Man As A Cross-Point (Reflection Paper)
Man As A Cross-Point (Reflection Paper)
Man As A Cross-Point (Reflection Paper)
“Janella Marie A. Gervacio as a cross-point”
11 – Fire tree
Reflection Paper
While reading the article entitled “Man and Historical Action” written by
Ramon C. Reyes, I came to realize that, even though we talk and do these
simple things every day like how we chat with our friends about what we want
to do with our life or when we learn how we are different from one another or
how we fight with our siblings because we have our different personalities, at
first, I am not aware that these things are called cross-point or point of
intersection. Based on what the author said “cross-point” or point of
intersection is a certain line of events, there are different kind of “cross-point”
or point of intersection: physical cross-point, interpersonal cross-point, social
cross-point, historical cross-point and existential.
Everyone is a physical cross-point and so I am, that is because every single one
of us are consist of elements like matters and particles, and with this I
concludes that I am composed of materials from billions of years ago, that
took billion years before I can finally be conscious, a psycho- biological
organism. The point here is that we are conscious of ourselves and our point of
intersection. We are gift of nature, we did not create or design ourselves.
By signing the contract of being a Filipino I gain my own task to serve for this
country. The culture that I am doing today is a proof that I am a social cross-
point and it is my responsibilities as a social cross-point, to pass down and
develop the culture of Filipinos by doing it with my daily life like kissing the
hands of the elder or simply by saying po and opo or
adding ate and kuya even to strangers and also respecting our nation anthem
by simply singing it.
And so, I am also part of the highest level of point of intersection which is
existential. This is where I will determine my purpose in life by simply
knowing my limitation and possibilities. I, myself, have different purpose for
example if I say that my purpose in life right now is to get a stable job, what
will be my purpose in life after that, is what I think.
To think that at the moment that we were born we have our purpose in life
that we have to accomplish, makes it hard for me to know my own purpose in
life. But that was in the past and today is different. With these cross-points
that helped me see my purpose clearer, it is easier for me to decide about
things in the future. Now I am focusing in what is my mainly purpose in life
and that is to serve God and my family but it is within my limitation and
within the things that I can do. As I have these cross-points, it is my destiny if
I were to change my lines of events. Whether I became a doctor who save lives
or a computer science graduate that programs software and my destiny and it
is my task to fulfill this destiny.