Bservation of A Commonplace Phenomenon,: Theory of Vortex Sound
Bservation of A Commonplace Phenomenon,: Theory of Vortex Sound
Bservation of A Commonplace Phenomenon,: Theory of Vortex Sound
Laboratory,Departmentof Engineering,Universityof California, Los Angeles,California90024
(Received24 September1963)
problems. One aspect of special importance soon
appeared;namely, that it becamepossibleto take the
BSERVATION ofatafirst,
perhaps casually commonplace phenomenon,
sometimesleads to a broad and very fundamentalview that vorticityinduces
new line of inquiry. It is commonlyacceptedthat it is thewholeflowfield, of whichthedistantacoustic field is an
the eddyingof a flow that producessound;but while integralpart. Here then is the crux of the matter' when
watching a locomotive blow off steam soon after the fluid is compressible,
the very actionthat causesthe
becominginterestedin the subjectof aerodynamically formation of vortices, or eddies, also simultaneously
generatednoise,the author was struckby the fact that givesriseto the soundradiation.
eachtime that a particularlylarge eddy formedon the The subjectof soundgenerationby a fluid flow is a
edgeof the turbulent steamjet he hearda very definite somewhat treacherous one, particularly so far as
impulsivesound.This focussed attentionupon the idea apparentlyplausiblephysicalargumentsare concerned:
that the origin of aerodynamicsound might be at- Rigorousmathematicalsupportis essentialso that one
tributedto the process offormationof eddies,or vortices. may be sure of the ultimate effect of all the approxi-
The theory described here was developed along mationsinvolved. A hint of the compatibility between
physical lines, particular attention being paid to the presenttheory and Lighthill's is evident from the
relativelysimpleflows,sincesubsequent applicationto sourceterm of Lighthill's theory being the nonlinear
more-complexsituations then posesno fundamental onerisingfrom the momentumequation,the very term
associatedwith vorticity transferand with the transfer
of turbulent energyfrom one wavenumberto another,
* This paper includesmaterial presentedat the Philadelphia or, we can say, with eddy formation.
Meeting of the AcousticalSociety ['seeJ. Acoust. Soc. Am. 33, Part I concernsaerodynamicsound of the dipole
849(A) (1961)] and at the Cincinnati meeting ['seeJ. Acoust.
Soc. Am. 33, 1672(A) (1961)], and is a revision of "Vortex type, associatedwith changein strength of vortices.
Sound," Univ. Calif., Los Angeles,Dept. Eng. Rept. 61-70 Section1 briefly outlinesthe more important relevant
(Oct. 1961).
• Also,Consultant,DouglasAircraft Company,SantaMonica, historicalaspects,terminatingwith the classicalresultof
Calif. incompressiblehydrodynamicsthat a vortex ring
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behaveslike a dipolesheet.This is extendedby physical be reducibleto a set of only lateral ones.It is inferred
argumentsto yield the soundradiation in a slightly that soundradiation must result in a spread of the
compressible flow, in Sec.2, while Sec.3 is devotedto a vortex motion. The theory is applied in Sec. 7 to
rigorousdevelopmentfrom the equationsof motion. determinethe soundradiation from spinningvortices,
Section4 containsapplications:the soundproducedby and in conjunctionwith the vorticity transporttheory
an oscillatingsphere,by a flowoscillatingabouta fixed of turbulent mixing is applied to shear and jet flow
sphere,and by aeoliantones,for whicha very simple to yield similarity relationshipsfor the sound-power-
model is given (the edgetonehaving been treated generation distribution and power spectra. In the
previously). concludingsection, Sec. 8, it is noted how existing
Part II concernsthe soundof free aerodynamicflows, methodsmay be usedto extendthe rangeof usefulness
which is shown to be of the quadrupoletype, by of the methodto flowsof high-convective Mach number,
physicalargumentin Sec.5 andby formaldevelopment and how, while providinga simplephysicalpicture of
in Sec. 6. The "three-sound-pressures theorem" is the generationmechanism,the method is especially
derivedfor the theory, showingthat the assemblyof suitedto estimatingthe soundfrom flowsthat can be
apparentlygenerallyobliquequadrupoles must always describedin terms of the vorticity.
