School Leaving Certificate: (Academic Year: 2020-2021)
School Leaving Certificate: (Academic Year: 2020-2021)
School Leaving Certificate: (Academic Year: 2020-2021)
Government Primary School
School Name : Government Primary School Randoli
Block : Indri District : Karnal
UDISE Code : 06060500101 Department School Code : 14090
Certified that Ms.NISHA attended this school up-to 24-May-2021. He/she has paid all sums due
to the school, and was allowed on the above date to withdraw his/her name. He/she was reading
in Class Fifth in this school.
The following particulars are certified to be correct according to the registers of the school and the
certificate's produced from previous school attended during the school year:
No School Date of Date of Date of No. of total Pupil's Leaves
Admission withdrawal
attendance attendances attendance taken
during the during the during the during the
current school current current current
year school year school Year school year
1 Government Primary School 10-Apr-2020 24-May-2021 10-Apr-2020 351 0 0
Randoli To
Certified that Ms. NISHA S/o-D/o- ward of Mr. RAJ KUMAR and a student of the Fifth class who left
the Government Primary School Randoli School (School Code 14090 ) Indri Block, Karnal District
with Transfer Certificate No. 13944756 Dated 28-May-2021 has joined the class