(93 - 120) Biomolecules - (OBJ)
(93 - 120) Biomolecules - (OBJ)
(93 - 120) Biomolecules - (OBJ)
NEET-Botany I-PUC/11thClass/Jr.Inter
Concept Based Questions
10. Biopolymers include: 21. Which elements provide rigidity to teeth & bones ?
1) Nucleic acids 1) Iron & Calcium
2) Carbohydrates 2) Calcium and Magnesium
3) Proteins 3) Phosphorous and Sodium
4) All of the above 4) Iron and Phosphorous
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22. Iron storing protein found in animal tissues is: 34. Reducing sugars are
1) Myoglobin 2) Ferritin 1) Glucose, fructose, galactose, maltose and
3) -globulin 4) Casein lactose
2) Glucose, sucrose and cellulose
23. The minerals responsible for the maintenance 3) Lactose, starch and glycogen
of fluid balance in the body are : 4) All of the above
1) Sodium and Potassium
2) Sodium and Calcium 35. Reducing sugar like glucose in Fehling solution
3) Calcium and Magnesium reduce
4) Potassium and Magnesium 1) Fe+++ to Fe++ 2) Cu++ to Cu+
++ +
3) Hg to Hg 4) Cu+ to Cu++
24. An element playing important role in nitrogen
fixation is: 36. A monosaccharide is
1) Manganese 2) Zinc 1) Lactose 2) Sucrose
3) Molybdenum 4) Copper 3) Ribose 4) Maltose
25. The chemical used in the preparation of tissue 37. The structural polysaccharide in plants is
extracts : 1) Cellulose 2) Starch
1) HCl 2) H2SO4 3) Glycogen 4) Chitin
38. A heteropolysaccharide is
26. Most abundnt chemical in the living organisms is 1) Glycogen 2) Starch
1) Cellulose 2) Protein
3) Cellulose 4) Hemicellulose
3) Water 4) Glucose
39. Pick up the heteropolysaccharide ?
1) Starch 2) Glycogen
27. Most abudant polysaccharide in biosphere is 3) Cellulose 4) Pectin
1) Si 2) O2 3) S 4) N
40. The starch and glycogen are two most suitable
28. Structural polysaccharides are storage polysaccharides because
1) Starch and Chitin 1) They occupy less space
2) Cellulose and Chitin 2) They do not disturb pH of cell
3) Glycogen and Starch
3) They cannot pass through cell
4) Inulin and Starch
4) All of the above
29. ______________is a deoxy sugar.
1) Glucose 2)Fructose 41. Amylopectin is a polymer of
3) Raffinose 4) Fucose 1) -D glucose 2) -D fructose
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45. Iodine test can detect the presence of 56. Honey contains:
1) Starch 2) Cellulose 1) Glucose 2) Fructose
3) Both 1 & 2 4) Chitin 3) Sucrose 4) All
46. Unbranched polymer of glucose is 57. Maltose is formed of
1) Starch 2) Glycogen 1) Fructose 2) Lactose
3) Cellulose 4) Chitin 3) Glucose 4) Sucrose
47. Sucrose is a 58. A polysaccharide which is synthesized and
1) Disaccharide 2) Pentose sugar stored in liver cells is
3) Monosaccharide 4) Polysaccharide 1) Arabinose 2) Glycogen
_____ is 3) Lactose 4) Galactose
48. a derived monosaccharide.
1) Glucose 2) Fructose 59. Agar is commercially obtained from
3) Raffinose 4) Deoxyribose 1) Red algae 2) Blue-green algae
3) Brown algae 4) Green algae
49. With iodine molecule, starch gives a
characteristic blue colour but not cellulose, 60. Which of the following groups consists of
because Cellulose lack - polysaccharides only?
1) Glycosidic bond 2) Helical portions 1) Sucrose, glucose and fructose
3) Nitrogen 4) Polymeric nature 2) Maltose, lactose and fructose
3) Glycogen, sucrose and maltose
50. The glycosidic bond present in sucrose is 4) Glycogen, cellulose and starch
1) -1 and -2 2) -1, 4
61. Lactose is composed of
3) -1, 4 4) -1, 6 1) Glucose + galactose 2) Fructose + galactose
3) Glucose + fructose 4) Glucose + glucose
51. Which of the following is mismatched ?
1) Chitin - polymer of glucosamine 62. Cellulose consists of:
2) Glycogen - Polymer of glucose 1) -Glucose 2) -Glucose
3) Cellulose - Heteropolysaccharide 3) - Galactose 4) -Fructose
4) Inulin - Polymer of fructose 63. Which of the following is a reducing sugar?
52. The complex polysaccharide that is present in 1) Galactose 2) Gluconic acid
the exoskeletons of arthropods is 3) -methyl galactoside 4) Sucrose
1) Hyaluronic acid 2) Chitin 64. Which one of the following is a non-reducing
3) Cellulose 4) Glycogen carbohydrate?
53. Peptidoglycan present in bacterial cell envelope 1) Maltose 2) Sucrose
is 3) Lactose 4) Ribose 5-phosphate
1) Made up of cellulose 2) A heteropolymer 65. Which of the following is known as animal
3) An oligosaccharide 4) A homopolymer cellulose?
1) Chitin 2) Tunicin
54. The given structure represents a monosa-
3) Glycogen 4) Myosin
ccharide known as
66. The polysaccharides made up of glucose
monomers are
1) sucrose, lactose, maltose
2) chitin, glycogen, starch
1) Ribose 2) Glucose
3) starch, glycogen, cellulose
3) Deoxy ribose 4) Raffinose
4) starch, inulin, peptidoglycan.
55. Chitin present in the exoskeletons of arthropods is
67. Glycoproteins are known to play an important
1) Protein
role in cell recognition. The specificity of this
2) Polysaccharide recognition is provided largely by
3) Lipid 1) Protein portion of glycoprotein
4) Derived monosaccharide 2) Carbohydrate portion of glycoproteins
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3) Both carbohydrate and protein components 79. The number of ends in a glycogen molecule
of glycoproteins would be
4) Lipid portion of glycoproteins 1) equal to the total number of branches plus one
2) equal to the number of branch points
68. Which of the following is a trisaccharide?
3) one
1) Raffinose 2) Arabinose
4) two, one on the left side and another on the
3) Stachyose 4) Both 1 and 2
right side.
69. The major part of dry weight of plant is made of
80. Number of glycosidic bonds in a polysaccharide
1) Carbohydrates 2) Protein
(n = number of monosaccharides).
3) Fat 4) Nucleic acid
1) n 2) 2n 3) n + 1 4) n - 1
70. Hydrolysis of sucrose yields
1) Glucose and fructose 81. Glucose is
2) Glucose and maltose 1) Cane sugar 2) Triose sugar
3) Glucose and galactose 3) Malt sugar 4) Grape sugar
4) Only glucose Amino acids
71. What is true about glycogen ? 82. Which amino acid does not contain asymmetric
1) Is composed of a mixture of different hexoses carbon atom ?
2) Is broken down and synthesised using the 1) Glycine 2) Alanine
same enzyme 3) Proline 4) Threonine
3) Is broken down by glucagon
4) Is the sugar of the blood 83. Sulphur containing amino acids are
1) Valine, lysine and cystine
72. Human blood groups antigens are basically.
2) Tryptophan, glutamic acid, aspartic acid
1) Carbohydrates 2) Poteins
3) Citrulline, methionine and glutamic acid
3) Lipids 4) Nucleic acids
4) Cysteine, cystine, methionine
73. Glycogen gives ____________ colour with iodine:
1) Blue 2) Red 84. Proteins present in the natural silk fibre are:
3) Violet 4) No colour 1) Fibrin and serine
2) Fibroin and sericin
74. Inulin is a
3) Fibrin and sericin
1) Homopolymer 2) Fructan
4) Fibroin and elastin
3) Used in GFR 4) All
85. Which of the following fibres is the odd one?
75. Which of the following polysaccharide is not a
polymer of glucose? 1) Cellulose 2) Fibrin
1) Amylose 2) Inulin 3) Collagen 4) Keratin
3) Glycogen 4) Cellulose 86. Immunoglobulins (antibodies) of the blood
76. Fructose is a plasma are
1) Aldose 2) Pentose 1) Glycoproteins 2) Lipoproteins
3) Ketose 4) Grape sugar 3) Flavoproteins 4) None of these
77. What will the formula of a polysaccharide 87. Secondary structure of a protein is primarily
formed by the condensation of 60 ribose sugar determined by
units. 1) Covalent bonds 2) Hydrogen bonds
1) C300 H600 O300 3) Ionic bonds 4) Coordinate bonds
2) C300 H480 O240 88. Most abundant protein on earth is
3) C300 H482 O241 1) Keratin 2) RuBisCO
4) C300 H478 O238 3) RuBP 4) Fibrinogen
78. The polysaccharide stored in muscle and liver is: 89. The major fibrous protein of connective tissue is
1) Glycogen 2) Inulin 1) Myosin 2) Myoglobin
3) Chitin 4) Starch 3) Collagen 4) Keratin
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90. A semi indispensable amino acid for human 99. Which of the following are positive (basic)
nutrition is amino acids?
1) Arginine 2) Lysine 1) Glycine and Alanine
3) Valine 4) Leucine 2) Lysine and Arginine
3) Glutamic acid and Aspartic acid
91. Which of the following is the contractile protein
4) Histidine and Proline
of a muscle ?
