Least Squares in Calibration: Dealing With Uncertainty in X: The Analyst August 2010
Least Squares in Calibration: Dealing With Uncertainty in X: The Analyst August 2010
Least Squares in Calibration: Dealing With Uncertainty in X: The Analyst August 2010
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1 author:
Joel Tellinghuisen
Vanderbilt University
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Joel Tellinghuisen
Department of Chemistry
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, Tennessee 37235
The least-squares (LS) analysis of data with error in x and y is generally thought to yield best
results when carried out by minimizing the “total variance” (TV), defined as the sum of the properly
weighted squared residuals in x and y. Alternative “effective variance” (EV) methods project the
uncertainty in x into an effective contribution to that in y, and though easier to employ are considered
to be less reliable. In the case of a linear response function with both sx and sy constant, the EV
solutions are identically those from ordinary LS; and Monte Carlo (MC) simulations reveal that they
can actually yield smaller root-mean-square errors than the TV method. Furthermore, the biases can
be predicted from theory based on inverse regression — x upon y when x is error-free and y is
uncertain — which yields a bias factor proportional to the ratio sx2/sxm2 of the random-error variance
in x to the model variance. The MC simulations confirm that the biases are essentially independent of
the error in y, hence correctable. With such bias corrections, the better performance of the EV method
in estimating the parameters translates into better performance in estimating the unknown (x0) from
measurements (y0) of its response. The predictability of the EV parameter biases extends also to
heteroscedastic y data as long as sx remains constant, but the estimation of x0 is not as good in this
case. When both x and y are heteroscedastic, there is no known way to predict the biases. However,
the MC simulations suggest that for proportional error in x, a geometric x-structure leads to small bias
Classical univariate calibration is the default calibration method in most analytical work. It is
implemented by least-squares (LS) fitting n calibration points (xi,yi) to a response function, usually
linear, and then estimating the amount of the unknown (x0) from one or more measurements of its
response (y0). The procedures for carrying out such an analysis have been well established for a long
time,1-4 and many authors have considered its optimization and its limitations — especially the need
for nonlinear response functions and for proper weighting to handle heteroscedastic data (data of
varying uncertainty).5-13
Somewhat less attention has been given by the analytical community to another problem:
uncertainty in x. Most algorithms for linear and nonlinear LS employ the standard assumption that x
is error-free. Although this is seldom rigorously true, the controlled variable may be sufficiently
precise that ignoring its uncertainty has negligible consequences. Sometimes closer examination of
the data forces the conclusion that x is the more uncertain variable, making reversed regression
better.14 In any case it is desirable to know the effect of neglected uncertainty in the independent
variable. And when uncertainty in x and y are comparable, proper analysis requires methods that go
In the fitting of data with error in x and y, it is generally thought that the "best" solution is
obtained by minimizing the quantity STV (TV = "total variance"; see Table 1 for a notation summary)
STV = S wxidxi2 + w yidyi2 , (1)
which was proposed by Deming19 and implemented in iterative algorithms as early as 1972.20-23 In
eqn (1) the di's are residuals in x and y. Minimum-variance estimates of the model parameters are
assumed to result from the use of weights inversely proportional to variance — wxi = Csxi-2 and wyi
= Csxi-2 — as can be proven to hold for conventional linear least squares (LLS) with a single
A complicating factor in specifying and minimizing STV is the need for "calculated" values (Y
and X) for both y and x, since the residuals are yi - Yi and xi - Xi. This, in turn, means that both x and
y must be adjusted in an iterative minimization of STV. To get around this difficulty, a number of
authors have recommended "effective variance" (EV) methods, in which the variance in x is projected
For y = a + bx, this becomes sy,eff2 = sy 2 + b 2sx2; evaluated at each point, it yields weights wi =
SEV is minimized wrt the adjustable parameters, with the weights wi iterated to consistency, but with all
The EV method is easy to use with standard programs for weighted linear and nonlinear LS,
but it has been criticized for some obvious shortcomings.28,29 These include the observation that the
EV straight-line solution becomes just the unweighted or ordinary LS (OLS) solution for regression
of y upon x when the weights in x and y are constant (but not necessarily the same), true even when the
uncertainties in x greatly exceed those in y, making regression of x upon y more sensible. On the other
which is written in a way to emphasize that now the dependence of the weights on the slope b is
included in the minimization. Williamson long ago demonstrated that for the linear response function,
the EV2 and TV solutions are identical.30 Yet the computations still employ the observed xi,
Does minimizing STV truly yield statistically best estimates of the parameters? The question is
