Computer Application
Computer Application
Computer Application
Study On
Computer Application
Project Management
Submitted By
A.D.B.De Zoysa
B S c (QS)
Supervised By
Eng. P. Mervyn Gunesekara
University of Moratuwa
69 : k&lo¥
Date: 26-07-2002
The necessity for an efficient management system as far as the project management is
concerned is essential and has b e c o m e m o r e urgent than ever before, because there are
enough instances where projects have failed to accomplish the time and cost targets within
the given parameters, resulting losses frustrating the interested parties. The new concept
"Project M a n a g e m e n t " has emerged and the tools of project management are n o w being
applied in order to m a k e sure an efficient management system. The application of the project
management software packages comes to the scene as far as the application of these m o d e m
sophisticated project management tools, especially in the main functional area such as
planning, scheduling, monitoring, progress controlling, cost controlling and the document
controlling are concerned. The demand for the computer application therefore have been
increasing rapidly world over as the benefits offered by these so called project management
software packages are enormous. This high demand, the benefits offered by these packages
and m y personnel interest on this area prompted m e to carry out a research project to explore
the application of project management packages in the Sri Lankan Construction Industry.
Objectives of the research project therefore were formulated in order to identify the latest
project m a n a g e m e n t tools which these dedicated project m a n a g e m e n t software packages
should be equipped with, identify the dedicated project m a n a g e m e n t software packages
available and used in the Sri Lankan Constriction Industry, identify the facilities available in
these packages, explore the extent of their usage, ascertain the user satisfaction, find out the
difficulties faced in the use of these packages and to study and find recommendations as to
how the situation is to be improved.
Project management tools which the dedicated project management packages should be
equipped with were studied and findings were gathered and compiled through the
comprehensive literature review carried out as a part of the research. T h e industry research
was carried out on a questionnaire based structured interviews and discussions and this
survey enabled to gather industry experience in the use and application of dedicated project
management packages in the project management activities in the Construction Industry. The
study w a s mainly focused on the contracting firms covering the local firms and foreign
contracting firms b y giving the attention of it to the consultants and project management
firms operating in Sri Lankan Construction Industry. Project m a n a g e m e n t packages used in
the Sri Lankan Construction Industry were researched and the findings have been analysed in
the chapter 4 of this project report. The existing situation regarding the application of project
management packages in the industry w a s studied under five major functional areas, such as
construction planning, scheduling, monitoring and controlling, cost controlling and document
controlling. The research was also focussed on obtaining contractors' views on difficulties
faced, benefits realised and future developments. T h e level of user satisfaction w a s also
subjected in the research and the findings have been analysed and presented in chapter 4.
Lack of trained staff and the lack of interest amongst the technical people in application of
project management software packages have been identified in this research as the main
difficulties faced. As far as the user satisfaction is concerned, most of the firms expressed
that they were satisfied with these packages even though the m a x i m u m benefits derived out
of application of these packages are not fully known to them. Most of the people interviewed
are not fully aware of the tools available in these packages and hence conducting awareness
p r o g r a m m e s in this regard is highlighted as almost all of them have future plan to improve
this area especially b y giving training to the technical staff and recruiting trained people. The
need of formulating training sessions in this regard by universities, technical colleges and
even by the I C T A D could be underlined as one of the important aspects found out in this
research as some of the firms interviewed claimed that there are no sufficient institutes for
them to get their employees trained in this regard. Further, the need of a comprehensive study
on the productivity and the effectiveness of using computer packages for project management
activities in construction industry, indicating the visible results and highlighting the fact that
the benefits which could be obtained b y using these packages could well compensate the cost
of purchasing of even very sophisticated packages like P 3 (Primavera) is of paramount
I first of all wish to express m y sincere gratitude to Mr. P.M. Gunasekara, for his valuable
guidance, continuous persuasion and the support given in accomplishing the mission of
completing this project.
While thanking him sincerely for making available to me, his literature, text books and
various other resources which I think contributed a lot in completing this project
successfully, it is m y duty to remember with gratitude, the Course Coordinators Dr.Asoka
Perera, Dr.Gunewardena, Dr. Kodikkara and Professor A.K.W.Jayawardena, as all of them
helped us a lot during the tenure of the entire academic session to complete the Master
Degree Program successfully.
The board of directors of Sierra Construction Ltd, especially Mr. Priyantha Perera who
allowed m e to use their resources to complete this project is also appreciated with high
regards. M y wife Gayani w h o always persuaded m e with inspirations to see an end to this
project is remembered and hereby given the tribute because, unless her persuasion and
encouragements which I always receive, the mission of completing this project report could
not have been accomplished.
Further, I must thank all those w h o helped m e during the research part, by dedicating their
important time giving appointments and sharing their knowledge and the experience in this
Signature of Candidate
Date: 2 6 July 2002
Page N o .
Abstract i
Acknowledgement iii
Declaration iv
Contents v
List of abbreviations vii
List of figures viii
List of table ix
1.0 Introduction
1.1. Background 1
1.2. Objectives 4
1.3. Limitation 5
1.4. M e t h o d o l o g y 5
1.5. Main findings 6
1.6. Guide to report 7
4.0 Analysis
4.1 Introduction 43
4.2 Analysis
5.1 General 62
5.2 Computer usage in general 62
5.3 Project m a n a g e m e n t tools 63
5.4 Project management packages available 63
5.5 Application of dedicated project m a n a g e m e n t packages 63
5.6 Application in planning 64
5.7 Application in scheduling 65
5.8 Application in monitoring and controlling 66
5.9 Application in cost controlling 67
5.10 Application in document controlling 68
5.11 Difficulties faced 68
5.12 Benefits realised 69
5.13 User Satisfaction 69
5.14 Future Development 70
5.15 Recommendation 71
5.16 Future studies 72
References 73
A - I C T A D grading system 75
B - List of project management packages available in the world 76
C - Questionnaire 78
List of Abbreviations
F Foreign contractors
Ml M l Contractors
M2 M 2 Contractors
M3 M 3 Contractors
M4 M 4 Contractors
Con Consultants
PM Project M a n a g e m e n t Firms
ICTAD Institute for Construction, Training and Development
DP Data Processing
PERT Program Evaluation Review Technique
MMI M a n / M a c h i n e Interface
AI Artificial Intelligent
DCS Intelligence K n o w l e d g e Based System
CPM Critical Path Method
LOB Line of Balance
BCWS Budgeted Cost for W o r k Performed
ACWP Actual Cost for Work Performed
BCWP Budgeted Cost for Work Performed
P3 Primavera Project Planner
WBS Work Breakdown Structure
CM Construction M a n a g e m e n t
GUI Graphical User Interface
PC Personnel Computer
CAE Computer Aided Estimating
BOQ Bill of Quantity
GRN Goods Received N o t e s
List of Figures
Chapter 2
List of Tables
Chapter 2
(Jayaweerasingham, 1996)
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
in general.
Table Title Page
management packages
management packages
01. Introduction
1.1 Background
(1) Defining
(ii) Planning
Planning how the triple constraints, that are performance specification, time
schedule and m o n e y budget are satisfied.
(iii) Leading
(iv) Monitoring
Monitoring the project work to find out how progress differs from the plan in
time to initiate corrective actions. This often leads to re-planning, which m a y
force the pre-determined goals to change with their resource requirements.
(v) Completion
M a k i n g sure that the j o b that is finally done conform to the current definition
of what was to be done and wrapping up all the loose ends such as documents.
In brief, the whole process of Project M a n a g e m e n t can be defined as "the overall planning,
controlling and co-ordination of a project from inception to completion aimed at satisfying
client's requirements and ensuring completion on time, within cost and to required quality
With the above concept, a new designation emerged in the construction industry called
"project m a n a g e r " or more specially client's project manager. However, the contractor on the
other hand working under client's project manager or otherwise should carry out his project
management activities or management of his construction to satisfy the client and also to
secure his anticipated profits.
Also, the contractor's project manager should carry out his project m a n a g e m e n t activities or
management of the construction work to satisfy the client's requirements. Therefore,
whenever the n a m e "project m a n a g e r " is mentioned in this study it is meant for the client's
project manager, consultant's project manager or the contractor's project manager even
though the definition the "project m a n a g e r " is usually meant for client's project manager.
Ever developing construction industry is becoming more and m o r e complicated due to the
following factors (Jayaweerasingham, 1996).
• T o d a y ' s clients are more and more concerned about the time and cost targets as
any time overrun has to be compensated with the additional cost;
• D u e to the various new procurement methods and various type of contract, the
management activities have b e c o m e more and more complex.
All the above listed factors reinforce the fact that even though w e have invented n e w
construction materials, methods, equipment and various modern technologies considerably,
completing a project within the set time and cost has b e c o m e extremely difficult unless a
good project management approach with regard to planning, scheduling, monitoring and
controlling is adopted.
For this purpose, there are a lot of sophisticated project management tools available. These
are: network analysis; P E R T charts; Critical Path Method; and various other controlling
schedules and cost control techniques.
However, the new information technology has opened the door for a new m a n a g e m e n t
approach where almost all management functions and activities can be easily and
successfully carried out through computer packages.
Since the computer technology gives a lot of facilities such as quick data handling, filing and
presenting data when needed, quick processing of data, ability to re-use data, ability to
provide timely and accurate information to achieve business goals, it is clear that project
m a n a g e m e n t activities will become extremely easy, if a good computer software package is
used. Because, in the project management activities (Gunesekara, 1996):
• Restrictions imposed by funding agencies such as on time and cost make it compulsory
for the project managers to constantly review the progress and submit reports within
very short time periods.
• Usage of new project management tools and techniques such as Network, P E R T Chart,
Critical Path M e t h o d s , Schedules and Cost controlling Techniques are very complex if
handled manually.
So, computer application is very much necessary for project management activities.
The most important aspect is that by using computer software packages in the project
management activities, answers could be found to most of the following questions in a very
short period of time (Jayawardena, 1996):
T h e ability to experiment with the plan and the facility for instant analysis of the project to
provide the latest information is the other most important aspect which undoubtedly assists
the project managers in decision making (Jayawardena and D e Mel, 1994)
The manual analysis and reporting is a very tedious process and often abandoned after the
first plan and the schedule without even going on to the controlling stage. Thus any
investment on project management computer software packages is undoubtedly well worth
and extremely helpful for project managers in project management activities and to survive
in the competitive market. So, application of computer software packages in the project
management activities has now b e c o m e a necessity and thus any study on the computer
application in project management activities will give a lot of benefits to all those who are
engaged in the project management activities (Jayaweerasingham, 1996).
1.2 Objectives
02. To identify the project management software packages currently used and to identify
the facilities available in these packages with regard to planning, scheduling,
monitoring and controlling activities including the document controlling in the
project management activities
03. To ascertain the extent to which these packages are used and also to find out whether
the facilities available are used to the m a x i m u m benefits in the Sri Lankan
Construction Industry for project management activities.
04. To ascertain user satisfaction and explore the reasons attributed for satisfaction and
05. To find out difficulty faced by the industry in using Computer software packages.
1.3 Limitation
The topic " C o m p u t e r Application in Project M a n a g e m e n t " has a very broad coverage as it
covers all the computer applications in whatever means in the project management activities
ranging from dedicated project m a n a g e m e n t software packages to spread sheet applications,
word processing applications, applications of database packages such as Microsoft Access,
Dbase, Visual Basic and Visual Dbase.
In the process of project management, planning, scheduling, monitoring, and controlling are
the most important activities because most of the other aspects are very m u c h relevant to the
human factors such as motivation and human resource management. Hence, this study is
further limited to the application of dedicated project management software packages in
planning, scheduling, monitoring and controlling aspects in the project management
1.4 Methodology
This research study carried out can be classified mainly in to three categories.