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simultaneousmeasurementof the fluid force acting on same shapeas the vortex loop."s The parallel is illus-
the edgeand of the soundfield. Careful measurements, trated in Fig. 3; it may be provenas follows:
with discrepancies of only a few percent at low Mach The velocity u at any point x in the first situation is
numbersover an appreciablespeedrange, disclosean given by
almost-perfectdipole directionality,with the intensity
related to the fluid force accordingto the theory."4
There is no room for doubt about the validity of the
theoretical results? '5
u(x)=---- -•^dl(y)
=---- ^dl(y),
This is the casewhen the cylinder is small as com- wherer= x--y and I is measured
alongthe vortexin
paredto a wavelength.But, if the surfaceis plane,asit the directionof r. The subscriptin Vu is to remove
becomeslargethe dipoleeffectdue to pressurevanishes, ambiguityin its operationon r-•. We usea variation on
the only dipoleeffectremainingbeingthat dueto shear Kelvin'stransformation(Stoke'stheorem),introducing
stresses.,.5,20 the surfaces surroundedby the loop of r, and follow
this by the ordinary expansionof the triple-vector
Needfor an AlternativeModel product, to find that
Although Yudin's suppositionhas been thoroughly
vindicated both theoreticallyand experimentally,it rf
u(x)4•' (!)
really tellsextraordinarilylittle of the actualmechanism
by whichthe soundis produced,for the aforementioned
fluctuatingforceis clearlyof the natureof an equivalent =-- (y),
soundsource.The fluctuatingforce itself, in the real
situation, cannot possiblygenerate acousticenergy,
sinceit acts at a rigid surface? 'ø.•'7
The acousticenergy
can only comefrom the movingfluid itself, presumably (3)
from that part most intimately associatedwith the
eddy shedding. We, therefore, now return to our Since we may put u(x)=-Vx½ in regionsof zero
originalline of development,for this leadsto a direct vorticity,we recognize herethe velocitypotentialq•of a
connection between the fluid motion and the sound
dipolesurfacedistribution,of strengthP, and directed
that it generates. with the normal g, as stated.
If the point of observationx is far off in terms of the
Equivalence of Vortex Rings and loop size, we can ignore the variation in r over the
Dipole Sheets surfaceand write r•'x, so that Eq. (3) simplifiesto
The bridge betweenthe classicalaerodynamicand u(x) = Vx(1/4,r)D. V,(1/x), (4)
acousticaspectsis that the incompressible velocityfield
inducedby a closedvortex loop, the vortex having a providedthat the originis in the immediateneighbor-
constantcirculationr, is exactly the sameas that due hoodof the loop.In this expression, D is the strength
to a uniformdipoledistribution,of strengthF per unit of the equivalent point dipole (which is also equal to
area, over any surfacewhosesingleboundary has the y•Z,in thelimit,where y isthedistance between equal
of volumeflowrate1?),and
,.4Alan Powell,J. Acoust.Soc.Am. 33, 395 (1961); for details,
seeH. H. Unfried, M. S. thesisin Eng., Univ. Calif., Los Angeles
,.5The early conceptualdoubtsexpressed in Ref. 20 are totally
resolvedby the experimentalwork of Ref. 24 and the theory of
Ref. 26 and of J. E. Ffowcs Williams, "Thoughtson the Problem
of Aerodynamic NoiseSources nearSolidBoundaries," presented This classical
resultthat the dipolestrengthis the same
at an AGARD MeetingBrussels, 1-5 April 1963[-AGARDRept. as the vortexstrength(circulationtimesarea)is a key
(to be published)I, their resurrectionby W. C. Meecham,J. to the present theory. We also note that the total
Acoust.Soc. Am. 35, 116 and 931 (1961) notwithstanding,as
explainedby Alan Powell,J. Acoust.Soc.Am. 35, 731 (1961) and momentumof the fluidM is givenby
J. E. Ffowcs Williams, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 35, 930 (1961). The
vanishingof the pressuredipolesoundfor an infinite plane is M=paD=paFs. (6)
easily seen by using the image system of the vortex motions
discussed subsequently.Williams' report estimatesthe diameter 2. DIPOLE RADIATION FROM CHANGES IN
of a flat plate at which the pressure-dipole
contributionbecomes VORTEX-RING STRENGTH
negligiblysmall; his value of 200 wavelengths is unexpectedly
•6Alan Powell,J. Acoust.Soc.Am. 32, 982 (1960). The identificationof the flow inducedby a vortex
•7Alan Powell, "Theory and Experiment in Aerodynamic loop with a dipolefield is for incompressible
flow. If,
Noise, with a Critique of Research on Jet Flows and Their instead,we take the flow to be slightlycompressible,
Relationshipto Sound," SecondSymposiumon Naval Hydro-
dynamics, 1958, ACR-38, Office of Naval Research--U. S.
Departmentof the Navy, Washington,D.C. (unpublished). ,.8E.g., Ref. 12, p. 212.
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wheres•= s cos(•s).
