Water: Deep Learning With A Long Short-Term Memory Networks Approach For Rainfall-Runoff Simulation
Water: Deep Learning With A Long Short-Term Memory Networks Approach For Rainfall-Runoff Simulation
Water: Deep Learning With A Long Short-Term Memory Networks Approach For Rainfall-Runoff Simulation
Deep Learning with a Long Short-Term Memory
Networks Approach for Rainfall-Runoff Simulation
Caihong Hu 1 , Qiang Wu 1 , Hui Li 2 , Shengqi Jian 1 , Nan Li 1 and Zhengzheng Lou 2, *
1 School of Water Conservancy and Environment, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China;
hucaihong@zzu.edu.cn (C.H.); wuqianghlj@163.com (Q.W.); jiansq@zzu.edu.cn (S.J.);
linan322@sina.com (N.L.)
2 School of Information Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China; iehli@gs.zzu.edu.cn
* Correspondence: iezzlou@zzu.edu.cn
Received: 31 August 2018; Accepted: 25 October 2018; Published: 30 October 2018
Abstract: Considering the high random and non-static property of the rainfall-runoff process, lots of
models are being developed in order to learn about such a complex phenomenon. Recently, Machine
learning techniques such as the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and other networks have been
extensively used by hydrologists for rainfall-runoff modelling as well as for other fields of hydrology.
However, deep learning methods such as the state-of-the-art for LSTM networks are little studied
in hydrological sequence time-series predictions. We deployed ANN and LSTM network models
for simulating the rainfall-runoff process based on flood events from 1971 to 2013 in Fen River basin
monitored through 14 rainfall stations and one hydrologic station in the catchment. The experimental
data were from 98 rainfall-runoff events in this period. In between 86 rainfall-runoff events were
used as training set, and the rest were used as test set. The results show that the two networks
are all suitable for rainfall-runoff models and better than conceptual and physical based models.
LSTM models outperform the ANN models with the values of R2 and NSE beyond 0.9, respectively.
Considering different lead time modelling the LSTM model is also more stable than ANN model
holding better simulation performance. The special units of forget gate makes LSTM model better
simulation and more intelligent than ANN model. In this study, we want to propose new data-driven
methods for flood forecasting.
1. Introduction
Flooding always carries a lot of debris and waste like dead animal bodies and hazardous materials.
The debris could make serious threats to mankind’s health and could destroy reservoirs and roads
worsening the situation. The best way to cope with these issues is to build flood management systems
for the decision-making process of critical situations [1,2]. In hydrological processes, rainfall is taken
major components and decided the drought or flooding events. Recently, there are mainly three types
of models for simulating the relationship of rainfall and runoff [3,4]:conceptual models, physical-based
models and black box models. A conceptual model is a representation of a system, made of the
composition of concepts which are used to help us to know, understand, or simulate a subject the
model represents [5]. A physical-based model is a smaller or larger physical copy of an object to study
hydrological process [6]. A black box model is a system which can be viewed in terms of its inputs and
outputs without any knowledge of its internal working [7].
With accurate modelling of rainfall-runoff dynamics, it could not only provide a flood warning to
reduce hazards but also enhance proper reservoirs management during the drought periods. However,
it is difficult to fully understand the relationship between precipitation and runoff. It is because of
temporal and spatial variability of basin characteristics, rainfall, coverage of vegetation, as well as
factors in the rainfall-runoff process such as physical-based distributed hydrological model. Therefore,
rainfall-runoff modelling is a hot field of study in hydrology research [8].
Among these three types of models, the conceptual and physical maybe the best two models
to understand the process of rainfall-runoff. While these models also need more basin parameters
like soil moisture, soil type, slope, shape, topography, temperature, evapotranspiration. The different
watershed parameters also contain very complex relationships to construct these models [9]. Besides,
In the rural region it is hard to get these watershed parameters. Therefore, black models have been
increasingly emphasized during these years again [10].
These black box models are used more and more as the data-driven techniques are developing [11].
The Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), one of the data-driven techniques, have been widely used in
hydrology as an alternative to physical-based and conceptual models [12,13]. These ANN techniques
are based on artificial intelligence (AI), which is among the most famous skills in recent years.
These skills could capture non-linearity and non-stationarity related to hydrological applications.
Thus, data-driven methods based on AI have gained more attention for rainfall-runoff simulation [14].
