Career Portfolio
Career Portfolio
Career Portfolio
Presented to:
Presented by:
James Ivan Alda Javier
1st year Block-B
BSED Major in English
1. The teacher assigned the students to Cognitive Constructivism, it uses the memory
memorize the multiplication table for learning.
5. The teacher asked the students to Cognitivism, memorizing and recalling the
memorize and recite Jose Rizal’s knowledge they know.
“My Last Farewell”
6. The teacher invited one resource Situated learning theory, because there is a
person to give a lecture on situation that they can use and guide them
developing habits of cleanliness and for further improvement.
hygiene. After the lecture, the
students were encouraged to ask
questions to the resource speaker.
10. The teacher asked the students to do Social cognitivism, by being out in the
interviews with local officials. The public can boost their self-esteem and don’t
purpose was to identify who among be afraid in front of others.
the local officials are “good” and
“effective” leaders based on a set of
11. The teacher asked the students to Cognitivism, it helps the student to
observe a chef on the correct way of memorize by observing.
cooking a recipe
14. In an English (Literature) class, the Multiple intelligence learning, the teacher
topic was Joyce Kilmer’s poem, are trying the students capability in
“Trees”. The teacher asked two interpreting meaning and how it works.
students to write two paragraphs of
their interpretation of the poem from
a science perspective. Two students
were also asked to interpret the
poem in music form
15. The topic under study is to study 21st century learning skills, the use of
the use of computer programs technology.
needed for different tasks in the
ASSESS pg. 18
A. Name two highlights of social constructivism
1. Knowledge is based on the learner’s personal experiences.
2. Each person generates based on his previous knowledge.
B. Describe two examples of classroom activities that are in keeping with social learning
Example 1
- By observing other people can give learnings and knowledge, like observing a
gardener how to make a compost pit.
Example 2
- Making a famous person go to a classroom and talk about how to be their own and
motivate them to improve and do their best.
C. Name two important reasons why students should learn and develop 21 st century
1. Because they can use it to be competent and skilled.
2. Because this kind of skills should be learned to their future job and career and can
easily more around with skills.
D. Given all the theories presented and learned in this chapter, what gives them the
characteristics of being learner-centered?
- It is because it focuses on the learner’s knowledge and learnings. Experiences,
memorizing, problems, observing and etc. is the reason it is learner-centered it gives
the learners the knowledge by this characteristic. And it guides them to shape up and
ready for their future, a future that are full of skills and knowledge how they will
pursue their dreams.
- In the Barrio, because it has a peaceful living and less problem unlike to city.
- I the Barrio, because less stress and less noise.
- In the Barrio, because of simple living and foods can produced and made by
APPLY pg. 25
A. Steps
1. Illustrates the problem in the board.
1. Students go to the seashore to study different kinds of shells. (Young)
2. Students name and identify real fruits shown by the teacher. (Young)
3. Students are given ingredients and were asked to cook these using their own method.
4. Students were grouped into three and were given two problems to solve. (Adolescent)
5. Students were doing an experiment and the teacher was present to guide them.
6. The students were asked to tell stories about their family using pictures. (Young)
7. Students were asked to interpret a poem. (Adolescent)
8. Students were asked to interview five leaders in the community, from which they were to
make an assessment of how effective or ineffective the leaders are. (Adult)
9. Students were asked to make a table in two hours. (Adult)
10. Students were asked to observe the leaves of plants in the garden. (Young)
APPLY pg. 35
- The strategy that I can suggest is giving a student an activity that they will experience
and learned from it. Because I know experience is the good example of learning new
knowledge that they can bring it with them to their journey of life.
ASSESS pg. 36
Declarative 1. Putting together the parts of a microscope earlier demonstrated by the teacher.
Declarative 3. Naming the parts of a flower correctly as read from a science book.
Functional 8. The teacher gave different types of rewards to his students who scored high.
Functional 10. With knowledge of simple machines, Mario was able to move a load in a
cylindrical container.
APPLY pg. 46-
A. What teaching methodologies can I use to improve the performance of my students?
Classroom 1
- The use of Regular Adjective in making comparison. The teacher will give a
group activity and this activity will dance Zumba. So that the students can
determine each comparison.
Classroom 2
- The topic is all about Pronouns. The teacher will show a paragraph with missing
words and the students will complete it using pronouns.
Classroom 3
- The use of single word adjective in describing oneself. The learners do the
activity on how he/she view himself/herself. Have them choose five verbs from
the list given or they may add if they want to.
ASSESS pg. 48
A. What is your idea about the following?
1. Authentic learning
- is all about firsthand information that can validate any reason if it is came from the
first person who did it.
B. Expound on two of the main ideas of Jean Lave’s situated learning theory
APPLY pg. 53
1. The teacher asked a student to stand and answer a question, but the student cannot answer
the question.
