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Finding A Pathfinder: Bjørn Reese Bryan Stout

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Proceedings of the AAAI 99 Spring Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Games.


Finding a Pathfinder

Bjørn Reese Bryan Stout

The Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller 4531 Airlie Way
Institute for Production Technology, Annandale, VA 22003
University of Southern Denmark bstout@mindspring.com
Campusvej 55
DK-5230 Odense M

Abstract Planning
The success of a given pathfinding technique for a Not every game is suited for planned navigation. Often
computer game depends on the requirements and it is sufficient to use a set of simple behavioral or re-
the assumptions of the game and the constraints active rules, and rely on those to perform spatial move-
it imposes. This paper presents a classification ment, collision avoidance, and other navigational re-
of the factors that influences the performance of quirements.
pathfinding techniques. This includes the dyna- On the other hand, not every game can be satisfac-
mics of the game, the geometry of the players and
tory handled by such rules. Using reactive rules to na-
the environment, the (un)predictability of move-
ment, kinematic and temporal restrictions, inter- vigate through a maze most often yields exceptionally
action rules, and real-time performance. The pur- bad results. Rule-based navigation is restricted by the
pose of this classification is the help developers lack of global knowledge, which results in paths of poor
identify the complexity of the task before choos- quality, or even getting caught in traps it cannot escape
ing a certain approach. (local minima.)
Sometimes the player has an objective rather than
Introduction a geometric destination. One example is the Pursuit-
Evade game, where the objective of the evader is to
Choosing a pathfinding techniques that performs well stay away from the pursuer. Another example is to
is important to the success of artificial intelligence in maintain visibility with another player. In such cases
computer games, because pathfinding is a fundamen- planned navigation is not advantageous.
tal building-block for the field of Artificial Intelligence.
There are a wide variety of pathfinding techniques, and
one technique may excel under certain circumstances,
but do badly under others. The success of a given ap- Some parts of the environment may be able to change
proach depends on the requirements and assumptions during the game. It is convenient to categorize these
of the game. The purpose of this paper is not to offer according to the origin of the change.
solutions, but to raise awareness about the most com- • Static environment: Navigation is rather easy
mon factors that influences the efficiency of pathfinding because the environment is predictable. There al-
techniques. The more factors that the developer in- ready exist a huge number of solutions to this case
tends to incorporate into the game, the more complex (Latombe 1991).
the pathfinding becomes.
• Movable players and static obstacles: The pres-
Path Type ence of other movable players needs to be handled
Pathfinding is usually associated with finding the short- dynamically, because their future paths are unknown.
est path, but there are other possibilities, which may Although their instantaneous direction and speed are
have to be solved differently. These include finding any known, their future movement cannot be predicted.
path, finding a path with maximum coverage of an area Fortunately it is often possible to disregard them
(Emmanuel, Fagegaltier, and Liegéois 1994), finding a while planning a path, and handle them locally as
path with minimal exposure (Hoff, Howard, and Tseng they are encountered while traversing the path.
1995), and finding the set of paths with the maximum • Moving obstacles: If the obstacles can be relo-
capacity to get as many units as possible to the desti- cated then we cannot pre-calculate the entire path.
nation (Ahuja, Magnanti, and Orlin 1993). It is computationally expensive to re-plan each time
Proceedings of the AAAI 99 Spring Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Games. 70

