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Herd Immunity: A Realistic Target?: Mini Review Open Access

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ISSN: 2574-1241 Volume 5- Issue 4: 2018

DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2018.09.001779
Michael AB Naafs. Biomed J Sci & Tech Res

Mini Review Open Access

Herd Immunity: A Realistic Target?

Michael AB Naafs*
Dutch Internist-Endocrinologist, Naafs International Health Consultancy, Netherlands

Received: : September 17, 2018; Published: September 24, 2018

*Corresponding author: Michael AB Naafs, Dutch Internist-Endocrinologist, Health Consultant at Naafs International Health
Consultancy, Rhodoslaan 20, 7577KN, Oldenzaal, The Netherlands


In this mini-review herd immunity is discussed by reviewing some recent vaccination campaigns for HPV, MEN-C, MEN-W and Ebola. It is
concluded that vaccination coverage is rapidly declining due to societal factors, financial and logistical hurdles. Herd immunity depends now on
unpredictable herd effects, Secondary declining transmission dynamics and carriage figures favour strong herd effects. Different target populations
in the MEN-W vaccination programs of the UK and the Netherlands don’t improve public confidence in an anti-vaxxers climate. Herd immunity is
not a realistic target anymore and is dependent on herd effects varying with vaccination coverage percentages and this should be explained to the
public in a clear way.

in achieving the high population vaccination rate to achieve herd
The term “herd immunity” was introduced a century ago
immunity and freedom of disease [6].
and used widely after increasing use of vaccines and vaccination
protocols in the process of eradication of diseases [1]. The definition However, for well over a decade multiple studies have
of herd immunity varies by several authors. Some use it to describe demonstrated concerning patterns of decline of confidence in
the proportion immune among individuals in a population, others vaccines, manufacturers, the medical professionals who administer
use it with reference to a particular threshold proportion of immune vaccines and the scientists who study and develop vaccines
individuals that should lead to a decline in incidence of infection [7]. Areas with low vaccination rates have resulted in localized
and still others use it to refer to a pattern of immunity that should outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases, including measles
protect a population from an invasion of a new infection [2]. A and pertussis [8]. For that reason achieving herd immunity in
common implication of the term is that the risk of infection among new vaccination programs has been difficult and the question if
susceptible individuals in a population is reduced by the presence reaching herd immunity should be a realistic target is a valid one.
and proximity of immune individuals, this is called the “herd effect” To answer that question some recent vaccination campaigns are
or indirect proportion [2]. Individual immunity is a powerful force reviewed here.
affecting host health and pathogen evaluation.
HPV Vaccinations
The effects of individual immunity also scale up to affect
Modelling studies have been widely used to inform Human
pathogen transmission dynamics and the success of vaccination
Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccination policy decisions. However, many
campaigns for entire host populations. Population-scale immunity
models exist and it is not known whether they produce consistent
is often termed “herd immunity” [3]. Herd immunity should
predictions of population-level effects and herd effects. Brison et
be in more than 80% of the population [4]. Apart from innate
al. searched MEDLINE and EMBASE for transmission-dynamic
immunity, it may be acquired either naturally or artificially. If herd
modelling studies published between Jan 1, 2009 and April 28,
immunity is dependent on natural infection, the large proportion
2015, that predicted the population-level impact of vaccination on
of individuals in the population must have been exposed with
HPV 6,11,16 and 18 infections in high -income countries. Strategies
sufficient frequency to an infectious agent to become immune
investigated were girls-only vaccination and girls and boy’s
[5]. It is important to realize that the herd immunity threshold is
vaccination at 12 years. Base-case vaccine characteristics were
calculated by mathematical models that can differ for different
100% efficacy and lifetime protection. They performed sensitivity
infectious agents and geographical sites [2]. As vaccines must
analyses by varying vaccination coverage, vaccine efficacy and
overcome the challenges of poor immune responses in hosts and
duration of protection. For all scenarios they pooled model
antigenic diversity in pathogens, public policy plays a critical role

