Augarde Et Al. - Stability of An Undrained Plane Strain Heading Revisited
Augarde Et Al. - Stability of An Undrained Plane Strain Heading Revisited
Augarde Et Al. - Stability of An Undrained Plane Strain Heading Revisited
Received 19 July 2002; received in revised form 25 October 2002; accepted 9 January 2003
The stability of an idealised heading in undrained soil conditions is investigated in this paper. The heading is rigidly supported
along its length, while the face, which may be pressurised, is free to move. The problem approximates any flat wall in an under-
ground excavation. Failure of the heading is initiated by a surface surcharge, acting with the self-weight of the soil. Finite element
limit analysis methods, based on classical plasticity theory, are used to derive rigorous bounds on load parameters, for a wide range
of heading configurations and ground conditions. Solutions for undrained soils with constant strength, and increasing strength with
depth are presented. Recent improvements to finite element limit analysis methods, developed at the University of Newcastle, have
allowed close bounds to be drawn in most cases. Previous research in this area has often been presented in terms of a stability ratio,
N that combines load and self-weight into a single parameter. The use of a stability ratio for this problem is shown not to be rig-
orous, a finding that may be applicable to other stability problems in underground geomechanics.
# 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Stability; Heading; Limit analysis; Tunnel; Plasticity
criterion for the case of zero friction angle. The lem). Therefore, only the difference between S and T
undrained shear strength of the soil in the analyses needs to be considered. In the case of the upper bound
described here is permitted to vary linearly with depth, theorem, the external power expended by the loads and
according to the self-weight of the deforming soil mass is given by
ð ð ð
cu ðzÞ ¼ cu0 þ z ð1Þ S T
Pext ¼ S vn dA T vn dA þ vdV ð5Þ
where cu0 is the undrained shear strength at the surface
and is the rate of change of shear strength with depth where vSn is the downwards normal velocity at the sur-
z from the surface (as indicated in Fig. 1). (Obviously, a face, vTn is the outward normal velocity on the tunnel
homogeneous soil strength profile is modelled with face and v is the vertical velocity of points within the soil
=0). A linear variation of undrained shear strength mass. AT and AS are the deforming areas on the tunnel
with depth in normally consolidated (nc) clays has been face and at the surface respectively. The last integral on
observed empirically by Skempton [15] and is predicted the right hand side of Eq. (5) is taken over the soil
by Critical State Soil Mechanics [16]. Skempton [15] volume V. Since undrained behaviour is assumed, the
proposes the following relation between undrained soil deforms at constant volume and
shear strength and plasticity index Ip ð ð
vn dA ¼ vTn dA ð6Þ
cu ð zÞ AS AT
¼ 0:11 þ 0:0037Ip ð2Þ
v0 ðzÞ
It is then possible to rewrite Eq. (5) in terms of the
where v0 is the effective vertical stress. Ladd et al. [17] dimensionless groups given above as
give the following expression for the undrained strength ð ð
S T T D cu0
profile in an overconsolidated (oc) deposit Pext ¼ cu0 vn dA þ vdV ð7Þ
cu0 AT cu0 D V
cu ðzÞ=v0 ðzÞ OC
¼ ðOCRÞ0:8 ð3Þ Engineers faced with a stability problem of this type
cu ðzÞ=v0 ðzÞ NC are usually working with a given heading configuration
and a soil profile determined from site investigation. In
where OCR is the overconsolidation ratio. These rela- terms of the dimensionless groups given above, this can
tions are used to determine the range of values of the be restated as the determination of values of the
parameter used in the parametric study presented later D C D
meter ðS T Þ=cu0 given values of ; ; . In
in the paper. The use of a simple rigid–plastic material cu0 D cu0
model for the soil in this problem is necessary as the most practical situations the heading will be unpres-
bound theorems of plasticity underlie the numerical surised ( T=0), in which case the results from the sta-
procedures used in this paper. bility analysis will be the surcharge load parameter
S =cu0 .
