HR Report by
HR Report by
HR Report by
Transport And
Submitted To
Miss. Julia Stuckalina
Submitted by
Yahiya khan
Executive Summary
BYCO Petroleum Pakistan Limited was incorporated in Pakistan as a public limited company on January
09, 1995. It was founded by MR Pervez Abbasi Its major business is refining and distribution of
petroleum products in Pakistan. It has two refineries both located in HUB, Baluchistan
The following report conchales brief overview of BYCO’s HR system How it works and what is the
importance of HR in BYCO
BYCO has total of 800 permanent employees in which 9 are HR personnel. There head is MR Iqbal Haris
HR employees perform duties like recruitment, appraisal Training Compensation And salary and
Succession planning
BYCO’s follows a standard procedure for recruitment, BYCO do not uses outsourcing to recrut
permanent emphyce where as for hbors the scenario is totally opposite
BYCO has a standard appraisal system. They do appraisal twice in year and they use bell curve and
online appraisal as a tool for PMS For training BYCO conducts Training need analysis and preserves data
in TNA data base. BYCO uses both outsourcing and IN house training programs. Most of the budget is
spent on Pubic programs and international training
BYCO also follows a standard procedure for succession planning. To train successors of executives
BYCO has developed HR system which helps to perform his duties fhently
Table of content
1. Introduction
2. Count and Departments/ business Units.
3. The Role of HR Business partner
4. Organization Chart
5. Industrial relation and Union.
6. Recruitment and Selection
7. Separation Process
8. Performance Management,
9. Training and Development
10. Succession and career planning
1. Introduction
1.1 Back ground
BYCO Petmleum Pakistan Limited was incorporated in Pakistan as a public imited company on January
09, 1995 and was granted the certificate of commencement of business on March 13, 1995. The shares of
the company are listed on the Karachi, Labore and Ishmabad Stock Exchanges. The Company is engaged
in the business of refining of crude oil into various saleable components including Liquefied Petroleum
Gas, Light Naphtha Heavy Naphtha, High Octane Blending Component, Motor Gasoline, Kerosene. Jet
Fuels, High Speed Diesel and Furnice Oil.
The Oil Refinery s bocated at Mouza Kund, Hub, Balochistan The Company
Commenced its commercial production from July 1, 2004 and numped up the capacity to 30.000 bpd
from Fehnary 2008 after debottlenecking of the whole plant The refining capacity was further enhanced
by 5,000 bb day during turnaround June
2010, hence making the total refining capacity to 35,000 (barrels per day), During the year 2007, the
Company has launched its fiel marketing activities managed by the Petroleum Marketing Business (PMB)
formerly known as Oil Marketing Unit The business has been re-launched with a new vision and has
developed progressively during this period and is now growing aggressively, more than 254 retail outlets
have been set-up, primarily focusing on retail segment and PMB is now expanding the canvas by
targeting to become a dominant player in the industrial international and retail segments. Going forwand,
PMB wil be increasing is product portfolio by adding LPG and lubricants as well
Plans are also underway to make LPG available at the Filling Stations, as well as to Market LPG
cylinders with the Company’s Brund through a distribution network and kanch branded lubricants for the
automotive and industrial sectors which will be available at the Filling Stations as well as in the
commercial markets
PMB is focusing and planning to cater to the international opportunities available in
The region where it can market petroleum and kibricant products. With ever-increasing competition in the
market today, availability of product is a major challenge for all Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs).
BYCO has a distinctive advantage through is Refinery, to meet the product requirement in the south of
the Country
To assist in the delivery of product to the consumers at their doorstep, to cater to the Fast growing
requirements of the business in other parts of the Country, arrangements Are in place to acquire products
through other sources, like the White Oi Pipeline, as Well as purchases from other refineries and oil
marketing companies.
1.2 Vision
1. To be a leading energy company through delivering the core business, achieve sustamable
productivity and profitability to deliver a superior share
Policy Making
2Operational duties
3. Finance department
4. Technical department
Technical department controls the refineries at HUB Bakichistan There are two refineries in Hub
Baluchistan which as approximately 700 employees with hbors. The major function of HR here is
employee relation and become a bridge between technical and other departments. For example if
technical department required machinery then they will submit an Application which will be accepted by
Head Office.
