The document lists the names and student IDs of several students and assigns each student a case study from the textbook to answer questions on. The case studies cover various topics in information systems and technology such as net neutrality, employee monitoring, RFID technology, cyber warfare, BYOD security, information security policies, ERP systems, analytics, e-commerce, and more. Each student is assigned a specific page range from the textbook to read about their given case study.
The document lists the names and student IDs of several students and assigns each student a case study from the textbook to answer questions on. The case studies cover various topics in information systems and technology such as net neutrality, employee monitoring, RFID technology, cyber warfare, BYOD security, information security policies, ERP systems, analytics, e-commerce, and more. Each student is assigned a specific page range from the textbook to read about their given case study.
The document lists the names and student IDs of several students and assigns each student a case study from the textbook to answer questions on. The case studies cover various topics in information systems and technology such as net neutrality, employee monitoring, RFID technology, cyber warfare, BYOD security, information security policies, ERP systems, analytics, e-commerce, and more. Each student is assigned a specific page range from the textbook to read about their given case study.
The document lists the names and student IDs of several students and assigns each student a case study from the textbook to answer questions on. The case studies cover various topics in information systems and technology such as net neutrality, employee monitoring, RFID technology, cyber warfare, BYOD security, information security policies, ERP systems, analytics, e-commerce, and more. Each student is assigned a specific page range from the textbook to read about their given case study.
26189115 NOVILIA INDRIANI Global Battle over Net Neutrality (Hal 291-292) 28189070 JERRY PRASADANA PUTRA Monitoring Employee on Networks : Unetichal or Good Business (Hal 296-297) 30189076 JANE JESSICA RFID propels the Angkasa Library Management System (Hal 316-318) 30199016 GABRIELLA NAOMI MADELINE USMANY Stuxnet and the changing face for Cyberwarfare (Hal 339-340) 30199021 EVANGELISTA BYOD : A Security Nightmare? (Hal 353-354) 30199041 STEFFANY HUANGGA Information Security Threats and Policies in Europe (Hal 358-360) 30199081 NATASHA CHRISTABELLA Unilever Unifies Globally with Enhanced ERP (Hal 378-379) 30199122 HALIMATUS SADIYAH DP World Takes Port Management to the next level with RFID (Hal 385-386) 30199137 ALBERT MARIHOT ARITONANG Customer Relationship Management Helps Celcom Become Number One (Hal 394-395) 31199004 ANDI GUNAWAN KWOK Getting Social with the Customers (Hal 424-425) 31199024 VIRA RUSWITA DARMAWAN Can Instacart Deliver (Hal 431-432) 31199039 PRICILIA Walmart and Amazon Duke it Out for E-commerce supremacy (Hal 439-441) 31199044 LAURENCIA LIUS ECM in the Cloud Empowers New Zealand Department of Conversation (Hal 454-455) 31199059 FERBI YANTI FATMA SARI Will Robots Replace People in Manufacturing (Hal 461-462) 31199064 VANESSA CHANDRA Knowledge Management and Collaboration at Tata Consulting Services (Hal 475-477) 31199105 APRILIA FRANSISKA Singapore Sport Institute Uses Analytics for SEA Games (Hal 495-496) 31199125 SHEILA STEVANNY BUDIONO Britain's National Health Service Jettisons Choose and Book System (Hal 498-499) 31199145 ENDRICO GE Bets on the Internet of Things and Big Analytics (Hal 508-511) 31199165 CHRISTIANTO Global Battle over Net Neutrality (Hal 291-292) 31209079 SELLILY Monitoring Employee on Networks : Unetichal or Good Business (Hal 296-297) 31209170 MATIUS ABRAHAM RFID propels the Angkasa Library Management System (Hal 316-318) 32199027 SELVIANA YUSUP Stuxnet and the changing face for Cyberwarfare (Hal 339-340) 32199047 ALVIN MICHAELLY BYOD : A Security Nightmare? (Hal 353-354) 32199072 MICHELLE CUNG Information