Application Form For Housing Loan - PNB
Application Form For Housing Loan - PNB
Application Form For Housing Loan - PNB
Personal Details
Information Applicant
Relation with Applicant: Parent Spouse Other
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Father’s/Husband's Name
Email address
__ __
Phone details (STD code – Tel res.)
Mobile No.
Relative of Staff/ Director of bank? Yes No Yes No
Residential Address Applicant Co-Applicant
Residence Address* (Present)
Employment Nature Salaried Self employed Professional Other Salaried Self employed Professional Other
CA Doctor Engineer/Architect Lawyer CA Doctor Engineer/Architect Lawyer
If professional
Small/Marginal farmer Other agriculturist Other Small/Marginal farmer Other agriculturist Other
Nature of Organization Govt./PSU Public Ltd. Co. Pvt. Ltd. Govt./PSU Public Ltd. Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Proprietorship Partnership Other Proprietorship Partnership Other
Period in Current Employment/ Years Months Years Months
Name of Organization/Business
Office Address
If Self Employed/Professional
FY1 (20__ - 20__) FY 1 (20__ - 20__)
Income in last 3 Financial
years*(Rs.) FY 2 (20__ - 20__) FY 2 (20__ - 20__)
(As per Income Tax Return) FY 3 (20__ - 20__) FY 3 (20__ - 20__)
If Salaried/Other
Gross Gross
Annual Income* (Rs.)
Net Net
IT assessee & paid tax last yr Earns but not formally IT assessee & paid tax last yr Earns but not formally
Spouse's financial information*
IT assessee but no tax paid Does not earn IT assessee but no tax paid Does not earn
Bank Account Details
Account I Account II Account I Account II
(Details of PNB a/c if applicable)
Name of Bank
Movable Properties
Deposits with banks
Investment in government
*Supporting documents duly signed by the applicant should be attached
Statement of Assets and Liabilities (Contd.)*
Information Applicant Co-Applicant
Outstanding Loans/Advances Amount (Rs.) Amount (Rs.)
Provident Fund
Relatives and Friends
Net Worth (Actual in Rs.)
Information about other Loans taken (including previous loans from PNB)
Total Loan Limit (Rs.)
Total Monthly Repayment (Rs.)
Whether Regular Yes No Yes No
Note: In case there is more than one co-applicant, he/she should fill up another form.
*Sl. No.________ Date:____________
Serial number and date of the acknowledgement should be quoted in all future correspondence.
(* applicable only in case of carrying out repairs/renovation/addition /alteration to the house/flat)
Purchase price/acquisition cost of land:
(Please attach attested copy of sale deed /lease deed)
Address, location & surroundings of the house/flat (a rough plan indicating
the location and surroundings of the house should be attached)
Name & Address of the seller(s) /dealer/Housing Society to whom the
payment is to be made
4. Area of land (sq.metres)
5. Proposed built up area
Estimated cost of construction OR repairs/renovation/addition/alteration
(Estimate from qualified Engineer/ Architect be attached)
Particulars of construction OR particulars of repairs /renovation/
7. addition/alteration be given
(Plan approved by the competent authority be attached)
Purchase price/original cost of house/flat as per the sale/title deed in case
the house was constructed by the present owner, the purchase price of
the plot and cost of construction of the house should be separately stated.
(Please attach a certified copy of the sale/title deed) *
9. Present market value of the house/flat *
Whether the plot is free hold or lease hold (In case the plot is lease hold,
10. please state whether the lessee is authorised to mortgage the house -
copy of the letter of authority from the lessor be attached)
Has sanction for construction from the Competent authority been
11. obtained? (If yes, give details and attach copy of plan duly approved by
Municipal Body / Corporation concerned)
Whether the plot on which construction or House on which
12. repairs/renovation/addition/alteration is proposed is free from all
encumbrances whatsoever (Attach non encumbrance certificate)
Whether the place where the property is/will be situated is served by some
Municipal Body/other agency?