relevant, because for nonlinear LS (NLS) there is no guarantee that minimizing the variance will also
yield minimum-variance estimates of the parameters,31 in part because many NLS parameters do not
even have finite variance. And the TV method indeed qualifies as nonlinear, even for straight-line
fits.32 Further, it has long been known that inverse regression — x upon y when x is error-free and y
is uncertain — yields more precise estimates of unknowns in calibration.33-37 Thus we might suspect
that neglect of uncertainty in x in the present situation might actually lead to more precise parameter
estimates. That can in fact be true, as is illustrated here in Figs. 1 and 2 for a model with constant
error in x and y, structured like one used previously by Kalantar, et al.,32 where similar effects were
present but were less obvious due to smaller data error (their Table 1, a check of results obtained
earlier by Christian and Tucker38). Note that although the biases are greater for OLS, the parameter
standard deviations are enough smaller than predicted to make the rms error (srms2 = s2 + bias2) fall
The results shown in Figs. 1 and 2 carry the surprising implication that it is better to neglect
the error in x! That is to say, OLS may yield more precise parameter estimates than the more
demanding TV method. However, this result needs some qualification; and there are significant
parameter biases in the EV method that must be considered. Below, I will use Monte Carlo (MC)
simulations to show that the theory of Shukla for reversed regression36 reliably predicts the parameter
biases, for a range of data error structures in x and y, provided only that the uncertainty in x be
constant. Since the parameters in straight-line calibration are just means to an end, this seems to mean
that the result holds any time at least one of the two variables has constant uncertainty, being thus
designated as x. However, the MC simulations show that good performance estimating the calibration
parameters does not necessarily extend to estimating x0 in calibration, and we find that only with
constant error in both x and y and with correction for the biases does the EV method match or
outperform the TV method in this application. There is one important proviso to these results: To
correctly predict uncertainties of parameters and unknowns, one must know the uncertainty in x.
However, this requirement is anyway present for proper use of the TV method, as is clear from the
The bias correction for OLS treatment of data with constant error in x and y is found to be
proportional to the square of the ratio of the uncertainty in x to the range of x, a quantity that is easy to
situations. Further, the MC simulations demonstrate that when bsx < sy , the OLS treatment yields
reliable estimates of the uncertainties, requiring only corrections for bias, usually small.
The theory and procedures of LLS and NLS, with and without weighting, are well summarized
in the literature, including in previous works by me in this journal;11-14 so only a brief review is
needed here. In particular, the matrix expressions given in ref. 13 remain valid for the EV and TV
methods, with only a few modifications needed for the latter. For example, one can obtain the EV
solutions for the straight line with any weighted LS code, by simply defining the weights as indicated
after eqn (2) and iterating to consistency. This iteration can be done manually — by running the fit,
recomputing the wi with the obtained slope b, and repeating until b stops changing. Adequate
convergence is usually obtained in fewer than 10 cycles. For the TV method in general, there are
additional equations for adjusting the xi;21-23 however, for linear response functions, such adjustment
is not needed, since the EV2 and TV results are identical. Thus one can obtain the solutions using any
code for NLS which permits the user to define the fit function.39,40 Usually the latter must be
expressed in the form F(x,y; a,b) = 0. Then the EV2 solution for the straight line is obtained using
F(x,y; a,b) = (5)
(sy 2!+!b 2sx2)1/2
with the weights (if required) formally set as wi = 1. [In the general case, sx and sy vary with i, so
Importantly, the expression for the variance-covariance matrix, which contains the parameter
variances as diagonal elements, remains unchanged. Thus, with the sxi and syi considered known, we
The weight matrix W is diagonal, with Wii = wi = (syi2 + b 2sxi2)-1 for the EV method. If the EV2
method is implemented via eqn (5), the weights are folded into X, and wi = 1. [In this case, the
elements of X are ∂F/∂a and ∂F/∂b, instead of 1 and x.] Vprior is appropriate for MC simulations,
since sxi and syi are set at selected values. Recall that Vprior is exact for LLS, for any data error, as
long as the wi are taken as syi-2. The present applications being NLS, we expect it to hold in the limit
of zero data error, but to fail increasingly as the data error increases.41 A point of the MC simulations
With commercial codes, the computations of eqn (6) may be done automatically, and a user
where n is the number of statistical degrees of freedom, here n - 2. In LLS the sum of weighted,
squared residuals is c2-distributed under the normal assumptions about the model and the data. Then
the prefactor in eqn (7) should be a sampling estimate of the reduced c2, having mean 1 and variance
(2/n). We anticipate that these properties should hold also for the present MC simulations in the limit
of small data error and again ask the extent to which they fail with increasing data error.
