Sustainability 10 03344
Sustainability 10 03344
Sustainability 10 03344
Sizing of the Drone Delivery Fleet Considering
Energy Autonomy
Asma Troudi 1, *, Sid-Ali Addouche 1 , Sofiene Dellagi 2 and Abderrahman El Mhamedi 1
1 QUARTZ Laboratory EA 7393, IUT of Montreuil- Paris8 University, 93100 Montreuil, France; (S.-A.A.); (A.E.M.)
2 LGIPM, UFR MIM -Lorraine University, 57070 Lorraine, France;
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +33-148-703-741
Received: 31 July 2018; Accepted: 13 September 2018; Published: 19 September 2018
Abstract: One of the most innovative solutions treated in the literature in order to reduce
the environmental impact of urban parcel delivery logistics is the use of drones for delivery on
the last kilometer. Consequently, nowadays, the primary challenge is essentially related to the drones’
fleet sizing according to its means of support for the urban delivery of parcels. In this paper, we
will discuss the issue of dimensioning from a forecast of deliveries of an urban perimeter, the size of
the fleet, the stock of battery to dispose of and the strategy of battery charging. We will present an
analytical model expressing the proposed problem of the optimal drones’ delivery mission taking into
account the issues of autonomy and energy consumption related to the drone’s technical specification.
According to the developed analytical model, two optimization policies will be proposed. The first
policy consists of planning missions under reducing distance. The second policy tries to make a
compromise between the distance and the number of drones. A case study will be presented in order
to compare the two policies based on the overall cost of a plan. The main objective of the study is to
create a decision-making tool for the design of a drone fleet in the case of forecast deliveries over a
time horizon under operational constraints.
Keywords: sustainable delivery; parcel delivery; drone delivery; fleet dimensioning; drone autonomy;
energy consumption
Prime Members [4], and they propose a new delivery format for same-day or two-hour delivery.
The new delivery service requires rapidity and customer satisfaction to meet the just-in-time demands.
However, urban transportation can face many problems related to delivery area [5] or route traffic.
These constraints represent major obstacles in urban transportation activities.
In the literature, we find many studies that propose solutions to overcome many obstacles related
to urban delivery. Oliveira et al. [6] focused on bicycles, tricycles and light commercial vehicles as
attractive delivery alternatives to reduce accessibility issues faced by the trucks in the urban area due
to some road restrictions. Other studies have focused on the energy efficiency for last mile delivery.
In fact, taking the energy constraint into consideration is very important, especially in urban area that
are impacted by pollution and congestion issues, as developed in the paper of Bányai et al. [7]. In the
same vein, the paper of Luigi et al. [8] sheds light on externalities’ cost reduction as an innovative
strategy in last mile delivery sector. The authors concentrated on the factors with a high potential
of externalities’ cost reduction. One of those factors is new vehicles. Electric or hybrid vehicles are
highly-regarded in supporting sustainable evolution in urban areas. However, the autonomy constraint
and infrastructure network limit larger exploitation. Indeed, these vehicles yield to traffic congestion
and parking zone constraints. Morganti et al. [9] showed through their study, in France and Germany,
that alternative parcel deliveries are in continual growth with the evolution of e-commerce. According
to them, pick-up points’ networks are developing and increasing the number of successful deliveries
the first time. Zhang et al. [10] treated another delivery transportation means and structure using
cargo bicycles and pick-up points. The article showed that delivering parcels with cargo bikes reduces
delivery cost and pollution. It is important to note, however, that to reroute parcels, the customer
should move toward the pick-up point. Iwan et al. [11] presented another delivery alternative, which
consists of using parcel lockers, as they have an interesting potential if used as a delivery location.
This delivery location is available 24 h for the customer, but also involves customers displacements.
Zhou et al. [12] proposed simultaneous home delivery and customers’ pick-up to be used in the
context of online shopping. This solution may help to overcome the problem of the customer’s
mobility. Nevertheless, this delivery/pick-up solution is restricted by the vehicle capacity. Those
studies identified multiple transportation means and delivery infrastructures as an alternative to
enhance urban delivery and satisfy customers’ needs. However, each of those alternatives has its own
limit (autonomy, congestion impact, additional customers’ displacement, partial availability, etc).