Thus, the farfield perturbation is proportional to
d•(I's•)/dt•, i.e., to the time differentialof the rate of
changeof the vortex strength(circulationtimesarea) Fro. 4. Moving at velocity u through time at, a vortex element
as seenfrom the point of observationx; becauseof al actslike an elementaryvortex ring of strengthr,s= r (nat)^
Eq. (6), it is alsoproportionalto the time differential Added to the originalvortexring and neighboringelements,three
sidesof the elementcancel,leavingonly the elementral in the new
of the rate of changeof the fluid momentum in the position.
direction 3.
A vortex in the fluid moves with the local-fluid
The physical-implication
aspectsof Eq. (9)may be
revealedbest by first consideringthe caseof constant velocityu(y). On the otherhand, the circulationabout
area s and then of constant circulation P. a fixed cylinder can be consideredto behave like a
vortexexceptthat it is boundto the cylinder,not being
,.0This suggeststhe matching of an acousticfield at a boundary
free to drift with the flow? Thus, we speakof free and
enclosingan incompressibleflow field; see (a) Alan Powell, boundvortices,and the vortexloopjust considered may
"Mechanisms of Aerodynamic Sound Production," presented at
an AGARD meeting, Brussels,1-5 April 1963 [AGARD Rept. •0This doesnot generallymean that a bound vortex shouldbe
(to be published)•, and, for details of the method, (b) Alan consideredto be motionless,sinceits effective center is somewhat
Powell,J. Acoust.Soc.Am. 35, 1133(1963). variable within the cylinder boundary.
Downloaded 17 Nov 2012 to Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see
be partly boundand partly free.In fact, for thereto be The exact equationof continuity,in the absenceof
any radiationof dipolecharacterfrom a vortex ring sourcesof matter, is
of givencirculationr, requiringa changeof areaof the
vortexloop,part of the vortexring must be bound. Op/Ot+v. (pu)=0,
Sincesoundradiationto distantpointsis causedby
changesin vortex strength, vortexsoundis a very Op/Ogq-(U' V)p-•-pV'U= 0. (18)
appropriatename for such radiation. In reality, of The exact equationof motion for an inviscidfluid,
course,line vorticesdo not occur;instead,the vorticity in the absenceof impressed forces,is
occupiesa finite volume,and it is easilyappreciated
that the foregoingargumentsmay be appliedto thin Ou/Otq-(u. V)u-t-(1/p)Vp--0, (19)
tubesof constantcirculationdrawn in the flow, their or, by virtue of Eq. (15),
sum being equivalent to some line vortex. The term
vortex sound is also meant to refer to this latter case of Ou/Ot+g+ V«u"+ (1/p)Vp= 0. (20)
distributed,finite, vorticity.
This can be put in anotherform by multiplyingEq.
(19) by • and Eq. (17) by u and adding:
Effect of Moving Surfaces
O(pu)/Ot+I7. (,ouu)+17p=0. (21)
In the foregoingsectiondealingwith changingvor-
ticity at a surface,no accountwas taken of possible The fluid may be gasor liquid. The actionthroughout
movementof the surfacenormal to itself or, from the is assumed to beisentropic,soanypressure changemust
point of view of generaltheory, of the movementsof be accompanied by a densitychangerelatedto it by the
fluid acrosssomesurfacedrawnin the flow. Assuming squareof the adiabatic soundspeed.Then, we have,
suchmovementsto be small, the effectcan be wholly for example,
represented by a surfacedistributionof monopoles, so
that the corresponding velocityperturbationfar away Vp= 17E62(p--Pa)•,
is given by
Here,cais the speedof soundin the ambientatmosphere.
u(x)= u,•'dS(y)*, (13) The approximationinvolvedin Eq. (22) can be easily
justifieda posterJori
if sodesired.
