Concept of Risk in Pharmacoepidemiology
Concept of Risk in Pharmacoepidemiology
Concept of Risk in Pharmacoepidemiology
RISK (1,2)
DEFINITION: Risk is a combination of the likelihood of an occurrence of a hazardous event
(or) exposure(s) and the severity of injury (or) ill health that can be caused by the event (or)
Physical condition
Disease state
Medication adherence
Medication error
Social hobbits
RR = [a/ (a+b)]/[c/(c+d)]
RR = 200/1400/100/1300
RR = 1.86
From the above case the frequency of lung cancer was definitely higher among smokers than
It indicates to what extent the disease under study can be attributed to the exposure.
AR = {(Incidence of disease rate among exposed)- (Incidence of disease rate among
nonexposed)} X 100/{Incidence of disease rate among exposed}
AR = 46.148%
The figure in our example indicates that the association between smoking and lung
cancer is causal, 46.148% of the lung cancer among smokers due to their smoking.
This suggests the amount of disease that might be eliminated if the factor under study
could be controlled or eliminated.
The attributable risk provides information on the type of effect that can be achieved
by decreasing or eliminating the exposure.
EXAMPLE: Lung cancer death rates among smokers and non-smokers (3)
From the above case one might expect that 86% of deaths from lung cancer could be avoided
if the risk factor of cigarettes were eliminated.
It is useful in that it provides an estimate of the amount by disease could be reduced in that
population if the suspected factor was eliminated or modified.
EXPOSED a b a+b
The disease being investigated is relatively rare.
=1 No association
Odds ratio = 2
People who smoke cigarettes showed a risk of having lung cancer 2 times higher as
compared to non-smokers.
The use of oral contraceptives has been measured in person-year.
The relative risk for developing breast cancer was found to increase with the duration
of exposure.
(2) Developing and implementing tools to minimize its risks while preserving its benefits.
(3) Evaluating tool effectiveness and reassessing the benefit-risk balance.
(4) Making adjustments, as appropriate, to the risk minimization tools to further improve
the benefit-risk balance.
This four part process should be continuous throughout a product’s lifecycle, with the
results of risk assessment informing the sponsor’s decisions regarding risk
Signals can arise from post marketing data and other sources, such as preclinical data
and events associated with other products in the same pharmacologic class.
It is possible that even a single well documented case report can be viewed as a
signal, particularly if the report describes a positive rechallenge or if the event is
extremely rare in the absence of drug use.
Good Pharmacovigilance program will identify the risk and risk factors in the shortest
possible time, so that harm can be avoided or minimized.
Risk ratio: Relationship between two risks, generally estimated in different
populations. The ratio of the risk estimated in exposed (absolute risk) to the risk
measured in the non-exposed (reference risk) represents the particular case of the
relative risk
Odds Ratio is a measure of strength of association between risk factor and outcome,
which is closely related to relative risk.
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