21) Did you work on Internal Table With headerline or without headerline? Disadvantages using
with headerline?
22) Distinct?
23) What is the difference between a primary index and a secondary index? What is a duplicate data
entry in an index? Can a primary index contain duplicates?
24) Collect?
COLLECT allows you to create unique or summarized datasets. Collect checks whether an entry
with the same key exists or not. If the system finds an entry, COLLECT statement does not
append a new line, but adds to the sum total of the existing entries. If it does not find an entry,
the system creates a new entry instead.
*****************Data Dictionary****************************************************
4) What are the advantages & disadvantages of Cluster & Pooled tables? Mention some of the
tables you worked on?
Advantages of Cluster & Pool tables:
a) Combination of tables stored into one table pool/ table cluster means Less tables to
manage, administration becomes simpler.
b) The data is stored in compressed form in the DB. Reduces the memory space required,
reduces the network load.
c) With cluster tables, functionally dependent data are read together, which results in fewer
database accesses.
Restricted DB functionality. No native SQL,, No Views, Joins,, No primary or secondary indices,,
No group by, order by,, No append.
8) Can you create a field without using Data Element and Domain? Yes. Using BuiltIn type.
9) Can you create a Data Element without using Domain? Yes using Predefined type.
10) What is Check Table? Have you used it? Ex: Which one is check table & Value Table?
Check Table:
The name itself defines that it is the table which is giving the check function when the foreign
key is populated with some value.
I mean to say that at the time you are populating elements into the foreign key table at that
time you entered some value and pressed ENTER key on key board then system automatically
executes the select statement on the existing check table, in order to know whether this key's
entry exist in the check table or not.
So here the check table means the reference for comparison.
And foreign key table means referee which is asking for check.
14) If we use Logging where do the changes get stored? In CDPOS table.
15) What is Secondary Indexes? Have you created it? Why do you create? Where do you create?
Secondary Indexes are created for Non key Fields. Suppose while retrieving data from DB if we
are using non key fields in where clause, performance decreases. So in order to increase
performance we create Secondary indexes to those non key fields. Yes I have created. In Table
we have Index Pushbutton to create Index.
17) What is Table Maintenance Generator? What are the Parameters? After creating TMG, what will
be created?
TMG is a tool used to maintain data in DB tables through Data dictionary, only possible when
TMG is created for a table.
Parameters: Authorization group, Function group, & we have 1 step / 2 step maintenance
screen. one step table maintenance dialog: only one maintenance screen is processed. The
entries are displayed in list form.
Two step maintenance: two maintenance screens are processed . 1st one is overview screen ,
the entries are displayed in list form. In 2nd screen one entry is displayed .
A View is generated automatically when TMG is created for a table.
21) Have you created Lock Object? Why did you create? Types of locks? Difference btn them? 2
Yes I have created. For making other users for not editing / updating the table when 1 user is
working on this table.
SAP Provide three type of Lock objects.
- Read Lock(Shared Locked)
protects read access to an object. The read lock allows other transactions read access but not
write access to the locked area of the table.
- Write Lock(exclusive lock)
protects write access to an object. The write lock allows other transactions neither read nor
write access to the locked area of the table.
- Enhanced write lock (exclusive lock without cumulating)
works like a write lock except that the enhanced write lock also protects from further accesses
from the same transaction.
When you create a lock object, System automatically creates two function modules.
1. ENQUEUE_<Lockobject name>. to insert the object in a queue.
2. DEQUEUE_<Lockobject name>. To remove the object which is being queued through above
FM. You have to use these function modules in your program.
22) What is Foreign Key Table, Primary Key Table? Uses of FK?
Table having a Foreign Key is called FKT. Table having Primary key is called PKT.
Uses of FK: A relationship which can be defined between tables and must be explicitly defined at
field level. FK’s are used to ensure consistency of data[ensures data integrity] & It helps for F4
23) What is Table type? Type groups? Structure?
Table type is a global Internal table type. Type groups are global Types & global Constants.
A Structure is defined like a table in the ABAP Dictionary & can then be accessed within ABAP
programs. Contain data temporarily.
25) If Buffering is switched on & if you don’t want to access from buffer, what statement will you
26) Difference between Index & Buffer?
