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November - December 2007

11/2007 Page 1 of 34
Table of Contents

World-wide Activity Page 3

Oil and Gas Market Page 4
Regional Activity
North Atlantic Page 5
Norway Page 6
South America Page 7
US Gulf Page 8
West & South Africa Page 9
Pacific Rim Page 10
Rest of the World (Mediterranean, Mid East, India) Page 11
Deepwater Activity Page 12
Newbuildings and Attrition Page 13
Newbuilding Orders Page 14
Conversions/ Upgrades/ Various Page 15
Second-hand Market Page 16
Secondhand Sales Page 17
Recent Fixtures Page 19
Demand/Supply/Utilization Page 24
Activity Charts
R.S. Platou Offshore, Offices and Personnel

11/2007 Page 2 of 34
World Activity
World Activity Summary
Historic Activity Summary

No. of Rigs

Floaters Jackups Other Passive Total

TS D S U% TS D S U% Modes Fleet TS D S U%
400 Current 187 174 176 99 398 349 371 94 1 37 585 523 547 96
Previous 186 175 176 99 398 349 371 94 1 36 584 524 547 96
6 Months 185 165 166 99 390 344 356 97 0 53 575 509 522 98
12 Months 184 164 164 100 381 338 346 98 1 54 565 502 510 98














In general there are still very few clouds on the sky above the rig market. However, as the oil




















companies are reported to start tightening their growth of E&P spending, the rig market lives a life of
its own. Here is some food for thought:
Other Modes Cold Stacked Active Supply Rest of World
Pac. Rim W. and S. Africa S. America N. Atlantic
Gulf of Mex/Carib Today the average dayrate for the offshore rig fleet is approx. USD120k/day. Of 556 rigs on contract
the total spendings on rig contracts is approximately USD24bill from total E&P budgets of approx.
USD355bill, hence 7% goes to rig. The rig share of E&P has been around 6-9% the last years.
Activity Summary Floaters Jackups Sum Active Rigs
TS D S U% TS D S U% TS D S U% The rig fleet will increase with 20% up to 2010. 70floaters and 90 jackups with expected average rates
at USD460k/d and USD190k/d would require additional USD20bill/year by 2011 only to cover the
North Atlantic additional rigs. This is almost as much as the total rig spending today. On top of this, several existing
39 39 39 100 38 36 36 100 77 75 75 100
contracts expire during the same period. New contracts are signed and the average rate on the existing
Gulf of Mexico 46 41 41 100 124 89 106 84 170 130 147 88 fleet will most certainly increase as well.

South America 30 30 30 100 6 4 5 80 36 34 35 97 Budgeted growth in E&P is 10-15% per year, or USD2-4bill per year. If the oil companies do not
intend to use more money on E&P than what is currently being predicted, rig spending has to take a
West & S. Africa 29 25 26 96 26 25 25 100 55 50 51 98 larger share of the total. Common with the rig industry is that neither supply, seismic, subsea or
production solutions are expected to become less expensive.
Pacific Rim 26 22 23 96 64 59 61 97 90 81 84 96

Rest of the World 17 17 17 100 140 136 138 99 157 153 155 99

World Total 187 174 176 99 398 349 371 94 585 523 547 96

11/2007 Page 3 of 34
Oil & Gas Markets
US Natural Gas Price - Henry Hub
Fundamentals 14

Average Brent Blend oil price was USD92,53/bbl, from 80,50 last month.
The 12 months moving average price was USD71,9/bbl, from 69,9 last month.
Oil future prices the next six months trend to around 91,43USD/bbl.

Average Henry Hub gas price was USD7,11/MMBTU, from 6,70 last month.
The 12 months moving average price was USD6,88/MMBTU, from 6,97 last month. Gas 8
future prices in the next six months trend up to around USD7,29/ MmBTU.

Oil Price - Brent Blend 2


































12 Month Moving
Henry Hub Futures
60 Average

OPEC's (11) total production in Oct was on average 30,66 mill bbl/day, from 30,66 previous
month. Iraq produced about 2,30 mill bbl/ day, from 2,18 mill bbl/day previous month. (Source
20 Bloomberg).

OPEC's (11) production capacity is estimated to about 34,26 mill bbl/day inclusive of Iraq with
0 2,4 mill bbl and Saudi-Arabia with 10,80 mill bbl/day. (Source Bloomberg).












Total world oil demand for 2006 was 84,7 mill bbl. The total world demand in 2005 was 83,9





















mill bbl. For the forth quarter of 2007 demand is forecasted to 87,1 bbl/day. (Source
12 Month Moving
Historic Price Brent Futures

11/2007 Page 4 of 34
North Atlantic
North Altantic Rig Activity
Floaters Jackups Other Passive Total
TS D S U% TS D S U% Modes Fleet TS D S U%
No. of Rigs

Current 39 39 39 100 38 36 36 100 1 1 77 75 75 100

Previous 40 38 38 100 38 36 36 100 1 3 78 74 74 100
60 6 Months 42 38 38 100 37 37 37 100 1 3 79 75 75 100
12 Months 45 40 40 100 37 34 34 100 2 6 82 74 74 100
Dayrates ($1000/day)
Current Month 6 Months Ago 1 Year Ago 2 Years Ago
U% High Low High Low High Low High Low
Floaters 100 480 350 480 350 475 330 330 200
0 Jackups 100 340 140 350 190 315 165 210 90































The North Atlantic rig markets continue to stay strong. All sectors experience close to 100%
Other Modes Cold Stacked Active Supply Jackups Demand Floaters Demand utilization. However the backlog is decreasing and next year 8 floaters will come available on the UK
sector. The sublet activity in UK sector, where some operators are long on rigs, is keeping the duration
of contracts from increasing. The North Sea Semi demand in 2008 is, however expected to increase
from present demand of approx. 37 units to around 45 next summer. Supply being reduced due to
Historic Dayrates - North Atlantic some out flux from the region, but reinforced through increased sublet availability. The overall
500K balance is forecasted to be a deficit of units in the year to come, which secures continuous high day

Lack of long-term jackup requirements in Northwest Europe is reflected through a number of units

leaving the North Sea. This outflow of units will result in an average shortfall in the region of more
than three units in 2008.

The Office of Fair Trading in UK has stated that Transocean will either have to sell or move out the
200K GlobalSantaFe semi fleet in UK sector. Transocean will likely divest 2 semis. GSF Arctic II (3G 1200
ft semi) and GSF Arctic IV (3G 1500 ft semi). The third semi at UK, GSF Arctic III (3G 1800 ft semi)
is expected to commence work outside the UK sector, when current contract ends early 2008.
FOE landed a 6 month contract at 365' USD/Day for Byford (2G 1500 ft semi) at UK with Senergy for
start-up in March 2008.
































Jackup High Spec Jackup Standard Semi High Spec Semi Standard

11/2007 Page 5 of 34
Norwegian Rig Activity

24 Floaters Jackups Other Passive Total

TS D S U% TS D S U% Modes Fleet TS D S U%
No. of Rigs

20 Current 18 18 18 100 6 5 5 100 1 0 24 23 23 100

Previous 18 17 17 100 6 5 5 100 1 1 24 22 22 100
16 6 Months 17 17 17 100 6 6 6 100 0 0 23 23 23 100
12 Months 17 17 17 100 5 4 4 100 0 1 22 21 21 100
Dayrates ($1000/day)
Current Month 6 Months Ago 1 Year Ago 2 Years Ago
4 U% High Low High Low High Low High Low
Floaters 100 510 380 490 380 475 350 365 250































Rigs on the Norwegian shelf are experiencing 100% utilization. Despite the high utilization
Other Modes Cold Stacked Active Supply Jackups Demand Floaters Demand dayrates are starting to level out. The high OPEX and the strict regulations, which
characterise this shelf, are still putting a serious restrain on the rig supply. This will help to
Historic Dayrates - Norway secure a continued high utilization for the existing players. However, the picture might
600K change. At present, 18 semis, six jackups and one drillship, have AoC certificates. Jackup
Rowan Gorilla VI is going through the necessary process, and four other jackups - three for
500K Skeie Drilling and one for PetroProd - are being built specifically for the Norwegian sector.
Eight newbuild semis already have contracts for Norwegian programmes, and potentially

other newbuild floaters may follow.

Transocean semi Polar Pioneer has been awarded a four year contract by StatoilHydro for
operations off Norway. Commencement in first half 2010. The rig is one of a kind artic unit
300K with fully enclosed work areas and tubular storage areas. It is already working for the same


































Semi High Spec Semi Standard

11/2007 Page 6 of 34
South America
South American Rig Activity

Floaters Jackups Other Passive Total

40 TS D S U% TS D S U% Modes Fleet TS D S U%
Current 30 30 30 100 6 4 5 80 0 1 36 34 35 97
No. of Rigs

30 Previous 31 30 30 100 6 5 6 83 0 1 37 35 36 97
6 Months 29 27 27 100 6 6 6 100 0 2 35 33 33 100
12 Months 31 26 26 100 6 6 6 100 0 5 37 32 32 100
Dayrates ($1000/day)
10 Current Month 6 Months Ago 1 Year Ago 2 Years Ago
U% High Low High Low High Low High Low
Floaters 100 385 380 385 380 385 360 280 150
Jackups 80 160 130 170 150 170 160 75 60































Even though the Latin American floater market will see an influx of a number of semis in the
Other Modes Cold Stacked Active Supply Jackups Demand Floaters Demand coming months, the region can expect a shortage of around six rigs during 2008.

Historic Dayrates South America The jackup market's demand forecast is reduced due to the recent economic restrictions
450K imposed on PEMEX. This is opposite to signals which the government sent to PEMEX when
they earlier this year indicated lower tax burden on PEMEX, in order to boost investments in
E&P. Despite the decrease in demand it is forecasted to be an overall deficit of around four
350K units during the course of 2008.

With Brazil and Petrobras having a demand of 45 rigs on average over 2008 they are
250K becoming a significant player in the rig market. Petrobras have proved to be successful in
attracting rigs from all over the world, offering sound contracts with reasonable dayrate. It is
a merging trend that for some national oil companies to purchase their own drilling rigs.
150K Petrobras will most likely build two jackups, with delivery early 2010. The units will
probably be high spec 350ft rigs and construction will take place in Brazil.

50K The ninth licensing round of Brazil's oil and gas exploration concessions saw 117 out of 271
taken at a price of over USD1.1bill. Following the recent Tupi discovery, the government
had removed over 40 of the most attractive blocks with potential subsalt reserves, prompting

most supermajors to decline to bid. Brazil's OGX Petroleo e Gas Participacoes bought 21































blocks, a few less than Petrobras.

Semi High Spec Semi Standard Jackup High Spec Jackup Standard
Venezuela's state oil company PDSVA have hired Neptune Discoverer to drill 21 offshore
natural gas wells, 4 years. The drill ship will arrive in Venezuela in February, where it will
remain for four years.

11/2007 Page 7 of 34
US Gulf
US Gulf Rig Activity
Floaters Jackups Other Passive Total
200 TS D S U% TS D S U% Modes Fleet TS D S U%
Current 46 41 41 100 124 89 106 84 0 23 170 130 147 88
No. of Rigs

160 Previous 44 39 39 100 124 88 105 84 0 24 168 127 144 88

6 Months 42 38 38 100 125 96 105 91 0 24 167 134 143 94
12 Months 42 38 38 100 133 101 108 94 0 29 175 139 146 95

80 Dayrates ($1000 /day)

Current Month 6 Months Ago 1 Year Ago 2 Years Ago
40 U% High Low High Low High Low High Low
Floaters 100 380 300 355 300 355 300 325 200
0 Jackups 84 150 50 180 90 165 140 180 80































The U.S. Gulf jackup market has levelled out on a rather low rate level. Despite an out flux
Other Modes Cold Stacked Active Supply Jackups Demand Floaters Demand of jackups from the region, an average surplus of 12 jackups for 2008 is projected. Demand
for smaller jackups has not seen any improvement, prompting contractors to cold stack the
Historic Dayrates - US Gulf rigs, are not viable to mobilize to other waters.
For the deep-water units, the market looks better, but the projections for next year indicates a
350K possible surplus in this segment. However, with a global deficit of such units some are
expected to move to other waters. Several deepwater newbuilds have already been contracted

for work in USGOM.

250K Diamond has 2 short-term deepwater contracts at strong rates in the US GoM. Ocean Victory
(4G 5500 ft semi) landed a 6 month contract at 505' USD/Day starting early 2009, and Ocean
200K America (4G 5500 ft semi) landed a 1 year contract 480' USD/day starting mid 2008.

Transocean landed a 3-year contract extension for Deepwater Spirit (10.000 ft drill-ship from
100K 2000) with Anadarko starting December 2010 at 520' USD/day. Area of operation is the US
GoM where the rig already operates and no mob/demob involved. Contract have cost
50K escalation based on cost level in November 2007, which would add approximately 15'
USD/Day on the dayrate.

Saipem said they have landed a 5-year contract of day-rate of 470' USD/day for the Frigstad































semi (6G 12.000 ft semi) they recently acquired to ENI, which owns 43% of Saipem. Area of
Jackup High Spec Jackup Standard Semi High Spec Semi Standard operation is US GoM, start-up late 2009 following delivery.

11/2007 Page 8 of 34
West & South Africa
West & South Africa Rig Activity

Floaters Jackups Other Passive Total

TS D S U% TS D S U% Modes Fleet TS D S U%
No. of Rigs

Current 29 25 26 96 26 25 25 100 0 4 55 50 51 98
Previous 28 26 27 96 26 26 26 100 0 1 54 52 53 98
6 Months 30 26 27 96 27 24 24 100 0 6 57 50 51 98
30 12 Months 27 27 27 100 26 26 26 100 0 0 53 53 53 100

20 Dayrates ($1000 /day)

Current Month 6 Months Ago 1 Year Ago 2 Years Ago
U% High Low High Low High Low High Low
Floaters 96 480 360 450 350 425 300 350 175
0 Jackups 100 190 150 200 170 200 170 130 80































The West African jackup market could be expected to soften, with almost 50% of the
Other Modes Cold Stacked Active Supply Jackups Demand Floaters Demand existing fleet coming off contract throughout 2008. The region's jackup fleet is set to increase
from 25 units in November 2007 to 28 units by mid-2008, and then to 30 units by the end of
next year. However, the forecasted demand is estimated to outstrip the supply including the
Historic Dayrates - West & South Africa potential newcomers leaving a market deficit of approximately 1 rig year.

Otherwise the floater market is well balanced with a slight undersupply, Sedco 700 and
Atlantic Venture being the first available units to come off contracts in 1q 2008.

West Africa's relatively small standard floater fleet, comprising eight semis at present, is
300K expected to lose Bulford Dolphin to India, after the recent transfer of ownership to Aban
Offshore. Of the region's remaining standard floaters, Pride Venezuela is booked until third
quarter 2008 with a six-month option outstanding while the next three available rigs are
200K committed until around mid-2009.

Growing deepwater activity in Africa is expected to further put pressure on the battle for the
few suitable units available for such work in the coming year. The backlog for these units in
2008 is expected to outdo the 2007 record year.
In Nigeria, Chevron is working to extend the Noble jack-up Noble Lloyd Noble (250 ft from












1983) for 2-3 years starting mid 2008.






















Jackup High Spec Jackup Standard Semi High Spec Semi Standard Petrobras plan to use its first new-build drillship under construction at Samsung for work
offshore Angola. Delivery has been pushed forward on this unit as it is now to be delivered
in April 2009.

11/2007 Page 9 of 34
Pacific Rim
Pacific Rim Rig Activity

Floaters Jackups Other Passive Total

80 TS D S U% TS D S U% Modes Fleet TS D S U%
No. of Rigd

Current 26 22 23 96 64 59 61 97 0 6 90 81 84 96
60 Previous 26 25 25 100 63 58 60 97 0 4 89 83 85 98
6 Months 25 19 19 100 58 53 53 100 0 11 83 72 72 100
12 Months 25 19 19 100 52 51 51 100 0 7 77 70 70 100
Dayrates ($1000/day)

20 Current Month 6 Months Ago 1 Year Ago 2 Years Ago

U% High Low High Low High Low High Low
Floaters 96 435 210 435 200 435 200 150 80
0 Jackups 97 200 140 225 180 225 180 125 80































The floater market in the Asia pacific region is expected to be balanced with the exception of
Other Modes Cold Stacked Active Supply Jackups Demand Floaters Demand India where there is a shortage of deepwater units throughout 2009. The surplus in the
Jackup market is expected to grow with the delivery of new rigs the coming months.
Historic Dayrates - Pacific Rim
450K However, some strong new contracts are made. Vietnam is starting to position itself as a
country with solid dayrates. It has already contracted Trident XVI (300 ft from 1982) with
3.5 years at 180' USD/day, signed in March 2007 and Seadrill West Larissa (300 ft from
350K 1984), which got 183.5' USD/Day in April 2007 for 1 year.