where u•=u.•, • being the outwards normal to the
closed surface S. Differential Equations in Terms of Pressure
If there is zero total flow of fluid out of the closed
Here, we work in termsof the pressure(or density)
surfaceS, the valueof this integralis zero.In this event,
and desireto obtain the inhomogeneous waveequation,
the dipoleapproximationmust be used:
the right-handsideof whichis to be interpretedas the
sourcestrength,just as Rayleigh did in his pioneering
u(x)= - yxu,,"dS(y)*, (14) analysisof soundscatteringand as Lighthill did in the
4rrXCa2 caseof aerodynamic-noise generation.Write the wave
operatoractingon the left-handside,and with the help
the dipolestrengthbeingmadeup of equalandopposite of Eq. (22) use the continuity equation, (17), to
monopoleelementsdistributed on S.3• transform the other side:
In the next section, these formulas are derived
rigorouslyfrom the equationsof motion. Following 172p_(1/Ca2)O2p/Ot2=V' 17pq-
V.O(pu)/Ot. (23)
this, in Sec.4, are applicationsof Eqs. (9), (11), and
(13), to which somereadersmay wish to proceed Expandthe last term and useEq. (20) to obtain
directly. [2"p= - 17-(pg+ 17«pl/t2-ut•p/0t-«l/t2Vp).(24)
With a view to simplification,comparethe ordersof
Basic Equations magnitude of the various sourceterms, all of which
are subject to the single divergence operator. The
First, note two very usefulvector identities: density variations can be taken to be due to kinetic
(u. v)u- (V,,u),,u. compression only, so they are of order pa•(?',where•
is the Mach number,typically u/ca. The sourceterms
V^ (V^u)= 17(V.u)-- 172u. (16) then bear the ratios
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p(x)4r 0•V' (pe+V«pu•)• dV (y)
o (y)
-+--- (VP)n dS(y)
4•r 0 -•-
•p L_ (l*/x)']•dS (y)
4•r -•- /S(y).(26)
+/v'-"•"•'(l*/r)dV(y (28)
o (1,/r)
V(y) v•p )
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(3) A surfacedistributionof dipolesover the solid Strouhalnumbermust be small enough.In the general
surfacein the flow, the strengthbeing proportionalto case,the methodsof hydrodynamicsmay be used to
the local Bernoullipressure(Bernoulli's"constant"). evaluatethe surfaceintegralfor any chosenflow model.
(4) A monopole(simplesource)distributionover The last term (30c), showshow the total flow across
that same surface due to its motion normal to itself. the boundary--i.e., the movement of the boundary
itself if it is impervious--generatessoundlike a mono-
pole in this approximationof long wavelength.If there
Farfield Approximation
is no net flow, the dipoleapproximation--namely,Eq.
With the origin placed somewherein V0, the condi- (14)--must be used;while if the surfaceis impervious
tion $•<<1 enablesthe most simple farfield approxi- and fixed, then un--0 and the term then vanishes.
mations to be made. The secondterm is of one higher Thoughof very differentform, the resultis consistent
order in •2; than is the first, and, sincewe are taking with Lighthill's theory in which the dipole sound is
•<<1, it is considerednegligible. Also, the relative expressed in termsof the stresses(which can often be
error incurred by taking the density to be constant well enoughrepresented by the pressure)at the surface,
is only of relative order•V'; this we do. Consequently, which,of course,in turn have to be determinedfor any
we may write, for the far field, given flow. The equivalencemay be shownby using
the equationof motion in the form Eq. (20), substi-
tuting for g in the precedingresult, and followingby
Ot o•dV(y)*
p(x)=4,rxc• (30a) using the divergencetheorem and observingthat the
total force applied to the fluid by the solid surfaces
must equal the rate of change of total momentum.
I 0•s(P-+-«Pau2)g•dS(y)*
4•-xc. Ot o (30b) The volume integral vanishes, and the remaining
surfaceintegralis then equal to the total forcereacted
by the solid surface. Thus, the experimental data
mentionedin Sec. 1 supportthe presenttheory just as
4•-x Ot o
well as they supportLighthill's theory.
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Usad(•). Equation(10)maybeput into gratingover a large sphere'
the appropriateform and the integrationcarriedout'
p_- 27r.4
( V b2/A4)•J]•c4
( U12-11-
U82). (39)
= •a•oo
• 8XCa•
sina(• 0o)d(• [7o)*, time variations, and is valid for conveeredflows that
may be consideredto be "hydrodynamic,"by which is
mea•n_t that the velocity field may he oqtirnntodjust
(33) as if the soundspeedwere infinite, which requiresthat
6XCa2 •-- Uo/½a<<l and Yr•c<<l.
The sound power is evidently proportional to the
There being no net flow acrossthe boundary, Eq. fourth power of the convectionvelocity and to the
(14) is the choicerather than Eq. (13). Putting y• secondpower of the amplitudeof the velocity fluctua-
=a cos(•O0) cos(•O0), wefindthecontribution tion. If these two independentvariables are taken to
be proportionalto eachother, as would be the casefor
cosS (•/•o) sin(•0o)d(•0o)* dynamicallysimilarflows,then we find that the sound
intensityand powervary as the sixth powerof the flow
velocity and the secondpower of the volume of the
body. The sameis true for all small, nonlifting bodies,
(34) in the absenceof appreciableviscouseffects, except
that the value of the constantwould changesomewhat
On adding the two contributionstogether,we find from the abovevalue for the sphere.A point of interest
the farfield velocity perturbation' here is that the basic convected flow may have a
"frozen" pattern, in which caseit producesno sound
:M%• U ? 2•r2:•aa
U? whatsoever,even of quadrupoletype, until interaction
u(x) ..... , (35) with the fixed body occurs.
