Paper - 6: Information Systems Control and Audit Questions Multiple Choice Questions
Paper - 6: Information Systems Control and Audit Questions Multiple Choice Questions
Paper - 6: Information Systems Control and Audit Questions Multiple Choice Questions
14. Operations management is responsible for the daily running of hardware and software
facilities in an organization. Discuss the different controls performed by Operations
management on different functions.
Chapter 4: Business Continuity Planning and Disaster Recovery Planning
15. What do you understand by the term “Business Impact Analysis(BIA)”? Explain in detail.
16. Discuss the key areas that are emphasized upon in any Disaster Recovery Planning (DRP)
document of an organization.
Chapter 5: Acquisition, Development and Implementation of Information Systems
17. “Achieving the objectives of the system development is essential but many times, such
objectives are not achieved as desired”. List down the various User-related and Developer-
related issues that may arise and hinder in achieving the desired results.
18. Integration Testing is an activity of software testing under System Testing phase of System
Development Life Cycle (SDLC) in which individual software modules are combined and
tested as a group. Discuss the different techniques of Integration Testing.
Chapter 6: Auditing of Information Systems
19. Continuous auditing enables auditors to shift their focus from the traditional "transaction"
audit to the "system and operations" audit for which an auditor uses continuous audit
techniques to perform the audit. Discuss the advantages as well as limitations of
continuous audit techniques.
20. Discuss the Audit Trails under Programming Management Controls of Managerial Controls.
Chapter 7: Information Technology Regulatory Issues
21. Describe the section of Information Technology Act, 2000 that defines the “Power to make
rules by Central Government in respect of Electronic Signature”.
22. Before proceeding with the audit, which type of the information an auditor is expected to
obtain at the audit location?
Chapter 8: Emerging Technologies
23. You are supposed to make a presentation on the working of Mobile Computing. What will
be the content of your presentation?
24. Any Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program that allows access to corporate network,
emails, client data etc.; is one of the top security concerns for enterprises. Discuss various
risks associated with BYOD.
7. (c) Penalty for publishing electronic signature certificate false in certain particulars
8. (a) Private Cloud
9. Corporate Governance has been defined as the system by which business corporations
are directed and controlled. The corporate governance structure specifies the distribution
of rights and responsibilities among different participants in the corporation, such as, the
Board, managers, shareholders and other stakeholders, and spells out the rules and
procedures for making decisions on corporate affairs. Some of the best practices of
corporate governance include the following:
• Clear assignment of responsibilities and decision-making authorities, incorporating a
hierarchy of required approvals from individuals to the Board of Directors;
• Establishment of a mechanism for the interaction and cooperation among the board
of directors, senior management and the auditors;
• Implementing strong internal control systems, including internal and external audit
functions, risk management functions independent of business lines, and other
checks and balances;
• Special monitoring of risk exposures where conflicts of interest are likely to be
particularly great, including business relationships with borrowers affiliated with the
bank, large shareholders, senior management, or key decision-makers within the firm
(e.g. traders);
• Financial and managerial incentives to act in an appropriate manner offered to senior
management, business line management and employees in the form of
compensation, promotion and other recognition; and
• Appropriate information flows internally and to the public. For ensuring good
corporate governance, the importance of overseeing the various aspects of the
corporate functioning needs to be properly understood, appreciated and
10. The key functions of the IT Steering committee would include the following:
• To ensure that long and short-range plans of the IT department are in tune with
enterprise goals and objectives;
• To establish size and scope of IT function and sets priorities within the scope;
• To review and approve major IT deployment projects in all their stages;
• To approve and monitor key projects by measuring result of IT projects in terms of
return on investment, etc.;
• To review the status of IS plans and budgets and overall IT performance;
the status of their accounts in different banks by using of direct banking. Retail
banking in India has assured great importance recently with a number of retail
banking products available to the consumer like real time account status, transfer of
funds, bill payments and so on e.g. HDFC, SBI and ICICI are the banks in India that
offer real time online transactions etc.
(iii) Wholesaling and Retailing – Retail business uses IT to carry out basic functions
including systems for selling items, capturing the sales data by item, stock control,
buying, management reports, customer information and accounting. The laser
scanners used in most grocery supermarkets and superstores to read product bar
codes are among the most distinctive examples of modern computer technology. By
using internet or mobile phones retailers can collect and exchange data between
stores, distribution centres, suppliers and head offices.
IT can be used in wholesale for supply chain logistics management, planning, space
management, purchasing, re-ordering, and analysis of promotions. Data mining and
data warehousing applications helps in the analysis of market baskets, customer
profiles and sales trends. E-commerce among partners (suppliers, wholesalers,
retailers, distributors) helps in carrying out transactions.