In the last two decades, AI has been widely used for efficient simulating of nonlinear systems
and capturing noise complexity in the datasets. For example, ANN and fuzzy logic are two popular
AI-based approaches in flood prediction. Comparing with the classical black box models such as Auto
Regressive (AR), Moving Average (MA), Auto Regressive Moving Average (ARMA), Auto Regressive
Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA), Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average with exogenous
input (ARIMAX), Linear Regression (LR), and Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) which are linear,
AI-based models are nonlinear models which are able to capture non-stationarity and non-linearity
features. As a result, more and more researchers have developed models that are able to overcoming
the drawbacks of conventional models [15].
In the above, conventional machine learning techniques only have the ability to process
natural data in their raw form without other insight information. However, Deep learning allows
computational models that are composed of multiple processing layers to learn representations of
data with multiple levels of abstraction. It could discover intricate structure in the data sets and
change its internal parameters by using the backpropagation algorithms. Two of the most hot research
points in deep learning are enhancing computer vision using CNN and modelling sequential data
through RNN [16,17].
With conventional machine learning methods, we must extract features from data that are strongly
correlated with dependent variables like ANN, Support Vector Machine (SVM), Multi-Layer Perceptron
(MLP) etc. Deep learning could automatically extract features via the hidden layers. The hydrological
process is always a kind of typical time sequential data. The traditional time-series simulation and
prediction mainly rely on memoryless models [18] such as ANN and autoregressive (AG) models,
they predict the next step in a time-series from a fixed number of previous steps. The RNNs can be
trained to learn sequential or time-varying patterns by facilitate time delay units through feedback
connections. The RNNs is particularly suitable for hydrological prediction in the context of giving a
precise and timely prediction of time-series in the systems.
More modern RNN architectures were proposed since the late 1990s and one of the most successful
RNN architectures is the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM). This architecture has memory cells
replaced the traditional hidden layer mode. The memory cells could store, write and read data via
gates that open and close. These memory cells just like data in computer memory. LSTM is a dynamic
model that has been used to simulate and predict sequences as music, text and motion capture data [19].
Besides, LSTM can be trained for sequence generation by processing real data sequences one step at a
time and predicting what comes next.
However, to our knowledge, there are not so many studies using deep learning in hydrology,
especially for large time-series datasets. Zhang [19] used LSTM networks to enhance internet of things
for combined sewer overflow monitoring. Through a comparison of MLP, Wavelet Neural Network
Water 2018, 10, 1543 3 of 16
(WNN), LSTM and Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU), the LSTM and GRU had better performance for
multi-step-ahead time-series prediction. The same result was also gotten in the managing sewer in-line
storage control using hydraulic model and recurrent neural network. The LSTM exhibits the superior
capability for time-series prediction [19]. Kratzert [20] modeled rainfall-runoff with LSTM network.
He found that LSTM could learn long-term dependencies between the provided inputs and outputs
of the network. Using this approach, they achieved better model performance, which underlined
the potential of the LSTM for hydrological modeling applications. The same conclusion also found
in Fischer [17] making prediction of financial market using LSTM. He found the LSTM networks
to outperform memory-free classification methods, i.e., A Random Forest (RAF), Deep Neural Net
(DNN), and Logistic Regression Classifier (LRC). Thus, the LSTM network maybe a better choice for
rainfall-runoff prediction.
In north-western China, there are complicated and changeable rainfall-runoff relationships [21].
The climate undergoes big changes in these years and underlying surface are changing with the
development of China Society. Therefore, the prediction of runoff series in such regions should
preferably be based on the existing long data with the memory networks. This novelty memory neural
networks could better model the rainfall-runoff process and make accurate prediction. These methods
possess human-like expertise with a specific domain adapt themselves and learn to do better in
changing environments. Thus, it is a new try to use LSTM network to predict runoff and it is suitable
for this changeable situation.
The objective of this study is to build real-time data-driven models that enable to simulate and
predict rainfall-runoff from available data. This data-driven modelling analyzes relations between
precipitation and runoff time-series. In this study, we selected 98 flooding events from 1971 to 2013
in Jingle hydrology station catchment basin. We use two types of neural network, namely ANN
and LSTM. Although the machine learning algorithms such as RNNs provide real-time forecasting,
it cannot give us an insight of the rainfall-runoff process. Besides, there are rare applications of
LSTM in flood forecasting, as state of the art RNN architecture, the effectiveness of LSTM needs to
be investigated. In this study, we hypothesized that the AI-based models have better performance
in prediction rainfall-runoff and the modeling results in new architecture artificial neural network of
LSTM may outperform ANN.
