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Analysis of The Application of Domestic Waste Treatment Hybrid Method - A Case Study at Bidara Cina

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IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science


Analysis of the application of domestic waste treatment hybrid method –

A Case Study at Bidara Cina
To cite this article: T E B Soesilo and S A Zahra 2019 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 306 012028

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Conference on Sustainability Science 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 306 (2019) 012028 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/306/1/012028

Analysis of the application of domestic waste treatment

hybrid method – A Case Study at Bidara Cina
T E B Soesilo1, S A Zahra1
School of Environmental Science, Universitas Indonesia, Salemba, Indonesia

Abstract. The increasing population leads to the increasing waste that will be
generated. There have been many researchers who were conducting research on
models to proceed domestic waste. However, it was still a small number of
analysis carried out to know an advantage from a method and analysis in
application in general if a method applied in an area. This research aims to
analyze the method of domestic waste treatment hybrid model. This research uses
the SWOT – ANP method. The data obtained through field surveys, interviewing
residents of a community steeped in opinion, environmental science, analysis of
commuters will then be shown in the form of a SWOT chart. The contribution of
the researcher is to provide risk analysis on domestic waste processing method
with hybrid method applying in the region of Bidara China. The results of this
research is that hybrid model (on waste-off waste system) is safe for applying and
refers to the number of six (6) of SDG's about clean water and sanitation to ensure
domestic waste water management and sanitation sustainable.
Keywords: domestic waste, hybrid method

1. Introduction
The rapid rate of population growth and urbanization in developing countries caused the problem of
housing that need to be solved and handled immediately. In African, Latin American, and Asian
countries, the population has increased doubled in 10 years period. Uncontrolled urbanization raises a
very complex social problem [1] One of the biggest problems that arise, namely water pollution. The
largest water pollution caused by settlement activity or the activity of the household, its contribution
of 47.62% [1]. Research conducted by Yudo [2] even been noted that the Ciliwung River which
crosses the District of Bogor, Bogor City, and Jakarta are contaminated domestic waste amounting to
80% of which comes from household activities [3]. The quality of the Ciliwung river has also been
monitored by the Office of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) of DKI Jakarta. The survey of KLHK
DKI Jakarta in the research of the Ciliwung river water monitoring segmentation of DKI Jakarta in
the year 2015 found that there are several parameters that largely exceed the standard quality, i.e.
Escherichia coli (E. coli), and Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD). In addition, the dissolved
oxygen (DO) obtained low. The value parameter of the e. coli, BOD, and DO can be seen on table 1.

Tabel 1. The value parameter E. Coli, BOD, and DO

Parameter Unit The Standard* The Results of The Analysis of The
Ciliwung River Segmentation in DKI Jakarta
E. coli Amount/100 ml 100 300.000
BOD mg/l 2 14
DO mg/l 6 5,2
Source: Ministry of environment and Forestry (2015)
(*) Goverment Regulation number 82-year 2001 about water quality management and control of water
pollution, the allocation of class I

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Conference on Sustainability Science 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 306 (2019) 012028 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/306/1/012028

Suryono and Moersidik research [4], and Poerbandono, Julian, and Ward [5] found that there is a
link between the activities on the ground, including the change of land use in the watershed and the
phenomena that occur in waters. Furthermore, Vollmer, Prescott, Padawangi, Girot, and Gret-
Regamey [6] found that the level of income of the population around the river affect their attitudes
and perceptions towards the management of the river. The knowledge and expectations of the
population around the river should be a serious consideration in planning the management of the
ecosystem of the river, and less available data and contextual information resulted in policy choices
become limited. In addition, in managing waste water originated from households, it is necessary to
involve the community as the waste water producers, provided an awareness of health and
environmental sustainability.
Based on previous research, there are several ways of domestic waste water management, among
others are local system (on waste system), centralized system (off waste system), and hybrid system
(on waste-off waste system). Among the waste management system, system implementation that has
the lowest level of risk is hybrid system (on waste-off waste system). Therefore, this research
intended to figure out an advantage from a method and to analyze in general if the method applied in
an area. This research was conducted at RT 9 of Bidara Cina, Jakarta, having an area of 1.26 km2 with
a total population in the year 2016 was 43,995 people in 14,893 household (Jatinegara in numbers,
2017). This research aims to analyze the application of the method of domestic waste treatment
hybrid model using SWOT – ANP method.