Both are used for improving performance. Index is at DB layer level. Buffer is at application layer
27) Can you create Transaction code for a table? Yes. In SE93.
28) What is Text Table?
Text table is a special SAP tables where it stores descriptions in different languages.
32) How do you know whether views are used or not in a program?
where used list or table - D010TAB
33) Difference between table & View?
a) Table contains data physically, but not views.
b) No Index,Append,.include
34) How do you find whether secondary index is created or not? We can find in ST05.
35) If you sort an internal table which is already sorted what will happen? It allows or gives error?
It allows but performance decreases.
2) Which technical field in the BDCDATA table holds the last cursor position?
21) What are the Update modes in Call Transaction & Session Method?
CT – Synchronous & Asynchronous, Local. Session – Synchronous.
28) How do you handle Currency/Quantity Fields, Time & Date Formats in BDC?
In BDC, for currency, quantity, date and time fields you need to take the data into a char variable
of enough length and use WRITE TO statement to take care of user settings.
Ex: DATA: l_char(25) TYPE c.
WRITE 'your currency field' TO l_char CURRENCY 'Pass the currency code like INR'.
**EG: WRITE l_curr TO l_char CURRENCY 'Currency code'.
CONDENSE l_char.
Pass l_char to BDC.
29) How do you handle Presentation Server Data? Using GUI_UPLOAD & GUI_DOWNLOAD FM’s.
30) How do you handle Application server Data? READ DATASET, TRANSFER.
31) What is the Transaction code for Application Directory? AL11.
32) Difference between SAP & ABAP Memory? Have you worked on it? How do you handle it?
1) Abap memory is the temporary memory that is assigned for processing between the internal
sessions of an external session. Sap memory is the temporary memory that is assigned for
processing between the external sessions.
2) Abap memory is Local memory for external session. Sap Memory is Global memory for
external session.
3) Abap memory is retained for the duration of EXTERNAL session. SAP memory is retained for
the duration of USER session.
33) Where do you download error records[report] in call transaction? Presentation Server.
************************Job Handling*****************************************
1) What is a Class?
Class defines data and the behaviour common to all the objects of certain kind. Here methods
provide the behaviour. We can say classes describe objects.
18) How do you force Garbage collector to remove an object? Using Flush statement.
19) What is Abstract Class? Use?
Classes which contain one or more abstract methods or abstract properties, such methods or
properties do not provide implementation. These abstract methods or properties are
implemented in the derived classes (Sub-classes). Abstract classes does not create any instances
to that class objects.
Use: We can define some common functionalities in Abstract class (Super-class) and those can
be used in derived classes (Sub classes).
Creating Abstract Class. When you create a Class Select the Abstract from Instantiation Drop
Down List to define the class as abstract class.
6) If you want show 2 Radio buttons in the same line in selection screen, what will you do?
Enter 2 radio buttons between SELECTION SCREEN BEGIN OF LINE…END OF LINE.
7) What is ALV?
ALV is ABAP List Viewer. It is a tool used to display the report output. It is used to enhance the
readability & functionality of the report output.
13) What is the use of Hide, What is Get Cursor, Set Cursor statements?
Get Cursor: Used to find out the position of the cursor where the action has occurred.
Set Cursor: Used to place cursor on a input field.
Hide: It stores the values between lists in interactive reporting.
15) Up to how many Secondary Lists you can create? 21. 1 basic list & 20 secondary lists.
16) Can we move from one list to another list for ex: from 19 th List to 3rd List? Where do you write
the code? Yes in AT LINE-SELECTION Event.
17) Where do you handle Detail Lists Page Headings? In TOP-OF-PAGE DURING LINE-SELECTION
18) If you want to print Page numbers in Interactive Reports, How do you handle it?
19) Difference between Function Module & Subroutine?
Function modules are defined in Function group & can be tested independently. Subroutines are
defined in programs & cannot be tested individually, it has to be included in a program to test.
21) What are the steps for displaying ALV using OOPS?
Add a Custom Control Area on to the screen & give it a name. Declare the Custom Control name
added on the screen. Create Custom Container, ALV Grid Instance reference variables.