While Vpost is the default approach to parameter uncertainty estimation in most physical
science work, its use is questionable in LS treatments of data with uncertainty in x and y. There are
many situations where the weighting can realistically be known only to within a scale factor when
fitting a single uncertain variable — e.g., when homoscedastic y values of unknown sy are
logarithmically transformed, giving s(ln y) = sy /y and requiring weighting as y2. With error in both x
and y, the user must supply weights (or ss) for all xi and yi, that are valid to within a single unknown
scale factor (C after eqn 1). This will normally require actual information about these uncertainties,
Shukla treated the problem of inverse calibration — regression of x upon y when x is error-free
and sy is constant — giving equations for bias and variance valid to order 1/n.36 The same treatment
can be applied to OLS for constant sx and sy = 0. However, Shukla's results are expressed in terms
of the true intercept and slope, a and b, of the original regression of y upon x rather than of his actual
regression of x upon y; since here we are interested in the true parameters for the regression of y upon
x — y = a + bx — with error in x, the true slope enters as the reciprocal of Shukla's b. We thus obtain
a bias factor,
s 2x b 2 2
fbias= ( -1), (8)
s 2ymq nq 2
s 2x b 2
with q = 1+ . (10)
s 2ym
it represents the present counterpart to Shukla's sx2 for error-free x. [In the parlance of analysis of
variance, the total variance is†partitioned into model variance and residual variance; the latter
corresponds to our random-error variances,sx2 and sy 2.] Since these predictions are to order 1/n, they
become progressively less reliable for small n.37 Shukla's treatment also correctly predicts reduced
variance for inverse calibration; however, I will confine my variance comparisons here to numerical
We extend this treatment by relating sym2 from eqn (11) to the corresponding model variance
in x. Neither xi nor yi is known in an actual analysis situation with finite sx and sy , but let us assume
where sxm2 is defined for x as sym2 for y in eqn (11). Then the true slope b drops out of the
These expressions make it easy to recognize when uncertainty in x is likely to be a problem and to
correct for it. Their validity for a range of assumptions about the actual errors sx and sy is tested
I know of no theoretical treatment of this problem for other than constant variance in one
variable and zero in the other. However, sometimes a data transformation can be used to achieve the
required constant s from a different error structure. Thus, for example, if x has proportional error, sx
= Cx, a logarithmic transformation yields a variable with constant uncertainty: x' = ln(x), sx' = dx sx
= C. Then if the fit model is linear in x', the theory applies, though results may be affected to some
In calibration, the fit parameters are commonly used to estimate an unknown (x0) from one or
more measurements of its response (y0), obtained from x0 = (y0 - a)/b for a linear response function.