2. Methods
Ok = g2 [ ∑ Wkj g1 ( ∑ Wji xi + Wjo ) + Wko ] (1)
j =1 i =1
Water 2018, 10, 1543 4 of 16
where xi is the input value to node i, Ok is the output at node k, g1 is activation function (nonlinear)
for the hidden layer and g2 is activation function (linear) for the output layer. N and M represent
the number of neurons in the input and hidden layers, respectively. Wjo and Wko are biases of the jth
neuron in the hidden layer and the kth neuron in the output layer. Wji is the weight between the input
node i and the hidden node j, and Wkj the weight between the hidden node j and the output node k.
Output Variable
x2(p) 2 2
yj(p) z(p)
xi(p) i j
xnl(p) nl nH
Figure 1. ANN architecture with one hidden layer (typical three-layer feed forward artificial neural
networks) [10].
2.2. RNN
Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are powerful model for sequential data. Recurrent neural
network are a strict superset of feedforward neural networks, augmented by the inclusion of recurrent
edges that span adjacent time steps, introducing a notion of time to the model [19]. While RNNs
may not contain cycles among the conventional edges, recurrent edges may form cycles, including
self-connections. At time t, nodes receiving input along recurrent edges receive input activation from
the current example x t and also from hidden nodes ht−1 in the network’s previous state. The output ŷt
is calculated given the hidden state ht at that time step. Thus, input x t−1 at time t − 1 can influence the
output ŷt at time t by way of these recurrent connections (Figure 2).
We can show in two equations that all calculations are necessary for computation at each time
step on the forward pass in a simple recurrent neural network:
where Whx is the matrix of weights between the input and hidden layers and Whh is the matrix of
recurrent weights between the hidden layers at adjacent time steps. The vectors bh and by are biases
which allow each node to learn an offset.
Water 2018, 10, 1543 5 of 16
ot-1 ot ot+1
W st-1 st st+1
s W
Unfold W W W
U xt-1 xt xt+1
Figure 2. A simple RNN architecture with one hidden layer (recurrence using the previous hidden
state). W, U, V are parameters for weights [23].
2.3. LSTM
LSTM networks belong to the class of recurrent neural networks (RNNs), i.e., neural networks
whose “underlying topology of inter-neuronal connections contains at least on cycle”. They have been
introduced by Hochreiter and Schmidhuber [24] and were further refined in the following years. LSTM
networks are specifically designed to learn long-term dependencies and are capable of overcoming the
previously inherent problems of RNNs, i.e., vanishing and exploding gradients (Figure 3).
LSTM networks are composed of an input layer, one or more memory cells, and an output layer.
The number of neurons in the input layer is equal to the number of explanatory variables. The main
characteristic of LSTM networks is contained in the hidden layer consisting of so called memory cells.
Each of the memory cells has three gates maintaining and adjusting its cell state st : a forget gate ( f t ),
an input gate (it ), and an output gate (ot ).
At every time-step t, each of the three gates is presented with the input xt (one element of the ) as
well as the output ht−1 of the memory cells at the previous time-step t − 1. Hereby, the gates act as
filters, each fulfilling a different purpose:
• The forget gate defines what information is removed from the cell state.
• The input gate specifies what information is added to the cell state.
• The output gate specifies what information from the cell state is used
The sequential update formula are
Input node
g(t) = tanh(Wgx x (t) + Wgh h(t−1) + bg ) (4)
Water 2018, 10, 1543 6 of 16
Input gate
i(t) = σ (Wix x (t) + Wih h(t−1) + bi ) (5)
Forget gate
f ( t ) = σ (W f x x ( t ) + W f h h ( t − 1 ) + b f ) (6)
Output gate
o (t) = σ (Wox x (t) + Woh h(t−1) + bo ) (7)
Cell state
s ( t ) = g ( t ) i ( t ) + s ( t −1) o ( t ) (8)
Hidden gate
h(t) = tanh(s(t) ) o (t) (9)
Output layer
y(t) = (Why h(t) + by ) (10)
where σ is the sigmoidal function, is element wise multiplication, x (t) is the input vector (forcings
and static attributes) for the time step t, Ws are the network weights, bs are bias parameters, y is the
output to be compared to observations, h is the hidden state, and s is called the cell state of memory
cells, which is unique to LSTM.