In PBO Event, We will check whether Container exits / not, if it exists we refresh it else we will
create it.
If ALV Grid is initial then create Custom Container Instance & pass Custom Control name.
Then create ALV Grid Instance & pass Custom container object. It will create a link between ALV
Grid & Screen.
Then call method SET_TABLE_FOR_FIRST_DISPLAY to display the output.
Parameters for SET_TABLE_FOR_FIRST_DISPLAY method:
I_STRUCTURE_NAME – Name of the Data Dictionary Table.
I_SAVE – for saving layout.
IS_LAYOUT – determines the properties of the GRID control.
IT_TOOLBAR_EXCLUDING - This table contains function codes of the toolbar that you want to hide for
the lifetime of the ALV Grid Control. The function codes are constant attributes and are prefixed with
IT_OUTTAB – Output table with the data to be displayed.
IT_FIELDCATALOG – Determines the structure of the output table and the format of the data to be
IT_SORT – Table with sort properties for columns.
IT_FILTER – table with filter properties for columns.
[[[[[[[[[[As a control object, ALV Grid instance requires a container to be linked to the screen. Generally,
an instance of the class “cl_gui_custom_container” is used for this purpose. To create a custom
container instance, we need a custom control area on the screen.]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
22) Have you worked on OOPS? Did you create your own Classes / used Standard Classes? Mention
some of the classes you used? I used Standard Classes. CL_GUI_ALV_GRID.
23) What is Field Catalog? What are the ways of generating a Field Catalog? Parameters in FCAT?
Field Catalog is used to define Column properties. There are 3 ways of generating a Field catalog.
Fully Automatic, Semi Automatic & manually.
Fully Automatic, if our List Structure is similar to a Dictionary Table, we just pass the name of
the Dictionary Table to the parameter I_STRUCTURE_NAME of SET_TABLE_FOR_FIRST_DISPLAY
For manual – we just fill the Internal table manually for the fieldcatalog.
Ex: CLEAR ls_fcat .
ls_fcat-fieldname = 'CONNID' .
ls_fcat-outputlen = '3' .
ls_fcat-coltext = 'Connection ID' .
APPEND ls_fcat to pt_fieldcat .
Semi Automatic. Ex: Suppose you have 100 fields in a table & you need to display only 90, then
we can generate a Field Catalog using LVC_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE Function Module. After
getting the generated field catalog, we loop at it and change whatever we want & Modify
the Field Catalog.
Parameters in Field Catalog:
Field Name – Use this to assign a Field Name to your output.
CheckBox – Outputing a Checkbox.
COL_POS – It places the field where the column position is specified.
DO_SUM – It calculates the total for the specified Column.
NO_OUT – It will not output the column.
27) How do you create Custom Button in the Toolbar/ To add new functional buttons to the ALV
toolbar? / How do you handle Events in ALV?
Use Class LCL_EVENT_HANDLER & declare a method for event. Create an Object for the Event &
register it using SET HANDLER method. In the method handling the “toolbar “event ,we define a
new button by filling a structure and appending it to the table attribute “mt_toolbar” of the
object to whose reference we can reach via the parameter “e_object” of the event.
Sample Code:
CLASS lcl_event_handler DEFINITION .
handle_toolbar FOR EVENT toolbar OF cl_gui_alv_grid IMPORTING e_object e_interactive.
CLASS lcl_event_handler IMPLEMENTATION . *Handle Toolbar
METHOD handle_toolbar.
PERFORM handle_toolbar USING e_object ."e_interactive .
DATA gr_event_handler TYPE REF TO lcl_event_handler .
*--Creating an instance for the event handler
CREATE OBJECT gr_event_handler .
*--Registering handler methods to handle ALV Grid events
SET HANDLER gr_event_handler->handle_toolbar FOR gr_alvgrid .
FORM handle_toolbar USING i_object TYPE REF TO cl_alv_event_toolbar_set .
DATA: ls_toolbar TYPE stb_button.
CLEAR ls_toolbar.
* MOVE 3 TO ls_toolbar-butn_type.
* APPEND ls_toolbar TO i_object->mt_toolbar.
* CLEAR ls_toolbar.
MOVE 'COL' TO ls_toolbar-function. "#EC NOTEXT
MOVE icon_display_text TO ls_toolbar-icon.
MOVE 'Color' TO ls_toolbar-quickinfo.
MOVE 'Color' TO ls_toolbar-text.
MOVE ' ' TO ls_toolbar-disabled. "#EC NOTEXT
APPEND ls_toolbar TO i_object->mt_toolbar.
CLEAR ls_toolbar.
ENDFORM . "handle_toolbar
*******************DP or MPP***************************************************
1) Have you worked on MPP? Why DP cannot be run alone?
Req is displaying SO number, SO item, new bay location & old bay location from customized
table & making the new bay location field editable. Whenever the user enter a value in new bay
location, the existing value need to be update in old bay location & new values has to be
updated in new bay location automatically when it is saved. Ex: 100 & 200. ABAP Syntax.
2) Difference between interactive and module pool program? 1 main diff in real time?
Write statement cannot be used in MPP.
3) What are the events used in DP? PBO, PAI, POH, POV.
4) What are the types of screens in DP? Normal, Subcreen, Modal Dialog Box.
5) What is the use of Field Statement, Chain…EndChain? Or How do you Validations in Dp?
For validating our own fields we use Field statement. Chain…EndChain will protect Screen
attributes. Automatic checks are available while processing screen when using Dictionary
6) What is Call Mode?
Sequence of related screens is called Call mode.
7) What is Subscreen? Tabstrips? Have you worked on it? Syntax of both?
8) How do you handle screen attributes dynamically? Where do you handle?
In PBO Event, Loop through the screen, make necessary changes & modify.
2) What are User Exits? How do you find it? Name some of the User Exits you used?
User Exits are empty subroutines that SAP developers provide us to add additional functions to
the standard sap applications. User Exits are considered as modifications. We need access key to
modify. User Exits are specially designed for SD.
Finding User Exit: Go to SPRO transaction code – Click on IMG – Choose SD – System
Modifications – User Exits.
3) What are Customer Exits? Types? How do you find Customer Exits?
Adding additional logic to Standard SAP Applications without having to modify it. There are 3
types: SAP creates Customer exits for specific programs , screens , menus within std applns.
i) Function module Exits: adds Functions to r/3 apllns.
ii) Menu Exits: add items to the pulldown menus in the std apllns.
iii) Screen Exits: adds fields to screens in r/3 apllns.
Finding Customer exits: 2 ways:
a) One way is through development class.
Go to Program & find the Package name. Go to SMOD, enter Package name & we get all
the Customer Exits. Copy the suitable Exit. Go to CMOD, create a project & assign the
Exit to the project & Implement.
b) Other way is using call customer function.
Go in Debug mode, use Breakpoint at Statement from Menu option & Enter Call
Customer Function & Execute. You get the appropriate Exit.
4) What is BADIs? Types? How do you find BADIs? What is Single & Multiple use, Filter BADI?
BADI [Business AddIns]: Add-ins are points in objects source code where additional functions or
statements can be inserted.
2 types of BADI: Normal & Filter.
Normal BADI, we have single use & multiple use.
In single use, A BADI can be implemented only once.
Multiple Use: A BADI can be implemented more than once.
Finding BADI: 2 ways:
One way is through development class.
Other way is using cl_exithandler class. Go to SE24, Enter cl_exithandler - click on get
instance method, put a breakpoint & run your aplln, you will find the accurate BADI Definition.
And you can implement in SE19 transaction code.
5) Can you create your own BADI Definitions? Yes in SE18 we can create.
6) Where do you implement BADIs? In SE19.
7) When you find BADI through CL_EXITHANDLER class, if you get 10 BADIs then how do you
choose which one is suitable?
Check the Import & Export Parameters.
5) How do you handle Page protection? Create a Folder & drag all the nodes into it which has to be
page protected. & Check the CheckBox Page protection.
Cardinality is a property which specifies how many records that can be stored in a node
Context is a temporary place which stores data in the form of nodes and attributes.
View Controller.
Window Controller.
Component Controller.
Interface Controller.
Custom Controller.
In webdynpro we can navigate from one view to another view using inbound and outbound
8)How to share data between view ? Is there any way other than component controller?
By using Component Controller and we can Pass data through plugs also
9)Difference between ABAP & Webdynpro ABAP applications?
ABAP applications are traditional GUI applications which runs on SAP GUI.
Web Dynpro applications are SAP web based applications which runs on web browser.
DDBK(Drop Down by Key) is an UI element through which we can display domain fixed values in
the form of drop down.
DDBI(Drop Down by Index) is an UI element through which we can display any values in the
form of drop down.
DDBK(Drop Down by Key) is used when we have fixed values for domain and when we know no
of drop down values at design time.
DDBI(Drop Down by Index) is used when we don't know no of drop down values at design time
and when we know them at run time only.
No. We can not bind ID property on any UI element in web dynpro for ABAP.
1. Collection cardinality.
2. Selection cardinality.
15)What is selection cardinality & collection cardinality?
1. Collection cardinality: It specifies how many records that can be stored in a node.
2. Selection cardinality : It specifies how many records that can be selected from a node.
Collection cardinality : 0-n with 1-1 or 1-n selection cardinality are not applicable.
Mapping the UI element property to the context attribute or node is called context mapping or
data binding.
Mapping the context of different controllers within the same component is called as internal
context mapping.
Ex: Mapping component A's component controller context to component B's component
controller context.
21)Can we use data element & data type for context attributes?
Yes..We can use either data element or data type for context attributes.
Ex: We can create attribute with data element MATNR and we can create attribute with data
type CHAR10
Here M - Modal - actual business logic ex: calling Function modules, class methods etc
V - View - View is nothing but screen with UI elements that holds data.
wd_this : is the instance on current controller, all methods and attributes in that controller can
be accessed by using this instance
wd_context: is the instance of root context, technically all the node and attributes and sub-
nodes and sub-attributes for this, we can only access nodes and attributes using this root
context instance.
wd_comp_controller: this is the instance of component controller, we can access all methods
and attributes in component controller with this.
We can navigate from one view to another view using view plugs.
29)How to transfer data form one view to another view?
2. Through plugs.
Navigation link is a link between outbound and inbound plugs, which is used to determine
target view of an outbound plug.
Component controller is a global controller, the data declared in this can be accessed by all
views and window in that component.
View controller is a local controller for that view, can not accessed by other controllers
At run time a context node may contain many records , but only one of those is selected .
The user can select any record from the Table/ALV/Drop Down/Radio and this selection is called
lead selection.
32)Can you use multiple layouts in one view in web dynpro ABAP?
For example, you define the layout for your view at the ROOTUIELEMENT container level.
So if at all you want to use multiple layouts in one view, you can create multiple transparent
containers and assign different layouts to them.
33)Can you call one web dynpro application from another webdynpro application? explain ?
Yes, it is possible to call web dynpro application from other web dynpro application, to call a
web dynpro application first we need to get URL of the application using
cl_wd_utilities=>construct_wd_url method, and you need call url using
create_external_window method of IF_WD_WINDOW_MANAGER .
34)Can you create a T-code for Web dynpro Application?
Yes, you can create a T-code for web dynpro application. Go to SE93 , create Tcode, choose the
last option and maintain values. Check tutorial at :
This is a silly question to ask but it can check your knowledge on web dynpro ABAP, technically
it is possible to create background job for web dynpro application .
37)How many maximum number of rows can be visible at a time in web dynpro ALV ?
Note : Web Dynpro ALV can handle millions of records but it can display maximum of 1000 rows
in screen.
Input Field, Table, Button, Label, Interactive Form, ViewContainer, DDI, DDK etc
Interface controller is a controller which is responsible for communicating with external web
dynpro components.
41)What are the methods used for integrating Select-Options in Web Dynpro ABAP ?
We can display error, warning, success, attribute error etc messages in Web Dynpro ABAP using
interface IF_WD_MESSAGE_MANAGER, when we raise messages using
IF_WD_MESSAGE_MANAGER, the messages will be displayed in Message Area UI element, by
default Message Area UI element is at the top of the screen.
Web Dynpro Application URL is different in Development, QA and Production systems, we need
to use CL_WD_UTILITIES=>CONSTRUCT_WD_URL ( ) method to get URL dynamically.