The EV parameter biases can be large, so for reliable estimation of x0 they require correction. This can
be done easily using eqns. (9). Since a = a + bias(a) and b = b + bias(b), the estimated true
parameters are
bˆ = and ^ = a + -x b fbias ,
a (15)
1 + f bias
^ is obtained by again treating -y and -x as properties of the model.
where the expression for a
The corrections to a and b imply corresponding changes to the V matrix, needed to estimate
uncertainties in the corrected parameters and in x0. The estimates of a and b are related to a and b via
a linear transformation having a 2¥2 matrix L with elements L11 = 1, L12 = g, L21 = 0, L22 = h, where
h = (1 + fbias)-1 and g = -x fbias h. The transformed V is V' = LVLT, where LT is the matrix
V11' = V11 + 2g V12 + g 2V22 ; V12' = V21' = h V12 + ghV22 ; V22' = h2V22 , (16)
^ and ^b . The uncertainty in x0 comes from two sources:
where V11' and V22' are the variances for a
the calibration function and the measurement of y0.43 The two contributions are independent, hence
where the first three terms in brackets constitute the variance sf2 in the response function at x0, and the
last is the y-variance at y0 divided by the number m of measurements averaged. With increasing data
error, the nonlinearity of x0 leads to additional contributions to the rhs of eqn. (17).36
independent of the manner used to fit the calibration data. Accordingly, in the MC simulations
discussed below, I will examine just the uncertainty from the calibration fit. At the level of
approximation of eqn (17), this is the uncertainty of the response function at x0 divided by the slope,
Simulated data are generated by adding random normal error in x and y to points on the true
curve, using methods that have been described in detail before.13,41 Here it suffices to note that the
MC precisions are governed by the standard errors from the MC statistics, e.g., sa/(N)1/2 for the
intercept a when it and its standard deviation are estimated from N analyzed data sets. The uncertainty
in sa is governed by the statistics of c2, so it is uncertain by 1 part in (2N)1/2, which is 0.224% for N =
105. Also, when the MC results are binned to yield histograms and the latter are fitted, the bin counts
are weighted in accord with Poisson statistics, meaning they are assigned uncertainties = count1/2.
The computations were performed using algorithms written in Microsoft FORTRAN and run
on PCs operating in Windows XP and Vista. My general-purpose TV code has been tested on a
number of linear and nonlinear problems in the literature. Under tight convergence criteria, in tests on
York's strongly heteroscedastic linear model,44 it yields 10-figure agreement with "exact" values as
given by Cantrell,45 and 12-figure agreement with STV.23 The parameter SEs for this model agree
with those given by Reed at his stated precision (7 and 8 digits in his footnote 15, evaluated at
calculated points).46 Also, it gives identical results for parameters and standard errors in all
mathematically equivalent ways of expressing the fit relation among the variables and parameters (e.g.,
both implicit and explicit versions of quadratic equations, and different linearized versions of the
Langmuir isotherm47). This invariance is to be expected from the manner in which STV is defined in
terms of the variables in eqn (1). The simpler EV2 code was similarly checked for its agreement with
From Figs. 1 and 2, with constant error in both variables the parameters are biased and
nonnormal for analysis by both the TV (= EV2) and the EV (= OLS) methods. Since LLS estimators
are normal and unbiased for any sy when sx = 0, we can ask how small sx must be for these
properties to hold approximately. For this model, 105 MC data sets run with sx = 0.05 (= sy /10)
yielded histograms that were adequately fitted by Gaussians, and ensemble statistics for both the
parameters and their standard errors that agreed with predictions, for analysis by both methods. If we
reverse the axes of major and minor uncertainty, it turns out that sx = 0.25 and sy = 0.025 yield
almost identical parameter SEs; however, now the parameter estimates are clearly biased and
nonnormal. We can see why this is true by re-expressing the fit relation with reversed definitions of
the variables,
y a
x=b -b , (18)
which is nonlinear in a and b. Further, if y were error-free, b would be the reciprocal of a normal
variate, which explains its bias and nonnormality.41,48 By redefining the parameters,
By A
x= 4 -2 . (19)
we regain normality for the same numerical values of the parameters, and B has the same SE as b.
Figure 4 shows the binned S/n values from the same MC runs that yielded the results in Fig. 2.
