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What Makes Me Happy?

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Part 1

What makes
me happy?
Triggering Path: This Is Me
What makes me happy?
Part 1 | p. 60

How do I feel today?

Part 2 | p. 82

What can I do?

Part 3 | p. 104

What makes me special?

Part 4 | p. 126
What does it
feel like to
be me? NAVIGAT

We all have things we like to do, important events In your Language Journey, you will create a
that we remember, and fun experiences that make scrapbook with drawings, pictures, letters,
us feel special. These holidays, parties, and people magazine cutouts, and other materials to illustrate
have a special place in our hearts. Every time your special life. It will tell the story about what it
we think about them, we feel happy or excited. feels like to be you!
There are also some smells, flavors, sounds, and
images that make us feel a certain way. A great
way to share your memories and show how you
feel is to make a scrapbook!

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Journey Outline

For this project, you will create your own scrapbook and answer
the question: What does it feel like to be me?

Choose an important memory for

Get into groups to talk about your scrapbook. Do
each page of your scrapbook and any
you want to use a notebook or make your own with
items related to it (photos, souvenirs,
recycled paper? How many pages do you want to
drawings). Tell your classmates
have? Make a list of the special moments you want
to write interesting questions for
to include.
your scrapbook.

Collect all the items you need Make sure you have included all the things on your list
for your scrapbook. Add the and what your classmates wanted to know. Also, write
photos and other items to about each special moment. Include information about
each page. the people, the place, the date and the reason why each
moment is important to you. Did you learn something
important that day? How do you feel about it? Add
decorations or any other final touches to
finish your scrapbook.

Set in motion! D o ne !
Make a list of a few special moments in your life.
Do you have a nice memory of a trip you made
with your family or a special gift someone
gave you?

Take notes of the items you want to include with

each of your special moments, like a photo of
Grandpa or a ticket to a baseball game. Use
your To-do lists to help you during these weeks.

Now, think of a title for your scrapbook.

Remember that it has to be awesome! After all,
this is the story of your life and it will help you
figure out how it feels to be you!

Language Journey

Step by Project
In a Project, you face a problem
that does not have a single
solution. You have to create
a product, which will be

one of the many solutions
to the problem.

Your teacher
will ask a question.
Step Listen and understand the project.
Plan how and what you
will do throughout

the project.


2 3
It Out
ork !

Establish goals
for each week
and identify the Research,
Step resources. Step select information,
and compare your
ideas in teams.

My Project




Review your
product based
on your goals
and make any
final changes.

al Product


Share your
product with
the rest
of the class.

Language Journey


Read Tom s Birthday Party in your

. Tom s Birthday Party

celebrate! KEY WORDS

D o ne !
birthday 1 Unscramble the words.
teddy bear
1. ytdedbrea

Reading Tip!
Before reading the text, look at each picture.
What is the story about? Point to the objects in
the pictures that make you think so.

2 Draw two objects you need for a 2. trpesens

birthday party.

3. nboaoll
My birthday party

Witty Reading

3 Circle the picture that shows what the story is about.

day at the beach first day of school birthday party

4 Underline the correct answers.

1. Who is the birthday party for?

Draw a ou a. Tom s mom b. Tom c. John

e s e nt y
pr 2. How does Tom feel at his birthday party?
want. a. mad b. sad c. happy

3. What does Tom get for his birthday?

a. a book b. a toy truck c. a teddy bear

5 Work in pairs. Tell your classmate about
your last birthday party.
Lines of Research
• Who was at your party? How are birthday celebrations different
• Was there cake? What flavor? around the world?
• What was your favorite thing?
Research birthday celebrations around
• Were you happy at the party?
the world.

birthday / celebrations

Part 1 Recognize birthday vocabulary.

Let’s organize 1 Check (㾎) the things that are common at birthday
parties in your country and in other countries. Draw

a party! a party scene in your notebook. Show it to your


My Country Another Country


candy candles

Birthday” song

SELF-AWARENESS 3 Draw your favorite scene from "Tom's Birthday

Why do we celebrate Party". Explain why it is your favorite scene to
ill our birthdays? Why is it a classmate.

P e r s o n al important to celebrate

2 Work in pairs. Compare a birthday

party in your country with one
from another country. pe
Res ct

Witty Reading

4 Read Tom's Birthday Party again. Check (㾎) 5 When is your birthday? What is a good birthday
if the information is correct. Mark with an (X) present? Draw your favorite birthday present
if it is not. in the space below.

1. Tom is sad in the party. __

2. Tom is having a party at home. __

3. Children play a game at the party. __

4. Tom s new t-shirt is red. __

5. There is a magician at Tom s party. __

Paste a photo edom


of a ca ke here. 6 Discuss in pairs:

• Do you want to have a party for your

next birthday?
• Do you want a similar party to the one
in the story?
• What do you dislike about Tom s party?
• What is your favorite thing about
Tom s party?