Security Threats and Policies in Europe (Hal 358-360) 32199153 SILVIA NATALY Unilever Unifies Globally with Enhanced ERP (Hal 378-379) 32209092 EL LINDA SARI DP World Takes Port Management to the next level with RFID (Hal 385-386) 32209133 MERVINA GOUWTAMA Customer Relationship Management Helps Celcom Become Number One (Hal 394-395) 33199015 LIEANY Getting Social with the Customers (Hal 424-425) 33199040 DAVID PRAYAGO Can Instacart Deliver (Hal 431-432) 33199060 VANESSA NOVELINE Walmart and Amazon Duke it Out for E-commerce supremacy (Hal 439-441) 33199196 NICHOLAS NATHANAEL ECM in the Cloud Empowers New Zealand Department of Conversation (Hal 454-455) 33209080 STEVEN Will Robots Replace People in Manufacturing (Hal 461-462) 34199003 DENDY ARYANTO Knowledge Management and Collaboration at Tata Consulting Services (Hal 475-477) 34199038 CHRISTIAN NATHANAEL SETIAJAYA Singapore Sport Institute Uses Analytics for SEA Games (Hal 495-496) 34199043 CHRISTIAN ANTONIUS Britain's National Health Service Jettisons Choose and Book System (Hal 498-499) JAWAB PERTANYAAN STUDI KASUS (CASE STUDY QUESTIONS) SESUAI PEMBAGIAN DI BAWAH INI
34199058 MARCELLINA VALENCIA GE Bets on the Internet of Things and Big Analytics (Hal 508-511) 34199078 ANNABELLA JESICA THU Global Battle over Net Neutrality (Hal 291-292) 34199083 IZRA MIFTAHUL AULIA Monitoring Employee on Networks : Unetichal or Good Business (Hal 296-297) 34199124 BRENDA TANESHA WIBOWO RFID propels the Angkasa Library Management System (Hal 316-318) 34209078 VERONICA LIE Stuxnet and the changing face for Cyberwarfare (Hal 339-340) 35199006 CATHTRINE AGATHA BYOD : A Security Nightmare? (Hal 353-354) 35199026 JILL CAROLINA KAWILARANG Information Security Threats and Policies in Europe (Hal 358-360) 35199071 TOMI Unilever Unifies Globally with Enhanced ERP (Hal 378-379) 35199112 MARCELLA LO DP World Takes Port Management to the next level with RFID (Hal 385-386) 35209091 LIANA Customer Relationship Management Helps Celcom Become Number One (Hal 394-395) 35209147 FADILAH KHAIRAMA Getting Social with the Customers (Hal 424-425) 36199009 ANGELINA PAVITA Can Instacart Deliver (Hal 431-432) 36199049 JHONSON Walmart and Amazon Duke it Out for E-commerce supremacy (Hal 439-441) 36199074 ELYANA ECM in the Cloud Empowers New Zealand Department of Conversation (Hal 454-455) 36199094 DEVITA ANDRIANNI Will Robots Replace People in Manufacturing (Hal 461-462) 36199120 VONNY Knowledge Management and Collaboration at Tata Consulting Services (Hal 475-477) 36199140 LEONARDO Singapore Sport Institute Uses Analytics for SEA Games (Hal 495-496) 36209175 CHARLES ARITAMA Britain's National Health Service Jettisons Choose and Book System (Hal 498-499) 37199042 VALENCIA AGATHA GE Bets on the Internet of Things and Big Analytics (Hal 508-511) 37199057 VELINE Global Battle over Net Neutrality (Hal 291-292) 37199123 ELFINA Monitoring Employee on Networks : Unetichal or Good Business (Hal 296-297) 37209082 VINA RFID propels the Angkasa Library Management System (Hal 316-318) 38199005 AXEL REVINSON Stuxnet and the changing face for Cyberwarfare (Hal 339-340) 38199010 KHE SIA BYOD : A Security Nightmare? (Hal 353-354) 38199025 KEZIA SUSANA RUMAYAR Information Security Threats and Policies in Europe (Hal 358-360) 38199030 TINA MARSELINA SIMANULLANG Unilever Unifies Globally with Enhanced ERP (Hal 378-379) 38199090 NATANAEL DP World Takes Port Management to the next level with RFID (Hal 385-386) 39199048 EOURICCO Customer Relationship Management Helps Celcom Become Number One (Hal 394-395) 39199053 CECILLIA ANGELICA Getting Social with the Customers (Hal 424-425) 39199073 KIMBERLY CUNG Can Instacart Deliver (Hal 431-432) 39199114 SAI AGESTYA Walmart and Amazon Duke it Out for E-commerce supremacy (Hal 439-441) 39199154 MEILINA ECM in the Cloud Empowers New Zealand Department of Conversation (Hal 454-455)
Instant ebooks textbook Wireless Network Performance Enhancement via Directional Antennas Models Protocols and Systems 1st Edition John D. Matyjas (Editor) download all chapters