Remarkably, the values from the TV analysis are adequately fitted by the reduced c2 distribution, even
though the parameter distributions are very far from Gaussian. This result — that the S values are c2-
distributed when the parameters are very nonGaussian — has been noted before in single-uncertain-
variable NLS,41 but the degree of nonnormality displayed here in Fig. 2 greatly exceeds that in the
previous analogous comparisons. The S/n distributions for EV analysis in Fig. 4 do not follow the c2
For the examples so far, the biases are greater for OLS analysis, but the corresponding
parameter SEs are smaller than predicted by Vprior. Results for a range of assumed y-error structures
are compared with the predictions from eqns (8) - (11) in Table 2. When sy is constant, the biases for
EV analysis are remarkably insensitive to the value of sy , even when the nominal relative SE in a
exceeds 1. The predictions are less reliable for non-constant sy , but still lead to discrepancies that are
much smaller than the parameter SE. Note that the sy values assumed for the SP tests lead to weights
spanning a dynamic range exceeding 30, which is moderate heteroscedasticity. For TV analysis, the
biases are much smaller, but are not predictable. And the sampling estimates of sa and sb typically
exceed those for EV analysis by 15-60%. Given these two properties — the predictability of the
biases and the greater precision — these tests support the earlier indication that the EV method is
better for estimating the parameters than the TV method when sx is constant.
Complementary results for proportional rather than constant error in x are given in Table 3.
Shukla's theory cannot be used to predict the EV biases in this case, which now also depend on the
error in y. The biases in both intercept and slope are noticeably smaller for the geometric x-structure
than for the arithmetic, but always still exceed those for the TV method. The EV estimates are mostly
more precise than the TV ones, but not by as much as for constant x error in Table 2. We can
conclude that the EV method is at best comparable to the TV method in this case.
As previously was noted, the EV method degenerates to OLS when sx and sy are both
constant, as then the wi (eqn 2) become constant for all i. Similarly, when syi µ sxi, the EV method
becomes simple weighted LS, with relative weights given by syi-2. In all other cases, including
proportional error in both x and y, no such simplification occurs, and the wi depend upon i and b and
must be iterated to consistency. In particular, the uncertainties in x must be known in this case, as they
contribute to the wi and thus affect the EV results. Of course the uncertainty in x must be known for
To lend specificity to the comments in the preceding paragraph, consider the analysis of a
single data set like those in the simulations that gave the third set of results in Table 2 (sx = 0.75,
sy = 1.0). Naive use of OLS in this case will give the EV solution exactly (since the weights wi are
the same for all points, no matter what the value of b). The estimated slope and intercept are enough
biased as to make the rms errors in a and b now greater than those for the TV method, so correction of
In comparing the EV results in Tables 1 and 2 with predictions, we knew the true parameters a
and b; an analyst would have to estimate these from the observed a and b. This can be done using
eqns (15), provided one can estimate both sx and sxm for the data. How well this can be done will
depend on the nature of the study, but recall that the first of these is anyway required for proper use of
both analysis methods. Most of the constant-sx results in Table 2 were obtained with a base x
structure of 5 evenly spaced xi values from 1 to 5. These were repeated 4 times to achieve the 20-point
Figures 5 and 6 compare the TV and EV methods, for the model behind the third set of results
in Table 2. As anticipated, the uncorrected EV results are the poorest, as a consequence of the large
parameter biases. The bias-corrected EV method is virtually identical to the TV method in its
performance in estimating x0. Note that both methods are slightly biased in these estimates. As was
mentioned earlier, this stems from the nonlinearity of the estimator of x0, and it holds also for
conventional calibration with error-free x.36,37 For the TV and EVcor results, sx0 exceeds sf(x0)/b by
When similar MC comparisons are made for the model behind Figs. 1 and 2, where the EV
method seemed clearly better, we see (Fig. 7) that this performance holds also for estimating y(x). In
this case, correcting for the bias actually leads to increased rms error. However, Fig. 8 shows that the
uncorrected EV method fails to estimate the unknown x0 as well as the TV method in this case, though
with the bias corrections, the EV rms error remains the smallest for all x0. The SEs in y and x0 are
relatively large over most of the investigated range of x, and sx0 is comparable to sf(x0)/b for EVcor
but actually significantly smaller than sf(x0)/b for the TV results. Examination of the distributions of
a, b, and x0 revealed the reason for this surprising result: very nonnormal a and b but nearly normal
x0. In the effective variance, the contribution from the x uncertainty is 90% of the total in this case,
meaning that regression of x upon y should yield roughly normal B and A in eqn (19) and reciprocal
normal a and b in eqn (18). The TV analysis correctly reflects this dependence and hence yields near-
normal x0, as expected for x0 = x(y0) from eqn (19); the EV treatment, being OLS of y on x, does not.
