of business
D. Increased overtime working

21. What techniques are used while analysing the internal supply?

A. Inflows and outflows

B. Turnover rate
C. Conditions of work and absenteeism
D. All of the these

22. Which of these is one of the seven criteria for assessing performance?

A. Community service
B. Interpersonal contact
C. Need for supervision
D. All of these

23. Recruitment and selection must be effective to ensure it:

A. Offsets high labour turnover

B. Delivers the highest calibre of individuals at optimum most
C. To have a surplus in case of sickness and absence
D. Encourages new blood into the organization

24. Performance appraisals are designed to motivate workers by providing them with feedback, recognition, and

A. Better work facilities

B. Equal opportunities
C. Greater work autonomy
D. Praise

25. What do you understand "S" in the defining SMART Goals

A. Solution
B. specific
C. standard
D. soft

26. Training increases the employees

A. market value
B. earning power
C. job security
D. All of these

27. Full form of HRD is

A. Human Resource Development

B. Human Resource Department
C. Human Resource Division
D. None of these

28. Which of the following is a need that motivates human behaviour as per the achievement motivation theory?

A. Power
B. Affiliation
C. Achievement
D. All of these

29. ______________ refers to the learning opportunities designed to help employees grow.

A. Training
B. Development
C. Education
D. All of these

30. Which of these is an off - the - job training method?

A. Television
B. Job rotation
C. Orientation training
D. Coaching

31. The ______________ refers incentives to variable pay.

A. National Tribunal
B. International Labour office
C. Labour Court
D. None of the above

32. Which of the following is a barrier while doing human resource planning?

A. HR information often is incompatible with the information used in strategy formulation

B. Implementing human resource information system
C. Managing inventories
D. Supply forecast

33. The following is (are) concerned with developing a pool of candidates in line with the human resources plan

A. Development
B. Training
C. Recruitment
D. All of these

34. Competencies are the

A. Knowledge
B. Skills
C. Behaviour
D. All of these

35. The voluntary and involuntary permanent withdrawal from an organisation is called ______________.

A. Turnover
B. Behaviour
C. Misbehaviour
D. None of these

36. How does training and development offer competitive advantage to an organisation?

A. Removing performance decencies

B. Individuals have the aptitude and motivation to learn
C. Deficiency is caused by a lack of ability
D. None of these

37. ______________ seeks to examine the goals of the organisation and the trends that are likely to affect these

A. Organisational Support
B. Organisational analysis
C. Person analysis
D. Key skill abilities analysis

38. Which of the below given options is a pre - requisite for an effective incentive system?

A. Increased need for planning

B. Co-operation of workers
C. Management's commitment to the cost and time necessary to administer incentive schemes
D. All of the these

