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Mixture of Questions

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S Questions‬‬
‫‪2- True OR Fulse‬‬
‫‪3- Fill The Blank‬‬
‫‪4- Match‬‬
‫‪5- Essay‬‬

‫الدفعة ‪34‬‬
‫المجموعه الثامنة‬
‫ان أصابت فمن هللا وان أخطات فمن نفسي ومن‬
Q.1 In this section select the single best answer for each of the

The characteristic that best describes osteocyte processes is

that they :

A. Secrete elastic
B. Occupy canaliculi
C. Contain Golgi apparatus
D. Contain many ton filaments
A. their proteins are incorporated with lipid bilayer
B. the phospholipids consist of two long non-polar
( hydrophilic ) hydrocarbon chains linked to a charged
( hydrophobic ) head groups.

Answer ( B )

3. Relative to compact bone , all the following are correct


A. Consist of an interconnected network of plates with

many intervening spaces
B. Haversian system is surrounded by a deposit of
amorphous material called cement line.
C. Volkmann’s canal connect between Haversian canal &
D. Interstitial lamellae occupy the spaces between
Haversian system
E. Collagen fibers arranged in lamellae that are parallel to
each other or concintrally organized around vascular

Answer ( A)
4. A cross section in the H-band of skeletal muscle, one would
observe :

A. Actin filaments only

B. Myosin filaments only
C. Both actin and myosin filament
D. All of the above
E. Non of the above
Answer ( C)

5. The red muscle fiber characterized by each of the following


A. Are relatively small in diameter

B. The sarcoplasm contain myosin
C. Have numerous sarcosomes.
D. Related to slow and continuous contraction
E. Depend on glycolysis as a source of energy.
Answer ( A )

6. The axon is characterized by each of the following EXCEPT :

A. Devoid of nissil bodies

B. Distally is breaks up into many telodendria
C. Become thinner as the divide into branches
D. Transmit impulse away from cell body
E. May be myelinated or Non-myelinated

Answer ( C )

7. A tranverse section through the I-band of a skeletal muscle

would indicate :

A. Actin myofilaments only

B. Myosin myofilaments only
C. Both actin & myosin
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
Answer ( A )

8. Osteocytes of spongy bone are :

A. Associated with Haversian system

B. Derived from monocytes
C. Nourished via canaliculi
D. Located within organic matrix
E. Responsible for bone absorption

Answer ( C)

9. Growth in the diameter of long bone is due to :

A. Interstitial expansion of cartilage within epiphysial

B. Bone synthesis by endostium
C. Bone deposition by periostium
D. Secondary ossification centre
E. Appositional growth of cartilage of epiphysial plate.
Answer ( E )

10. Relative to the endocondrial ossification, all of the

following are true EXCEPT :

A. It involves the changing of cartilage model into bone

B. The cells of the perichondrium hypertrophy & become
C. Osteoblast begins to form bone by intra membranous
ossification & bone collar is produced
D. Osteogenic cells & blood vessels penetrate the cavities
between enlarged chondrocytes & form periosteal buds
E. Primary ossification centre appear in the centre of
Answer ( B )

11. During intra-membranous ossification, ossification first

begins in:

A. Cartilage
B. Bone
C. Dense C.T.
D. Mesenchyme
E. Calcified cartilage matrix.

Answer (D)

Q.2 Answer whether the following statements are true (T) or

false (F) :

1. Externally the tendon is surrounded by a sheath of dense

C.T. called peritendinum. ( f )

2. Ligaments differ from tendons because they contain

reticular fibers. ( f )

3. Osteoclasts are derived from fusion of the osteoprogenitor

cells. ( f)

4. The blood supply of spongy bone cells depends on the

capillaries that occupy the Haversian canal (f )

5. At the early stage of the Intramembranous ossification, the

matrix is not calcified and constitute the organic component,
is termed ( Osteoid ). (t )

6. At about the time of birth, secondary ossification center

arises at the center of each epiphysis. (t )
7. Actin filaments extend from the Z-line through the I-band
into A-band, interdigetating there with myosin filament. ( t )

8. Gap junctions occur both in Cardiac and Smooth muscls. (t )

9. Golgi type 1 is neuron with relatively short axon that

doesn’t leave the gray matter. (t )

10. Some neurotransmitters are synthesized in the pre-

synaptic terminal, using enzymes & precursors brought by
axonal transport. ( t )

11. Some processes of osteocytes extend to the surface of the

CNS forming expansion called end feet. ( t )

12. Cells which are responsible for the resorption of bone are
osteoclast ( f )

13. The periosteum consists of outer cellular and inner fibrous

( f )

14. Volkmann's canal is surrounded by concentric bony

lamellae. ( f )

15. The cell type in bone most probably derived from

blood monocytes is the osteogenic cell. ( f )

Q3. Fill in the blanks:

1. ......Node of Ranvier...... represent interruption of the

myelin sheath that surrounds myelinated nerve fibers.