Cuulong JOC has extended jack-up GSF Galveston Key (300 ft jack-up from 1978) for 2
250K years starting March 2008 offshore Vietnam. Day-rate is 178' USD/Day and will be increased
with 4.5' USD/Day every 6th month (probably cost escalation). Not clear if day-rate is before
of after withholding tax of 5%.



































Jackup High Spec Jackup Standard Semi High Spec Semi Standard

11/2007 Page 10 of 34
Rest of the World
Rest of the World Rig Activity

140 Floaters Jackups Other Passive Total

TS D S U% TS D S U% Modes Fleet TS D S U%
No. of Rigs

Current 17 17 17 100 140 136 138 99 0 2 157 153 155 99
100 Previous 17 17 17 100 141 136 138 99 0 3 158 153 155 99
6 Months 18 17 17 100 137 128 131 98 0 7 155 145 148 98
80 12 Months 16 14 14 100 127 120 121 99 0 8 143 134 135 99

60 Dayrates ($1000/day) - (F
40 Current Month 6 Months Ago 1 Year Ago 2 Years Ago
U% High Low High Low High Low High Low
20 Floaters 100 400 320 400 300 350 295 195 145
Jackups 99 180 130 200 160 200 140 150 70































Transocean jackup George Galloway (300 ft from 1984, 10K BOP) is supposed to have
Other Modes Cold Stacked Active Supply Jackups Demand landed a 2-year extension with ENI offshore Italy at 170' USD/day. The rig already works for
Floaters Demand ENI, and there were no other bidders.

Gulf-3 is the second jack-up to be hot-stacked outside the US GoM this cycle. Transocean
jack-up Shelf Explorer was the first, this rig have secured a new contract.
A jackup that potentially can be hot-stacked soon is the Aban owned Deep Driller 2
(new-build jack-up delivered in 2006). This rig is currently scheduled to end current contract
with Shell in Brunei early to mid December
Scorpion has received a Letter of Commitment for 200 days with RAK Petroleum offshore
Oman for Offshore Courageous (350 ft jack-up delivered in 2007). Day-rate is 190' USD/Day
Activity Summary and start-up is after the rig ends current contract with Cairn in India, around February 2008.
Floaters Jackups Sum Active Rigs

India 8 8 100% 33 33 100% 41 41 100%

M.East/E.Afr. 1 1 100% 86 88 98% 87 89 98%

Med./N.Afr./Blk S 8 8 100% 17 17 100% 25 25 100%

Rest of the World 17 17 100% 136 138 99% 153 155 99%

11/2007 Page 11 of 34
Deepwater 1524 m/ft 5000

No. of Units

Drillships Other Passive Semis Total

50 TS D S U% Modes Fleet TS D S U% TS D S U%
Current 23 23 23 100 0 2 47 45 45 100 70 68 68 100
40 Previous 23 23 23 100 0 2 46 44 44 100 69 67 67 100
6 Months 23 21 21 100 0 6 45 41 41 100 68 62 62 100
30 12 Months 23 21 21 100 0 3 44 43 43 100 67 64 64 100

Dayrates ($1000/day)
10 Current Month 6 Months Ago 1 Year Ago 2 Years Ago
U% High Low High Low High Low High Low
0 Gulf of Mexico 100 540 440 520 410 520 400 475 185
South America 100 510 380 450 350 450 350 300 210




















W and S Africa 100 550 420 520 360 490 350 430 290











Other Modes Cold Stacked Active Supply
Rest of World West and South Africa South America
Gulf og Mex./Carribian


Despite some diversity in rates obtained in the recent contracts, the market for deepwater rigs remains
Activity Summary Drillships Semis Sum Active Rigs strong. The rates in this segment is establishing well above US500k/day for the modern fleet of semis
D S U D S U D S U and drillships. Rumours in the market about rates up towards US600k/day but still no contracts with such
rates have been signed. ONGC turned finally Ocean Rig down which could have been a record contract.
Gulf of Mexico 6 6 100% 22 22 100% 28 28 100% In fact, the West Navigator, that was contracted more than a year back. The big candidates to break this
limit will be Seadrill with West Taurus, Transocean with Deepwater Nautilus or Pacific or Ocean Rig
South America 5 5 100% 7 7 100% 12 12 100% with Eirik Raude.

West and South Africa 7 7 100% 7 7 100% 14 14 100% Here are some relatively recent fixtures.
Stena Drillmax III, 6G DS, got USD520k/day for a five-year contract starting 2Q2009.
Rest of the World 5 5 100% 9 9 100% 14 14 100% Saipem 12000, 6G DS, got USD420k/day for a five plus two-year contract starting in 1Q2010.
ENSCO 8502, 6GSS got USD 466k/day for a two-year contract starting 1Q2010.
World Total 23 23 100% 45 45 100% 68 68 100% Seadrill's West Aquarius, 6GSS got USD520k/day over three years, start-up 4Q2008.
West Navigator, 5GDS got USD550k/day for a four-year contract start-up 1Q2010.
Petrorig 3, 6GSS got USD500k/day for a five-year contract start-up 1Q2010.
Oban B, 6GSS got USD500k/day for a five-year contract start-up 1Q2010.

11/2007 Page 12 of 34
Newbuildings and Attrition
Rigs on Order
30 Highlights
25 Gazflot has ordered two newbuild semis of Moss CS-50 design from Vyborg Shipyard. WD
No. of Rigs

20 Semi capability or price has so far not been reported, but the units will be self-propelled and have
Drillship quarters for 128 people. Delivery is planned for 2010 and 2011. The rigs are classed by the
15 Jackup
Russian Marine Register of Shipping, and are to be built for drilling operations on the Shtokman
10 field in the Barents Sea.
0 Previously it was reported that an as yet unidentified owner in the western Pacific area had
ordered two drillships from Samsung H. I., to be delivered by March 31, 2011 at a combined




price of $1,200m. The company behind this order now appears to be Cardiff Marine Inc., for




private investors (not the shipping company Dryships as reported in the press a few weeks ago).
Attrition The units, with hull no's 1837 and 1838 at Samsung, are to be delivered in 4Q/10 and 1Q/11,
according to Cardiff's brief web spec's. They will be ABS classed, with DP3, WD 10,000 fsw,
DD (Drilling Depth) 35,000 ft, main power 42,000 kW and 172 beds.
16 The Taiwanese company Mandarin Drilling Corp. (a TMT Co. subsidiary) is the previously
No. of Rigs

Drillship reported shipping company from the "Oceania Continent" which ordered a drillship newbuilding
12 Jackup
from Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME). The vessel, with hull no. 3601, is

8 slated for delivery from the Korean yard 30/10/10, at a yard contract price of $623.8m. Some
particulars: length 238 m/781 ft, beam 42 m/138 ft, operating draft 12 m/39 ft, design WD
12,000 fsw/3,658 msw (initially equipped for 10,000 fsw/3,048 msw), and DD 40,000 ft/12,192
0 m. This unit seems to be linked to Vantage Drilling which already took over jackups ordered by
Year Removed
the same company.





Age Profile - Current Fleet

Newbuilding Prices (in USD mill.)

240 Current Month 6 Months Ago 1 Year Ago 2 Years Ago

No. of Rigs

200 Drillship - DP 660 630 630 510

Jackup Ultra Prem 190 190 185 155
160 Drillship
Jackup Semi - Deepwater 660 630 630 520



Year Built





11/2007 Page 13 of 34
Newbuilding Orders

Jackup 83 Units

Seadrill WEST TRITON BMPAC375 375 IC Ppl Shipyard 129 4/2007 Austr. Drilling Assoc. (ADA), 7w/310d.
Awilco Drilling WILBOSS KFELS B 400 IC Keppel Fels 134 4/2007 Available.
Cpoe CPOE-05 UNKN-JU 197 IC Shipyard Unknown UNKN 4/2007 Owner operation in Bohai Gulf shallow water areas.
A.P. Møller-Mærsk MAERSK JU 1 CJ50X100 350 IC Keppel Fels 153 1/2008 Available.
Petrojack PETROJACK 2 BMPAC375 374 IC Jurong Shipyard 139.9 1/2008 Available.
Gulf Drilling Int'L AL ZUBARAH KFELS 5B 300 IC Keppel Fels 130 1/2008 Qatar Petroleum, long term (?).
Japan Drilling Co. HAKURYU 10 BMPAC375 375 IC Ppl Shipyard 130 1/2008 Available.
Awilco Drilling WILFORCE BMPAC375 375 IC Ppl Shipyard 144 1/2008 Available.
Diamond Offshore OCEAN SHIELD KF SUP B 350 IC Keppel Fels 150 1/2008 ENI Australia, 1yr.
Scorpion Offshore OFFSHORE RESOLUTE LTSUP116 350 IC Keppel Amfels 145 1/2008 Petrobras, Brazil, 2yrs.
Seadrill WEST ARIEL KFELS B 400 IC Keppel Fels 132 2/2008 Available.
Diamond Offshore OCEAN SCEPTER KF SUP B 350 IC Keppel Amfels 150 2/2008 Available.
China Oilfield Serv. COSL 942 JU-2000E 400 IC Dalian New Shipyard 147 2/2008 Yard's total constr. cost.
Aban Offshore ABAN 8 BMPAC375 375 IC Ppl Shipyard 175 2/2008 Available.
Scorpion Offshore OFFSHORE VIGILANT LTSUP116 350 IC Keppel Amfels 149 2/2008 Available.
Cpoe CPOE-06 UNKN-JU 197 IC Shipyard Unknown UNKN 2/2008 Owner operation in Bohai Gulf shallow water areas.
A.P. Møller-Mærsk MAERSK CONVINCER BMPAC375 375 IC Jurong Shipyard 147.2 2/2008 Available.
Awilco Drilling WILSEEKER BMPAC375 375 IC Ppl Shipyard 132-140 2/2008 Yard cost $125m. Available.
Rowan Co'S J.P. BUSSELL TARZAN 300 IC Signal Int'L, Orange 125 3/2008 Orig. delivery date 3Q/07. Available.
A.P. Møller-Mærsk MAERSK JU 2 CJ50X100 350 IC Keppel Fels 153 3/2008 DONG Denmark, 2+1yrs.
Rowan Co'S ROWAN MISSISSIPPI LT 240C 400 IC Le Tourneau, Vicksburg 165 3/2008 Available.
Noble Drilling NOBLE HANS DEUL JU-2000E 400 IC Dalian New Shipyard 153.4 3/2008 Orig. del'y 02/08. Shell, North Sea, 2+5x1yr.
Sinvest DEEP DRILLER 6 KF SUP B 350 IC Keppel Fels 145 3/2008 Available.
Seawolf Oilfield Serv. MOSVOLD 104 FG SUPM2 300 IC Mis Shipyard 143 3/2008 Yard tkey cost $126m. Newly acquired fm Mosvold. Available.
Umw Petropipe NAGA-2 CJ46X100 350 IC Labroy Marine Shipyard 147 3/2008 Available.
Jindal Group DISCOVERY-1 KFELS B 350 IC Keppel Fels 171 3/2008 Available.
Atwood Oceanics ATWOOD AURORA SUP 116E 350 IC Keppel Amfels 160 3/2008 Total cost dep. upon poss. enhancem. Available.
Cpoe CPOE-07 UNKN-JU 197 IC Shipyard Unknown UNKN 3/2008 Owner operation in Bohai Gulf shallow water areas.
Nat. Iranian Oil Co. NIDC JU 1 UNKN-JU 300 IC Khorramshahr Yard 116.8 4/2008 NIDC operated. Pars oil field work.
Scorpion Offshore OFFSHORE INTREPID LTSUP116 350 IC Keppel Amfels 145 4/2008 Available.
Jindal Group VIRTUE 1 KFELS B 350 IC Keppel Fels 184 4/2008 ONGC India, 5yrs.
Sinvest DEEP DRILLER 7 BMPAC375 351 IC Ppl Shipyard 140.1 4/2008 Available.
Petrojack PETROJACK 4 BMPAC375 375 IC Jurong Shipyard 180 4/2008 Available.

11/2007 Page 14 of 34
Seawolf Oilfield Serv. MOSVOLD 105 FG SUPM2 300 IC Mis Shipyard 143 4/2008 Yard tkey cost $126m. Newly acquired fm Mosvold. Available.
Nat. Iranian Oil Co. NIDC JU 2 UNKN-JU 300 IC Khorramshahr Yard 116.8 4/2008 NIDC operated. Pars oil field work.
Cpoe CPOE-08 UNKN-JU 197 IC Shipyard Unknown UNKN 4/2008 Owner operation in Bohai Gulf shallow water areas.
Offshore Group Corp. OFFGROUP JU 2 BMPAC375 375 IC Ppl Shipyard 190 4/2008 Available.
A.P. Møller-Mærsk MAERSK JU 3 CJ50X100 350 IC Keppel Fels 153 1/2009 Available.
Uni-Arab Group UAGH JU 1 FG SUPM2 300 IC Yantai Raffles, Yantai 135 1/2009 Constr. cost incl. OFE. Available.
Sinvest DEEP DRILLER 8 KF SUP B 350 IC Keppel Fels 139.6 1/2009 Available.
Rowan Co'S ROWAN 240-C #2 LT 240C 400 IC Le Tourneau, Vicksburg 165 1/2009 Available.
Mercator Lines MERCATOR JU 1 KFELS B 350 IC Keppel Fels 180 * 1/2009 * Operation ready. Available.
Thule Drilling THULE ENERGY FG SUPM2 300 IC Qgm Group 135 1/2009 Del'y delayed from 06/08. Available, marketed for M.East work.
Scorpion Offshore OFFSHORE FREEDOM SUP 116E 350 IC Lamprell, Sharjah 168 * 1/2009 * Turnkey price. Available.
Great Offshore SAMED SHIKHAR SUP 116E 350 IC Bharati Shipyard 182 1/2009 ONGC India, 5yrs.
Standard Drilling STANDARD JU 2 CJ46X100 350 IC Labroy Marine Shipyard 147 2/2009 Available.
Awilco Drilling WILSTRIKE KFELS B 400 IC Keppel Fels 163 2/2009 Available.
A.P. Møller-Mærsk MAERSK JU 4 CJ50X100 350 IC Keppel Fels 153 2/2009 Available.
Awilco Drilling WILCONFIDENCE BMPAC375 375 IC Ppl Shipyard 149 * 2/2009 * Total cost. Available.
Noble Drilling NOBLE SCOTT MARKS JU-2000E 400 IC Dalian Shipb. Industry Co. 190 2/2009 Orig. del'y 03/09. Venture Prod. UK, 2yrs.
Thule Drilling THULE FORCE FG SUPM2 300 IC Qgm Group 135 3/2009 Del'y delayed from 08/08. Available, marketed for M.East work.
Umw Petropipe NAGA-3 CJ46X100 350 IC Labroy Marine Shipyard 153.5 3/2009 Available.
Offshore Group Corp. OFFGROUP JU 1 BMPAC375 375 IC Ppl Shipyard 155 3/2009 Available.
Offshore Group Corp. OFFGROUP JU 3 BMPAC375 375 IC Ppl Shipyard 190 3/2009 Available.
Cpoe CPOE-10 F&G780M2 250 IC Dalian Shipyard UNKN 3/2009 Owner operation in Bohai Gulf shallow water areas.
Cpoe CPOE-09 F&G780M2 250 IC Dalian Shipyard UNKN 3/2009 Owner operation in Bohai Gulf shallow water areas.
China Oilfield Serv. COSL 936 CJ46X100 350 IC Shipyard Tba UNKN 3/2009 Available.
Great Eastern Shpg GREATDRILL CHITRA KFELS B 350 IC Keppel Fels 182 4/2009 Available.
Standard Drilling STANDARD JU 4 CJ46X100 350 IC Labroy Marine Shipyard 153.5 4/2009 Available.
Pars Oil And Gas Co. POGC JU 1 UNKN-JU 250 IC Offshore Industry (Saf) Co. 125 4/2009 Inv. cost 2 newb. total $250m. POGC oper.: South Pars.
Essar Oilfield Services ESSAR JU 1 JU-2000A 450 IC Abg Shipyard UNKN 4/2009 Available, for Indian market ?
Pv Drilling PV DRILLING 2 KFELS B 375 IC Keppel Fels 191 4/2009 Available (?).
Perf. Central PERF. CENTRAL JU 2 SUP 116E 350 IC Keppel Amfels 190 4/2009 Available.
Pars Oil And Gas Co. POGC JU 2 UNKN-JU 250 IC Offshore Industry (Saf) Co. 125 4/2009 Inv. cost 2 newb. total $250m. POGC oper.: South Pars.
Scorpion Offshore OFFSHORE MISCHIEF SUP 116E 350 IC Lamprell, Sharjah 175.9 * 4/2009 * Turnkey price. Available.
Edc EDC JU 1 BMPAC375 375 IC Ppl Shipyard 201 4/2009 Available.
Offshore Group Corp. OFFGROUP JU 4 BMPAC375 375 IC Ppl Shipyard 198 4/2009 Available.
China Oilfield Serv. COSL 937 CJ46X100 350 IC Shipyard Tba UNKN 1/2010 Available.
Skeie Drilling & Prod. SKDP 1 KFELS N 400 IC Keppel Fels 465 1/2010 Yard price $371m. Compl. w. Norw. rules & reg's. Available.
Ks Energy Middle East Jv KSEME JU 1 FG SUPM2 300 IC Mis Shipyard 152 1/2010 Yard price incr. from $148m, orig. del'y 4Q/09. Available.
Essar Oilfield Services ESSAR JU 2 JU-2000A 450 IC Abg Shipyard UNKN 2/2010 Available, for Indian market ?
Rowan Co'S ROWAN SUPER 116E #1 SUP 116E 350 IC Keppel Amfels 175 2/2010 Available.
Petroprod PETROPROD JU 1 CJ70 E 492 IC Jurong Shipyard 560 * 2/2010 * Est. total del'y cost. Simult. drlg/prod. Available.
Skeie Drilling & Prod. SKDP 2 KFELS N 400 IC Keppel Fels 465 3/2010 Yard price $392m. Norw. rules & reg's. Available.
Rowan Co'S ROWAN 240-C #3 LT 240C 400 IC Le Tourneau, Vicksburg 200 3/2010 Available.

