Experiment No. (3) Optical Modulators: Object
Experiment No. (3) Optical Modulators: Object
Experiment No. (3) Optical Modulators: Object
To study the dispersion in optical fiber and its effect on data transmission
and maximum allowable bit rate.
Therefore, there are two ways have been used to achieve an optical
Where ma is the modulation index or the ratio of the peak excursion from
the average to the average power as shown in figure (1-b) and ωm is the angular
frequency of the modulating signal. Combining Eqs (3.1) and (3.2) we get:
Figure (1) (a) Analog optical fiber system employing direct intensity
modulation, and (b) Time domain representation showing direct intensity
modulation of the optical carrier with a baseband analog signal
𝑓3𝑑𝐵 = ( )/(𝜏𝑛+ 𝜏𝑅𝑐𝑛 ).
1 1 𝐼 1/2
𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑠 = × 1/2 × ( − 1) .
2𝜋 (𝜏𝑠𝑝 ×𝜏𝑝ℎ ) 𝐼𝑡ℎ
Where τsp is the carrier lifetime and equal to (1 ns), τph is the photon
lifetime and equal to (3 ps), I is the modulation peak current, and Ith is the
threshold current.
Where ∆θ is the phase difference between the two branches and is defined
∆𝜃(𝑡) = . (0.5 − 𝐸𝑅. (𝑀𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛(𝑡) − 0.5)). (3.7)
𝜋 1
𝐸𝑅 = 1 − . 𝑎𝑟𝑐 tan( ). (3.8)
4 √𝑒𝑥𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑡
1. Connect the block diagram shown in figure (4), use the blocks in the
component library as follows:
From the Component Library, select Default > Transmitters > Pulse
Generators > Electrical.
From the Component Library, select Default > Transmitters Library >
Optical Sources.
From the Component Library, select Default > Receivers Library >
From the Component Library, select Default > Filters Library > Electrical.
From the Component Library, select Default > Visualizer Library > Optical.
From the Component Library, select Default > Visualizer Library >
2. Press double click on sine generator and set frequency to 3e6 (3 MHz), then
press double click on the Main layout: (select set bit rate at simulation
window, set bit rate to 100e6 (100 M bit/s), set sequence length to 64 bits,
and set samples per bit to 64.
3. From the File menu, select Calculate then click the play button (►).
4. Draw the electrical analog signal, the optical transmitted signal, the detected
signal, and the electrical received signal at all Visualizers.
1. Connect the block diagram shown in figure (5), use the blocks in the
component library as follows:
From the Component Library, select Default > Transmitters Library > Bit
Sequence Generators.
From the Component Library, select Default > Transmitters > Pulse
Generators > Electrical.
From the Component Library, select Default > Transmitters Library >
Optical Sources.
From the Component Library, select Default > Receivers Library >
From the Component Library, select Default > Filters Library > Electrical.
From the Component Library, select Default > Visualizer Library > Optical.
From the Component Library, select Default > Visualizer Library >
2. Press double click at the Main layout: (select set bit rate at simulation
window, set bit rate to 100e6 (100 M bit/s), set sequence length to 8 bits,
and set samples per bit to 1024.
3. From the File menu, select Calculate then click the play button (►).
4. Draw the electrical analog signal, the optical transmitted signal, the
detected signal, and the electrical received signal at all Visualizers. Also
draw the graph at Aye Diagram Analyzer.
5. Repeat steps (2, 3, and 4) with a 300e6 (300 M bit/s) and leave the other
parameters without change.
6. Keep the bit rate at 300e6 (300 M bit/s), and press double click at the LED
source: (set the electron life time and the RC constant both to 0.5e-9 (0.5
ns) instead of 1e-9 (1ns)).
7. Repeat steps (3, and 4).
1. Connect the block diagram shown in figure (6), use the blocks in the
component library as in part (2), but from the Default > Transmitters
Library > Optical Sources, replace the LED by the Laser Rate Equations
in the Main layout.
2. Press double click at the Main layout: (select set bit rate at simulation
window, set bit rate to 1.3e9 (1.3 G bit/s), set sequence length to 8 bits,
and set samples per bit to 1024.
3. Press double click at the laser source: (set the Bias current and the
modulation peak current both to (40 mA), and the threshold current to
(33.45 mA)).
4. From the File menu, select Calculate then click the play button (►).
5. Draw the electrical analog signal, the optical transmitted signal, the
detected signal, and the electrical received signal at all Visualizers. Also
draw the graph at Aye Diagram Analyzer.
6. Repeat steps (4, and 5) with a 10e9 (10 G bit/s) and leave the other
parameters without change.
7. Keep the bit rate at 1.3e9 (1.3 G bit/s), and press double click at the laser
source: (set the Bias current to (20 mA) instead of (40 mA)).
8. Repeat steps (4, and 5).
1. Connect the block diagram shown in figure (7), use the blocks in the
component library as in part (3), but from the Default > Transmitters
Library > Optical Sources, replace the Laser Rate Equations by the CW
Laser in the Main layout.
2. From the Component Library, select Default > Transmitters Library >
Optical Modulators, drag the Mach-Zehnder Modulator to the Main
3. Press double click at the Main layout: (select set bit rate at simulation
window, set bit rate to 10e9 (10 G bit/s), set sequence length to 8 bits, and
set samples per bit to 1024.
4. Press double click at the Photodetector PIN, select "Noise" tab, and cancel
all types of noise by removing the sign () from all check boxes at
column "Value"
5. From the File menu, select Calculate then click the play button (►).
6. Draw the electrical analog signal, the optical transmitted signal, the
detected signal, and the electrical received signal at all Visualizers. Also
draw the graph at Aye Diagram Analyzers.
1. With the aid of equations, discuss the performance of optical modulators
at a high bit rate transmission?
2. State the advantages and disadvantages of both the external and direct
intensity modulators?
3. Compare the electrical and optical bandwidths for an optical fiber
communication system and develop a relationship between them, then
draw a general frequency response for an optical fiber system and show
the electrical and optical bandwidths on it?
4. Give the importance of optical sources linearity for analog and digital
systems, and then explain which optical source gives good linearity?