Literature survey was carried out to acquire a broader knowledge in the areas relevant to this
topic covering the following aspects.
* Identifying and studying all the sophisticated project m a n a g e m e n t tools with regard to
planning, scheduling, monitoring and controlling activities, which the project
management software packages should be equipped with.
* Identifying and studying the facilities available in some of the popular project
management packages available in Sri Lankan Construction Industry.
Data collection was carried out to gather industry experience in the use of computer software
packages in project management activities. Data w a s collected through a detailed
questionnaire survey and interviews conducted and also through discussions held with
clients' project managers and project managers appointed on behalf of contractors and
consultants to look after their interests, covering the following aspects.
* Identifying the project management packages, currently available in the Sri Lankan
construction industry and also identifying the extent to which, these packages are
used in the Sri Lankan Construction Industry.
* Identifying and studying the difficulties faced b y the construction industry, in using
these computer software packages in project m a n a g e m e n t activities
T h e data collected from the industry research have been analysed in detail and are presented
under " A n a l y s i s " in this report.
1 Under the main functional areas of the project management, namely the planning,
scheduling, monitoring, controlling including cost controlling and document
controlling, it has been found out that the Critical Path Analysis, Bar/Gantt Chart,
N e t w o r k s such as Activity on Arrow N e t w o r k and Activity On N o d e (Precedence)
Network, Resource Histograms for Resource Planning, N o n e Uniform Resource
Requirements, Scheduling in respect of Bar Charts, Bar Chart Target Comparison,
Progress Monitoring Reports, Cost Controlling Tools such as Actual vs. Target Cost
Histograms, Earned Value Analysis, Cash Flow Histograms and Projected Cost
Curves and Cash Flow Reports are the main project management tools which any
dedicated project management software package should facilitate for. Facility for
levelling resources, creating calendars, producing various reports and linking data
with other c o m m o n packages are the other requirements which any project
management software package should be equipped with.
3. It has been found that all the packages are equipped with the fundamental project
management tools. As far as the P3 is concerned it has more advanced features such
as cost controlling and cash flow forecasting facilities. The Expedition is somewhat
different and it has features required for contract administration activities such as for
document controlling.
6. N o n e availability of the trained staff, lack of interest amongst the professionals, lack
of interest amongst the top management are the main difficulties encountered b y the
contracting firms in using the project management software packages. N o n e
availability of trained staff is o n e of the major difficulties faced b y the consulting
firms and project management firms. High cost is the other factor found as a
difficulty faced in using these project management software packages.
7. All the foreign contractors and M l contractors are satisfied with the available
software packages. Most of the m e d i u m level local contracting firms are satisfied
with the tools available in the project management software packages available in the
Sri Lankan Construction Industry. Straight forward application and easy and quick
execution of management and administration activities are the m a i n attributing factors
for this satisfaction. Lack of experienced professionals to use these software packages
is the main contributing factor for dissatisfaction of most of the contracting,
consulting and project management firms.
This research dissertation contains five chapters. Contents of the chapters are briefly as
Chapter 1 This chapter gives the back ground, objectives, limitation, methodology, main
findings and the guide to the project report.
Chapter 2 The literature review and the finding of it have been detailed in this chapter.
Project management tools which the project management software packages
to be equipped with, the packages available in the Sri Lankan Construction
Industry and the facilities available in these packages in comparatively with
the required tools to be equipped with, are detailed in this chapter. T h e extent
of the usage of these packages based on the previous researches has also been
discussed in this chapter.
Chapter 3 This chapter gives the details of data collection of the research project.
Developments of the study for data collection, formulation of the interview
questionnaire, have been detailed in this chapter. This chapter also gives the
details of the pilot study, how the target groups were identified and h o w the
data collection was carried out.
Chapter 4 This chapter details the analysis of the data collected. T h e analysis has been
done in terms of computer usage in general, site based computer system,
application of dedicated project m a n a g e m e n t software packages in planning
scheduling, monitoring and controlling including cost controlling and
document controlling. The analysis of the data done under this chapter further
shows the level of user satisfaction, future developments, difficulties faced
and the benefits realised b y the industry in using dedicated project
management software packages in construction project management activities.
Chapter 5 Conclusion and recommendations based on the finding of the data collection
are dealt with in this chapter. Conclusion on the findings relating to the
objectives of the research project has been discussed in this chapter. This
chapter also devotes to the areas such as future developments; future studies to
be undertaken and the most importantly the recommendations for improving
the level of usage of project management software packages in the
construction project management activities.
02 Literature Review
2.1 Project M a n a g e m e n t tools which project m a n a g e m e n t software packages should
be equipped with
Before discussing the project management tools, it is worthy to understand h o w the project
management process i.e. planning, scheduling, monitoring and controlling with corrective
actions are carried out. T h e main objectives of any project are to complete a prescribed
amount of work within a fixed duration at a previously estimated cost to the required quality.
To achieve these objectives, project planning, scheduling, monitoring and controlling are
necessarily required.
Activity List
Schedule Plan
There are various project management techniques and tools, which can be used for each of
these phases depending upon the type and the size of the project. In case of planning, there
are a considerable number of techniques such as Critical path Method ( C P M ) , Bar Charts,
Program Evaluation and Review Techniques (PERT), Linear Scheduling Method ( L S M ) ,
Line of Balance ( L O B ) , W o r k Study technique and operation techniques (Jayawardena,
Even though techniques such as Critical Path Method, Line of Balance and Linear
Scheduling can be used in construction project management activities, the Critical method
with it's associated tools for all three phases: planning, scheduling, monitoring and
controlling is the most popular, effective and the efficient technique which is vastly used in
project m a n a g e m e n t activities specially in construction works (Jayawardena, 1995).
The Critical Path Method is a powerful tool for planning and management of all type of
projects. It provides a precise mathematical approach for planning, scheduling and control
and allows ready evaluation and comparison of alternative work programmes, construction
methods and types of equipment by changing individual activity durations, resources or
relationships between activities (Jayawardena, 1995).
Further, network and it's associated tools provided by the Critical Path method help the
project manager with precise information on the effect of each variation or delay in the
adopted plan thus allowing identification of operations which needs remedial actions.
In addition to various other uses in variety of industries, the assessment of cost of hazards
may be investigated. Also, a rational approach to problems in minimizing site risks, floods,
inclement weather and similar hazards can be achieved through the C P M so that the cost of
these risks m a y be assessed and incorporated in to the p r o g r a m m e (Jayawardena, 1995)
There are various project management tools based on critical path method. They are required
at various stages of a project.
The first task, which has to be carried out in C P M , is to identify (Lock, 1996)
• all the activities of the project
• all the resources required for each of this activity.
• interrelationship of these activities and;
• activity duration by considering all the constraints.
Once these tasks are finalized any project m a n a g e m e n t software should be capable of
accepting this information so that the project manager can effectively use for project
management techniques which will be discussed below.
2.1.2 Networks
As w e all are aware, network is a representation of the project plan by a schematic diagram
that depicts the sequence and interrelationship of all the activities of the project. A fully
developed network is a logical and mathematical model of the project based on single
activity duration. This can be used to quickly establish the earliest start time, latest start time,
earliest finish time, latest finish time, floats, critical path and the project duration of a project
(Clough/ Sean, 1991)
As the names imply, in the activity on Arrow Network, Arrows represent the activities,
whereas the activity on N o d e Network, the activities are represented b y N o d e s .
As we are well aware, a project requires several resources such as skilled and non-skilled
labourers, other personnel w h o are engaged in construction activities as required, plant and
any other things as may be required. The problem that project managers or planners
encounter is to find out w h e n they need deferent type of resources during the project period,
how m a n y of each category is required at different times and whether available resources are
sufficient. However, if they are not sufficient what action can be taken to overcome the
problems could be easily thought of.
T h e resource requirement for each category of resources can be clearly seen in a resources
histogram. Hence, any software package intended to be used for project management
activities should have the facility to produce this type of resource histograms.
B y analysing these resource histograms, w e can easily find out whether the resources are
sufficient to meet the demand within the m a x i m u m available resources. The m a x i m u m
available limit too can be plotted in the same histogram.
Similarly, resource requirements of all resources should be able to be obtained and hence the
software packages should provide the required facilities.
Generally, when resources are assigned to an activity, it assumes that the resource usage
starts when the activity c o m m e n c e s and continues until the activity finishes. However, there
are situations where a particular resource is not required until the activity has been underway
for a few days. It is also possible that the resource is not consumed at an even rate.
This is another challenge faced by the project managers. Incorporation of these problems in
to the resources histograms is not an easy task. Therefore, any computer software package
available for project management activities should necessarily facilitate for these
requirements if m a x i m u m benefits are to be yielded in using computer software packages.
If the resource histogram indicates a lot of peaks and troughs or exceeds the resource ceiling,
the non-critical activities should be moved within their floats using defined priority criteria to
smooth the resources below the ceiling. If it is still impossible, the logic of the network will
have to be re-arranged to accommodate resource demand.
This is in fact a very tedious process if carried out manually. So, any software package
intended to be used for project management activities, should have the facilities to level
resources according to a priority order against the availability to stay within the resource
limit. Normally, resource levelling does not change the activity duration or resource
requirements but it delays the scheduled dates. In this situation, two approaches can b e
made. The first is to m o v e activities within floats or even delaying outside the floats to
a c c o m m o d a t e the demand of resources with the availability and checking the schedule to see
whether it is acceptable. The second is to assign more resources during the peak periods
(Jayawardena, 1995).
2.1.4 Calendars
The most important feature, which should be incorporated in computer packages developed
for project management purposes, is the facility to create working calendars. W o r k i n g
calendars allow defining working and non working days and hours. The project schedules the
activities to perform only during the working days and hours as specified. In addition to
these base calendars, the software packages should be able to define resource calendars as
well. T h e schedule considers that resources are available according to the calendars and the
plan is adjusted to suit the availability (Jayawardena, 1995).
2.1.5 Scheduling
Once the project is planned using the critical path method including the resources, the
planned data must be communicated in a schedule for execution. The schedule can be
prepared in the form of a bar chart, histogram, table or a report. Therefore, any project
management software package should have the facility to produce required schedules based
on project management tools as herein described.
Given below are some of the c o m m o n schedules, which are considered as paramount
important for project management activities (Jayawardena, 1995).
(i) B a r charts
Bar Chart "Gantt Chart" is perhaps the most extensively used tool for scheduling. Its
versatility arises from the simplicity of its preparation; it's use and its capacity to
a c c o m m o d a t e various forms for effective communications.
Therefore, any project management software should necessarily have the facility to
produce bar charts. In addition, the facility to indicate how a particular resource / cost
are allocated throughout the project b y superimposing a resource / cost histogram on
the bar chart is very important feature in the bar chart.
(ii) Reports
Progress monitoring and control are very important in the project management, when a
project is underway, to m a k e sure that the project completes on schedule. M a x i m u m benefits
of project planning and scheduling cannot to be obtained unless a proper monitoring and
controlling is carried out. The important tools available for this purpose include bar charts
and monitoring and controlling reports (Jayawardena, 1995)
W h e n a project is underway, the target plan (original schedule or base line plan) and
the actual progress in the same bar chart indicate the actual position of the project.
This will help to m a k e sure that the activities are carried out as scheduled. The
project manager will be able to identity from these bar charts where the delay is and
then take appropriate actions to rectify the delay. H e n c e , project m a n a g e m e n t
software packages should be able to provide these kinds of bar charts in order to get
the m a x i m u m benefits out of using computer software packages.
It should be able to compare the schedule plan (baseline plan) with the actual dates in
a report. Then the potential problems can be flagged with L A T E notice, and the
schedule activities can be marked with OK.