Head office commercial department control all the procurement of company whether it is of Head office
or refineries. The technical department is consist of
1. Maintenance
2. Oil movement
3. Operations 4. Material Managements. It BYCO
4.3. Challenges which BYCO faces while developing new departments
Workforce,ITResources, Budgeting
5. Industrial relation and Union
BYCO doesn’t has a registered union at factory 5.2. How do you take care of industrial relation issues?
BYCO uses Unitarism approach to deal with his Industrial relation issues. In which the organization is
perceived as an integrated and harmonious whole with the ideal of “one happy family, where
management and other members of the staff all share a common purpose, emphasizing mutual
cooperation. Furthermore, unitarism has a paternalistic approach where demands byalty of all employees,
being predominantly managerial in its emphasis and application.
• Consequently, trade unions are deemed as unnecessary since the loyalty between employees and
organizations are considered manually exclusive, where there can’t be two sides of industry, Conflict is
perceived destructive and result as poor management.
Any employee in BYCO has a right to present his problem to the management. They call à the open
communication system
6. Recruitment and Selection
1 does Head-count planning and forecasting for one year. There fiscal year starts from July and end in
June. BYCO sends “Man Power Budgeting form” three months before July to different departments, Man
Power Budgeting form has queries regarding to the Man Power required and Current man power. Each
department has to fill the form, Forms are collected and compared to predict the
Head count for following year.
6.2 Recruitment Process:
1. CV’s of candidates are collected from different mediums
2. CV’s are shortlisted on the basis of the qualification Job experience, and Reqirement of
3. CV’s are send to the department to have a look on it which is then send back to HR department
after affirmation to schedule time of interview
4. Shortlisted candidates have to appear in the Academics and IQ test. Successful candidates
approaches to next level
S. Screening Interview is conducted by both HR and Line manager to shortist. 6. After Interview
employees are offered Joh and terms of Job. 7. Probation period in normal scenarios is three months
whereas it could vary to months depends on designation
6.2. Recruitment Channels
1. Head Hunters
2. Referrak
3. Social Media (LinkedIn)
4. BYCO spent trifle budget on news papers advertisement. Because BYCO do not
Do bulk hiring with the exception of technical department
5. BYCO has its own career portal
6. Emils
7. BYCO selects intences form Universities from Job fairs and there career portal
7. Separation Process
8.1. What is the frequency of appraisal process and how do employees and line managers engage
themselves in setting objectives and achievements of the same?
2. Annal appraisal that is from JUNE to JULY whose results are posted on
3. Objectives are set in the beginning of the year. Objectives are handed over to each employee,
Objectives are of 100 marks which is further divided in to 40, 30, 20 and 10 marks based on
the designation. Most marking are given to competency of an employee
4. Immediate manager and head appraises the employee Tools for Appraisal
2 Bell curve
Bell curve system is forced runking system in which employees are ranked as higher, medium
and bwer. Employees are appraised on the basis of performance. And employee those who ranked
High are rewarded.
9.Training and Development
9.1. What criteria do you follow for training your staff and at which head the maximum training
budget is spent?
BYCO conducts training need analysis by TNA forms which is given to
Employees with Appraisal form 2. TNA forms have the queries regarding training requires for
After collecting data from TNA forms the data is feed in to TNA data base Each employee is then
given training following are the tools which BYCO uses To train their employees
BYCO hus In House centre known as core skills and support development Centre, the program was
initiate 8 months ago and it is situated at the back of Mariot Hotel Karachi
• Public programs arranged by different training firms On the Job training e.g. in the conference room
1. Succession and career planning form is sent with the appraisal form to the key personnel of the
company ie. AM’s and above
2. The form identifies the successor of key personnel. The employees has to mention name of person
which could be there successor
3. requirements of successors are also required from employees filling the succession form