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Bus 130 S - Fall 2018 - Yelena Solop

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Instructor: Yelena Solop

Office: OLY 134 Division Office: Olympus 135, Phone 425.388.9243
Office Hours 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Canvas Website: https://everettcc.instructure.com/login
Phone: 425-388-9028 Connect Website: Through Canvas classroom
Email: Please use Canvas Email

Apply mathematical concepts using numerical data in Excel to complete business applications. Use functions of
Excel to compute basic math operations, fractions, percent, percent increase/decrease, bank reconciliation,
payroll, taxes and insurance, discounts, markup/markdown, interest, mortgages, depreciation, financial


• Practical Business Math Procedures, 12th edition, Jeffrey Slater and Sharon Wittry. Bundled from the
bookstore Includes loose-leaf text, Connect website access code (includes LearnSmart), Handbook, and
ebook. ISBN 9781259725067
• Microsoft Excel 2016 or Office 365
• Hand-held calculator (optional)
• Cloud storage or Flash drive (strongly recommended so you can work on assignments from any computer
and any location)

EvCC Core Learning Outcomes
Everett Community College has identified Core Learning Outcomes. BUS 130 specifically addresses the outcomes
marked with either I (Introduce) or A (Assess).
IA Think critically
IA Demonstrate computer and technology proficiency
Business Technology Program Outcomes
In addition to Everett Community College Core Learning Outcomes, students in the Business Technology
program work toward completion of program outcomes. BUS 130 specifically addresses the Business Technology
Program Outcomes that are marked with .
IA Demonstrate critical thinking, analytical, and quantitative skills in making decisions and
completing tasks and projects both independently and as a dependable team member.
IA Use computers to input, manage, and interpret information and to solve business problems in a
variety of situations.

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to manually and electronically (via use of
computer ten-key pad, hand-held calculator, or spreadsheet):
• operate the numeric keypad accurately by touch.
• perform basic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division on whole numbers, fractions,
and percentages.
• calculate sequential operations.
• compute trade, chain, and cash discounts.
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• process payroll records (gross, net, deductions, taxes).
• calculate sales commission.
• compute simple interest.
• find unknown factors in the simple interest formula (principle, rate, time, and maturity).
• reconcile a bank statement.
• calculate present value and simple discount.
• perform vertical and horizontal analysis of financial statements.
• calculate added cost of buying on the installment plan.
• calculate the amount of an installment payment.

This syllabus represents a tentative plan for how the course will be conducted. Conditions may arise that
necessitate changing topics, activities, materials, etc. The instructor reserves the right to make any changes as
deemed necessary. For details of each week's problems, quizzes, and discussion topics, see Modules in Canvas.

Week Chapter Topic Week Chapter Topic

1 Whole Numbers 11 Notes and Discount
1 6
2 Fractions 12 Present Value
3 Decimals TEST CHAPTERS 9-12
4 Banking 7 14 Installment Buying
15 Home Ownership
3 5 Solving the Unknown 16 Financial Reports
6 Percents 17 Depreciation
7 Discounts TEST CHAPTERS 14- 17
8 Markup and Markdown 9/10 19 Taxes
20 Insurance
5 9 Payroll 22 Business Statistics
10 Simple Interest TEST CHAPTERS 19, 20, 22


• Assignments
o Students are required to use MS-EXCEL 2016 or Office 365 to complete all spreadsheet assignments. PC
computers are used in the Business and Workforce Division; I do not provide assistance for MAC
o Complete the exercises listed in the appropriate week’s Module in Canvas. Take care to complete each
activity. Post your answers as directed in the assignment instruction. I strongly suggest that you save
your Excel work in a cloud account, USB drive, or hard drive so that you have a copy of all work
completed and can work from any location. If for some reason there is technical difficulty when you
submit electronically, you definitely want to have to a backup copy of the document. This will also allow
you to review your work without having to be connected to Canvas. All assignments must be submitted
by the due date.
• Examinations
o Five exams will be given during the quarter.
o There are no make-up exams; if not completed by the assigned date and time, you will receive zero
o Assignments in Connect will be unavailable after the due date.
• Grading Criteria
o Tests – 60%
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o Assignments – 40%
o Grades will be determined on the basis of points earned. Total points for the course will vary depending
on the number of assignments/quizzes required by the instructor.
o Quarter Grading Evaluation (determined by the following percentage of total points)
Percent Grade
94-100% A
90- 93% A-
88- 89% B+
83-87% B
80-82% B-
78-79% C+
73-77% C
70-72% C-
68-69% D+
60-67% D
0-59% F


• Communication
o Please do NOT use a personal email account to contact me; use Canvas only.
• Late work will not be accepted
o All assignments and exams must be submitted by the date due. This syllabus represents a tentative plan
for how the course will be conducted. Conditions may arise that necessitate changing topics, activities,
due dates, etc. The instructor reserves the right to make any changes as deemed necessary.
• Follow assignment sheets and instructions in Canvas
o Complete all assigned material.
o Submit on time. It is your responsibility to progress at a pace that will allow you to submit all your work
by the due date.
• Academic Dishonesty
o Plagiarism and/or any other form of academic dishonesty are serious offenses and may result in failure
on an exam, assignment, or project; failure in course; and or expulsion from Everett Community College.
General advice and interaction are encouraged. Each person, however, must develop his or her own
solutions to the assigned projects, assignments, and tasks. In other words, students may not "work
together" on graded assignments.
• Cell phones & Talking
o Be considerate of learners around you, as well as the instructor, by turning cell phone ringers off during
class time. Cell phones should not be used during class unless accessing the calculator application.

• Personal Computer and Electronics Policy

o If you choose to use your own computer/device, your instructor will not be able to help you nor will
he/she extend a deadline if you run into issues.
o Your instructor is not responsible for and cannot support personal computers and other personal
electronic devices. The student is expected to know how to troubleshoot personal computer problems
and have a working computer with stable internet service and access to EvCC email and Canvas (used by
EvCC to support online, hybrid, and web-enhanced courses). It is also recommended every student
regularly back up computer files to either the cloud, an external hard drive, or USB drive.
• Student Responsibility
o Students are expected to take responsibility for their own learning.
o If you need extra help, contact the instructor or seek the assistance of a lab tech.
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• Classroom Behavior
o You are expected to conduct yourself in accordance with EvCC’s Core Values of respect, integrity,
honesty, and responsibility. In short, you are expected to conduct yourself professionally, treat fellow
classmates and your instructor with respect, and foster a positive learning environment. Students who
demonstrate a disregard for working, learning, appropriate use of language, and respect for others’
points of view may be asked to leave the class.


• You will be asked to use Canvas Learning as an important part of this course. You are strongly encouraged to
use Google Chrome or Mozilla FireFox as your web browser, as some files don’t load correctly using
Windows Explorer. If you’ve not used Canvas or are new to online classes, please go to EvCC Canvas
Orientation at https://everettcc.instructure.com/courses/1054908.
• Additional help with Canvas:
o Phone: (425) 388-9367 or (toll-free) 1(866) 575-9027
o Email: elearning@everettcc.edu or help.instructure.com click the login link, and select
everettcc.instructure.com from the drop down menu.
o Webpage: http://www.everettcc.edu/elearning
o Offices: Whitehorse Hall, Rooms 210 or 211

Disability Accommodations. Everett Community College will make reasonable accommodations for persons
with documented disabilities. Students should notify the Director of the Center for Disability Services (located in
Parks 267 right across from the bookstore) and their instructors of any accommodation needs as soon as

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