where yi0 (m3 /s) and yi (m3 /s) represent the discharge of the simulated and observed hydrographs
at the time i, y (m3 /s) and y0 (m3 /s) denote the average observed and simulated discharge at the
time i and n is the data points number. The coefficient of determination, R2 , known as the square of
the sample correlation coefficient, ranges from 0 to 1 and describes the amount of observed variance
explained by the model. A value of 0 implies no correlation, while a value of 1 suggests that the model
can explain all of the observed variance.
∑in=1 (yi − yi0 )2
RMSE = (12)
The root mean square error, RMSE, evaluates how closely that predictions match to observations,
Values may range from 0 (perfect fit) to +∞ (no fit) based on the relative range of the data.
The Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency, NSE, measures the model’s ability to predict variables different
from the mean and gives the proportion of the initial variance accounted for by the model. Where
NSE ranges from 1 (prefect fit) to −∞. Values less than zero indicate that the observation mean would
be a better predictor than the model.
∑in=1 |yi0 − yi |
MAE = (14)
Water 2018, 10, 1543 7 of 16
The mean absolute error, MAE, measures the difference between observed and modelled results.
It is an average of the absolute errors, where yi0 is the simulation and yi is the observation.
The error of time to peak discharge, ETp , measures the model’s time accuracy of peak runoff
discharge prediction. Where Tm,p (hour) and To,p (hour) are the peak time for the modelled and
observed peak runoff discharge, respectively.
(ym,p − yo,p )
EQ p = × 100% (16)
The error of peak discharge, EQ p , measures the model volume accuracy of peak runoff
discharge prediction. Where ym,p (m3 /s) and yo,p (m3 /s) are the modelled and observed peak runoff
discharges, respectively.
Q t = f ( Q t − n , R t − n , Xt − n ) (17)
in which Qt is current flow, Qt−n is antecedent flow (at t − 1, t − 2, ..., t − n time steps), Rt−n is
antecedent rainfall (at t − 1, t − 2, ..., t − n), and Xt−n represents any other factors identified as
affecting Qt (e.g., year type, percentage impervious area, storm occurrence). In this paper, we used the
14 rainfall stations and antecedent flow to forecast the runoff. We have chosen different values of n
with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (hour) indicating 6 types of lead time.
3. Case-Study
Fen River Basin (35◦ 200 –39◦ 000 N latitude, 110◦ 300 –113◦ 320 E longitude) is located in Shanxi
Province, North China (Figure 4). The Fen River is one of the largest tributaries of the Yellow River in
its middle reach, joining the Yellow River in Hejing County. The river basin is bounded by Taihang
Mountain to the east, and Lvliang Mountain to the west, which also form the boundary between Yellow
River and Fen River. Located in the eastern Loess Plateau of China, the climate of the Fen River Basin
is temperate and sub-humid, with mean annual precipitation of 450 mm. In this area, the landforms
are usually capped by a thick layer of loess due to dust deposition during the Quaternary. The study
region is the catchment of Jingle hydrology station. The Jingle station was constructed in April on 1943
Water 2018, 10, 1543 8 of 16
which was control station in main upstream of Fen River. The area of Jingle station controled basin is
2799 km2 and the length of main stream is 83.9 km with average slope 0.67%. There are four tributaries
in this basin, namely Hong river, Mingcun river, Dongnian river and Xinian river.
Taiyuan Yangquan
Lvliang 30°N 30°N
10°N 10°N
70°E 80°E 90°E 100°E 110°E 120°E 130°E 140°E
Qidongzi Huaidao
Ninghuabao Dongmafang
Xinbao Tanger
0 11.27
The annual mean precipitation in Jingle control basin is about 538.38 mm, the amount of mean
flood in 24 h is about 50–55 mm, the maximum rainfall in the single site over 24 h is 109.6 mm.
The average peak runoff and maximum peak runoff is 594 and 2230 m3 /s. The rainfall station is
shown by Figure 4c. The downstream Jingle discharge station is the forecasting object. This study
collected hourly discharge data from Jingle station and hourly rainfall data from fourteen gauges.
