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Our Pipes - Worksheet Teacher

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Identify Describe Explain Analysis Critically analysis

Main theme, idea, Techniques used in text Purpose, function, affect Compare, contrast, Evaluate, discuss,
character/s, setting, type impact of text on explore, critique, develop a examine, appreciate
tension individual, audience response
What is the main theme in the What techniques are used by How does Lawson’s unique Explore the role of smoking in Discuss how the text challenges
text? the composer to create the journalistic style of writing affect this story. How is it used to our beliefs about the Australian
image of the landscape? the audience? strengthen the experience outback lifestyle?
shared by the characters?

Mateship Imagery (through similes and      Lawson’s unique journalistic     Smoking has a significant      The text challenges the
Loss and respect adjectives) are used to create style of writing through the use role in the story as it romanticisation of the bush by
the setting of the campsite in of Australian vernacular demonstrates the Australian highlighting the realistic
Landscape the bush accompanied by the language, ‘we lit it up,’ affirms culture that smoking is a hardships that present within
moon. Personification of the his progress to the symbol for mateship and the bush lifestyle. Lawson
moon is also implemented to establishment of a unique comradery between the emphasises the prevalence of
highlight the changes of the Australia culture and identity. swagmen in the bush. Through smoking in the bush as well as
setting at night. Finally The colloquialism present in ‘we the role of smoking, it highlights the impact of death. Death is
Australian vernacular / lay down on our stomachs and the bond that Jack Mitchell and metaphoric for the unpleasant
colloquialism creates the unique had a feed’ reinforces Lawson’s his father share in having a nature of the bush and the
Australian bush setting. establishment of a new realistic smoke which creates a sense of dangerous lifestyle of bush.
perspective of the bush. He is mutual respect. This is However, Lawson also affirms
able to create typified compared to Jack and the the key values and attitudes
characters of the bush to narrator who although close, do that are present in the bush
showcase the Australian rural not have the bond that is lifestyle such as mateship and
culture. present between a father and comradery

Who is/are the main How do language features What is the function for Why does Mitchell’s mother’s In what way does this story
character/characters? convey the hard lifestyle Lawson’s inclusion of Mitchell’s response to his smoking affirm the iconic image of the
experienced by the two first experience of smoking? contrast so dramatically with his Australian male?
swagmen? father’s response?
     The narrator      The short sentence structure     Swagmen - know the      Mitchell’s mother’s response      This story affirms the iconic
Jack Mitchelle supported by the motif difficulties of living in the is so dramatically different image of the Australian male
‘swagmen know what that outback and are natural because it demonstrates the through the characterisation of
Jack’s Mother and Father means’ helps to convey the stereotype of the strict mother Jack Mitchell who smokes, has
companions to one another.
Jim Brown hardships as it describes the A sense that the narrator (playing into the cultural a laid-back attitude and has a
experiences that swagmen are admires Mitchell for his stereotypes of the day) yarn. Jack Mitchell is portrayed
familiar with while also consistency when it comes to compared to the laid-back as the typified (national
demonstrating their secret smoking. Mitchell endured personality of the father. There character) of the swagman.
knowledge of life in the many difficulties when he first is also a major contrast as it - Mateship
Australian rural bush. started to smoke however he helps to establish the greater - Rebellious
was not only persistent but relationship and bond that is - Laid-back
he may have also had a present between a father and - Poor/uneducated
rebellious streak when it his son.  
came to his mother’s opinion
on him smoking. (reflective of
Australian attitudes)It is also
clear that Mitchell’s father
respects Mitchell’s decision
to smoke for Mitchell’s father
himself had been hounded
by Mitchell’s mother over the
years for his own smoking
Creates connotation of a
special experience in his
youth - a coming of age ritual

Idolising adults who engage

in activities we long to
partake in – sense of worth,
growing up, maturing. The
ritual of smoking is one of
– The male characters use
this activity to connect the
spiritual, almost sacred
connection between father
and son – implication of it
being ‘men’s business’

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