14. Any other information
Address, location and surroundings of the house proposed to be
1. purchased (Please attach a map/plan of the house)
Date: Signature of the applicant(s)
Recent Photograph
of Guarantor
Income Tax PAN No.* Govt./PSU Public Ltd. Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Proprietorship Partnership Other
Identification no.(tick any one)* Period in Current Employment/Business
Passport no. Voter ID
Driving License UID Years Months
Male Female Name of Organization, Designation and Address
Date of Birth* and Gender d d m m y y y y
Educational Qualification and Spouse Parents
Relationship with applicant Son/Daughter Other
Pin: Country:
Address Current Residence Address* Permanent Address
Financial Details
Information Guarantor
Is he/she an Income tax payee Yes No
Total Income in last 2 Financial FY 1 (20__ - 20__) FY 2 (20__ - 20__)
years (Rs.)
Bank Account Details (Existing customer should give details of PNB account)
Name of Bank Branch
A/c No. (details of salary a/c. for
Employer Land
Note: In case there is more than one guarantor, he/she should fill up another form (Part-II Guarantor Information).
Retail Banking Division (Advances)
1. Interest:
i. Interest whether floating type or fixed type will be charged in the account as per sanction.
Reset of interest will be as per stipulated in the sanction. Interest is to be calculated on
daily balance due to the Bank so long as the amount due from the borrower is not paid in its
entirety and the same will form part of the principal and carry interest at the applicable rate
at monthly rests.
ii. All floating loans/credit facilities linked with MCLR are subject to Reset clause. On Reset
date, the interest rate may change and if the same is not acceptable to the borrower, the
outstanding term loan shall have to be adjusted in full, failing which the bank would charge
the revised interest rate from the date of reset.
iii. If the bank chooses to revise the interest rate due to the reset clause, and in case, the
borrower is not agreeable with the proposed rate fixed at the time of reset or no consensus
is arrived at mutually on rate of interest to be charged from the reset date, pre-payment
option may be exercised by the borrower for discontinuation of the loan. In such an
eventuality, no pre-payment penalty will be levied which will provide a comfort to the good
corporate borrowers. However, a reasonable time of not more than one month shall be
given to the borrower to make arrangement for repaying the bank’s loan. After expiry of the
stipulated period, the interest rate as fixed by the bank shall be charged.
iv. The bank will make efforts to keep its borrowers’ informed of any change in interest rates
through the official website ( , annual statement of accounts, display in its
offices and general announcements from time to time.
2. Penal Interest:
i. Non-payment of any installment of principal and/or interest, costs and other charges
due, on the amount in default from the date of default; or
ii. Any irregularity in the Loan account; or
iii. Default in Furnishing information as prescribed/called for by the Bank; or
iv. Diversion or siphoning of the Loan amount; or
v. Default in creation of security within the stipulated time; or
vi. Non-compliance of any of the terms & conditions of this Agreement; or
vii. Any other case as the Bank may deem fit.
The applicant should bring in their entire contribution before release of the Loan or in the
manner otherwise provided in the sanction. Further, it should also be ensured that margin
stipulated is maintained / provided at each stage of disbursement.
4. Fee & other Charges: Fees and other charges as applicable on application/ during the
currency of the loan/ conversion charges for switching
i. All service charges viz. Upfront Fees/ processing Fees, Documentation Charges,
Inspection charges etc. will be charged from the applicant as per sanction before release of
credit facilities.
i. All other event based charges like legal fees, charges for dishonour of cheques/ NACH
mandate/ standing instructions, charges for drawing of Credit Information Report from
Credit Information Companies like CIBIL etc., registration of charge with CERSAI in case of
mortgage of property etc. will be recovered from the applicant immediately on occurring of
the event.
ii. Processing Fee paid by the Customer for availing the loan is non-refundable.
6. Security: The loan will be secured by mortgage of/ hypothecation of/ charge on assets
purchased through bank funds in case of primary security and/or assets in case of collateral
security, within the stipulated time period as specified in the sanction. Personal guarantee if
any, will be obtained as per sanction.