2. The teacher noticed that Paul was shy and would not want to answer the teacher’s
questions nor participate in class activities.
3. The teacher noticed that three of his students were “isolates” and wouldn’t want to
participate in problem-solving task.
ASSESS pg. 54
Connect the given situations to the concepts listed below.
a. Platonic relationship
b. Coercion
c. Negative socio-emotional classroom climate
d. Cooperation
e. Social interaction
f. Friendship
g. Communication
__________1. Two students, both girls enjoying swimming and biking during weekends.
__________2. A group of five students work together, each one having his own assigned
task to work and finish a class project.
__________3. The teacher told his students that they will receive a failing grade if they not
submit their term papers on time.
__________4. About 90% of students in class, feel anxious every time they enter the science
class. The teacher is known to be “terror”.
__________5. The teacher gives real life examples as a way to explain clearly the concepts
she is teaching.
__________6. In a certain barangay, people plan together, and contribute their ideas on how
to celebrate the fiesta.
__________7. When two professionals, a man and a woman meet together, they like to share
and discuss the findings of the studies they are doing.
__________8. The students volunteer to participate in the feeding program for malnourish
children. They plan and discuss how to attain the goals of the program.
__________9. The teacher likes to teach but talks at the top of her voice. The students feel
afraid the teacher might ask them questions.
__________10. The teacher encourages students to ask questions, in case they do not
understand some things being taught. When this happens, the teacher tries her best to clarify
the students’ misconceptions or mistakes.
APPLY pg. 61
A. Conduct a simple survey by interviewing 5 grade six students. Ask each one the following
1. When you talk with your parents, what topics do you usually talk about? Do they
ask questions about how you are doing in school, or say what score you got in the
exam? (All the time – Sometimes – Never)
2. Do your parents come to school and talk to your teacher about how you are doing?
(All the time – Sometimes – Never)
3. Do your parents attend meetings called by your teacher or the principal? (All the
time – Sometimes – Never)
ASSESS pg. 62
1. From the review of research findings, what factors with socio-cultural character are linked
to student learning and achievement?
APPLY pg. 69
Identify which of the following situations or practices reflects implications derived from
socio-cultural dimensions of learning.
a. In Ms. Cruz’s class, the students are given an assignment to work on at home.
b. In Mr. Fernandez’s class, the four groups of students solve together a problem.
d. In Ms. Estrella’s class, the students work independently on their science experiment.
e. Mr. Bonifacio was asked three students to help Albert solve a problem.
h. The teacher and the students take turns in leading the group discussion of a topic.
i. The teacher encouraged the students to ask questions about the contents of the
j. Ms. Silverio came up with a topic which the whole class can research on, so they can build
knowledge about it.
ASSESS pg.70
1. Reciprocal teaching
2. Cooperative learning
B. Name and describe three features common to peer interactive learning strategies.
EXPLORE pg. 82
Activity 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Activity 2 pg. 83
1. What are the reasons why you think the theory you have selected is important for teachers
to know and understand?
2. Examine the intelligence theory more closely. Cite the ways you think the theory will be
helpful in your teaching especially methods and techniques you will be using, as well as the
instructional materials you will use.
APPLY pg. 84
1. Examine Howard Garner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligence. Take an example where you
have 40 pupils, and you would want to determine or have an idea as to what type of
intelligence each pupils possesses. What can you do to get indicators of their specific
intelligence, even without them having to take an intelligence test?
2. Taking a situations where your students have been tested for intelligence (using a valid
intelligence test) you realize that your student’s intelligence levels are so varied, meaning
some have “high” and some have “low” intelligence levels, what methodological approaches
in teaching will you apply to address all the intelligence needs of your students?
ASSESS pg. 85
1. what behavioral indicators or abilities will you look for, if you want to understand the
concept of intelligence more fully? On the basis of the definitions of intelligence, cite two of
its indicators.
2. Cite the similarities as well as the differences in ideas or propositions among the theories
of intelligence. Is there a semblance of many theories measuring the same characteristics?
Different characteristic?
3. pg. 86
Intelligence as one trait Intelligence as multi trait
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
EXPLORE pg. 97
3. What is the dominant learning style of your class or student as a whole?
Learning style
Student’s action/behavior as indicated by
observed by teacher action/response to
the task
e. answering comprehension
questions after reading a story.
Activity 2 pg. 98
APPLY pg. 99
1. Identify three learning styles. Name and discuss two class activities that illustrate or
indicate that particular learning style.
2. Why is actual experience o students in the learning situation necessary to achieve the
objective improved learning?
Dominant Learning
Teacher’s Attribute
Learner’s Classroom
e. Children with social and behavioral 1.
C. pg. 115
1. Social and Behavioral Disability
2. Giftedness