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Final Brand Management Project

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Submitted to: Sir Nadeem Azmat

Submitted by: Obaid Khan / MBA-20F-006

Rabiya Inayatullah/ MBA-20S-007
Muhammad Mujtaba / MBA-19F-009
Waleed Raza / MBA-19F-012
Rahul Diparai / MBA-19F-002
Vabhaikshan / MBA-21S-020
Competitor Analysis ...................................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Traditional Pakistani Clothing: ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
Finding and Recommendation from Questionnaire Survey ......................................................................................................... 4
Clothing Preference of Pakistani Consumers ............................................................................................................................... 5
Product Development Recommendation and Findings ............................................................................................................... 6
Pricing Strategy: ............................................................................................................................................................................. 10
FABRIC ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
DESIGN ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
STICHING COST .......................................................................................................................................................................... 10
CULTURAL .................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Financer: .................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Return on investment: ............................................................................................................................................................... 11
TARGET MARKET: ...................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Place .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Competitor Analysis ................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Early Testing: ............................................................................................................................................................................. 12
Gift ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 12
Discount after Certain Amount.................................................................................................................................................. 12
Free voucher .............................................................................................................................................................................. 12
Complete Family Package .......................................................................................................................................................... 12
Activities .................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
App Recommendation ............................................................................................................................................................... 12
Brand Name: Sui Dhaga ................................................................................................................................................. 12
Slogan: “Bannae Quom Ki Pechan”.................................................................................................................................... 12
Domain Name: www.suidhaga.com.pk ........................................................................................................................ 12
Mobile App: ............................................................................................................................................................................... 12
UAN: 000-0800-123 ....................................................................................................................................................... 12
Designing: .................................................................................................................................................................................. 12
Packaging: .................................................................................................................................................................................. 12
Logo ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Promotional activities: ................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Term and Condition: ...................................................................................................................................................................... 13
DISCLAIMER: .................................................................................................................................................................................. 14
LAUNCHING STRATEGY .................................................................................................................................................................. 14
“Every man’s ability may be strengthened or increase by culture. John Abbot”. Culture plays an important
role in our society and gives us a unique identity, value and respect as a group or community. People
celebrate culture to show unity, harmony and love among them by wearing their traditional clothes and
outfits. Every culture has unique artistic designed outfits that makes them unique or different from others.
Every individual follows a prescribe patterns and lifestyle to be a part of that culture. They spent lot of
money on buying these handmade embroidered cultural clothes. But due to the western culture and
advance lifestyle, the availability of these products in the urban areas are become rare. The current
analysis show that people specially living in urban areas or people living in abroad want specialize
company that provide cultural wearable products and services in the market so they can celebrate cultural
events and occasions with their families. Therefore, we introduce “SUI DHAGA” an E-Commerce
company that provide customize handmade embroidery cultural outfits to those customers whole want to
celebrate, feel and revive their cultural values and identity. We adapt unique business model by connecting
rural calligraphers and handcraft artist so they design and manufacture real, authentic and handmade
cultural wearable products for our customers with economical charges.
Problem Statement
Pakistan is one of the diversified countries in the world with having more than 40 different ethnic groups
Living across different geographic. Mainly are Punjabi, Pashto, Sindhi, Balochi, Siraiki and
Others. Every ethnic group have versatile life style and community that they follow strongly. These
ethnic group lives in rural and urban areas and like to celebrate their cultures with their family.
According to Aljazeera, these ethnic groups spend more than 200 million on buying handmade
cultural outfits in celebrating their wedding, cultural and religion occasions, events and for gift
sharing as well. As these trends are increasing due to specific culture days which are organize and
celebrate by different groups in country. Currently, there is no as such organizations / Merchants
that are providing customize cultural wearable outfits to these markets. Thus, it is essential to have
brand in the market that provide specifically handmade embroidery cultural wearable outfits that
will be accessible from anywhere with the variety of quality products.

“Our main object is to provide the handmade cultural wearable outfits to local and international
Pakistanis with high quality embroidery texture and prints on economical charges.”

“To become global leading brand in cultural & traditional clothing by adapting sustainable and
reliable business model with the aim to connect urban and rural handicraft merchants.”

