Craft Advanced Banishing
Craft Advanced Banishing
Craft Advanced Banishing
Unit 2: Advanced Basics of Craft
For the record, this
powerpoint will be
very short!
How to Banish
The best way to banish is through
fire! Burning leaves/papers with
intent/sigils/names are the best
and most effective way to banish!
❖You must thank them for their
help, imagine them as sacred spirits
When ❖You must bid them farewell after
using the
calling them
❖Do not take them and their help for
elements.. granted
❖When using the elements, it is 110%
necessary that you use chants or
verbal spells.
How to Use the Elements
1. Light a candle, an empty jar (often used for snuffing maybe), a jar of
water (preferably special water), and a rock/plant/crystal to
represent the elements.
2. Say “To east comes the air, to push and bid this malevolent spirit
farewell as the wrath of fire makes note to tell the spirit to not
return. Make the west of water slow this spirit’s return as the
north of the earth continues to protect me.”
3. Open the window and let the elements do what they do best.
4. Bid them farewell and thank them for their assistance.
More Abstract Ways
to Incorporate the
PS: You represent the element spirit in all
these cases.
➢Burning a leaf with a sigil on it and
throwing the ashes out the floor.
(utilizing all but water)
➢Tossing a leaf with the intention/name
of the target into a river or stream
(utilizing all but fire)
➢Tossing the ashes of a leaf with the
intention/name of the target into a
river or stream (utilizing all)
You can use candles to help further manifest your
➢You can use banishing oils with candles as a form to
banish (this method doesn’t really work too much
though and it’s complicated)
➢For example, you can get a white candle (the best
candles to buy when starting out are white and
black) and you surround the base in salt.
➢You light the candle and (you could burn a paper or
leaf or sigil, but not necessary in this example) you
use an incantation, while using your own personal
reservoir of energy to banish the entity.
Keep in mind: Methods like these aren’t always
effective. But they are good alternatives to burning
• You can use smoke from candles or herbs or burning
Smoke paper/leaves the same way you use bundles in smoke cleansing
• You can place the burning item on the windowsill (with your
window open) and let the smoke leave the room
➢Burning or ripping sigils is the way to go
Sigils when it comes to banishing!
➢You can place them on the item or in the
space that needs banishing (if the sigil
is a banishing sigil obviously!)
➢If you aren’t a strong manifester or
you are still struggling/aren’t great at
intent work, I really suggest using sigils
for banishing when/if you don’t have the
entity/energy’s name (which in most
times, you don’t)
➢You can make your own banishing
bundles with herbs that have banishing
properties (be sure to not use white
➢You can burn your herbs as a way to
➢You can create or dress a candle with
herbs that have banishing properties
In your head:
Sit somewhere comfortable and relax. Close your
eyes. In your mind's eye, see a blazing white fire.
This fire burns so hot that it instantly burns
anything it touches so fast and so thoroughly that
not even the memory of the thing remains. Bring to
mind the thing you want to banish. Imagine that in
the form of a photograph. See yourself tearing up,
crumbling, and throwing it in the blazing white fire
and see it instantly burn completely.
Imagine a waterfall in front of you. Step
under it and feel the water on your skin.
It has the perfect temperature and the
Also in
perfect pressure to relax your muscles.
Feel the water falling on you, relaxing you
more and more, and cleansing you deeply of
everything negative or harmful. See all
brilliant pure white light. This liquid
white light penetrates your skin and
seeps into every part of your body. As it
exits your body, everything negative and
harmful rashes out with it and down the
Effective mental method
(requires a lot of energy
and visualization/intent
Picture a star made of brilliant white light
right at the center of the room or place you
want to clear. Start feeding this star energy.
If you know how to connect it to an energy
source like the sun then do that as well. Keep
feeding it more and more energy for 15-20
minutes or for as long as you can. When you
feel it's bursting with power, stop feeding it
energy and see it explode violently like a
supernova, obliterating anything in its path.
Other Ways:
➢You can create banishing sprays (just like
you can create cleansing sprays) using
herbs and scents that have banishing
properties as well as a special water with
banishing properties!
➢You can use a crystal with banishing
properties by having it in your hand or
pocket and using its energy and speaking
an incantation to also banish.
For certain tactics:
• You may need to repeat this for several days until the thing you're trying
to banish has gone away completely.
• It is best used to banish bad habits, persistent negative emotions,
depression, anxiety, panic attacks or traumatic memories. But remember,
always mundane before magick- seek medical or actual help first please.
• Remember to ask your protective spirits/familiars/deities/friendly/neutral
spirits that live in the area and may happen to be there to depart before
banishing sometimes.
Things to Remember:
❖Banishing is not a simple or delicate form of magic, it’s a strong defensive form of
❖Sometimes, banishing isn’t necessary, just cleansing and/or revamping your wards
is enough!
❖The best way to banish is always to include fire/burning things as it’s also the
most effective way to banish, but these are ways to do it without fire
❖Always remember, fire safety! Fire is dangerous and to no one’s surprise can cause
house fires.
❖Practice safely and securely!
❖Remember always: have fun!
That’s the end of the
❖Thank you all for attending! If you have
to go, I wish you all a lovely week! Hope
you see you all next week!
❖Remember to hydrate and take care of
yourselves! I’m proud of you!
❖If you have any questions, just put them
in the chat or Q&A form!