Biomedical Journal of
Scientific & Technical Research (BJSTR)
Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research Volume 9- Issue 2: 2018

predictions of relative reductions in HPV prevalence (RRprev) over The authors conclude there is a high certainty evidence that HPV
time after vaccination and summarized results using the median vaccines protect against cervical precancer in adolescent girls and
and 10th and 90th percentile (80% uncertainty intervals; UI). young women aged 15-26. The effect is higher for lesions associated
with HPV 16,18 than for lesions irrespective of HPV type. The effect
Sixteen of 19 eligible models from ten high -income countries
is greater for those were negative for hrHPV or HPV 16/18 DNA
provided predictions. Under base-case assumptions 40%
at enrolment than those unselected for HPV-DNA status. There is
vaccination coverage and girl only vaccination, the RRprev of
moderate certainty evidence that HPV vaccines reduce CIN2+ in
HPV 16 among women and men was 0,53 (80%UI;0,48-0,68) and
older women who are HPV 16/18 negative, but not when they are
0,36 (0,28-0,61), respectively after 70 years, with 80% girls only
unselected by HPV-DNA status. No increased risk of serious adverse
vaccination coverage, the RRprev of HPV 16 among women and
effects were found. Increased risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes
men was 0,93 (0,90-1,00), respectively. Vaccinating boys in addition
after HPV vaccination cannot be excluded, although the risk of
to girls increased the RRprev of HPV 16 among women and women
miscarriages and termination are similar between trial arms [12].
and men by 0,18 (0,13-0,32) and 0,35 (0,27-0,39) for 40% coverage
and 0,07 (0,00-0,10) and 0,16 (0,0-10,25) for 80% coverage, MEN Vaccinations
respectively. The RRprev were greater for HPV 6,11 and 18 than for Recent meningococcal vaccination programs for group C have
HPV 16 for all scenarios investigated. Finally, at 80% coverage most learned lessons while vaccination programs for meningococcal W
models predicted that girls and boy’s vaccination would eliminate disease have just been started.
HPV 6,11,16 and 18 with a median RRprev of 1,00 for women and
men for all four HPV types. Variability in pooled findings was low MEN-C: Progress n the prevention and control of meningococcal
but increased with lower vaccination coverage and shorter vaccine disease has included the development and introduction of
protection (from lifetime to 20 years) [9]. Meningococcal C Conjugate vaccines (MCC). The UK was the first
country to implement a national MCC program in 1999, followed by
The authors concluded that although HPV models differ in several other European countries, Australia and Canada, all of which
structure, data used for calibration and settings, their population- have subsequently observed substantial declines in serogroup C
level predictions were generally concordant and suggest that disease, which is one of 6 serogroups (A,B,C,W-135,X and Y) of the
strong herd effects are expected from vaccinating girls only, even 13 recognized serogroups causing meningococcal disease [13-15].
with coverage as low as 20%. Elimination of HPV 16,18,6, and 11 A large part of the success of the MCC vaccine, in common with
is possible if 80% coverage in girls and boys is reached and if high the glycoconjugate vaccines against Haemophilus influenzae type
vaccine efficacy is maintained over time. HPV vaccination rates are b (Hib) and major types of Streptococcus pneumoniae are strong
increasing as more children are up to date on HPV vaccination in the herd effects [16]. The epidemiology varies markedly by region
U.S. In 2017 roughly, half (49%) of adolescents were up to date on [13,14]. The most striking contrast is between the “meningitis belt”
the HPV vaccine and 66% of adolescents ages 13-17 years received of sub-Saharan Africa, which is characterized by large, periodic,
the first dose to start the vaccine series. On average, the percentage epidemics of meningitis that occurs during the dry season [17].
of adolescents who started the HPV vaccine series increased by In major African epidemics, incidence ranges from 100 to 800 per
5% each year over the past five years (2013-2017) [10]. However, 100.000 per population, but attack rate may be much higher [17].
other countries as e.g. the Netherlands show a sharp drop in HPV In Europe, the Americas and other developed countries disease
vaccination rates. incidence is typically in the range of 1 and 10 per 100.000 [18].
The Dutch public health institute RIVM has warned that the A number of observations were made with respect to herd
drop of 15% n vaccination of 13 and 14 year old girls over the immunity and herd effects during MCC introductions. In the
past two years is extremely worrying and could lead to as many Netherlands, a single dose of MCC vaccine at 14 months of age
80 unnecessary additional deaths of cervical cancer each year. The was implemented in the routine program with a one-off-catch-
percentage of girls taking up the vaccine fell to a new low of just up campaign, a decision largely influenced by cost-effectiveness
45,5% last year compared to the World Health Organization (WHO) studies [19]. Despite the lack of direct protection in infants, the
target of 95%, the level which quarantees “group immunity” from number of cases in children under 14 months old fell from 20 in
the target disease [11]. The strong herd effects of HPV vaccination 2001 to just 1 in 2004 and the number of cases in adults too old to
are reflected in a recent Cochrane analysis that included 26 trials be targeted also declined [20]. These reductions were most likely
(n=73.428) [12]. Ten trials with a follow-up of 1,3 to 8 years due to decreased population transmission following widespread
addressed protection against CIN/AIS (cervical intraepithelial MCC vaccination. The magnitude and duration of these herd effects
neoplasia, adenocarcinoma in situ). Vaccine safety was evaluated was largely unexpected (>15 years). In the UK targeting teenagers
over a period of 6 months to 7 years in 23 studies. Studies were was crucial in maximizing these indirect effects and to maintain
not large enough or of sufficient duration to evaluate cervical these effects n the longer term [21]. Mathematical models predict
cancer outcomes. All but one of the trials was funded by the vaccine these herd effects will persist for several more years, but they do not
manufacturers. Most trials were at low risk of bias. Studies involved take in account possible introductions of novel more transmissible
monovalent (n=1), bivalent (n=18) and quadrivalent vaccines serogroup C strains from other countries [21].