2XCa• XX•
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We next considerhow the soundgeneratedby free But there can be no changeof momentumin a free
flowscan be consideredto originatesolelyin the motion flow, for no forcecan be applied to it; so
of vorticity. The resultsare general,but it is convenient
to base the present discussionon the motion resulting
from a disturbanceof a thin, plane shear layer, the
initially uniform velocity on the upper side being
d-«U, with -«U on the lower, so that the total shear
and, hence,there is zero dipole sound.The lack of
U is given by the integral of /• taken acrossthe un-
momentumchangemeansthat a movementof vorticity
disturbedshearlayer (seeFig. 8). In the comparatively in somedirectionat oneplacemust be accompanied by
early stages of the vortex formation, the highly un-
an oppositemovementelsewhere(as suggested in Fig.
stable shearlayer takes a shapelike that of Fig. 8, the
8). These both generatedipole sound,but the instan-
wave being supposedto have an effective length b
taneous total strengthis zero:They degenerateto make
normal to the paper and the shearlayer remainingplane
up a quadrupole, given by the sum of the dipole
contributions,but now taking into accountthe fact
5. OPPOSING MOVEMENTS OF VORTICITY: that the soundarriving at a given instant at a distant
QUADRUPOLE RADIATION point must leave the constituentdipolesat slightly
differenttimes.This time differenceis 2yx/Ca,as Fig. 9
In the aeolian-tone case, the sound resulted from makesevident,so the two contributionsto the velocity
the net changeof area of vortex rings. Such rings may fluctuationat point x missbeingexactlyout of phase
be imagined here; part of one is indicated in Fig. 8, by the amount
its circulationbeing/SF--i'bA, the small area/SA being
chosenso that the circulation (3Fis constant along the
lengthof the vortex element.The loopmay be imagined
to run to infinity in the plane of the shear layer, the = (7a a '
remainder of the loop being completedat an infinite
distance away. No matter how the ring be supposed This showshow dipole-generating
elementsin differing
closed,only that part of it in motion normal to itself partsof the flowmay be combinedto form an oblique
causesa local dipoleeffect,just as for the aeoliantone, quadrupolewith the axesin the directionsof y and
with a consequentrate of changeof momentum: g.a*On consideringthe wholeflow, we then have, for
forming vortex rings in the
aeolian-tone situation. The
startingvortex (not shown)
is taken to be half the
oblique quadrupolesmade up of opposingdipolesin different
parts of the flow was suggested by Alan Powell, Ph.D. thesis,
Univ. Southampton(1953). The opposingdipole elementswere
suggestedto be due to the momentum fluctuations associated
with fluid elementsbeing acceleratedso as to attain the local
velocity in a shearlayer, having been carried acrossthe shear
layer by a larger-scaleeddy motion. However, later rigorous
downstream, has its image
at the centerof the cylinder.
analysisI-Alan Powell, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 33, 1798 (1961),
Eq. (5)-] showedthis plausibleand dimensionallycorrectpicture
to be incomplete;now,we seethat it is the vorticity that must be
so used.
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YY •,..,•TO
DISTANT strengthin free flows' the theoremis derived in Sec. 6
directly in terms of the presentvortex theory of aero-
x. Fro. 9. Resolution of y and g
in the direction of the distant dynamic noise. This means that all the longitudinal
observationpoint x. components in a tensorexpansionmust cancelout when
Y,• L" a free flow as a whole is considered.
A simple physical reasoningfor this is as follows'
the velocityperturbationin the farfieldapproximation, The lateral quadrupolemay be lookedupon as being
due to distortionsof fluid elementsfrom meanspherical
shapesto ellipsoidalones, with no changeof volume.
gafvo' o,,d
u(x)=4•rxca T,
yxcx v (y)*, (44) On the otherhand,an initially sphericalshapedistorting
in longitudinalquadrupolefashion would undergono
where •:"= (de/dte)•cos(ES)and the repeatedsuffix movement at the equator (the plane of symmetry)
is not to be summed. Taking the time retardation while the polesmove inwards,or outwards,in unison.