Data for 98 flood events from 1971 to 2013 with complete records were obtained. Among these flood
events, 82 events (4962 datasets) were used for calibration and 12 events (1488 datasets) were used
for validation red In this paper, we have chosen the typical rainfall-runoff process for validation to
Water 2018, 10, 1543 9 of 16
make the network models more representative, namely, the big volume discharge, the normal volume
discharge in different periods from 1971 to 2013.
4. Results
Every flood event is so different with rainfall duration, peak discharge, rainfall center (Table 1) that
the process rainfall-runoff is difficult to learn. The Figure 5 illustrates that the statistical characteristics
of 12 flood events data for validation. The upper boundary of Figure 5 is not above 150 (m3 /s).
The rapid flooding with large volume discharge in a short time makes many outliers in the dataset,
but this typical large flooding is not common only 6 events (6.1%) (peak discharge above 1000 (m3 /s))
over the period from 1971 to 2013. Thus, we also seriously considered the sudden bigger data in
constructing models. From Figure 5a, ANN model made some bigger forecasting values comparing
with observed data when discharge data was exceeded 1200 (m3 /s). While the LSTM model is better
than ANN model at the same situation. The Figure 5b is shown the cumulative distribution of observed
and modelled data. The three Lines almost coincided indicating that ANN and LSTM models have
similar forecasting preferences in low volume discharge simulation. It also illustrates that the value
of discharge among 0–200 (m3 /s) takes percentage of almost 90%. From the analysis of dataset
characteristics, we could find it is difficult for rainfall-runoff simulation taking into account sudden
big and small volume of discharge. However, the above results lead to preliminary conclusion that
ANN and LSTM models have better performances in flooding forecasting.
Event No. Date Total Rainfall (mm) Rainfall Duration (h) Rainfall Center Peak Discharge (m3 /s)
1 1 July 1971 8.86 36 Ninghuabao 164.50
2 23 July 1971 63.40 69 Chunjingwa 261.21
3 31 July 1971 10.44 12 Dongzhai 286.00
4 7 August 1971 21.07 42 Ninghuabao 184.14
5 15 August 1971 7.60 16 Chunjingwa 145.00
6 27 August 1971 15.71 36 Chunjingwa 112.00
7 31 July 1972 11.98 15 Huaidao 142.43
... ... ... ... ...
92 10 October 2007 43.88 57 Chashang 106.00
93 23 September 2008 70.49 88 Qidongzi 132.00
94 10 August 2010 70.50 24 Songjiaya 67.00
95 11 July 2011 41.88 24 Dujiacun 54.35
96 26 July 2012 40.57 41 Ninghuabao 134.00
97 30 July 2012 41.95 41 Chashang 61.90
98 17 July 2013 29.91 32 Jingle 74.40
(a) (b)
Cumulative Distribution Function
1200 LSTM
Discharge (m 3/s)
Obseverd ANN Model LSTM Model 0 500 1000 1500
Discharge(m /s)
Figure 5. Box-plots (a) and cumulative distribution function (b) of observed and estimated discharge
for the 12 flood events of validation using ANN and LSTM models.
Water 2018, 10, 1543 10 of 16
In the above study, we discussed statistical features of validation data. Then, the estimated
hydrograph was used to compare performance of different models in validation (Figure 6).
Even though the flooding process is difficult for simulation, the ANN and LSTM models all simulated
well in general. Comparing with the peak discharge simulation, the value of ANN modelled were
always bigger than observed data. In the low value of discharge simulation, the ANN modeled values
appeared abnormal fluctuations. From estimated hydrograph Figure 6, it shows that LSTM model
is more stable and simulated very well than ANN model. Thus, the LSTM model has better ability
in nonlinearity simulation. Table 2 makes comparison of performances of ANN and LSTM models
for runoff prediction. This is quantitative analysis of ANN and LSTM models using 6 preference
criteria. The values of R2 and NSE are all beyond 0.95 in the LSTM modelling results in calibration and
validation periods. Comparing with ANN model, the LSTM model values of RMSE, MAE, ETp and
EQ p are all less than ANN indicating better performances in rainfall-runoff simulation. Especially, the
ANN values of EQ p are almost 4 times bigger than LSTM model. These cases illustrate that the LSTM
model have accurately simulated peak discharge. The prediction of peak discharge of flood is critical
for hydrological process simulation. Thus, the new model of LSTM with complicated architecture is a
good choice for rainfall-runoff simulation and flood forecasting.