As w e are aware, cost controlling is the most important aspect in project management. There
are various techniques available for this purpose. Cost Histogram, Cash Flow reports,
Cumulative Curves (S Curves ) and cost control reports are the most important tools
available for project management activities. It is clear, that each activity requires a mix of
labour, materials, plant and other resources. The problem of the project manager is to track
the actual cost for each resource, each activity and for the w h o l e project with the budgeted
cost and take necessary actions for controlling the cost in case it exceeds the budgeted cost
(Jayawardena, 1995)
This process is very difficult task if carried out manually. Therefore, the project management
software packages should support to produce these types of reports in project management
activities, if the m a x i m u m benefits are to be obtained in using computer software packages.
S o m e of the tools, which the project management software packages, should facilitate for are
as follows;
Actual Vs Target cost histogram is very useful in reviewing and evaluation of project
spending. Also, the cumulative curves can be used to identity actual cost vs targeted
cost up to date.
Earned value analysis
The performance can be determined using earned value, which calculates the value of
work satisfactorily completed, based on a completed target plan. Measuring
performance involves three key indicators: Budgeted Cost for W o r k Scheduled
( B C W S ) , Budgeted Cost for W o r k Performed ( B C W P ) and the Actual Cost for W o r k
Performed ( A C W P ) . B C W S is the planned budget to date, B C W P is the budgeted
value of work done to date and A C W P is the actual amount spent to date for the work
Projected cost histograms with cumulative cost curves indicate the cash pattern in the
future. This will no doubt help the project manager in his decision making so as to
m a k e sure that the project will be completed within the targets.
A Cash flow report indicates all the cost for a specified account or resource. For
instant monthly cash flow reports can be prepared indicating the monthly cash needs
along with cumulative amounts based on earliest, latest and the targeted dates for
project activities. The report can also be printed in a histogram and cumulative S
Curve to indicate the spending pattern of a project (Jayawardena, 1995).
So, any software package having facilities to produce cash flow reports will no doubt
bring a lot of benefits for the project management activities so as to achieve the
project objectives.
Cost reports
Cost reports indicating details such as budgeted cost, percentage completion, actual
cost to date, estimate to complete and variance, are very advantageous in project
management activities.
Therefore, project management computer software packages should have the facility
to produce cost reports indicating above details.
2.1.8 Linking of data
Linking of data to third party application such as with other software packages covering
spreadsheet applications, word processing applications and other compatible software
packages is the most important feature, which should be incorporated in the project
m a n a g e m e n t software packages. Because, the facility to link with other software is
necessarily required for project management activities, as a lot of analysis work and
communication activities are involved in the project m a n a g e m e n t activities (Jayawardena,
A b o v e are s o m e of the most important project management tools available for various phases
of project m a n a g e m e n t activities, namely: planning; scheduling; monitoring and controlling
(progress and the cost), which should be incorporated in the project m a n a g e m e n t software
packages, if m a x i m u m benefits are to be yielded in using computer software packages.
Even though there are a lot of dedicated project management software packages available in
the market, very often, what is c o m m o n l y referred to as project m a n a g e m e n t software b y
software manufacturers and dealers, can be more precisely described as project planning and
control software packages. N o system currently available in the market, offers facilities to
undertake all aspects of project m a n a g e m e n t skills such as motivation, leadership etc which
cannot in any w a y be computerized. All software packages claimed as dedicated project
management software packages, support the m a n a g e m e n t decision making process, i.e. they
provide supporting tools.
The areas covered by most of these so-called project management software packages are as
follows (Jayawardena and D e Mel, 1994)
In addition to above, now packages such as "expedition" in Primavera system are already
available in the market for document controlling. This is a big boost for contract
administration and project management activities. Computer application in the above areas,
help the project manager to a great extent to carry out planning, controlling and co-ordination
activities of a project to satisfy the client's requirements.
In addition to the dedicated software packages, general-purpose packages too can be used for
certain aspect of project management activities.
There are more than 100 dedicated project planning and controlling packages available in the
world. Capabilities and prices of these software packages vary depending upon the
capabilities and facilities available in the packages (Jayawardena, 1995). Most of these
packages have basic facilities with regard to planning, scheduling and controlling aspects of
project management activities. A list of some project m a n a g e m e n t software packages
available in the world is given in the Appendix - B
Before discussing the extent of computer software packages used for project management
activities in Sri Lanka, it is worthy to have an idea about to what extent the computer
software packages are generally applied in the construction activities.
This is simply demonstrated by a survey carried out by Koddikara and D e Costa (1993) to
investigate the use of computers in the Sri Lankan construction industry even though the
results given are not relevant in the present situation as these results are from a research done
fairly a long time ago.
T h e results are shown in the table below.
Consultants 69 77
Large Contractors 55 68
(Grade 1&2)
Small Contractor 00 11
(Grade 3 & below)
T h e survey w a s carried out on contractors and property developers only. The findings of
this research also revealed that contractors were very reluctant to use computer software for
net work planning and resource planning.
Percentage (%)
Type of Software Network Schedule Resource Progress Cost
M S project - 12 - 12 12
T i m e Line - 16 - 16 8
Pert Master - 4 - 4 -
HTPM - 4 - 4 -
Even though no comprehensive research has been carried out on the computer software
packages in project management, especially with regard to planning, scheduling, monitoring
and controlling in the Sri Lanka Construction Industry, a few surveys, researches and studies
in other relevant areas have been carried out.
T h e finding of these studies clearly indicates that the use of project management software
packages by all parties is not up to a satisfactory level although a certain percentage of firms
w h o do not use project management software packages have plans for future use.
The findings of these researches have also revealed that high cost of software packages,
unavailability of certain software packages in the local market and the lack of after sales
service have b e c o m e negative incentives to purchase these software packages b y average
consultants or contractors. It has also been observed that the use of project m a n a g e m e n t
software packages by most of project managers in Sri Lanka is not up to the required level
when these facilities are available in their organizations.
M o s t of project managers carry out co-ordination work, monitoring work and controlling
activities through progress meetings and perhaps with a few project management tools
available in the project management software packages.
However, the situation now have changed little bit as explained in next chapters in this
report on the finding of the research done in this regard with the rapid development of the
computer technology and information technology. Also now there is a growing tendency in
the use of computers and the use of project management software packages for the project
management activities. Most of the project managers whether he is appointed to look after
the project management work on behalf of the client, consultants, and contractor, are very
much concerned about the usage of computer software packages.
According to the previous researches and other literature available, it could be established
that the dedicated project planning and control packages, which are used in Sri Lankan
construction industry at present, are as follows;
2.4 Facilities available in some of the project m a n a g e m e n t software packages
available in Sri L a n k a .
Most of these software packages with their facilities will be discussed in brief in this section
as follows. In discussing the facilities of the project management package, findings of the
literature review carried out on text books, papers, thesis, study reports and articles written
on this subject were used. M y practical experience gained in practice using these packages
have also been considered in this discussion.
This is one of the most powerful and user friendly graphical program software packages
available in the world. It helps the users with planning tasks, allocation of resources, costing,
tracking and powerful reporting. It is suitable for any project whether it be simple or most
advanced and complicated.
It provides almost all the popular project m a n a g e m e n t tools in the form of graphical screen
displays called project forms. B y using these forms to define project tasks and their
relationship, a project can be well planned to reflect real world situation. B y using Project
Planner (P3), the m a n a g e m e n t of a project can be effectively carried out in various ways such
as for an instant, by managing project resources for a single project a m o n g multiple projects.
P3 indicates any over allocated resources, which can be, corrected either manually or with
automatic resource levelling facility available in the package.
The most important feature of the P3 is its ability to provide a lot of very useful monitoring
tools and cost controlling tools. Also, a lot of reports can be produced to satisfy the user
requirements and its report formats help the project manager in communicating the project
details. Further, it also has the ability to link the data with other third party software
applications facilitating smooth communication of information.
P r o j e c t P l a n n i n g S y s t e m S o f t w a r e Facility
Network Analysis
• Available
• Ability to store and re-use library o f standard network
Resource Processing
Cost Processing
Tracking Progress
D a t a E x c h a n g e and S e c u r i t y of D a t a
This is also one of the most powerful and user-friendly graphical program software packages
available in the world. It helps the usres with planning tasks, resources, costing, tracking and
powerful reporting. It is suitable for any project whether it m a y be a simple or most advanced
and complicated.
It provides almost all the popular project management tools in the form of graphical screen
displays called project windows. B y using these forms a project can be reflected in a real
world situation. B y using Sure Track Project Manager, the m a n a g e m e n t of a project can b e
effectively carried out for a single project among multiple projects.
Assigning of multiple calendars and resource allocation can be effectively done at uniform
distribution and non-uniform distribution with resource lags.
Sure Track indicates any over allocated resource which can be corrected either manually or
with automatic resource levelling facility available in the package.
The most important feature of the Sure Track is its ability to provide a lot of very useful
monitoring tools and cost controlling tools. Also, a lot of reports can b e produced to satisfy
the user requirement and its report formats help the project manager in communicating the
project details. Further, it also has the ability to link the data with other third party software
application facilitating smooth communication of information. However, the inability to
provide N e t w o r k s can be indicated as one of the shortcomings in the Sure Track Project
M a n a g e r software package. Unfortunately one of the most important project management
tools, network, which should be incorporated in to project management computer software
packages is not available in this package.
The following is a s u m m a r y of all the facilities available in the package (Primavera System,
P r o j e c t P l a n n i n g S y s t e m S o f t w a r e Facility
Gantt chart
• M a x i m u m number o f activities • Unlimited
• M a x i m u m number o f activities per project • Unlimited
• Sub Projects • Capable
• M a x i m u m number o f sub projects • Unlimited
• Multiple Project Calendars • Available
• M a x i m u m number o f calendar modules • 30
• M a x i m u m number o f total calendar modules • Unlimited
• Resource Calendars • Available
Other facilities
• It supports milestone, targets imposed ends, ability to support • Available
various activity relationships and assigning various
Resource Processing
Cost Processing
Tracking Progress
D a t a E x c h a n g e and S e c u r i t y of D a t a
M S Project is a powerful and user friendly graphical program software package available in
the world. It helps the users with planning tasks, allocation of resources, costing, tracking and
powerful reporting. It is suitable for any project whether it be simple or most advanced and
complicated one.
It provides almost all the popular project management tools in the form of graphical screen
displays called project views. B y using these views to define project tasks and their exact
relationship, a project can be well planned to reflect real world situation. B y using M S
Project, the management of a project can be effectively carried out in various ways such as
for a instant, b y managing project resources for a single project a m o n g multiple projects.
A calendar is assigned for the entire project or assigning of multiple calendars for resources
too is possible. The resource allocation can only be done at uniform distribution; non -
uniform distribution is not available in the package.
MS Project shows any over allocated resources, which can be, corrected either manually or
with automatic resource levelling facility which is available in the package.By using M S
Project, it is easy to ascertain and see whether the project is progressing as planned. B y using
its project features in combination with views, exact information required can be indicated.
Further, it also has the ability to link the data with other third party software applications
facilitating smooth communication of information.
T h e M S Project includes a variety of report formats, which help the project managers in
communicating the project details.
The following is a s u m m a r y of all the facilities available in the package (PC Learning L A B ,
P r o j e c t P l a n n i n g S y s t e m S o f t w a r e Facility
Network Analysis
Other facilities
• It supports milestone, targets imposed ends, ability to support • Available
various activity relationships and assigning various
Resource Processing
Cost Processing
Tracking Progress
D a t a E x c h a n g e and S e c u r i t y of D a t a
• A c c e s s is not limited.