7. Insurance:
i. The borrower shall get the assets, mortgaged/ hypothecated/ charged to the bank, insured
against all risks at their own cost with usual bank clause. A copy of the insurance policy will
be kept on bank's records also.
ii. In case the same is not complied with, the bank will get the same insured and cost
recovered from the borrower.
iii. The Borrower may avail health and/or life insurance cover for himself with the Bank as the
sole beneficiary under the policy / policies.
8. Disbursement:
i. The borrower shall submit all relevant documents as mentioned in the Sanction Letter/Loan
Agreement before disbursement.
ii. The borrower will intimate the Bank of any change in his employment/contact details.
iii. The borrower will request for disbursement of the loan in writing (as per the manner
prescribed by Bank).
iv. The payments will preferably be made directly to vendor/ seller from whom the applicant
proposes to purchase the asset. Original bills/cash memos for all the assets financed by
bank/ payments made by the bank, shall be submitted by the borrower to be placed on
bank’s record.
v. In case of housing loan, the Loan will be released in stages as per physical progress of the
project. Before actually disbursing the loan, the Branch Head must satisfy that the borrower
has contributed the required margin for the loan. In case of housing loan for construction of
house, payment will preferably be made directly to the suppliers.
vi. Before disbursement of Loan, applicant to ensure that all necessary statutory and other
approvals/permissions have been obtained.
vii. Loan will be utilised strictly for the purpose as per sanction. Deviation if any, will be treated
as non-compliance.
viii. Borrower to comply with all preconditions for disbursement of the loan as mentioned in the
Sanctioned Letter.
9. Recovery of dues:
i. Customers have been explained the repayment process of the loan in respect of, tenure,
periodicity, amount and mode of repayment of the loan. No notice, reminder or intimation is
given to the customer regarding his/her obligation to pay the EMI/ Instalment regularly on
due date.
ii. On non-payment of EMI/ Instalment by the due dates, Bank shall remind the customers by
making telephone calls, sending written intimations by post and electronic medium or by
making personal visits by Bank’s authorized personnel at the addresses provided by the
customer. Costs of such calls/communication /visits shall be recovered from the customer.
iii. Notwithstanding what is stated herein, it shall be the liability of the customer to ensure that
the EMIs/ Instalments are regularly paid on the due dates.
iv. Credit information relating to any customer's account is provided to the Credit Information
Bureau (India) Limited (CIBIL) or any other licensed bureau on a monthly basis. To avoid
any adverse impact on the credit history with CIBIL, it is advised that the customer should
ensure timely payment of the amount due on the loan amount.
v. The recovery process of enforcement of mortgage/securities, including but not limited to,
taking possession and sale of the mortgaged property in accordance with the procedure
prescribed under the Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and
Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002 (SARFAESI Act) or under any other law, is
followed purely as per the directions laid down under the respective law.
vi. Intimation/Reminders/Notice(s) are given to customer prior to initiating steps for recovery of
overdues, under the Negotiable Instruments Act, Civil Suit as well as under the SARFAESI
10. Customer Service
Customer Service Queries including requirement of documents can be addressed to the Bank
through the following channels:
i. Write to the branch or contact us through toll free number 1800-180-2222 / 1800-103-2222
/ 0120-2490000 (tolled).
ii. Contact the branch within the working hours for:
a. Photo Copies of loan documents, which can be provided in 7 working days from date of
placing request. Necessary administrative fee shall be applicable.
b. Original documents namely Title Deed of Property, Registration Certificate etc. will be
returned within 10 working days from the date of closure of loan.
c. Loan Account statement (time line): Within 3 working days of the receipt of request.
11. Grievance Redressal: There can be instances where the Borrower is not satisfied with
the services provided. To highlight such instances & register a complaint the Borrower may
follow the following process:
a. Borrower can meet or write to the Branch Head of the concerned branch or
b. The Borrower can complain to customer care through our website: or
email at or Mobile Application “wecare” (can be downloaded through
Google Playstore) or through Internet Banking/ Mobile Banking or
c. In case the grievance remains unresolved beyond a period of 15 days, the borrower may
escalate the matter to Principal Nodal Officer, Punjab National Bank, Customer Care
Division, Head Office, 5, Parliament Street, New Delhi 110001.
**The above list is illustrative and may vary on case to case basis.