Cite this article: Michael AB Naafs. Herd Immunity: A Realistic Target?. Biomed J Sci&Tech Res 9(2)-2018. BJSTR. MS.ID.001779.
DOI: 10.26717/ BJSTR.2018.09.001779.
Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research Volume 9- Issue 2: 2018

MEN- W: In February 2015 Public Health England presented on the basic reproductive number R0. i.e., the number of secondary
data to the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation cases that result from an individual infection. Published R0 values
(JCVI) on a continuing increase in MEN-W disease in England and were determined by systemic literature research and ranged from
Wales since 2009, with the most recent cases in an accelerated 0,37 to 20. R0’s>4 realistically reflected the critical early outbreak
manner. JCVI agreed and advised there should be a programme to phases and superspreading events. Based on the R0’s the herd
vaccinate all adolescents 14-18 years. Vaccination of this cohort is immunity threshold (Ic) was calculated using the equation Ic=1-(1/
expected to protect young people and to provide herd protection R0). The critical Vaccination Coverage (Vc) needed to provide herd
for the wider population [22]. By genome library the rise has been immunity was determined by including the vaccine Effectiveness
identified due to a particular virulent ST-11 strain. This strain is (E) using the equation Vc=Ic/E. At a R0 of 4, the Ic is 75% and at
causing severe disease in healthy teenagers and young adults. an E of 99%, more than 80% has to be vaccinated to establish herd
The strain is more deadly with a higher than usual death rate of immunity.
13%. These cases have often different symptoms compared to
Such vaccination rates are currently unrealistic because of
other kinds of meningococcal diseases. All UK 14-18 years are to
societal resistance against vaccinations, financial and logistic
be offered MEN- ACWY vaccine by late summer 2017 to prevent
hurdles and a lack of vaccines that provide long-term protection
further increase in disease among the wider population.
against all human-pathogenic Ebola viruses. Hence, outbreak
From September 2015 MEN-ACWY vaccine has replaced the management will for the foreseeable future depend on surveillance
MEN-C booster for 14 years old in the UK. Babies in the UK will not and case isolation. Clinical vaccine candidates are available for
be immunized with ACWY, but the MEN-B vaccine, Bexsero, would Ebola viruses. Their use will be focused on health-care workers,
provide protection against this ST-11 strain [23]. Previous genomic potentially in combination with ring vaccination approaches.
analyses have shown that the ST 11 strain emerged in Brazil in The findings of Masterson et al support the conclusions of the
2003 and then spread to Argentine and Chile. The strain emerged in WHO Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) meeting n April
the UK in 2009 and a further descent of this strain expanded in the 2017 [33]. In case of future and recent outbreaks as in DR Congo
UK since 2013. This strain emerged in the Netherlands in 2012 and now, SAGE recommends the use of rVSV-ZEBOV ring vaccination
2013. Since 2015 the ST 11 strain is also noted in Denmark, France, strategies [33,34].
Spain and Sweden, but at a much lower incidence than in the UK
and the Netherlands [24-28]. The annual incidence rate of group W
invasive meningococcal disease in the Netherlands increased from It is obvious that herd immunity as achieved in former measles
<0,05/100.000 (n<10) before 2015 to 0,5/100.000 (n=80) in 2017. and rubella vaccination campaigns (95% coverage) will not be
Most isolates (94%) belong to clonal complex 11. The incidence achieved anymore. The MEN-C vaccination campaign showed that