(iv) Public sectors – It includes services provided by the government mainly hospitals,
police stations, universities etc. IT /IS can be used here, to keep records of the cases,
respective people involved it, other related documents and can consult the existing
data warehouse or databases to take appropriate actions. For example, IS like ERP
can be implemented in a university to keep record of its employees in terms of their
designation, leaves availed, department, achievements that can be used further in
analysing their performance. Owing to application of IT and IS, it becomes easy to
file FIR of a case without going to police station personally and also important
documents like passports can be made easily by applying online.
(v) Others – IT is efficiently used in entertainment industry (games, picture collection
etc.), agriculture industry (information is just a mouse click away to the farmers), Tour
industry (railway, hotel and airline reservations) and consultancy etc.
Thus, we can say that IT has changed the working style of business world drastically
and make it simpler day-by-day with its advancement.
13. An Information Security Policy is a document that describes an organization’s
information security controls and activities. It is defined as the statement of intent by the
management about how to protect a company’s information assets. It is a formal statement
of the rules, which give access to people to an organization's technology and information
assets, and which they must abide.
• The policy does not specify technologies or specific solutions; it defines a specific set
of intentions and conditions that help protect a company’s information assets and its
ability to conduct business. An Information Security Policy is the essential foundation
for an effective and comprehensive information security program.
• It is the primary way in which management’s information security concerns are
translated into specific measurable and testable goals and objectives. It provides
guidance to the people, who build, install, and maintain information systems.
Information Security policy invariably includes rules intended to:
o Preserve and protect information from any unauthorized modification, access or
o Limit or eliminate potential legal liability from employees or third parties; and
o Prevent waste or inappropriate use of the resources of an organization.
• An information security policy should be in written form. It provides instructions to
employees about “what kinds of behavior or resource usage are required and
acceptable”, and about “what is unacceptable”.
• An Information Security policy also provides direction to all employees about how to
protect organization’s information assets, and instructions regarding acceptable (and
unacceptable) practices and behavior.
• The policy does not need to be extremely extensive, but clearly state senior
management's commitment to information security, be under change and version
control and be signed by the appropriate senior manager. The policy should at least
address the following issues:
o a definition of information security,
o reasons why information security is important to the organization, and its goals
and principles,
o a brief explanation of the security policies, principles, standards and compliance
o definition of all relevant information security responsibilities; and
o reference to supporting documentation.
The auditor should ensure that the policy is readily accessible to all employees and
that all employees are aware of its existence and understand its contents.
14. Operations management is responsible for the daily running of hardware and software
facilities. Operations management typically performs controls over the functions as below:
(a) Computer Operations: The controls over computer operations govern the activities
that directly support the day-to-day execution of either test or production systems on
the hardware/software platform available. Three types of controls fall under this
• Operation controls: These controls prescribe the functions that either human
operators or automated operations facilities must perform.
• Scheduling controls: These controls prescribe how jobs are to be scheduled
on a hardware/software platform.
• Maintenance controls: These controls prescribe how hardware is to be
maintained in good operating order.
(b) Network Operations: This includes the proper functioning of network operations and
monitoring the performance of network communication channels, network devices,
and network programs and files. Data may be lost or corrupted through component
failure. The primary components in the communication sub-systems are given as
• Communication lines viz. twisted pair, coaxial cables, fiber optics, microwave
and satellite etc.
• Hardware – ports, modems, multiplexers, switches and concentrators etc.
• Software – Packet switching software, polling software, data compression
software etc.
• Due to component failure, transmission between sender and receiver may be
disrupted, destroyed or corrupted in the communication system.
(c) Data Preparation and Entry: Irrespective of whether the data is obtained indirectly
from source documents or directly from, say, customers, keyboard environments and
facilities should be designed to promote speed and accuracy and to maintain the well-
being of keyboard operators.
(d) Production Control: This includes the major functions like- receipt and dispatch of
input and output; job scheduling; management of service-level agreements with
users; transfer pricing/charge-out control; and acquisition of computer consumables.
(e) File Library: This includes the management of an organization’s machine-readable
storage media like magnetic tapes, cartridges, and optical disks.
(f) Documentation and Program Library: This involves that documentation librarians
ensure that documentation is stored securely; that only authorized personnel gain
access to documentation; that documentation is kept up-to-date and that adequate
backup exists for documentation. The documentation may include reporting of
responsibility and authority of each function; Definition of responsibilities and
and resources required to support the critical services provided by information processing
and other services and facilities. Developing the BCP also takes into account the BIA
16. The Disaster Recovery Planning (DRP) document may include the following areas:
• The conditions for activating the plans, which describe the process to be followed
before each plan, are activated.