Table 2. Comparison of performances of ANN and LSTM models for runoff prediction (lead time = 1 h)
at calibration (86 flood events) and validation (12 flood events) periods.
Events Modes R2 RMSE (m3 s−1 ) NSE M AE (m3 s−1 ) ETp (h) EQ p
ANN 0.81 124.21 0.83 47.23 5.4 12%
86 events series
LSTM 0.95 45.12 0.97 12.4 2.6 4%
ANN 0.83 35.6 0.83 23.6 3.7 14%
12 events series
LSTM 0.96 12.4 0.96 6.3 1.4 3%
After quantitative and qualitative analysis of ANN and LSTM models, we also scatter the observed
and simulated discharge values (Figure 7). The values of ANN and LSTM models’ R2 are 0.832 and
0.957, respectively. The LSTM model has higher values of R2 indicating that this model could well
reflect the relationship between observed and simulated discharge. From the Figure 7a, the data is
scattered more loose in ANN model, while it is relatively closer to the line in LSTM model (Figure 7b).
It is clearly shown that LSTM model is better than ANN model in runoff prediction which has better
correlation with observed data. Besides, the values are almost near the fit line in the two models.
However, the two models all appear some abnormal values. The reason of this phenomenon is
that ANN and LSTM models have some fluctuations under the suddenly changes in rainfall and
discharge data.
We have talked about general characteristics of ANN and LSTM models in above study. However,
some special features need to deeply insight into ANN and LSTM models for hydrological process
simulation. The Figure 8 shows observed and estimated hydrographs of the ANN and LSTM models
at the validation stage in 12 flood events. Among the 12 flooding events, only peak discharge of event
2 was beyond 1000 (ms /s). The ANN model has bed ability of peak discharge prediction comparing
with LSTM model. In the flooding event 1, 3, 4, 8, 9, and 11, the simulated peak discharge always
higher than observed. These modelled values of peak discharge were not to be trusted in flooding
event 7, 8 and 11 with abnormally bigger values. However, the LSTM model was proved more reliable
in prediction of peak discharge. We can take flooding event 4, 7, 9 and 10 that ANN model always has
much sensitivity to rainfall. The simulated values of ANN model fluctuate abnormally comparing with
observed values no matter big or small volume discharge. While the LSTM model don’t appear these
performances. The differences in ANN and LSTM model architectures are memory cells. The various
Water 2018, 10, 1543 11 of 16
memory cells have ability to filter data and memory data features making as deep learning function
to simulate rainfall-runoff process. The disadvantages of ANN model are obvious. Compared with
ANN and LSTM models in these flooding event simulation, it is proved that LSTM model is more
intelligence than ANN model in predicting rainfall-runoff.
1500 0
ANN Mode
1200 LSTM Mode 10
900 20
600 30
300 40
0 50
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Time (hour)
Figure 6. The observed and estimated hydrographs (12 flood events of validation) using ANN and
LSTM models.
(a) (b)
1500 1500
R2=0.832 R2=0.957
ANN Model (m /s)
LSTM Model (m3/s)
900 900
600 600
300 300
0 0
0 500 1000 1500 0 500 1000 1500
3 3
Observed (m /s) Observed (m /s)
Figure 7. Scatter plot of the observed and the simulated runoff during 12 validation flood events.
(a) ANN model; (b) LSTM model.
Water 2018, 10, 1543 12 of 16
Discharge (m /s)
ANN:R2=0.85 5 ANN:R2=0.84 5
10 10
15 15
0 20 0 20
0 20 40 60 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Time (hour) Time (hour)
300 0 0
Event 3 Event 4
Discharge (m /s)
ANN:R2=0.81 5 100 ANN:R2=0.84 5
10 10
100 50
15 15
0 20 0 20
440 450 460 470 480 490 500 550 600 650
Time (hour) Time (hour)
0 600 0
Event 5 Event 6
ANN:R2=0.88 5 ANN:R2=0.82 5
10 10
100 15 15
0 20 0 20
690 700 710 720 730 740 700 720 740 760 780 800
Time (hour) Time (hour)
0 0
Event 7 150 Event 8
Mean Precipitation (mm)
Discharge (m /s)
ANN:R2=0.76 5 ANN:R2=0.81 5
10 10
100 50
15 15
0 20 0 20
960 980 1000 1020 1040 1060 1080 1100 1120 1140
Time (hour) Time (hour)
0 250 0
Mean Precipitation (mm)
Event 9 Event 10
150 200 LSTM: R2=0.97
Discharge (m /s)
LSTM: R2=0.95 5
Discharge (m /s)
100 150
10 10
50 15 15
0 20 0 20
1145 1150 1155 1160 1165 1170 1175 1180 1190 1200 1210 1220 1230
Time (hour) Time (hour)
400 0 300 0
Event 11
Mean Precipitation (mm)
LSTM: R =0.97 Event 12
Discharge (m /s)
Discharge (m /s)
200 ANN:R2=0.88
200 10 10
100 15 15
0 20 0 20
1240 1250 1260 1270 1280 1290 1300 1320 1340 1360 1380 1400
Time (hour) Time (hour)
Figure 8. Observed and estimated hydrographs of the ANN and LSTM model at the validation stage
in 12 flood events.