1) Tubulin 2) Troponin 100. Essential amino acid is
3) Actin 4) Tropomyosin 1) Phenylalanine 2) Glycine
3) Aspartic acid 4) Serine
92. Amino acid is a
1) Substituted methane 101. Which of the following is a neutral amino acid?
2) Substituted ethane 1) Glutamine 2) Arginine
3) Any acid having amino group 3) Valine 4) Cysteine
4) Derivative of indacetic acid 102. The amino acids in a protein are held together by
93. Which of the two groups of the following 1) Glycosidic bond
aminoacid do involve in the formation of 2) Phosphodiester bond
peptide bonds? 3) Peptide bond
4) Hydrogen bond
103. An aromatic amino acid is
1) W 2) E 3) R 4) K
1) 2 and 3 2) 1 and 3 104. An extra carboxylic group is present in
3) 1 and 4 4) 2 and 4 1) Aspartate 2) lysine
3) Tyrosine 4) phenylalanine
94. The first aminoacid discovered is:
1) Glycine 2) Asparagine 105. Proteins are
3) Glutamine 4) Proline 1) Macromolecules 2) Homopolymers
3) Micromolecules 4) Both 1 & 2
95. The beta-pleated sheet structure of proteins is
due to 106. Which of the following structure of a protein is
1) formation of peptide bonds absolutely necessary for the many biological
2) formation of - s- s- bonds activities of proteins?
3) formation of intra chain hydrogen bonds 1) primary 2) Secondary
4) formation of inter chain hydrogen bonds 3) Tertiary 4) Quaternary
107. Proteins which catalyse biochemical reactions
96. In glycine the R group is replaced by
in the living world are known as
1) A methyl group
1) Enzymes 2) Hormones
2) Hydroxy methyl
3) Antibodies 4) Receptor
3) A carboxylic group 4) A hydrogen
108. Zwitter ion of aminoacid forms_________ in acid
97. Non-essential amino acids are:
1) Salt 2) Base
1) Must be obtained from food
3) Solution 4) Neutral
2) Are synthesized in our body
3) Are not needed in our diet 109. Zwitter ion contains:
4) Both 2 & 3 1) Acid nature 2) Amphoteric nature
3) Base nature 4) Neutral nature
98. The given amino acid is _______ in nature.
110. Collagen is
1) Fibrous protein 2) Globular protein
3) Lipid 4) Carbohydrate
111. Protein which transports glucose into cell is
1) Acidic 2) Basic 1) Trypsin 2) Keratin
3) Neutral 4) Aromatic 3) Haemoglobin 4) GLUT-4
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112. The structure of protein which gives a three 123. A form of amino acid with both positive and
dimensional view is negative charges simultaneously in the same
1) Primary structure 2) -helix molecule is
3) -pleated sheet 4) Tertiary structure 1) amphipathic form 2) stable form
113. An example of protein with quaternary 3) zwitter ionic form 4) neutral form.
structure is 124. Based on the following property, proteins are
1) Myoglobin 2) Haemoglobin separated:
3) Keratin 4) All of these 1) Isocratic point 2) Isomeric point
114. Haemoglobin is a type of 3) Isoelectric point 4) Boiling point
1) Carbohydrate 2) Respiratory pigment 125. Which of the following is a chromoprotein?
3) Vitamin 4) Skin pigment 1) Keratin 2) Casein
115. Find out the incorrect statement about adult 3) Haemoglobin 4) Ferritin
human haemoglobin 126. The primary structure of a protein is due to
1) It is made up of four sub-units 1) Glycosidic bonds 2)Hydrogen bonds
2) Two sub-units are of -type and two sub-units 3) Peptide bonds 4) S-S linkage
of -type
3) It has quaternary structure of protein 127. Which of the following is strongest bond in the
4) It is a simple protein native tertiary structure of globular protein?
1) Disulphide linkages
116. Which of the following is an indispensable 2) Ionic bonds between positively and negatively
amino acid and contains sulphur ? charged groups
1) Phenylalanine 2) Valine 3) Hydrogen bonds between R-groups
3) Lysine 4) Methionine 4) Hydrophobic interactions between non polar
117. One of these is not an amino acid : R groups
1) Tryptophan 2) Uracil 128. A protein having both structural and enzymatic
3) Lysine 4) Glycine traits is
118. Examples of aromatic amino acids are: 1) Myosin 2) Collagen
1) Glycine and alanine 3) Trypsin 4) Actin
2) Phenylalanine and tryptophan 129. Ketone bodies are by products of metabolism of :
3) Glycine and methionine 1) Carbohydrate 2) Protein
4) Glutamic acid and aspartic acid 3) Fat 4) All of these
119. Essential amino acids include 130. Peptide bond is:
1) leucine 2) valine 1) A single bond
3) tryptophan 4) all of these. 2) A double bond
120. Amino acid tryptophan gives rise to 3) Partially single and partially double
1) Adrenaline 4) An ester bond
2) Melanin 131. Identify X and Y in the given sequence.
3) Indole acetic acid
4) Thyroxine
121. The amino acid with lowest molecular weight
is :
1) Serine 2) Glycine
3) Cysteine 4) Threonine
1) N-terminal amino acid C-terminal amino acid
122. The amino acid which gives rise to thyroxine
2) N-terminal amino acid N-terminal amino acid
3) C-terminal amino acid N-terminal amino acid
1) Glycine 2) Alanine
4) C-terminal amino acid C-terminal amino acid
3) Tyrosine 4) Tryptophan
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132. Adult human haemolgobin consists of 143. The compound showing the following formula is:
1) 2 subunits ( ) 2) 2 subunits ()
3) 4 subunits () 4) 3 subunits ().
133. In the formation of a nanopeptide, how many
water molecules are liberated?
1) 9 2) 10 3) 8 4) 18 1) Steroid 2) Lecithin
134. Which of the following is an imino acid? 3) Triglyceride 4) Monoglyceride
1) Proline 2) Serine 144. More complex lipids are found in
3) Cysteine 4) Cystine 1) Neural tissues 2) Blood
135. At some points a protein molecule may be folded 3) Mesophyll 4) Seeds
back on itself. This is called ___ structure and 145. This molecule is related to-
folds or coils are held together in place by
1) 2°,H-bonds 2) 2°, peptide bonds
3) 3°, H-bonds 4) peptide bonds
1) Phospholipid 2) Lecithin
136. A curly hair is due to the formation of a-helix
of keratin, then a straight hair is due to 3) Cholesterol 4) Oleic acid
______________ of keratin. 146. Waxes are
1) Tertiary structure 2) -helix 1) Esters of fatty acids and alcohol other than
3) Secondary structure 4) -sheets glycerol
Lipids 2) True fats
3) Lipids that contains proteins 4) Sterols
137. A fat molecule has
147. Which of the following biomolecule is collected
1) 1 glycerol and one fatty acid molecule
in acid insoluble pool?
2) One glycerol and 2 fatty acid molecules 1) Proteins 2) Lipids
3) One glycerol and 3 fatty acid molecule 3) Polysaccharides 4) Nucleic acid
4) All
148. Which of the following statement is incorrect ?
138. A Steroid that prevents fertility is 1) Lipids are strictly macromolecules
1) Estrogen 2) Cholesterol 2) Palmitic acid has 16 carbons including carboxyl carbon
3) Diosgenin 4) Testosterone 3) Oils have low melting point and hence remain
139. Which of the following is most unsaturated? as oil in winters
1) Arachidonic acid 2) Linolenic acid 4) Arachidonic acid is a 20 carbon unsaturated
3) Linoleic acid 4) Oleic acid fatty acid
140. Lipids are not soluble in water because 149. Fats and oils are
1) Lipids are neutral 1) Glycolipids 2) Triglycerides
3) Phospholipds 4) Conjugated lipids
2) Lipids are hydrophobic
3) Lipids are hydrophilic 150. The number of carbons in a cholesterol:
4) Lipids are zwitterion complex 1) 20 2) 25 3) 27 4) 30
141. Cholesterol is the precursor of 151. The product of the given reaction would be a
1) Progesterone 2) Testosterone
3) Estradiol & cortisol 4) All of the above
142. The unsaturated fatty acid essential to human
being but not to other animals is
1) Oleic acid 2) linoleic acid 1) Monoglyceride 2) Diglyceride
3) Linolenic acid 4) Arachidonic acid 3) Triglyceride 4) Both (1) & (3)
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152. Which of the following biomolecules is correctly 156. Vegetable oils are
characterised? 1) Sodium salts of higher fatty acids
1) Lecithin - a phosphorylated glyceride found 2) Potassium salts of higher fatty acids
in cell membrane 3) Mixture of sodium and potassium salts of
2) Palmitic acid - an unsaturated fatty acid higher fatty acids
with 18 carbon atoms 4) Glycerides of fatty acids
3) Gingely oil has high melting point
157. Which of the following is a derived lipid ?
4) Gangliosides are present in renal tissues
1) Wax 2) Cutin
153. Lecithin is a 3) Steroid 4) Suberin
1) Simple lipid 2) Derived lipid
158. The number of ester bonds in a lipid (n = number
3) Phospholipid 4) Steroids
of fatty acids):
154. Which of the following is the diagramme 1) n +1 2) n 3) n - 1 4) 2n
represents phosphatidyl choline?
