Manual Investiga STEM 17
Manual Investiga STEM 17
Manual Investiga STEM 17
David C. Owens and Troy D. Sadler
STEM integration is important and has momentum across STEM disciplines, and for good reason.
Real-world problems are not separated into isolated disciplines, but are interdisciplinary in nature
(Beane, 1995; Czerniak, Weber, Sandmann, & Ahern, 1999; Jacobs, 1989). In fact, the most signifi-
cant problems facing modern society, the world’s grand challenges (e.g., energy, water, transportation,
climate change), require the synthesis of vast amounts of information from varying STEM disciplines
(Nadelson & Seifert, 2017). Teaching STEM disciplines in isolation serves to impede students’ abil-
ity to integrate ideas in order to solve problems. While integration is expected to enhance students’
ability to apply STEM knowledge for problem solving, it is not clear how to best integrate STEM
disciplines or which factors increase the likelihood of positive outcomes (Pearson, 2017).
the seamless amalgamation of content and concepts from multiple STEM disciplines . . .
[which] takes place in ways such that knowledge and process of the specific STEM dis-
ciplines are considered simultaneously without regard to the discipline, but rather in the
context of a problem, project or task.
(p. 221)
Thus, the common thread that runs through both STEM and discipline-specific definitions of lit-
eracy is an ability to integrate understanding and practice skills so as to become more effective
problem solvers.
Socio-Scientific Issues as Contexts for STEM
Table 17.1 Definitions of Literacy for STEM Disciplines (Adapted From Zollman, 2012)
Science Ability to use scientific knowledge and processes to understand, and additionally, to
participate in decisions that affect science in life and health, earth and environment, and
technology (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development [OECD], 2003)
Technology Capacity to use, understand, and evaluate technology, as well as to understand technological
principles and strategies needed to develop solutions and achieve goals (National Assessment
Governing Board [NAGB], 2014)
Engineering Knowledge of the mathematical and natural sciences gained by study, experience, and
practices that is applied to develop ways to utilize economically the materials and forces
of nature for the benefit of mankind (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology
[ABET], 2010)
Mathematics Ability to read, listen, think creatively, and communicate about problem situations,
mathematical representations, and solutions to develop and deepen their understanding of
mathematics (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics [NCTM], 2000)
• Generate interest, motivation, and engagement in STEM fields where it currently lacks (Nadel-
son & Seifert, 2017);
• Prepare the next generation STEM workforce whereas currently a gap in core skills exists where
current individuals seeking employment are not qualified (Business Roundtable, 2014; National
Research Council [NRC], 2011); and
• Maintain and advance economic and technological dominance globally (NRC, 2012).
These are certainly important and valid goals that are prominent in policy documents and directly
supported by standards, such as the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and the Next
Generation Science Standards in the United States, but whether they would lead to a lead to a ver-
sion of STEM literacy that is functional across a global citizenry is debatable.
Critics of this perspective of STEM integration argue that these objectives are insufficient, as a
rigid focus on content ideas and practices restricts the development of STEM literacy that is func-
tional in everyday life. This view of STEM is not necessarily situated in contexts that the majority
of STEM students will find meaningful. The prevailing push for STEM as workforce development
may serve future STEM workers and the corporations and agencies that will employ them, but this
approach is unlikely to serve the needs of the majority of individuals who do not seek STEM careers.
Considering that the shortage in the STEM workforce used in support of STEM integration may
be exaggerated and even inaccurate (Salzman, Kuehn, & Lowell, 2013; Teitelbaum, 2014; Xie &
Killewald, 2012), such a myopic perspective is unwarranted.
Equally important, this view of STEM integration fails to provide a “global perspective of sci-
entific literacy that entails, among other skills, the proclivity and ability to envision the role of
sociocultural-political contexts in which such topics reside” (Zeidler, 2016, p. 12). In fact, the limita-
tions of knowledge and reasoning bounded by disciplinary STEM toward resolving today’s pressing
David C. Owens and Troy D. Sadler
issues are highlighted in the recent Next Generation Science Standards regarding the Nature of Sci-
ence, which forefront non-science considerations as complementary to those of science but equally
requisite to the suite of reasoning skills required to understand and resolve many STEM-informed
problems. For example,
• Science knowledge can describe consequences of actions but is not responsible for society’s
• Science knowledge indicates what can happen in natural systems—not what should happen.
The latter involves ethics, values, and human decisions about the use of knowledge.
• Many decisions are not made using science alone, but rely on social and cultural contexts to
resolve issues (see Nature of Science Standards section, NRC, 2013, p. 6).
Considering that STEM majors, as compared to non-STEM majors, lack “the proclivity to influence
social values and the political structure, or be a community leader” (Nicholls, Wolfe, Besterfield-Sacre,
Shuman, & Larpkiattaworn, 2007, p. 42), it is essential that STEM integration provides opportunities
for students to practice making decisions that are supported with the weight of STEM understand-
ings, but that also requires the incorporation of moral judgements that demand resolution—as occurs
in everyday life. A more holistic STEM integration serves the aforementioned goals to increase
membership in the STEM field and workforce, but also provides for the STEM literacy needs of all
citizens and contributes to the development of the whole learner.
Socio-Scientific Issues as Contexts for STEM
As a result, scientifically literate individuals must be well versed in evaluating both science and non-
science considerations when considering potential resolutions to SSI that have even a modicum of
chance to succeed.
SSI serve as the problems to be solved/decided upon by STEM-literate individuals or by those
developing STEM literacy, as SSI situate learning in real-world contexts where the issues require
familiarity with ideas and practices from both science and non-science realms (Zeidler, 2014). SSI
have served as effective contexts for the development of scientific literacy, including: Science ideas
and practices, such as gains in content knowledge, science practice skills, and nature of science
understanding (Sadler, Romine, & Topcu, 2016; Bell, Matkins, & Gansneder, 2011), as well as non-
science ideas and practices, such as empathy, morality, compassion, perspective-taking, and citizenship
responsibility (Fowler, Zeidler, & Sadler, 2009; Kahn & Zeidler, 2016; Lee et al., 2013). Though little
work has been done in terms of using SSI as context for learning in the other STEM disciplines
and virtually zero as integrated STEM instruction, we suggest that SSI have potential for supporting
functional STEM literacy across STEM subjects, especially in an integrated STEM fashion.
In the sections that follow, we will:
1. Argue for the potential of SSI to serve as meaningful contexts across STEM disciplines for holis-
tic STEM integration and the development of STEM literacy;
2. Provide an example of using SSI as contexts for holistic STEM integration (e.g., genetically
modified organisms); and
3. Suggest directions for future research using SSI as contexts for STEM integration
David C. Owens and Troy D. Sadler
must include technology’s effects on society and the natural world and “the sorts of ethical questions
that arise from those effects” (NAGB, 2014, p. 5). This includes recognition of the positive and nega-
tive effects that technology has on people, as well the ability to make informed decisions that consider
the perspectives of all stakeholders as to which technology is the best available for solving the prob-
lem at hand. Table 17.2 highlights practices in which technology-literate individuals engage to make
decisions about the appropriateness of technological alternatives when solving problems, such as SSI.
We assert that SSI serve as ideal contexts for advancing technology literacy, especially the role of
technology in society. Here is a case in point: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director
General Yukiya Amano, in his recent keynote address at the 2018 World Nuclear Exhibition event
in Paris, framed the need for nuclear technology in terms of an SSI: “It will be difficult for the world
to meet the challenges of securing sufficient energy, and of limiting the average global temperature
increase to 2 degrees centigrade, without making more use of nuclear power” (IAEA, 2018). In
fact, the decision-making process advanced by the NAGB for selecting appropriate technologies
(Table 17.2) is already being used in one form or another to aid students in negotiating resolutions to
SSI (e.g., Dauer & Forbes, 2016; Lee & Grace, 2012), better understanding how students’ values and
beliefs are to inform their decision-making (Sutter, Dauer, & Forbes, 2018), and developing sensitiv-
ity to moral and ethical aspects of technology, as well as compassion for individuals who might be
negatively affected by their advancement (Lee et al., 2013).
Additionally, common definitions of technological literacy focus on the practical aspects of using
technology but fail to consider media literacy (Zeidler et al., 2016). Media influences individuals’
personal epistemologies and engagement in reasoning about SSI, and certain values and perspectives
are embedded in different media sources. As a result, making decisions about or staking positions
concerning SSI that are informed require media literacy. This ability to analyze sources of informa-
tion contributes to a technological literacy for citizenship that may not be recognized or valued by
technological literacies that are defined from the perspective of economic advancement (Petrina,
2000)—highlighting the need to extend the purpose of STEM integration to include the holistic
development of the citizen.
Engineering. Traditionally considered a “technical field that requires the systematic applica-
tion of mathematics and science knowledge to develop novel solutions to complicated problems”
(Gunckel & Tolbert, 2018, p. 939), engineering may be the natural tie that binds the STEM disci-
plines. The National Academy of Engineering goes one step further, arguing that “In the real world,
engineering is not performed in isolation—it inevitably involves science, technology, and mathemat-
ics. The question is why these subjects should be isolated in schools” (NRC, 2009, pp. 164–165).
However, current definitions of engineering literacy are problematic: “Knowledge of the mathemat-
ical and natural sciences gained by study, experience, and practices that is applied to develop ways
to utilize economically the materials and forces of nature for the benefit of mankind” (Accredita-
tion Board for Engineering and Technology, 2010). Such conceptualizations of engineering literacy
Table 17.2 Practices Associated With Technology Literacy Concerning the Understanding of Technological
Principles Related to Technology and Society (Adapted From NAGD, 2014, p. 12)
Decision-Making Practices
Analyze advantages and disadvantages of an existing technology
Explain costs and benefits
Compare effects of two technologies on individuals
Propose solutions and alternatives
Predict consequences of a technology
Select among alternatives
Socio-Scientific Issues as Contexts for STEM
emphasize technological solutions to all problems without addressing their social or political aspects
(i.e., technocracy; Danforth, 2016; Fischer, 1990). Furthermore, though engineering is often framed
as an empathetic approach to solving the problems of mankind, more often than not is tied to profi-
teering motives (Bunge, 2003). As a result, non-STEM skills (e.g., empathy, compassion, caring) are
required if engineering solutions are to be socially responsible and environmentally sustainable (Can-
ney & Bielefeldt, 2015; Hess et al., 2012).
For these reasons, recent Frameworks for Engineering Education (e.g., Moore et al., 2014) have
begun to recognize the importance of Vision II literacy and are including both STEM and non-
STEM skills:
1. The problems faced by society today are complex and open ended;
2. The multidisciplinary nature of the problems requires skills and practices from all disciplines to
solve the problem; and
3. The social and cultural relevance of STEM problem contexts need to be highlighted to broaden
student participation and understanding of STEM disciplines (Roehrig, Moore, Wang, & Sun
Park, 2012).
Additionally, criteria for accrediting engineering programs are also beginning to address the per-
ceived dearth of ethical inclusion in engineering practice and decision-making. While engineer-
ing ideas and practices are still highlighted (e.g., the application of STEM disciplinary knowledge,
experimentation, employment of engineering tools and techniques), criteria for accreditation now
require recognition of non-scientific considerations, such as
. . . the ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within
realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical . . .; an under-
standing of professional and ethical responsibility; [and] . . . the broad education necessary
to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental,
and societal context . . .
(ABET, 2010, p. 3)
The importance of these social, economic, and environmental considerations are exemplified
in Jonassen, Strobel, and Lee’s (2006) study, where 106 practicing engineers were interviewed as to
the nature of typical, everyday problem solving in their engineering careers. Typical instances of
engineering complexity still included content-specific concerns, such as incomplete information
(e.g., the specific heat of particular metal piping, design parameters, or adjusting designs at the last
minute to accommodate hidden challenges). However, engineers in the study also indicated that ill-
structured problems with multiple, conflicting goals (i.e., non-engineering considerations) that “have
nothing to do with engineering outcomes” (p. 143) are often the most important problem-solving
skills they employ. For example, one project required the engineers to
find a solution that will meet the purpose and needs statement that we include in our envi-
ronmental impact statement that has a level of public and community support along the
corridor that is politically acceptable and ultimately that we can afford.
( Jonassen et al., 2006, p. 143)
In this example, an ill-structured problem with ecological, political, and economic goals in con-
flict could be solved in different ways, each affecting the multiple goals differently. As a result, the
researchers concluded that success for these engineers was rarely defined by engineering standards
(the content, ideas, and practices of engineering), but rather by non-engineering considerations.
David C. Owens and Troy D. Sadler
Findings, such as these have triggered calls for holistic educational approaches to engineering
education (National Science Foundation, 2016) and scholarly work (Downey, 2012; Grasso &
Burkins, 2010) directed at understanding how to instill in future engineers these non-engineering
understandings and skills, such as perspective-taking (Hess, Strobel, & Brightman, 2017) and empa-
thy (Hess, Strobel, Pan, & Wachter Moriss, 2017). These types of competencies and understandings
align with the objectives of SSI-oriented instruction. Thus, engineering education should be rife
with opportunities for students to “understand the full socio-historical-politico contexts of the
problems they are trying to solve” and evaluate their engineering designs while taking those into
account (Gunckel & Tolbert, 2018, p. 17). In addition to increasing the delivery of students to the
STEM pipeline, framing engineering in a manner that also leads to these non-engineering skills
can also contribute to a change in perception of engineering, the development of engineering
identities among underrepresented students, and an increase in their participation (Mejia, Drake, &
Wilson-Lopez, 2015). We suggest that contextualizing engineering instruction in SSI can accom-
plish this.
Mathematics. The integrated nature of mathematics with other STEM disciplines is quite appar-
ent these days, with algorithms as the driving force behind search engines and targeted advertising.
The NCTM’s (2000) definition of mathematical literacy includes the ability to think about problems
undergirded by mathematics (e.g., how to efficiently locate information using algorithms) and to
develop solutions to those problem while deepening a mathematical understanding (e.g., develop-
ment and employment of algorithms)—both a Vision I perspective of mathematics literacy. However,
as non-mathematics considerations concerning problem solving appear to be absent, students are left
to their own devices to reason about when and in what ways the use of mathematics, such as employ-
ing algorithms to collect user data or target users with advertising, is morally appropriate (a Vision II
dimension of mathematics literacy).
In a push to rebrand and expand a traditional view of mathematics to emphasize a more practical
use of numbers and statistics in real-world contexts—“a habit of mind” approach to problem solv-
ing that employs both statistics and mathematics (Steen et al., 2001, p. 5)—researchers and educators
internationally have begun to refer to mathematical literacy as “quantitative literacy” or “numeracy”.
In fact, “the K-12 mathematics-education community is virtually united on the importance of con-
necting classroom mathematics to the real world” (Gainsburg, 2008, p. 199). Her claim appears to be
supported by the NCTM, which asserts that students should be able to “recognize and apply math-
ematics in contexts outside of mathematics” (2000, p. 64). In other words, “problems embedded in
real life situations that have no ready-made algorithm” that are non-routine, open-ended and include
social dimensions (Cheng, 2013, p. 24). Cheng offered the Restaurant problem as an example:
You are going out for lunch at a restaurant with your group. Use the menu to select what
you want to eat. The cost of the meal must be less than and as close to $40 as possible. How
can we figure out how and what to choose for lunch?
(p. 29)
Mathematics skills were then taught, parameters for the problem were set (e.g., each person must
have a drink), and students were tasked with considering solutions when different numbers of indi-
viduals were in attendance. However, not unlike the Vision I tendencies of engineering literacy, the
purposeful use of mathematics in the Restaurant problem strictly serves an economic function at
best, and at worst offers a superficial shell for an otherwise purely mathematical manipulation of
numbers. Either way, little or no concern is payed to the role that morality, civics, or environmental
ethics might play in the development of an informed solution.
Another example of a mathematics problem contextualized in the real world was offered in the
Mathematics Teacher, the official journal of the NCTM, where the authors suggested that the ability to
Socio-Scientific Issues as Contexts for STEM
solve the following problem from the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) problem
would demonstrate mathematical literacy:
Suppose that watermelons grew in cubical shapes rather than their more familiar ellipsoidal
shape. What possibilities and problems would such a change of shape cause or growers,
handlers, sellers, and consumers?
(Soucy McCrone, Dossey, Turner, & Lindquist, 2008, p. 34)
To be fair, Soucy McCrone and colleagues leaned on the OECD’s (2003) definition of mathematics
an individual’s capacity to identify and understand the role that mathematics plays in the
world, to make well-founded judgements and to use and engage with mathematics in a ways
that meet the needs of that individual’s life as a constructive, concerned, and reflective citizen.
(OECD, 2003, p. 24)
However, while there is certainly room for the engagement of students in reflective citizenship by
way of the watermelon problem they provided, it does not appear that the authors, nor those behind
the PISA assessment, felt that it was prudent to do so. This is evident in:
a) The items that comprise the PISA assessment of mathematical literacy, which “focus on students’
mathematical ability to analyze situation in a variety of content areas involving quantity; shape
and space; change and relationships; and uncertainty” (Soucy McCrone et al., 2008, p. 35); and
b) The authors’ assertion that if students are able to “analyze problem situations in real-world
contexts, determine what mathematics is relevant for finding a solution, solve the problems, and
reflect on the solution in relation to the original problem context . . . we say they are mathemati-
cally literate” (Soucy McCrone et al., 2008, p. 38).
We argue that solving problems such as these would certainly require mathematics content knowl-
edge and skills that align with a Vision I interpretation of mathematical literacy but clearly lack many
aspects that would lead to the development of a “constructive, concerned, and reflective citizen”—
those non-mathematics considerations that are generally necessary for problem solving in real life,
such as empathy or compassion, or whether different perspectives exist that might influence one’s
decision as to which solution is more appropriate. For example, the Restaurant problem might be
meaningful for individuals in affluent families but provide little context for students from families
that are barely making ends meet. Could that problem be framed to be more of a real-world problem
for those students, or to help students form affluent families to develop compassion or empathy?
How might the choices of different items result in different ecological outcomes (in terms of energy
required to produce and transport those items, waste, etc.). The Watermelon problem stated earlier
might be relevant for individuals with interest in or ties to the agriculture industry, but the majority
of individuals who may not work in those fields are not likely to find this interesting or meaningful
to them. Additionally, the problem fails to address the moral or ethical implications of genetically
modifying the watermelons, and fails to consider the stakeholders that might be disproportionately
affected by the economic ramifications of the new cubical watermelons. The real-world problema-
tized contexts of mathematics education appears to have had the least focus on non-mathematical
aspects of solving problems that are undergirded by math than do the other STEM disciplines.
Similarly, such considerations also appear to have been left out of mathematics teacher prepa-
ration programs as well. For example, in an American Educator article titled Knowing Mathematics
for Teaching, in which Ball, Hill, and Bass (2005) ponder what it means to know mathematics for
David C. Owens and Troy D. Sadler
teaching, the authors maintain a strict focus on content and procedures, with nary a mention of pre-
paring teachers to address values, compassion, empathy, or the like in their mathematics instruction.
Contextualizing mathematics instruction in SSI provides opportunities for all individuals to learn
and employ mathematical skills in order to address issues that have meaning for all individuals, not
just those interested in the efficient transport of watermelons. Equally important is the development
of non-mathematical considerations that are requisite to informed problem solving in real-world
Table 17.3 Aspects of Instruction That Address Vision II STEM Literacy in the Context of Genetically Modi-
fied Organisms (GMOs) Within each discipline, topics and questions are provided as to the types of
knowledge and practices each discipline offers toward understanding and resolving the GMO issue.
Socio-Scientific Issues as Contexts for STEM
whether and how we should genetically modify plants to meet this end cannot be answered without
first considering the non-STEM aspects that are requisite to informed decision-making.
Staking a position or making a decision regarding the use or potential regulation of GMOs is
certainly informed and influenced by an understanding of STEM content and practices, miscon-
ceptions, and awareness of potential solutions and technologies, as well as an understanding of the
spectrum of meanings that may be intended when the phrase genetically modified organism is uttered.
However, equally important to resolving the GMO issue are non-STEM factors, such as the abil-
ity to take the perspectives of different stakeholders affected by the issue and make moral judge-
ments concerning the appropriateness of certain solutions or technologies. A case in point is that
STEM advancements are influenced by the general public’s non-STEM perceptions. Consider the
new Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPr) technology, which rear-
ranges an individual’s DNA without adding a different species’ DNA. GMO vendors are hoping that
CRISPr will win over a large portion of the general public, which has been anti-GMO due to their
feeling that transferring other organisms’ DNA is morally reprehensible. The drive, for some, behind
the CRISPr technology aligns with the findings of Jonassen and colleagues (2006), where non-
engineering factors provided for the most challenging and motivating aspects of problem solving—
in this case, genetically modifying organisms without the (offensive, to some) insertion of a portion
of another organism’s genome. These examples provide support for a Vision II orientation to STEM
literacy, where STEM content and practices are requisite, but non-STEM considerations must also be
recognized and incorporated if individuals are to come away being STEM literate in a manner that
leads to informed participation in democracy.
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