• Security o f data
2.4.4 Pert M a s t e r A d v a n c e
Pert Master Advance is one of the most powerful project planning, control and
communication software packages designed to help project managers in achieving their goals
in the project management. In its simple application, it calculates the length of time required
for completing a project, once its tasks, relationships and resources are identified.
O n e of the most useful features of P M A is that it can quickly assess the impact of change on
the project, i.e. what if, situation, allowing to quickly and easily construct and generate
alternative plans and schedules to meet the project constraints.
Assigning of multiple calendar and resource allocation can be effectively done at uniform
distribution, front and end and spread intervals. P M A indicates any over allocated resources
which can be corrected either manually or with automatic resource levelling facility available
in the package.Further, it also has the ability to link the data with other compatible third party
software application facilitating smooth communication of information.
P r o j e c t P l a n n i n g S y s t e m S o f t w a r e Facility
Network Analysis
• M a x i m u m number o f activities • Unlimited
• M a x i m u m number o f activities per project • Unlimited
• Network analysis convention • A r r o w or P r e c e d e n c e
• Sub Network • Capable
• M a x i m u m number o f sub networks • Unlimited
Other facilities
• Available
• It supports milestone, targets imposed ends, ability to support
various activity relationships and assigning various
Resource Processing
Cost Processing
Tracking Progress
D a t a E x c h a n g e and S e c u r i t y of D a t a
Harvard Total manager is also one of the most powerful project planning, controlling
and communication software packages designed to help project managers in
achieving their goals in project management.
P r o j e c t P l a n n i n g S y s t e m S o f t w a r e Facility
Network Analysis
Other facilities
Resource Processing
Cost Processing
Tracking Progress
D a t a E x c h a n g e and S e c u r i t y of D a t a
2.4.6 Expedition
This is one of the most powerful contract control software packages available in the market.
The Primavera System Software manufactures have designed this software package.
This software can help to streamline all administration works of construction projects.
Therefore, not only the project manager, but everyone involved in the project m a n a g e m e n t
activities such as, sub contractors, consultants, specialist consultants and the client can also
obtain a lot of benefit b y using this software package.
Expedition by Primavera System can help the project manager in recording, storing,
organising and reporting all administration works in the project management activities.
(Jayaweerasingham, 1996)
Contract D r a w i n g Log
• Latest set of drawings with latest revisions created, distributed and tracked
• D r a w i n g sets collected and easily sent to a distribution list
• Transmittal letters prepared automatically to all appropriate parties
• Production lists quickly assembled
• Accurate history of revisions to see who changed what and w h y
• Drawings tracked through Design Review to As Built
Information Links
Communications Tools
Reports and D o c u m e n t s
Multi-user Security
System Requirements
Help Systems
3.0 Data Collection
3.1.0 Development of study and data collection
3.1.1 Methodology
The data collection was done by conducting interviews and discussions with various
personnel in the contracting organizations, consultants and project m a n a g e m e n t firms,
since this method w a s decided as the best method for this type of study due to the fact
that interviews and discussions gives greater control over the respondents and
provides opportunity directing questions to obtain detail explanations and
justifications for various opinions and decisions, rather than obtaining details through
posted questionnaires.
The data collection was done starting from the D e c e m b e r 2000 to June 2 0 0 1 . It
became a very difficult task to get appointments with the relevant people in this
regard and hence the data collection w a s done amidst a lot of difficulties.
A s already explained under "Limitation" previously herein this report, this research
w a s further focussed on contractors, consultants and project managers, as it was
found appropriate to carry out a research on contractors' performance in dedicated
project management software application in the construction industry, because of the
need for effective m a n a g e m e n t of construction projects in Sri Lanka.
Hence, the survey was carried out on I C T A D registered local contractors, foreign
contractors operating in Sri Lanka, consultants and also on project management firms
operating in Sri Lanka.
Hence, a questionnaire w a s formulated in order to gather industry experience in the
use and application of dedicated project management computer packages in the
project management and also in order to achieve the other objectives of this project.
Further, as the professionals at managerial levels are busy in their business it was
decided to prepare questions with proper sequence in order to collect all necessary
Discussion with four M l contractors, three consultants and two M 2 contractors as well
as one M 3 Contractor who are using computers for project management w a s carried
out prior to formulating the questionnaire. Further, the personnel experience in this
field and the much needed guidance constantly given b y the M a n a g i n g Director of
Lan M a n a g e m e n t Development Service, the supervisor for this project, was very
much helpful in finalising the questionnaire which was done based on the information
and extracted details from literature survey as well.
(a). User satisfaction with the packages, and if in the case of yes or no, so
contributing factors.
(b) To ascertain the opinion as to effect of lack of computer application in project
management specially in order to ascertain whether it curtail the performance
of projects
5. Future development
6. Difficulties faced
7. Benefits realised
T h e Questionnaire used in the interviews consisted of ten pages of questions and one
page of instruction and information. The questions have been formulated in such a
w a y that answers were expected in the following ways.
(ii) To ascertain the type of packages used and the areas for which these
packages are used. The information w a s gathered under five major
functional areas namely, planning, scheduling, monitoring, cost
controlling and document controlling.
(iii) To determine the level of user satisfaction and explore the reasons for
satisfaction or dissatisfaction.
(iv) The benefits gained by the companies by using these dedicated project
management packages.
(v) To ascertain the difficulties faced in this regard. Specially the practical
difficulties in application of dedicated project management packages.
3.3.0 Pilot study
T h e views of those who were interviewed in the research formed a major component
of the report. The local construction firms were chosen on the basis of grading given
by I C T A D as explained above, whereas the foreign contractors, consultants and
project management firms were taken in to consideration in general basis.
M1 -Contractor 10 100%
M2-Contractor 13 93%
M3-Contractor 18 86%
M4-Contractor 17 27%
Consultancy 14 Nearly 9 0 %
(Major Firms)
Project M a n a g e m e n t 3 Covering all major
Total N u m b e r of F i n n s Interviewed 84
The data collection with regard the project m a n a g e m e n t packages available and the
tools available were comprehensively studied and discussed in details in a previous
chapter under "Literature R e v i e w " and the knowledge obtained through the above
process were used in the process of the data collection from the research specially
when interviewing people.
3.5.2 Interviews and discussion through structured questionnaire
Interviews and discussions were held with those people of 84 organisations, covering
almost all the foreign contractors, all M l contractors, 9 3 % of M 2 contractors, 8 6 % of
M 3 Contractors, 2 7 % of M 4 contractors and nearly 9 0 % of the major and reputed
consultants and most of the project management firms. These percentages have been
arrived on the number of firms interviewed and the number of total registered
contractors under each category and consultants published by the I C T A D in 1999-
4.0 Analysis
4.1.0 Introduction
The data as mentioned w a s collected according to a structured and detailed list. Information
relevant to the study but not envisaged at the time of developing the list w a s recorded and
taken into consideration during the analysis stage in order to interpret some findings and to
arrive at s o m e conclusions. The following analysis w a s carried out in the same order as
described in the Questionnaire for easy interpretation. Information provided by the
contractors for each question has been tabulated in a separate table to visualise each item of
information more realistically.
4.2.0 Analysis
T w o methods were basically adopted to present the data collected for analysis.
In certain circumstances it was found that raw data gives a real picture of the existing
situation. In such situations every attempt was m a d e to list raw data in descending
order of importance based on the proportion of responded contractors either
favourably or unfavourably.
In other cases, data was summarised after taking the whole picture into account and
by giving due weightings to all comments and suggestions expressed by contractors.
This method is more useful when presenting similar ideas given in various forms b y
different contractors.
T a b l e 4.1 C o m p u t e r usage
1. As mentioned earlier, since the number of firms with regard to M l , M 2 , M 3 , foreign
contractors, consultants and project management firms are smaller in comparison, our
research w a s extended to such an extent that it covered more than 8 5 % of each
respective area specially with regard to the foreign contractors, M l , M 2 contractors
and consultants and project management firms. However, in regard to the M 4
Contractors, the sample survey covered only 2 6 % of the total population and hence,
interpreting the data obtained in this category m a y not give a realistic picture whereas
in the other categories it definitely gives correct picture about the real situation.
During the research, the reasons for using computers in general were also surveyed and the
survey w a s done in such a w a y that some c o m m o n attributes for using computers, which
were pre-determined on the findings obtained during the pilot survey, were incorporated in
the Questionnaire and instructions had been given to rank these attributes according to their
The attributes have been analysed, tabulated and presented in the Table N o 4.2, in such a w a y
that the result have been presented herein below in a marking scheme calculated on giving
due weightings to the percentages of the ranking as such 60 marks, 50 marks, 40 marks, 30
marks, 20 marks and 10 marks have been considered for ranking 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6
1. As per the summarised results of the opinions expressed b y the interviewed firms is
concerned, overall preferences of 2 5 . 2 2 % , 19.80%, 19.16%, 1 8 . 7 1 % has been given
for attributes of uniform administration, standardising c o m p a n y formats, quick
processing of data, and reduced cost respectively as the reasons for using computers
in general.
The extent of the computer application in general at site level was also subjected to the
research and the attempts in order to ascertain reasons for using computers at site were also
tried during this research. The reasons attributed b y most of the people are same in c o m m o n
interpretation. S o m e of them are given below.
1. As indicated in the above table, all foreign contractors use computers at sites and
90%o, 4 6 % , 28 % and only 6% of local contractors of M l , M 2 , M 3 and M 4 use
computers at sites. Further, 29%> of the consultants and 100% of the project
m a n a g e m e n t firms use computers at sites.
2. This is again a remarkable increase in this respect, in compared with the findings of
the survey done by Jeyaweerasinham (1996) for his masters under the supervision of
Gunesekara. According to his finding, only foreign contractors and one local
contractor had site based computer system, whereas in the present situation almost all
the M l contractors and a satisfactory n u m b e r of M 2 and M 3 contractors use
computers at sites.
3. However, the c o m m o n answers given by most of the contactors for not using
computers at site are elaborated below whereas the high initial capital has been
identified as the main factor for not using computers at sites for most of M 3 and M 4
4. Further, the top management of most of the local firms under M 2 , M 3 and M 4
contractors are not even aware of the productivity improvement, which can be
directly and indirectly derived at, by using computers at site. The fact that the high
productivity could easily compensate the initial capital cost which they categorise as
high is not known to them.
The reasons expressed as to w h y most of the local contractors are reluctant in using site
based computer system are given below.
The focal point of the research, the application of dedicated project m a n a g e m e n t packages
for project management, has been discussed in this section as per the details gathered during
the research. T h e extent of the usage of dedicated Project M a n a g e m e n t Packages, in the five
major functional areas such as planning, scheduling, monitoring and controlling, cost
controlling and document controlling has been analysed, tabulated and presented in the
following tables.
The following is the analysis of the survey samples as to the application of project
m a n a g e m e n t packages by the contractors, consultants and a few project management firms in
the Sri Lankan Construction Industry.
Note: A s far as the application o f Time Line and Harvard Total Project Manager is concerned, only one
contractor had used it previously. However, it has been noted here in percentages only for references.
1. As indicated in the above table, all the foreign contractors and local contractors of M l
category use project management packages for project management activities. As far
as the packages are concerned, all of them use M S Projects and, 4 4 % foreign
contractors uses Primavera Project Planner. However, even though 20 % of the M l
contractors have purchased the Primavera Package, none of them uses it for project
management activities. They have continued to use M S Project, while having a very
sophisticated package like P 3 . Nevertheless, when inquiries were m a d e in this regard,
the firms interviewed gave various reasons, and the detailed analysis in this regard is
given here in a separate section under "Difficulties Faced".