11/2007 Page 15 of 34
Rowan Co'S ROWAN SUPER 116E #2 SUP 116E 350 IC Keppel Amfels 175 4/2010 Available.
Tamin Oil & Gas Inv. TOGICO JU 1 CJ46X100 350 IC Labuan Shipyard & Eng. 155 4/2010 Constr. dep. on 5yrs charter in Iran being secured.
Skeie Drilling & Prod. SKDP 3 KFELS N 400 IC Keppel Fels 504 4/2010 Yard price $400m. Norw. rules & reg's. Available.
Essar Oilfield Services ESSAR JU 3 JU-2000A 450 IC Abg Shipyard UNKN 1/2011 Available, for Indian market ?
Rowan Co'S ROWAN SUPER 116E #3 SUP 116E 350 IC Keppel Amfels 175 1/2011 Available.
Rowan Co'S ROWAN SUPER 116E #4 SUP 116E 350 IC Keppel Amfels 175 2/2011 Available.
Essar Oilfield Services ESSAR JU 4 JU-2000A 450 IC Abg Shipyard UNKN 3/2011 Available, for Indian market ?
Rowan Co'S ROWAN 240-C #4 LT 240C 400 IC Le Tourneau, Vicksburg 200 3/2011 Available.

Semi 44 Units

Seadrill WEST PHOENIX CS 50 M2 CM 10,000 6 Samsung H. I. 615 1/2008 Total Norway, 3yrs (poss. 4 or 5yrs).
A.P. Møller-Mærsk MAERSK DS-21 DSS 21 10,000 6 Keppel Fels 450 1/2008 Hull ctr price $235m. Statoil USA, 4yrs.
Seadrill WEST SIRIUS FG EXD 10,000 6 Jurong Shipyard 430 1/2008 Del'y 2Q/08. Devon USG, 4+2x1yrs.
Seadrill WEST HERCULES GVA7500N CM 9,842 6 Daewoo Shipb. & Mar. Eng. 506 2/2008 Turnkey newb. contract. Husky China, 3yrs.
Ensco ENSCO 8500 E 8500 CM 8,500 6 Keppel Fels 312 2/2008 Anadarko/Dominion/KMG, USG, 4+4x1yrs.
Aker Drilling AKER SPITSBERGEN H-6E CM 10,000 6 Aker Kvaerner Stord 615 3/2008 Price incr. due to enh. spec's. Statoil Norway 3-10yrs.
Seadrill WEST AQUARIUS GVA7500N CM 9,842 6 Daewoo Shipb. & Mar. Eng. 496 3/2008 Yard turnkey price. ExxonMobil, w-wide, 3yrs.
Seadrill WEST EMINENCE CS 50 M2 CM 10,000 6 Samsung H. I. 610 3/2008 Available.
Awilco Offshore WILPIONEER GM 4000 CM 2,500 6 Yantai Raffles, Yantai 331 * 4/2008 * Delivered cost. BP Norway, Skarv/Idun, 2-3yrs.
Odfjell Invest DEEPSEA ATLANTIC GVA7500E CM 10,000 6 Daewoo Shipb. & Mar. Eng. 608-628 4/2008 Statoil, Norway, 4yrs (or 5yrs).
Seadrill WEST TAURUS FG EXD 10,000 6 Jurong Shipyard 457 4/2008 Available.
Aker Drilling AKER BARENTS H-6E CM 10,000 6 Aker Kvaerner Stord 650 4/2008 Price incr. due to enh. spec. Aker Expl. Norway, 3yrs.
Awilco Offshore WILINNOVATOR GM 4000 CM 2,500 6 Yantai Raffles, Yantai 355 * 4/2008 * Delivered cost. Hydro Norway, Troll dev., 8yrs.
Petromena PETRORIG 1 FG EXD 10,000 6 Jurong Shipyard 470 1/2009 Petrobras USG/Brazil, 5+5yrs.
Sevan Drilling SEVAN DRILLER SSP 650 12,500 6 Cosco Shipyard 480 * 1/2009 * Est. all-in delivery cost. P'bras USG 6yrs.
A.P. Møller-Mærsk MAERSK DS-22 DSS 21 10,000 6 Keppel Fels 450 1/2009 Hull ctr price $235m. Woodside Australia, 3yrs.
Noble Drilling NOBLE DANNY ADKINS BING9000 12,000 6 Dalian / Jurong 500 1/2009 Compl. 03/09 (orig. 02/09) at Dalian. Shell USG, 4yrs+opts.
Ensco ENSCO 8501 E 8500 CM 8,500 6 Keppel Fels 338 1/2009 Nexen USG: 2yrs & Noble En. USG: 1.5yrs, +4x1yr opts.
Transocean GSF DEVEL. DRILLER 3 DSS 51 CM 10,000 6 Keppel Fels 590 * 1/2009 * Est. total. Yard cost $270m. BP w-wide, 7yrs.
Queiroz Galvao Perf. LONE STAR TDS2000 8,000 6 Int'L Metal & Constr. Co. 480 2/2009 Petrobras 5+5yrs.
Petroserv PETROSERV SS 1 GVA 7500 10,000 6 Daewoo Shipb. & Mar. Eng. 485 2/2009 Petrobras 7+7yrs.
Schahin Cury SCHAHIN 3 FG EXD M 7,875 6 Yantai Raffles, Yantai UNKN 3/2009 Petrobras 5+5yrs.
Saipem SCARABEO 8 CS 50 M2 CM 9,842 6 Sevmash / Fincantieri 615 3/2009 Bare-deck hull compl. as MODU. ENI Norway 5+<2yrs.
Saipem SCARABEO 9 FRIG D90 CM 12,000 6 Yantai Raffles, Yantai 533 * 3/2009 * Total project cost. Available.
Queiroz Galvao Perf. GOLD STAR DSS 38 9,000 5 Keppel Fels 270 * 3/2009 * Yard price. Petrobras 7+7yrs.
Seadragon Offshore OBAN B CS 50 M2 CM 10,000 6 Sevmash / Haverton Hill 510 * 3/2009 * As compl. MODU. PEMEX, 5yrs.
Petromena PETRORIG 2 FG EXD 10,000 6 Jurong Shipyard 520 3/2009 Petrobras 5yrs.
Noble Drilling NOBLE JIM DAY BING9000 12,000 6 Dalian / Jurong UNKN 4/2009 Bare-deck, to be compl. 12/09. Marathon USG, 2+2yrs.
Sigma Drilling SIGMA SS 1 GM-5E 4,921 6 Cosco (Zhoushan) Shipyard 202 * 4/2009 * Cost excl. drlg pack. + 1 newb. opt. Available.
Awilco Offshore WILPROMOTER GM 4000D CM 2,500 6 Yantai Raffles, Yantai 365 * 4/2009 * Delivered cost. Hydro Norway 5yrs, poss. 8yrs.
Ensco ENSCO 8502 E 8500 CM 8,500 6 Keppel Fels 385 4/2009 Oper. tba, 2yrs (or 3yrs or 4yrs in oper's opt.).

11/2007 Page 16 of 34
Schahin Cury SCHAHIN 1 FG EXD M 6,562 6 Yantai Raffles, Yantai UNKN 1/2010 Petrobras 7+7yrs.
Petromena PETRORIG 3 FG EXD 10,000 6 Jurong Shipyard 524 1/2010 PEMEX, 5yrs.
Odebrecht Perfuracoes NORBE 6 TDS2000 7,000 6 Int'L Metal & Constr. Co. UNKN 1/2010 Petrobras 7+7yrs.
A.P. Møller-Mærsk MAERSK DS-23 DSS 21 10,000 6 Keppel Fels 263 * 1/2010 * Hull ctr price. Available.
Delba Perforadora DELBA 3 TDS2500 7,874 6 Int'L Metal & Constr. Co. 450 1/2010 Petrobras 7yrs.
Seadrill WEST ORION FG EXD 10,000 6 Jurong Shipyard 532 2/2010 Available.
Odfjell Invest DEEPSEA RIG 2 GVA7500E CM 10,000 6 Daewoo Shipb. & Mar. Eng. 645 2/2010 Exercised option 23/02/07. Available.
Ipc MURALLA 3 GVA 7500 10,000 6 Daewoo Shipb. & Mar. Eng. 632.7 3/2010 PEMEX, 5yrs.
Ensco ENSCO 8503 E 8500 CM 8,500 6 Keppel Fels 427 3/2010 Available.
Cnooc CNOOC SS 1 FG CNOOC 9,842 6 Shanghai Waigaoqiao Sb. 599 * 4/2010 * Est. total investment cost (orig. abt $563m).
Gazflot GAZFLOT SS 1 CS-50 10,000 6 Vyborg Shipyard UNKN 4/2010 Work area Barents Sea (owner operated).
Seadragon Offshore SDO 2 CS 50 M2 10,000 6 Vyborg / Haverton Hill UNKN 4/2010 Available.
Gazflot GAZFLOT SS 2 CS-50 10,000 6 Vyborg Shipyard UNKN 4/2011 Work area Barents Sea (owner operated).

Drillship 24 Units

Stena Drilling STENA DRILLMAX 1 SAMS DS 10,000 DP Samsung H. I. 600 4/2007 Orig. delivery 12/07. Repsol w-wide, 4+1yrs.
Stena Drilling STENA DRILLMAX 2 SAMS DS 10,000 DP Samsung H. I. 550 2/2008 Chevron, UKCS/WoSh/Faroes, 3yrs+opts.
Seadrill WEST POLARIS S10000E 10,000 DP Samsung H. I. 485 2/2008 ExxonMobil, W.Africa/w-wide, 3yrs.
Seadrill WEST CAPELLA S10000E 10,000 DP Samsung H. I. 480 4/2008 Total, Nigeria, 5yrs.
Transocean Pacific Drlg DEEPWATER PACIFIC 1 S10000E 10,000 DP Samsung H. I. 685 1/2009 Orig. cost $550m. Available.
Transocean DISCOVERER CLEAR LEADER EPRISE E 12,000 DP Daewoo Shipb. & Mar. Eng. 650 * 1/2009 * Est. total cost. Chevron, USG, 5yrs.
Transocean DISCOVERER AMERICAS EPRISE E 12,000 DP Daewoo Shipb. & Mar. Eng. 615 2/2009 Hydro GoM 4yrs.
Petrobras / Mitsui PETROBRAS DS 1 UNKN-DS 10,000 DP Samsung H. I. 582 2/2009 Petrobras consortium, 10yrs.
Stena Drilling STENA DRILLMAX 3 SAMS DS 10,000 DP Samsung H. I. 631 2/2009 Riser for WD 7,500 fsw. Hess, w-wide, 5yrs.
Mpf Corp. MPF-01 MPF 1000 10,000 DP Dalian / Dragados 683 3/2009 DS/FPSO. Hull at Dalian ($120m). Available.
Shell / Frontier J.V. BULLY 1 PRD12MPT 12,000 DP Keppel Shipyard 4/2009 Hull constr. in China. Keppel: OFE inst./compl.: $99m.
Transocean DISCOVERER INSPIRATION EPRISE E 12,000 DP Daewoo Shipb. & Mar. Eng. 670 * 4/2009 * Est. total capex. Chevron, USG, 5yrs (ch'able to 3yrs).
Transocean Pacific Drlg DEEPWATER PACIFIC 2 S10000E 10,000 DP Samsung H. I. 665 1/2010 Orig. cost $600m. Riser: WD 7,500 fsw. Available.
Transocean DISCOVERER TBN EPRISE E 12,000 DP Daewoo Shipb. & Mar. Eng. 640 1/2010 BP Angola, 5yrs, poss. 7yrs.
Saipem SAIPEM 12000 S10000E 12,000 DP Samsung H. I. 660 1/2010 Total, W.Africa? 5yrs.
Petrobras PETROBRAS DS 2 UNKN-DS 10,000 DP Samsung H. I. 616 2/2010 Petrobras long term contract.
Seadrill WEST GEMINI S10000 10,000 DP Samsung H. I. 598 2/2010 Available.
Transocean GSF DS 1 G P10000 12,000 DP Hyundai H. I. 740 * 3/2010 * Yard turnkey price. WD: curr. 10,000 fsw. Available.
Pacific Drilling PACIFIC DS 3 S10000E 10,000 DP Samsung H. I. 587 3/2010 Available.
Pride International PRIDE DS 1 SAMS DS 12,000 DP Samsung H. I. 680 * 3/2010 * Cost excl. cap. int. Riser for WD 8,000 fsw. Available.
Mandarin Drilling MANDARIN DS 1 UNKN-DS 12,000 DP Daewoo Shipb. & Mar. Eng. 623.8 * 4/2010 * Yard contract price. Available.
Cardiff Marine CARDIFF DS 1 UNKN-DS 10,000 DP Samsung H. I. 600 4/2010 One of two newb. contracts. Available.
Pride International PRIDE DS 2 S10000E 10,000 DP Samsung H. I. 675 4/2010 Purch. from a Tanker Pacific subsidiary. Available.
Cardiff Marine CARDIFF DS 2 UNKN-DS 10,000 DP Samsung H. I. 600 1/2011 One of two newb. contracts. Available.

11/2007 Page 17 of 34
Total Newbuildings 151 Units

Newbuilding Options

Jackup 6 Units

Great Offshore GEO JU 1 SUP 116E 300 IC Bharati Shipyard 135 3/2008 As of 15/06/06 the constr. contract not yet signed. Rig to be built for Indian waters.
Scorpion Offshore SCORPION JU 8 SUP 116E 350 IC Lamprell, Sharjah 1/2010 2nd of 4 newbuilding options.
Scorpion Offshore SCORPION JU 9 SUP 116E 350 IC Lamprell, Sharjah 3/2010 3rd of 4 newbuilding options.
Ks Energy Middle East Jv KSEME JU 2 FG SUPM2 300 IC Mis Shipyard 4/2010
Petroprod PETROPROD JU 2 CJ70 E 492 IC Jurong Shipyard 1/2011
Scorpion Offshore SCORPION JU 10 SUP 116E 350 IC Lamprell, Sharjah 1/2011 4th of 4 newbuilding options.