2. The collagen bundles of the tendons are ensheathed by a

thin layer of reticular fibers called..Endotendinum.......
3. The spaces between osteons are occupied by bone lamellae
called.....interstitial lamellae...........

4. In the ossification, a hollow bone cylinder


5. After the ossification of bone by endocondral ossification,

cartilage stay in two places (epiphysial plate and .articular

6. Em studies show that large number of actin filaments of

smooth muscles are attached to the cell membrane by……
Dense bodies ........

7. Each peripheral nerve is ensheathed by a sheath of C.T.


8. The surface of the osteoclast bone matrix has numerous

cytoplasmic projections called..straited or brush

9. Pseudo-unipolar cells are located in the ...........spinal

ganglia and cranial ganglia.........

10. Neurons can be classified according to their function into

motor,.sensory.. , and interneurons.

11. The T-tubules of skeletal muscle is located at the....A-I


12. The actin filaments are attached to special structures

called…dense bodies...that are attached to cell membrane.

13. Osteoclasts are located in a depression of bone surface

known as ..Howships lacuna.......
14. Surrounding each Haversian system is a deposit of
amorphous material called...cement line.......

15. At about the time of birth or after birth … secondary

ossification... arises at the centre of each epiphysis.

16. In cross section, the myofibrils of skeletal muscles appear

as groups called....sacromeres...................

17. The fine delicate C.T. surrounding individual skeletal

muscle fiber is called...Endomesium.....................

18. The cells that form myelin in CNS are..oligodendrocyte.....,

while in PNS are ...schwan cell...............

19. The junction between cardiac muscles is called ....gab


20. ...Sharpey's fibers................... are coarse collagenous

fibers extending from the periosteum and perforate the bone.

21. Undifferentiated mesenchymal cell that is committed to

form bone is called....osteoprogenitor.....................

22. ...myoepithelium........................are made up of cells

which are epithelial in structure and contractile in function.

Q4. Match the following:

a. troponin 1.( d ) present in thick

b. tropomyosin filaments
c. both 2.( c ) present in thin
d. neither filaments
3.( c ) present in I band
4.( d ) present in H band
5.( c ) present in A band
a. thick filaments 1.( d) are absent in A band
b. thin filaments 2.( c) inserted into Z line
c. both 3.( d )are attached
d. neither permanently to cross bridges
I confuse in n.3 be sure

Remember : function is an expression of structure

Q5. Differentiate between the following concepts:

3. Nissl Bodies and Basophilic substance

Answer: a- Nissl bodies are basophilic substance but

basophilic substance are not necessary Nissl bodies

b- Nissl bodies are scattered but basophilic substance presents

in single mass basophilic substances such as

nucleus , ribosomes , nucleolus and sulphated


4. Contractile cells and muscle cells.

Answer : muscle cells are contractile cells but contractile cells

are not necessary muscle cells

5. Intra-membranous and intra-cartilagenous ossification.

Answer pages 185,186 and 187 in Dr saeed's book

6. Spinal ganglia and Sympathetic ganglia.

Answer page 260

7. Haversian canal and Volkmann’s canal.

Answer page 182 and 183

Q6. Answer the following question as briefly as possible:

State the reason a nerve cell can’t divide. Give 2 logical

reasons why the nerve cell shouldn’t, in fact, divide.

Answer because nerve cells

1- are highly speacialized cells

2- The nerve cells can't stop it function for 3 hours ,since

the division takes about 3 hours

3- nerve cells lack centrioles

4- nerve cells remain in phase G0

Q7. Explain why:

1. The sarcoplasmic reticulum is rudimentary in smooth

muscle, not well developed in cardiac muscle, and well
developed in skeletal muscle.
Answer : The function of sarcoplasmic reticulum is to
store calcium ions in its cisteranae since ca+ require in
contraction therefore 1- ca+ require in contraction of
skeletal muscle are stored in the sarcoplasmic reticulum
thus it is well developed
2- most ca+ require for contraction of smooth muscle
come from outside (extracellular) thus it is rudimentary
in smooth muscle
3- ca+ require for cardic muscle contraction come from
outside and from terminal cisternae of sarcoplasmic thus
it is less developed in cardic muscle

Q7.Give an account on:

1. Golgi type 1 and type 2 cells.

Answer page 253
2. Histological structure of synapses.

Answer page 261 and 262

3. Myelinated nerve fibres.

Answer : 1- they are surrounded by a myelin sheath
which is formed by Schwann cells in the PNC and by
oligodendrocyte in the CNS
2- They have larger diameter than unmyelinated
3- They appear white found in the white matter of CNS
4- They are with neurolemma as in peripheral nerve and
without neurolemma as in tracts of CNS and optic nerve
5- They have higher velocity of impulse transmission
than unmyelinated impulse jump from node to node
(salutatory conduction).


1. The stages of longitudinal bone growth.

Answer page 186 zones of epiphysial plate
2. Type of neurons according to the number of processes,
mention their location, and give an example for each.
Answer pages 252, 253 and 254

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