Customers expect their parcels to be delivered quickly and tend to avoid displacing to collect them.
For these reasons, companies delivering to individuals are experimenting with new delivery services
using drones as a means of transportation [4,13,14]. In fact, exploring the use of drones for commercial
applications is the result of their successful usage in military application given that drones (also
called UAV (Unmanned Aircraft Vehicle)) do not need a pilot and do not have congestion constraints
that affect their functioning. Accordingly, customers do not need to move compared to the way
they do when it comes to other delivery services (pick-up point or parcel lockers). In addition, this
transportation solution overcomes road restriction constraints. These arguments are encouraging
drone designers to consider using them for various public applications (As an example, drones are
already used as a transportation means for health services [15]. Besides, Haidari et al. [16] showed
that the use of drones to transport vaccines increased their availability with minimum cost.). The use
of drones has seen an incessant progress from its use in the military field to its use for scientific and
civilian purposes. The paper of Watts et al. [17] highlighted the transition of the drone from military to
civilian uses. In addition, during the last decade, parcel deliveries have been developed, as well as
the civilian use of UAV. The combination of these two aspects creates a new domain, which the same
leaders of parcel delivery or e-commerce have started to test and explore. We can cite for example
Amazon [4] or DHL [18], which are testing these delivery services through drones. Drone delivery
may overcome the difficulties that commercial activities have with one-day or same-hour delivery in
order to meet the high availability level of expectation and ensure an economic advantage, making
this form of delivery more and more appealing. Managing a fleet of drones, in the context of urban
Sustainability 2018, 10, 3344 3 of 17
delivery, requires the application of routing problem models to ensure the different delivery missions.
These methods take into account the exploitation constraints and the technical characteristics related
to the drones.
In order to manage the different missions of the drone fleet, the routing problem should be solved.
In the literature, this problem is categorized as VRP (Vehicle Routing Problem), and many studies
discuss VRP related to drones in civilian applications. In addition, the capacity of the UAVs and
the time windows of the delivery are also considered to be constraints that should be addressed.
Combining all of those constraints is called the CVRPTWproblem. This issue was treated by many
studies [19–24]. For example, Figliozzi [19] focused on the problem of congestion in urban area,
especially the vehicle speed variation. Other studies are available and have focused on UAVs’ routing,
but in the military context. For example, Shetty et al. [25] organized target assignment and the path
of a fleet of Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles (UCAVs). Russel and Lamont [26] treated a problem
of UAV routing with a genetic algorithm to schedule routing as dynamic routing, which depends
on fast adaptation to respect flight regulation in changing routes. In another case of the application
of UAVs in military use, Savuran et al. proposed a route optimization method for carrier-launched
UAVs [27]. For the public use and in the search and rescue domain, Kurdi et al. [28] treated the task
allocation problem of multiple UAV with a bio-inspired algorithm. Boone et al. [29] were interested
in Multiple TSP (MTSP) involving many UAVs with a new clustering approach. In a paper focusing
on UAV missions, Mathew et al. [30] discussed task scheduling and patch planning for cooperating
heterogeneous, autonomous vehicles (UAV and UGV) in a context of urban delivery. Recent papers
showed an interest in the delivery with the drone. These studies highlight a tandem truck and drone
transport for parcel deliveries [31–33]. They proposed multiple approaches to solve this problem as
a mixed integer linear programming problem or heuristics. Sawadsitang et al. [34] presented a new
framework of cooperative supplier for a drone delivery fleet. The Table 1 regrouped those works and
included others that treated the issue of drone routing in both civilian and military applications with
different routing formulations.
will be in a standby status for its inspection and control. When a UAV starts its mission, it is considered
as an active vehicle.
