Bsa R-10
Bsa R-10
Bsa R-10
IMPORTANT: Please read these instructions and view the CD-ROM before first using your rifle.
Safety catch
Quick-fill port
Pressure gauge
All BSA airguns are made to the highest standards at our factory in A filling adaptor is supplied with each rifle; this has a restrictor screw fitted in
Birmingham. BSA barrels are cold hammer forged and crowned for optimum its base, which must be screwed down tightly when using an air tank to fill
accuracy. the gun, or the rifle could be damaged. If using a hand pump the restrictor
screw should be loosened or removed using the Allen key provided.
Before leaving the factory every airgun is tested on special purpose
machinery to verify velocity and pellet grouping. UK law dictates that air • B
efore filling always make sure the gun is not loaded.
rifles should not be capable of above 12 ft-lb muzzle energy; all BSA models • If the buddy bottle is empty, cock the rifle before filling.
conform to this requirement. Export models are supplied to conform to the • Insert the filling adaptor into the filling port and push it home.
laws in the destination country. • M
ake sure the bleed screw on the charging unit is closed, and then start
the charging process by opening the air bottle valve slowly.
• A
llow the air to slowly fill the gun to 232 bar and close the valve. Allow a
Using Compressed Air few minutes for the pressure to settle, and then, if necessary top up the
pressure using the same procedure.
• Q
uickly open the bleed valve on the charging unit to allow the air in the
hose to escape.
ull the filling adaptor from the filling port.
Only dry breathing quality air should be used in guns.
Never fill any gun with oxygen, or any other gas. • O
nce the filling operation is completed, de-cock the rifle. Pull back the bolt
Doing so could cause a serious explosion. and while holding the bolt back pull the trigger and slowly allow the bolt
to move forward until it has returned to the rest position.
Regularly check the condition of the filling probe “O” rings and apply a little
High pressure compressed air can be used safely provided proper procedures Molycote 111 grease. Only use this grease on the “O” rings as automotive
are followed, if you are not sure of the procedure ask your gun shop for mineral oils and grease can cause an explosion if used with high-pressure air.
Never try to fit a buddy bottle to the gun when the rifle is in a partially
assembled state.
Removing the Buddy Bottle
The removable ‘buddy’ bottle can be filled from an air tank or using a hand Unless you need to remove the buddy bottle it is recommended that the rifle
pump. Whichever equipment is used, a pressure gauge and supply hose is filled using the filling probe.
bleed device must be included, and the manufacturer’s instructions must
always be followed. • A
pply the safety catch, remove the magazine and check that there is not a
pellet in the barrel, if in doubt point the rifle in a safe direction and fire the
rifle to ensure that the barrel is clear.
Filling the R-10 • T o avoid damage to the buddy bottle “O” ring, which can result in leaks,
it is essential to first close the valve in the buddy bottle by unscrewing it
one full turn. There will still be some compressed air in the rifle’s regulator.
The maximum filling pressure for the R-10 is 232 bar, do not over charge the
To release this, point the gun in a safe direction, take off the safety catch
rifle as this may be dangerous. Doing so will reduce the power and damage
and fire the gun several times. Repeat the firing-cycle until the muzzle
the rifle. discharge becomes quieter and the pressure gauge reads empty.
• If the muzzle report is still loud after firing the gun 8-10 shots and the
When filling the gun via the quick fill use the gauge on the scuba tank to
gauge is still showing air in the gun, unscrew the bottle a further quarter
read the pressure. turn and repeat the process. Once the rifle is empty the bottle can easily be
The buddy bottle can be removed and changed for a spare bottle in the field
if required. The buddy bottle can be filled with air in two ways;
1. Via the quick-fill port situated in front of the pressure gauge using the Filling the Bottle with Air
filling probe supplied with the gun.
2. By removing the bottle from the gun and refilling it using a bottle filling A filling adaptor which screws onto the top of the buddy bottle (part number
adaptor (part number 16-6440, not supplied) and replacing the bottle on 16-6440, not supplied) is obtainable from BSA stockists.
the gun.
• C heck that the threads on the bottle and filling adaptor are clean, and then
screw the bottle into the adaptor until it is tight.
• T he procedure for refilling the bottle is identical to that when using the
filling probe.
Telescopic Sights Trigger Adjustments
The BSA R-10 has a full length integral 10.8mm dovetailed scope rail The trigger is set at the factory, but some aspects can be adjusted to suit
designed to accept standard scope mounts and night vision equipment. individual preferences.
Refer to the scope manufacturer’s instructions on fitting and adjusting.
Before adjusting the trigger, remove the magazine and check that there is
not a pellet in the barrel, if in doubt point the rifle in a safe direction and fire
Butt Plate the rifle to ensure that the barrel is clear.
The butt plate can be adjusted for elevation to suit your individual Remove the Buddy Bottle as described previously, then remove the stock
preference. Loosen the central locking screw and find the position that best assembly.
matches your ideal sighting and comfort. Tighten the screw to lock the plate. In the interests of safety, take care not to over-lighten the trigger weight.