“To create cultural clothing and accessories that enable you to show your pride and feel prestige
while exploring the cultural values of our society.”
Market Potential & Insight – Overall Textile / Fashion Industry of Pakistan
The fashion and apparel industry in Pakistan is experiencing accelerated growth and youth appear to
be the guiding force behind it. Talented designers with innovative ideas and internationally
competitive designs are projecting the cultural heritage of Pakistan. They are targeting the youth and
catering to their demands. Fashion products and apparel industry is showing dynamism and diversity.
Among the most thriving segments of the apparel industry is the lawn business. Lawn campaign
advertisements have swept over the city. Pret wear brands for women have gained immense
popularity. While western-wear, pret- wear and branded lawn are popular among the elite and upper-
middle class youth, there is a matching demand for similar items among the middle and lower middle
Pakistan is passing through a phase of cultural and social change and this phenomenon is most visible
in the urban areas. On the one side, we are witnessing increased religiosity and on the other fashion
industry is re-shaping life styles. Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad and to lesser degree Faisalabad have
hosted several fashion shows based on cultural and religious aspects.
Thus, various factors like growth in local and global media, a booming fashion industry, rising number
of fashion weeks, all have created a major influence on the mindset of youth. Youth is now more
fashion conscious and more consumerist. Their spending patterns, social behavior and lifestyle have
been impacted by a raised interest and consciousness of fashion design.
The evolving face of fashion and advertising industry, and youth’s rising inclination and interest
towards them has led to emergence of new lifestyle trends and patterns among Pakistani youth. Their
consumerist tendencies are being brought out through effective advertising, and spending priorities
are tilted towards consuming fashion savvy products. There is a huge demand for entertainment by
youth belonging to varying socioeconomic backgrounds. The fashion industry is responding to this
demand by providing wide range of cultural and traditional products and services to select from. Thus,
youth values, habits and ways of living are being transformed into a more liberal and at the same time
consumerist outlook.
Traditional Pakistani Clothing:
• Sindhi Clothes
• Punjab Clothes
• Baluchistan Clothes
• Pushto Clothes
Finding and Recommendation from Questionnaire Survey
50 questionnaires distributed among respondents with combination of open and close ended
questions. Following are analysis of data extracted / interpret for further recommendation and
Clothing Preference of Pakistani Consumers
The above are the graphical data of respondent’s preferences of cultural products that we extracted
from the survey. Following are the analysis points.
• More than 70% respondent believe wearing cultural products is leading a good life.
• More than 80% respondent are concerned with the culture more than fashion.
• More than 50% respondent like to wear cultural products whether they’re accepted by society
or not.
• More than 60% respondent prefer to buy cultural wearable outfits from specific outlet / store
/ website.
• More than 70% respondent prefer to wear clothes that emphasize their personality.

Product Development Recommendation and Findings

As per the above analysis, below are the recommendations for product development and pricing.
Cultural Wearable Cultural
Ethnic Share of Products Wearable Hand Made / Budget Price
S. No Group Population Preferences - Products Machine Range
- Pakistan Preferences - embroidery / PKR - Low to
For Man
Preferences High
For Woman

1 Punjabi 44.70% Kurta and tehmat – Kurta Patiala salwar > 60% preference to wear 2,000 -
and Dohti suit and Chaddar Hand Made Embroidery 20,000
waistcoat (waskat) and
some form of head
covering (shal, chador)
standard' 2,000 -
2 Pashtun 15.40% and Peshawari
Afghan outfit 10,000
Chappal > 30% preference to wear
made up of
Hand Made Embroidery
lungi or the traditional Shalwar kameez
Sindhi shalwar/suthan. or thesari - Ajrak 1,000 -
3 Sindhi 14.10% Sindhi Ajrak Color 20,000
> 70% preference to wear
Hand Made Embroidery
kurta and tehmat; Saraiki
Turban; Saraiki Charming 2,000 -
4 Sariaki 8.40% Kurta and Saraiki (colorful) > 50% preference 10,000

Kehri shalwar & to wear Hand Made

kameez Embroidery clothes
Kurta shalwar & kameez
Saari and > 20% preference to wear 2,000 -
with Waist Coat and
5 Muhajir 7.60% Shalwar Hand Made 20,000
Sandel or Shoes
kameez Embroidery clothes
Balochi silk-
thread chain-
kameez and shalwar, stitch 5,000 -
6 Balochi 3.60% turban, shoesand head embroidery 50,000
scarfs. Kameez > 80% preference to wear
(Pindol) and Hand Made
shalwar. Embroidery clothes
Shalwar Kameez / Kurta
Other Shalwar / Sandel / Kheri / 2,000 -
7 Groups 6.20% Shawall Shalwar > 40% preference to wear 10,000
Kameez / Hand Made
Scarf / Embroidery clothes
Market Analysis – SWOT ANALYSIS