159. A fatty acid not synthesized in man is:
1) Oleic 2) Linoleic 3) Palmitic 4) Stearic
160. The cholesterol molecule is :
1) An aromatic ring
2) A tocopherol
3) A straight chain acid
4) A sterol
161. Phospholipid consists of :
1) C,H,O 2) C,H,O,N
3) C,H,O,N,P 4) C,H,O,N,P,S
Nucleic Acids
162. Purine and pyrimidine nucleotides polymerise
to form
1) Nucleosides 2) Amino acids
3) Nucleic acids 4) Lipids
163. Nitrogenous bases do not contain
1) Carbon 2) Phosphorus
3) Hydrogen 4) Nitrogen
3) 164. How many base pairs are present in one turn
of DNA ?
1) Ten 2) Nine 3) Eleven 4) Twelve
165. DNA and RNA resemble each other in
1) Similar pyrimidine bases
2) Similar sugars
3) Number of strands 4) Purines
166. Distance between two adjacent nitrogenous
bases of DNA is
155. Waxes are
1) 2.4 Å 2) 3.4 Å 3) 24 Å 4) 34 Å
1) Lipids are contains proteins
2) Esters of fatty acid and alcohol other than 167. A nucleoside differs from a nucleotide in not
glycerol having
3) True fats 1) Phosphate 2) Sugar
4) Sterols 3) Phosphate and sugar 4) Nitrogen base
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168. Which of the following base is present in RNA 178. A nitrogenous base present in RNA but not in
but not in DNA? DNA is
1) Uracil 2) Adenine 1) Adenine 2) Uracil
3) Guanine 4) Water 3) Guanine 4) Cytosine
169. Which one of the following is the diagrammatic 179. Which purine base is found in RNA?
representation of a nucleotide ? 1) Thymine 2) Uracil
3) Cytosine 4) Guanine
180. Nucleoside is
1) Sugar + Nitrogenous base
1) 2)
2) Sugar + Phosphate
3) Nitrogenous base + Phosphate
4) Purine + Pyrimidine
181. A nucleotide is made up of
3) 4) 1) Sugar - phosphate
2) Nitrogenous base and sugar
3) Nucleoside - phosphate
170. in this figure A is: 4) Phosphate and N-base
182. Which of the following is a nucleotide?
1) Thymidine 2) Cytosine
3) Guanine 4) Uridylic acid
1) Glycosidic bond 2) Phosphate bond
183. Which of the following pairs of nitrogenous
3) Phospho ester bond 4) Ionic bond
bases of nucleic acids is mismatched with the
171. Choose the incorrect statement of the following: category mentioned against it ?
1) N-bases (A, G, C, T, U) have heterocyclic rings 1) Adenine, Thymine Purines
2) In cellular organisms DNA is genetic material 2) Thymine, Uracil Pyrimidines
3) Adenylate is nucleoside 3) Uracil, Cytosine Pyrimidines
4) Cytidine is a nucleoside 4) Guanine, Adenine Purines
172. Which one is a nucleotide ? 184. If the total amount of adenine and thymine in
1) ADP and GMP 2) CTP and UDP a double-stranded DNA is 60%, the amount of
3) UMP and TDP 4) All the above guanine in this DNA will be
173. In DNA, adenine always base pairs with 1) 15% 2) 20% 3) 30% 4) 40%
1) Adenine 2) Thymine 185. Adenosine triphosphate is a
3) Cytosine 4) Guanine 1) Protein
174. The genetic material of Tobacco mosaic virus is 2) Derived monosaccharide
1) RNA 2) DNA 3) Protein 4) NADPH 3) Simple lipid 4) Nucleotide
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189. The pitch of the B-DNA is 199. DNA has equal number of adenine and thymine
1) 36 Å 2) 3.4 Å 3) 34 Å 4) 3.6 Å residues (A = T) and equal number of guanine
and cytosine (G = C). These relationships are
190. Which of the following is not a salient feature
known as
of B-DNA?
1) Chargaffs rule
1) One full turn of helical strand involve 10 base pairs
2) Coulombs law
2) Pitch of helix would be 34 Å
3) Le Chateliers principle
3) Diameter of double helix is 20 Å
4) Vant Hoff plot
4) DNA with left handed coiling
200. In a DNA molecule
191. In B-DNA, one full turn of the helical strand
1) There are two strands which run antiparal-
lel-one in 5 3direction and other in 3 5
1) 11 base pairs 2) 8 base pairs
2) The total amount of purine nucleotides and
3) 10 base pairs 4) 9 base pairs
pyrimidine nucleotides is not always equal
192. In B-DNA, the rise per base pair would be 3) There are two strands which run parallel in
1) 4.3 Å 2) 2.4 Å 3) 3.4 Å 4) 4.2 Å the 5 3 direction
193. In a DNA molecule adenine of one strand base 4) The proportion of adenine in relation to
pair with ____ on the other strand thymine varies with the organism
1) Guanine 2) Thymine 201. Watson and Crick published double helix
3) Cytosine 4) Uracil structure in:
194. The nitrogenous bases of the two opposite strands 1) 1953 2) 1961 3) 1959 4) 1969
of DNA are joined by 202. The 3 ® 5phosphodiester linkages inside a
1) Phosphodiester bond 2) Hydrogen bond polynucleotide chain serve to join
3) Glycosidic bond 4) Peptide bond 1) One DNA strand with the other DNA strand
195. Methylated uracil is: 2) One nucleoside with another nucleoside
1) Thymine 2) Thiamine 3) One nucleotide with another nucleotide
3) Cytosine 4) Adenine 4) One nitrogenous base with pentose sugar
196. If the sequence of bases in one of the DNA strand 203. Which of the following statement is incorrect?
is A G G A G A A, then the sequence of bases in 1) Backbone of DNA is formed by sugar-
the other complementary strand of DNA would be phosphate
1) C, C, T, T, C, T, T 2) T, C, T, C, T, C, C 2) Nucleic acids are present in acid soluble frac-
3) T, C, C, T, C, T, T 4) C, C, T, C, T, C, T tion of any living tissue
197. In DNA, cytosine pairs with guanine with 3) RNA has only 5 3 strand
_____ hydrogen bonds. 4) Nuclein term was given by Meischer
1) 3 2) 2 3) 4 4) None 204. Which of the following enzymes is used to join
198. Given below is the diagrammatic representation bits of DNA?
of one of the categories of small molecular weight 1) Ligase 2) Primase
organic compounds in the living tissues. 3) DNA polymerase 4) Endonuclease
Identify the category shown and the one blank 205. t-RNA constitutes about
component X in it 1) 70-80 % of the total RNA
2) 15% of the total RNA
3) 5% of the total RNA
4) 1-3% of the total RNA
Category Component X
206. The carbon atoms of the pentose sugar involved
in phosphodiester bond formation in DNA and
1) Nucleotide & Adenine RNA are:
2) Nucleoside & Uracil 1) C1’ and C 5’ 2) C ’2 and C 3’
3) Cholesterol & Guanine ’
3) C 3 and C 5’
4) C ’4 and C 5’
4) Amino acid & NH2
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207. What is common in all of them i.e. NAD, FAD, 218. The type of RNA that characteristically contains
NADP, ATP methylated purines and pyrimidines is :
1) Adenine 2) Phosphate 1) tRNA 2) mRNA
3) Ribose 4) All of these 3) rRNA 4) All of above
208. Which of the following is only a deoxy ribose 219. The formation of mRNA occurs in :
nucleotide? 1) Cytoplasm 2) Nucleolus
1) Cytosinepentose sugar-phosphate 3) Ribosomes 4) Nucleus
2) Guaninepentose sugar-phosphate
220. RNA responsible for directing proper sequence
3) Thyminepentose sugarphosphate
of amino acids in protein synthesis is :
4) Uracilpentose sugarphosphate
1) Chromosomal RNA 2) Ribosomal RNA
209. Which of the following sequence is correct on 3) Transfer RNA 4) Messenger RNA
the basis of increasing molecular weight?
221. The left handed DNA is:
1) Z-DNA 2) B-DNA
3) A-DNA 4) C-DNA
4) ATP, ADP, NADP, DNA 222. Chargaff, in his experiments on the chemistry
of DNA estimated the base composition of
210. In a nucleotide, nitrogen base and pentose are
human DNA and found Adenine constitute 31%
held by
and Guanine 19%. The quantity of cytosine in
1) Phosphoester bond 2) Phosphodiester bond the DNA of a human somatic cell is likely to be
3) N-glycosidic bond 4) C-glycosidic bond 1) 31% 2) 19% 3) 62% 4) 38%
211. Nicotinamide can be synthesised in human 223. Number of nitrogen bases in a single strand of
body from B-DNA with 100 turns is
1) Fructose 2) Lactose 1) 500 2)1000 3) 2000 4) 250
3) Tyrosine 4) Tryptophan
224. The most stable RNA in the cell is :
212. Number of dehydrations in a nucleotide AMP: 1)rRNA 2) sRNA 3) tRNA 4) mRNA
1) 4 2) 3 3) 2 4) 1
225. Antiparallel strands of a DNA molecule means
213. On hydrolysis a nucleoside would not yield that
1) Phosphoric acid 2) Purine 1) One strand turns clockwise
3) Pyrimidine 4) Pentose sugar 2) One strand turns anti-clockwise
214. t-RNA is also known as? 3) The phosphate groups of two DNA strands,
1) Messenger RNA 2) r-RNA at their ends, share the same position
3) Microsomal RNA 4) Soluble RNA 4) The phosphate groups at the start of two DNA
strands are in opposite position (pole)
215. B-DNA which is right-handed double helix
contains __ base pairs per turn of the helix and Enzymes
each turn is __ long,
226. Substances which bring about changes in
1) 10, 3.4 Å 2) 10, 34 Å
allosteric sites are called :
3) 11, 20 Å 4) 11, 34 Å
1) Modulators
216. Double helix DNA was proposed based on the 2) Substrate
X-ray diffraction studies of: 3) Competitive inhibitors
1) Franklin and Wilkins 4) Non competitive inhibitors
2) Jacob and Monod
3) Altman 227. K m value of an enzyme is the substrate
4) Meischer concentration at which the reaction attains :
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228. Protein part of a conjugated enzyme is known as 237. Feed back inhibition is affected by
1) Holoenzyme 2) Apoenzyme 1) End Product 2) First Product
3) Cofactor 4) Proenzyme 3) Enzymes 4) External factors
229. Zymogens are 238. All the following statements are correct about
1) Active enzymes enzymes, but one is wrong. Select the incorrect
2) Inactive precursors of enzymes statement.