• Emergency procedures, which describe the actions to be taken following an incident
which jeopardizes business operations and/or human life. This should include
arrangements for public relations management and for effective liaisoning with
appropriate public authorities e.g. police, fire, services and local government.
• Fall-back procedures, which describe the actions to be taken to move essential
business activities or support services to alternate temporary locations, to bring
business process back into operation in the required time-scale.
• Resumption procedures, which describe the actions to be taken to return to normal
business operations.
• A maintenance schedule, which specifies, how and when the plan will be tested‟, and
the process for maintaining the plan.
• Awareness and education activities, which are designed to create an understanding
of the business continuity, process and ensure that the business continues to be
• The responsibilities of individuals describing who is responsible for executing which
component of the plan. Alternatives should be nominated as required.
• Contingency plan document distribution list.
• Detailed description of the purpose and scope of the plan.
• Contingency plan testing and recovery procedure.
• List of vendors doing business with the organization, their contact numbers and
address for emergency purposes.
• Checklist for inventory taking and updating the contingency plan on a regular basis.
• List of phone numbers of employees in the event of an emergency.
• Emergency phone list for fire, police, hardware, software, suppliers, customers, back-
up location, etc.
• Medical procedure to be followed in case of injury.
• Back-up location contractual agreement, correspondences.
• Insurance papers and claim forms.
skills. Furthermore, many companies do a little to help their developm ent personnel
stay technically sound, and more so a training plan and training budget do not exist.
18. Integration testing is an activity of software testing in which individual software modules
are combined and tested as a group. It occurs after unit testing and before system testing
with an objective to evaluate the validity of connection of two or more components that
pass information from one area to another. Integration testing takes as its input modules
that have been unit tested, groups them in larger aggregates, applies tests defined in an
integration test plan to those aggregates, and delivers as its output the integrated system
ready for system testing. This is carried out in the following two manners:
• Bottom-up Integration: It is the traditional strategy used to integrate the components
of a software system into a functioning whole. It consists of unit testing, followed by
sub-system testing, and then testing of the entire system. Bottom -up testing is easy
to implement as at the time of module testing, tested subordinate modules are
available. The disadvantage, however is that testing of major decision / control points
is deferred to a later period.
• Top-down Integration: It starts with the main routine, and stubs are substituted, for
the modules directly subordinate to the main module. An incomplete portion of a
program code that is put under a function to allow the function and the program to be
compiled and tested, is referred to as a stub. A stub does not go into the details of
implementing details of the function or the program being executed.
Once the main module testing is complete, stubs are substituted with real modules
one by one, and these modules are tested with stubs. This process continues till the
atomic modules are reached. Since decision-making processes are likely to occur in
the higher levels of program hierarchy, the top-down strategy emphasizes on major
control decision points encountered in the earlier stages of a process and detects any
error in these processes. The difficulty arises in the top-down method, because the
high-level modules are tested, not with real outputs from subordinate modules, but
from stubs.
19. Some of the advantages of continuous audit techniques are given as under:
• Timely, Comprehensive and Detailed Auditing - Evidence would be available more
timely and in a comprehensive manner. The entire processing can be evaluated and
analyzed rather than examining the inputs and the outputs only.
• Surprise test capability - As evidences are collected from the system itself by using
continuous audit techniques, auditors can gather evidence without the systems staff
and application system users being aware that evidence is being collected at that
particular moment. This brings in the surprise test advantages.
(d) control processes and procedures to ensure adequate integrity, security and
confidentiality of electronic records or payments; and
(e) any other matter which is necessary to give legal effect to Electronic Signature.
22. Before proceeding with the audit, the auditor is expected to obtain the following information
at the audit location:
• Location(s) from where Investment activity is conducted.
• IT Applications used to manage the Insurer’s Investment Portfolio.
• Obtain the system layout of the IT and network infrastructure including: Server details,
database details, type of network connectivity, firewalls other facilities/ utilities
• Are systems and applications hosted at a central location or hosted at different office?
• Previous Audit reports and open issues / details of unresolved issues from:
o Internal Audit,
o Statutory Audit, and
o IRDA Inspection / Audit.
• Internal circulars and guidelines of the Insurer.
• Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).
• List of new Products/funds introduced during the period under review along with
Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDA) approvals for the
• Scrip wise lists of all investments, fund wise, classified as per IRDA Guidelines, held
on date.
• IRDA Correspondence files, circulars and notifications issued by IRDA.