➢ Strength

▪ Handmade work

▪ Cheaper

▪ High Quality

▪ Consistency

▪ On demand order

➢ Weakness

▪ Poor infrastructure

▪ Lack of resource

▪ Electricity Issue

▪ Areas Not available on Google maps

▪ Limited time resource Availability

➢ Political
▪ No trade barrier
▪ Tax as per tariff
➢ Economical
▪ Employment opportunities
▪ Local Business Grow
▪ Fair Price
➢ Social
▪ Cultural values
▪ No age limitation
▪ Explorer real time challenges
➢ Technological
▪ Poor Internet connection
▪ Few modes of communication
▪ Limited electronic media
➢ Legal
▪ Labor laws
▪ Health and safety laws
▪ No copy rights
➢ Environmental
▪ Climate change
▪ Global Warming
▪ Natural Disaster


1 Office 500,000
2 Website & Domain 150,000
3 Marketing Department 100,000
4 Staff (24) 586,000
5 Equipment 2,823,000
6 Promotion 1,000,000
7 Packaging 200,000
8 Delivery Vendor (100 per order) 20,000
9 Cleaning Vendor 2x15000 30,000
10 Security Vendor 2x20,000 40,000
11 Miscellaneous 50,000
12 Maintenance 60,000
13 Electricity Expense 100,000
14 QEC Department 50,000

Total Initial Expected Cost 5,709,000

Pricing Strategy:
Cotton Per Meter Silk Per Meter Mix Per Meter
450 450 450
Estimated Cost of 6 Meters is 2700/-
Small Medium Large Free Size
100 150 200 300
The design cost will be based as per customer choice which are mentioned above.
Small Medium Large Free Size
400 500 600 700
Ralli Pellow Bed Topi Kotti Dhotti Mojri Ajrak Turban Bandana
2,700 300 1200 350 1800 600 1200 800 2500 450
• The main financer of our company is Mr. Pardeep (entrepreneur) who is also friend of our
manager Mr.Rahul Dipari. Mr.Pardeep is working as CEO of Soni-Coders.
Return on investment:
On a very initial stage we are not hoping for any return on investment for 2 years. In first 2 years
we are just covering our initial investment so that we are expecting the profit margin after 2 years.
We will target to all age group which include kids, teen ager, middle age, and old age people.
Initially we will start our setup in Karachi on Shahra-e-faisal near FTC Building because Shahra-
e-faisal is one of the main hub for business and it’s a central part of Karachi so it would be
convenient for everyone in case of having any issue in our product.
Competitor Analysis
As there is no direct competition in the market because none of any company provided exclusive
regional / cultural clothing or wearables items for their customer yet. Thus, opportunity exist and
need to capture for profitable business / brand.
Companies that providing traditional / cultural without any further customization are as follows.
1. Daraz.pk
2. Olx.com
3. saqafatbazar.com
4. affordable.pk
5. clicky.pk
6. vceela.com
7. meerdeals.com
Early Testing:
On festival and occasional surprise gift will be distributing among customers
Discount after Certain Amount
On 5000 free deliveries will be provided on door step
Free voucher
We are giving 30 percent discount on free scratch coupon
Complete Family Package
A complete family package for all ages on multiple traditions and festivals
We are doing multiple activities via schools. Universities, college, shopping malls, and on Website
by celebrating festival and traditional days
App Recommendation
100-rupee voucher will be provided on app recommendation to other users
Brand Name: Sui Dhaga
It is taken from Bollywood movie Sui Dhaga , People used sui dhaga to made dresses and Dress
up according to culture. It is emotionally attached with every culture as cultural Cloths are different
varsity and it is more flexible to wear it
Slogan: “Bannae Quom Ki Pechan”
Domain Name: www.suidhaga.com.pk
It is universally recognized domain and it is available for 24/7 for online order, Customization and
to make payment online via credit card and track order and check Status of order
Mobile App:
Mobile App Sui Dhaga is available for both android and IOS users
UAN: 000-0800-123
It is available 24/7 with support team to address customer issues and to make them Delighted by
resolving it on spot.
A cultural logo which will influence consumer longer as Shawl, turban they are Emotionally
attached with consumer feeling.
A cloth envelops with button on front along with cultural colors

Promotional activities:
1. Online advertising. This channel involves running adverts on targeted websites or through
email newsletters. ...
2. Email campaigns. ...
3. Organic search. ...
4. Viral campaigns. ...
5. Blog & social media.