3) Denatured enzymes 1) Almost all enzymes are proteins
4) Isoenzymes 2) There are some nucleic acids which behave like
enzymes and are called ribozymes
230. Competitive inhibitors are those which 3) Enzymes obtained from thermophilic
1) Alter the structure of enzyme molecule organisms retain their catalytic power even at
2) Act as coenzyme for the reaction high temperatures up to 80 - 90oC
3) Compete for same active site of an enzyme 4) Ribozyme was discovered by Altman et al.
4) Both (1) & (3)
239. Which of the following statements is correct?
231. Which is true ? 1) Biocatalysts accelerate the rate of a given meta-
1) Holoenzyme = Apoenzyme + Endoenzyme bolic reaction
2) Apoenzyme = Holoenzyme + Exoenzyme 2) Biocatalysts are generally protein
3) Coenzyme = Holoenzyme + Apoenzyme 3) Enzyme catalyst differ from inorganic catalyst
4) Holoenzyme = Coenzyme + Apoenzyme 4) All of these
232. Enzymes are able to accelerate a reaction because 240. Which of the following statements is incorrect
w.r.t. inorganic catalysts?
1) Reacting substances are brought into highly
1) They do not occur in living cells
specific relations with each other
2) They are not specific for any reaction
2) Energy is added to the system
3) They get damaged at high temperature
3) Molecules of the reactants are speeded up so 4) They work efficiently at high pressure
that random encounters are more
4) Products of the reaction are removed 241. Enzymes catalyse biochemical reactions by
simultaneously 1) Lowering the activation energy
2) Increasing the activation energy
233. The enzyme which shows maximum turn over 3) Establishing stable bonds with substrate
number is 4) Increasing temperature
1) Urease 2) Amylase
242. All enzymes are proteins, except
3) Lipase 4) Carbonic anhydrase 1) Trypsin 2) Pepsin
234. Most fatal poisons block the enzyme action and 3) Steapsin 4) Ribozyme
act as 243. Enzymes, vitamins and hormones can be
1) Allosteric inhibitors classified into a single category of biological
2) Competitive inhibitors chemicals, because all of these
3) Non-competitive inhibitors 1) Help in regulating metabolism
4) Modulators 2) Are exclusively synthesized in the body of a
living organism as at present
235. Allosteric inhibition involves
3) Are conjugated proteins
1) A substance other than substrate attaching
4) Enhance oxidative metabolism
to the active site of enzyme
2) Excessive amount of substrate 244. Ligases require:
3) Excess of enzyme 1) ATP 2) Manganese
4) End product attaching to the site other than 3) Electrons 4) NAD+
the active site 245. Apoenzyme is
1) Always a protein
236. At boiling temperature, an enzyme is
2) Often a metal
1) Killed 2) Denatured
3) Always an inorganic compound
3) Renatured 4) Unaffected
4) Often a vitamin
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246. Non-protein part of enzyme is known as 257. Read the following :
1) Apoenzyme 2) Cofactor a) Low temperature preserves the enzyme
3) Inorganic catalyst 4) Active site b) Enzyme activity increases above optimum
247. Enzymes catalysing the breakdown of larger
c) Enzyme gets denatured at high temperature
molecules into smaller molecules are
d) Competitive inhibitor competes with the
1) Hydrolases 2) Isomerases
product formed
3) Ligase 4) Both (1) & (3)
Which of the following statement are true?
248. The enzymes that catalyse the conversion of 1) (a) & (c) 2) (b) & (d)
glucose-6-phosphate into fructose-6-phosphate is 3) (c) & (d) 4) (a) & (b)
1) Ligases 2) Isomerases
258. Study the following statements :
3) Lyases 4) Hydrolases
a) The substrate binds to the active site of the
249. Electron transferring enzymes belong to enzyme
1) Transferases 2) Oxidoreductases b) Enzymes isolated from thermophilic organ-
3) Lyases 4) Isomerases isms get denatured above 50°C
c) The active site of enzyme breaks the chemi-
250. For its activity, carboxypeptidase requires
cal bonds in the product
1) Zinc 2) Iron 3) Niacin 4) Copper
d) Prosthetic groups are tightly bound to the
251. Prosthetic group is a part of holoenzyme. It is apoenzyme
1) Loosely attached organic part Select the option which includes all correct
2) Loosely attached inorganic part statements :
3) Non-protein organic part firmly attached with 1) (a) & (c) 2) (c) & (d)
apoenzyme 3) (b) & (c) 4) (a) & (d)
4) None of these
259. Which of the following factors do not affect
252. An organic substance bound to an enzyme and enzyme activity?
essential for its activity is called A) Temperature
1) Isoenzyme 2) Coenzyme B) pH
3) Holoenzyme 4) Apoenzyme C) Enzyme concentration
253. Organic compounds that are tightly bound to D) Product concentration
E) Substrate concentration
apoenzyme is
F) MW of an enzyme
1) Prosthetic group 2) Apoenzyme
1) C only 2) C & D 3) D only 4) F only
3) Metal ions 4) Co-enzymes
260. Three of the following statements about
254. Active site of enzyme is formed by
enzymes are correct and one is wrong. Which
1) Primary structure of protein
one is wrong?
2) Secondary structure of protein
1) Enzymes require optimum pH for maximal ac-
3) Tertiary structure of protein
4) Quaternary structure of protein
2) Enzymes are denatured at high temperature
255. What is the fate of pyruvic acid under anaero- but in certain exceptional organisms they are
bic conditions in our body? effective even at temperatures of 80°-90°C
1) It gets converted into methyl alcohol 3) Enzymes are highly specific
2) It gets converted into acetyl CoA 4) Most enzymes are proteins but some are
3) It gets converted into lactic acid lipids
4) It gets converted into glycogen
261. A competitive inhibitor of succinate dehydro-
256. In which of the following energy is released? genase is
1) Conversion of glucose into pyruvate 1) -amino benzoic acid
2) Formation of proteins from amino acids 2) Malonate
3) Conversion of glucose into lactic acid 3) Succinate
4) Both (1) & (3) 4) Sulphanilamide
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262. Bacterial pathogen can be controlled by 269. Energy released from enzyme-substrate
1) Allosteric inhibition interaction is
2) Competitive inhibition 1) Activation energy 2) Binding energy
3) Non competitive inhibition 3) Constant energy 4)Variable energy
4) All of these
270. The enzyme which shows optimal activity at
263. Which one of the following statements acidic PH
regarding enzyme inhibition is correct? 1) Alkaline phosphatase 2) Trypsin
1) Competitive inhibition is seen when a substrate 3) Pepsin 4) Chymotrypsin
competes with an enzyme for binding to an
271. Which of the following statements is incorrect
inhibitor protein
regarding enzymatic activity?
2) Competitive inhibition is seen when the sub-
1) It increases with increase in substrate
strate and the inhibitor compete for the same
concentration upto the saturation point.
active site on the enzyme
2) It is highest at optimum pH value.
3) Non-competitive inhibition of an enzyme can
3) It initially decreases with increase in pH value.
be overcome by adding large amount of sub-
4) It initially increases with increase in
temperature and then decreases.
4) Non-competitive inhibitors bind to the enzyme
irreversibly 272. Presence of competitive inhibitor
1) Increases Km
264. Which of the following is a typical example of
2) Decrease Km
feedback inhibition?
3) 1st increase then decrease Km
1) Cyanide and cytochrome reaction
4) 1st decreases then increases Km
2) Sulpha drugs and folic acid synthesizer bacte-
ria 273. Maximum concentration of enzymes (69-70%)
3) Allosteric inhibition of hexokinase by glucose in a cell occur in
6-phosphate 1) Protein factory of cell
4) Reaction between succinic dehydrogenase and 2) Power house of cell
succinic acid 3) ER
4) Abzymes
265. Which factor is responsible for inhibition of
enzymatic process during feedback? 274. Coenzyme is
1) Substrate 2) Enzyme 1) Fat soluble vitamin
3) End product 4) Temperature 2) Often metal
3) Inorganic compound
266. Select the option which is not correct with
4) Derivate of B-complex vitamin
respect to enzyme action
1) Substrate binds with enzyme at its active site 275. Which enzyme/s do not follow Km constant?