operatoroutsidethe integraland usingits mean value Hence, here there is a changein volume necessitating
is permissibleso long as the wavelengthsof interest a compression or expansionof the fluid. Thus, a given
considerablyexceedthe maximumeffectivevalue of y pressure fluctuation over somepart of the boundary
involved. of the elementresultsin far larger distortionsof the
lateral type than of the longitudinal,becausein the
Resolutionof Quadrupoles latter case additional and comparitively large com-
pressire forces as well as inertia forces have to be
Notice that any obliquequadrupole,as givenin Eq. balanced.Sincea given amplitude of oscillationof the
(43), has its directionalminima normal to the axesof sphericalabout its mean positionresultsin about the
the constituentdipolesand normalto the line joining samesoundoutput in both the lateral and the longi-
them (seeFig. 10). It is alsoindicatedtherehowsucha tudinal modes,it must be expectedthat lateral quad-
quadrupolemay be resolvedinto the sum of lateral rupole radiation will be predominant.Now this must
and longitudinalquadrupoles. Sincethe vectorconnect- be especiallyso at low Mach numbers.In fact, in the
ing the dipoles,and also the dipolesthemselves,can limit of incompressible flow •= 0, the net longitudinal-
be resolvedinto components alongany set of axes,it quadrupolestrengthat any point is completelyruled
follows that an oblique quadrupolemay always be out becauseof the incompressibilitycondition. But
resolvableinto an assemblyof lateral and longitudinal the lateral quadrupole field remains unimpaired as
quadrupoles.Thus, we write •--•0: the incompressible flow field is the hydro-
yx= y cos(•0g)-- Y cos(•0•)cos(•g)= yi cos(•g), (45) dynamic part of a lateral quadrupole field. Thus, at
speedslow enough for the fluctuating flow to be
where the repeatedi (and the j shortly) is to be approximatedto by an incompressible one--and this is
summed,and similarly for •. Then, the integral of not asrestrictiveasit may seem--thelateralquadrupole
Eq. (44) can be rewrittenfor resolutioninto a set of is the basicform of the soundgenerator.
six lateral quadrupoles
i•j;i,j=1,2,3,(46a)Differential Equation in Terms of Velocity
Here, we chooseto work in termsof velocity instead
and a set of three longitudinalones
of pressure,since we desire to examinethe velocity
in the flow itself as well as the farfieldperturbations.
i=1,2,3. (46b) From Eqs. (18) and (19), it is easyto showthat
vv. u- (
It is to be noted that the resolutionof a singlelateral = - vE v.+ (
quadrupoleinto components alongnew axesgenerally
yieldssetsof bothlateral and longitudinalquadrupoles. + (1/ca•')(O/Ot)E(u
ßV)u+(1/p)V(c•;o)-]. (47)
Hence, the presenceof longitudinalquadrupoles,in
tensorcomponentform, doesnot in itself necessarily //
indicate the presenceof a nonzerototal longitudinal
Nature of Quadrupole
of Aerodynamic
In fact, the "three-sound-pressures
theorem"aSshows Fro. 10. An obliquequadrupoleresolvedinto lateral and longi-
that there can be no net longitudinal quadrupole tudinal ones,oneaxisbeingparallelto the constituentdipoleaxis.
Further resolutionmay be made by resolving the dipoles into
a8Alan Powell,J. Acoust.Soc.Am. 34, 902 (1962). components.
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After usingthe identity of Eq. (16) and rearranging, can be present. We need the solution in forms more
we find that convenientfor both near and far points, the former for
discussingsome details of the flow, sharpeningthe
- v^ (o/at)(u. v)u-
distinction between incompressibleand slightly com-
+ O/OrE (c2/cff-- 1)V (lnp)-] pressibleflows,and the latter for estimatingthe sound
-•-O/Ot•(p--pa)/p'V(CVCa2)3. (48) radiation.
We interpret this exact equation sø as the wave Hydrodynamic Velocity Field
equationon the postulatethat the right-hand side can
be specified.We therefore may simplify the latter, The term "hydrodynamicfield" wasoriginallyintro-
provideddue care is taken. The five sourceterms there duce& to indicatethat part of a compressible fluid flow
have the following respective orders of relative that wouldbe hardly affectedif the fluid wereimagined
magnitude: to be incompressible instead; we are now able to see
somethingof how this hydrodynamicfield compares
with the incompressible one having the samevorticity.