An alternative approach, adopted by many previous
3. Problem variables and dimensional analysis researchers, is to assess stability in terms of a ‘‘stability
ratio’’ or overload factor (usually denoted N), by adding
Seven variables model instances of the plane strain a term that represents an initial overburden stress to the
problem outlined
above, namely the group load parameter ðS T Þ=cu0 . Broms and Bennermark
T ; s ; C; D; cu0 ; ; . A convenient set of dimension- [19] introduced this approach, giving the following defi-
less groups that follows the requirements for dimen- nition for a homogeneous soil
sional analysis (usefully described in [18]) is the s T þ ðC þ D=2Þ
collection N¼ ð8Þ
; ; ; ; ð4Þ which is also adopted by Davis et al. [6] and Atkinson
cu0 cu0 cu0 D cu0
and Mair [20], although the latter rename the para-
It is possible to replace the first two by a single group meter, Tc. This approach appears to be a way of redu-
ðS T Þ=cu0 because all calculations presented here cing the complexity of the final results. It does, however,
assume undrained behaviour. To justify this reduction, lead to problems as ðS T Þ=cu0 itself depends on the
it is necessary to consider the bound theorems indivi- parameter ðDÞ=cu0 . (This will be demonstrated from
dually. A statically admissible stress field satisfying the first principles for the case of an upper bound solution
requirements of the lower bound theorem is also later in the paper). Additionally, it is not clear what is
admissible for any addition of isotropic stress, since an appropriate choice for the shear strength denomi-
undrained strength is independent of total mean normal nator in Eq. (8) for an inhomogeneous soil. Given these
stress [6], (although such a combined stress field would difficulties, the results from the analyses described in
not satisfy the stress boundary conditions in this prob- this paper are presented in terms of the load parameter
422 C.E. Augarde et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 30 (2003) 419–430
ðS T Þ=cu0 . This approach follows both the require- linearising the yield surface for very large (i.e. finely
ments of dimensional analysis and of rigorous plasticity discretised) two-dimensional problems leads, however,
theory. to an excessive number of linear inequalities. The linear
programming problem that is produced is consequently
slow to solve using traditional methods (such as the
4. Finite element formulation of the bound theorems simplex method).
An alternative approach has been developed recently
The finite element formulations of the bound theo- where the yield function is left non-linear and the prob-
rems, as developed by Sloan for use in geomechanics lem is recast as a non-linear programming problem
problems, are described in detail in a number of refer- [22,23] to
ences (e.g. [12,21]). Only a brief description of the pro-
Maximise cT
cedures is therefore given here, and the reader is referred
to the original publications for full details of the for- Subject to A ¼ b
mulations. It is important to note that the formulations fi ðÞ 4 0 i ¼ f1; . . . ; Ng ð9Þ
are not variations of the displacement finite element
method, but employ the same idea of discretisations of a where is the vector of nodal stresses, c is a vector of
domain to obtain solutions. objective function coefficients to transform the stresses
The lower bound theorem requires a statically to the optimised load, A and b are a matrix and vector
admissible stress field that obeys the yield criterion respectively, of equality constraint coefficients derived
throughout the problem domain. Conventional analy- from equilibrium and the stress boundary conditions, fi
tical approaches seek to divide the domain into regions is the yield function for node i and N is the number of
in which statically admissible stress fields are defined. nodes. The algorithm used to solve this system is
Between regions, discontinuities in the normal stresses described in detail in Lyamin and Sloan [23] and will
in the direction of the discontinuity are permitted. not be repeated here. Recasting the problem in non-lin-
These allow the stress boundary conditions for the ear form, as described above, leads to a much faster
problem to be satisfied (for applied loads and pre- solution. Early use of the formulation has indicated a
scribed displacements). The finite element formulation 50-fold reduction in CPU time, as compared to the lin-
of the lower bound theorem has the same goal but the ear programming approach [22]. This gain in efficiency
regions are replaced by three-noded triangular finite allows much larger two-dimensional problems to be
elements within which stress fields can vary linearly. solved and is the technique used to obtain the lower
The nodal variables associated with each element are bound results presented later in this paper.
the stresses at the nodes. While elements are notionally A similar finite element approach can be taken with
connected at nodes, the nodal stresses are associated the upper bound theorem. A conventional upper bound
with that element only, unlike displacement finite ele- analysis proceeds by seeking a collapse mechanism that
ments. Stress discontinuities are permitted between each is kinematically admissible. This is a velocity field cov-
element in the domain. Special ‘‘extension’’ elements ering the domain that satisfies the velocity boundary
are also placed on the boundary to model an unboun- conditions, and the plasticity flow rule (which is asso-
ded domain, and hence produce a rigorous lower ciated in the case of the Tresca criterion). For problems
bound. The calculation then proceeds as an optimisa- such as the plane strain heading, a mechanism may
tion of the domain stress field, where the constraints are consist of rigid blocks of soil, moving at differing velo-
those imposed by equilibrium, the stress boundary cities. Internally, power is dissipated in the dis-
conditions and the yield criterion. The objective func- continuities between the blocks. This power is equated
tion, to be maximized, is the integral of the normal to the external power expended by the external loads
stresses over some part of the domain. (For the case of ( T and S) and the self-weight of the soil g, to obtain
the plane strain heading, this is difference between the an upper bound solution.