Semi 5 Units

Moss Mosvold Platforms MOSS MOSVOLD SS 3 CS 50 M2 10,000 6 Sevmash <60 ? 1/2010 Hull option, not decl. - still valid with flex. exerc. timing.
Sigma Drilling SIGMA SS 2 GM-5E 4,921 6 Cosco (Zhoushan) Shipyard 2/2010
Frigstad Discoverer Inv. FRIGSTAD SS 4 FRIG D90 12,000 6 Yantai Raffles, Yantai 3/2010
Awilco Offshore AWILCO SS 4 GM 4000 CM 2,500 6 Yantai Raffles, Yantai 4/2010 Exercise deadline November 2008.
Awilco Offshore AWILCO SS 5 GM 4000 CM 2,500 6 Yantai Raffles, Yantai 3/2011 Exercise deadline 12/08.

Drillship 2 Units

Mpf Corp. MPF-02 MPF 1000 10,000 DP Cosco (Dalian) Shipyard 4/2010
Tanker Pacific Mgmt FERNCLIFF 4 S10000E 10,000 DP Samsung H. I. 4/2010

Total Newbuildings 13 Units

11/2007 Page 18 of 34

Semi 8 Units

Atlantic Oilfield Serv. ATLANTIC VENTURE E&W SEDCO 700 1,640 2 Kaiser Steel, Oakland UNKN 3/1977 Considered to be re-activated as MODU.
Diamond Offshore OCEAN MONARCH OCEAN VICTORY 10,000 2 Aker Group, Nylands V. 300 2/1974 Est. total upgr. cost Keppel FELS, to 12/08. Anadarko USG, 4yrs+op.
Fred Olsen Energy BLACKFORD DOLPHIN AKER H-3 7,000 2 Aker Group, Nylands V. 560 4/1974 Upgr. Keppel Verolme to 1Q/08: capex $560m. Reliance India, 3yrs.
Noble Drilling NOBLE DAVE BEARD F&G ENH. PACESETTER 10,000 6 Astrakhan / Dalian REM. 4/1986 Rebuild, del'y late 07/08 (orig. 06/08). Total capex $375m. P'bras Brazil, 5yrs.
North Drilling Co. IRAN-ALBORZ GVA 4000 3,280 5 Sadra Shipyard 300 1/2008 NIOC owner op. Non-compet. unit (Caspian Sea).
Queiroz Galvao Perf. OLINDA STAR CFEM TH-2800 3,609 2 U.I.E., Cherbourg UNKN 3/1983 Conv. to dpw MODU at yard tba - compl. 12/08. P'bras Brazil, 5yrs.
Transocean SEDCO 706 E&W SEDCO 700 1,000 2 Kaiser Steel, Oakland 300 3/1976 Est. cost of major upgrade 2Q/07-1Q/08, incl. WD increase to 6,500 fsw.
Viking Drilling VIKING PRODUCER PENTAGONE 1,500 2 C.F.E.M., Le Havre 190 2/1969 Total cost abt $225m incl. purch. Avail. 4Q/08 (orig. 12/07).

Jackup 4 Units

Gazflot ARCTICHESKAYA CD&EB KORALL ARKTIK 328 IC Zvezdochka Shipyard 100 3/2008 Del'y delayed until 3Q/08 due to fin./techn. problems.
Hercules Offshore HERCULES 260 MARATHON L.T. 150-44-C 250 IC Mar. Le Tourneau, Brownsv. 50.1 3/1979 Approx. cost re-furb./upgr. USG yard, est. compl. 10.07. Available.
Nabors Offshore NABORS 660 LEVINGSTON 111-C 300 IC Levingston Shipb., Port Arthur43.0 4/1971 Contract price refurb. at Lamprell, Sharjah, compl. 11.07.
Thule Drilling THULE POWER BAKER MARINE 200-IC 250 IC Promet Private Ltd. 115.0 2/1982 Est. cost rebuild at QGM, compl. end 2007 (est.). S.Aramco 4yrs.

Drillship 3 Units

Aban Singapore ABAN ABRAHAM IHC GUSTO PELICAN CL. 6,600 DP Ihc Gusto Shipyard 180 - 200 4/1976 Re-activ./upgr. Sembawang, compl. 09/07. Kosmos En. W.Afr., 4+4w.
Frontier Drilling FRONTIER DEEPWATER IHC GUSTO PELICAN CL. 5,000 DP Scott'S Shipb. Co. UNKN 1/1979 WD & other upgr. Keppel FELS, compl. 08/08. Available (?).
Neptune Mar. Drilling NEPTUNE EXPLORER IHC GUSTO PELICAN CL. 3,500 CM Werf "Gusto" 145.0 * 4/1973 * Project cost. Refurb. Semb. to 07/07. Reliance India 3+3yrs.

Total 15 Units

11/2007 Page 19 of 34
Secondhand Market
Average Values

Highlights - Sale and purchase activity.


PetroMENA subsidiary PetroRig IV, to be established as a Cyprus registered company, is

Mill USD

acquiring the Pentagone design semi "Petrolia" from Petrolia Drilling. The agreed price is
$225m, paid in cash. Closing of the deal is expected in mid December 2007, and Larsen
200 Oil & Gas will continue as manager of the rig.

150 Saipem acquired 92.12% of the shares in the Norwegian company Frigstad Discoverer
Invest (FDI) at NOK 82 (abt $15.2) per share. FDI has the semi "Frigstad Oslo" under
100 construction at Yantai Raffles Shipyard in China. Saipem will make a mandatory offer for
the remaining shares. The rig, with WD 12,000 fsw and DD 50,000 ft, will be renamed
50 "Saipem 9", and delivery from yard is planned for September 2009.

A subsidiary of Transocean has exercised an option to acquire a 50% interest in the newly
formed company Transocean Pacific Drilling Inc., which will own two drillship










newbuildings to be called "Deepwater Pacific 1" and "Deepwater Pacific 2". The purchase





















price for the 50% interest, and a promissory note issued by the joint venture, was abt $238m
- which represents abt half of the total costs incurred for the vessels at the time of the option
Jackup 200 FT JU Jackup 300 FT JU Semi 2ND GEN Semi 3RD GEN
exercise. The Norwegian company Ferncliff Drilling originally ordered the vessels in June
2006 and April 2007, respectively. They are under construction at Samsung H. I., with
delivery expected in 1Q/09 and 4Q/09.
Secondhand Values Current 6 Months 1 Year 2 Years
Month Ago Ago Ago
Mill USD

Jackup 200 FT JU 40-70 50-80 40-80 35-50

300 FT JU 100-160 130-200 130-200 100-140

HARSH 160-220 160-240 170-220 150-200

HARSH ULTRA 350-400 310-360 260-300 200-250

Semi 2ND GEN 200-300 200-320 190-240 80-150

3RD GEN 300-380 300-360 240-330 180-230

4TH GEN 430-500 400-470 320-400 270-320

5TH GEN 600-700 550-650

11/2007 Page 20 of 34
Secondhand Sales
Sale Date Name Design WD' Built Price Seller Buyer Remarks

Drillship 20 Units
2007.10 DEEPWATER PACIFIC 1 S10000E 10,000 2009 REM. Pacific Drilling Transocean Pacific Drlg 2 x DS newb.: TO purch. 50% in owning j.v. f
2007.10 DEEPWATER PACIFIC 2 S10000E 10,000 2010 REM. Pacific Drilling Transocean Pacific Drlg 2 x DS newb.: TO purch. 50% in owning j.v. f
2007.06 FERNCLIFF 3 S10000E 10,000 2010 108.50 Tanker Pacific Mgmt Pride International Vessel under construction - del'y 1Q/10.
2006.07 FERNCLIFF DS 1 S10000E 10,000 2009 * Ferncliff Drilling Tanker Pacific Mgmt * Company (val. $137.5m) transaction.
2006.07 FERNCLIFF DS 2 S10000E 10,000 2010 * Ferncliff Drilling Tanker Pacific Mgmt * Company (val. $137.5m) transaction.
2006.01 PEREGRINE 03 PELICAN 6,600 1976 90.00+ West Africa Drilling Aban Loyd Chiles Sale of owning co. + 15% dayrate bonus for 3y
2006.01 PEREGRINE 03 PELICAN 6,600 1976 80.00 Transocean West Africa Drilling
2005.12 PRIDE AFRICA G10000 10,000 1999 REM. Pride / Sonangol Pride International Pride incr. o'ship to 91% in 2 x DS & 1 x JU
2005.12 PRIDE ANGOLA G10000 10,000 1999 REM. Pride / Sonangol Pride International Pride incr. o'ship to 91% in 2 x DS & 1 x JU
2005.09 GSF ROBERT F. BAUER GLOM 40 3,300 1983 45.00 Madeira Invest Songa Offshore Buyer bought selling co. Ren. SONGA SATURN.
2005.08 GSF ROBERT F. BAUER GLOM 40 3,300 1983 25.00 Global Santa Fe Madeira Invest Buyer is a Norwegian investment co.
2005.04 NORTHERN EXPLORER 3 PELICAN 3,500 1973 5.90 Sundrop Neptune Drilling Being refurbished. Poss. upgrade later.
2005.04 DISCOVERER 1 DISCOVER 1,500 1977 7.80 Ipc Neptune Drilling Being refurbished. Poss. upgrade later.
2005.03 DISCOVERER 1 DISCOVER 1,500 1977 3.60 Northern Offshore Ipc
2005.03 NORTHERN EXPLORER 3 PELICAN 3,500 1973 3.30 Northern Offshore Sundrop
2004.11 GAZPROM-1 CHERN DS 984 1998 11.00 Gazflot Serv. Mar. De Campeche Sold for conv. to craneship - working Mexico.
2004.09 WEST NAVIGATOR MST 8,202 2000 175 Smedvig Smedvig Sale (LoI) of 50% based on rig val. $350m.
2004.09 FRONTIER ICE CONVBC 984 1959 UNKN Frontier Drilling Aban Loyd Chiles Sale concluded 29/09/04.
2004.01 NORTHERN EXPLORER 2 CONVTK 600 1945 2.10 Northern Offshore Scrap Yard Sold for scrap.
2003.12 DEEPWATER PATHFINDER SAMRBFCO 10,000 1998 92.50 Deepwater Drilling Llc Transocean ConPhil. sold its 50% of Deepwater Drilling L

Jackup 92 Units
2007.10 STANDARD JU 2 CJ46X100 350 2009 215.00 Standard Drilling Unknown Plus L204 sale option for $185m - to be decl.
2007.09 OFFGROUP JU 1 BMPAC375 375 2009 212 Offshore Group Corp. Vantage Energy Serv. 4-rig owning co. sale: cash+shares+debt=tota
2007.09 OFFGROUP JU 3 BMPAC375 375 2009 212 Offshore Group Corp. Vantage Energy Serv. 4-rig owning co. sale: cash+shares+debt=tota
2007.09 OFFGROUP JU 4 BMPAC375 375 2009 212 Offshore Group Corp. Vantage Energy Serv. 4-rig owning co. sale: cash+shares+debt=tota
2007.09 OFFGROUP JU 2 BMPAC375 375 2008 212 Offshore Group Corp. Vantage Energy Serv. 4-rig owning co. sale: cash+shares+debt=tota
2007.07 THE 150 150-44-C 150 1979 REM. Todco Hercules Offshore Part of corp. $2.3bn transaction, concl. 11/
2007.07 THE 155 LEV011-C 150 1980 REM. Todco Hercules Offshore Part of corp. $2.3bn transaction, concl. 11/
2007.07 THE 185 DMI 150 120 1982 REM. Todco Hercules Offshore Part of corp. $2.3bn transaction, concl. 11/
2007.07 THE 200 JU-200MC 200 1979 REM. Todco Hercules Offshore Part of corp. $2.3bn transaction, concl. 11/
11/2007 Page 21 of 34
2007.07 THE 202 JU-200MC 200 1982 REM. Todco Hercules Offshore Part of corp. $2.3bn transaction, concl. 11/
2007.07 THE 110 JU-100MC 100 1981 REM. Todco Hercules Offshore Part of corp. $2.3bn transaction, concl. 11/
2007.07 THE 253 JU-250MS 250 1982 REM. Todco Hercules Offshore Part of corp. $2.3bn transaction, concl. 11/
2007.07 THE 252 JU-250MS 250 1978 REM. Todco Hercules Offshore Part of corp. $2.3bn transaction, concl. 11/
2007.07 THE 251 JU-250MS 250 1978 REM. Todco Hercules Offshore Part of corp. $2.3bn transaction, concl. 11/
2007.07 THE 250 JU-250MS 250 1974 REM. Todco Hercules Offshore Part of corp. $2.3bn transaction, concl. 11/
2007.07 THE 208 JU-200MC 200 1980 REM. Todco Hercules Offshore Part of corp. $2.3bn transaction, concl. 11/
2007.07 THE 207 JU-200MC 200 1981 REM. Todco Hercules Offshore Part of corp. $2.3bn transaction, concl. 11/
2007.07 THE 206 JU-200MC 200 1980 REM. Todco Hercules Offshore Part of corp. $2.3bn transaction, concl. 11/
2007.07 THE 205 JU-200MC 200 1979 REM. Todco Hercules Offshore Part of corp. $2.3bn transaction, concl. 11/
2007.07 THE 204 JU-200MC 200 1981 REM. Todco Hercules Offshore Part of corp. $2.3bn transaction, concl. 11/
2007.07 THE 203 JU-200MC 200 1981 REM. Todco Hercules Offshore Part of corp. $2.3bn transaction, concl. 11/
2007.07 THE 201 JU-200MC 200 1981 REM. Todco Hercules Offshore Part of corp. $2.3bn transaction, concl. 11/
2007.07 THE 191 BMC200MS 160 1978 REM. Todco Hercules Offshore Part of corp. $2.3bn transaction, concl. 11/
2007.07 THE 156 BMC150-H 150 1983 REM. Todco Hercules Offshore Part of corp. $2.3bn transaction, concl. 11/
2007.07 THE 153 JU-150MC 150 1980 REM. Todco Hercules Offshore Part of corp. $2.3bn transaction, concl. 11/
2007.07 THE 256 JU-250MS 250 1975 REM. Todco Hercules Offshore Part of corp. $2.3bn transaction, concl. 11/
2007.07 THE 255 JU-250MS 250 1976 REM. Todco Hercules Offshore Part of corp. $2.3bn transaction, concl. 11/
2007.07 THE 254 JU-250MS 250 1976 REM. Todco Hercules Offshore Part of corp. $2.3bn transaction, concl. 11/
2007.07 THE 152 JU-150MC 150 1980 REM. Todco Hercules Offshore Part of corp. $2.3bn transaction, concl. 11/
2007.06 WEST TITANIA FG 780 250 1981 146.50 Seadrill Seawolf Oilfield Serv. Delivery to buyer in 11/07, upon compl. drlg
2007.06 MOSVOLD 104 FG SUPM2 300 2008 187 Mosvold Jackup Seawolf Oilfield Serv. Owning co. sale for abt $207.7m, incl. 2 x J
2007.06 SNEFERU M200C-45 300 1980 108.10 Egyptian Drilling Co. Ks Energy Services Del'y to KSES by 1Q/08 - to be managed by AOS
2007.06 MOSVOLD 105 FG SUPM2 300 2008 187 Mosvold Jackup Seawolf Oilfield Serv. Owning co. sale for abt $207.7m, incl. 2 x J
2007.05 MAERSK ENDEAVOUR GUSTO 300 1982 151.67 Maersk Contractors Northern Offshore 3-rig sale, total $455m, concl. 15/06/07.
2007.05 MAERSK ENHANCER T-2000C 300 1982 151.67 Maersk Contractors Northern Offshore 3-rig sale, total $455m, concl. 15/06/07.
2007.05 MAERSK EXERTER T-2000C 300 1982 151.67 Maersk Contractors Northern Offshore 3-rig sale, total $455m, concl. 15/06/07.
2007.03 GSF HIGH ISLAND 3 MLT82SDC 250 1980 26.30 Global Santa Fe Ks Energy Services Sale of Hurr. Rita damaged rig final early 03
2007.03 FORTUNA ORION 300 1985 UNKN Grup Servicii Petroliere Iranian Offsh. Eng. Co. Sale closed abt 28/03/07.
2006.12 GSF ADRIATIC 07 MLT116C 350 1983 30 Global Santa Fe Lynemouth Drilling Rig was severely damaged by Hurricane Rita 09
2006.12 WEST PROSPERO KFELS B 350 2007 210 Seadrill Ship Finance Int'L 15-yr lease-back to seller, with re-purch. op
2006.11 NAGA-2 CJ46X100 350 2008 176,50 Umw Petropipe Umw Petropipe 2-rig sale concl. 01/07: each 51% @ $90m, bas
2006.11 NAGA-3 CJ46X100 350 2009 176,50 Umw Petropipe Umw Petropipe 2-rig sale concl. 01/07: each 51% @ $90m, bas
2006.07 SEADRILL 03 KFELS B 350 2006 210.00 Seadrill Ship Finance Int'L 15yrs lease-back to seller.
2006.06 ODIN WARWICK LEV111-C 300 1971 UNKN Eer / Incomare J.V. Nabors Offshore Hurricane-damaged ex Ocean Warwick.
2006.06 BLAKE 505 BMC250MS 250 1981 UNKN Blake Offshore (Eer) Global Process Systems To be conv. to MOPU.
2006.06 PETROJACK 3 BMPAC375 375 2008 210.00 Petrojack A.P. Møller-Mærsk Owning co's Petrojack I & III sold for $420m.

