Halloween Traditions
Halloween Traditions
Halloween Traditions
In Spain November 1 has become a public holiday. On All Saints' Day Catholics
attend church services in honour of the saints, the martyrs and those who have died
for the Catholic faith. People may also visit their family’s graves to beautify them
with wreaths and small lanterns. Sometimes a mass is said at the gravesite and the
grave sprinkled with holy water.
March 13-19 in Spain is Las Fallas which is in honour of St. Joseph whose feast
day is on March 19. There are fireworks, bullfights, music, costumed revellers and
parades. Giant models of people or papier-mâché effigies called ninots are stuffed
with fireworks and burned.
The bonfires and burning of effigies is done to "blazing away" the last vestiges of
winter and welcoming the glow of the summer Sun.
1. Add True or False, quoting the relevant information from the text to justify your answer.
• In Spain black cats are utterly feared due to superstition.
• Catholics visit their deaths at the graveyard on late October.
• Prayers for the death are said on the second day of November.
• Las Fallas's ultimate purpose is to welcome the time of harvest.
2. Answer the following questions according to the information given in the text. Use your
own words.
• Describe the Spanish All Saints Day.
4. Write a composition with the following title: What's your favourite Spanish festivity? Why? (80 -120