2. The research reveals that 22%> of foreign contractors and 8%> and 6% of the local
contractors of M 2 and M 3 use the Sure Track (Primavera) package. As far as the
application of T i m e Line and Harvard Total Project M a n a g e r is concerned, only one
contractor had used it previously. However, it has been noted here in percentages
only for references.
3 The situation in regard to packages like Expedition, is that most of the contractors are
not even aware of this package and the fact is that the available facilities of this
package have to be communicated and the people must be m a d e aware of this, as n o w
most of the firms are geared to adopt a lot of sophisticated methods.
4. Also, the situation in respect of M 2 and M 3 contractors is that only 92 % and 67% of
them respectively use M S Project and 76%o of the interviewed M 4 contractors use it
for project management activities. N o n e of them uses any of the other project
management packages.
6. However, the good thing to be underlined is that still there is a remarkable increase in
this respect in compared with the findings of the survey done b y Jeyaweerasinham
(1996) for his masters under the supervision of Gunesekara. According to his
findings, only a few contractors in addition to the foreign contractors were using
project management packages for project m a n a g e m e n t activities.
Table 4.5 Application of these packages in planning
The extent of the usage of them in planning w a s subjected to the research and the finding is
as follows.
Note: Please note that s o m e o f the interviewees did not answer s o m e o f the questions given in the
questionnaire and hence the analysis was done out o f the data gathered as s h o w n in the table.
1. As indicated in the above table, the findings of the research shows that all foreign
contractors, 100%, 9 2 % , 61 % and only 7 1 % of local contractors of M l , M 2 , M 3 and
M 4 use these packages for planning at least in preparation of Bar/Gantt Charts.
Further, it w a s revealed that 7 9 % of the consultants uses it for at least preparation of
Bar/Gantt Charts. In regard to Critical Path Analysis, Network Analysis, and
Resource Planning, the analysis is that, they showed little interest as the result
obtained in this regard are 2 9 % , 7 % and 3 6 % respectively.
2. The situation in regard to project management firms is that all of them who were
interviewed use these packages for planning in comprehensive m a n n e r in their level
for each project. However, usage of these packages in Critical Path Analysis,
Network analysis and Resource Planning is very poor, even amongst the top-level
local contractors of M l , M 2 and M 3 .
As it has been revealed in the research, in regard to the resource planning, only 3 3 %
of the foreign contractors, 5 0 % , 8%> and 6%> of the local contractors of M l , M 2 and
M 3 use them for resource planning while none of the contractors of M 4 uses them in
this regard. Foreign firms expressed that since most of the works they undertake are
of management contracts, the need for using packages for resource planning does not
arise unless for very special circumstances. However, they were in the opinion that
obtaining technical staff which is competent in this area is extremely difficult in Sri
Most of the local contractors accepted that lack of detail planning in the beginning of
the project is one of the main reasons for them to neglect resource planning. Further,
most of them expressed that lack of trained technical staff in this area is also a
contributory factor for the poor implementation of resource planning.
The other important fact to be noted is that while all the foreign contractors attributed
that they use these packages as a standard c o m p a n y format for each and every project,
only 50%o, 54%> and 2 8 % of local contractors of M l , M 2 and M 3 respectively have
favoured in this regard.
As far as the extent of the usage of these packages by the consultants and the project
management firms, for planning activities is concerned, 7 9 % of the consultants
claimed that they use them for each and ever project as a standard c o m p a n y format
while all the m a n a g e m e n t firms interviewed claimed that they use them for each and
every project as a standard c o m p a n y format.
Revelations m a d e as to this poor indication and the difficulties faced together with the
suggestions m a d e in this regard during the interviews with this organisation, were too
analysed and have been presented in relevant sections herein below. However, in
brief various reasons were given b y the contractors for not using these packages for
detailed planning activities and analysis.
Most of them attributed that non-availability of trained staff, and the lack of
awareness of the tools available in the packages for advanced analysis, are the main
reasons for the poor result indicated above. However, the fact which no doubt brings
some relief is that this is again a remarkable increase in this respect, in compared with
the findings of the survey done b y Jeyaweerasinham (1996) for his masters under the
supervision of Gunesekara, and most of the firms are now ready to do improvements
in this area. According to his finding, only foreign contractors and only a couple of
local contractor were using these packages in planning.
49 Application of these packages in scheduling
The extent of the application of these project management packages in scheduling was
subjected to the research and the finding is as follows.
The extent of the usage of them in scheduling was subjected to the research and the finding is
as follows.
Note: Please note that s o m e o f the interviewees did not answer s o m e o f the questions given in the
questionnaire and hence the analysis was done out o f the data gathered as shown in the table.
1. As indicated in the above table, the finding of the research shows that all foreign
contractors and M l contractors, 8 5 % and 2 8 % of local contractors of M 2 and M 3 use
these packages for scheduling at least in preparation of schedules regarding Bar/Gantt
3. As it has been revealed in the research, in regard to the scheduling in respect of
resource planning, only 3 3 % of the foreign contractors, 50%> and 8%> of the local
contractors of M l and M 2 use them for scheduling. N o n e of the contractors of M 3
and M 4 uses these packages for scheduling activities in respect of Resource Planning
and N e t w o r k Analysis. Most of the local contractors accepted that lack of detail
planning in the beginning of the project is one of the main reasons for them to neglect
resource planning. Further, most of them expressed that lack of trained technical staff
in this area is also contributory factor for the poor implementation of resource
4. Further, it w a s revealed that 6 4 % of the consultants uses these packages for at least
preparation schedules regarding Bar/Gantt Charts and for scheduling for other areas
such as Critical Path Analysis, N e t w o r k Analysis and the resources planning, they
showed little interest as the result obtained in this regard are 29%>, 7%> and 14
respectively. T h e situation in regard to project m a n a g e m e n t firms is that all of them
w h o were interviewed use these packages for scheduling in comprehensive manner in
their level for each project.
5. The other important fact to be noted is that while all the foreign contractors attributed
that they use these packages for scheduling activities as a standard c o m p a n y format
for each every project, only 50%o, 5 4 % and 2 8 % of local contractors of M l , M 2 and
M 3 respectively have favoured in this regard. However, 40%>, 38%> and 6%> of local
contractors of M l , M 2 and M 4 have claimed that they use them for scheduling
activities only for selected projects depending upon the nature and magnitude of
* 6. Only 1 0 % and 8%> of local contractors of M l and M 2 expressed that they use these
packages for scheduling activities only if requested by the client, consultants or the
project managers. As far as the extent of the usage of these packages by the
consultants and the project management firms, for scheduling activities is concerned,
64%o of the consultants claimed that they used them for each and ever project as a
standard c o m p a n y format while all the project management firms interviewed
claimed that they used them for each and every project as a standard c o m p a n y format.
7 Revelations m a d e as to this poor indication and the difficulties faced together with the
suggestions m a d e in this regard, during the interviews with this organisation, were too
analysed and have been presented in relevant sections herein below. However, in
brief the contractors for not using these packages for detailed scheduling gave various
reasons. Most of them attributed that non-availability of trained staff, and the lack of
~" awareness of the tools available in the packages for advanced analysis, as the main
reasons for the poor result indicated above. However, like in other areas the fact that
there is a remarkable increase in this respect, in compared with the findings of the
survey done b y Jeyaweerasinham (1996) for his masters under the supervision of
Gunesekara, is noteworthy. According to his finding, only foreign contractors and
only a couple of local contractor were using these packages in planning.
8. Also, that fact that most of the firms are now ready to introduce rapid improvements
in this area is noteworthy. This has to be brought to attention of training institutes and
universities in order to cater for the future demand.
The extent of the application of these project management packages in monitoring and
controlling was also subjected to the research and the finding is as follows.
T h e extent of the usage of them in monitoring and controlling w a s subjected to the research
and the finding is as follows.
Note: Please note that s o m e o f the interviewees did not answer s o m e o f the questions given in the
questionnaire and hence the analysis was done out o f the data gathered as shown in the table.
1. As indicated in the above table, the finding of the research shows that all foreign
contractors, 7 0 % and 5 4 % of local contractors of M l and M 2 use these packages for
monitoring and controlling in Critical Path Analysis. Also, all foreign contractors,
9 0 % , 8 5 % , 6 1 % and 3 5 % of local contractors of M l , M 2 , M 3 and M 4 respectively
use these packages for monitoring and controlling in Bar Chart/Gantt Chart Analysis.
3. Further, the research revealed that 4 3 % and 1 0 0 % of consultants and project
management firms respectively use these packages for monitoring and controlling in
Critical Path Analysis. In respect of Bar Chart/Gantt Chart Analysis, it indicated a
result of 57%> and 100%. The situation in regard to project management firms is that
all of them w h o were interviewed use these packages for scheduling in
comprehensive manner in their level for each project.
4. The other important fact to be noted is that while all the foreign contractors attributed
that they use these packages for monitoring and controlling activities as a standard
c o m p a n y format for each and every project, only 50%> and 11 % of local contractors of
M l and M 3 respectively have favoured in this regard. However, 3 0 % , 62%, 6% and
1 2 % of local contractors of M l , M 2 , M 3 and M 4 have claimed that they use them for
monitoring and controlling activities only for selected projects depending upon the
nature and magnitude of projects.
6. As far as the extent of the usage of these packages by the consultants and the project
management firms, for monitoring and controlling is concerned, 14%> of the
consultants claimed that they used them for each and every project as a standard
c o m p a n y format and 79%> for selected projects only depending upon the nature of the
projects. All project management firms interviewed claimed that they used them for
each and every project as a standard c o m p a n y format.
7. Revelations m a d e as to this poor indication and the difficulties faced together with the
suggestions m a d e in this regard, during the interviews with these organisations, too
were analysed and are presented in relevant section herein below. However, in brief
the contractors for not using these packages for detailed monitoring and controlling
activities gave various reasons. Most of them attributed that non-availability of
trained staff, and the lack of awareness of the tools available in the packages for
advanced analysis, as main reasons for the poor result indicated above
8. However, like in other areas the fact that there is a remarkable increase in this respect,
in compared with the findings of the survey done by Jeyaweerasinham (1996) for his
masters under the supervision of Gunesekara, is noteworthy. According to his finding,
only foreign contractors and only a couple of local contractor were using these
packages in monitoring and controlling, whereas n o w it has extended to M 4
contractors as well.
9. Also, that fact that most of the firms are n o w ready to introduce rapid improvements
in this area is noteworthy. This has to be brought to the attention of training institutes
and universities in order to cater for the future demand.
53 Application of these packages in cost controlling
The extent of the application of these project management packages in cost controlling w a s
also subjected to the research and the finding is as follows.
The extent of the usage of them in monitoring and controlling was subjected to the research
and the finding is as follows.
Note: Please note that s o m e o f the interviewees did not answer s o m e o f the questions given in the
questionnaire and hence the analysis was done out o f the data gathered as s h o w n in the table.
1. As indicated in the above table, the finding of the research shows that only the foreign
contractors use the cost controlling tools of these packages. While 4 4 % of them use
these packages for cost cost-controlling activities by using Earn Value Technique and
Graphs respectively and the extent of the usage for each and every project as a
c o m p a n y format has been voted b y 4 4 % of them. N o n e of the local Contractors
claimed that they used these packages for cost controlling activities.
2. The reason for not using these packages for cost controlling activities, by most of the
local contractors, as revealed during the research is that only the P3 package is
equipped with cost controlling tools and hence those w h o are using M S Projects only
have no choice in this regard.
4. However, as far as the cost controlling is concerned the fact that there is no
improvement, when compared with the findings of the survey done b y
Jeyaweerasinham (1996) for his masters under the supervision of Gunesekara, is
noteworthy. According to his finding, only foreign contractors were using these
packages in cost controlling activities.