11/2007 Page 22 of 34
2006.06 PETROJACK 1 BMPAC375 375 2007 210.00 Petrojack A.P. Møller-Mærsk Owning co's Petrojack I & III sold for $420m.
2006.04 JACKINVEST JU 1 BMPAC375 375 2008 180.00 Jackinvest Petrojack Price incl. 100% of owning co. and other cost
2006.04 SONGA NEPTUNE MLT053 350 1973 REM. Songa Drilling Abbot Group Owning co. sold in a cash deal val. $442.7m.
2006.04 SONGA TELLUS MLT82SDC 250 1980 REM. Songa Drilling Abbot Group Owning co. sold in a cash deal val. $442.7m.
2006.04 SONGA JUPITER FG 780 300 1981 REM. Songa Drilling Abbot Group Owning co. sold in a cash deal val. $442.7m.
2006.02 OCEAN WARWICK LEV111-C 300 1971 UNKN Diamond Offshore Eer / Incomare J.V. Re-build to accom. unit intended.
2006.01 ARIES 150-44-C 250 1979 20.10 Aries Offshore Partners Hercules Offshore Closing 02/06. Cold stkd 6yrs - re-act./upgr
2005.12 PRIDE CABINDA LEV111-C 300 1983 REM. Pride / Sonangol Pride International Pride incr. o'ship to 91% in 2 x DS & 1 x JU
2005.12 RBF 151 BMC150-H 150 1981 UNKN Todco (Transocean) Blake Offshore (Eer) Sold during 2005 ?
2005.11 NAHUATL MLT82SDC 250 1980 52.00 Protexa Songa Drilling Ren. SONGA TELLUS. $20m upgrade.
2005.10 BLAKE CHAMPION MLT053 350 1973 35.00 Blake Offshore (Eer) Songa Drilling Rebuild to MODU. Ren. SONGA NEPTUNE.
2005.10 DEEPSEA AMBASSADOR KFELS B 350 2006 UNKN Odfjell Drilling Seadrill Ltd SeaDrill increased shares to 91.7% in Odfjell
2005.10 DEEPSEA TBN 2 KFELS B 350 2007 UNKN Odfjell Drilling Seadrill Ltd SeaDrill increased shares to 91.7% in Odfjell
2005.09 ODIN SPIRIT JU-250MS 250 1979 12,60 Energy Equipment Res. Hercules Drilling Ren. HERCULES 31. Being refurb.; abt $15m.
2005.08 NOBLE CROSCO PANON LEV111-C 300 1976 32.10 Crosco/Noble Drilling Noble Drilling Crosco sold its 50% in j.v., basis val. $64.2
2005.06 TRANSOCEAN JUPITER ORION 170 1981 19.00 Transocean Hercules Offshore Sale price abt $18-20m. Ren. HERCULES 16.
2005.05 ROWAN TEXAS MLT052 250 1973 45.00 Rowan Co'S Aban Loyd Chiles Cash deal, concluded e. 09.05.
2005.05 ENSCO 64 MLT053 350 1973 24.60 Ensco Blake Offshore (Eer) Ren. BLAKE CHAMPION.
2005.04 ARABDRILL 19 BMC200-H 250 1982 2.50 Insurance Company Thule Drilling Ren. THULE POWER. MODU rebuild.
2005.04 RBF 192 BMC250MS 250 1981 UNKN Todco (Transocean) Blake Offshore (Eer) Ren. BLAKE 505 - refurb. compl. 08/05.
2005.02 ENSCO 106 5B BIGFT 400 2005 80.00 Keppel Fels / Ensco Ensco KFELS sold its 75 % to alliance partner ENSCO
2005.02 TOTONACA FG 780 250 1981 54.00 Protexa John Fredriksen Handed over to new owner mid 05/05.
2005.02 ZAPOTECA FG 780 300 1981 UNKN Norw. Investors Songa Drilling Re-building at Beacon Maritime, d: 05/06.
2005.02 ENERGY EXPLORER 4 JUBILEE 250 1975 40.00 Pride International Aban Drilling Cash deal. Rig working in for PEDCO in Iran
2004.12 PARKER 25J 150-44-C 215 1980 21.50 Parker Drilling Hercules Drilling Sale concl. early 01/05. Ren. HERCULES 25.
2004.12 PRIDE WEST VIRGINIA F&G780M2 300 1982 60.00 Pride International Aban Loyd Chiles Sale concl. 13/12/04 - rig renamed ABAN 5.
2004.12 RBF 154 150-44-C 250 1979 UNKN Todco (Transocean) Aries Offshore Partners Timing uncertain.
2004.10 PRIDE ILLINOIS JU-225MS 225 1969 5.50 Pride International Blake Offshore (Eer) Illinois/Kentucky $11m en bloc, for MOPU conv
2004.10 PRIDE KENTUCKY JU-250MS 262 1974 5.50 Pride International Blake Offshore (Eer) Illinois/Kentucky $11m en bloc, for MOPU conv
2004.10 MAERSK VALIANT M300C-38 227 1981 41.60 A.P. Møller Noble Drilling Opt. fee $13.2m + exerc. price $28.4m.
2004.08 PARKER 11J JU-200MC 200 1980 EN BLC Parker Drilling Hercules Drilling Five JU's + four platf. rigs: en bloc abt $40
2004.08 PARKER 22J MLT051C 173 1971 EN BLC Parker Drilling Hercules Drilling Five JU's + four platf. rigs: en bloc abt $40
2004.08 PARKER 21J P. COAST 120 1958 EN BLC Parker Drilling Hercules Drilling Five JU's + four platf. rigs: en bloc abt $40
2004.08 PARKER 20J JU-100MC 110 1980 EN BLC Parker Drilling Hercules Drilling Five JU's + four platf. rigs: en bloc abt $40
2004.08 PARKER 15J BM BIGFT 100 1982 EN BLC Parker Drilling Hercules Drilling Five JU's + four platf. rigs: en bloc abt $40
2004.07 MAERSK VIKING M300C-38 300 1981 47.90 A.P. Møller Noble Drilling Renamed NOBLE CEES VAN DIEMEN.
2004.06 OKHI LEV111-S 300 1980 29.50 Seatankers Mgmt Noble Drilling Cash deal. Rig to be refurb./upgraded at Dal

11/2007 Page 23 of 34
2004.05 KURILSKAYA CORAL A 328 1993 33.00 Seatankers Mgmt China Oilfield Serv. To be mob'd to Dalian, China for upgrade/refu
2004.04 HAKURYU 8 MD T76J 250 1981 UNKN Japan Drilling Gulf Drilling Int'L Sold to new j.v. by one of its partners.
2004.04 SAKHALINSKAYA GUSTO 328 1985 EN BLC Sakhalinmor Seatankers Mgmt Part of four-rig en bloc sale.
2004.04 OKHA LEV111-S 300 1980 EN BLC Sakhalinmor Seatankers Mgmt Part of four-rig en bloc sale.
2004.04 KURILSKAYA CORAL A 328 1993 EN BLC Sakhalinmor Seatankers Mgmt Part of four-rig en bloc sale.
2004.04 EKHABI / AHABY MSC CJ50 300 1984 EN BLC Sakhalinmor Seatankers Mgmt Part of four-rig en bloc sale.
2004.02 ENSCO 55 FG 780M2 300 1981 * Ensco Keppel Fels * $55m, incl. pl.f.rigs E. 23/24, part newb.
2004.02 ENSCO 55 FG 780M2 300 1981 * Keppel Fels Gulf Drilling Int'L * $55m, incl. pl.f.rigs ENSCO 23 & 24 (resale
2004.01 ENSCO 102 KFELS 5A 400 2002 95.00 Keppel Fels / Ensco Ensco Keppel FELS sold its 75% to partner in j.v.

Semi 33 Units
2007.10 PETROLIA PENTAGON 1,200 1976 225.00 Petrolia Drilling Petromena Sale to PetroMENA subsidiary to close mid 12/
2007.10 FRIGSTAD OSLO FRIG D90 12,000 2009 REM. Frigstad Discoverer Inv. Saipem Buyer acq. 92.12% in owning co. for NOK 82 pe
2007.09 BULFORD DOLPHIN H-3 1,250 1977 211.00 Fred Olsen Energy Aban Offshore Handover to new owner mid Nov. 2007.
2006.12 TRANSOCEAN WILDCAT H-3 1,300 1977 221 Energy Equipment Res. Essar Oilfield Services New owner took delivery late 12/06.
2006.11 DEEPSEA TRYM H-3 1,247 1976 238.50 Deep Sea Trym Songa Offshore Sale compl. mid 01/07. BB chtr back to selle
2006.11 DEEPSEA BERGEN H3.2 1,476 1983 53.50 Deep Sea Drilling Co. Unknown Sale of 20.187% stake, indicating rig val. $2
2006.09 MOSS MOSVOLD SS 2 CS 50 M2 10,000 2009 95.00 * Moss Mosvold Platforms Seadragon Offshore * Bare-deck hull, to be compl. as dpw MODU.
2006.08 ASTERIE PENTAGON 660 1975 15.00 Ghana Nat. Petr. Corp. Delta Offsh. Rig Logistics Sale cl. 01/07 ? All drlg equipm. removed.
2006.08 TRANSOCEAN EXPLORER H-3 5,000 1976 UNKN Energy Equipment Res. Frontier Drilling Sale concl. early 09/06. Shell USG long term
2006.06 TRANSOCEAN EXPLORER H-3 5,000 1976 103.00 Transocean Energy Equipment Res. Together with TO WILDCAT.
2006.06 TRANSOCEAN WILDCAT H-3 1,300 1977 190 Transocean Energy Equipment Res. Tog. w. TO EXPLORER. Sale closed 14/11/06.
2006.04 OCEAN PROSPECTOR VOYAGER 1,700 1971 14.20 Marineco Viking Drilling Out-of-Service. Conversion to MOPU intended.
2006.04 PAN PRODUCER PENTAGON 1,500 1969 15.50 Marineco Viking Drilling Out-of-Service. Planned upgr. to 1,500 fsw M
2006.04 OCEAN CENTURY CENTURY 800 1973 14.30 Marineco Viking Drilling Out-of-Service. Planned $48+m conv. to TAss.
2006.03 MOSS MOSVOLD SS 1 CS 50 M2 9,842 2009 UNKN Moss Mosvold Platforms Saipem Bare-deck hull under constr., compl. as MODU
2006.03 STENA DEE MISHI602 1,800 1984 270.00 Stena Drilling Songa Offshore Bareboat chtr back to sellers dur. curr. drlg
2006.01 THULE CHALLENGE SEDCO700 1,640 1977 40.00 Thule Drilling Atlantic Marine O. S. Sale price NOK 273m.
2005.10 DEEPSEA BERGEN H3.2 1,476 1983 19.60 Deep Sea Drilling Co. Songa Offshore Sale of 20.187% part owner, indicating rig va
2005.10 PRIDE RIO DE JANEIRO AMETHYS2 5,577 2004 295.00 Petrodrill Pride International 70% cash/debt deal, based on 100% val. $295m.
2005.10 PRIDE PORTLAND AMETHYS2 5,577 2004 295.00 Petrodrill Pride International 70% cash/debt deal, based on 100% val. $295m.
2005.08 GULFDRILL 7 SEDCO700 1,640 1977 17.00 Momentum Eng. Thule Drilling Sold excl. drlg eq. Retired 07/03.
2005.08 SEASCOUT BREIT 1,000 1974 10.00 Atwood Oceanics Inc. Thule Drilling Drilling eq. removed. Sale closed 05/10/05.
2005.06 OCEAN LIBERATOR H-3 7,000 1974 14.00 Diamond Offshore Fred Olsen Energy Refurb./upgrade at Keppel Verolme - compl. 3Q
2005.06 HAKURYU 3 MISHI500 1,000 1974 UNKN Japan Drilling Co. Jdc / Umw Sale of 50% to Malaysian j.v. partner. Ren.
2005.02 LA MURALLA ENH PSET 1,200 1990 EN BLC Ipc Songa Offshore LA MURALLA & MATA REDONDA $135-150m en bloc.
2005.02 MATA REDONDA FG PSET 1,500 1975 EN BLC Ipc Songa Offshore LA MURALLA & MATA REDONDA $135-150m en bloc.
2004.12 SEDCO 600 SEDCO600 1,500 1983 25.00 Transocean Jce Group Sale concl. 12/04-01/05. Conv. to accom. uni
11/2007 Page 24 of 34
2004.09 ASTERIE PENTAGON 660 1975 UNKN Ghana Nat. Petr. Corp. Scrap Yard Err. reported scrapped - but removed from com
2004.09 WEST ALPHA UYATZY 1,969 1986 75.00 Smedvig / Difko Smedvig Sale of 50% based on rig val. $150m.
2004.05 SEDCO 602 SEDCO600 1,500 1983 EN BLC Transocean Jce Group SEDCO 600 + 602: abt $52.7m en bloc.
2004.01 OCEAN CENTURY CENTURY 800 1973 0.375 Diamond Offshore Engicon O.CENTURY & PROSP.: $0.375m each, en bloc, n
2004.01 OCEAN PROSPECTOR VOYAGER 1,700 1971 0.375 Diamond Offshore Engicon O.CENTURY & PROSP.: $0.375m each, en bloc, n
2003.12 SEDCO 708 SEDCO700 1,640 1977 1.00 * Transocean Momentum Eng. * Sold excl. drlg eq. Ret. 07/03 - conv. to

Grand Total: 145 Units

11/2007 Page 25 of 34
Recent Fixtures

Fix. Date Name Owner Design WD FT Built Contractor Start Rate Ctry Remarks


20.11.07 Discoverer Spirit Transocean Offsh. Discoverer Enh. 10000 2000 Anadarko 01.01.11 520000 USA Unspec. loc's, 3yrs ext.
08.11.07 Belford Dolphin Fred. Olsen Energy Lmg/Hitec Sea Prince 10000 2000 Anadarko 01.05.10 525000 USA Unspec. loc's, 3yrs ext.
30.10.07 Deepwater Pathfinder Transocean Samsung/Rbf/Conoco 10000 1998 Unnamed Operator 01.06.09 600000 NIG Unspec. loc. (another ctry ?, 4mos.
24.10.07 Deepwater Pacific 1 Transocean Pacific Drlg Saipem 10000 Enh. 10000 2009 Reliance Petroleum 01.01.10 530000 IND Unsp. loc., 42mos (2.part 4yrs - or 5yrs at red. rate).
24.10.07 Deepwater Pacific 1 Transocean Pacific Drlg Saipem 10000 Enh. 10000 2009 Reliance Petroleum 01.07.09 495000 IND Unspec. loc., 6mos (1.part 4yrs).
03.10.07 Neptune Discoverer Neptune Mar. Drilling Offsh. Discoverer 1500 1977 Pdvsa 01.03.08 312800 VEN Mariscal Sucre Gas Project, 1,460d/dev.
25.09.07 Stena Drillmax 3 Stena Drilling Samsung Drillship 10000 2009 Hess 01.09.09 520000 USA W-wide, 5yrs/drlg/cpl.
10.09.07 West Capella Seadrill Saipem 10000 Enh. 10000 2008 Total 01.03.09 518000 NIG OPL 222/Usan/Ukot, 5yrs/dev.