surcharge S and the tunnel pressure T). The Tresca The original formulation of the upper bound theorem
yield criterion leads to a set of non-linear constraints on [24] proceeds similarly to the lower bound formulation,
the nodal stresses. To form a linear programming with rigid regions replaced by three-noded triangular
problem, this non-linearity is dealt with by replacement elements over which the velocity is allowed to vary lin-
of the non-linear constraints with linear inequalities early. Each node has two unknown velocities specific to
that maintain a rigorous lower bound solution [4,21]. that element. Velocity discontinuities are permitted at
This can be visualised as replacing the circular Tresca specified locations in the finite element mesh, for which
surface (in Cartesian stress space) with an n-sided the sign of shearing must be specified by the analyst.
internal prism. Unlike a rigid-block mechanism approach, internal
The procedure outlined above has proved successful power may also be dissipated in plastic deformation of
for many two-dimensional problems. The process of the continuum. To ensure kinematic admissibility, each
C.E. Augarde et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 30 (2003) 419–430 423
element therefore also has a specified number of plastic parameters in the group [Eq. (4)]. For both upper and
multiplier rates to ensure plastic deformation obeys the lower bound analyses, the optimum value of the load
flow rule for the yield criterion used. The formulation parameter is found by setting S to zero and optimising
also ensures that zero deformation occurs in regions for T alone. For the upper bound a uniform tunnel
where computed stresses lie within the yield surface. An pressure is optimised by imposing the loading condition
optimisation problem then evolves with the objective at the tunnel face equivalent to
function (to be minimized) being the internal power ð
dissipation. The constraints arise from the need to vTn dA ¼ 1 ð10Þ
satisfy kinematic admissibility (for continuous velocity
fields between discontinuities, the plastic flow rule and This does not restrict the upper bound solution to
velocity boundary conditions). In a similar fashion to have a constant velocity profile over the heading height,
the lower bound formulation, the problem can be solved an aspect of the finite element upper bound solutions
by linear programming methods, by making the yield which will be shown to have important consequences
surface linear in Cartesian stress space. for the use of stability ratios, such as the one expressed
The original formulation has a number of short- in Eq. (8).
comings that have been addressed in recent years. Results are presented for values of the weight para-
Firstly, the need to define the location and nature of meter ðDÞ=cu0 of 0, 1, 2 and 3 and for five values of the
velocity discontinuities a priori has been removed by strength inhomogeneity parameter ðDÞ=cu0 between
techniques described in Sloan and Kleeman [25] with a zero and unity. These values are chosen to cover a wide
novel formulation that permits velocity discontinuities range of normally consolidated and overconsolidated
along every element edge in the mesh. This has also soil conditions, following the relations given in Eqs. (2)
removed the need to adopt fixed element patterns to and (3).
ensure incompressible material behaviour. A typical mesh used to analyse a plane strain heading
More recently, Lyamin and Sloan [26] have developed with C=D ¼ 2 is shown in Fig. 7. Similar meshes are
an upper bound finite element formulation based on used for upper and lower bound analyses as the new
non-linear programming. The new finite element for- formulation, based on non-linear programming, allows
mulation of the upper bound theorem uses the same the use of a very large number of two-dimensional ele-
linear velocity elements as in the original formulation. ments. It is therefore not necessary to experiment with a
Unlike the original formulation, however, each element range of meshes to arrive at narrow bounds. The mesh
is associated with a constant stress field and a single shown in Fig. 7 has 27 936 nodes and 9312 triangular
plastic multiplier rate, as the yield surface is not line- elements. The stress boundary conditions (for the lower
arised in this formulation. The optimisation problem bound analyses) ensure zero shear and normal stress at
can then be cast in terms of the nodal velocities and the the surface, zero shear stress on the heading face and
element stresses. Once again, the solution algorithm along the lined section of the heading. Extension ele-
used for this non-linear programming problem is fully ments are also included along the soil domain bound-
described elsewhere [26] and will not be repeated here. aries for the lower bound analyses. An upper bound
The new procedure is much quicker than the original analysis using the mesh in Fig. 7 includes velocity
linear programming formulation, permitting very fine boundary conditions to ensure zero velocity at the
discretisation for two-dimensional problems. boundaries, and zero vertical velocity along the lined
A previous study of the stability of a plane strain section of the heading. As indicated in the description of
heading [4] was restricted to the linear programming the upper bound formulation, velocity discontinuities
approach of both lower and upper bound finite element are present between each element in the mesh.