• IT Security Policy.
• Business Continuity Plans.
• Network Security Reports pertaining to IT Assets.
23. The working of Mobile Computing is as follows:
• The user enters or access data using the application on handheld computing device.
• Using one of several connecting technologies, the new data are transmitted from
handheld device to site’s information system where files are updated and the new
data are accessible to other system user.
• Now both systems (handheld and site’s computer) have the same information and are
in sync.
• The process work the same way starting from the other direction.
The process is similar to the way a worker’s desktop PC access the organization’s
applications, except that user’s device is not physically connected to the organization’s
system. The communication between the user device and site’s information systems uses
different methods for transferring and synchronizing data, some involving the use of Radio
Frequency (RF) technology.
24. Every business decision is accompanied with a set of threats and so is BYOD program too;
it is not immune from them. As outlined in the Gartner survey, a BYOD program that allows
access to corporate network, emails, client data etc. is one of the top security concerns for
enterprises. Overall, these risks can be classified into four areas as outlined below:
• Network Risks: It is normally exemplified and hidden in “Lack of Device Visibility”.
When company-owned devices are used by all employees within an organization, the
organization’s IT practice has complete visibility of the devices connected to the
network. This helps to analyze traffic and data exchanged over the Internet. As BYOD
permits employees to carry their own devices (smart phones, laptops for business
use), the IT practice team is unaware about the number of devices being connected
to the network. As network visibility is of high importance, this lack of visibility can be
hazardous. For example, if a virus hits the network and all the devices connected to
the network need be scanned, it is probable that some of the devices would miss out
on this routine scan operation. In addition to this, the network security lines become
blurred when BYOD is implemented.
• Device Risks: It is normally exemplified and hidden in “Loss of Devices”. A lost or
stolen device can result in an enormous financial and reputational embarrassment to
an organization as the device may hold sensitive corporate information. Data lost from
stolen or lost devices ranks as the top security threats as per the rankings released
by Cloud Security Alliance. With easy access to company emails as well as corporate
intranet, company trade secrets can be easily retrieved from a misplaced device.
• Application Risks: It is normally exemplified and hidden in “Application Viruses and
Malware”. A related report revealed that most employees’ phones and smart devices
that were connected to the corporate network weren’t protected by security software.
With an increase in mobile usage, mobile vulnerabilities have increased concurrently.
Organizations are not clear in deciding that “who is responsible for device security –
the organization or the user”.
• Implementation Risks: It is normally exemplified and hidden in “Weak BYOD Policy”.
The effective implementation of the BYOD program should not only cover the
technical issues mentioned above but also mandate the development of a robust
implementation policy. Because corporate knowledge and data are key assets of an
organization, the absence of a strong BYOD policy would fail to communicate
employee expectations, thereby increasing the chances of device misuse. In addition
to this, a weak policy fails to educate the user, thereby increasing vulnerability to the
above-mentioned threats.
25. (a) Various types of data back-ups are as follows:
(i) Full Backup: A Full Backup captures all files on the disk or within the folder
selected for backup. With a full backup system, every backup generation
contains every file in the backup set. At each backup run, all files designated in
the backup job will be backed up again. This includes files and folders that have
not changed. It is commonly used as an initial or first backup followed with
subsequent incremental or differential backups. After several incremental or
differential backups, it is common to start over with a fresh full backup again.
Some also like to do full backups for all backup runs typically for smaller folders
or projects that do not occupy too much storage space. The Windows operating
system lets us to copy a full backup on several DVD disks. Any good backup
plan has at least one full backup of a server.
(ii) Incremental Backup: An Incremental Backup captures files that were created
or changed since the last backup, regardless of backup type. The last backup
can be a full backup or simply the last incremental backup. With incremental
backups, one full backup is done first and subsequent backup runs are just the
changed files and new files added since the last backup.
(iii) Differential Backup: Differential backups fall in the middle between full bac kups
and incremental backup. A Differential Backup stores files that have changed
since the last full backup. With differential backups, one full backup is done first
and subsequent backup runs are the changes made since the last full backup.
Therefore, if a file is changed after the previous full backup, a differential backup
takes less time to complete than a full back up. Comparing with full backup,
differential backup is obviously faster and more economical in using the backup
space, as only the files that have changed since the last full backup are saved.
Restoring from a differential backup is a two-step operation: Restoring from the
last full backup; and then restoring the appropriate differential backup. The
downside to using differential backup is that each differential backup probably
includes files that were already included in earlier differential backups.