05.12.07 Hercules 260 Hercules Offshore Marathon L.T. 150-44-C 250 1979 Ongc 20.03.08 143000 IND Unspec. loc., 3yrs.
05.12.07 Hercules 258 Hercules Offshore Bethlehem Ju-250ms 250 1979 Ongc 14.05.08 110500 IND Unspec. loc., 3yrs.
28.11.07 Wilcraft Awilco Drilling Kfels B Class 400 2006 Agr Peak 01.05.08 AST Unspec. loc., 3w ext., + rem. 8w opts.
27.11.07 Ensco 60 Ensco Levingston 111-C 300 1981 Llog 01.12.07 60000 USA S.Timbalier 187, 1w/21d ext.
26.11.07 Nabors 240 Nabors Drilling Baker Marine 150-Ic 160 1983 Oxy 01.02.08 QAT Idd-el-Shargi North Dome, 2yrs ext.
26.11.07 Ocean Titan Diamond Offshore Marathon L.T. 53 350 1974 Apache 16.01.08 85000 USA Unspec. loc., 2w/60d of 3w/90d ext.
26.11.07 Ensco 68 Ensco Marathon L.T. 84-Ce 400 1976 W & T Offshore 01.12.07 100000 USA Ship Shoal 315/317, 3w/90d.
26.11.07 Ocean Titan Diamond Offshore Marathon L.T. 53 350 1974 Apache 16.12.07 80000 USA Unspec. loc., 1w/30d of 3w/90d ext.
15.11.07 Trident 16 Transocean Modec 300c 300 1982 Chevron 16.11.07 THA Gulf of Thailand, 75d ext.
15.11.07 Ensco 90 Ensco Marathon L.T. 82-Sd-C 250 1982 Arena Energy 01.12.07 60000 USA S.Timbalier 161/217, 1w/re-cpl + 1w/dev.
15.11.07 P-54 Nabors Offshore Pool 50 Series 90 1982 Devon Energy 14.11.07 USA W.Cameron 165, 1w/30d.
14.11.07 Ensco 101 Ensco Kfels Mod.V A 400 2000 Maersk Oil & Gas 16.03.08 270000 GBI Unspec. loc., 1?w ext.
06.11.07 Gsf Adriatic 03 Transocean Marathon L.T. 116-C 350 1982 El Paso Production 01.01.08 93000 USA High Is area, 1w/2.5mos.
06.11.07 Rowan Juneau Rowan Co'S Marathon L.T. 116-S 300 1977 Newfield Exploration 01.11.07 60000 USA W.Cameron 149, 1w/1mo.
06.11.07 Rowan Alaska Rowan Co'S Marathon L.T. 84 350 1975 Stone Energy 01.01.08 95000 USA Ewing Bank 305, 1w/60d.
05.11.07 Ensco 86 Ensco Marathon L.T. 82-Sd-C 250 1981 Llog 06.11.07 60000 USA High Is A-301, 1w/60d.
05.11.07 Rowan Gorilla 7 Rowan Co'S Mlt Super Gorilla 400 2001 Chevron 01.03.08 361500 ALA Unspec. loc., 2yrs.
01.11.07 Gsf Galveston Key Transocean Marathon L.T. 116-C 300 1978 Cuulong Joc 01.10.09 191000 VNM 15-1 Su Tu Den ?, 6mos of 2yrs.
01.11.07 Gsf Galveston Key Transocean Marathon L.T. 116-C 300 1978 Cuulong Joc 01.04.09 186500 VNM 15-1 Su Tu Den ?, 6mos of 2yrs.
01.11.07 Ensco 90 Ensco Marathon L.T. 82-Sd-C 250 1982 Eni 05.11.07 60000 USA Ship Shoal 246, 1w/24d.
01.11.07 Ensco 74 Ensco Let. Super 116 Class 375 1999 Apache 12.11.07 125000 USA Unspec. loc., 1w.

11/2007 Page 26 of 34
01.11.07 Ensco 87 Ensco Marathon L.T. 116-C 350 1982 Merit Energy 14.11.07 85000 USA Mustang Is A-31, 1w.
01.11.07 Hercules 252 Hercules Offshore Bethlehem Ju-250ms 250 1978 Tana Oil & Gas 09.11.07 55000 USA High Is 73, 180d.
01.11.07 Gsf Galveston Key Transocean Marathon L.T. 116-C 300 1978 Cuulong Joc 01.10.08 182000 VNM 15-1 Su Tu Den ?, 6mos of 2yrs.
01.11.07 Gsf Galveston Key Transocean Marathon L.T. 116-C 300 1978 Cuulong Joc 01.04.08 177500 VNM 15-1 Su Tu Den ?, 6mos of 2yrs ext.
31.10.07 Ensco 80 Ensco Marathon L.T. 116-Ce 300 1978 Granby Oil 14.11.07 255000 GBI 44/18b Tristan NW, 1w.
31.10.07 Pride Montana Pride International Hitachi Drill Hope 270 1980 Saudi Aramco 01.07.08 130000 SAU Unspec. loc., 3yrs ext.
30.10.07 Offshore Courageous Scorpion Offshore Let. Super 116 Class 350 2007 Rak Petroleum 01.02.08 190000 OMN Unspec. loc., 200d.
29.10.07 Maersk Endurer A.P. Møller Baker Marine 350-Ic 350 1984 Petrobel 01.07.08 EGM Medit./unspec. loc., 2yrs ext.
25.10.07 Blake 151 Blake Offshore (Eer) Baker Marine 150-H 150 1981 Apache 01.11.07 USA Galveston 301, 1w/40d/re-cpl.
23.10.07 Pride Michigan Pride International Bethlehem Ju-250ms 250 1975 Nippon Oil 01.12.07 60000 USA W.Cameron area, 1w/30d.
22.10.07 Harvey H. Ward Transocean F&G L-780 Mod 2 300 1982 Thang Long Joc 25.12.07 116000 VNM Unspec. loc., 48d, sublet.
18.10.07 P-54 Nabors Offshore Pool 50 Series 90 1982 Statoilhydro 20.10.07 USA High Is 202, 1w.
15.10.07 Ensco 99 Ensco Marathon L.T. 82-Sd-C 250 1985 Bois D'Arc 20.12.07 65000 USA Unspec. loc., 2nd of 2w.
15.10.07 Ensco 81 Ensco Marathon L.T. 116-C 350 1979 Pemex 20.12.07 162500 USA Bay of Campeche, 913d.
15.10.07 Discovery-1 Jindal Group Kfels B Class 350 2008 Ongc 01.11.08 159660 IND Unspec. loc., 3yrs.
15.10.07 Ensco 99 Ensco Marathon L.T. 82-Sd-C 250 1985 Bois D'Arc 20.10.07 60000 USA Ship Shoal 119, 1st of 2w.
15.10.07 Hercules 204 Hercules Offshore Bethlehem Ju-200mc 200 1981 Apache 22.10.07 65000 USA Grand Isle 47, 1w.
10.10.07 Ensco 85 Ensco Marathon L.T. 116-C 300 1981 Sterling Energy 10.10.07 255000 GBI 42/13 Breagh, 1?w.
10.10.07 Hercules 251 Hercules Offshore Bethlehem Ju-250ms 250 1978 Hall Houston 20.10.07 55000 USA Galveston 155, 1w/orig.40d.
10.10.07 Blake 303 Blake Offshore (Eer) Bethlehem Ju-250ms 262 1974 Hall Houston 10.10.07 USA Eugene Is 247, 1w+opts.
08.10.07 Offshore Defender Scorpion Offshore Let. Super 116 Class 350 2007 Petrobras 20.02.08 185000 BRZ Unspec. loc., 2yrs (repl. O. Resolute).
03.10.07 Arabdrill 17 Arabian Drilling Co. Marathon L.T. 82-Sd-C 250 1981 Saudi Aramco 26.05.08 145000 SAU Khafji ? 3yrs ext.
03.10.07 Ensco 101 Ensco Kfels Mod.V A 400 2000 Maersk Oil & Gas 01.01.08 270000 GBI Unspec. loc., 75d ext.
03.10.07 Hercules 120 Hercules Offshore Pacific Coast Engin. 120 1958 Chevron 01.10.07 60000 USA Unspec. loc., 8.5mos ext.
03.10.07 Hercules 173 Hercules Offshore Marathon L.T. 51-C 173 1971 Chevron 01.10.07 60000 USA Unspec. loc., 8.5mos ext.
03.10.07 Shelf Explorer Transocean Cfem T-2005c 300 1982 Lamson Joc 05.12.07 175000 VNM 02/97, 2w/120-150d +opts.
01.10.07 Cecil Provine Rowan Co'S Marathon L.T. 116-C 300 1982 Eog Resources 02.10.07 90000 USA High Is 166, 1w/100d, +1opt.
01.10.07 Aban 6 Aban Drilling Offsh. Jubilee Class 250 1975 Petroiran (Pedco) 01.10.10 IRN Unspec. loc., last 3yrs of 6yrs ext.
01.10.07 Aban 6 Aban Drilling Offsh. Jubilee Class 250 1975 Petroiran (Pedco) 05.10.07 88348 IRN Unspec. loc., first 3yrs of 6yrs ext.
01.10.07 Ensco 75 Ensco Let. Super 116 Class 390 1999 Atp Oil & Gas 14.10.07 185000 USA S.Marsh Is 189, 1w/28d(dry hole)/57d(cpl.).
01.10.07 Gsf Adriatic 03 Global Santa Fe Marathon L.T. 116-C 350 1982 El Paso Production 14.10.07 75000 USA S.Timbalier 214, 2.5mos turnkey.
01.10.07 Hercules 211 Hercules Offshore Bethlehem Ju-200mc 200 1980 Energy Xxi 14.10.07 47000 USA S.Timbalier 21, 2?w.
01.10.07 Pride Georgia Pride Intern. Houston Bethlehem Ju-250ms 250 1981 Anglo-Suisse 01.11.07 58000 USA Matagorda Is 156, 4w+opt.
01.10.07 Pride Georgia Pride Intern. Houston Bethlehem Ju-250ms 250 1981 Magellan Petroleum 01.10.07 59000 USA Mustang Is 926, 1w/30d.
01.10.07 Pride Arizona Pride International Baker Marine 250-Ms 250 1981 Stone Energy 01.10.07 60000 USA S.Marsh Is 108, 1w/50+d.
01.10.07 Noble Al White Noble Drilling Cfem T-2005c 360 1983 Rwe-Dea 01.01.08 125000 GBI SNSea: Cavendish/Kepler, 1w/110d ext., +1opts.
01.10.07 Ensco 83 Ensco Marathon L.T. 82-Sd-C 250 1979 Atp Oil & Gas 01.12.07 65000 USA Eugene Is 71, 1w/30d.
28.09.07 Rowan Gorilla 7 Rowan Co'S Mlt Super Gorilla 400 2001 Fairfield Energy 01.10.07 GBI 9/28a-18 Crawford, 1w/45d/app.

11/2007 Page 27 of 34
25.09.07 Ensco 85 Ensco Marathon L.T. 116-C 300 1981 Pa Resources 25.01.08 200000 TUN Unspec. loc., 5w/9mos +opts.
25.09.07 Ensco 102 Ensco Kfels Mod.V A 400 2002 Conoco Phillips 11.12.07 270000 GBI Unspec. loc., 4yrs ext., +opts.
20.09.07 Ensco 81 Ensco Marathon L.T. 116-C 350 1979 Chevron 01.10.07 85000 USA Vermilion 245, 1w/30d ext.
20.09.07 Hercules 85 Hercules Offshore Baker Marine Big Foot 100 1982 Energy Partners 01.11.07 61000 USA Eugene Is 21, 1w/25-30d.
20.09.07 Hercules 203 Hercules Offshore Bethlehem Ju-200mc 200 1981 Energy Xxi 25.09.07 65000 USA Unspec. loc., 90d ext.
19.09.07 Noble Kolskaya Noble Drilling Ihc Gusto 330 1985 Gazflot 14.06.08 RUW Pechora Sea, 135d.
19.09.07 Pride Alaska Pride International Bethlehem Ju-250mc 250 1982 Tarpon Operating 10.10.07 70000 USA Unspec. loc., 1w/28d.
18.09.07 Ensco 89 Ensco Marathon L.T. 82-Sd-C 250 1982 Chevron 18.09.07 63000 USA S.Timbalier 148, 3w/60-90d.
18.09.07 Maersk Ju 1 A.P. Møller-Mærsk Msc Cj50-X100 Mc 350 2008 Dubai Petroleum 16.02.08 185000 UAE Dubai, 3yrs.
17.09.07 Aban 3 Aban Loyd Chiles Marathon L.T. 53-C 300 1974 Ongc 05.01.08 157000 IND Bombay High, 3yrs.
17.09.07 Aban 5 Aban Loyd Chiles Friede & Goldm 780 M2 300 1982 Ongc 27.12.07 157000 IND West Coast ? 3yrs.
17.09.07 Aban 4 Aban Loyd Chiles Baker Marine 300-Ic 300 1983 Ongc 01.12.07 157000 IND Bombay High, 3yrs.
11.09.07 Pride Wyoming Pride International Bethlehem Ju-250ms 250 1976 Apache 01.10.07 87000 USA Main Pass 91/Grand Is 32, 2w/2mos ext.
01.09.07 Hercules 152 Hercules Offshore Bethlehem Ju-150mc 150 1980 Apache 25.09.07 55000 USA W.Cameron 66, 3w.
01.09.07 The 252 Hercules Offshore Bethlehem Ju-250ms 250 1978 Century Exploration 13.09.07 61000 USA Unspec. loc., 1w.
31.08.07 Transocean Comet Transocean Offsh. Orion Class 250 1980 Gupco 03.10.07 112000 EGR Gulf of Suez, 2yrs/dev, ext.
29.08.07 Noble Harvey Duhaney Noble Drilling Levingston 111-C 300 1976 Total 25.03.08 99000 QAT Al Khaliji, 1yr ext.
28.08.07 Noble George Mcleod Noble Drilling F&G L-780 Mod 2 300 1981 Ras Gas 19.10.07 160000 QAT Unspec. loc., 2w/140-210d.
28.08.07 Ensco 98 Ensco Marathon L.T. 82-Sd-C 250 1977 Leed Petroleum 05.09.07 70000 USA Eugene Is 183/184, 2w/120d, +3x1wopts.
28.08.07 Gsf Rig 136 Global Santa Fe F&G L-780 Mod 2 300 1982 Serica Energy 14.11.07 185000 IDA Java Sea/Billiton, 2w/90d + N.Sumatra/Glagah Kambuna TAC, 1w/exp+2w/wo,
28.08.07 Noble Chuck Syring Noble Drilling Int. Marathon L.T. 82 Sdc 250 1976 Maersk Oil & Gas 12.11.07 160000 QAT Al Shaheen, 2yrs.
28.08.07 Ocean Summit Diamond Offshore Levingston 111-C 300 1972 Newfield Exploration 16.09.07 65000 USA W.Cameron 296, 1w/45d.
24.08.07 F.G. Mcclintock Transocean Marathon L.T. 53 300 1975 Ongc 01.08.08 145000 IND West Coast ?, 3yrs.
23.08.07 Gsf High Island 8 Global Santa Fe Marathon L.T. 82-Sd-C 250 1982 Bhp Petroleum 01.09.07 75000 USA Eugene Is area, min. 90d ?
20.08.07 Wilboss Awilco Drilling Kfels B Class 400 2007 Premier 01.02.08 220000 VNM Unspec. loc., 6mos (poss. 12+12mos).
15.08.07 Rowan Anchorage Rowan Co'S Marathon L.T. 52 250 1972 Helix Ert 01.09.07 65000 USA E.Cameron 106 ? 1w ext.
15.08.07 Pride Nevada Pride International Bethlehem Ju-200mc 200 1981 Pemex 20.09.07 87500 MEX Bay of Campeche, 70d ext.
08.08.07 Ocean Columbia Diamond Offshore Marathon L.T. 82-Sd-C 250 1978 Pemex 25.11.07 125000 MEX Bay of Campeche, 565d.
08.08.07 The 207 Hercules Offshore Bethlehem Ju-200mc 200 1981 Chroma Energy 12.08.07 70000 USA Brazos 369, 2w/turnkey.
08.08.07 Pride California Pride International Bethlehem Ju-250ms 250 1975 Pemex 01.11.07 94400 MEX Bay of Campeche, 365d.
01.08.07 Ocean Columbia Diamond Offshore Marathon L.T. 82-Sd-C 250 1978 Newfield Exploration 06.08.07 70000 USA Unspec. loc., 1w ext.
01.08.07 Deep Driller 4 Sinvest Baker Mar. Pacific 375 350 2007 Reliance Petroleum 14.10.07 200000 IND Unspec. loc., 1yr, +2x6mos opts.
26.07.07 Nabors 656 Nabors Drilling Marathon L.T. 80 250 1974 Saudi Aramco 01.10.07 SAU Unspec. loc., 3yrs ext.
17.07.07 Bohai 04 China Oilfield Serv. Robray 300-C (Eta) 300 1977 Cnooc Southeast Asia 01.09.07 168000 IDA SESumatra, 2yrs.