5. Also, that fact that most of the firms are now ready to introduce rapid improvements
in this area is noteworthy. This has to be brought to the attention of training institutes
and universities in order to cater for the future demand.
The extent of the application of these project management packages in document controlling
was also subjected to the research and the finding is that none of the foreign contractors or
local contractors as well as consultants use document controlling project management
1. Our inquiries in to this matter revealed that most of the local contractors are not even
aware of the availability of project m a n a g e m e n t packages specially designed for
document control, such as Expedition (Primavera). Further, those w h o are aware of
these packages attributed the lack of trained technical people in this regard as the
main cause which prevents them from even investing m o n e y on these packages.
3. Also, that fact that most of the firms are now ready to introduce rapid improvements
in this area is noteworthy. This has to be brought to attention of training institutes and
universities in order to cater for the future demand.
The survey explored the level of satisfaction with the application of project m a n a g e m e n t
packages and h o w well they contribute in order to achieve overall c o m p a n y goals and
objectives. The level of satisfaction is given below in the table. Determining the j u d g e m e n t
as to the success of using project management packages appeared to b e difficult for m a n y
respondents due to the fact that level of their expectations, were different from each other, in
comparison with all the benefit available in these packages.
Table 4.13 Level of user satisfaction and dissatisfaction
2. The result in respect of " n o satisfaction" is that 10%> of the M 2 contractors, 6% of the
M 3 contractors, 1 2 % of the M 4 contractors and only 7%> of the consultants expressed
that they were not satisfied with these packages. Reasons in addition to what has been
given in the Questionnaire, attributed b y them are that lack of tools especially in M S
Project and the lack of experienced technical peoples to use them to get the benefits.
During the research, the factors for satisfaction and dissatisfaction for using project
management packages were researched and the answers were interpreted in line with some
c o m m o n attributes for satisfaction or dissatisfaction, which were pre-determined on the
findings obtained during the pilot survey, and incorporated in the questionnaire. It w a s
instructed to rank these attributes, according to their experience.
The attributes have been analysed, tabulated and presented in the Table N o 4.14, in such a
w a y that the results have been presented in a marking scheme calculated on giving due
weightings to the percentages of the ranking as such 60 marks, 50 marks and 40 marks have
been considered for ranking 1, 2 and 3 respectively.
The summarised results of the opinions expressed by the interviewed firms indicates that,
overall preferences of 5 2 % and 4 7 % has been attributed by most of the firms for their reasons
for satisfaction, for easy and quick execution of works and straight forward application
1. However, the fact to be highlighted is that there are instances that some of them
expressed dissatisfaction due to various reasons. T h e main reasons they attributed are
lack of trained people to operate them obtaining m a x i m u m benefits and the lack of
tools available in the c o m m o n l y available software packages like M S Projects,
especially in regard to cost controlling and resources planning.
2. This is again a remarkable increase in this respect, in compared with the findings of
the survey d o n e by Jeyaweerasinham (1996) for his masters under the supervision of
3. It was also revealed that some of the contractors expressed satisfaction on the
packages, mealy due to the fact the these packages fulfil the basic requirements of
preparing Bar Charts in respect of initial planning. But not knowing the productivity
improvement, which can be directly and indirectly derived at, b y using these
4. Finally, the main contributory factors expressed by firms for dissatisfaction are: the
available software packages do not fulfil the needs; and comparably low return from
computer usage; and the lack of trained people to use these packages in order to get
the m a x i m u m benefits.
The survey also extended to such an extent that it explored the opinion of the firms as to
whether lack of project management packages really curtail the performance of projects. The
results obtained have been tabulated in the following table.
Table 4.16 Opinion as to whether lack of software application curtail the performance
of projects
2. The position with regard to the consultants and the project management firms is that
7 % and 67%> of them respectively believe that lack of application of theses packages
directly affect the performance of projects while 4 3 % and 33%> expressed that it may
affect the performance.
3. However, the bottom line is that most of the firms interviewed were of the opinion
that lack of application of theses packages in project management activities would
either affect the performance of project directly or indirectly while only a small
portion of them commented in the other way.
4. It w a s also revealed that a fair number of them expressed their c o m m e n t s not having a
clear picture about the productivity improvement, which can b e directly and indirectly
derived at, b y using these packages.
4.2.5 Future D e v e l o p m e n t
The research w a s also concentrated on the future developments envisaged by the firms as it
was identified as one of the other important areas to be analysed. The results obtained have
been tabulated in the following table.
With regard to the steps for future development plan, opinion was obtained on c o m m o n
attributes in this regard, which were pre-determined on the findings obtained during the pilot
survey and incorporated in the questionnaire. It was instructed to rank these attributes,
according to the opinion of the interviewees.
The attributes have been analysed, tabulated and presented in the Table N o 4.18, in such a
w a y that the result have been presented herein below in a marking scheme calculated on
giving due weightings to the percentages of the ranking as such 60 marks, 50 marks and 40
marks have been considered for ranking 1, 2 and 4 respectively
58 Future D e v e l o p m e n t Plan
1. A s far as the summarised result of the opinion expressed b y the firms interviewed is
concerned, overall preference of 43%> w a s given for providing training to the
technical staff, 3 8 . 8 8 % w a s received for in favour of recruiting trained staff and only
11.6% w a s received for streamlining the organisational procedures as a step to be
taken in future in order to improve the application of these packages in project
management activities. T h e abstract results with regard to the consultants and the
project m a n a g e m e n t firms is that they too have formulated some arrangements in this
regard and the focal area which they too pointed out, is giving necessary trainings and
recruiting trained peoples.
3. Further, the research also revealed that there is a shortage of institutes to provide
training facilities in this area, and a lot of contractors say that even though they are
willing to give training to their employees, lack of training p r o g r a m m e s in this regard
really hampers their programmes. However, the bottom line is that most of the firms
interviewed were of the opinion that they really have some plan in their agendas in
order to improve this area.
In order to cover o n e of the most important objectives of this research, that is to find out the
difficulties faced in application of these project management packages, the research w a s
focused on this area. Opinions of the interviewees were obtained on c o m m o n attributes for
difficulties faced in application of these project management packages. These c o m m o n
attributes, which were pre-determined on the findings obtained during the pilot survey, were
incorporated in the questionnaire. It w a s instructed to rank these attributes, according to the
experience of the interviewees.
The attributes have been analysed, tabulated and presented in the Table N o 4.19, in such a
w a y that the result have been presented herein below in a marking scheme calculated giving
due weightings to the percentages of the ranking as such 60 marks, 50 marks, 40 marks and
30 marks have been considered for ranking 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively
1. The summarised result of the opinion expressed by the firms interviewed in regard to
the difficulties faced shows that an overall preference of 4 6 % has been received for
none availability of the trained staff, 3 1 . 5 % has been given for in favour of lack of
interest amongst the professionals and only 13.14% as the lack of interest amongst the
top management. However, only 8.71 % has been received for high cost factors as far
as the difficulties faced are concerned.
2. T h e abstract results with regard to the consultants and the project m a n a g e m e n t firms
is that they too believe that none availability of trained staff and the lack of interest
amongst the professional as major difficulties faced in this regard.
3. As elaborated in the above table, most of the firms expressed that none availability of
trained people and lack of interest amongst the professional w h o are engaged in the
project management activities are the main difficulties they are faced with.
4. The high cost and the lack of interest amongst the top management w e r e also sighted
by s o m e of the firms as the difficulties in this regard. However, when further inquiries
were m a d e in regard to the high cost, it revealed that this is mainly due to the cost of
purchasing of P 3 and the cost of training of the staff in this regard. T h e fact that the
real benefits derived b y using sophisticated packages like P 3 specially in respect of
cost controlling, monitoring and controlling aspects and the productivity
improvements in this regard w a s not known to them as they were not aware of the
details of these packages.
5. However, the bottom line is that most of the firms interviewed were of the opinion
that they were still faced with s o m e difficulties in using these packages for project
management activities.
4.2.7 Benefits realised.
In achieving one of the other most important objectives of this research, the benefits of using
the project m a n a g e m e n t packages w e r e also subjected to the research.
The attributes have been analysed, tabulated and presented in the Table N o 4.20 in such a
w a y that the result have been presented herein below in a marking scheme calculated giving
due weightings to the percentages of the ranking as such 60 marks, 50 marks, 40 marks, 30
marks and 20 marks have been considered for ranking 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively
1. T h e summarised result of the opinion expressed by the firms interviewed with regard
to the benefits realised is concerned, overall preference of 3 2 . 7 3 % , 29.61% and
19.97%) has been received for better controlling of activities, preparation of quality
reports and increased c o m p a n y reputation. However, 1 1 . 0 5 % and 6 . 6 5 % has been
received in favour of less repetitive works and turn over increase.
2. As elaborated in the above table, it is evident that the primary benefit realised by the
firms in using project management computer packages is the ability of better
controlling of activities. Preparations of quality reports have also been ranked as a
primary benefit and the increasing c o m p a n y reputation also have been identified by
most of the firms as a benefit.
3. Generally, most of the firms do not believe that using project management computer
packages, for project management activities, will increase the turn over of the
4. However, the bottom line is that most of the firms interviewed were of the opinion
that they still yield some benefits and the fact which should be underlined is that they
believe that a lot of benefits is there, but due to various reasons as sighted herein this
report they are not in position to yield the benefits available in those packages.
5.0 Conclusion
5.1 General
1. Computer application in general together with the reasons for using computers and
the latest status of computer usage at sites were also subjected in the research since it
has a direct relevance to the subject area of the research. It has been revealed that
100% of M l contractors, M 2 contractors, 9 4 % of M 3 contractors and M 4 contractors,
100%) of foreign contractors and 100%) of consultants and project m a n a g e m e n t firms
interviewed claimed that they were using computers in general. T h e fact that there is
an interest growing amongst them is noteworthy. This is a remarkable increase in
comparatively with the result of the survey done by Jeyaweerasinham (1996). T h e
result of his research w a s that 1 0 0 % foreign contractors, 7 5 % of Grade 2 (equivalent
to M l ) and 3 0 % of Grade 2 (equivalent to M 2 ) had used computer application in
construction m a n a g e m e n t activities.
2. The results regarding the usage of site based computer systems show that all the
foreign contractors, 9 0 % , 4 6 % , 2 8 % and 6% of the local contractors of M l , M 2 , M 3
and M 4 use computers at sites. Further it w a s revealed that 29%> of the consultants
and all the project management firms interviewed use computers at site for their
management activities. Reasons attributed b y them for the difficulties in using
computers at sites are: high cost; preference in managing the construction projects
from head office than through a site based m a n a g e m e n t system; lack of computer
literacy by the site staff and the difficulty in training them and non availability of j o b s
continuously to invest additionally on computer machines and staff. T h e general
conclusion which can be arrived at on the finding of the research is that most of the
firms especially small scale contractors are reluctant in using computers as they are
not aware of the fact that the high productivity could easily compensate the initial
capital cost which they categorise as high.
5.3 Project m a n a g e m e n t tools
1. In achieving the objectives of identifying the project management tools, which the
project management packages should be equipped with, the conclusion arrived at is
that under the main functional areas of planning, scheduling, controlling, cost
controlling and document controlling, it has been found that the Critical Path
Analysis, Bar/Gantt Chart, Networks such as Activity on Arrow Network and
Activity On N o d e (Precedence) Network, Resource Histograms for Resource
Planning, N o n e Uniform Resource Requirements, Scheduling in respect of Bar
Charts, Bar Chart Target Comparison, Progress Monitoring Reports, Cost Controlling
Tools such as Actual vs. Target Cost Histograms, Earned Value Analysis, Cash Flow
Histograms and Projected Cost Curves and Cash Flow Reports are the main project
management tools which any dedicated project management software package should
facilitate for. Facility for levelling resources, creating calendars, producing various
reports and linking data with other c o m m o n packages are the other requirements
which any project management software package should be equipped with.