(iv) Mirror back-up: Mirror backups are, as the name suggests, a mirror of the
source being backed up. With mirror backups, when a file in the source is
deleted, that file is eventually also deleted in the mirror backup. Because of this,
mirror backups should be used with caution as a file that is deleted by accident,
sabotage or through a virus may also cause that same file in mirror to be deleted
as well. Some do not consider a mirror to be a backup. Further, a mirror backup
is identical to a full backup, with the exception that the files are not compressed
in zip files and they cannot be protected with a password. A mirror backup is
most frequently used to create an exact copy of the backup data.
(b) System Testing: It is a process in which software and other system elements are
tested as a whole. System testing begins either when the software as a whole is
operational or when the well-defined subsets of the software's functionality have been
implemented. The purpose of system testing is to ensure that the new or modified
system functions properly. These test procedures are often performed in a non-
production test environment. The types of testing that might be carried out are as
• Recovery Testing: This is the activity of testing „how well the application is able
to recover from crashes, hardware failures and other similar problems‟.
Recovery testing is the forced failure of the software in a variety of ways to verify
that recovery is liable to be properly performed, in actual failures.
• Security Testing: This is the process to determine that an Information System
protects data and maintains functionality as intended or not. The six basic
security concepts that need to be covered by security testing are –
confidentiality, integrity, availability authentication, authorization, and non-
repudiation. This testing technique also ensures the existence and proper
execution of access controls in the new system.
• Stress or Volume Testing: Stress testing is a form of testing that is used to
determine the stability of a given system or entity. It involves testing beyond
normal operational capacity, often to a breaking point, in order to observe the
results. Stress testing may be performed by testing the application with large
quantity of data during peak hours to test its performance.
• Performance Testing: In the computer industry, software performance testing
is used to determine the speed or effectiveness of a computer, network, software
program or device. This testing technique compares the new system 's
performance with that of similar systems using well defined benchmarks.
(c) Some of the well-identified implementation issues of Cloud Computing are as follows:
• Threshold Policy: In order to test if the program works, develops, or improves
and implements; a threshold policy is of immense importance in a pilot study
before moving the program to the production environment. This involves the
checking how the policy enables to detect sudden increases in the demand and
results in the creation of additional instances to fill in the demand. Moreover, to
determine how unused resources are to be de-allocated and turned over to other
work needs to work out in the context. That is working out thresholds is really a
matter of concern and would go a long way to assure the effectiveness. Let's
suppose, we had a program that did credit card validation in the cloud, and we
hit the crunch for the buying season. Higher demand would be detected and
more instances would be created to fill that demand. As we moved out of the
buying crunch, the need would be diminished and the instances of those
resources would be de-allocated and put to other use.
• Interoperability: If a company outsources or creates applications with one cloud
computing vendor, the company may find it difficult to change to another
computing vendor that has proprietary Application Programming Interfaces
(APIs) and different formats for importing and exporting data. This creates
problems of achieving interoperability of applications between two cloud
computing vendors. We may need to reformat/reorganize data or change the
logic in applications. Although industry cloud computing standards do not exist
for APIs or data import/export; IBM and Amazon Web Services have worked
together to make interoperability happen.
• Hidden Costs: Like any such services in prevailing business systems, cloud
computing service providers do not reveal “what hidden costs are”. For instance,
companies could incur higher network charges from their service providers for
storage and database applications containing terabytes of data in the cloud. This
outweighs costs they could save on new infrastructure, training new personnel,
or licensing new software. In another instance of incurring network costs,
companies, who are far from the location of cloud providers, could experience
latency, particularly when there is heavy traffic.
• Unexpected Behavior: It is important to test the application in the cloud with a
pilot study to check for unexpected behavior. Examples of tests include how the
application validates credit cards, and how, in the scenario of the buying crunch,
it allocates resources and releases unused resources, turning them over to other
work. If the tests show unexpected results of credit card validation or releasing
unused resources, we will need to fix the problem before executing or obtaining
cloud services from the cloud. Instead of waiting for an outage to occur,
consumers should do security testing on their own checking how well a vendor
can recover data. Apart from the common testing practices, what one needs
primarily to do is to ask for old stored data and check how long it takes for the
vendor to recover. Another area of security testing is to test a trusted algorithm
to encrypt the data on the local computer, and then try to access data on a
remote server in the cloud using the decryption keys. If we can't read the data
once we have accessed it, the decryption keys are corrupted, or the vendor is
using its own encryption algorithm. We may need to address the algorithm with
the vendor. Another issue is the potential for problems with data in the cloud. To
protect the data, one may want to manage his/her own private keys. Checking
with the vendor on the private key management is no longer a simple as it
appears so.