05.12.07 Transocean John Shaw Transocean F&G Enh. Pacesetter 1800 1982 Petrofac 20.04.08 400000 GBI West Don + pot. SW Don, abt 200d (poss. 12mos).
04.12.07 Ocean Winner Diamond Offshore Aker H3 3500 1977 Petrobras 14.03.10 270000 BRZ Unspec. loc., 5yrs ext.

11/2007 Page 28 of 34
04.12.07 Ocean Yatzy Diamond Offshore Super Yatzy 3300 1989 Petrobras 12.10.09 245000 BRZ Unspec. loc., 5yrs ext.
04.12.07 Ocean Alliance Ocean Ranger 5000 1988 Petrobras 01.09.09 342000 BRZ Campos Basin, 6yrs ext.
04.12.07 Ocean Worker Diamond Offshore Enhanced Pacesetter 3500 1982 Petrobras 01.07.08 270000 BRZ Unspec. loc., 6yrs.
19.11.07 Atwood Hunter Atwood Oceanics Korkut New Era 5000 1981 Burullus 20.11.07 EGM Unspec. loc., 1w/30d ext.
11.11.07 Scarabeo 9 Saipem Frigstad D90 Drr 12000 2009 Eni 01.01.10 470000 USA Unspec. loc's, 5yrs.
05.11.07 Transocean Legend Transocean Bingo 4000 3500 1983 Devon Energy 01.01.08 405000 CHR S. China Sea, 1w/30d.
05.11.07 Gsf Grand Banks Transocean Aker H3.2 1500 1984 Husky Oil 14.01.08 CAE Grand Banks/SDL 1022/White Rose, 2-3yrs ext.
02.11.07 Byford Dolphin Fred Olsen Energy Aker H-3 1500 1974 Senergy 01.04.08 365000 GBI Unspec. loc., 6mos. LoI.
30.10.07 Ocean Patriot Diamond Offshore Bingo 3000 3000 1983 Omv Ag 01.11.07 375000 NZL Taranaki B'n, 1w.
24.10.07 Songa Venus Songa Offshore F&G Pacesetter 1500 1975 Eni 01.05.08 225500 AST Browse Basin ? 6mos ext.
23.10.07 Songa Mercur Songa Offshore F&G Enh. Pacesetter 1200 1990 Santos 22.04.08 300000 AST Unspec. loc., 90d ext. +2x6mos opts.
21.10.07 Polar Pioneer Transocean Sonat / Hitachi 1640 1985 Statoilhydro 01.02.10 499000 NOR Bar.Sea/NCS, 4yrs ext.
10.10.07 Scarabeo 4 Saipem F&G/Saipem 3-Column 1788 1976 Eni 16.11.07 LBY Unspec. loc., 2w (sublet).
01.10.07 Sedco 601 Transocean E&W Sedco 600 1500 1983 Conson Joc 10.10.07 268000 VNM Nam Con Son B'n/Blk 10/GC-1XST ++, 2w.
02.09.07 Atwood Southern Cross Atwood Oceanics Santa Fe Gh-1 2000 1976 Eni 01.04.08 ITL Sicilian Channel, 3+2w. LoC.
16.08.07 Deepsea Delta Odfjell Drilling Ocean Ranger 3300 1980 Pertra 01.04.09 435000 NOR PL 364/Frøy ++, 3yrs (poss. 4yrs or 5yrs).
15.08.07 Atwood Hunter Atwood Oceanics Korkut New Era 5000 1981 Burullus 22.08.07 320000 EGM Unspec. loc., 2w/140d.
03.08.07 West Alpha Seadrill Ultra Yatzy 1969 1986 Rig Management Norway 01.03.09 460000 NOR NCS, 3yrs/exp., +1+1yr opts.
26.07.07 Ocean Rover Diamond Offshore Ocean Victory Enh. 7000 1973 Murphy 01.02.09 450000 MAL Unspec. loc., 2yrs.
25.07.07 Ensco 8502 Ensco Ensco 8500 8500 2009 Nexen Petroleum 01.04.10 455000 USA Unspes. loc., 2yrs (poss. 3yrs or 4yrs).

Grand Total: 123 Units

11/2007 Page 29 of 34


CM + DP 1. + 2. gen. 3. gen. 4. + 5. gen. All generations Active - All categories Modes Fleet

U.K. 0 0 7 7 11 11 3 3 21 21 21 21 100 % 0 0 21 100 %

Norway 1 1 4 4 6 6 7 7 17 17 18 18 100 % 0 0 18 100 %
Denmark 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 % 0 0 0 0 %
Holland 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 % 0 0 0 0 %
Others 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 100 % 0 0 1 100 %

North Atlantic 1 1 11 11 18 18 10 10 39 39 40 40 100 % 0 0 40 100 %

U.S. Gulf 6 6 13 13 0 0 13 13 26 26 32 32 100 % 0 5 37 86 %

Mexico 0 0 5 5 0 0 0 0 5 5 5 5 100 % 0 0 5 100 %
Others 0 0 0 0 3 3 1 1 4 4 4 4 100 % 0 0 4 100 %

Gulf of Mexico / Carib 6 6 18 18 3 3 14 14 35 35 41 41 100 % 0 5 46 89 %

South America 7 7 12 12 5 5 6 6 23 23 30 30 100 % 0 0 30 100 %

West and South Africa 9 9 6 7 6 6 4 4 16 17 25 26 96 % 0 3 29 86 %

South East Asia 2 3 4 4 1 1 0 0 5 5 7 8 88 % 0 2 10 70 %

Australia/Asia 0 0 5 5 4 4 1 1 10 10 10 10 100 % 0 0 10 100 %
China 0 0 2 2 1 1 0 0 3 3 3 3 100 % 0 0 3 100 %
Others 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 100 % 0 1 3 67 %

Pacific Rim 3 4 12 12 6 6 1 1 19 19 22 23 96 % 0 3 26 85 %

India 5 5 2 2 1 1 0 0 3 3 8 8 100 % 0 0 8 100 %

M.East / East Afr. 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 100 % 0 0 1 100 %
Med./N.Afr./Blk S 1 1 4 4 2 2 1 1 7 7 8 8 100 % 0 0 8 100 %

Rest of the World 7 7 6 6 3 3 1 1 10 10 17 17 100 % 0 0 17 100 %

World Total 33 34 65 66 41 41 36 36 142 143 175 177 99 % 0 11 188 93 %

Empl. Other Modes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Added :

Passive Fleet - 0 - 7 - 4 - 0 - 11

Total 33 34 65 73 41 45 36 36 142 154 Deleted :

Utilisation (incl. OM) 97 % 89 % 91% 100 % 92 %

ABBR. : CM = Conv. Moor. , DP = Dyn. Pos. , D = Demand , S = Supply , U = Utilis. , OM = Other Modes .

11/2007 Page 30 of 34

0 - 200 ft 201 - 300 ft 301+ ft Premium Harsh Env. Active - All Categories
Other Passive Total Supply
Region Modes Fleet

U.K. 1 1 0 0 3 3 0 0 14 14 18 18 100 % 0 0 18 100 %

Norway 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 5 5 100 % 1 0 6 100 %
Denmark 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 5 5 100 % 0 0 5 100 %
Holland 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 6 6 100 % 0 1 7 86 %
Others 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 2 100 % 0 0 2 100 %

North Atlantic 2 2 0 0 4 4 0 0 30 30 36 36 100 % 1 1 38 97 %

U.S. Gulf 11 24 19 21 6 8 9 9 3 3 48 65 74 % 0 17 82 59 %
Mexico 11 11 6 6 10 10 5 5 0 0 32 32 100 % 0 1 33 97 %
Others 5 5 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 9 9 100 % 0 0 9 100 %

Gulf of Mexico / Carib 27 40 25 27 16 18 16 16 5 5 89 106 84 % 0 18 124 72 %

South America 2 3 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 5 80 % 0 1 6 67 %

West and South Africa 3 3 7 7 9 9 4 4 2 2 25 25 100 % 0 1 26 96 %

South East Asia 1 1 0 0 21 21 11 12 2 3 35 37 95 % 0 3 40 88 %

Australia/Asia 0 0 0 0 1 1 4 4 0 0 5 5 100 % 0 0 5 100 %
China 10 10 3 3 5 5 1 1 0 0 19 19 100 % 0 0 19 100 %
Others 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 % 0 0 0 0 %

Pacific Rim 11 11 3 3 27 27 16 17 2 3 59 61 97 % 0 3 64 92 %

India 0 0 4 4 23 23 5 5 1 1 33 33 100 % 0 0 33 100 %

M.East / East Afr. 22 22 27 27 29 31 7 7 1 1 86 88 98 % 0 0 88 98 %
Med./N.Afr./Blk S 1 1 3 3 7 7 5 5 1 1 17 17 100 % 0 2 19 89 %

Rest of the World 23 23 34 34 59 61 17 17 3 3 136 138 99 % 0 2 140 97 %

World Total 68 82 71 73 115 119 53 54 42 43 349 371 94 % 1 26 398 88 %

Empl. Other Modes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Added :

Passive Fleet - 11 - 8 - 4 - 1 - 2

Total 68 93 71 81 115 123 53 55 43 46 Deleted :

Utilisation (incl. OM) 73 % 88 % 93 % 96 % 93 %
ABBR. : CM = Conv. Moor. , DP = Dyn. Pos. , D = Demand , S = Supply , U = Utilis. , OM = Other Modes .

11/2007 Page 31 of 34
Rig World Activity - Historic Quarterly Summary

Floaters Jack-ups
NOV 2 yrs ago 1 yr ago 2 yrs ago 1 yr ago
D 158 164 167 165 175 175 328 340 330 344 350 349
S 158 164 167 166 176 177 329 348 339 356 369 371
U 100 % 100 % 100 % 99 % 99 % 99 % 100 % 98 % 97 % 97 % 95 % 94 %
O/P 34 22 18 19 10 11 43 35 47 34 26 27
D 38 40 41 38 39 40 35 34 34 37 37 36
S 38 40 41 38 39 40 35 34 34 37 37 36
North Atlantic U 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %
O/P 7 5 2 3 1 0 1 3 3 0 0 2

D 40 38 38 38 38 41 110 102 97 96 93 89
S 40 38 38 38 38 41 111 109 104 105 108 106
Gulf of Mexico U 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 99 % 94 % 93 % 91 % 86 % 84 %
O/P 9 4 4 4 4 5 30 25 24 20 16 18

D 26 26 26 27 30 30 6 6 6 6 5 4
S 26 26 26 27 30 30 6 6 6 6 6 5
South America U 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 83 % 80 %
O/P 4 5 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

D 22 27 27 26 29 25 19 26 24 24 26 25
S 22 27 27 27 30 26 19 26 24 24 26 25
West & South Africa
U 100 % 100 % 96 % 96 % 97 % 96 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %
O/P 2 0 2 3 1,00 3 0,00 0 2 3 1 1

D 17 19 19 19 23 22 46 51 50 53 55 59
S 17 19 19 19 23 23 46 51 50 53 56 61
Pacific Rim
U 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 96 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 98 % 97 %
O/P 8 6 8 6 3 3 5 1 6,00 5,00 5 3

D 15 14 16 17 16 17 112 121 119 128 134 136

S 15 14 16 17 16 17 112 122 121 131 136 138
Rest of the World U 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 99 % 98 % 98 % 99 % 99 %
O/P 4 2 0 1 1 0 7 6 12 6 4 2

11/2007 Page 32 of 34

MOBILE OFFSHORE DRILLING RIGS and MARKET GEOGRAPHICAL REGIONS Regions and sub-areas are defined as follows

SEMIS - Divided into six generations determined by year of delivery:

1.gen.: up to 1973 2.gen.: 1973-1981 3.gen.: 1982-1985
4.gen.: 1986-1996 5.gen.: 1997-2007 6.gen.: 2008 onwards North Atlantic
SEMI - HIGH SPEC. - 4., 5. and 6. generation units Denmark
SEMI - STANDARD - 1., 2. and 3. generation units Holland
Others Incl. East Coast Canada/US, Russian West/North
DRILLSHIPS - Two main types;
Coast, Ireland, Faroes, Germany (also Baltic
Conventionally Moored (CM) and Dynamically Positioned (DP)
part), Poland, France West Coast, Portugal, and
FLOATERS - Comprising semis and drillships Spain North and West (outside Straits of
DEEPWATER RIGS - Units capable of drilling in water depths of 3.000 ft or more
Gulf of Mexico/ Caribbean
U.S. Gulf
JACKUPS - Divided into five groups:
0 - 249 ft (1) 0 - 249 ft Others East Coast Central America, North Coast
250 - 299 ft (2) 250 - 299 ft Colombia, Venezuela, Trinidad, Tobago, and rest
Premium (P) 300 - 349 ft of Caribbean body of water
Ultra Premium (UP) 350+ ft designed to operate in benign environm.
Harsh (H) Units designed for working in harsh environments, Pacific Rim
such as Norway and EC Canada South East Asia Myanmar (Burma), Bangladesh, Indonesia,
Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Cambodia,
JACKUP - HIGH SPEC. - Premium, Ultra Premium, Harsh Vietnam, Philippines
JACKUP - STANDARD - 200 ft Australasia Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea
COMPETITIVE RIGS - Units working in "non-competitive areas" (see col. 2), and units Others Taiwan, North &South Korea, Japan, East Coast
regarded as technically non-competitive (design, equipment, etc.), Russia, West Coast Canada (Beaufort Sea), Alaska and US
are excluded from our fleet. West Coast
D - Demand - competitive mobile drilling rigs on contract, basically West & South Africa
drilling exploration, appraisal or development wells
S - Active Supply - all competitive mobile drilling rigs of the types
semisubmersible, drillship and jack-up, actively marketed South America Brazil, excluding Venezuela and North Coast Colombia
U - Active Utilization - Demand/Active Supply Argentina

Rest of the World

OTHER MODES - Competitive mobile drilling rigs temporarily working with non-drilling
India, Middle East, Incl. Pakistan and the Seychelles
duties, accommodation, production, tender assist, etc.
East & North Africa
PASSIVE FLEET - Units cold stacked for shorter or longer period, rigs in yard, or enroute Black Sea ,
from one body of water to another Mediterranean Bordered to the west by the Straits of Gibraltar

DAY RATE - Operating Day Rate "Non-Competitive Areas"

Great Lakes Confined area
Caspian Sea Confined area

11/2007 Page 33 of 34
R .S . P la to u O ffs h o re a s O ffice s a n d k e y
p e rs o n n e l
V isit a ls o o u r w e b site : h ttp :/ / w w w .p la to u .c o m

R .S . P la to u O ff s h o re a s
H a a k o n V II ’s g a te 1 0
P .O .B o x 1 6 0 4 -V ik a
N -0 1 1 9 O s lo – N o r w a y R . S . P la to u ( A S I A ) P te . L td .
R . S . P la to u ( U S A ) I n c .
P h o n e : + 4 7 2 31 12 00 0 T e m a s e k A v e n u e , H e x 1 8 -0 3
3 6 3 N . S a m H o u s to n P a rk w a y E .
Fax: + 4 7 2 3 1 12 38 8 M ille n ia T o w e r
S u ite 1 2 5 M a jo r
100% E m a il: o ffs h o re @ p la to u .c o m s h a reh ol d e r 0 3 91 92 S in g a p o r e
H o u s to n , T e x a s 7 7 0 6 0 O w ned
(7 5 % ) P h o n e : + 6 5 6 33 68 73 3
P h o n e : + 0 0 1 28 1 26 0 99 80
Fax: + 6 5 6 3 3 68 89 0
Fax: + 0 0 1 2 8 1 26 0 99 81
E m a il:
E m a il: o ffs h o re @ p la to u u s a .c o m
p ro je c ts @ p la to u .c o m .s g

P e rs o n n e l

M ob ile D rillin g & Prod u ction U n its/ M ob ile D rillin g & S u p p ly V essels M ob ile D rillin g & Prod u ction U n its/
S u p p ly V essels Prod u ction U n its S u p p ly V essels

G u ttorm B en tsen H an s Fred rik C h risten sen M arian n e A am od t C h ristian B artz -Joh an n essen
Jim M itch en E rik H elseth O le F osse
K jell Faraasen R ob ert H en ley
Per B erg stol Lars Joh an M id d elth on A rn e R u stad
E rik A rth u r Jim m ie W ee K eat M en g
Fred rik M ack T allak S tran d en æ s T or Ø yvin d B jørkli
M ag n e S p illu m
B ob D o n ley C h ristian B ru g ård R olf A lm é
U lrik O E n g elsch iøn
Ø ystein Leivestad K arin e S an d sb råten R ita B ollin g er
G len n G ab rielsen G ry R u sd al
Å g e R øed N ilsen

M a rk e t s e g m e n ts : M o b ile O ffs h o re U n its (m od u , m op u , co n st./ accom m od ation , ten d er, su p p ort) & S u p p ly V e s s e ls (p sv, ah t, su p p ly)
B u s in e s s A c tiv itie s : S a le & P u rc h a s e , N e w b u ild in g s , C h a rte r in g , C o n s u lta n c y , M a rk e t R e s e a rc h a n d P ro je c ts

11/2007 Page 34 of 34
Newbuilds and attrition
Rowan Co’s has ordered four jackup newbuildings from Keppel AmFELS in Brownsville, Texas, at an average total cost of abt $175m per unit. The LeTourneau Super 116E
class rigs are to be delivered at four-month intervals, starting with #1 in 2Q/10. The WD capability of each rig is 350 fsw, with the DD being 35,000 ft.

