Subsurface Explorations and Types of Foundations: Explore
Subsurface Explorations and Types of Foundations: Explore
Subsurface Explorations and Types of Foundations: Explore
How is subsurface exploration relevant to other sub-disciplines of civil engineering, say for
transportation engineering?
For structures which transmit heavy load on the soil, up to what nature and extent of soil
exploration is needed so as to provide data which will help in the selection of proper types of
foundation, its location and design of foundations.
What is Subsurface Exploration?
Investigation of the underground conditions at a site for the economical design of the
substructure elements.
For most major structures, adequate subsoil exploration at the construction site must be
conducted. The purposes of subsoil exploration include the following:
1. Determining the nature of soil at the site and its stratification.
2. Obtaining disturbed and undisturbed soil samples for visual identification and appropriate
laboratory tests.
3. Determining the depth and nature of bedrock, if and when encountered
4. Performing some in situ field tests, such as permeability tests, vane shear tests, and
standard penetration tests.
5. Observing drainage conditions from and into the site.
6. Assessing any special construction problems with respect to the existing structure(s)
7. Determining the position of the water table.
A soil exploration program for a given structure can be divided broadly into four phases:
1. Compilation of the existing information regarding the structure.
2. Collection of existing information for the subsoil condition.
3. Reconnaissance of the proposed construction site.
4. Detailed site investigation.
Generally soil exploration should be advanced to a depth up to which the increase in pressure
due to structural loading will have no damaging effect (such as settlement & shear failure) on
the structure. In other words, the depth at which soil does not contribute settlement of
foundation. This depth is termed as significant depth. Significant depth.
A. Open Excavations
Trial pits are applicable to all types of soils, which provide visual inspection of soil in their natural
condition in either disturbed or undisturbed state. Here depth of investigation is limited to 3 to
3.5m. There are 2 ways:
1. Pits and trenches 2. Drifts and Shafts
B. Boring Tests
Exploratory bore holes are excavated in relatively soft soil close to ground. The location, spacing
and depth depends on type, size and weight of the structure. Bore holes are generally located
The building corners
The center of the site
The place at which heavily loaded columns are proposed
At least one boring should be taken to a deeper stratum
When the depth of excavation is large, vertical boring methods are adopted. Samples are
extracted from bore holes and tested in laboratory. GWT is located and In situ tests are carried
using bore holes.
Boring Methods
Auger Boring
Wash Boring
Percussion Boring
Core Boring or Rotary Drilling
Geo-physical methods are used when the depth of exploration is very large, and also
when the speed of investigation is of primary importance. he major method of
geo-physical investigations are: gravitational methods, magnetic methods, seismic
refraction method, and electrical resistivity method. Out of these, seismic refraction
method and electrical resistivity methods are the most commonly used for Civil
Engineering purposes. It is a non-intrusive method of “seeing” into the ground.
Geophysical methods include surface and down-hole measurement techniques which
provide details about subsurface hydrogeologic and geologic conditions. These methods
have also been applied to detecting contaminant plumes and locating buried waste
materials. Some methods are quite site specific in their performance.
Area Ratio
Inside clearance
Outside clearance
Inside wall friction
Design of non-return valve
Methods of applying forces
Recovery ratio
Following are different types of foundations used in construction:
1. Shallow foundation
Individual footing or isolated footing
Combined footing
Strip foundation
Raft or mat foundation
2. Deep Foundation
Pile foundation
Drilled Shafts or caissons
Types of Shallow Foundations
a. Individual Footing or Isolated Footing
Individual footing or an isolated footing is the most common type of foundation used for
building construction. This foundation is constructed for a single column and also called a
pad foundation.
The shape of individual footing is square or rectangle and is used when loads from the
structure is carried by the columns. Size is calculated based on the load on the column
and the safe bearing capacity of soil.
Rectangular isolated footing is selected when the foundation experiences moments due
to the eccentricity of loads or due to horizontal forces.
b. Combined Footing
Combined footing is constructed when two or more columns are close enough and their
isolated footings overlap each other. It is a combination of isolated footings, but their
structural design differs.
The shape of this footing is a rectangle and is used when loads from the structure is
carried by the columns.
Spread footings and wall footings are used for individual columns, walls and bridge piers
where the bearing soil layer is within 3m (10 feet) from the ground surface. Soil bearing
capacity must be sufficient to support the weight of the structure over the base area of
the structure.
These should not be used on soils where there is any possibility of a ground flow of water
above bearing layer of soil which may result in scour or liquefaction.
It is suitable for expansive soils whose bearing capacity is less for the suitability of spread
footings and wall footings. Raft foundation is economical when one-half area of the
structure is covered with individual footings and wall footings are provided.
These foundations should not be used where the groundwater table is above the bearing
surface of the soil. The use of foundation in such conditions may lead to scour and
Types of Deep Foundation
a. Pile Foundations
Pile foundation is a type of deep
foundation which is used to transfer heavy
loads from the structure to a hard rock
strata much deep below the ground level.
Pile foundations are generally used for soils where soil conditions near the ground
surface is not suitable for heavy loads. The depth of hard rock strata may be 5m to 50m
(15 feet to 150 feet) deep from the ground surface.
Pile foundation resists the loads from the structure by skin friction and by end bearing.
The use of pile foundations also prevents differential settlement of foundations.
Drilled shafts or caisson foundation is not suitable when deep deposits of soft clays and
loose, water-bearing granular soils exist. It is also not suitable for soils where caving
formations are difficult to stabilize, soils made up of boulders, artesian aquifer exists.