Figure 9 extends the comparisons to the SP1 model of Table 2, where the x-error remains
constant, but y is heteroscedastic. In this case the EV method requires iteration on the wi, since
changes in b affect the different wi differently. There are two ways of accommodating the bias
corrections now — within these iterations, where they contribute to sy,eff and hence to the changing
wi, or at the conclusion of these iterations. The MC computations gave slightly better results for the
first choice, so just these results are compared in Fig. 9. Regardless, the EV estimation of x0 is now
significantly poorer than that from the TV method over all x0 but a narrow range near the weighted
average of the calibration xi values. Thus the respectable performance of the EV method in estimating
the parameters in Table 2 for this model does not extend to their use in calibration.
When both x and y are heteroscedastic, there is no theoretical method for correcting the biases,
as has been noted. However, for the geometric x-structure, results in Table 3 showed good parameter
precision and small bias for the uncorrected EV results, so we ask whether this behavior extends to the
estimation of x0. Indeed, for the geometric-x models in that table (having both constant and
proportional error in y) there was only small loss of precision (~10%) and insignificantly greater bias
in x0 for the EV method. These losses would not be important in many applications, so the EV
method can be judged acceptable in this case though still poorer than the TV method.
All of the illustrations so far have been for actual performance of the two fitting methods, as
determined from the MC sampling statistics for the parameters and for the calculated y(x) and x0(y0).
The analyst working with a single data set would have to estimate the uncertainties from the V-based
expressions, so we need to know how well those predictions match the observations. Note that if this
were LLS, the Vprior-based SEs would all be the same for all simulations on a given model; and they
would agree statistically with the observed sampling estimates for all of the normal quantities (all but
x0). With error in x, there is variability in Vprior over the simulations and no guarantee of agreement
with the sampling statistics. For the purpose of the comparisons, I compute the MC rms estimates of
the SEs — the square roots of the MC average variances (e.g. eqn 17 w/o the last term in brackets, for
points over the calibration range. Since we presume to know sx and sy , the Vprior-based SEs are the
appropriate quantities.
For most of the test models, these comparisons showed consistency between predicted and
sampling estimates of the SEs within ~10%, for both the TV results and the bias-corrected EV results.
The exceptions were as follows: (1) For the 5-point model of Figs. 1 and 2, both methods
overestimated the SEs for the parameters and for sf(x) by about 20% but predicted sx0 within ~5%.
This behavior is another manifestation of the preference of this model for regression of x upon y,
making x0 nearly normal but the other quantities roughly the reciprocals of normal variates. (2) For
the 20-point proportional error models having 20% error in x and 40% in y, there were divergence
tendencies in the sampling statistics of x0 (like factor-of-10 increases in the sampling rms errors on
going from 20% error in both x and y), and these were reflected in clearly divergent Vprior-based SEs
for x0 in both methods. (3) The latter behavior occurred also for a model having 20% error in x and
sy = 1, but only 5 points. In all of these cases the TV and EVcor methods performed comparably.
When sx is small
Most results discussed up to now have involved data that are very noisy in x, y, or both. While
these conditions may prevail in some situations (e.g., some biomedical work, and methods
comparisons near the detection limit), in most analytical work uncertainty in x is more likely to be a
nuisance than a fatal flaw. I next address the matter of when that nuisance is enough of a problem to
require special attention, in the common use of OLS to fit calibration data.