Through these channels we are introduce our product in market.

Those all platform plays a vital role in our business for today condition everyone wants to buy
product online through our different social media channel customer can easily buy our product.
• We have different pages, groups on social media for promotion of our product.
• Like we have page in Facebook, Instagram
• We have groups in WhatsApp, chat box, twitter
• Different celebrity endowment in our different culture product
• Easily accessible website available of our brand
• We are providing homemade cultural cloth in door step
• Through digital marketing we are capture national as well international market.
• Pakistani traditional dresses all over the world as cultural representatives and becoming a
reason to introduce international trends in Pakistan.

Term and Condition:

• Customer can cancel their order in next 48 Hours after that the advance amount will not be
return as per policy.
• Design cannot be change after placing the order.
• Any defected piece will be replaced within 3 days.
• Vouchers validity within 72 hours.
• Product will be delivered within 10 working days, special orders “More than 3 designs” could
take longer than normal delivery time.
• All products are gone through QEC stage, in case of any error from our side could be replace
within 7 days.
• Customer service available for 24/7.
• “Claims against infringing contend” we respect the intellectual property of others. If you
believe that your intellectual property right has been use in a way that gives rise to concern
infringement. Please write to us at legal at Soyidhaga.com and we will make all reasonable
efforts to address your concern within a reasonable amount of time.
• “Trademarks and copy rights” Soyidhaga.com, Sui dhaga logo, Sui dhaga fashion, Sui
dhaga basics and other marks indicated on our site as trademarks or register trade marks in the
relevant jurisdiction(s).
You acknowledge and undertake that you are accessing the service on the site and transacting at
your own risk and are using your best prudent judgment before entering into any transaction
through the site. We shall neither be liable nor responsible for any actions or in actions and any
breach of conditions, we are not responsible or liable in that regard.

Requisite Information
Shoes/chappal, Ajrak, etc.)
Product style- Formal to Semi formal
Product features
• Colors
• Fabric
• Yarn/Wool
• Mirror work
• Embroidery
• Packaging
• Tradition prints.
Product USP
• Market Need (the need of a one-point cultural wearable store, which can accommodate
the need of customers at any time).
• Customization
• Brand promise
• Distinctive offering from competitors
• Easy in Order
• Ease in payment method
• High Quality Handmade embroidery & fabric
• 24/7 online store availability


Brand Mantra - Attire in your Cultural Style

• Male/female
• Teenage
• Young adults
• Adults
• Middle class
• Upper middle class
• Upper class
• Elite class
• Online store/website

Moderate at Initial level

• Online/Digital media
• Traditional media

The Launching Strategy is categorized in two parts: Pre-Launching Strategy & Brand
Launching Strategy.

Pre-Launch Strategy
In the pre-launch strategy, we offer our product to customers for getting valuable feedback, which
can help us in designing & shaping the product according to the need & want of customers,
understanding competitive position & market trends.
Customer’s response and feedback is crucial at this stage because their positive or negative
response can help us in taking strategic decisions related to price, product, placement and
As with the help of prior market research, we have gathered the data and came to know that the
demand for our product is high in market so, before product the launching, we will use online
media and try to go for a beta testing technique before the final launch.
At First, we will set up our website and create our brand pages on Facebook, Instagram and
Pinterest for developing our social media presence and creating awareness about our brand.
1 step:
Affiliate Marketing Technique
We will connect with our customers and create our online presence by involving the best bloggers
(Anoushey Khan & Umara) which can share content and blog about our product and can share the
links of our social media pages on their blogs/posts.
When the target audience became aware about our brand, they reach our social media platforms
and website. In our online sites, they will see the videos and pictures of some of our best products
and came to know about our brand’s launching news as, we will create a banner in our sites with
With the comments section, we will connect with the audience which will be an interactive
approach to know the market potential and, we can gain an analytical insight that how many people
are reaching us, who is exposed about our brand launch and how many people are liking or
disliking our brand.
2 steps:
Pre-Launch Webinar
We will announce a Webinar in our social forums and try to connect with our audience through
Facebook forum for introduction of our brand our product, product features, customization service
and for announcement of our Brands Official Launching.
This technique will help us in creating a curiosity and excitement among the audience before the
final brand launch.
3 steps:
Pre-Eid Exhibition
We will connect with the customers through participating in the Pre-Eid Exhibition announced by
Atrium mall from 1 July to 19 July. Through this miniature exhibition, we will exhibit some of
products and try to arbitrate the behavior and attitude of customers towards our brand and product
offerings and pricing. We will offer complimentary 30% off vouchers to the customers who show
interest in placing pre-booking orders.