• H
old the magazine between finger and thumb with the cover plate screw
uppermost. Push a pellet nose first into the first magazine chamber and
press down until the pellet skirt is under the cover plate (see Fig 1).
• R
otate the central body of the magazine anti-clockwise until the next va-
cant position lines up with the hole in the cover plate. Insert another pellet
and repeat the procedure until the magazine is full (see Fig 2).
• T he red dot on the magazine body will be at the top when all ten pellets
are loaded.
• A
t any stage during loading, the magazine body can be moved back one
position by pressing the escapement mechanism lever (see Fig 3).
• Replace
the magazine in the rifle (see Fig 4), slide the bolt forward and
down into the retaining slot and take off the safety catch. The rifle is now 6
ready to fire.
• W
hen the tenth and final pellet has been indexed into position, a red spot
indicator on the magazine body will come into view when the bolt is pulled 1. Trigger pull.
backwards to cock the rifle. Lock down the bolt in the forward position to This screw adjusts the weight of second stage trigger pull, to increase the
fire the last shot. weight of pull turn the screw clockwise and anti-clockwise to reduce the
weight of pull.
Note: The magazine is factory filled with lubricating grease. Take care to
avoid contamination with dirt or grit and always carry magazines in a 2. Sear engagement screw.
sealed plastic bag. Do not take the magazines to pieces, or remove This screw determines the length of the second stage release. Should you
this grease. wish to adjust the length of the second stage release, slacken off the locknut
and adjust the screw the desired amount. Turning the screw clockwise
1 2 reduces the second stage release; turning it anti-clockwise increases the
second stage release.
To test the indexing, rotate the magazines’ rotor WITHOUT LOADING ITS
CHAMBERS WITH PELLETS and refit the magazine to the rifle. Point the rifle
The Shrouded Barrel Assembly towards a safe target and fire. Re-cock the rifle and observe whether the
rotor indexes to the next chamber.
The BSA R-10 incorporates a shrouded barrel fitted with a ported muzzle If the rotor has not cycled, undo the magazine actuator screw locknut (6)
break. The shroud is mounted over 2 spacing collars to maintain alignment and turn the actuator screw approx. ½ turn clockwise when viewed beneath.
with the barrel. All U.K specification rifles incorporate a sound suppression Retighten the locknut and retest the indexing mechanism. Repeat the
system within the shroud assembly. Access to the suppressor components is procedure if necessary until the correct indexing is achieved.
achieved by unscrewing the shroud from its connector, located next to the
breech block. Note: If the actuator screw is reset, the magazine actuator must retain
a small amount of rotational movement after the rifle has been fired.
If an additional silencer is desired, unscrew and remove the muzzle break Failure to maintain this movement will restrict or prevent hammer
from the shroud adaptor. This will reveal the ½” UNF thread most commonly movement which will impair the rifles’ performance.
used on after-market silencers.
Care and Maintenance warranty. All air rifles require periodic maintenance and inspection, so
After use, check that your rifle is unloaded and wipe the metal and even if everything seems to be in good working order, have your air rifle
woodwork surfaces with a lightly oiled cloth. Pay special attention to the checked periodically by a competent gunsmith. You should always have
metal finishes as these are not fully rustproof and are vulnerable to damp the power of your air rifle re-checked following any maintenance or repair
and particularly perspiration. If your rife has become damp, make sure it is work as any repairs or adjustments could affect the power. It is your legal
completely dry before you put it away. responsibility to make sure the air rifle remains below the legal power
limit, which in the UK is 12 ft-lb.
The R-10 has a grade 2 walnut stock with an oil finish. Periodic application
Diagrams and parts lists are available on our website at
of a small amount of a proprietary stock finishing oil is all that is required.
Alternatively linseed or walnut oil could be used. 2 Year Warranty All new BSA rifles carry a 2 year warranty against faulty
parts and labour, this applies to new rifles only and is not transferable;
Never use oils containing silicone as they can cause damage to metal
proof of purchase is required. Excluded from this warranty are: failure due
surfaces. Application of oil and grease except as directed by the
to misuse or abuse, the fitting of non-standard parts, and fair ware and tear
manufacturer can often do more harm than good.
including damage to the stock. All warranty work must be done by BSA or
Your rifle has been designed and manufactured for optimum performance. an authorised agent of the company, and should the rifle be collected or
Tampering with the components, or unauthorised modifications and returned under warranty, BSA or their authorised agent reserve the right to
alterations may make the rifle unsafe to use and will invalidate the charge for postage and / or inspection.
Issue 4, September 10
BSA GUNS (UK) Ltd. Armoury Road, Birmingham B11 2PP, England
BSA Guns (UK) Ltd, reserve the right to alter the designs or any constructional details of any product at any time without prior notice.
For the most up to date information on BSA products view our website at
© BSA Guns (UK) Ltd. Unauthorised sale, distribution, copying or reproduction of part or all of this material is not permitted without prior arrangement.