From eqns (13) and (14), the quantity that determines the significance of bias is the ratio of the
random-error variance in x to the model variance. For example, for the base 5-point arithmetic x
structure used in much of this work, suppose the uncertainty in x is about 1/10 the range of xi values, or
sx = 0.4. Then a quick computation shows that the key variance ratio will be about 0.08, leading to an
8% bias factor for large n (which is worse than small n, thanks to the inconsistency of the estimators
in this situation). Even this bias is much larger than is likely to be encountered in most routine
MC simulations were run on data sets like this for a range of sy values, using OLS (hence
Vpost, eqn (7), to estimate the uncertainties). These computations confirmed that an analyst working
with such data and unaware of the uncertainty in x would still obtain uncertainties for the parameters
and for estimates of x0 that are typically within 5% of the actual rms errors. The reduced sums of
squared residuals (S/n) were also quite close to sy 2 + b 2sx2, permitting an analyst with knowledge of
sx to both correct for the biases and reliably estimate sy 2. The biases become more significant
contributors to the rms errors as the sy 2 term in S/n decreases; and when S/n ≈ b2sx2, they require
attention. Alternatively the analyst should then consider fitting x(y) instead of y(x).
Data having comparable uncertainty in x and y normally require special methods for least-
squares analysis. However, when the uncertainties in both variables are constant, OLS can actually
give better results in linear calibration. Both OLS and the more complex TV method yield biased
estimates of parameters and unknowns; however, the parameter biases are reliably predicted and hence
correctable for OLS, from the theory of inverse calibration — regression of x upon y when x is error-
free and y is uncertain. MC simulations demonstrate that the biases are insensitive to the uncertainty
in y as long as both uncertainties are constant. When sy varies with y, OLS can be replaced by the
effective-variance method, in which the data are weighted inversely as the effective variance, syi2 + b 2
sxi2. The MC simulations show that the EV method can again yield more precise, bias-correctable
parameter estimates; however, in this case the good results for the parameters do not translate into
comparable performance in estimating x0 in calibration. When both x and y are heteroscedastic, the
TV method must generally be used. In one exception, the MC simulations indicate that the EV method
performs comparably when the x-structure of the data is approximately geometric and x has
In OLS calibration, the quantity that signals the need for concern about uncertainty in x is the
ratio of the random-error variance in x to the model variance, sx2/sxm2. The biases will be less than
this ratio, so either negligible (when sy 2 exceeds ~3 b2 sx2), or easily corrected. When b2sx2
exceeds ~3sy 2, the error in x dominates, and analysts who prefer to work with unbiased estimators
The TV method can be trusted in all circumstances but is not free of bias, particularly for noisy
data. For linear response functions, the TV solutions can be obtained easily using many standard
nonlinear LS programs, by defining the fit function to include seff in the denominator. While this
approach is rigorously correct for only linear response functions, there are indications that it is
statistically nearly equivalent to the TV method more generally, for any response function.
1 J. N. Miller, Analyst, 1991, 116, 3.
4 A. Sayago, M. Boccio, and A. G. Asuero, Crit. Revs. Anal. Chem., 2004, 34, 39.
6 S. M. Gort and R. Hoogerbrugge, Chemom. Intell. Lab. Syst., 1995, 28, 193.
10 N. Francois, B. Govaerts, B. Boulanger, Chemom. Intell. Lab. Syst., 2004, 74, 283.
19 W. E. Deming, Statistical Adjustment of Data, (Wiley, New York, 1938, 1943; Dover, New
York, 1964).
27 J. Orear, Am. J. Phys., 1982, 50, 912; erratum, 1984, 52, 278.
39 P. R. Bevington, Data Reduction and Error Analysis for the Physical Sciences, 1969,
Abbreviations Notation
NLS nonlinear least squares dxi, dyi , wi LS residuals and weight for ith point
Table 2. Comparison of predicted and Monte Carlo results for linear model having intercept (a) and
slope (b) = 1, and error in both x (sx = 0.75) and y. Each MC run comprised 105 20-point data sets (4
points at each of 5 x values), analyzed by the EV method (first of each pair of lines, = OLS for
constant sy ) and the TV method (second of each pair). Predicted EV values of a and b are from Eqs.
(8) - (11). The x values were 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, except for the last results (SP2), obtained with a geometric x
structure — 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5. Results are shown for constant sy (first four), proportional error in y
(next three), and a special y-error structure — 4.4, 0.8, 1.8, 3, 0.2 — used for SP1 and SP2. For
results marked with an asterisk, the analyses employed calculated values (Yi) to assign weights.
