Cloud Computing Notes B Tech AKTU
Cloud Computing Notes B Tech AKTU
Cloud Computing Notes B Tech AKTU
# Cloud computing (II) Types of cloud services: IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, FaaS
Cloud computing is the on-demand availability of computer system These are sometimes called the cloud computing stack, because
resources, especially data storage (cloud storage) and computing they build on top of one another.
power, without direct active management by the user. The term is
generally used to describe data centers available to many users over 1. Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS)
the Internet. IaaS is the most basic category of cloud computing services that
allows you rent IT infrastructure (servers, network, operating
Cloud computing is an application-based software infrastructure systems data storage drives or VM’s) from a cloud provider on a
that stores data on remote serves, which can be accessed through pay-as-you-go basis.
the internet. The front end enables a user to access data stored in
the cloud using an internet browser or a cloud computing software. Examples - Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google
Cloud Platform, Dropbox, etc.
2. Private Cloud – Hosting all your computing infrastructure Examples - AWS Lambdas, Azure Functions.
yourself and is not shared. The security and control level is
highest while using a private network. # Uses of Cloud Computing
3. Hybrid Cloud – using both private and public clouds, depending Although you do not realize you are probably using cloud
on their purpose. You host your most important applications on computing right now, most of us use an online service to send email,
your own servers to keep them more secure and secondary edit documents, watch movies, etc. It is likely that cloud computing
applications elsewhere. is making it all possible behind the scenes. Today a variety of
organisations ranging from tiny startups to government agencies are
4. Community Cloud – A community cloud is shared between embracing this technology for the following:
organizations with a common goal or that fit into a specific Create new apps and services as well as store, back up and
community (professional community, geographic community, recover data
etc.). Host websites and blogs
Stream audio and video
Deliver on demand software services
Analyze data for patterns
Make predictions
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Data security is one of the biggest advantages of cloud computing. Microsoft Private Microsoft Office
Cloud offers many advanced features related to security and Microsoft Microsoft Azure
Cloud 365
ensures that data is securely stored and handled.
Google App Engine Google
Google –
(Python, Java and many) Applications
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Networking Services:
Big Data Services Cloud Services: PaaS (Platform as a Service) can be utilised
Security and Identity Management to build applications and services.
Management Tools Websites: Azure allows its users to develop sites on
ASP.NET, Node.js, PHP, or Python.
Cloud AI
Virtual Machines: Primarily a migration tool, allowing
IoT developers to migrate apps and infrastructure without
altering code.
Features: Data: SQL Database extends applications into the cloud,
It is one of the cloud companies that allows you to scale utilising SQL Server.
with open, flexible technology Media: This is a Platform as a Service feature that can be
Solve issues with accessible AI & data analytics utilised for protecting content, streaming media, and
Eliminate the need for installing costly servers more.
Allows you to transform your business with a full suite of
cloud-based services. 4. IBM Cloud
IBM cloud is a full stack cloud platform which spans public, private
Services: and hybrid environments. It is one of the best cloud providers which
is built with a robust suite of advanced and AI tools.
1. Google Compute Engine, which is an infrastructure-as-a-service
(IaaS) offering that provides users with virtual Features:
IBM cloud offers infrastructure as a service (IaaS),
machine instances for workload hosting. software as a service (SaaS) and platform as a service
2. Google App Engine, which is a platform-as-a-service (PaaS) (PaaS)
IBM Cloud is used to build pioneering which helps you to
offering that gives software developers access to Google's gain value for your businesses
scalable hosting. Developers can also use a software It offers high performing cloud communications and
services into your IT environment
developer kit (SDK) to develop software products that run on
App Engine. Services:
3. Google Cloud Storage, which is a cloud storage platform Compute Infrastructure — includes its bare metal servers
(single-tenant servers that are highly customizable), virtual
designed to store large, unstructured data sets. Google also servers, GPU computing, POWER servers (based on IBM's
POWER architecture) and server software
offers database storage options, including Cloud Datastore
Compute Services — includes OpenWhisk serverless
for NoSQL nonrelational storage, Cloud SQL for MySQL fully computing, containers and Cloud Foundry runtimes
relational storage and Google's native Cloud Bigtable Storage — includes object, block and file storage, as well
as server-backup capabilities
Network — includes load balancing, Direct Link private
4. Google Container Engine, which is a management and secure connections, network appliances, content delivery
network and domain services
orchestration system for Docker containers that runs within
Mobile — includes IBM's Swift tools for creating iOS apps,
Google's public cloud. Google Container Engine is based on its MobileFirst Starter package for getting a mobile app up
and running, and its Mobile Foundation app back-end
the Google Kubernetes container orchestration engine.
3. Microsoft Azure
Data and analytics — includes data services, analytics
services, big data hosting, Cloudera hosting, MongoDB
Azure is a cloud platform which is launched by Microsoft in February
hosting and Riak hosting
2010. This open source and flexible cloud platform which helps in
development, data storage, service management & hosting Internet of Things — includes IBM's IoT platform and its
solutions. IoT starter packages
Security — includes tools for securing cloud environments,
Features: such as a firewall, hardware security modules (physical
Windows Azure offers the most effective solution for your devices with key management capabilities), Intel Trusted
data needs Execution Technology, security software and SSL
Provides scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness
Application services — includes Blockchain, Message hub
Offers consistency across clouds with familiar tools and
and business rules, among others
Integration — includes tools for building virtual bridges for
Allow you to scale your IT resources up and down
hybrid cloud and multi-cloud environments, such as API
according to your business needs
Connect and Secure Gateway