Block-1 BNSL-107 Practical-1
Block-1 BNSL-107 Practical-1
Block-1 BNSL-107 Practical-1
1.0 Objectives
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Community Identification .
1.2.1 Indications for Community Identification
1.2.2 Points to Remember
12.3 Articles/EquipmentRequired for Community Identification
1.2.4 Procedure and Guidelines
1.3 Preparing a Report on Community Profile
1.4 Let Us Sum Up
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of the health of the community as a whole. For this reason community health
diagnos2- 9 kevstone of community health practice.
Nursing Practices in
Community identification involves the exploration of the various aspects of the
community, related to health and welfare of the people in order to provide effective
services to the community. Not all information about the community may be
required at a time however, it will depend upon the purpose for which community
identification needs to be done. You must explore various methods and techniques
to collect maximum information.
You should prepare the performa for data collection in advance, record the
information collected and analyze systematically for a meaningful service.
Identify biological, physical and social forces that have bearing on health of
the community.
Identify its resources for maximum utilization to optimize the health and
welfare of the community.
Assess health needs.
Plan, implement and evaluate health care.
You must follow an ecological approach which is basic to the community health
diagnosis because science of ecology is concerned with the interaction of man and
nature of man made environment. You should take following steps to establish
community health diagnosis.
- Data collection is a pre-requisite to a realistic assessment of community and
establishment of nursing diagnosis. You need to utilize variety of zpproaches to
collect data for need assessment. Informal infw-marlon or chseivation of the
new community will provide you an over view cud guide yoc t~ r-r?\\ L.5- .h
status of a given community.
- Before doing a needs assessment or collection of data of a given community, Community Identification
you must clarify the purpose in words that seem reasonable and acceptable to and Diagnosis
respondents. T h ~ should
y be explained what information is wanted? Why it is
important? How will this information be used? These questions must be
devised in advance, i.e., in the preparation of tools for interview or
questionnaires, so that important issues are considered and time is used
- If official permission is required it should be taken in advance so that there is
no delay or problem in the process of community identification.
Observation checklist
- Occupation
- Income
- Caste, religion, language
II I) Environmental Characteristics
- Number
- Type
- Living space per head
- Other facilities in the home environment
Purity of air
Water supply- safelunsafe
Water and Waste Disposal
- Collection and removal of solid waste
- Collection and removal of liquid waste
- Vector control measures
- Environmental sanitation
B ) Health Capability
It is represented by the degree to which community isable to cope with its
health problems and needs.
Economic Resources of Community
. - income.
Major occupation, average family income, Per capita
Institutional Resources
a Health and health allied agencies
a Hospital Beds
a Nursing homes and other community health facilities
a Equipmeat's used are sufficient or not
a Staff, whether qualified and supervised by senior staff or not
a Resources are available at all the times or not
a Provision for specialized or referral services
a Educational agencies
a Social welfare agencies
a Industrial and commercial agencies
a Recreational and resources
Human Resoiurces
a Formal
- Professionals- doctors, medical specialists, generalist,
-- Private practitioners, nurses, ANM's, teachers, lawyers,
Para-professional: traditional health worker and indigenous practitioners
a Informal
- Senior citizens, influential persons, women and men, persons giving care
for the families, neighbuors (Home Nursing)
Natural Resotirces
- Land, water, soil etc.
Community Organizations
- Voluntary welfare organizations
- Youth welfare organizations
- Women welfare organizations
- Mahila mandals
- Youthclubs
- Vikas mandals
- Occupational organizations
Trade union organizations
- Private institutes/institutions
- Vocational centers
- Labour units
- Business organizations
Statutory Bodies
- Panchyat
- CounLselors
- Executive committees
Leadership Patterns
- Informal leaders
- Influential persons
- Local trade leaders
- Teachers
- Landlords
- Fonnal leaders
- Political party leders
-- Trade union, head of associations like PresidentNice President
- Group dynamics Types of groups as per:
- . .
Nursing Practices In Health Problems as Felt by the Community
Community Health4
- Major health problems and needs
- Priority problems as felt by the people or community leaders
Channels of Communication
i - official
- Non-official
- Common meeting places used
- Chaupal, community centre, hall
- Important communicators;
Traditional like barber, numberdar, Teachers, retired people
- Mechanism of communications - Fairs and festival, religious meetings
and Official meetings
- Media of communications
- Radio, TV and cinema
Factors that can Help or Hinder Community Health Actions
Sources of these information
- health and health allied resources
- community people
- community leaders - formal or informal
- census records
After gaining information of the community you can find out how local
announcement are made, meetings are conducted, common meeting places and
how meetings are arranged. By getting familiar with these characteristics of the
community, you as a community health nurse can plan subsequent activities and
actions, which will help you to get actions acquainted with community you are going
to serve.
Report prepared about community profile should be such that all health team
members and related team members can use it. It should include all -facts and
figures of information collected. A brief report is helpful in orientation to new staff
and planning for future services.
Check Your Progress
( J ) mark the correct answer.
1) Objectives of community identification are:
a) Understand community
b) Explore community boundaries
c) Prepare community profile
d) Identify community resources
P\ A l l the ahnvp
2) Demographic data can be obtained from Community Identification
and Diagnosis
a) Census record
b) School attendance data
C) Hospital admission data
b) The people
C) Political structure
d) Economic stateius
- Select a community for your community health experience and for rendering
community health services.
- Prepare a guideline for community identification
- Collect data to identify the community
- Prepare a community profile report