a discrepancy is detected, so more dynamic schemes, Uncertainty

such as D* (Stentz 1995) or Kinetic Data Structures • Limited Information: The amount of information
(Basch, Guibas, and Hershberger 1997), may be re- available may be limited – either intentionally re-
quired. stricted to infuse a sense of realism, or unintentionally
• Appearing/disappearing obstacles: If the obsta- like in distributed systems. There may be unknown
cles not only move, but also are able to appear and parts of the environment, or previously visited and
disappear, the pathfinding gets further complicated mapped parts may have changed. The more infor-
because there is no temporal coherency to utilize. mation available, the more exact the path can be
• Manipulation: If the player has the ability to alter
the environment during movement, planning gets fur- • Exploration: Exploring unknown territory can in-
ther complicated. This can be moving (Ben-Shahar crease the amount of available information, but de-
and Rivlin 1995), destroying, or even constructing ciding how to explore and which parts to explore can
new parts of the environment. Construction may be be difficult.
limited to the availability of building material. • Occurrences of Events: Passages may be opened
and closed, either periodically or based on some ac-
Geometry tion. Knowledge about such events and their occur-
The physical appearance of the environment plays an rences can be incorporated into the planning.
important role. • Predictability of Behaviour: The other players
may exhibit a certain type of behaviour. Even though
• Shapes: Players and obstacles that can be approxi- the exact future location of these players cannot be
mated by simple geometric shapes, such as boxes or predicted, an approximated or probalistic estimate
circles, are much easier and more efficient to handle can be used. Such an estimate may be necessary if a
than arbitrarily shaped entities. Rotation can also moving target must be intercepted.
increase complexity, unless the shape is circular.
• Partitioning: It is common to use graph based Miscellaneous Factors
search algorithms to find a path. The graph is found
• Limited Resources: The lack of sufficient resources
by partitioning the environment, which can be done
can have a big impact on a given pathfinding tech-
in many ways. The size and connectivity of the re-
sulting graph influences the performance of the search
algorithms, so the partitioning method is important. – Timely Response: The quality of the path can
It should not automatically be assumed that a super- be compromised by the available computational
imposed uniform grid (tiles) will give the best search resources. Computer games can be divided into
performance. turn-based and real-time games. The extreme case
which requires real-time response is often present
• Concavity: Many navigation techniques assumes
in computer games.
that the player has to circumnavigate obstacles,
rather than be guided through them, as is the case – Limited Memory: Not every pathfinding tech-
with corridors or mazes. Such structures may inval- niques is able to operate successfully with a limited
idate certain navigation techniques, such as naviga- amount of memory. Some techniques can be al-
tion by traffic rules. tered to work under such conditions, but it usually
requires a time-space trade-off. An example is
• Special Structures: The environment may contain IDA* (Korf 1985) which is a memory bounded ver-
special structures, such as loops, which are trouble- sion of the A* algorithm.
some to the space partitioning methods. Approxi-
mation of such structures can either lead to jagged • Accuracy: The level of spatial accuracy of the path
motion if the granularity is too fine, or impenetrable is important. Less accuracy will usually cause the
areas if the granularity is too coarse. This can neces- planning to be faster and require less memory, and
sitate special treatment of these structures, such as it puts less constraints on local collision avoidance.
using a non-linear roadmap like an equidistant line However, less accuracy can produce inefficient or un-
through the loop which must be followed (Guldner, natural movement patterns.
Utkin, and Bauer 1994). • Kinematics: Kinematic constraints, such as gravity,
• Varying Terrain: The penetrability the environ- inertia, and limited speed, may have an influence on
ment may be more nuanced than binary penetrabil- what types of paths can be used in a solution. The
ity, ie. either a part is penetrable or it is impenetra- physical coupling of players can also alter the way
ble. Some parts may be difficult, but not impossible, they have to move.
to penetrate. The environment may consist of such • Interaction: Players may have to interact, ie. coop-
different terrain, which implies that the unit cost of erate or counteract, to achieve their objectives. An
traversing different parts of the environment differs. example is two players trying to pass each other in
Proceedings of the AAAI 99 Spring Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Games. 71

a corridor that is too narrow. They have to coordi- • Sensitivity: The path only has to be re-planned if
nate their movement to prevent blocking each others the changes will result in a new path. Each part of
path. Such deadlocks can either be solved by prede- the path can have an associated sensitivity (Booth
termined traffic rules, or by negotiations between the and Westbrook 1992), which determine how big the
players. Another example is moving in a formation. change must be before re-planning.
• Urgency: There may be explicit or inherent tempo- • Relaxed Updating: If the discrepancies introduced
ral constraints in the game. Objectives can become by the changes does not lead to unacceptable results,
unimportant if they are not obtained within a certain then the workload can be spread out over time, by
deadline. For example, bridges may burn, and food updating a certain part of the data structure in each
may rot. time step. Further changes that happens during the
• Moving Target: The destination may move con- relaxed updating are delayed until the effects of the
tinuously or abruptly during the search, which may first change have been calculated. This is equivalent
require re-planning of the path. to Relaxed Balancing (Larsen 1998).
• Learning: Building a robust learning technique is a • Partial Updating: The data structure may allow
difficult task. It often takes a long time to teach a changes while we already are in the process of up-
player, so it is often done during development, and dating previous changes. This can be combined with
the learned behaviour does not change during the relaxed updating.
game. Learning in path planning is usually reduced
to building a map. Conclusion
This paper has articulated various factors that influ-
Improving Performance ences the complexity, and hence the performance, of
pathfinding. These factors have been catagorized ac-
Changes to the environment can be handled more effi-
cording to issues such as the type of the path, the
ciently if they are anticipated.
soundness for planning, the dynamics of the game,
Re-planning the geometry of the environment and the players, the
(un)certainty of information, and various other factors.
If the environment changes or new information be- The classification is not exhaustive, and there is some
comes available, it may be necessary to re-evaluate the overlap between certain of the described factors. The
planned path. There are several approaches: overlap was allowed to make a classification that would
• Path Re-calculation: We can discard all previ- map more directly unto the problem-domain, rather
ously calculated paths, and start again from scratch than an orthogonal classification which was abstracted
with the newly available information. This is robust to obscurity.
method, but it is computationally expensive.
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