Part 1 Use reading comprehension strategies and personalize the topic.


1 Listen and sing The More We 2 Match the word to the picture.
Play Together.
The More We Play Together

The More W e Play Together

The more we play together,

together, together.
The more we play together, he they she
the ha ppier we’ll be!
4 Write an example of a noun that can be
For your friends are my friends, and replaced by the words below.
my friends are your friends.
The more we play together, she
The ha ppier we’ll be!

3 Underline the word that can replace the
word in bold.

1. Phillip is my best friend.

a. they b. he c. she they
2. Claire is a great teacher.
a. she b. he c. they

3. Jimmy and Ashley are studying for

the exam.
a. he b. she c. they KEY WORDS
4. My parents have a party today. I
a. she b. they c. he she

Quick Language

6 Write a subject pronoun
Language Key for each name.
Subject pronouns replace nouns in a sentence. We use
them to avoid repetition. 1. Mary

The subject pronouns are: I, you, he, she, it, we, and they.
• Pronouns can be the first word of a sentence. 2. Jamie
He is a doctor. 3. Andy
• Pronouns can replace nouns. Sandra
Examples: To

Karen likes bananas. 7 Discuss in teams of three.

She likes bananas.
• Who is your favorite person in
the world?
5 Circle the correct name or names. • Is it a man or a woman?
• Why do you like that person?
1. She • Do you spend a lot of time with
that person?
a. Tom b. Susan c. Tom and Susan

2. They

a. Daniel b. Julia c. Daniel and Julia

3. He

a. Michael b. Michael and Diana c. Diana

y o u a h e
Are W h y?
or a s he ?

Part 1 Refer to different people using pronouns.

2 Circle the words that express emotions.
happy B H X V N E F
mad M A D F G X D

w d o y o u T P Q W E I H
Ho a y? S Y M S R T M
fe e l t o d
u r fa ce . Z S C A R E D
Draw yo V Y P D U D J

3 Draw faces that match the emotions.


1 Listen and complete the sentences

with a word from the box.
Tom s Party

happy mad scared excited happy sad

1. John is .

2. Dad is . scared excited

3. Tom is .

4. Tom s .
sister is mad sleepy

Quick Language

4 Match the pictures to the sentences.

She is happy. They are mad. He is scared.

5 Work with a classmate. Give and receive

We use adjectives such as happy, sad, mad, instructions to make faces to represent the
scared, and excited to express emotions. different emotions.

These adjectives often go after the verb to be. Example:

You are happy! Show me how happy
Examples: you are!
I am happy.
They are mad.

6 Work in pairs. Discuss the following questions atu

red Ap

with your classmate.

• What makes you happy?

• Are they similar things?
• What makes you mad?
• When you are sad, what do you do to stop feeling that way?
• What is the difference between being happy and
being excited?

Part 1 Describe people s emotions and what makes people happy.

Always capitalize: 1 Read the letter and underline all the capital letters.

• The first word of a sentence:

Example: August 12
He is a boy. Dear Katie,

• Days of the week and Hello! How are you? I m doing great! It was nice
months of the year: of you to come to my party. Thank you so much
Example: for the birthday present. I love the book you gave
Today is Tuesday, May 2. me. I hope to see you again soon!

• Names: Your friend,

Example: Tim
His name is Tim.


red Ap


capital letter 2 Answer the questions.
sentence 1. Who wrote the letter?

2. Who is the letter for?

Draw a trophy.

Clever Writing

3 Find eight mistakes in Pam s letter and
underline them.

may 24
Dear john,

thank you for writing. i am 7 years old too. when

is your birthday? my birthday is on april 26.
Please write back.

Your pen pal,


4 Read each sentence. Check (㾎) if it is

correct. Mark with an (X) if it is not correct.

1. Today is wednesday. ;.,,;

2. My dad s name is John. ;.,,;

3. My favorite month is December. ;.,,;

4. he is a happy boy. .;_

5. My mom s name is mary. _,,;


5 Work in pairs. Answer the following


• Do you know what a pen pal is?

• Do you want to have a pen pal? Who would
you like as your pen pal?
• Do you write letters to your friends or family?

Part 1 Identify mistakes in capitalization.

1 Circle the correct letters.
from J/january 3
to D/dear Paul,

Hello! H/how are you? I/i m happy

because my birthday is coming soon.
I want to invite you to my party.

Y/your friend,
Create your own
postage sta mp.
3 Complete the organizer with the
information from the letter in Activity 1.

