B. Tech Sem - I SUBJECT-Engineering Economics and Principles of Management (AM110) Teaching Scheme (Hr/week) Exam Scheme (Marks)
B. Tech Sem - I SUBJECT-Engineering Economics and Principles of Management (AM110) Teaching Scheme (Hr/week) Exam Scheme (Marks)
B. Tech Sem - I SUBJECT-Engineering Economics and Principles of Management (AM110) Teaching Scheme (Hr/week) Exam Scheme (Marks)
Tech Sem – I
SUBJECT- Engineering Economics and Principles of Management (AM110)
Teaching Scheme (hr/week) Exam Scheme (Marks)
3 --- --- 60 --- --- 40 100
Objective: The need to understand the basics concepts of economics & management are
important for the allocation of scarce resources of economy and proper utilization to generate the
required products and services. Demand analysis and consumer behavior are the factors which
teach about the equilibrium price. Types of markets, product pricing and factor pricing leads to a
better understanding of a particular product or service demanded by the consumers. Production
cost and revenue analysis is important for operation of a profitable business. Monetary & fiscal
policies are important for the understanding of consumption, government expenditure,
investment, exports and imports. It also educates us about the ways in which the government
generates revenue and handles its expenditure for a stable economy.
Learning Outcomes:
1. Students will understand the definitions of economics, micro & macroeconomics, utility,
money, wealth, consumer and producer surplus
2. Students will understand demand, function of demand, elasticity, factors of production,
supply & demand equilibrium
3. Students will understand types of markets, price discrimination, dumping and kinked
demand curve
4. Students will understand production, short & long run production function, cost analysis,
fixed cost, variable cost, revenue, breakeven analysis
5. Students will understand monetary policy, fiscal policy, banking, instruments of
monetary policy, liberalization, globalization, privatization, role of government in policy
making and business cycless
Detailed Syllabus:
Demand function
Law of demand
Elasticity of demand and its types
Price, income and cross-elasticity
Measures of demand elasticity
Factors of production
Advertising elasticity
Law of supply and demand, equilibrium between demand and supply
1. Students will be required submit assignment based on topics covered in the syllabus such
as calculation of breakeven point, demand analysis of a product or service, GDP, and
Text Books:
Reference Books: