Espresso: Espresso Is A Coffee-Brewing Method of Italian Origin
Espresso: Espresso Is A Coffee-Brewing Method of Italian Origin
Espresso: Espresso Is A Coffee-Brewing Method of Italian Origin
. Espresso is a shot of concentrated coffee. Espresso is generally thicker than coffee brewed by
other methods, with a viscosity of warm honey. Espresso beans are roasted longer and darker
than the beans used for drip coffee. Firstly, espresso is roasted for a longer time, usually past the
second crack, so it has a toasted and deeper flavor. The beans are also roasted for longer, so it
removes a lot of the acidity while releasing more oiliness. This creates a heavier, fuller feeling in
the mouth. Then the beans are grinded after roast. Because the process of making espresso
requires hot water being pushed through tightly packed grounds. The coffee grounds need to be
very fine, like the texture of sand, because the water comes into contact with them for a shorter
period of time. Finally, espresso requires a specific type of brewing process, though. This
requires either an espresso machine or aero press and it results in a shot or two of a concentrated
espresso. Authentic espresso can’t be made in a regular coffee pot. It needs high pressure for the
extraction process to really work its magic. Because espresso is roasted, ground, and brewed
differently, it has a unique flavor compared to drip coffee. It usually has a bolder, less acidic
taste, with a well-rounded and full-bodied finish.
Latte: Latte is a coffee beverage prepared with a shot of espresso coffee, steamed milk, and
topped off with foam. The term latte came from the Italian “caffelatte”, which means “coffee and
milk”. We can also add different flavors to a latte such as Mocha or Vanilla. To make a coffee
latte firstly water is heated in an espresso machine, then the water is forced through finely
ground coffee at a faster rate. This makes the actual coffee a good deal stronger than regular
coffee. In order to moderate the stronger coffee which comes out, called espresso, many people
tend to add milk to the espresso to temper the strong and bitter flavor. Mainly the resulting mix
of strong coffee and milk makes a coffee latte.