rate is highest among <5 years old and 15-24 years old. The case present programs must rely on strong herd effects. The magnitude
fatality rate was 12% (17/138) in 2015-2017. From May 2018, and duration of these herd effects are unpredictable for future
MEN-ACWY vaccination replaces MEN-C vaccination at 14 months vaccination programs. The last HPV campaign showed a historical
and from October 2018 it is planned to offer 13-14 years old MEN- low vaccination coverage of nearly 46% in the Netherlands, but
ACWY vaccination. transmission and carriage figures show herd immunity may be
sufficient. Conspiracy theories are fed by anti- vaxxers with no
Teens are now lured to vaccination with a modern real-life
accountable leaders, mostly citing a retracted autism study blaming
victim video campaign as the last HPV vaccination campaign
vaccines. However, in the Netherlands, the “Osterhaus Affair” has
showed historical low coverage of nearly 46%, as mentioned before
not raised confidence in vaccination programs, either. In 2009, this
[11]. This year 130.000 kids are invited and next year 860.000.
Dutch virologist, advised WHO about the handling of an A1H1N!
This is due to limited availability of the vaccine at GSK (Glaxo
pandemic (Swine Flu, Mexican Flu) that never occurred [35,36].
Smith Kline) and cost-effectiveness reasons [29]. Besides the usual
Twenty of 40 million vaccines doses bought, the Dutch had to throw
conspiracy theories on social media, new fuss arose when GSK,
ironically based on data provided by RIVM, said that the vaccine
was ordered too late, despite “GSK advice” Parents of children, who The different vaccination program approaches of the severe
died of meningitis W accuse Dutch government of negligence now invasive MEN-W serogroup raises new confidence questions, as in
[30,31]. Anyway, it is clear that a vaccine coverage of 80% will not the UK all 14- 18 years old are vaccinated while in the Netherlands
be reached. Both the UK and Dutch RIVM rely on the strong herd only 13-14 years old are vaccinated in two tranches for logistical and
effects of the MCC vaccine program in the past, hoping these will be cost-effectiveness reasons. Waiting for action by “an acceleration
present with ACWY vaccination too. of infection numbers” model in the decision making process has
received a lot of criticism in mainstream media as acceleration
Ebola Vaccinations has been observed in the UK already. An Ebola vaccination
To illustrate the problems of achieving herd immunity model applied in DR Congo now shows the limitations of present
Masterson et al. showed this is not a realistic target for current vaccination programs, Herd immunity is no longer quaranteed
vaccination strategies, using Ebola outbreaks as an example [32]. with vaccination coverage percentages below 80%. This should
They analysed the requirements for a prophylactic program based be communicated with the public explaining, that herd immunity

Cite this article: Michael AB Naafs. Herd Immunity: A Realistic Target?. Biomed J Sci&Tech Res 9(2)-2018. BJSTR. MS.ID.001779.
DOI: 10.26717/ BJSTR.2018.09.001779. 7039
Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research Volume 9- Issue 2: 2018

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Cite this article: Michael AB Naafs. Herd Immunity: A Realistic Target?. Biomed J Sci&Tech Res 9(2)-2018. BJSTR. MS.ID.001779.
DOI: 10.26717/ BJSTR.2018.09.001779.
Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research Volume 9- Issue 2: 2018

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Cite this article: Michael AB Naafs. Herd Immunity: A Realistic Target?. Biomed J Sci&Tech Res 9(2)-2018. BJSTR. MS.ID.001779.
DOI: 10.26717/ BJSTR.2018.09.001779. 7041

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