With the two conditions•<<1 and $•<<1, the last It shouldbe noted that it is the vorticity that can be
two terms can be safelydropped.However, it may be best taken as the conunonelement in the two flows;
that in the solutionthe contribution stemmingfrom a this is becauseit can be specifiedwithout any reference
given term turns out to be approximatelyzero; this to the compressibilityof the medium.
does,in fact, occurin the solutionin its farfieldapproxi- First, we review very briefly the relevant properties
mation, in which we have a prime interest.To the first of the incompressible flow. The governingequation
nonzeroapproximations,we have instead we obtaindirectlyfrom the vectoridentity of Eq. (16)
with V.u=0'
$2•Yl•a:$•Jl• a: $5g4: $•J1D:
v" = - v ^ (. (51)
It is clearly safe to drop thoselast two terms if
but the secondterm must be retained. (This provision Its solution is
couldproveto be too severewhenthe magnitudeof the
coefficientsis determined.)
u(x)=• V^•" dV(y), (52)
In the third term of Eq. (48), we can replaceVp by 4•r o
Vp/c,•, and then --Vp/p, by du/dt. Then, with the
secondterm expressed in a differentway with the help to which Eq. (50) readily reduces.It may be put into
of Eq. (15), we have a more convenient form by use of the appropriate
D" = -- V^•q- (1/cff)O2/Ot vector expansion,
+ ( 1/c,•) V[ (d/dt+O/Ot)«u•']. (49)
o Ot
u(x)• 0•^• dV(y), (54)
80A rather similar equationresultsfor pu in place of u on the 40Alan Powell, "The Problem of Structural Failure due to
left-handside. Jet Noise,"Aeron.Res.Council(London)Rept. 1754(1955).
Downloaded 17 Nov 2012 to Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see
result,Eq. (50), becomes lossof energyof the flow will becomeapparent.The
kinetic energyT of an incompressible
flow is givenby
T ....
8r t:(t)0 [y-zl
dV(y)dV(z). (58)
This first term might give rise to the idea that the may say that the conversionof kinetic flow energy to
induced velocity simply lags behind the inducing an acousticform resultsin a spreadingout of the basic
vorticity by the transit time r/Ca; but the secondterm sound-generatingfluid motion.
largely cancelsthe effect when the distancer is small as
Far Field
compared with the wavelength. To show this, we
expand both integrands in Taylor series about the Here, we discusssomepropertiesof the far field of a
unretardedtime;they become slightly compressibleflow. This is in extreme contrast
r to the hydrodynamicfield,for thereis no counterpart
t•*= t•------[- ßßß, (56) to the far field in incompressible flow. In this far field,
considerablemathematicalsimplificationsare to be
made, stemmingfrom the fact that variations in the
radiusvectorr, whenit occursin the denominator,are
alwaysof much lesssignificancethan are the differences
....... (S7) in time delay due to variationsin the distancer.
We considerthe solutionin the form of Eq. (50);
the leadingintegralis first dealt with, and in a modified
The term arisingfrom the secondmemberof Eq. (56) form it is combinedwith the secondintegral. The
cancelswith that from the first memberof Eq. (57). result vanishes when the time retardation is taken
Thus, for relatively small distances,this single term outside the integral; so the next approximationis
of the compressible result is the sameas the complete estimated. It then remains to show that the contribution
incompressiblesolution, apart from a disparity of from the two membersin the last integralof the solution
second,and not first, order. In terms of characteristic is negligiblein comparison to that approximation.
physical variables, the relative magnitude of the As a preliminary, note that taking the curl of the
(vector)difference is at mostof order•2 (togetherwith equationof motion,Eq. (20), yields,for compressible
higher powers if appropriate). This feature of the flOW,
compressiblesolution that has been singled out is
associatedwith the fact that the phasevelocity in the ot•/ot+ v ,, •= - v ,, [-( •/p) Vp-]
immediateneighborhoodof a dipoleis greater than the ^
ordinary plane-wave-propagation speed.Thus, while in
'•"(l/pagCag)•7p ^ Vp:0. (59)
the compressibleflow, one may still think of the
vorticity inducing a velocity, it must be remembered We take the leadingterm of the solutionEq. (50), in
that it is really curl t• and not t• that undergoesa simple the form of Eq. (55), but the memberwith r-2 in the
retardation, and there are also the two succeeding denominatorcan be safely discardedfor considerations
integralsof Eq. (50), both of which are of order •2, of the far field. Taking the r-1 outside the integral,
relative to the first.
It follows from this observation that the movement
whereit may be replacedby x-1, we havein the present
of vorticity in the slightly compressiblecase must
differ slightly from that in the incompressibleone.
Now the kinetic energy in the incompressibleflow
dependson the positionof the vorticity at any instant, 4•rx 1f•(V
^()*d= i fv Oil*
o 4•'XCa o
•^-- dV(y)
Downloaded 17 Nov 2012 to Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see
The time-delay operator may be taken outside the Sound Intensity and Power
integral; it then correspondsexactly to the solution The soundintensityat the point x is given by
already found for the distant dipole-pressure
field, Eq.