1. It has been revealed from this study that under the main functional areas of planning,
scheduling, controlling, cost controlling and document controlling, there are a n u m b e r
of packages used in the Sri Lankan Construction Industry. Microsoft Project,
Primavera Project Planner (P3), Total Project Manager/ Harward Total Project
M a n a g e r ( T P M / H T P M ) , Pert Master and Pert Master Advance, T i m e Line, Sure
Track and Expedition by Primavera are the dedicated project management packages
which are n o w available in the Sri Lankan Construction Industry.
2. The tools available in theses packages have been identified and tabulated in the report
under Chapter 2. It has been found that all the packages are equipped with the
fundamental project management tools. As far as the P3 is concerned it has more
advanced features such as cost controlling and cash flow forecasting facilities. The
Expedition is somewhat different and it has features required for contract
administration activities such as for document controlling. This conclusion is arrived
at, achieving one of the objectives of the project, which is to find out the project
management software packages used or available in Sri Lankan Construction industry
and to identify project management tools available in these packages.
1. The extent of the usage of these project management packages in the Sri Lankan
Construction Industry, as revealed during the research is that all of them use M S
Projects and, 4 4 % foreign contractors use Primavera Project Planer. However, it has
been revealed that even though 20 % of the M l contractors have purchased the
Primavera Package, none of them uses it for project management activities. They
have continued to use M S Project while having a very sophisticated package like P 3 .
The results of the research show that 2 2 % of foreign contractors and 8% and 6 % of
the local contractors of M 2 and M 3 use the Sure Track (Primavera) package. As far as
the application of T i m e Line and Harvard Total Project M a n a g e r is concerned, it has
been revealed that only one contractor had used it previously. The situation with
regard to packages like Expedition is that most of the local contractors are not even
aware of this package. T h e need of making the people aware of the facilities available
in and the benefits which could be obtained from this package is underlined as one of
the area to be focussed on, since most of the firms now are geared to adopt a lot of
sophisticated method in this competitive era.
Application in Planning
Findings of the research indicate that all foreign contractors, 100%), 9 2 % , 61 %> and
only 7 1 % of local contractors of M l , M 2 , M 3 and M 4 use these packages for
planning at least in preparation of Bar/Gantt Charts. Further, it was revealed that 79%>
of the consultants use it for at least preparation of Bar/Gantt Charts
these packages for this purpose. Foreign firms were of the opinion that the need for
resource planning w a s not essential, unless for very special circumstances as most of
the works they undertake in Sri Lanka are of management type contracts. Most of the
local contractors accepted that lack of detailed planning in the beginning of the
project is one of the main reasons for them to neglect resource planning. Lack of
trained technical staff in this area w a s also sighted by most of them as a contributory
factor for the poor implementation of resource planning
4. The other important fact to be noted is that while all the foreign contractors attributed
that they use these packages for planning activities as a standard c o m p a n y format for
each and every project, only 5 0 % , 5 4 % and 28%> of local contractors of M l , M 2 and
M 3 respectively have favoured in this regard. The results also show that 40%>, 38%>,
33%o and 2 4 % of local contractors of M l , M 2 , M 3 and M 4 have claimed that they use
them for planning activities only for selected projects depending upon the nature and
magnitude of projects. Further, only 10%, 8%>, 39%o and 4 7 % of local contractors of
M l , M 2 , M 3 and M 4 expressed that they use these packages for planning purposes
only if requested by the client, consultants or the project managers. T h e usage of
these packages for planning b y the consultants and the project m a n a g e m e n t firms for
each and every project as a standard c o m p a n y format has been found to be of 7 9 %
and 1 0 0 % respectively.
5. The fact that there is an increase in using project management software packages
when compared with the findings of the survey done by Jeyaweerasinham (1996) for
his masters under the supervision of Gunesekara is noteworthy. Most of the firms are
now ready to do improvements in this area. According to his finding, only foreign
contractors and a couple of local contractor were using these packages in planning.
1. The finding of the research shows that all foreign contractors, 1 0 0 % and 8 5 % of local
contractors of M l and M 2 use these packages for scheduling at least in preparation of
schedules regarding Bar/Gantt Charts. Usage of these packages for preparation of
schedules in respect of Critical Path Analysis, Network analysis and Resource
Planning is very poor, even amongst the top-level local contractors of M l , M 2 and
M 3 . The results indicate that 8 5 % of the foreign contractors, 80%> and 3 8 % of local
contractors of M l and M 2 contractors use them for scheduling in respect of Critical
Path Analysis. Only 67%> of the foreign contractors, 80%> and 3 1 % of local
contractors under M l and M 2 category use these packages for scheduling in respect
of Network Analysis.
2. The results of the research show that only 3 3 % of the foreign contractors, 5 0 % and
8%> of the local contractors of M l and M 2 use these packages for scheduling of
resource planning. N o n e of the contractors of M 3 and M 4 use these packages for
scheduling activities in respect of Resource Planning and N e t w o r k Analysis. The
results indicate that 64%> of the consultants and 1 0 0 % project m a n a g e m e n t firms
interviewed use these packages for preparation schedules regarding Bar/Gantt Charts.
U s a g e by consultant and project management firms for scheduling for other areas
such as Critical Path Analysis, Network Analysis and the resources planning, has
been found to be not satisfactory as the result indicates usage of 2 9 % , 7%> and 14%>
respectively. The situation with regard to project management firms is that all of them
w h o were interviewed use these packages for scheduling in comprehensive manner in
their level for each project.
3. The other important fact to be noted is that while all the foreign contractors attributed
that they use these packages for scheduling activities as a standard c o m p a n y format
for each and every project, only 5 0 % , 5 4 % and 28%> of local contractors of M l , M 2
and M 3 respectively have favoured in this regard. The results show that, 40%>, 38%>
and 6 % of local contractors of M l , M 2 and M 4 have claimed that they use them for
scheduling activities only for selected projects depending upon the nature and
magnitude of projects. Only 10%> and 8 % of local contractors of M l and M 2
expressed that they use these packages for scheduling activities only if requested b y
the clients, consultants or the project managers. As far as the extent of the usage of
these packages by the consultants and the project management firms, for scheduling
activities is concerned, 64%> of the consultants claimed that they use them for each
and every project as a standard c o m p a n y format while all the m a n a g e m e n t firms
interviewed claimed that they use them for each and every project as a standard
c o m p a n y format.
1. Achieving one of the objectives, the results of the research, as far as the extent of the
application of these project management packages in monitoring and controlling is
concerned, in conclusion shows that 100% of all foreign contractors, 7 0 % and 54%> of
local contractors of M l and M 2 use these packages for monitoring and controlling in
Critical Path Analysis. U s a g e of these packages for monitoring and controlling in Bar
Chart/Gantt Chart Analysis has been revealed as 100%., 9 0 % , 8 5 % , 6 1 % and 3 5 % of
foreign contractors and local contractors of M l , M 2 , M 3 and M 4 respectively.
2. Only 33 % of the foreign contractors and 20%> and 8%> of local contractors of M l and
M 2 use these packages for monitoring and controlling activities of resource planning.
Local contractors under M 3 and M 4 category showed no firm interest in this area,
except 61%> and 35 % trend shown for controlling and monitoring activities in respect
of Bar Chart/Gantt Chart Analyses. The research also revealed that 4 3 % and 100%> of
consultants and project management firms respectively use these packages for
monitoring and controlling in Critical Path Analysis. And in respect of Bar
Chart/Gantt Chart Analysis, it indicated a result of 5 7 % and 100%. The usage of these
packages b y project management firms for monitoring and controlling activities is
satisfactory as all of them who were interviewed had used these packages for
scheduling in comprehensive manner in their level for each project.
3. All the foreign contractors attributed that they use these packages for monitoring and
controlling activities as a standard c o m p a n y format for each and every project,
whereas only 5 0 % and 1 1 % of local contractors of M l and M 3 respectively have
favoured in this regard. The result indicates that 30%>, 6 2 % , 6%> and 12%> of local
contractors of M l , M 2 , M 3 and M 4 have claimed that they use them for monitoring
and controlling activities only for selected projects depending upon the nature and
magnitude of projects. Only 2 0 % , 3 1 % , 2 8 % and 2 9 % of local contractors of M l ,
M 2 , M 3 and M 4 categories of local contractors expressed that they use these
packages for monitoring and controlling activities only if requested by the clients,
consultants or the project managers. The extent of the usage of these packages b y the
consultants and the project management firms, for monitoring and controlling have
been found to be of 14%o and 100% respectively for each and every project as a
standard c o m p a n y format and 7 9 % for selected projects only depending upon the
nature of the projects, by the consulting firms. All project m a n a g e m e n t firms
interviewed claimed that they use them for each and every project as a standard
c o m p a n y format. However, the fact that most of the firms are n o w ready to introduce
rapid improvements in this area is noteworthy. This has to be brought to the attention
of training institutes and universities in order to cater for the future demand.
2. The reason for not using these packages for cost controlling activities, by most of the
local contractors, as revealed during the research is that only the P3 package is
equipped with cost controlling tools and hence those who are using M S Projects only
have no choice in this regard. However, as far as the local contractors of M l category
w h o are having P 3 is concerned, the lack of trained technical people to implement
these packages for project management could be attributed as the main reason for not
using the packages for these activities. The result indicates that only one project
management firm having the P3 uses it for cost controlling activities to a limited
extent in the project management activities. The fact that most of the firms are now
ready to introduce rapid improvements in this area is noteworthy. This has to be
brought to attention of training institutes and universities in order to cater for the
future demand.
5.10 Application in document controlling
1 According to the finding of the research the following conclusion can be arrived at as
far as the application of management packages in document controlling is concerned.
The results of the research indicate that most of the local contractors are not even
aware of the availability of project m a n a g e m e n t packages specially designed for
document control, such as Expedition (Primavera). Further, those w h o are aware of
these packages attributed that lack of trained technical people in this regard really
prevents them from even investing m o n e y on these packages. A s far as the usage of
document controlling is concerned there is no improvement, when compared with the
findings of the survey done by Jeyaweerasinham (1996). According to his finding,
none of the contractors including foreign contractors were using these packages in
document controlling activities.
1. Achieving o n e of the objectives of the research to find the difficulties faced by the
industry in application of project management computer packages in Sri Lankan
Construction Industry, the research was concluded focussing on this area. T h e
summarised result of the opinions expressed b y the firms interviewed with regard to
the difficulties faced is that an overall preference of 4 6 % has been received for none
availability o f the trained staff, 31.5%> has been given for in favour of lack of interest
amongst the professionals, and only 13.14% as the lack of interest amongst the top
management. However, only 8.71 % has been received for high cost factor as the
difficulties faced are concerned.
2. T h e results show that the consultants and the project management firms have
identified that none availability of trained staff as the major difficulties faced giving
weights as 55.1 and 61 respectively. T h e result with regard to the contracting firms is
that preferences of 19.8, 5 3 , 49.4, 54.3 and 45.8 in weights have been given by
foreign contractors, M l , M 2 , M 3 and M 4 of local contractors for none availability of
trained staff as the main difficulty faced. Lack of interest a m o n g the professional has
been ranked second giving 3 1 , 37, 52.2 and 37.4 weights as a difficulty faced by local
firms under M l , M 2 , M 3 and M 4 respectively. Lack o f interest a m o n g the top
m a n a g e m e n t has been given 27.9, 11.8 and 24.6 weights as a difficulty faced by local
firms under M 2 , M 3 and M 4 respectively. N o foreign contractor or M l contractor has
identified the lack of interest a m o n g the top management as a difficulty faced.