These pre-launch strategies will be helpful in identifying which platform and channel is most
influential, effective & successful and whether we are gaining the attention of our potential
customer and target market or not and what is the competitive environment or how we can tackle
indirect competition.
Through implementing all these Pre-Launching techniques, we create brand awareness, brand
recognition, brand presence in market and strategies our product positioning and product’s official
launch corresponding to the market & customers response.

Brand Launch Strategy

For the final branch launch, we will plan a multi-channel marketing strategy and design our
campaign to cater customers from online & offline mediums. Through this strategy, we will expose
our brand to a large audience, which will hit the target market and increase our reach towards our
potential & future customers.
Launch Date & DAY: 24th July 2021, Thursday
Launch Time: 4:pm
Venue: Web store/Website
Integrating Marketing Program for Brand Launch
For the marketing program we will launch our brand by integrating Mass customization &
Relationship marketing strategies. Our brand is designed to offer customized cultural wearable
products to consumers. This Customization contains making choices in size, color, fabric, style &
embroidery. With the use of digitalization, customers can easily share their customized products
with their reference group which will create word of mouth marketing and influential attention
towards our brand.
Through relationship marketing we will connect with our customers through sentiments &
emotions because every culture itself, is so rich and every second person has some strong opinions
and feelings attached with their cultural possessions. So, by using our Brand they will feel a sense
of civility in their personality because they would start believing that they are truly representing
their culture. The relationship marketing strategy will help us to retain & maintain loyal customers.
In our advertisement and campaign for our brand Launch, we will emphasize on customization,
promotional offer and value-based pricing.

By implementing multi-channel marketing technique, we will use Paid & Owned media channels
for aggressive advertisement.
In Paid Media Advertising
• Radio
• Print (Newspaper, Arora Magazine, Fashion Magazine)
• Affiliate Marketing
• Blogging/ Content Marketing
• Billboard Marketing
• Public Figures short clip videos will be fused together.
In Owned Media Advertising
• Video marketing
• Social media marketing
• Newsletter/Catalogue marketing
• Email marketing
• WhatsApp Marketing will be fused for together.
The print media, radio, and billboard displays will aware and recall our message to customers
about Brand Launch Day, Date & Timings.
A viral Digital Marketing Campaign will be Launched 7 days before brand launch. The Campaign
will create the awareness & recall message about the brand launch, time, date and promotional
The brand will be launched through the Website/Web store and all social media platforms
(Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest Poster Webinar) will call a live webinar, half an hour
before the launch for customer’s engagement.
Once, the Brand is Launched through online platform, all the live customers will ask to participate
in a live contest, where everyone is asked an easy question related to Pakistani culture and the
winners will reward with gift hampers.

Feed Back/ Follow UP:

Email: After order delivery confirmation will be made via email.
Callback: customer support team make call to customer after three months to get feedback from
Customer about services.
Survey: A random survey will be made via email to check overall consumer needs, wants,
Satisfaction about product.
Rating: Rating will help to know that, how much customers like our product.

Closing Statement
Our brand “Sui Dhaga” will do milestones in upcoming years as, it is unique and has the ability to
keep up a competitive position in the long run. We are highly connected with our customers
because we are providing value and prestige to our customers by allowing them to choose and feel
the cultural sense and sight of their own choice. The brand will be recognized among the
competitors because it has created emotional and memorable associations, which will help us in
building the brand equity model. The Slogan itself says it all "bannaen qoum ki pehchan",
which depicts our ability in creating the customized cultural wearable for our nation.

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