2) Addition of lot of succinate does not reverse 1) Pepsin, Trypsin 2) Allosteric
the inhibition of succinic dehydrogenase by 3) Denatured 4) Both (2) & (3)
malonate 276. Which vitamin forms coenzymes FAD and
3) A non-competitive inhibitor binds the enzyme FMN.
at a site distinct from that which binds the 1) Riboflavin 2) Tocopherol
substrate 3) Ergacaliferol 4) Ascorbic acid
4) Malonate is a competitive inhibitor of succinic
dehydrogenase 277. Lysozyme occurs in
1) Egg white 2) Tears
267. Michaelis constant (Km) is calculated from: 3) Sweat 4) All of these
1) [E] 2) One third Vmax
3) Half Vmax 4) Enzyme affinity 278. In an experiment to study fermentation by yeast,
temperature was increased from 20°C to 30°C,
268. Carbonic anhydrase belongs to rate of enzyme catalysed reaction increases by
1) Class 1 2) Class 4 1) 2 times 2) 5 times
3) Class 5 4) Class 2 3) 10 times 4) No effect
106 Biomolecules
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279. Shape of the plot of relation between pH and 287. Endoenzymes generally act at
enzyme activity: 1) Acidic pH 2) Alkaline pH
1) Sigmoidal 2) Bell 3) Neutral pH 4) their optimum pH
3) Hyperbola 4) Straight line
288. End product inhibition is:
280. What will happen to an enzyme when a metal 1) Hyperbolic 2) Sigmoidal
is separated from apoenzyme: 3) Bell 4) Extended bell
1) Activity will be increased
289. in this EC number the last digit denotes:
2) Activity will be lost
1) Enzyme nature 2) Coenzyme nature
3) Activity will be decreased
3) Nature of reaction
4) No change in activity
4) Serial number of enzyme
281. Dry seeds can endure higher temperature than
290. Inhibition of succinate dehydrogenase by
the germinating seeds because
malonate is an example of
1) Dry seeds are hard
1) non-competitive inhibition
2) Seedlings are tender
2) competitive inhibition
3) Dry seeds have more reserve food
3) allosteric inhibition
4) Hydration makes the enzymes more sensitive
4) negative feed back.
to temperature
291. Dihydroxyacetone-3-phosphate and glyceral-
282. Action of bacterial antibiotics sulphate drugs is
dehyde-3-phosphate are interconvertible. The
due to
enzyme responsible for this interconversion
1) Competitive inhibition
belongs to the cateogry of
2) Reversible competitive inhibition
1) isomerases 2) ligases
3) Irreversible non competitive inhibition
3) lyases 4) hydrolases.
4) Feed back inhibition
292. The inhibitor which binds with the inhibitor
283. Cyanide is a metabolic poison as it :
site is:
1) Inhibits the enzymes of TCA cycle
1) feed back inhibitor
2) Inhibits the enzymes cytochrome-c-oxidase
2) non-competitive inhibitor
and blocks tissue respiration
3) competitive inhibitor
3) Inhibits glycolysis
4) allosteric modulator
4) Stops protein synthesis
284. Accumulation of glucose-6-phosphate inhibits
the activity of glucohexokinase. This is an 1) 1 2) 1 3) 4 4) 2 5) 1
example of
6) 1 7) 4 8) 3 9) 1 10) 4
1) Allosteric inhibition 2) Feed back inhibition
3) Retro inhibition 4) All of these 11) 4 12) 4 13) 3 14) 4 15) 3
285. Which of the following statement is not true for 16) 4 17) 2 18) 3 19) 1 20) 3
allosteric inhibition? 21) 2 22) 2 23) 1 24) 3 25) 4
1) Inhibitor has no structural similarity with the
26) 3 27) 1 28) 2 29) 4 30) 2
2) It is irreversible 31) 1 32) 3 33) 3 34) 1 35) 2
3) Inhibitor attaches to an area other than active site 36) 3 37) 1 38) 4 39) 4 40) 4
4) Conformation of enzymes is changed 41) 3 42) 3 43) 3 44) 3 45) 1
286. Higher value of Km for an enzyme indicates 46) 3 47) 1 48) 4 49) 2 50) 1
__________ for a substrate.
51) 3 52) 2 53) 2 54) 1 55) 2
1) Low affinity
2) How enzyme activity 56) 4 57) 3 58) 2 59) 1 60) 4
3) High enzyme activity 61) 1 62) 2 63) 1 64) 2 65) 2
4) Both (1) and (2) 66) 3 67) 2 68) 1 69) 2 70) 1
Biomolecules 107
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71) 3 72) 1 73) 2 74) 4 75) 2 186) 4 187) 2 188) 2 189) 3 190) 4
76) 3 77) 3 78) 1 79) 1 80) 4 191) 3 192) 3 193) 2 194) 2 195) 1
81) 4 82) 1 83) 4 84) 2 85) 1 196) 3 197) 1 198) 2 199) 1 200) 1
86) 1 87) 2 88) 2 89) 3 90) 1 201) 1 202) 3 203) 2 204) 1 205) 2
91) 3 92) 1 93) 2 94) 2 95) 4 206) 3 207) 4 208) 3 209) 2 210) 3
96) 4 97) 4 98) 1 99) 2 100) 1 211) 4 212) 3 213) 1 214) 4 215) 2
101) 3 102) 3 103) 1 104) 1 105) 1 216) 1 217) 1 218) 2 219) 4 220) 4
106) 3 107) 1 108) 2 109) 2 110) 1 221) 1 222) 2 223) 2 224) 1 225) 4
111) 4 112) 4 113) 2 114) 2 115) 4 226) 1 227) 1 228) 2 229) 2 230) 3
116) 4 117) 2 118) 2 119) 4 120) 3 231) 4 232) 2 233) 4 234) 3 235) 4
121) 2 122) 3 123) 3 124) 3 125) 3
236) 2 237) 1 238) 4 239) 4 240) 3
126) 3 127) 1 128) 1 129) 3 130) 3
241) 1 242) 4 243) 1 244) 1 245) 1
131) 1 132) 3 133) 3 134) 1 135) 1
246) 2 247) 1 248) 2 249) 2 250) 1
136) 4 137) 4 138) 3 139) 1 140) 2
251) 3 252) 2 253) 1 254) 3 255) 3
141) 4 142) 4 143) 3 144) 1 145) 3
256) 4 257) 1 258) 4 259) 4 260) 4
146) 1 147) 2 148) 1 149) 2 150) 3
261) 2 262) 2 263) 2 264) 3 265) 3
151) 3 152) 1 153) 3 154) 3 155) 2
156) 4 157) 3 158) 2 159) 2 160) 4 266) 2 267) 3 268) 2 269) 2 270) 3
161) 3 162) 3 163) 2 164) 1 165) 4 271) 3 272) 1 273) 2 274) 4 275) 2
166) 2 167) 1 168) 1 169) 4 170) 3 276) 1 277) 4 278) 1 279) 2 280) 2
171) 3 172) 4 173) 2 174) 1 175) 1 281) 4 282) 1 283) 2 284) 4 285) 2
176) 1 177) 3 178) 2 179) 4 180) 1 286) 1 287) 4 288) 2 289) 4 290) 2
181) 3 182) 4 183) 1 184) 2 185) 4
291) 1 292) 2
72. Human blood group antigens are chemically 73. Glycogen is more compact and highly coiled
oligosaccherides attached to lipids. than starch and hence gives red colour with
oidine solution.
Oligosaccheride in antigen-O is:
Fu cos e 77.
, 59 glycosidic
bonds are present, 59 water molecules are
Galactose NAG Galactose Glu cos e Lipid
Oligosaccheride in antigen-A is:
Fu cos e
Galactose NAG Galactose Glu cos e Lipid 98. Because asparticacid contains two - COOH
N-Acetyl Galactosamine groups and one - NH2 group.
Oligosaccheride in antigen-B is: 99. Because lysine contains two - NH2 groups and
one - COOH group.
Fu cos e
101. Because valine contains one - COOH group
Galactose NAG Galactose Glu cos e Lipid and one - NH2 group.
118. Because phenylalanine contains Benzene ring
and Tryptophan contains indole (Benzene +
Pyrrole) ring.
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124. A specific protein shows a specific IEP. 160. Cholesterol is a steroid alcohol.
127. -S-S- are covalent bonds. 221. Z (zig-zag)-DNA is a left handed DNA with
129. When sugars are absent in cells, fats are 12 bp per turm.
converted to ketone bodies (acetone,
acetoacetate and b- hydroxy butyrate) to give
energy to the cells.
223. One turn = 10 bases, 100 turns = 100 × 10
130. Due to resonance, peptide bond is a partially
bases = 1000.
single bond and a partially double bond.
136. Keratin is a hair protein.
150. Cholesterol is C27H46O.
155. Eicosanoids (C20unsaturated fattyacids)are
the precursors of prostaglandins,
prostacyclins and thromboxanes.