formulations. The new techniques employed here have All results presented here were obtained using an
allowed much finer two-dimensional finite element AMD Athlon processor running at 1200 MHz and
meshes to be used, thus improving the quality of bound generally required between 40 and 480 CPU seconds per
solutions. analysis. These timings are impressive given the com-
plexity of the finite element meshes used in the analyses,
and demonstrate the efficiency of the non-linear pro-
5. Numerical results gramming approach.
Table 1
Bounds on the load parameter for stability of an undrained plane strain heading
¼0 ¼1 ¼2 ¼3
D cu0 cu0 cu0 cu0 cu0
tical checks on the numerical results comes from Ref. can be obtained by adapting the solution for a v-not-
[6]. They present analytical solutions for lower and ched bar under tension, given in [27]
upper bounds of the load parameter ðS T Þ=cu0 for
undrained soil with constant strength with depth. For 5 2 þ 2log þ1 ð11Þ
cu0 D
the case of a weightless soil ðDÞ=cu0 ¼ 0, a lower bound
C.E. Augarde et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 30 (2003) 419–430 425
Fig. 2. Bounds on load parameter for ðDÞ=cu0 ¼ 0. Fig. 4. Bounds on load parameter for ðDÞ=cu0 ¼ 0:5.
D ¼
c u0
cu0 ¼0
2C sin2 sin4
D sin1 sin3 sin5 cosð1 þ 2 þ 3 þ 4 þ 5 Þ
cosð1 þ 2 þ 3 þ 4 Þ D C 1
þ þ ð13Þ
sin5 cosð1 þ 2 þ 3 þ 4 þ 5 Þ cu0 D 2
cu0 D
6¼0 cu0 D
¼0 cu0
cu0 cu0
0 1
cot1 þ 2cot2 þ 2cot3 þ 2cot4 þ cot5 2
Fig. 6. Bounds on load parameter for ðDÞ=cu0 ¼ 1:0. CB C
@ cosð1 þ 2 þ 3 þ 4 Þ A þ
D þ D
sin5 cosð1 þ 2 þ 3 þ 4 þ 5 Þ
An analytical upper bound solution can be obtained
from the five variable mechanism shown in Fig. 8 [4]. sin2 sin4
This is a rigid block mechanism where the internal sin1 sin3 sin5 cosð1 þ 2 þ 3 þ 4 þ 5 Þ
power dissipation takes place along the interfaces 0 1
sinð1 þ 2 Þ
between blocks only. The mechanism may appear to be 1 B cosð1 þ 2 Þ C
þ @ sin1 A
incompatible in that the tip of the triangle at the face of 2sin2
the heading has to penetrate the soil beneath. This dif- ðcos1 þ sin1 ð2cot2 þ 2cot3 þ cot4 ÞÞ
ficulty is dealt with by noting that if the tip deforms 0 cosð þ þ þ Þ 1
1 2 3 4
plastically to accommodate this movement the energy ðsin3 ðcot4 þcot5 ÞÞ
dissipated is of second order to that dissipated in the B sin4 C
interfaces between blocks for a given movement, and 1 B B sin3 cosð1 þ 2 þ 3 þ 4 Þ C
can be neglected in the analysis [28]. Similar mechan-
þ Bþ C
2sin2 B sin5 cosð1 þ 2 þ 3 þ 4 þ 5 Þ C
isms are also used by Davis et al. [6]. For the case of a @ sinð þ Þ A
3 4
constant undrained strength ðDÞ=cu0 ¼ 0, equating þ
external and internal power dissipation and rearranging sin4
gives the following expression for the load parameter, ð14Þ
ments in the algorithms used to solve the non-linear the load parameter for weightless soils conditions is
programming problem, resulting from the finite element only 1.6 times that at the highest weight parameter. The
bound formulation. In the majority of cases the bound opposite effect happens when the heading is located at a
solutions bracket the real solution to within
4%. As greater depth. Fig. 10 shows the variations in the load
the soil weight parameter D=cu0 is increased, the gap parameter as weight increases, from C=D ¼ 1 to
between the bounds widens slightly, as does the calcu- C=D ¼ 3. The plots for the shallow heading are closely
lation time to obtain the results. spaced, in contrast to those for the deeper heading. This
A negative value of the load parameter ðS T Þ=cu0 confirms, perhaps obviously, that the determination of
indicates the heading configuration is inherently the variable assumes greater importance as the head-
unstable; i.e. a positive heading pressure is required to ing depth increases.
prevent collapse, with zero surcharge. This situation Fig. 10 also shows a linear variation in load para-
occurs for a limited range of headings, generally for meter with weight parameter, for both upper and lower
heavy soils, with ðDÞ=cu0 5 2 where there is little or no bound results. This follows the predictions from the
increase of strength with depth. For all cases where analytical upper bound solutions discussed above,
there is appreciable inhomogeneity where solutions for soils with self-weight are found by
[withðDÞ=cu0 5 0:5], all headings are stable for zero subtracting a term dependent on D=cu0 from the
surcharge and zero heading pressure. weightless load parameter.