44)What is service call in Web Dynpro ABAP ? What is the purpose of it?
Service call is Wizard based tool, call an existing function module or methods of an existing class
within a Web Dynpro component.
When we use service call context nodes and a web dynpro method will be automatically
created as per the Function Module/Class method parameters.
InteractiveForm is an UI element in Web Dynpro ABAP, you can insert a PDF document into a
view using InteractiveForm UI element.
46)What are the advantages of using Adobe forms in Web Dynpro ABAP apps?
5. Barcodes can be printed on all printers of types Postscript, PCL, PDF, or Zebra
7. Forms can be integrated in the browser based environment and made interactive.
Each view has exactly one View Controller, which processes the actions performed by the user
in the view.
A view also has exactly one view context, which contains the data required for the view.
A view controller and the corresponding context exist at least as long as the view is visible in the
Web Dynpro application creates link between Web Dynpro Component and browser, it is used
to execute/test a Web Dynpro Component and it is the final link which user use to
process/execute the business applications.
Can't you create multiple ABAP programs under one project ? Yes, you can create multiple Web
Dynpro applications under one project
The empty view is a special type of view. It is always generated automatically in a window or a
view set area, provided that no view has been embedded manually. It may also be preferable to
embed an empty view in a non-empty window as well. Just like a normal view, the empty view
occupies a certain area of a window at runtime and can be used to hide a different view, for
example, using specific controls.
When you create an empty view, an inbound plug with the default name ShowEmptyView is
You can provide multi select functionality for a Web Dynpro table by binding a node with 0-n or
1-n selection cordiality.
1) What is the Landscape in your company?
We have 3 servers – Development, Quality, Production Servers. In development Server we have
2 clients – 1 is for development. The other is for testing. Dev Client no – 50, Test client no -150.
We will have test data in Testing Server not in development server. All the objects will be
present in both clients, SAPScripts has to be transported using SCC1 tcode.
[These all are different in different companys].
4) What are the Coding Standards you follow before & after writing Code?
Before writing code: [performance analysis]
➢ In a where clause have the fields been put in the same order as the existing index ?
➢ In a where clause have the tests which restrict the data most been put in the first position ?
➢ Is the Binary search clause used with the read table statement ?
➢ Has the entire table key been specified in the select clause of the statement which contains
the addition "for all entries in " ?
➢ Have the internal tables been sorted by appropriate keys before being looped at or being
used in a read statement ?
➢ Are all the possible screen validations done.
➢ Clear work areas wherever required?
➢ Use clause "INTO TABLE <Internal table>" instead of INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF
➢ Use the clause "APPENDING TABLE Internal table" instead of APPENDING CORRESPONDING
FIELDS OF internal table
➢ Has the delete where clause been used instead of delete statement inside a LOOP
➢ Has "delete from internal table" been used instead of deleting the records inside a loop ?
➢ Has the transporting clause been used along with the 'MODIFY internal table ' statement ?
➢ In case of mass updation has the modify table from tab been used instead of using modify
statement inside a loop ?
9) How do you write Technical Specifications? Tell me what all you write in it? Do you prepare
Documentation after developing the Object?
TS is prepared by ABAPer. This contains all the technical details such as starting from designing
selection screen, declarations, all the FM’s used and the processing logic to meet the customer’s
requirement, test cases etc,. Yes we do prepare documentation.
17) What is Open Purchase Order, Open Sales Order, Open Delivery, Open Invoice, Open Items?
Open purchase – SO is not generated.
Open sales order means not delivered to the client.
Open Delivery – Items are delivered to the client but not yet invoiced.
The open invoice is the value of the billing document items which have not yet been forwarded
to accounting.
The open items represent documents that have been forwarded to accounting but not yet
settled by the customer.
20) How do you transport Variants, Text elements from one server to another server?
These has to be transported explicitly.
21) Whom do you communicate for the issues or major info about FS?
To the Functional consultant who prepared FS.
Q) There is a BSEG table while fetching the data from it, the sap system is giving short dump due to
unable to hold crores of records what needs to be done in this case?
We have to use index tables (or) views, restrict tables fields.
Q) What is the use of Search Help Exit?
Search help exit is used to fetch data from multiple sources.