Water 2018, 10, 1543 13 of 16
We have already discussed ANN and LSTM models simulation performances using lead time
1 h in above. The Table 3 illustrates runoff forecasting at different lead times (1–6 h) by ANN and
LSTM model. In general, LSTM model had better simulation results than ANN model at different
lead times. In the calibration and validation stage, the values of performances criteria in LSTM model
are all better than ANN models. Comparing with different lead time situations, the values of R2 and
NSE were reducing with the increasing lead time. The values of RMSE, MAE and ETp did not show
clearly changing law. The LSTM values of EQ p was the smallest in lead time at 1 h. While the ANN
model had badly performances in lead time at 6 h as the values of R2 and NSE near 0.7. Even though
LSTM prediction ability was inducing with large lead time, the values of R2 and NSE still above
0.8. Compared with the ANN model, LSTM also has the low value of ETp and EQ p . These results
illustrate that the LSTM has the better performances in forecasting peak discharge in each flood event.
These results mean that the chosen of LSTM model is suitable for the rainfall-runoff modeling. From all
of these results, we can considerer LSTM network suitable using in hydrology research.
Table 3. The performances of runoff forecasting at different lead times (1–6 h) by ANN and LSTM
model for series flood events.
Lead Time (h) Data Models R2 RMSE (m3 s−1 ) NSE M AE (m3 s−1 ) ETp (h) EQ p
ANN 0.81 124.21 0.83 47.23 5.4 12%
LSTM 0.95 45.12 0.97 12.4 2.6 4%
ANN 0.83 35.6 0.83 23.6 3.7 14%
LSTM 0.96 12.4 0.96 6.3 1.4 3%
ANN 0.83 132.2 0.86 42.13 11.4 13%
LSTM 0.95 42.12 0.94 13.4 2.4 7%
ANN 0.79 23.6 0.85 23.1 2.7 12%
LSTM 0.93 15.4 0.95 6.3 1.8 13%
ANN 0.78 164.21 0.79 56.23 14.4 11%
LSTM 0.91 47.12 0.91 13.4 2.8 6%
ANN 0.81 25.6 0.78 23.6 4.2 15%
LSTM 0.92 14.4 0.91 7.3 1.4 16%
ANN 0.81 144.21 0.82 48.23 11.4 12%
LSTM 0.91 65.12 0.91 15.4 2.8 12%
ANN 0.72 37.8 0.81 25.6 3.1 11%
LSTM 0.91 13.4 0.93 11.3 1.6 15%
ANN 0.78 135.21 0.81 48.23 11.4 12%
LSTM 0.87 49.12 0.81 17.4 4.6 8%
ANN 0.74 38.6 0.79 24.6 5.7 16%
LSTM 0.84 22.4 0.91 6.3 1.4 17%
ANN 0.71 144.21 0.73 67.23 18.4 17%
LSTM 0.84 48.12 0.96 13.4 2.7 12%
ANN 0.75 25.6 0.79 23.6 3.7 14%
LSTM 0.83 14.4 0.85 8.3 2.4 18%
network as LSTM for the simulation. In generally, LSTM model is better than the traditional
ANN model. Because of the typical flood characteristics, the ANN models can not make accurate
simulation [31], but the ANN models are still better than the physical models in this region. It is the
progress of the AI based techniques making the revolutionary strides for hydrology [4].