2. Material and Method

2.1 Method
This research method using SWOT – ANP approach. In the first stage is carried out a SWOT analysis
to figure out all the possibilities that occurs when applying the method of domestic treatment hybrid
system. Stages of a SWOT analysis to be done with strength, weakness, threats and chances
(opportunities). Furthermore after doing a SWOT analysis, then do an assessment using the method of
ANP. ANP method is used to find out the "weighting" or judgments of any sub, so on the graph can
show the position of the SWOT sub based on weights available [7].

2.2 Sustainability
According to Miller and Spoolman, sustainability is the ability of the Earth's natural and human to be
able to survive, develop, and adapt to changes in environmental conditions in the long run [8]. One of
the most important questions in environmental science is how we can continue to improve the welfare
of human beings with limited natural resources and the existence of a biological system. Development
means enhancing people's lives through improved food or education services. While sustainable
development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs [9]. Sustainable development is also described by Enger
and Smith [10], which states that sustainable development is the middle way which aims to tackle
poverty while maintaining ecological sustainability. The principle of sustainability is very important
to run SDG's as well as the development of number six (6) about, clean water and sanitation to ensure
domestic waste water management and sustainable sanitation.

3. Result And Discussion

3.1. SWOT Analysis

The first phase began with SWOT analyses of domestic waste processing method of hybrid system.
Stages of a SWOT analysis to be done consists of strength, weakness, threats and chances
(opportunities) aspects. The results of the analysis of the SWOT analysis can be seen in the following

Conference on Sustainability Science 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 306 (2019) 012028 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/306/1/012028

Table 2. Strengths
Code Description
S1 implementation is easier and faster
S2 all kinds of waste can be entered to the communal
S3 planning process and implementation are not too hard
pollution of the groundwater and the sources can be
S4 avoided
financing can be divided between the government and the
S5 public

Table 3. Weaknesses
Code Description
W1 high operation costs
W2 requires a good operational management
W3 the planned sewage of the transportation system
W4 should be shaped as a business entity

Table 4. Threats
Code Description
T1 air pollution due to the transportation
T2 delay in the operation
T3 large number of employees
T4 must have many vehicles that must be maintained
T5 the pollution when the distribution of fecal truck

Table 5. Opportunities

Code Description
O1 great opportunities to be implemented
O2 opportunities to opening new business
O3 optimization process of researching opportunities
O4 reduce environmental pollution

After a discussion with experts, including people who double-majored in environmental science,
and surrounding communities, then the process analysis using the method of ANP was conducted. In
the early stages, the weighting on each aspect was completed with the method of matrix pairs. The
result of the weighting process can be seen in table 6.

Conference on Sustainability Science 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 306 (2019) 012028 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/306/1/012028

Table 6. The Weighting of ANP method

Code S1 S2 S3 S4 S5
S1 1 1 2 6 3
S2 2 1 1 4 1
S3 0.7 1 1 0.3 3
S4 0.5 0.7 0.2 1 0.6
S5 0.3 0.2 0.7 0.4 1
Total 4.5 3.9 4.9 11.7 8.6

After weighting to each aspect, then carried out the process of awarding rank criteria. From the
results of data analysis, chart of SWOT – ANP was drawn.

Figure 1. SWOT - ANP

3.2. Discussion
The ever-increasing growth of population was not followed by the availability of land, which resulted
in the likely occurrence of environmental pollution. One method that can be used to reduce the
environmental pollution resulting from domestic waste is the domestic hybrid system. Based on the
analysis, one of the strengths of domestic waste is easy and fast implementation (S1-1.4), in balance
with the great opportunity, the possibility of this method can be implemented (O1-1.2). However,
there is a serious threat namely delay fecal trucks (T2-0.9) and weakness, i.e. need of a good
management in its operational phase (W2-1.0).
A SWOT coordination strategy can be seen from the two factors, which are from internal factors,
namely the highest value on strength minus the highest value of weakness, with value of 0.4, and
from external factors, namely the highest value of opportunities minus the highest value of threat,
with value of 0.3.

Conference on Sustainability Science 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 306 (2019) 012028 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/306/1/012028

4. Conclusion
An increasing number of domestic wastes will be in line with the growth of the community. There
have been many researchers who conducted research on how to cultivate a good waste, but still
haven't been founded research that discusses whether a waste treatment method safe enough to be
applied and according to a certain area. This research resulted in the decision that the domestic
sewage treatment method of hybrid model can be implemented in the territory of the RT 09 of Bidara
Cina, Jakarta.

5. Acknowledgement
This research is supported by Hibah PITTA 2018 funded by DRPM Universitas Indonesia

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