39. What are the pre - requisites for successful human resource planning?

A. Backing of top management

B. Personal records must be complete
C. Techniques of planning should be the best
D. All of these

40. Performance development plan is set for the employee by his immediate boss.

A. Employer
B. Department Head
C. Immediate boss
D. None of these

41. ______________ is a formal & detailed study of jobs

A. Job enrichment
B. Job evaluation
C. Job classification
D. Job analysis

42. The process of gathering information about job ______________

A. Job Analysis
B. Job Description
C. Job Simplification
D. Job Enrichment

43. ______________ Act prohibits the employment of child below 14 years of age

A. Child labour
B. Contract labour
C. Bonded labour
D. Wages contract

44. Grievances affect the employees ______________.

A. Promotion
B. Training.
C. Wages.
D. Morale

45. The promotion criteria is always based on ______________

A. Merit
B. Merit and seniority
C. Seniority
D. Recommendations

46. The process of providing the trainees the information about their performance

A. Feedback
B. Observation
C. Suggestion
D. Research

47. Forces affecting organisational behaviour are

A. People
B. Environment
C. Technology
D. All of the above

48. Too great a reliance on internal recruitment can result in ______________.

A. Reduced job performance

B. Higher labour turnover
C. Internal conflict
D. Poor group dynamics

49. A portrayal of replacing the employees is

A. Job chart
B. Replacement chart
C. Workers chart
D. Employees chart

50. HRM is ______________ in nature

A. Pervasive
B. Evasive
C. Decisive
D. Inclusive

51. The effect of ______________ on the emergence of aggressive behavior patterns is as yet up proven.

A. Environmental factors
B. Genetics.
C. Ethological Factors
D. Hormones

52. In depth description of a particular situation ______________

A. Group Discussion
B. Personal Interview
C. Case
D. Survey

53. The test which compare employee performance with job requirements ______________

A. Selection test
B. Preference test
C. Achievement test
D. Simulation

View answer
Correct answer: (B)
Preference test

54. The role in which a manager lead his subordinates and motivating them for willing cooperation is called as

A. Monitoring role.
B. Disseminator role.
C. Entrepreneur role.
D. Leader role.

55. Which is the scientific method in accumulating knowledge about mans social behavior?

A. Anthropology.
B. Social work.
C. Sociology.
D. Psychology..

56. Job enlargement expands ______________

A. Upward
B. Downward
C. Horizontally
D. Vertically

57. Job analysis is a formal and detailed study of ______________.

A. Salary
B. Raw materials
C. Machines
D. Jobs

58. Job description is helpful in ______________ grading and classification.

A. Salary
B. Position
C. Job
D. People

59. ______________ interview is conducted by a group of interviewers.

A. Non directional
B. Structured
C. Panel
D. Stress

60. Many colleges and universities have arranged for students to work part-time in a special training program as
part of their education. This training is called ______________

A. College trainee experience

B. Educational credits program
C. Coordinated education
D. An internship

61. Which test is conducted to measure the likes, dislikes & habits?

A. Vocational test.
B. Temperament test.
C. Skills test.
D. Interest test.

62. Which of the following helps the employee to improve their efficiency?

A. Development
B. Training.
C. Promotion.
D. Transfer.

63. Good employer employee relations are the backbone of all ______________

A. Personal activities
B. Human activities.
C. Personnel activities
D. Personnel policies.

64. Identify the personnel management functions from the following ______________.

A. Advertisement.
B. Quality control.
C. Capital budgeting.
D. Compensation.

65. The way of action which are accepted as legitimate by group members is called ______________

A. Values
B. Norms
C. Conformity.
D. Decision

66. Group established by the organisation to do its work and usually identifiable on an organisation chart

A. Task Group
B. Primary Group
C. Formal group.
D. Informal Group..

67. Dispute between employees at different levels in an organization is known as ______________

A. Horizontal conflict
B. over all conflict.
C. Vertical conflict
D. Organizational conflict.

68. The process of efficiently achieving the objectives of the organisation with and through people

A. Management
B. Administration
C. Decision Making
D. Controlling

69. The objective of salary administration is to offer ______________.

A. More wages
B. . Lesser wages
C. Poor wages
D. Fair wages

70. Breaking down of job into smaller parts covering few operations ______________

A. Job Enlargement
B. Job Cycle
C. Job Empowerment
D. Job Simplification

71. WAB's Refers to ______________

A. Weighted allotment blanks

B. Weighted application blanks
C. Weighted average blanks
D. Weighted assimilation blanks

72. In the time organization, the authority flow and from ______________.
A. top to bottom.
B. bottom to top
C. left to right
D. right to left.

73. Halo Effect is related with ______________.

A. performance appraisal.
B. wage & salary administration
C. selection.
D. transfer

74. Whatever an individual does, there is always some amount of ______________ on him

A. satisfaction.
B. stress.
C. profit
D. benefit

75. Adding more responsibilities, autonomy and control of a job ______________

A. Job enrichment
B. Jod design
C. Job requirement
D. Job analysis

76. Movement of an employee from a low level to the higher level is ______________

A. Transfer
B. Promotion
C. Rotation
D. Shifting

77. A kind of future oriented training ______________

A. Employee training
B. Employee development
C. Employability
D. Employee potential

78. Picking up suitable candidates by rejecting the unsuitable ______________

A. Recruitment
B. Training
C. Selection
D. Development

79. Violation of established rules ______________

A. Misconduct
B. Dismissal
C. Memo
D. Bad behaviour

80. ______________ is a worker oriented job analysis.

A. Functional Job analysis

B. Job description
C. Job analysis
D. Job seeking

81. Manager represents his organization or unit while interacting with outsiders is called as ______________.

A. Disseminator role.
B. Spokes person
C. Resource allocator.
D. Entrepreneur role

82. A test interprets problems or situations for employees is ______________

A. Projective tests
B. Interest tests
C. Preference tests
D. Simulation tests

83. Oral examination of candidates for employment is ______________

A. Placement
B. Screening
C. Interview
D. Selection

84. HR plans should be ______________ with the corporate plans of the enterprise.

A. Balanced
B. Not related
C. Mixed
D. Not balanced

85. ______________ interview is a type of interview which is pre planned and is held in a formal atmosphere.