Consulting firms have identified none availability of trained staff, lack of interest
a m o n g the professional and lack of interest a m o n g the top m a n a g e m e n t as the
difficulties giving 5 5 . 1 , 36.9 and 30.5 preference in weight. N o project management
firm have given preference to high cost and the lack of interest a m o n g the top
m a n a g e m e n t as a difficulty and, none availability of trained staff and lack of interest
a m o n g the professional have been given preference of 60 and 33.5 in weights as a
3. High cost has been identified with preference of 30, 9.9, 3.6 and 19.5 as a difficulty
by local contracting firms of M l , M 2 and M 4 and consultancy firms. However, the
reason for sighting the high cost as a difficulty w a s found to be the high cost of the P 3
and the cost of training of the staff in this regard. The fact that the real benefits which
could be obtained b y using sophisticated packages like P3 specially in respect of cost
controlling, monitoring and controlling aspects and the resultant productivity
improvements in this regard w a s not k n o w n to them as they were not aware of the
details of these packages.
4. The bottom line is that most of the firms interviewed were in the opinion that they
were still faced with some difficulties in using these packages for project
management activities. The reason for not using these packages for cost controlling
activities, by most of the local contractors, as revealed during the research is that only
the P 3 package is equipped with cost controlling tools and hence those w h o are using
M S Projects have no choice in this regard.
1. Achieving another objective of the research regarding the benefits realised by the
industry in using project management computer packages in the project management
activities, the research w a s focussed on this area and the findings of the research w e r e
formulated and summarised accordingly. The summarised result of the opinion
expressed by the firms interviewed in regard to the benefits realised is that an overall
preference of 3 2 . 7 3 % , 2 9 . 6 1 % and 19.97% has been received for better controlling of
activities, preparation of quality reports and increased c o m p a n y reputation. However,
11.05% and 6.65%> has been received in favour of less repetitive works and turn over
i increase.
1. Achieving another objective of finding the level of user satisfaction in using project
management computer packages in the project m a n a g e m e n t activities, the research
w a s concluded focussing on this area. T h e findings of the research w e r e formulated
and summarised accordingly. The summarised result of the opinion expressed by the
firms interviewed in this regard shows that 1 0 0 % of foreign contractors and M l
contractors have expressed that they are satisfied with the available software
packages. The result indicates that 9 0 % , 67%> and 53%> of local contractors under M 2 ,
M 3 and M 4 have expressed their satisfaction. Satisfactions of the consulting firms
and project management firms have been expressed as 7 9 % and 100%.
2. Contributing factors for satisfaction have been discovered with overall preference of
4 7 . 9 7 % and 5 2 . 0 3 % for the reasons of straight forward application and easy and
quick execution of management and administration activities. Straight forward
application has been given the preference b y foreign contractors, M l , M 2 , M 3 and
M 4 of local contractors, consulting firms and project management firms with weights
of 50, 4 3 , 44.8, 31.6, 2 7 . 1 , 36.9 and 50 respectively. Preferences of 46, 45,48.7, 35.5,
31.2, 41 and 60 in weights have been given by foreign contractors, M l , M 2 , M 3 and
M 4 of local contractors, consulting firms and project management firms respectively
in favour of easy and quick execution of management and administration activities.
3. Contributing factors for dissatisfaction have been discovered with overall preference
of 19.6, 6, 6.6 and 7 in weights for lack of experienced professionals to use these
software packages b y foreign contractors, M l , M 2 , M 3 and M 4 of local contractors
1. Achieving an objective of the research to find out the future development plans of the
firms interviewed, the research w a s concluded focussing on this matter and the
findings were summarised and compiled accordingly. The result shows a satisfactory
trend as 1 0 0 % of the firms subjected to the survey stated that they have got future
plans to develop the use of project m a n a g e m e n t software applications. It further
reveals that an overall preference of 4 3 % w a s given for providing training to the
technical staff, 3 8 . 8 8 % w a s received for in favour of recruiting trained staff and only
11.6%) was received for streamlining the organisational procedures by the firms
surveyed as the steps to be taken in future in order to improve the application of these
packages in project management activities.
2. Recruiting trained staff has been given the preference as a step of future
developments by foreign contractors, M l , M 2 , M 3 and M 4 of local contractors,
consulting firms and project management firms with weights of 25.3, 19, 46.6, 59.4,
41.7 and 53.3 respectively. Preferences of 2 3 . 1 , 52, 49.8, 4 8 . 1 , 49.9, 56.4 and 56,7 in
weights have been given by foreign contractors, M l , M 2 , M 3 and M 4 of local
contractors, consulting firms and project m a n a g e m e n t firms respectively in favour of
providing training facilities as a step of development. 35, 29.1 and 26.8 of preference
in weight have been given by M l contractors, consulting firms and project
management firms respectively in favour of streamlining the organisational
procedures as a step of developing the application of project m a n a g e m e n t software
2. Further, the research also revealed that the numbers of institutes, which provide
training facilities in this area are less, hindering the development of the software
package applications as most of contractors stated that even though they are willing to
give training to their employees, it has b e c o m e a difficulty due to non availability of
enough training p r o g r a m m e s in this regard. However, the bottom line is that most of
the firms interviewed expressed that they really have some plan to improve
application of project management software packages.
5.15 Recommendation
2. It has been identified in the reach that the lack of interests a m o n g professionals as a
problem faced in the industry hindering implementation of software packages even
though s o m e firms are in the possession of sophisticated packages like P 3 and Sure
Track. The reasons attributed for lack of interest, as per the opinion of s o m e of the
top officials in contracting firms interviewed, are: the lack of awareness of the
sophisticated tools available in these so called project m a n a g e m e n t software
packages, lack of awareness of the benefits which could be realised b y using them;
and lack of enough training programmes. Therefore, in order to m a k e the technical
staff of contracting firms and consulting firms aware of the importance of using
project m a n a g e m e n t software packages and benefits which could be obtained, s o m e
^ awareness p r o g r a m m e s should be conducted. The need of m a k i n g them aware of the
sophisticated methods and the benefits of using these software packages is of
paramount importance. Therefore, it is recommended that institutes like I C T A D ,
Institute of Project M a n a g e m e n t of Sri Lanka and Institute of Engineers of Sri Lanka
should take the lead role in initiating training p r o g r a m m e s regarding application of
project m a n a g e m e n t software packages. Also, it is r e c o m m e n d e d that top
management of contracting firms and consulting firms should initiate to conduct
training p r o g r a m m e s for their employees. Service of outside parties could be sought
for these training programmes.
" 4. In order to give a first hand awareness p r o g r a m m e for the Engineers, Quantity
Surveyors, and other professional including the technical staff in the Construction
Industry, it is highly recommended that application of project m a n a g e m e n t software
packages should be included as a subject in university courses and in the courses
conducted by technical collages.
5. It is recommended that, when recruiting staff, contracting firms, consulting firms and
project management firms should give priority to those w h o have got the exposure in
application of project management software packages and m a k e an impression
amongst the young engineers and other professional that the knowledge of project
management software packages is important in career opportunities.
As it has been found in the research, it is desirable to carry out further researches on
A following areas for the improvement of computer application in the construction industry.
2. It is worth to give attention for further research in the involvement of personnel in the
contracting firms and their attitude towards computer application in management of
construction projects
3. A study is recommended to be carried out amongst the consultants and project
management firms on their attitudes in using project management packages in the
project management activities
Dennis Lock (1996), " T h e Essential of Project M a n a g e m e n t " , Gover Publication Ltd.
Dharwadker, P.P, "Construction Management", Oxperd and I.B.H. publishing Co. Pvt.
Ltd. N e w D e l h i .
l h
Harris, F.C, and M c Caffer, R. (1995), " M o d e r n Construction M a n a g e m e n t " , 4 Edition,
Blackwell Science, London.
Kodikara G.W. and D e Costa W.A.C.T (1993), "Information Technology in Sri Lanka
Construction Industry", Transaction IESC.
Liyanarachy, " A study of Current practices in the Field of Time/ Cost Control a m o n g
National Contractors", Transaction, DESL.
r d
Richard. H. Clough/ Glenn A. Sean (1991), "Construction Project M a n a g e m e n t " , 3
Edition, John Wiley & Sons.
n d
Rosenau, Jr, M . D (1992), "Successful Project M a n a g e m e n t " 2 Edition, Van Nostrand
Wedtney. R.E, " M a n a g i n g the Engineering and Construction of small projects", Marcel
Dekker Inc., N e w York.
Appendix: A
Ml X > 300
M2 300 > X > 150
M3 150 > X > 50
M4 50 > X > 20
M5 20 > X > 10
M6 10 > X > 5
M7 5 > X > 2
M8 2 > X > 1
M9 1 > X >
M10 0.5 > X >
The Contractors have been registered under the following fields of specialties.
1. Building Construction
2. H i g h w a y Construction
3. Bridge Construction
Appendix: B
PERTMASTER ADV Cost processing package PERTMASTER
MICROPRISM Network analysis and resource processing PERTMEX
DNA Network, resource and cost PLANPTNRS
TIME M A N A G E R Precedence network analysis PROF APPLIC
TURBO C H A R T Project planning and control system PROTMAN
O W I K N E T PROF Network analysis programme PSDI
Resource and cost processing
Small project planning system
TUXEDO Project management presentation graphics SECONDS
PROMIS 4 Planning output from network analysis SIMCON
H A R V A R D DROT Pre-production activities in planning S / W A R E PUB
MAN Network analysis programme
TIME LINE Planning and control system SYMANTEC
TRACKSTAR Project control system T&B
PREPROD Planning and control system TAYWOOD
PROJECT O U T L O O K Project planning with integrated DBase TEKWARE
PROT S C H E D 4 Project planning with integrated DBase TEKWARE
READNET Project planning with integrated Dbase TKT
KERNEL P M S Planning and scheduling system
OPEN PLAN Planning and control system
Planning and control system
Appendix: C
General Questionnaire for Contractors, Project Managers and
(a) Yes / N o A n s w e r s
(b) Ticking o n alternatives
(c) Word Answers
(d) Indicating A n s w e r s o n a X point scale
N a m e and Address :
Type of Organization
Project Managers
Appointed by the Client
If a Contractor Organization,
State the Grade of the Contractor
Ml, M2, M3 and M4
If a Foreign Contractor,
Give Details
Type of Organization
Sole Proprietorship
Nature of respective works undertaken
Building constructions
2:2 Reasons for using Computer (If you can attribute more than one of the
following, put them in priority order)
To reduce cost
2:3 D o y o u h a v e a site b a s e d c o m p u t e r s y s t e m .
I No
2:4 If s o W h y
M S Project
P r i m a v e r a P r o j e c t P l a n n e r (P3)
Expedition (Primavera)
Time Line
H a r v a r d Total Project M a n a g e r
S t a t e if a n y O t h e r s
3:1 Application of these packages in planning
Network analysis
Resource Planning
Resource schedules
and histograms
3:3 Applications of these packages in monitoring and controlling
^ 3:3:1 E x t e n t of u s a g e
Using Graphs
3:4:1 Extent of usage
4:1 Are you satisfied with your project management software packages
Yes No
4:2 If satisfied, contributing factors for satisfaction (If you can attribute more than
one of the following, put them in priority order)
Straightforward application
4:3 If not satisfied, contributing factors for satisfaction (If you can attribute more
than one of the following, put them in priority order)
Yes No
5:2 If yes, how this can be achieved (If you can attribute more than one of the
following, put them in priority order)
6:1 What are the difficulties faced when applying project management softwares.
(If you can attribute more than one of the following, put them in priority
High cost
7:1 What are the benefits gained by using project management softwares (If you
can attribute more than one of the following, put them in priority order)