Rowan also ordered two newbuildings at its own yard, the LeTourneau Vicksburg, Mississippi, at a total cost of abt $400m. These two rigs will be of LeTourneau 240-C class,
of which Rowan already has two units under construction at the yard. This design has a WD capability of 400 fsw, and the DD is 35,000 ft. The new rigs will be delivered in
3Q/10 and 3Q/11.

Second hand

The Taiwanese company Mandarin Drilling Corp. (subsidiary of TMT Co.) ordered a drillship newbuilding from Daewoo (DSME) in 08-09/07. Vantage Energy Services has a
purchase option, at a cost of $660m, for this unit, which is hull no. 3601 at DSME. The option, which has an exercise deadline of 30/06/08, is apparently part of Vantage’s
contract agreement for acquisition of the four BM Pacific 375 jackups under construction at PPL Shipyard for Offshore Group Corp. (see separate item).

Turquoise Offshore, a subsidiary of the Singaporean company Jasper Investments, has acquired a controlling stake of 55.44% in Neptune Marine Oil & Gas Ltd., Cyprus, for
$198.4m. Neptune Marine owns and operates the drillships “Neptune Discoverer” and “Neptune Explorer”.

Standard Drilling of Norway has signed an agreement Saipem to sell its second jackup newbuilding Hull L202, which is under construction at Labroy Shipbuilding in Batam.
The price is reported to be $215m, with the sale completion expected in 4Q/07. Included in the deal is an option to sell Standard’s fourth newbuilding Hull L204 for $185m –
if the option is exercised, the sale is to be completed in 1Q/08. Delivery of the two rigs from the yard is planned for 2Q/09 and 4Q/09, respectively. One year ago Standard
sold 51% in the first and third units of its four-rig order at Labroy, to UMW Petropipe – they are now called “Naga-2” and “Naga-3”.

In early September the US company Vantage Energy Services signed an agreement to purchase all shares in Offshore Group Investments, which has four Baker Marine Pacific
Class 375 jackups under construction at PPL Shipyard in Singapore. The rigs, with PPL’s hull no’s P2017, P2018, P2020 and P2021, are to be delivered from the yard between
4Q/08 and 4Q/09. There is also an option for Vantage to acquire a drillship under construction at Daewoo (DSME) in Korea – exercise deadline for this option is six months
after closing of the jackup transaction (see separate item).
Miscellaneous Notes

The j.v. company Mermaid Kencana Rig 1 (Mermaid Drilling / Kencana The heavylift vessel “Mighty Servant 3”, which sank off Luanda a year ago after
Petroleum Ventures) has ordered a self-erecting tender rig to be built at Kencana’s offloading semi “GSF Aleutian Key”, was re-floated earlier this year. The
yard in Lumut (Malaysia). Contract price is reported to be $136m, with delivery vessel’s engines have been taken out and sent to the manufacturer in Zwolle,
in 4Q/09. Netherlands, for complete refurbishment. The vessel itself will be towed from
Cape Town to the Bahamas, where the Grand Bahamas Shipyard Ltd. will start a
Blake Offshore of the US is converting its jackup production platform “MOPU 8” full renovation in early February. The vessel is expected to be operational again at
to a workover and well service unit, expected to be operational in 03/08. The rig, the end of 2008.
renamed “Blake 208” and re-classed as a MODU, will have a WD capability of
11-250 fsw/3-76 msw. The Bethlehem JU-250 MS design jackup was originally Floatel International ordered its second semisubmersible accommodation vessel,
built in 1977 as a MODU called “J. Storm 6”. It started its life as a MOPU in the this time a KFELS SSAU 3600 design, from Keppel FELS in Singapore. The six-
early 1990’s, for Cliffs Drilling. column unit will have a bed capacity of 500, station keeping by DP2, and two
cranes of 120 tonnes and 25 tonnes lifting capacity. Contract price is $206m, with
Swiber is talking to shipyards regarding construction of a deepwater drilling barge, delivery planned for end 12/10. As opposed to the first unit, the new vessel will
with delivery in 2010, for operations in benign waters in S.E. Asia. The not be built for North Sea operations.
“Equatorial Driller” will be 161m x 31m x 10m, and be classed by Bureau Veritas.
The conventionally moored barge can operate in WD 6,000 fsw (with subsea Equinox Offshore Accommodation Ltd. has placed an order with Sembawang
BOP) and 8,500 fsw (surface BOP) – drilling depth is 25,000 ft. Shipyard for conversion of car/passenger ferries into 400-500-bed ARV’s
(Accommodation and Repair Vessel). The firm first ship will arrive at
Keppel Shipyard was awarded a contract from Prosafe for the conversion of the Sembawang in January, with conversion of the DP2 unit being completed in
VLCC “Europe” into a FDPSO (Floating Drilling/Production/Storage/Offloading), 4Q/08. There are five options for further conversions, to be completed within
the world’s first unit of its kind. The vessel is to be moored on Murphy’s Azurite 2010. The vessels are aimed at world-wide projects, expecially deepwater.
field off Congo, after being completed in late 2008. The yard’s contract price is
reported to be SGD100m. Drilling capabilities (through a moonpool) are not yet
known – WD at location is upto 4,500 fsw.
DEEPWATER SEMIS 2,400+ fsw - CONTRACT STATUS 2007 - 2010 Last update: December 30, 2007
1 1 1 - Drilling 1 1 1 - Options 0 0 0 - Available
1 1 1 - Farm-out - Stacked / Enroute / Yard
WD Cap. (fsw) Dayrate 2008 2009 2010
Rig Name Built Moored DP USD 1,000 Location Operator or Status 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q
Iran Alborz 2007 3.281 Iran Yard / enr. / Caspian Oil / NIOC 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Aker Spitsbergen (Aker SS 1) 2008 1.640 10.000 484.930 Norway Statoil 3 yrs 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Maersk SS 1 2008 10.000 S'pore Statoil in GOM 4 yrs 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
West Hercules 2008 10.000 511.415 S.Korea/China Yard / enr. / Husky 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
West Phoenix 2008 4.100 490.000 S.Korea/Norway Yard / enr. / Total / Eni 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
West Sirius 2008 10.000 460.000 S'pore/USG Yard / enr. / Devon, 4+2x1yrs 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
WilPioneer 2008 2.461 2.461 300.480 China/Norway Yard / enr. / BP, 3yrs 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
ENSCO 8500 2008 8.500 250.000 S'pore/USG Yard / enr. / Anad./Dom./KMG, 4+4x1yrs 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
West Eminence 2008 10.000 S.Korea Yard / enr. / available 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
West Aquarius 2008 10.000 520.000 S.Korea Yard / enr. / operator TBA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
West Taurus 2008 10.000 S'pore Yard / available 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aker Barents (Aker SS 2) 2008 1.640 10.000 520.000 Norway Yard / Aker / Pertra 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Deepsea Atlantic 2008 10.000 490.000 S.Korea Yard / enr. / Statoil 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
WilInnovator 2008 2.461 2.461 350.000 China / Norway Yard / enr. / Hydro 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Sevan Driller 2009 12.500 359.000 China Yard / enr. / Petrobras in GOM, 6yrs 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Maersk SS 2 2009 10.000 S'pore Yard / Woodside in Australia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Noble Danny Adkins 2009 12.000 407.000 Ch./S'pore/USGOM Yards / enr. / Shell, 4yrs+opts 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Petrorig 1 2009 10.000 390.000 S'pore/USG/Brz Yard / enr. / Petrobras, 5+5yrs 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
ENSCO 8501 2009 8.500 331.000 S'pore/USG Yard / enr. / Nexen/Noble, 3.5+4x1yrs 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
GSF Devel. Driller 3 2009 10.000 391.000 S'pore/Angola Yard / enr. / BP, 7yrs 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
SSV Victoria (Petroserv 1) 2009 7.874 350.000 S Korea/Brazil Yard / enr. / Petrobras 7 years
SeaDragon SS 1 (Oban B) 2009 10.000 503.000 Russia / Mexico Yard / Pemex 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Lone Star (Galvao SS 1) 2009 8.000 346.000 Dubai/Brazil Yard / enr. / Petrobras, 5+5yrs 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Schahin 3 2009 8.000 365.000 China/Brazil Yard / enr. / Petrobras, 5+5yrs 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Scarabeo 8 2009 9.842 460.000 Rus./Eur./Norw. Yards / enr. / ENI, 5yrs 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Petrorig 2 2009 10.000 S'pore / Brazil Yard / Petrobras 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Noble Jim Day 2009 12.000 515.000 S'pore / USGOM Yard / Marathon 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Sigma Drilling Semi 1 2009 4.921 China Under construction 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ENSCO 8502 2009 8.500 466.000 S'pore/USGOM Yard / enr. / operator TBA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
WilPromotor 2009 2.460 350.000 China / Norway On order / Hydro 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Scarabeo 9 2009 10.000 471.230 China/USGOM Yard / enr. / Eni 5 yrs 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Gold Star (Galvao SS 2) 2009 9.000 268.000 S'pore/Brazil Yard / enr. / Petrobras, 7+7yrs 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
PetroRig 3 2010 10.000 495.000 Singapore / Mexico Under construction / Pemex 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
West Orion 2010 7.500 Singapore Yard 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Delba Semi III 2010 7.874 Abu Dhabi/Brazil On order / Petrobras 7 yrs 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Schahin 1 2010 7.000 265.000 China/Brazil Yard / enr. / Petrobras, 7+7yrs 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Norbe VI (Odebrecht SS 1) 2010 7.000 350.000 Dubai/Brazil Yard / enr. / Petrobras, 7+7yrs 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Deepsea Rig 2 2010 10.000 S Korea On order 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ensco 8503 2010 8.500 S'pore Under construction 0 0 0 0 0
La Muralla III 2010 6.719 520.000 S Korea/Mexico Yard / enr. / Pemex 5 years 1 1 1 1
CNOOC Semi Tbn1 2010 10.000 China On order / CNOOC 1 1 1
SDO II 2010 10.000 Russia Under construction
Maersk SS 3 2010 10.000 S'pore Yard / available
Total Number: 43 On contract 1 1 5 7 9 11 17 20 24 27 31 33 34
Utilization 2% 2% 12 % 16 % 21 % 26 % 40 % 47 % 56 % 63 % 72 % 77 % 79 %

R.S.Platou Offshore a.s

DEEPWATER DRILLSHIPS 2,400+ fsw - CONTRACT STATUS 2007 - 2010 Last update: December 19, 2007
1 1 1 - Drilling 1 1 1 - Options 0 0 0 - Available
1 1 1 - Farm-out - Stacked / Enroute / Yard
WD Cap. (fsw) Dayrate 2008 2009 2010
Rig Name Built Moored DP USD 1,000 Location Operator or Status 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q
Stena DrillMAX 1 2007 9.843 480.000 S.Kor./ USGOM Yard / enr. / Repsol, 4-5yrs 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Stena Carron 2008 9.843 515.000 S.Kor./ UK Yard / enr. / Chevron, 3-5yrs 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
West Polaris 2008 10.000 520.500 S.Kor./W-wide Yard / enr. / ExxonMobil 3yrs (LoI) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
West Capella 2008 10.000 518.000 S.Korea / Nigeria Yard / enr. / Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
MPF DS 1 2009 10.000 China/Spain Yards / enr. / available 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Discoverer Clear Leader 2009 12.000 450.000 S.Kor./USG Yard / enr. / Chevron, 5yrs 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Petrobras DS 1 2009 9.843 S.Korea Yard / enr. / Petrobras 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Stena DrillMAX 3 2009 10.000 520.000 S.Korea / USG Yard / Hess 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Discoverer Americas (Transocean Drsh 2) 2009 12.000 475.000 S.Kor./USG Yard / enr. / Hydro, 4yrs 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Deepwater Pacific 1 2009 10.000 495.000 S.Korea / India Yard / enr. / Reliance 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Deepwater Pacific 2 2009 10.000 S.Korea Yard / enr. / available 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bully 1 2009 12.000 China On order / Shell 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Discoverer Inspiration 2009 12.000 472.329 S.Kor./USG Yard / enr. / Chevron, 5yrs (or 3yrs) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Pride Drsh Tbn 2 2010 7.000 S. Korea On order 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Saipem 1200 2010 12.000 S. Korea Yard / enr. / Total 5 years 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Petrobras Drsh Tbn2 2010 10.000 S. Korea On order / Petrobras 1 1 1 1 1 1
Transocean Drsh Tbn 4 2010 12.000 460.000 S. Korea On order 1 1 1 1 1 1
Pride Drsh Tbn 1 2010 12.000 S. Korea On order 0 0 0 0 0
Tanker Pacific Tbn 1 2010 10.000 S. Korea On order
GSF Drillship Tbn 1 2010 10.000 S. Korea On order
Daewoo Drsh Tbn 1 2011 10.000 S. Korea On order
Daewoo Drsh Tbn 2 2010 10.000 S. Korea On order
Cardiff Marine Drillship Tbn1 2011 10.000 S. Korea On order
Cardiff Marine Drillship Tbn2 2011 10.000 S. Korea On order
Total Number: 24 On contract 0 1 1 3 3 4 5 8 9 11 12 14 14
Utilization 0% 4% 4% 13 % 13 % 17 % 21 % 33 % 38 % 46 % 50 % 58 % 58 %

R.S.Platou Offshore a.s

End Quarter, Including Options Last update: December 19, 2007

2008 2009 2010

Total no. Type On ctr / Utiliz. 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q
43 Semis On contract 1 1 5 7 9 11 17 20 24 27 31 33 34
Utilization 2% 2% 12 % 16 % 21 % 26 % 40 % 47 % 56 % 63 % 72 % 77 % 79 %
24 Drillships On contract 0 1 1 3 3 4 5 8 9 11 12 14 14
Utilization 0% 4% 4% 13 % 13 % 17 % 21 % 33 % 38 % 46 % 50 % 58 % 58 %
67 Floaters On contract 1 2 6 10 12 15 22 28 33 38 43 47 48
Utilization 1% 3% 9% 15 % 18 % 22 % 33 % 42 % 49 % 57 % 64 % 70 % 72 %

R.S.Platou Offshore a.s

This Report has been prepared by R.S. Platou Offshore a.s. (”RSPO”). The information contained herein has been obtained in good faith
from sources believed to be reliable. Although RSPO has endeavoured to present a consistent and correct picture, we do not guarantee or
accept to be held financially or legally responsible for the accuracy, completeness or correctness of the information contained in this

As investment in the offshore industry involves risk and the possibility of losses as well as gains, interested parties are advised to
undertake their own evaluation and further investigate the correctness of the information in this Report, and/or use professional advisors
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