(30), whenthe surfaceintegralsare discarded. I(x)--paCa(it•(X)),
But this would not be at all suitable for the final
result,for, as discussed
in Sec.6, the total instantaneous
dipolestrengthvanishes.This canbe seenby integrating
the momentumequation over the whole flow region,
Paa// yxZx(
16wsX•Ca ?x"
for, in the absenceof forces applied to a bounding
surface,there canbe no changeof the total momentum. In the specialbut important caseof a large volume
of isotropic,homogeneous turbulence,the correlation
.fortheFar Field of •" may be assumed to dependon[y-z[ • in order
to yield an approximate but very simple result by
Clearly, we need more accurate approximation to integrationby parts (somewhattediously)4•:
Eq. (62) and this can be obtainedby expressingthe
integrand in a Taylor series in terms of the time
retardation relative to that at y=0. We have in this
farfield case Pa
1 2
I(x)--167r2X2Ca,(•:f'(O)•xl! (y))dl/(y).
0 (67)
2'(y; t-Ix-yl/½a)-E'*+(y•/ca)E"*+..., (63) The integral is convenientlyexpressedin terms of a
correlation volume V'
wherenowt*---t-x/ca. Whensubstituted
into Eq. (62),
the term stemming from the first member vanishes,
as we know, and the secondone is •=fr«y•"
0 V(y)/•l•(u•y))(i•) (68)
• fv "dV
4*rXCa• o
yx• (y; . (64)
where1• is a lengthto be associated with the weighted
valueof yx, (u•'(y)),and (/:•')are meansquarevaluesin
The last integral of the solution,Eq. (50), is negli- the flow, and wc is any convenient characteristic
gible. The surface integral thrown up by using the frequency of the flow. In terms of this correlation
divergencetheoremuponit vanishes,and the remaining volume, which is particularly useful as a basis for
part is similarity methods,
I (x): pa(l•2)(•'2)lm2COc4Vo•/16•rx2ca
5. (69)
• [d2{
«u2dV(y) For this isotropiccase,the soundpower generated
per unit volumeis readily found'
Now, the only mechanismpresentthat could account
for a changeof the total kinetic energy in a free in- •//Vo--pa(lt2)(•'2)lm2cOc4•/47CCa
5. (70)
viscid flow is the productionof acousticenergy itself' The same form holds true when the turbulence is not
The contribution from this term is of the same func-
isotropic;then •d' is bestexpressed
in termsof ofthog-
tional order as is (64), but it is factored by a very
smallcoefficient(actually of order•'•). For this reason, 4•Adjustment of the constantl.• could absorbthe proportional
the term is safelydropped. error incurred.
Downloaded 17 Nov 2012 to Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see
fs • 2_ u-]dS(y)
00 fv(«u2--Y'E)dV(y)'
['•u y• u•y.
(72) u(x)- =
0 471'XC
a3 dt•Y•
The surfaceintegral may be set equal to zero if the 221 d •
distant velocity decreases fast enoughwith distance.A
simplesourceflow hasu---y-•, a dipoleflow hasu---y-3
and a quadrupoleflow has u•.y -4. Here, we are con- Observingthat we can put cos(•01)=cosc0t and cos(•)2)
cernedwith a quadrupoleflow, so the integral falls to
zerovery rapidly, like y-S, asthe surfaceS00is expanded 42I. Proudman,Proc. Roy. Soc. (London)A214, 119 (1952).
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two spinningrectilinear
vortices with the corre-
far acoustic field.
of the
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Downloaded 17 Nov 2012 to Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see
velocitygradients,while the value of • largelycontrols As the speed increasesfor any given frequency, the
the magnitudeof sucheffects. position moves downstreamto a thicker shear layer,
The jet of propulsive devices remains the most but the rate of shear increasesproportionally, so that
important source of aerodynamic sound, and the the total effect"sensed"by the source,beingdependent
mechanismof jet flow at moderate or high Mach upon some fraction of a wavelength,is roughly con-
numbers is radically different to, say, that of the stant.56This is relevant to why the U 8 relationshipis
spinningvortices.This is becausein the jet the fluc- followed so closely, and why the directional pattern
tuating flow may be sweptalong at quite high speeds, shows little dependenceon the convective Mach
yet itselfbe little differentfrom that of very low speeds. number, even for jet-engine•ffluxes, whereasthe direct
Hence,in the jet situationthe effectsof convectionand application of Lighthill's method and its extension
refraction may be usefully studied as distinct phe- indicatesa noticeableincreasebeyond the U 8 relation-
nomena,the basicsourcemechanismbeingunaffected; ship, accompaniedby a more pronounceddirectional
attention is now restricted to such flows. pattern.•2
For wavelengthslarge enough as comparedto the
thicknessof the shear layer, the sourcemay be con- CONCLUSION
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