Through the logistics analysis approach discussed in [35], the authors focused on the importance of
analyzing the activity in order to support the evolution of the fleet with an appropriate logistics support
system. The approach is based on the standard of logistics support analysis MIL-STD-1388-1A [36]
and the extension of the same tasks in this analysis in the post-production phase. In fact, in order to
implement an appropriate support system for a drone delivery fleet, we should determine the system
dimensioning and its evolution as a function of various parameters like delivery time, the number of
customers to deliver to, etc. In addition, the modification of equipment may have an impact on the
functional capacity of the system and, as a consequence, may result in the change of the mission plan.
Through this analysis, we conclude that, in order to update the logistics support of a drone fleet,
we should study the impact of every modification in the operation management and the dimension of
the support system instantaneously. These types of services require a high level of availability and an
economic advantage to make them appealing.
Our primary purpose is to manage a park of a large fleet of drones, which is ready to deliver
parcels to costumers. The majority of researchers have focused on military UAVs or ground package
delivery with a routing problem formulation. However, in this work, we intend to focus on modeling
the routing problem in a package delivery context with civilian UAVs.
Modeling the drone parcel delivery fleet with VRP helps to solve the sizing the fleet problem.
Taking into consideration the autonomy that characterizes drones is primordial. In addition, the
sizing model is based on the battery charging policy. With different objectives, we will help the drone
operator to identify their impact on some sustainability indicators like energy consumption or the
number of used batteries.
The next section shows our sizing concept and the analytical model using the VRP formulation.
Section 3 includes the result of the analytical model and the impact of different sizing objectives
explained in Section 2.
With an analytical model, we propose to size the drone fleet and establish the mission plan, which
takes into consideration the energy consumption for and determines the number of the batteries,
explained in Figure 2. The different objectives are introduced according to a defined battery charging
policy. In this model, we opt for a full battery charging policy: every active drone has a full battery
before every mission. It is also worth mentioning that a part of this model was introduced in a previous
work [37].
Parcel capacity
Parcel address -Mission duration
Mission calculate: CVRP-TW -Mission energy
Battery capacity - Number of
used batteries
Time window
Fleet management
Figure 2. Sizing fleet concept. CVRP-TW, Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows.
Decision variables:
Xijkm : binary variable; Xijkm = 1 if parcel j will be supplied after parcel i by UAV k in mission m,
and Xijkm = 0 otherwise.
yk : binary variable; yk = 1 when drone k is used, or yk = 0 otherwise.
Dikm : the arrival time to address i with UAV k during mission m
θnm : binary variable; θmn = 1 if mission m is before mission n, and θmn = 0 if mission m is after mission
zijkn : the charge carried by the drone k between i and j.
C +1 C +1 K M K C K M
Min : α ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ Xijkm dij + β ∑ yk + γ ∑ ∑ ∑ X0jkm (1)
i j k m k j k m
K C +1
∑∑ Xijkm ≤ 1, ∀ j ∈ Ec , i 6= j, ∀ m ∈ E f (2)
k =1 i =0
C +1 C +1
∑ ∑ qi Xijkm ≤ Qmaxk , ∀k ∈ Ev , ∀m ∈ E f , i 6= j (3)
i =0 j =0
Constraint (2) ensures that one parcel (designed by vertex i) is supplied by only one UAV k.
Constraint (3) indicates that the sum of the parcels’ weights carried by one UAV k does not exceed its
maximum capacity Qmaxk .
∑ Xijkm = ∑ Xjikm , ∀ j ∈ Ec , ∀ k ∈ Ev ∀ m ∈ Ef (4)
i =0 i =0
∑ X0jkm = ∑ XjC+1km , ∀ k ∈ Ev ∀ ∈ E f (5)
j =1 j =1
Constraints (4) and (5) eliminate sub-tours and guarantee that in every vertex, expect Vertices 0
and C + 1, there is one entry and one exit.