Table 3. Comparison of Monte Carlo results (105 20-point data sets) for linear model having intercept
(a) and slope (b) = 1, and error in both x (sx = 0.2 x) and y. In each pair of results lines, the first come
from analysis with the EV method, the second with TV. An arithmetic x-structure — 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 —
was used for the first six sets, while a geometric structure — 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5 — was used for the rest.
Figure Captions
Figure 1: Bias in parameter estimates and rms errors for a 5-point straight line model having true
from 105 simulated data sets for each sx, analyzed by minimizing STV (= SEV2 ) and
SEV (OLS). For Dsrms the reference is the covariance-matrix predicted standard error
(the same for all methods). The curves in the lower plot are fits to the function C sx2,
Figure 2: Histograms for estimated values of the slope b in model of Fig. 1 at sx = 0.75. The
Figure 3: Histograms for b and B (eqn 19) from fits of data having sx = 0.25 and sy = 0.025, for
TV analysis of 105 MC data sets. The illustrated weighted Gaussian fit for B yields a
reasonable value of 28.2 for c2 (31 points); that for b (curve not shown) gives 3160.
The biases for a and b are -0.042 and 0.014, respectively for TV analysis, 0.072 and
Figure 4: Histograms of S/n values obtained in same MC calculations that yielded distributions
for b in Fig. 2. The illustrated curve for TV is a weighted LS fit to the reduced c2
Figure 5: Monte Carlo results (105 data sets) for bias and precision in the estimation of y = a +
bx for the third model of Table 2 (sx = 0.75, sy = 1.0, a = b = 1, n = 20). rms errors
Figure 6: Bias and precision in the estimation of x0 in the MC simulations of Fig. 5, with
Figure 7: Bias and precision in the estimation of y for the model of Fig. 1 (105 MC data sets).
Figure 9: Bias and precision in the estimation of x0 from 105 MC simulations for the SP1 model
40 a (EV)
s (%)
b (EV)
30 a (TV)
b (TV)
Figure 1: Bias in parameter estimates and rms errors for a 5-point straight line model having true
intercept =1 and slope = 2, x values at 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, and sy = 0.5. Results obtained
from 105 simulated data sets for each sx, analyzed by minimizing STV (= SEV2 ) and
SEV (OLS). For Dsrms the reference is the covariance-matrix predicted standard error
(the same for all methods). The curves in the lower plot are fits to the function C sx2,
which is the expected dependence for small bias.41
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
Figure 2: Histograms for estimated values of the slope b in model of Fig. 1 at sx = 0.75. The
predicted SE here is sb = 0.5000; the MC sampling statistics yield sb = 0.448 and
0.812 for the EV (OLS) and TV methods, respectively.
8000 B
1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6
Figure 3: Histograms for b and B (Eq. 15) from fits of data having sx = 0.25 and sy = 0.025, for
TV analysis of 105 MC data sets. The illustrated weighted Gaussian fit for B yields a
reasonable value of 28.2 for c2 (31 points); that for b (curve not shown) gives 3160.
The biases for a and b are -0.042 and 0.014, respectively for TV analysis, 0.072 and
-0.024 for EV (OLS) analysis.
7000 EV
0 1 2 3 4
Figure 4: Histograms of S/n values obtained in same MC calculations that yielded distributions
for b in Fig. 2. The illustrated curve for TV is a weighted LS fit to the reduced c2
0.9 EVcor
EV - rms
y bias (calc - true)
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Figure 5: Monte Carlo results (105 data sets) for bias and precision in the estimation of y = a +
bx for the third model of Table 2 (sx = 0.75, sy = 1.0, a = b = 1, n = 20). rms errors
1.2 EV-rms
x0 bias (calc - true)
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Figure 6: Bias and precision in the estimation of x0 in the MC simulations of Fig. 5, with
3.0 TV
2.5 EV
sy 2.0
1.0 a
y bias (calc - true)
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Figure 7: Bias and precision in the estimation of y for the model of Fig. 1 (105 MC data sets).
1.2 EVcor
sx0 EV-rms
0.4 a
x0 bias (calc - true)
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
2.0 EVcor
x0 bias (calc - true)
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Figure 9: Bias and precision in the estimation of x0 from 105 MC simulations for the SP1 model