Ancient Ruins
Ancient Ruins
Ancient Ruins
DISCLAIMER When finished with a side, fold over the center ìspineî
We have made every effort to make sure that all parts and glue the tab to the inside top. When dry, fold over the
fit together properly, but sometimes tolerances are tight other side of the wall and glue in place. To make sure that
and mistakes do happen. Test fit all pieces before applying the walls dry flat, you may wish to place some sort of a
glue. Some trimming may be required. weight on top. Place the wall flat on a table top and place
Before photocopying or printing these pages on card- on top something like several CD jewel cases, cassette tape
stock, you may wish to assemble a test copy on plain paper cases or other light weight object. This should give just
to better understand the construction. A minimum of 65# enough weight to make sure that the piece dries flat but not
cover stock is recommended for constructing the final crush the piece.
models. Regular 20 lb. bond paper can be used, but these
items were designed for a heavier stock for extra durability The first page contains enough parts to make two
and coloring. standing columns. The pieces are the base, the pedestal,
the column and the crossbar. Start with the base. Cut out
Tools Required: and score as indicated. Fold down all the glue tabs at the
Scalpel or sharp-bladed hobby knife top of the side panels. Glue these tabs to the underside of
Metal ruler or straight-edge the top of the base until you work your way all around.
Cutting surface - a self-healing cutting mat is recom- Glue the last tab at the tip of the final wall to the inside to
mended, but a sheet of corrugated cardboard or even close the piece. Set aside to dry. To construct the base,
heavy poster board will work as well. fold into a box shape and glue the vertical tab on the
Glue - white glue, glue stick or wax stick. Double sided outside right panel to the underside of the panel with the
cellophane tape also works well. Rubber cement can be top panel. This will form a box shape. Fold down all the
used, but will sometimes stain the cardstock or make it tabs along the top of the side panels, fold down the top
more difficult to color. and glue in place. When dry, fold up the tabs along the
bottom, apply glue and attach to the center of the base.
A Note About Using White Glue Another method of constructing the pedestals is to glue the
White glue contains a good deal of water. Too much tabs on the tops of the side panels to the underside of the
glue will warp the card stock so that its almost unusable. top panel one at a time. Either method will work. To
Warping may also cause the parts to fit together incor- assemble the columns, use the same method, folding the
rectly. If you use white glue, put a very thin coat on the column into a cylinder first and folding down the top and
glue tabs - the thinner the better. You can use a cotton bottom and attaching to the tabs. When dry, the column
swab or your finger to spread the glue thin. Remember to can be glued to the pedestal. To assemble the crossbars,
keep a damp paper towel handy to remove any excess use the same method. These pieces can be assembled into
glue. a single piece or left independent of one another depend-
PLEASE NOTE: ing on the effect you are trying to create. After the final
Each item has been marked with a series of Grey Lines assembly of these pieces you may want to add a little extra
that are an indicator that these lines are Fold or Score lines. weight to the piece to prevent sliding on your gaming
All Tabs which are to be glued to hold the structures surface. Glue a washer or small coin to the underside of
together are marked with a capital letter (G). Unless the base before attaching the pedestal or column sections.
otherwise noted, all Glue Tabs fold inwards to the
structure. On the second page of this set are more columns and
crossbars that were designed to be broken. Use the
The Ancient Ruins were designed as an add-on to some construction method as given above. Note that the first
of our existing cardstock building sets such as the Stone crossbar on this page is like the ones on the previous page
Bridge or the Castle Ruins to add depth to your playing and is not broken. These broken pieces can be assembled
field. Using the components from this set you can also in several different ways as shown in the example
create stand-alone settings for your gaming needs. photographs.
SOME GENERAL NOTES: On pages 3 and 4 are pieces to make a stone archway.
All of the wall sections, regardless of their size, will These pieces can be used to create other ruined structures
construct the same way. Cut out each wall and score as as well by making extra copies. To construct the arch, cut
indicated by the grey lines. Fold the panels along the edges out the walls and arch and score as indicated. These pieces
to match the angles of the side wall and glue the tabs to the will construct by the method given above. The arch will fit
inside. Work on one side at a time for ease of construction. on either wall on either side as desired. When all three
pieces are dry, glue the finished arch at the top edges On page 7 are three floor sections and two stairs that
between the two walls. An extra decorative piece has been can be used in conjunction with the ruined walls to create
added on page 3 and can be glued to the center of the arch small building ruins. To assemble the floor sections, fold
as shown in the photographs. On page 4 are two support down all four side panels from the top and glue the tabs to
buttresses. These can be glued to the walls on either side the inside. The stairs will construct much like the wall
depending on what effect youíre after. To assemble, fold sections. Fold down the side panels and fold the top panels
in the left and right panels and fold down the top. Fold the to match the angles, gluing the tabs to the inside as you go.
tabs on the top to the inside and glue. Use the vertical tabs When finished with one side, fold down the other side and
on either side and the tab at the back of the top to attach to glue in place.
the wall sections.
Shown below are a few photos of how you can
On pages 5 and 6 are more walls which will assemble combine the pieces in this set for various effects.
as given above. The small box-like end pieces will
assemble like the column pedestals given in the instruc-
tions above.