C +1 C +1
∑ ∑ (cij + τi )Xijkm ≤ T, ∀ k ∈ Ev ∀ m ∈ E f (6)
i =0 j =0
ei ≤ Dikm ≤ li , ∀ i ∈ E p , ∀ k ∈ Ev ∀ m ∈ E f (7)
With Constraint (6), the time required to realize a route must be lower than the maximum duration
allowed to fly T per mission. Constraint (7) indicates that the arrival time to parcel address i must be
within its time window [ei, li ] for each vertex i, and Constraint (8) indicates that the sum of the arrival
time in i, service time τi and the travel time between i and j is at least equal to the arrival time to
address j (the address served after i). To avoid a different UAV arriving at the same time to the depot,
we add two constraints, (9) and (10). These constraints avoid the simultaneous arrival of the same
UAV k. For this reason, we use the decision variable θnm to determine if mission n is before mission m
and, as a consequence, the arrival time to the depot (C + 1) DC+1kn .
X0jkm ≤ yk , ∀ k ∈ Ev , m ∈ E f , j ∈ Ec (11)
yk ≤ ∑ ∑ X0jkm , ∀ k ∈ Ev (12)
j m
Constraints (11) and (12) ensure that the decision variable yk (which indicates if the drone k is
used or not) is positive and must not exceed the sum of missions performed by drone k indicated by
the sum of the departure arcs X0jkm . They impact essentially the objective function in order to reduce
the fleet size.
C C +1 C +1
∑ zijkm − ∑ z jlkm = q j ∑ X jhkm , ∀ j ∈ Ec , k ∈ Ev , m ∈ E f (13)
i l =1 h =1
zijkm ≥ 0, ∀ i, j ∈ Ec k ∈ Ev , m ∈ E f (15)
zi(C+1)m = 0 , ∀ i ∈ Ec , k ∈ Ev , m ∈ E f (16)
To calculate the energy consumption during the mission, we should determine the cumulative
load transported by the drone. We introduce a decision variable zijkn that calculates the cumulative
charge that the drone transports between address i and address j.
When the drone visits address i, it delivers the parcel weighted qi , as explained through
Constraint (13). As a consequence, the load decreases during the mission, and the drone returns
to the depot empty (16).
We make sure that the cumulative charge z is higher than zero (when we have a mission, we have
a mandatory minimum of one parcel to deliver) and less than the maximum weight allowed for the
drone Qmax, Equations (13)–(15).
The decision variable z helps us to determine the required energy to consume during a mission as
shown in Constraint (17).
C C +1 C C +1
λ[( ∑ ∑ zijkm dij ) + ( ∑ ∑ mdrone dij Xijkm )] ≤ Ak ∗ 0.8, ∀ i ∈ Ec , k ∈ Ev , m ∈ E f (17)
i =0 j =1 i =1 j =1
The origin of the expression related to Constraint (17) comes from the following expression
according to [19,38]:
(m p + mv ) ϑ ∗ g
+p (18)
(η r )
This expression is an approximation of the power consumption in kW for a drone.
This formulation highlights four parameters related to the UAV: the payload m p represented by
different parcels that the UAV can carry, the UAV speed ϑ in km/h, the gravity g, the lift-to-drag
ratio r and the power transfer efficiency for motor and propeller η; the consumption of the rest of the
electrical equipment in the vehicle is insignificant in our study. The constant part of this formula is
replaced by λ.
Sustainability 2018, 10, 3344 8 of 17
In the next section, we introduce the analysis realized from the analytical model with the drone
MD4-1000 of Microdrones. We divide the objective function (1) into three sub-functions to highlight
the different targets. This division treats the impact of the different sub-functions in the total of the
traveled distance, energy consumption, fleet size and the battery set size.
Parameter Value
Speed (m/s) 13
Range (km) 1
Structure mass (kg) 3.35
Maximal take-off mass (kg) 5.55
Maximal loaded mass (kg) 1.2
Battery 22.2 V, 6S2P 13.Ah LiPo
Endurance (min) 70
The distances:
Distances are managed randomly between each customer and the repository.
Therefore, we have a diagonal matrix ( X, X ), where dij = d ji with dii = 0.
