BM Evaluation
BM Evaluation
BM Evaluation
04 11OG|2O18
Trainings Attended:
1. PAR >30:
@rset1 ! z lmet target) .[}€ (exceeded target)
2. Past Due Rate:
!t lOlO not nreet t-arge$ ! z lmet target) frl (exceeded target)
Repayment Rate:
! Z lmet target) ftS lexceeded target)
4. Outreach:
@rgety ! Z (met target)
W @*""eded target)
5. Production:
@ety ! Z lmet target) D3 (exceeded target)
6. Collection:
@rgety ! z lmet target) ftS {exceeded target)
Center activitu:
[12 (met target)
4 (exceeded target)
8. Staff absenteeism:
Et tpo-l I Z lacceptable)
E g (commendable)
9. Staff tardiness:
tr1 1p"-) f]z laccefiable) B 3 (commendable)
I Z laccefiable)
ft3 (commendable)
Ir lz E3 E4 P
Conducts regular meeting with branch staff
!r lz E3 !+
Conducts audlt functions: non-compliance and erosion of standards.
trl lz E3 E4 ffi
f. Ensures that someone takes over the areas bf staff on leave
!r lz E3 E4 "w
6. Supervision and coaching of branch staff
a. Conducts pre-orientation to all new branch
fr lz
Er- I - first
on their
day of reporting
d. Ensures that all of his or her staff clearly understands what is expected of each of them in
relation to targets
!r lz E3 E4 .w
e Evaluates, motivates, gives advice or recommends sanction
tr1 Z2 E3 E4 z6
f. Recommends for training and improvanents
!r lz E3 E4 f,s
g. Ensures_that staff conflicts are resolved at its earliest stage
!r lz E3 fl+ z5
7. Sirperuisoryfunctions
a. Ensures compliance to memoranda a d other recommendations
!r lz Es E4 fis
b. Makes sure thd branch work flow is efficient: punctuality and responsiveness to client needs
[r lz Es E4 )Zs
c. Ensures that reporting systerhs are effective through compliance of PAs with the use of ORs,
CGRs, etc
!r lz E3 E4 _w
d. Checks MF processes: - application forms requirements, - prequalification visits, - 4-day client
orientation, -CCR's, receipts, ledgers, -client passbooks, -integrity of centers: attendance,
meetings, minutes of meetings, election of center leaders
,ErlzE3E4 fru
e . the
Ensures that general
well-being of
personnel are given attention
!r lz Es W
f. Ensures that the office, staff house, branch properties and vehicles are well maintained
!r lz E3 [+ .w
g. Monitors the implementation of center activities.
trt A2 E3 [+ g's
8. Courtesy calls
a. Conductstunicipal courtesy calls prior to the opening of the branch
!r lz E3
b. Conducts courtesy
calls -E3
in all barangays
be opened
E4 ,W
lz -
Accompanies the PA in barangay courtesy calls or visits when necessary
[r E3 !+ []5
9. Arrears management
a. Mentors all new PAs on arrears management -E3
!r lz E4 -w
We aim to create a humane organization for peak performance
Page 3 of 7
b. Ensures that all PAs have 10Oo/o rcpalment rates; ensure that mutualguarantee is practiced in
!r lz E3 E4
10. Loan approval
a. Conducts group recognition test.
[r lz' E3 E4 B5
b. Defers loan releases if requirements are incomplete.
tr1 A2 E3 E4 "25
11. Branch meetings
a. Presents and transfers learning from one branch to another
Ir lz E3 E4
lz - E3
b. Conducts regular branch meetings.
Ei E4 W
c. Facilitates branch activities.
!r lz E3 E4 "W
12. Contingency plans
a. Addresses short-falls of PAs and under performance
"!r lz E3 E4 W
b. Evaluates the organization's programs vs. area competitors and make recommendations to the
!r lz E3 E4 ,W
c. Preserves. existing policies; btrt if the need arises may implement innovations upon approval of
the AM
d. Ensures immediate action to calamities and other industry-specific
!r lz E3 E4
e' Get approvalfrom the AM on all modifications
[r lz E3 E4
13. Petty cash management
a. Handles petty cash when there is no branch Cashier
!r lz E3 !+
b. Makes sure that the petty cash fund is available and replenished
[r lz E3 !+
c. Disburses petty cash advances and reimbursements
!r lz E3 E4
d. Conducts petty cash count from time to time if it is the Bookkeeper handling petty cash (when
there is a branch Cashier)
!r lz E3 E4
1 4. Administrative work
a. ASsists the AM in preparing the annual program and financial plans of the branch
!r lz EB E4 .W
Prepares accomplishment reports to the AM
[]r lz E3 E4
PreparesAarrites fonnal wriften requests for procurement of furniture and
fixtures in the branch and staff house
!r lz E3 E4
d. Writes and issues memorandum
!r lz E3 !+ Es
e Facilitates the filing of court cases against delinquent clientS
!r lz E3 E4 E5
f. Ensures that documentary requirements for opening the branch, bank account, etc. are given
timely attention and resources by concerned officers
[r lz E3 E4 .w
- Attends allrequired heagloffice management
lz E3
"!r E4
1 5. Financial administration
a. Prepares the annual financial plans of his or her branch. - Branch budget
!r lz E3 E4 .W
b. Maximizes the financial benefit and use of budget allocations.
!r lz E3 E4
c. Ensures that expenditure is contained within budget allocations and takes corrective actions
where circumstances arise that may prevent this
!r lz Eo E4
d. Ensures that major variances from the budgel are reported and apprt
n1 lz na E4
16. Occupational health and safety
a. Greates and inaintains a safe work environment at alltimes
Ir lz E3 E4 fls
b. Ensures that staff follows safe work practices and rules at alltimes
!r lz E3 n4
c. Regularly inspects department's work environment and report all incidents that can
cause harm or threaten staff or client safety
!r lz E3 E4
d. Follows-up hazard corrective actions
[]r lz E3 !+
We aim to create a humane organization for peak p'erformance
Page 5 of 7
lz- 'trs
a. ldentifies risks in relation to agreed upon duties and responsibilities
!r trt---,W
b. Comes up with preventive actions for risks that were identified
!r lz trq a4
c. Monitors the implementation and improvement of standard procedures in relation to agreed
upon durties and responsibilities
[]r lz E3 E4 tr'
E3 E4 w
Cooperates and supports managelnent team in tfre implementation of policies and procedures
[r lz E3 E4 Zo
2. Training/development needs