1. When was the letter written?

2 Complete the organizer with information

you can use to write a letter.

date postage stamp envelope 2. Who wrote the letter?

from topic to

3. Who is the letter written to?

Your letter

Clever Writing

4 Fill in the blanks to complete the letter. Use capital letters
where necessary.

Dear ,

Hello! How are you? I'm

because my birthday is coming soon. I want to invite

you to my party. My birthday is on

Your friend,

5 Share the letter with a classmate.

• Read your letter to your classmate. Each country has its own
• Listen to your classmate read their letter. ill postage stamps with pictures

P e r s o n al of important elements from
• Draw a face showing how you feel after
writing your letter. its culture. What elements
do Mexican postage stamps
have? What about Canada?

Part 1 Write a letter using capitalization correctly.

1 Draw three cakes. Decorate them with the corresponding
number of candles.

two candles five candles seven candles

2 Listen and sing the chant.
Happy Birthday Chant
Happy Birthday! children
Happy, happy birthday! how old
From all of us to you! It s time to light
We wish you a happy, the candles.
happy birthday, Let s light them
and fun the whole year through. right away.
First, we need to know
It s time to light the candles. one thing.
Let s light them right away. How old is she today?
First, we need to know one thing.
How old is he today?

Imagine someone
your birthday.

Sharp Speaking

3 Do the Birthday Survey. Ask your classmates the question.
When is your birthday? Count and write the total number of
birthdays in each month.

Month Total Month Total

January July

February August

March September

April October

May November

June December

4 Discuss in pairs.

• Do you both have the same results?

• Which month has the most birthdays?

Part 1 Ask and answer questions to find out birthday months.


1 Listen to Ann and Andy. Repeat

what they are saying. Ann and Andy KEY WORDS
Ann and Andy hat
Ann loves her hat.
It s a fantastic, fabulous party hat!
Andy loves his alligator. 2 Answer the questions.
It s a fantastic, fabulous alligator!
Ann loves her cat. 1. Are some words repeated in the sentences?
It s a fantastic, fabulous cat!
Andy loves his bat.
It s a fantastic, fabulous bat!
Ann loves her rat.
What? She loves a rat? 2. What words are repeated?
I don t believe that!

w , R o w ,
Sing “ Rour Boat.”
Ro w Yo 3. Do the words cat and bat
sound similar?

Sharp Speaking

3 Paste images that represent the 4 Complete the chant using words from
following words. Activity 3.

Ann loves her cat.

It is not small like an ant.

It s not grey like a         .

It s yellow like her         .

Oh dear! How she loves that cat!

hat rat
red Ap
atu p


5 Complete the poem using hat, rat,
cat, or bat.

Me and My

I love my

cat bat It s a fantastic, fabulous

When I am with my

Oh dear, how happy I am!

Part 1 Identify rhyming words.

Test Yourself

Part 1

Listen and draw lines. There is one example.

Test: Benny s Birthday Party

Listen and follow instructions.

Part 2

Read this. Choose a word from the box. There is one example.

The Birthday Party

I always feel excited when I go to a birthday When a child cries, I feel sad.
party. It makes me happy when I play, sing, and It makes me mad when somebody doesn t sing.
have fun with my friends. Magicians make me The best place to have a party is at the park!
laugh, but clowns make me feel scared.

happy mad scared park sad

It makes me happy to see a magician.

I feel (1) when I see clowns.

I feel (2) when a child cries.

If someone doesn t sing Happy Birthday,

I get (3) .

The best place to have a party is at

the (4) .

Part 1 Read a text and write missing words.

What makes
me happy?
You learned about feelings and how they are You probably experience many different emotions
expressed. in your life. Feeling happy is one of the best
emotions to feel!
The question for this part is What makes me
happy? You already know the answers to this Are your classmates' answers similar to yours? Are
question, but what makes other people happy? they different? Share your conclusions with your
nesty class and listen to your classmates respectfully. Get
Ask two classmates to say what makes them ready for your project. Write your goals and the
happy and to explain why. Remember to be schedule with your teacher.
honest when they ask you!


Do you already have your notebook for your Stepbyep
scrapbook? You do not need to buy a new one. You
can use an old notebook with clean sheets of paper or
make your own with recycled paper.
To make your own, use sheets of paper used on only
one side and place them one on top of the other. Make
sure that the clean side of each sheet is facing up.

Check your list of special moments and decide how

many sheets of paper you will need. Staple the sheets
together along the left side of the paper or at the top.
It is your choice. Be creative!

Remember that your scrapbook must make you smile

since it represents the happiest moments of your life.
Ana ze!

BE Aware of Your Progress

Circle a face for each category.
Step 1

According According to According to

Can I...? to me my classmates my teacher
recognize birthday vocabulary
use reading comprehension strategies and
personalize the topic
refer to different people using pronouns
describe people's emotions and what makes people happy

identify mistakes in capitalization

write a letter using correct capitalization correctly
ask and answer questions to find out birthday months
identify rhyming words

Part 1

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