Compared with other network models, Kan [31] used a hybrid data-driven (network model
and physical model) models for event-based rainfall-runoff simulation. PEK model (hybrid model)
outperformed other models with values of NSE and R2 are 0.51 and 0.73, respectively in validation
stage. However, the results of this study all better than Kan’s. There are two factors as inputs and
model architecture that affect results of model outputs. In this paper, we used 14 rainfall stations data
and antecedent discharge as the inputs. The dataset in this paper was larger than Kan’s. We used the
network model with memory cells (LSTM) that was progressed than his model. Thus, we got the better
simulation performances. Lin [30] forecasted the typhoon-rainfall with a hybrid neural network model
(the Self-Organizing Map (SOM) and Multilayer Perceptron Network (MLPN)). In Lin’s study, SOM
network was used for classification rainfall and then the MLPN was used for prediction. This model
can forecast more precisely than the model developed by the conventional neural approaches, but the
values of NSE were below 0.85. These values were also smaller than LSTM modeling results in this
study. The reason was that LSTM model with memory cells could learn more from the datasets and
accurately make simulation.
However, the hydrological cycle process significantly changed under human activities and
climate changes in Loess Plateau where have implemented project of returning farmland to forest
and protecting natural forecast from 1980s. The changeable environments also make influence on
rainfall-runoff process [32]. It is important to test if the LSTM or ANN model could be used in this
region. Compared with simulated 12 flooding events (lead time 1 h Figure 8), the values of correlation
efficient were beyond 0.95 indicating that LSTM model was adaptable among different situations.
Besides, the ANN model had bad adaptability with many abnormal simulations in changeable
environment. In this study, LSTM model still had better performance when lead time was 6 h.
Thus, LSTM could be used in this region for flooding prediction.
Compared with the previous study in rainfall-runoff modeling, the results of LSTM modeling
have the higher values of R2 and NSE. The LSTM model had perfect performances in this paper, while
it needed to be validated in numerous watersheds. Thus, the more and more studies need to study
deep learning model (LSTM) application in hydrology. And finding the meaning of intrinsic structure
parameters of LSTM can also improve our learning of hydrology process. Then, the AI techniques may
accurately be applied in hydrology.
In this research, we used ANN and LSTM models for forecasting hourly runoff discharges in
Jingle hydrology station control catchment basin. Comparing with conceptual and physical-based
models, these black box models can well simulate rainfall-runoff process with excellent performance
evaluation criteria. Compared with flooding events simulation, ANN model is more sensitive that
has many abnormal fluctuations, while LSTM model is more intelligence than ANN model. In this
study, the runoff is changed in time-series that the data is time related. The ANN model is constructed
by fitting the different characteristics of the current state and making prediction. While LSTM model
not only take full advantage of the current data characteristics but also use its gate structure to decide
to remember or forget the previous features. With the progress of AI techniques, the deep learning
methods of long short-term memory network could be better used in the hydrological simulation.
The values of R2 and NSE in LSTM model are bigger than 0.9 when lead time is 1 h. With increment
of lead time, values of performance criteria (R2 and NSE) were slightly decreasing, but the values of
LSTM model were still beyond 0.8 with good simulation abilities. It is because of LSTM is very effective
in modeling time-series data, it can also be applied to weather forecasting, for example rainfall, fog
and haze, stream flow et al. In this paper, we considered the data of the preceding hours to predict
the runoff of the next hours. In the future, we could forecast different length of time or not only
runoff forecasting, we can predict the entire sequence of data at the next moment. This deep learning
Water 2018, 10, 1543 15 of 16
networks have better performances in hydrological time-series prediction. More researches will be
needed in modelling hydrological process using deep machine learning.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, C.H. and S.J.; Methodology, Z.L.; Software, H.L.; Validation, C.H.,
S.J. and Z.L.; Formal Analysis, Q.W.; Investigation, C.H.; Resources, C.H. and S.J.; Data Curation, N.L.;
Writing—Original Draft Preparation, Q.W. All authors contributed to the final version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received funding by [National Key Research Priorities Program of China] grant number
[2016YFC0402402], [National Natural Science Foundation of China] grant number [61502434] and [China
Postdoctoral Science Foundation] grant number [2017M620336].
Acknowledgments: We thank five anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments to improve the manuscript.
We also gratefully thank Shan-e-hyder Soomro for his revising language problems. We also thank my other
colleagues’ valuable comments and suggestions that have helped improve the manuscript.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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