A. Informal
B. Patterned
C. Formal
D. Structured

86. ______________ method of job evaluation is otherwise called classification method

A. Silent
B. College
C. Grading
D. Home

87. When the organization gives option to its employees to retire even before superannuation it is called

A. Forced retirement.
B. Compulsory retirements.
C. Voluntary retirement.
D. Premature retirement.

88. What helps for the exchange of ideas, facts, opinions or emotions between two or more persons?

A. Communication
B. Written communication.
C. Upward communication
D. Downward communication.

89. Businessmen could get an opportunity to earn huge profits as the cost of ______________.

A. Employee.
B. Employee & employer.
C. employer
D. Superior.

90. It is intended to reveal what is actually done opposed to what should be done.what is this?

A. Job Specification.
B. Job Evaluation.
C. Job Description.
D. Job Analysis.

91. Performance appraisal refers to ______________ of an employee

A. training.
B. placement.
C. assessment.
D. induction.

92. A group of persons in an organization for making or recommending certain decisions is ______________
termed as ______________.

A. Committee.
B. Formal Group.
C. Task Group
D. Performing Group

93. When expectation about a persons role in the group contradict one another, it becomes?

A. Down Ward Conflict

B. Up Ward Conflict
C. Role Conflict
D. Role Ambiquity

94. A group created by management to accomplish certain organizational goal is called as ______________.

A. Performance group.
B. Task group.
C. Prime group.
D. In group.

95. The ratio of an organisation's outputs to inputs

A. Productivity
B. Re engineering
C. Achievement
D. In tegration

96. Human Resource Planning is ______________ Looking function

A. Forward
B. Backward
C. Simple
D. Cross

97. A lateral movement within the same grade from one job to another

A. Promotion
B. Transfer
C. Recruitment
D. Retrenchment

98. Employees can be appraisal against ______________.

A. Relative standards
B. Objective
C. Absolute standards
D. Group

99. Traditional and direct method of instruction ______________

A. Programme
B. Demonstration
C. Lecture
D. Role playing

100. ______________ is the tendency of highly cohesive groups to value consensus at the price of decision

A. Group think
B. Group process
C. Group norm
D. Group development

101. It refers to an employee general attitude towards his job ______________

A. job specification
B. communication.
C. motivation.
D. . job specification

102. Position Analysis Questionnaire is

A. Quantitative Approach
B. Qualitative Approach
C. Economic Approach
D. Managerial Approach

103. What are the types of industrial action a union is most likely to engage in?

A. unofficial action
B. strike action
C. action short of a strike
D. absence.

104. Informing vacancies of employees internally ______________

A. Advertising
B. Internal Advertising
C. External Advertising
D. Modelling

5. Temporary closure of a unit ______________

A. Strike
B. Lockout
C. Layoff
D. Closure

106. An activity carried out for a specific purpose ______________

A. Duty
B. Job
C. Task
D. Code

107. The physical environment of a job is ______________

A. Working condition
B. Economic condition
C. Social condition
D. Political condition

108. Division of work to take the advantage of ______________.

A. Discipline.
B. Specialization.
C. Aptitude.
D. Productivity.

109. Motivational devices used to encourage special workers ______________

A. Compensation
B. Wages
C. Salaries
D. Incentives

110. Discharge may or may not be punishment but dismissal certainly means ______________.

A. Promotion.
B. Punishment.
C. Demotion.
D. Transfer.

111. Frequency of ______________ can be reduced by training the people.

A. Production
B. Damage
C. Accidents
D. Sickness

112. Which test is conducted to develop the skills & abilities of the candidate?

A. Aptitude test.
B. Intelligence test.
C. Trade test.
D. Personality test.

113. Sources of recruitment & methods, procedures, techniques for ______________

A. Selection.
B. Promotion.
C. Transfer.
D. Training.

114. This should cover responsibility for the maintenance of children during the entire period of contingency

A. Medical benefit.
B. Family benefit.
C. Old age benefit.
D. Survivors benefit.

115. A ______________ takes place when an employee moves to a position higher than the one formerly

A. transfer
B. demotion.
C. punishment.
D. promotion

116. The anxiety a person experiences when two sets of knowledge are contradictory or incongruent lead to

A. Cognitive Dissonance
B. Negative Attitude.
C. Stress.
D. Perception disorder.

117. Failure to report work is called ______________.

A. Lack of commitment.
B. Absenteeism.
C. Burnout
D. Immoral Activity.

118. A person who is responsbilbe for managing the change effort in the organisation is called

A. Manager.
B. entrepreneur.
C. Change agent
D. Leader.

119. Rotation is otherwise called as ______________.

A. replacement transfer
B. shift transfer
C. versatility transfer
D. remedial transfer
120. Movement of an employee from one job to another