Biomolecules 109
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Multi Model Questions
1. Match Column-I with Column-II correctly 6. An important step in the manufacture of pulp
Column-I Column-II for paper industry is the
(Category) (Secondary metabolites) 1) Preparation of pure cellulose
A) Pigments i) Concanavalin A 2) Treatment of wood with chemicals that break
B) Terpenoids ii) Monoterpenes, down cellulose
diterpenes 3) Removal of oils present in the wood by treat-
C) Alkaloids iii) Morphine, codeine ment with suitable chemicals
D) Lectins iv) Carotenoids, 4) Removal of water from the wood by prolonged
anthocyanins heating at approximately 50°C
1) A-(iv),B-(iii),C-(ii),D-(i) 7. Read the given statement and select the option
2) A-(iv),B-(ii),C-(iii),D-(i) that correctly identifies X and Y. In a glycogen
3) A-(i),B-(iv),C-(iii),D-(ii) molecule, successive glucose units are joined
4) A-(i),B-(iii),C-(ii),D-(iv) together by X and branches are linked together
2. Fehlings solution can detect presence of by Y.
1) Sucrose 2) Glucose X Y
3) Aminoacids 4) Lipids 1) 1, 4- -glycosidic bond 1, 4- - glycosidic bond
2) 1, 6- -glycosidic bond 1, 6- - glycosidic bond
3. Cellulose, the most important constituent of
plant cell wall is made up of 3) 1,6 - -glycosidic bond 1, 4 - glycosidic bond
4) 1, 4- -glycosidic bond 1, 6- - glycosidic bond
1) Unbranched chain of glucose molecules linked
by -1, 4 glycosidic bond 8. Which of the following statements is false?
2) Branched chain of glucose molecules linked 1) Cellulose is the most abundant organic
by - 1, 4 glycosidic bond in straight chain compound in the biosphere
and -1, 6 glycosidic bond at the site of branch- 2) Cellulose is an unbranched polymer with
ing -1,4 glycosidic bonds
3) Branched chain of glucose molecules linked
3) Rayon and cellophane are chemically similar
by - 1, 6 glycosidic bond at the site of branch-
to cellulose xanthate
4) Unbranched chain of glucose molecules linked 4) Cellulose can be digested by the herbivores by
by -1, 4 glycosidic bond -amylase (cellulase), produced by the glan-
dular cells of their alimentary canal
4. Peptidoglycan is made up of
1) D-glucuronic acid 9. Carbohydrates are commonly found as starch
2) N-acetyl glucosamine in plant storage organs. Which of the following
3) N-acetyl glucosamine and N-acetyl muramic properties of starch (a - e) make it useful as a
acid storage material ?
4) Both 1 & 2 a) Easily translocated
b) Chemically non-reactive
5. In maltose glycosidic bond is formed between
c) Easily digested by animals
1) Carbon 1 of one glucose molecule and
d) Osmotically inactive
carbon 4 of second glucose molecule
e) Synthesized during photosynthesis
2) Carbon 2 of one glucose molecule and
1) a & e 2) b & c 3) b & d 4) a, c & e
carbon 3 of second glucose molecule
3) Carbon 3 of one glucose molecule and 10. Study the given statements and select the cor-
carbon 4 of second glucose molecule rect answer.
4) Carbon 1 of one glucose molecule and i) Cellulose is a homopolymer of glucose.
carbon 6 of second glucose molecule ii) Inulin is a homopolymer of fructose.
110 Biomolecules
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iii) Starch gives blue colour and glycogen gives 15. The given fattty acid is known as CH3(CH2)7 CH
red colour with iodine solution. = CH(CH2)7COOH
iv) Cellulose gives no colour with iodine solu- 1) Palmitic acid 2) Oleic acid
tion. 3) Stearic acid 4) Arachidonic acid
1) Statements (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct 16. Lipids that insulate the nerve fibre are
2) Statements (i), (ii) and (iv) are correct 1) Lecithin 2) Cholesterol
3) Statements (ii) and (iii) are correct 3) Suberin 4) Glycolipids
4) All statements are correct.
17. High cholesterol patients are advised to use
11. Match Column-I with Column-II correctly: 1) Ghee, butter and oils
Column -I Column - II 2) Groundnut oil, margarine and vegetable oils
A) Tetrose sugar i) Galactose 3) Fatty oil and butter
B) Pentose sugar ii) Maltose 4) Cheese, dalda and ghee
C) Hexose sugar iii) Erythrose 18. Which of the following aminoacids is involved
D) Disaccharide iv) Ribose in the formation of Heme?
v) Sedoheptulose 1) Tryptophan 2) Tyrosine
1) A-(v), B -(iv), C-(iii), D-(i), (ii) 3) Glycine 4) Histidine
2) A-(iii), B-(iv), C-(v), D-(ii)
19. Which one of the following is alcoholic amino
3) A-(iii), B-(iv), C-(i), D-(ii) acid pair ?
4) A-(i), (ii), B-(iv), C-(iii), D- v) 1) Tyrosine and serine
12. Match Column - I with Column - II correctly: 2) Threonine and serine
3) Phenylalanine and tyrosine
Column -I Column - II
4) Tryptophan and phenylalanine
A) Cotton fibre i) Starch
B) Exoskeleton of ii) Glycogen 20. Lysine is an essential amino acid because
cockroach 1) It is very rare
C) Liver iii) Chitin 2) It has a high nutritive value
D) Peeled potato iv) Inulin 3) It is an important constituent of all proteins
4) It is not formed in the body and has to be pro-
E) Roots of Dahlia v) Cellulose
vided through diet
1) A-(v), B-(iii), C-(ii), D-(i), E-(iv) 21. Which out of (A - D) given below correctly
2) A-(v), B-(iii), C-(i), D-(iv), E-(ii) represents the structural formula of a basic
3) A-(i), B-(ii), C-(iii), D-(v), E-(iv) amino acid?
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2) Glycine : Involved in the formation of heme 29. A protein that has three helical polypeptides su-
3) Tryptophan : Helps in the synthesis of auxin percoiled to form a rope like structure is
hormone 1) insulin 2) Collagen
4) Histidine : Can be converted into histamine 3) Haemoglobin 4) Both 1 & 3
by the removal of amino group
30. S-I : Living state and metabolism are synony-
S-II : Metabolism provides energy input to pre-
23. H–C–NH2 H–C–NH2 H–C–NH2
vent organisms to fall into equilibrium.
CH3 H CH2–OH 1) S-1 is correct and S-2 is false
AA1 AA 2 AA 3
2) S-2 is only correct
The correct names of above amino acids are 3) Both are wrong
AA1 AA2 AA3 4) Both are correct
1) Glycine Serine Alanine
2) Serine Alanine Glycine 31. Which of the following statement is incorrect
3) Serine Glycine Alanine for DNA?
4) Alanine Glycine Serine 1) DNA is a long polymer of deoxyribonuceloside
24. Which of the following is incorrect matching of
2) A bacteriophage known as ×174 has 5386
an amino acid and is functions ?
base pairs
Amino Acid Functions
1) Tyrosine - Forms hormones 3) Haploid content of human DNA is 3.3×109bp
thyroxine and adrenaline 4) 5-methyl- uracil is the nitrogen base found in
2) Glycine - Involved in the DNA
formation of heme 32. A Molecular biologist analysed a nucleic acid
3) Tryptophan - Formation of vitamin sample and found that it contained the N2 bases
nicotinamide and in following proportion A = 20%, T = 15%,
indole-3 acetic acid C= 35%,G = 30%. This data indicateds that
4) Alanine - Skin pigment melanin 1) Nucleic acid in the sample is a single stranded DNA
25. Which of the following is the correct match ? 2) Nucleic acid in the sample is a double stranded DNA
S.No. Acidic Basic Neutral 3) Nucelic acid in the sample is a double stranded RNA
amino acids amino acids amino acids 4) Nucleic acid in the sample is a single stranded RNA
1. Glutamic acid Lysine Valine
33. Which of the following set of coenzymes are
2. Lysine Valine Glutamic acid
nucleotides of vitamin niacin?
3. Glutamic acid Valine Lysine
4. Lysine Glutamic acid Valine
26. Antibodies that help to fight infectious agents
34. _______ catalyses covalent bonding of two
1) Polysaccharides 2) Amino acids
1) Invertase 2) Amylase
3) Proteins 4) Glucose
3) Glutamate pyruvate transaminase
27. Find out the odd of the following 4) Gln synthase
1) Glycosidic bonds
35. Which of the following has carbohydrate as
2) Peptide bonds
prosthetic group?
3) Phosphodiester bonds
1) Glycoprotein 2) Chromoprotein
4) Phosphoester bonds
3) Lipoprotein 4) Nucleoprotein
28. Which of the following is protein of silk ?
36. If an enzyme has been given the EC code,
1) Myoglobin
it is likely to be involved in
2) keratin 1) Digestion 2) Redox reaction
3) Fibroin 4) Haemoglobin 3) Isomerization 4) Molecular breakdown
112 Biomolecules
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37. The Michaelis constant Kmis 44. CO2 dissolving in water in living systems
1) numerically equal to Vmax/2 1) is an uncatalysed reaction
2) Dependent on the enzyme concentration 2) is a catalysed reaction
3) Numerically equal to the substrate concentra-
3) May be catalysed or uncatalysed
tion that gives half maximal velocity
4) Does not occur
4) Increased in the presence of non-competitive
inhibitor 45. Which one of the following graphs represent the
38. Which of the following is true for competitive relationship of temperature (in degree
enzyme inhibition? centigrade) and enzyme activity in bacteria
1) Decrease in Vmax and Km found in hot springs?
2) Unchanged Vmaxand Kmand decrease in
3) Unchanged Vmaxand Km increase in
4) Increase in Vmaxand Km
39. What would happen to Vmax in presence of a non-
competitive inhibitor ?