Referring to the laws that regulate the use of drones, the range of a drone must not exceed one
kilometer, which means that customers should be within a radius of one kilometer. Our distances vary
in the following interval: [0, 1 km].
From the technical characteristics of the MD4-1000 drone of the company Microdrones, we opt to
apply the rule flying 80%. This rule summarizes that during each flight, the drone must consume only
80% of its autonomy.
According to the characteristics, the endurance of the battery is 70 min, and with the rule of 80%,
the maximum flight time is 56 min. With an average speed of 13m/s, a drone can fly 43 km empty
for 56 min.
This duration represents the maximum period of a clear mission.
We chose to use the average speed to make an approximation between the speed of climb and the
cruising speed.
Indeed, this approximation comes to simplify the speed variation during the flight. Through the
previously explained configuration, we can deduce that the maximum distance between two clients is
2 km. Using the maximum distance traveled empty, we can deduce at this point that a drone can visit
20 empty customers.
Time parameters:
Based on the shortest day of the year and referring to the regulation, the total flight duration
allowed is around 6 h. We can, at this stage, determine the maximum number of missions. The drone
can perform empty during a day: six empty mission per drone and per day.
Sustainability 2018, 10, 3344 9 of 17
In this analysis, we take the same time window for both customers and the deposit window.
We suppose that the delivery service is performed during the day. However, the model presented
below can consider, without any modification, different time windows, adding consequently more
constraints, yet making the model more realistic.
The capacity of the drone:
By default, each drone can use a battery for each mission performed. The maximum number of
batteries that could be on the site must respect the following formula with K is the number of the
drones and Mk is performed missions by one drone during one day:
For the md4-1000 drone model, the payload is 1.2 kg. This is the maximum capacity a drone could
carry. The mass of the drone and the vacuum battery is 3.35 kg. During a mission, a drone could serve
at least one client, whose capacity of charge can vary between [0, 1.2 ]kg.
∑ mi + 3.35 ≤ 5.55 kg, ∀ i ∈ Ec , k ∈ Ev , m ∈ E f (20)
i =1
This Equation (20) came to, in addition to Equation (3), supervise the loaded parcels. The most
limited case is that the drone delivers to one customer with a 1.2-kg package during a mission.
The number of drones:
The number of drones made available must ensure the delivery to all customers without exception.
From the limit case, customers choose the delivery slots. This case is present in several sites like
making medical appointments or reprogramming the delivery of parcels at home. The number of
drones is based on the number of customers divided by six.
The analysis will be based on the simulation of each objective and the discussion about the impact
of time windows’ variation in sizing the fleet, determining the number of the batteries that the operator
should have.
3.2.1. The Impact of the Time Window with the Traveled Distance Minimization (Case A: [α = 1, β = 0
and γ = 0])
In this part of the analysis, we want to determine the impact of the time windows in the traveled
distance performed by the fleet of drones to deliver parcels during a day.
Through the simulation of different scenarios related to the different time windows, we concluded
that the traveled distance decreases when the time windows increases.
In fact, during short time windows, the operator has to use the maximum of the drone to deliver
parcels. As a consequence, the traveled distance is important, as well as the number of performed
missions, the number of used batteries and also the global quantity of consumed energy.
Sustainability 2018, 10, 3344 10 of 17
Starting from a certain value of a time window, the traveled distance and the energy consumption
value have a stability phase with constant values. This value represents a minimum limit that the fleet
of drones can have to deliver to a defined number of customers.
As shown in Figure 3, the evolution of the traveled distance and the energy consumption are
correlated. It reflects the link between traveled distance and the energy. In fact, the energy formulation
is proportional to the traveled distance and the mass loaded (Equations (16) and (17)). The expansion
of those two parameters together impacts at the same time the energy consumed by drones in the
delivery missions.
We conclude that delivering in a short time windows requires an important number of batteries
in accordance with the battery charging strategy setup: 100% charge for each battery by a drone and
by a mission. This analysis helps the drone operator to provide a minimum of the number of drones
and how many batteries he/she should have at his/her disposal.
