What Is Brexit?
What Is Brexit?
What Is Brexit?
From the two terms “Britain” and “exit,” it is the departure of the United Kingdom from the
European Union (EU). The UK held a referendum on its membership in the EU on the 23rd of
June, of the year 2016, questioning whether “Should they remain or leave the union?” Which
resulted 48.11% votes to remain, however, 51.89% favored to leave the EU. The membership
ended when Great Britain officially left the EU on January 31, 2020, yet allowed a transition
period until December 31 of the same year. This concluded the membership of the state who
have been a part of for 47 years, and is the first and thus far the only country to exit.
On the day of the referendum, Lord Ashcroft had questioned 12,369 people who had
participated in the voting, which concluded a data that showed that the primary reason for
wanting to leave the European Union was "the principle that decisions about the UK should be
taken in the UK". Denoting that, rather than leaving the decision-making favorable to its people,
it was the EU that took that right away because they are the leading governing body. Pro-Brexit
Labour MP Kate Hoey said that the EU was “an attempt to replace the democratic
power of the people with a permanent administration in the interests of big business”.
On the same poll, it was also magnified how the resentment for migrants heavily prompted the
decision, 33% had said that leaving "offered the best chance for the UK to regain control over
immigration and its borders." EU guaranteed the free movement of any EU citizen within its
member states to travel, live, and take jobs without requiring a VISA, subsequently resulting in
poorer countries like Poland and Lithuania to have flocked to the UK for employment. Anti-
immigration campaigners like Nigel Farage, the leader of the UK Independence Party, have
argued that the flood of immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe has depressed the
wages of native-born British workers. Some voters are also concerned about immigrants using
scarce public services.
Brexit supporters viewed that it will open opportunities for Britain to become freer in terms of
market and trade. It was argued that being away from EU regulations would boost Britain as a
market, because as critic Johnson says, some of its policies are increasingly troublesome. It
prohibits the state to have freedom and to function independently, becoming EU-central and
often overlaps with national laws. This also means that UK would have in an immediate cost-
saving, as the country would no longer contribute to the EU budget.
Wikipedia contributors. (2021, May 9). Causes of the vote in favour of Brexit. Wikipedia.
Lee, T. B. (2016, June 25). Brexit: the 7 most important arguments for Britain to leave