1) Decreases
2) Increases
3) Remains the same
4. First increases then decreases
40. Which of the following is not an example of com-
petitive inhibition ? 46. What is denoted by X and Y in the given graph?
1) Inhibition of succinic dehydrogenase by
2) Sulpha drugs used to control bacterial
3) Inhibition of alcohol dehydrogenase by
ethanol in mehanol poisoning
4) Inhibition of hexokinase by glucose-6-
41. A competitive inhibitor of succinic dehydroge-
nase is
1) Malate 2) Malonate
3) Oxaloacetate 4) Both (2) & (3)
42. Accumulation of DHAP in the stroma of the
chloroplast slow down calvin cycle reactions is X-axis Y-axis
an example for 1) Activation energy Activation energy
1) Un catalysed biochemical reaction without enzyme with enzyme
2) Competitive inhibition 2) Activaion energy Activation energy
3) Feed back inhibition 4) both 2 and 3 with enzyme without enzyme
43. Find the incorrect statement the following 3) Substrate concentration Substrate concentration
1) all living organisms exist in a steady state with enzyme without enzyme
2) Living organisms can not afford to reach equi- 4) Substrate concentration Substrate concentration
librium as they work continuously without enzyme with enzyme
3) the living state is an equilibrium steady state
to be able to perform work.
4) Metabolism provides a mechanism for the pro-
duction of energy
Biomolecules 113
I-PUC/11thClass/Jr.Inter NEET-Botany
47. Select the right option regarding the given 56. S-I : Analysis of living tissue and earths crust
graph. have a similar list of elements.
S-II: All the elements present in earths crust are
present in living tissues
57. S-I : All living organisms are made of the same
S-II: Living organisms in the biosphere exhibit
wide diversity.
X-axis Y-axis 58. S-I : Living cells contain 20 types of amino acids
1) Rate of reaction Enzymatic activity and 5 types of nucleotides
2) Enzymatic activity Rate of reaction S-II: Living cells contain A, G, C, T, U Nitrogen
3) Enzymatic activity pH/Temperature bases
4) pH/Temperature Enzymatic 59. S-I : Adult human haemoglobin consists of 4
Statement Type Questions S-II: Two of these are identical to each other
1) Both Statement-I and II are true 60. S-I : All chemical reactions in living organisms
2) Both Statement-I and II are false are called metabolism
3) Statement-I is true but Statement-II is false S-II: Respiration is the best example for anabolic
4) Statement-I false but Statement-II is true process
48. S-I : A protein is a heteropolymer 61. S-I : Lecithine present in plasmamembrane
S-II: Each protein is a polymer of different S-II: Cell membrane has phospholipids
62. S-I : Nucleosides present in Nucleic acids
49. S-I : Nucleic acids exhibit a wide variety of sec- S-II: Nucleotides are structural and functional
ondary structures units of Nucleic acids
S-II: All types of nucleic acids exists as a double
helix 63. S-I : Guanylic acid is a nucleoside
S-II: Uridine is a nucleotide
50. S-I : All living organisms exist in a steady state
S-II: Living organisms work continuously and 64. S-I : Plant cell wall made of cellulose
reach equilibrium S-II: Paper made from plant pulp is cellulose
51. S-I : Cellulose is a homopolymer 65. S-I : Anabolic process is a destructive process
S-II: Cellulose is made up of many fructose mol- S-II: Catabolic process is a constructive process
ecules 66. S-I : Cellulose is a linear polysaccharide
52. S-I : Gingerly oil remains as oil in winters S-II: Cellulose consisting of only one type of
S-II: Oils have high melting point monosaccharide
67. S-I : Structural and functional units of proteins
53. S-I : Triglyceride has three ester bonds.
are amino acids
S-II: Three fatty acids are esterified with glycerol S-II : Polypeptide chain is homopolymer.
in triglyceride.
54. S-I : The structure of aminoacid changes with
changes in pH
S-II: Amino and carboxyl groups of amino acids 1) 2 2) 2 3) 1 4) 3 5) 1
are ionizable
6) 1 7) 4 8) 4 9) 3 10) 4
55. S-I : Starch-I2 is blue as starch can hold I2 molecules
but cellulose cannot hold I2 11) 3 12) 1 13) 1 14) 1 15) 2
S-II: Starch is a homopolymer whereas cellulose
is a heteropolymer 16) 4 17) 2 18) 3 19) 2 20) 4
114 Biomolecules
NEET-Botany I-PUC/11thClass/Jr.Inter
21) 4 22) 4 23) 4 24) 4 25) 1 46) 2 47) 4 48) 1 49) 3 50) 3
26) 3 27) 4 28) 3 29) 2 30) 4 51) 3 52) 3 53) 1 54) 1 55) 3
31) 2 32) 1 33) 1 34) 4 35) 1 56) 1 57) 2 58) 2 59) 2 60) 3
36) 3 37) 3 38) 3 39) 1 40) 4 61) 1 62) 2 63) 4 64) 2 65) 4
2. Glucose reduces Cu+2O present in Fehlings / 37. Km value is calculated from [S] on X-axis which
Benedicts reagents into Cu+12O with the help of is equal to half maximal velocity on Y-axis.
free carbonyl functional group. 39. Non-competitive inhibitor arrests velocity of an
8. The bacterial flora present in the rumen (special enzyme by binding with inhibitor site.
portion of intestine) contains cellulase but not 40. It is a feed back inhibition.
slandular cells of intestine. 41. Malonate and OAA are structural analogs of
21. Basic amino acids contain extra amine groups succinic acid.
in their R-chains. 42. DHAP accumulation is prevented by allosteric
24. Melanin is formed by tyrosine an aromatic inhibitor.
amino acid but not by alanine. 45. Related to amino acids both are correct and
26. Abs are Glycoproteins & belong to individual statements.
globulins. 46. Lipids molecular weight is less than one
27. Phosphoester bonds forms nucleoside but not thousand dalton, but retained with macro
other three types of polymers. molecules (proteins,nuclei acids & poly-
29. Collagen is a triple helix (3ropes like) protein. It saccharides )
is a secondary structure of proteins. Lipids are arranged into structures like cell
31. x 174 bacteriophage contains ss-DNA, ss- membrane and other membrane during
DNA contains bases but not base pairs. grinding they broken into pieces & form vesicles
and get separated along with the acid insoluble
32. According to Chargaffs rule, ss-DNA contains
four nitrogen bases in different proportions.
47. Strach forms helical secondary structures and
34. Glutamine Synthase is a ligase. It links two
can hold I2 molecules in the helical portion- the
molecules by forming covalent bonds.
starch-I2 is blue in colour.
Biomolecules 115
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1. Find out the mis-matched pair 8. Formation of both peptide and glycosidic bonds
[Kerala PMT 2007] involves : [DPMT 2010]
1) Agar - Polymer of glucose and 1) hydration 2) dehydration
sulphur containing carbo- 3) esterification 4) acidification
hydrates 9. The amino acid that acts as a carrier of ammonia
2) Chitin - Polymer of glucosamine from skeletal muscle to liver: [DPMT 2010]
3) Peptidoglycan -Polysaccharide linked to 1) alanine 2) methionine
peptides 3) arginine 4) glutamine
4) Lipopolysacc - A complex of lipid & harides
10. Molecules that bear charged groups of opposite
polarity are known as : [DPMT 2010]
2. Feedback inhibition of enzymes is affected by 1) zwitter ions 2) cations
which of the following [WB JEE 2009] 3) anions 4) negative ions
1) enzyme 2) substrate
11. A particular enzyme molecule interacts with a
3) end products 4) intermediate end products
specific substrate molecule is explained by:
3. The effectiveness of an enzyme is affected the [DPMT 2010]
least by [DPMT 2009] 1) enzyme-substrate concept
1) temperature 2) activation energy concept
2) concentration of the substrate 3) destroyed and re-synthesised concept
3) original activation energy of the system 4) lock and key concept
4) concentration of the enzyme 12. Excess carbohydrates and proteins are stored in
4. There is no DNA in [AIPMT 2009] the plant body as : [DPMT 2010]
1) a mature spermatozoan 1) amino acids 2) fats
2) root hair 3) starch 4) monosaccharide
3) an enucleated ovum 13. All enzymes are proteins. This statement is
4) mature RBCs now modified because an apparent exception to
5. Collagen is a [WE JEE 2009] this biological truth is : [DPMT 2010]
1) phosphoprotein 2) globulin 1) arylsulfatase 2) dehydrogenase
3) derived Protein 4) scleroprotein 3) ribozyme 4) nitroreductase
6. The anti-parallel nature of DNA refers to 14. A nucleoside differs from a nucleotide in not
[DPMT 2009] having: [DPMT 2010]
1) its charged phosphate groups 1) Sugar 2) Glucose
2) the formation of hydrogen bonds between 3) Nitrogen base 4) Phosphate group
bases from opposite strands 15. An element playing important role in nitrogen
3) the opposite direction of the two strands fixation is: [CBSE 2010]
4) the pairing of bases on one strand with bases 1) Manganese 2) Zinc
on the other strand 3) Molybdenum 4) Copper
7. Which of the following amino acids has a 16. Which one of the following is not a micro-
hydroxyl methyl group as its R group? nutrient? [CBSE 2010]
[DPMT 2010] 1) Zinc 2) Boron
1) serine 2) proline 3) Molybdenum 4) Magnesium
3) alanine 4) arginine
116 Biomolecules
NEET-Botany I-PUC/11thClass/Jr.Inter
17. Three of the following statements about temperature and substrate concentration)
enzymes are correct and one is wrong.? Which
one is wrong ? [CBSE MAINS 2010]
1) Enzymes are highly specific
2) Most enzymes are proteins but some are lipids
3) Enzymes require optimum pH for maximal
4) Enzymes are denatured at high temperatures What do the two axis (x and y) represent?
but in certain exceptional organisms they are [CBSE 2011]
effective even at temperatures 80° - 90°C. X - axis Y - axis
1) substrate, enzymatic activity
18. The figure given below shows the conversion
of a substrate into product by an enzyme. In
2) enzymatic temperature activity
which one of the four options (1-4) the
3) enzymatic pH activity
components of reaction labelled as A, B, C and
4) temperature enzyme activity
D are identified correctly ? [CBSE MAINS 2010]
21. If one strand of DNA has the nitrogenous base
sequence as ATCTG, what would be the
complementary RNA strand sequence?