8 batteries-8C
batteries -6C
6 batteries-5C
fleet -5C
fleet -6C
Time Windows (h) C: customers
Distance (m)
C: customers
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Time Windows (h)
Figure 3. Cont.
Sustainability 2018, 10, 3344 11 of 17
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Time Windows (h)
C: customers
Figure 3. Traveled distance minimization: the impact of the time windows on the fleet size, traveled
distance and energy consumption. (a) Fleet and batteries’ size; (b) traveled distance; and (c) energy
3.2.2. The Impact of the Time Window with Fleet’s Size Minimization (Case B: [α = 0, β = 1 and γ = 0])
8 batteries-8C
batteries -6C
fleet -6C
fleet -5C
Time Windows (h)
C: customers
Figure 4. Cont.
Sustainability 2018, 10, 3344 12 of 17
10,000 9C
Distance (m)
6000 C5
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Time Windows (h) C: customers
Energy (W)
150,000 5C
100,000 10C
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Time windows (h) C: customers
Figure 4. Fleet size minimization: the impact of the time windows in the fleet, batteries’ sizing,
traveled distance and energy consumption. (a) Fleet and batteries’ size; (b) traveled distance; and
(c) energy consumption.
3.2.3. The Impact of the Time Window with Batteries’ Size Minimization (Case C: [α = 0, β = 0 and
γ = 1])
In this part of the simulation, we are targeting to reduce the number of batteries needed to perform
the delivery missions.
In this scenario, minimizing distance or drones is not a priority. According to the battery charging
strategy, batteries are linked to the minimization of the number of missions to perform.
In this step, the operator will have to deliver to a maximum of customers by a mission in order to
reduce the performed missions and consequently used batteries.
We noticed through the results (see Figure 5) that the number of batteries needed may exceed
the fleet’s size. As an example: to deliver in 30 min to five customers, the operator should have,
at a minimum, one drone and three batteries. These requirements respect the defined charging
strategy previously mentioned (each drone should have a 100% charged battery before every mission).
In addition, we remarked that minimizing the battery set does not impact the minimization of the
energy consumption. Thereby, missions should deliver to a maximum of customers, which increases
the loaded charge per drone and the traveled distance (see Equations (16) and (17)).
Sustainability 2018, 10, 3344 13 of 17
8 batteries-8C
batteries -6C
Size 6 batteries-5C
4 fleet-8C
fleet -6C
2 fleet -5C
0 C: customers
Time Windows
Distance (m)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Time windows (h) C: customers
Energy (W)
100,000 5C
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Time Windows (h) C: customers
Figure 5. Battery set minimization: the impact of the time windows in the fleet, batteries’ sizing,
traveled distance and energy consumption. (a) Fleet and batteries’ size; (b) traveled distance; and
(c) energy consumption.
Sustainability 2018, 10, 3344 14 of 17
Through these different simulations, the drone operator can evaluate his/her fleet and battery
sizes and the necessary energy consumption to deliver a defined set of customers during a defined
time window.
Once all the different cases were analyzed, we presented a classification approach to evaluate
which case was more advantageous in terms of energy consumption or also in terms of the number of
batteries used. This approach helps to show the impact of each objective and guide the operator to
choose his/her goals to resolve sustainable exigencies.
For future works, addressing a balance between the three different objectives seems to be
interesting especially in terms of costs. Comparing the charging strategy with other strategies will
help the operator to choose the adequate way to charge the batteries and if the allocation of batteries
should be reviewed to release a minimum charging task. In addition, using real data will help to have
a more realistic cost evaluation.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, A.T., S.-A.A., S.D. and A.E.M. Formal analysis, A.T. and S.-A.A.
Methodology, A.T. and S.-A.A. Resources, A.E.M. Software, A.T. Supervision, S.-A.A., S.D. and A.E.M.
Visualization, A.T. Writing, original draft, A.T. Writing, review and editing, S.-A.A. and S.D.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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