The analytical and rigid-block bound solutions [Eqs. Fig. 11a shows the velocity vectors at nodes in an
(11)–(14)] improve on the finite element results for one upper bound mesh for a heading where
case only (C=D ¼ 2; D=cu0 ¼ D=cu0 ¼ 0) and in C=D ¼ 1; D=cu0 ¼ 3; D=cu0 ¼ 0. Horizontal
general provide much poorer solutions. For shallow components at the tunnel face (i.e. values of vTn ) are
headings with low soil weight, however, the analytical clearly non-uniform over the tunnel height. In this case,
upper bound solutions [Eqs. (13) and (14)] are very close therefore, the stability number given in Eq. (8) would
to those given by the finite element methods. The lower not be valid. This demonstrates that the safe use of a
bound solution for soils with self-weight, suggested by stability number, N, requires prior knowledge of the
Davis et al. [6] are indeed safe, as can be seen in Fig. 2. velocity profile over the heading height. Similar conclu-
This solution also appears to follow the same trend as sions may be drawn for other underground stability
the finite element lower bound solutions. problems in geomechanics. Non-uniform horizontal
Another noticeable feature of the results is the relative velocity profiles at the heading face, obtained in the
importance of soil weight and strength profile. As the finite element solutions, are shown to produce better
latter is increased from 0.5 to unity, the importance of upper bound solutions and to invalidate the use of the
the soil weight profile decreases considerably. When stability ratio as described by Eq. (8). There are also
ðDÞ=cu0 ¼ 0:5, the load parameter is reduced three-fold interesting differences in the patterns of these velocities
as the weight parameter changes from zero to 3. For the as soil weight increases and as headings are deepened.
steepest increase in strength with depth ðDÞ=cu0 ¼ 1:0, The effect of increasing soil weight is to make the velo-
C.E. Augarde et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 30 (2003) 419–430 429
Fig. 11. Velocity vectors for finite element upper bound analyses
C=D ¼ 1; D=cu0 ¼ 0: (a) D=cu0 ¼ 0, (b) D=cu0 ¼ 3.
city profile over the heading depth less uniform. Fig. 11b
shows the profile for C=D ¼ 1; D=cu0 ¼
0; D=cu0 ¼ 0 and indicates relatively uniform velo-
city vectors over the heading depth. Fig 10a, in contrast
shows the velocity vectors for the same analysis with
D=cu0 ¼ 3. The profile, as highlighted above, is clearly
Fig. 12. Velocity vectors for finite element upper bound analyses
less uniform with greater velocities to the base of the
C=D ¼ 5; D=cu0 ¼ 0: (a) D=cu0 ¼ 0, (b) D=cu0 ¼ 3.
heading and reduced velocities at the top. This pattern
is evident for all depths of heading studied here. Fig. 12a
and b show a similar effect for the case where C=D ¼ 5. 8. Conclusion
Clearly, increased soil weight leads to a larger variation
in vertical stress across the heading and this may lead to The stability of a plane strain heading in undrained
earlier yield and a greater contribution to continuum conditions has been investigated using finite element
plastic flow in the base of the heading. Fig. 12 also bound methods. Improvements to solution algorithms
shows the finite element upper bound to depart from the have permitted very close bounds to be drawn in most
rigid block mechanism of Fig. 8 once the heading is at cases, providing useful charts for those assessing the sta-
depth. Non-zero velocities are predicted for nodes bility of this type of underground opening. It is impor-
above the lined section of the tunnel for this case, tant to remember that, in practice, the drained stability
C=D ¼ 5, and deeper cases. For the case of C=D ¼ 1, should also be considered, an area not covered in this
velocity discontinuities appears to line up vertically paper. The use of a universal stability ratio [19] has been
from the top of the heading, similar to the rigid block shown not to be advisable, depending as it does on the
mechanism of Fig. 8. nature of collapse which cannot be determined a priori.
430 C.E. Augarde et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 30 (2003) 419–430
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