1) UAGAC 2) AACTG [CBSE 2012]
22. Which one is the most abundant protein in the
animal world ? [CBSE 2012]
1) Haemoglobin 2) Collagen
3) Insulin 4) Trypsin
23. Given below is the diagrammatic representation
of one of the categories of small molecular weight
organic compounds in the living tissues.
Identify the category shown and the one blank
component X in it. [CBSE 2012]
Biomolecules 117
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25. Transition state structure of the substrate formed 31. Which of the following biomolecules does have
during an enzymatic reaction is [NEET 2013] a phosphodiester bond ? [AIPMT 2015]
1) Transient but stable 1) nucleotides in a nucleic acid
2) Permanent but unstable 2) Fatty acids in a diglyceride
3) Transient but unstable 3) Monosaccharides in a polysaccharide
4) Permanent and stable 4) Amino acids in a polypeptide
26. A phosphoglyceride is always made up of 32. The chitinous exoskeleton of arthropods is
[NEET 2013] formed by the polymerisation of: [AIPMT 2015]
1) Only a saturated fatty acid esterified to a 1) lipoglycans
glycerol molecule to which a phosphate group 2) keratin sulphate and chondroitin sulphate
is also attached. 3) D - glucosamine
2) Only an unsaturated fatty acid esterified to a 4) N - acetyl glucosamine
glycerol molecule to which phosphate group 33. The two polypeptides of human insulin are
is also attached. linked together by:-
3) A saturated or unsaturated fatty acid esterified 1) Hydrogen bonds 2) Phosphodiester bond
to a glycerol molecule to which a phosphate 3) Covalent bond 4) Disulphide bridges
group is also attached.
34. The taq polymerase enzyme is obtained from:
4) A saturated or unsaturated fatty acid esterified
1) Thermus aquaticus
to a phosphate group which is also attached
2) Thiobacillus ferroxidans
to a glycerol molecule
3) Bacillus subtilis
27. Macro molecule chitin is [NEET 2013] 4) Pseudomonas putida
1) Nitrogen containing polysaccharide
35. Which one of the following statements is
2) Phosphorus containing polysaccharide
wrong? [NEET 2016 , PHASE-1]
3) Sulphur containing polysaccharide
1) Sucrose is a disaccharide
4) Simple polysaccharide
2) Cellulose is a polysaccharide
28. The essential chemical components of many 3) Uracil is a pyrimidine
coenzymes are [NEET 2013] 4) Glycine is a sulphur containing amino acid
1) Proteins 2) Nucleic acids 36. Which of the following rRNAs acts as structural
3) Carbohydrates 4) Vitamins RNA as well as ribozyme in bacteria?
29. Which one of the following is a non - reducing 1) 23 S rRNA 2) 5.8 S rRNA
carbohydrate? [AIPMT 2014] 3) 5 S rRNA 4) 18 S rRNA
1) Ribose 5- phosphate 37. A non-proteinaceous enzyme is:
2) Maltose [NEET 2016 , PHASE-2]
3) Sucrose 1) Ligase 2) Deoxyribonuclease
4) Lactose 3) Lysozyme 4) Ribozyme
30. Which one of the following statements is 38. Which of the following are not polymeric?
incorrect ? [AIPMT 2015] 1) Proteins
1) The competitive inhibitor does not affect the 2) Polysaccharides
rate of breakdown of the enzyme substrate 3) Lipids
complex 4) Nucleic acids
2) The presence of the competitive inhibitor
39. Which of the following options best represents
decreases the Km of the enzyme for the
the enzyme composition of pancreatic juice?
[NEET 2017]
3) A competitive inhibitor reacts with the enzyme
1) amylase, pepsin, trypsinogen, maltase
to form an enzyme inhibitor complex 2) peptidase, amylase, pepsin, rennin
4) In competitive inhibition, the inhibitor 3) lipase, amylase, trypsinogen,procorbaxypep
molecule is not chemcially changed by the tidase
enzyme 4) amylase, peptidase, trypsinogen, rennin
118 Biomolecules
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40. Anaphase Promoting Complex (APC) is a protein 46. Which of the following glucose transporters in
degradation machinery necessary for proper insulin dependent ? [NEET 2019]
mitosis of animal cells. If APC is defective in a 1) GLUT I 2) GLUT II
human cell, which of the following is expected 3) GLUT III 4) GLUT IV
to occur? [NEET 2017] 47. Which of the following organic compound is
1) Chromosomes will not condense main constituent of Lecithin [NEET 2019-ODISA]
2) Chromosomes will be gragmented 1) Arachidonic acid 2) Phospholipid
3) Chromosomes will not segregate 3) Cholesterol 4) Phosphoprotein
4) Recombination of chromosome arms will
48. Ramachandran plot is used to confirm the
structure of [NEET 2019-ODISA]
41. The two functional groups characteristic of
1) RNA 2) Protein
sugars are [NEET 2018]
3) Triglyceries 4) DNA
1) Hydroxyl and methyl
49. It is said that elemental composition of living
2) Carbonyl and methyl
organisms and that of inanimate objects (like
3) Carbonyl and hydroxyl earths crust) are similar in the sense that all
4) Carbonyl and phosphate the major elements are present in both. Then
what would be the difference between these two
42. Match the items given in column-I with those
group ? Choose a correct answer from the
in column-II and select the correct option given
following ? [NEET 2019]
below [NEET 2018]
1) Living organisms have more gold in them than
Column-I Column-II inanimate objects
a) Fibrinogen I) Osmotic balance 2) Living organisms have more water in their
b) Globulin II) Blood clotting body than inanimate objects
c) Albumin III) Defence mechanism 3) Living organisms have more carbon, oxygen
and hydrogen per unit mass than inanimate
1) a-I, b-III, c-II 2) a-II, b-III, c-I
3) a-I, b-II, c-III 4) a-III, b-II, c-I
4) Living organisms have more calcium in them
43. Concanavalin A is [NEET 2019] than inanimate objects.
1) an alkaloid 2) an essential oil 50. Amino acids have both an amino group and a
3) a lectin 4) a pigment carboxyl group in their structure.Which
amongst the following is an amino acid ?
44. Consider the following statements : [NEET 2019]
[NEET 2019]
A) Co-enzyme or metal ion that is tightly bound 1) Formic acid 2) Glycerol
to enzyme protein is called prosthetic group 3) Glycolic acid 4) Glycine
B) A complete catalytic active enzyme with its
51. Identify the basic amino acid from the following
bound prosthetic group is called apoenzyme [NEET 2020]
Select the correct option 1) Lysine 2) Valine
1) Both (A) and (B) are true 3) Tyrosine 4) Glutamic acid
2) (A) is true but (B) is false 52. Match the following [NEET 2020]
3) Both (A) and (B) are false a) Inhibitor of catalytic I) Ricin
4) (A) is false but (B) is true. activity
b) Possess peptide bonds II) Malonate
45. Purines found both in DNA and RNA are
c) Cell wall material in fungi III) Chitin
1) Adenine and thymine [NEET 2019] d) Secondary metabolite IV) Collagen
2) Adenine and guanine Choose the correct option from the following :
3) Guanine and cytosine a b c d a b c d
4) Cytosine and thymine 1) III IV I II 2) II III I IV
Biomolecules 119
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53. Which one of the following is the most,
abundant protein in the animals ? [NEET 2020]
1) Lectin 2) Insulin 1. Agar is a polysaccharide of galactose units but
3) Haemoglobin 4) Collagen not glucose.
54. Secondary metabolities such nicotine, 3. In cells, enzymes are present in micromole
strychnine and caffeine are produced by plants concentrations which is sufficient to catalyze
for their [NEET 2020] normal metabolic reactions. So enzyme
1) Defence action 2) Effect on reproduction concentration is the least affecting
3) Nutritive value 4)Growth response factor of enzyme activity.
55. Identify the substances having glycosidic bond 4. Embryonic RBC contains nucleus but not
and peptide bond, respectively in their structure mature RBC.
[NEET 2020]
5. Collagen is a protein found in connective tissues
1) Cellulose, lecithin 2) Inulin, insulin
3) Chitin, cholesterol 4) Glycerol, trypsin 6. A purine pairs with a pyrimidine and vice versa
in DNA. This pairing gives antiparallel
arrangement of DNA & maintains constant
diameter of ds-DNA
120 Biomolecules