A. Job Enlargement
B. Retrenchment
C. Job Rotation
D. Job Design

121. Non-financial motivator is ______________.

A. Bonus
B. Job security
C. Medical reimbursement
D. Leave with pay

122. Method of copying someone else's behaviour ______________

A. Education
B. Training
C. Mentoring
D. Modelling

123. ______________ are the rules of pattern and behaviour that are expected from all team members.

A. Norms.
B. Policies.
C. Procedures.
D. Role

124. Set of proposals and actions for managers dealing with the employees ______________

A. Personnel Policies
B. Personnel Procedure
C. Personnel duties
D. Personnel roles

125. Apart from pay what is the second most common reason for an employee to join a trade union?

A. group solidarity
B. friendship groups
C. political reasons
D. wide range of personal benefits.

126. Employees hired for limited time to a specific job ______________

A. Permanent employees
B. Temporary employees
C. Contract employees
D. Employee hiring

127. A written statement of what the job holder does ______________

A. Job description
B. Job cycle
C. Job seeking
D. Job sharing

128. psyche means ______________.

A. Biology.
B. Spirit.
C. Behaviour.
D. Attitude.

129. Flexitime work system is a ______________ system.

A. Operational
B. Logical
C. Functional
D. Scheduling

130. Job analysis is the outcome of Job description and ______________.

A. Job design
B. Job specification
C. Job evaluation
D. Job content

131. A human relation seeks to emphasis employee aspects of work rather than ______________

A. Technical aspects
B. Economic aspects.
C. Technical or economic aspects.
D. workers aspects.

132. ______________ training seeks to adjust newly appointed employees to the work environment.

A. Production
B. Induction
C. Safety
D. Refresher

133. Employees general attitude is referred to as ______________.

A. Job satisfaction
B. Job analysis
C. Job description.
D. Job evaluation.

134. Education brought the changes in the attitude of labour towards their______________.

A. Work.
B. Interest.
C. Labour.
D. Job.

135. Job ______________ is a statement of the minimum acceptable human qualities necessary to perform a job

A. Evaluation.
B. Specification.
C. Description.
D. Analysis.

136. An organization may choose to do all of the following to motivate a plateaued worker, except
A. Lateral moves
B. Promotion
C. Temporary assignments
D. Committee assignments

137. The process by which older members of a society transmit to younger members the social skilled is termed
as ______________.

A. Literature.
B. Norms
C. Values.
D. Socialization.

138. The process of identifying human resource needs and formulating plans to meet these needs

A. HR Planning
B. Man power planning
C. IT Planning
D. Production planning

139. Job satisfaction is high when there is ______________

A. Low morale
B. High wage.
C. Low wage
D. High Morale.

140. PAQ stands for ______________

A. Position Alteration Quotient

B. Position Analysis Questionnaire
C. Position activity question
D. Program analytical questionnaire

141. Activities that prepare employee for future responsibility ______________

A. Inducement
B. Development
C. Education
D. Motivation

142. It is the tendency of a superior to rate people lower than their performance ______________

A. Horns Effect.
B. Central tendency
C. Halo effect
D. static.

143. What did the whitely councils establish?

A. Tripartite employee relations

B. Collective bargaining framework
C. Trade union
D. Employer associations.

144. Audit done by employees within is

A. External
B. Internal
C. Inter branch
D. Inter units

145. Prohibiting an employee from attending work ______________

A. Suspension
B. Dismissal
C. Exit
D. Retrenchment

146. Under which role the manager does perform activities which are of ceremonial and symbolic

A. Liason role.
B. Leaders role.
C. Figure head role
D. spokes person role.

147. A test which measures employees honesty ______________

A. Simulator tests
B. Integrity tests
C. Polygraph tests
D. Graph tests

148. ______________ is a discontent or dissatisfaction.

A. Punishment
B. Grievance
C. Discipline
D. Suspension

149. Job specification is otherwise called as ______________ specification.

A. Position
B. Role
C. Content
D. Physical

150. Recruitment is one of the HR ______________ function.

A. Acquisition
B. Development
C. Maintenance
D. Compensation

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