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Cloud Computing Notes B Tech AKTU

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# Cloud computing (II) Types of cloud services: IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, FaaS
Cloud computing is the on-demand availability of computer system These are sometimes called the cloud computing stack, because
resources, especially data storage (cloud storage) and computing they build on top of one another.
power, without direct active management by the user. The term is
generally used to describe data centers available to many users over 1. Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS)
the Internet. IaaS is the most basic category of cloud computing services that
allows you rent IT infrastructure (servers, network, operating
Cloud computing is an application-based software infrastructure systems data storage drives or VM’s) from a cloud provider on a
that stores data on remote serves, which can be accessed through pay-as-you-go basis.
the internet. The front end enables a user to access data stored in
the cloud using an internet browser or a cloud computing software. Examples - Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google
Cloud Platform, Dropbox, etc.

2. Platform as a service (PaaS)

Platform-as-a-service (PaaS) refers to the supply an on-demand

environment for developing, testing, delivering and managing
software applications. It is designed to quickly create web or mobile
apps, without worrying about setting up or managing the underlying
infrastructure of servers, storage, network and databases needed
for development.

Examples- AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Google App Engine, Microsoft


3. Software as a service (SaaS)

Software-as-a-service (SaaS) is a method for delivering software

applications over the Internet as per the demand and on a
subscription basis. SaaS helps you host and manage the software
application and underlying infrastructure and handle any
# Cloud Computing Classification maintenance (software upgrades and security patching).
Cloud computing is usually classified on the basis of location, or on
Examples - Microsoft Office 365, Google Drive, Adobe Creative
the service that the cloud is offering.
Cloud, Gmail, Google Apps.etc.
(I) Cloud Types: Private, Public and Hybrid, Community
There are three main types of cloud environment, also known as 4. FaaS (functions as a service)
cloud deployment models. Businesses can choose to run
applications on public, private or hybrid clouds – depending on their FaaS adds another layer of abstraction to PaaS, so that developers
specific requirements. are completely insulated from everything in the stack below their
code. Instead of handling the hassles of virtual servers, containers,
1. Public Cloud – Whole computing infrastructure is located on the and application runtimes, they upload narrowly functional blocks of
premises (sites) of a cloud computing company that offers code, and set them to be triggered by a certain event. FaaS
the cloud service. It is accessible to many businesses through applications consume no IaaS resources until an event occurs,
the internet on a pay-per-use model. reducing pay-per-use fees.

2. Private Cloud – Hosting all your computing infrastructure Examples - AWS Lambdas, Azure Functions.
yourself and is not shared. The security and control level is
highest while using a private network. # Uses of Cloud Computing

3. Hybrid Cloud – using both private and public clouds, depending Although you do not realize you are probably using cloud
on their purpose. You host your most important applications on computing right now, most of us use an online service to send email,
your own servers to keep them more secure and secondary edit documents, watch movies, etc. It is likely that cloud computing
applications elsewhere. is making it all possible behind the scenes. Today a variety of
organisations ranging from tiny startups to government agencies are
4. Community Cloud – A community cloud is shared between embracing this technology for the following:
organizations with a common goal or that fit into a specific  Create new apps and services as well as store, back up and
community (professional community, geographic community, recover data
etc.).  Host websites and blogs
 Stream audio and video
 Deliver on demand software services
 Analyze data for patterns
 Make predictions

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# Advantages of Cloud Computing 4) Security

Although cloud service providers implement the best security
1) Back-up and restore data standards to store important information. But, before adopting
Once the data is stored in the cloud, it is easier to get back-up and cloud technology, you should be aware that you will be sending all
restore that data using the cloud. your organization's sensitive information to a third party, i.e., a
cloud computing service provider. While sending the data on the
2) No Hardware Requred cloud, there may be a chance that your organization's information is
Since everything will be hosted in the cloud, a physical storage hacked by Hackers.
center is no longer needed. 5) Bandwidth issues
3) Improved collaboration For ideal performance, clients have to plan accordingly and not pack
Cloud applications improve collaboration by allowing groups of large amounts of servers and storage devices into a small set of data
people to quickly and easily share information in the cloud via centers.
shared storage.
4) Excellent accessibility
Cloud Service providers are vendors which provide Information
Cloud allows us to quickly and easily access store information Technology (IT) as a service over the Internet. Cloud computing is a
anywhere, anytime in the whole world, using an internet term which is used for storing and accessing data over the internet.
connection. Cloud companies helps you to access your data from a remote
5) Low maintenance cost
Cloud computing reduces both hardware and software maintenance There are many Cloud Service providers in the market:
costs for organizations. 1) Amazon Web Service (AWS)
6) Mobility 2) Google Cloud Platform
3) Microsoft Azure
Cloud computing allows us to easily access all cloud data via mobile. 4) IBM Cloud Services
7) Services in the pay-per-use model 5) Dropbox
6) Oracle Clouds
Cloud computing offers Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) 7) Adobe Creative Cloud
to the users for access services on the cloud and pays the charges as
per the usage of service.
Services Provided by Cloud Providers
8) Unlimited storage capacity
Cloud offers us a huge amount of storing capacity for storing our Name of
IaaS Paas SaaS
important data such as documents, images, audio, video, etc. in one Company
Amazon Web
AWS Amazon EC2 Amazon Web Services
9) Data security Services

Data security is one of the biggest advantages of cloud computing. Microsoft Private Microsoft Office
Cloud offers many advanced features related to security and Microsoft Microsoft Azure
Cloud 365
ensures that data is securely stored and handled.
Google App Engine Google
Google –
(Python, Java and many) Applications

# Disadvantages of Cloud Computing

Smart Cloud Smart Cloud Application
IBM SaaS Products
Enterprise Services
1) Internet Connectivity
As you know, in cloud computing, every data (image, audio, video,
etc.) is stored on the cloud, and we access these data through the 1. AWS (Amazon Web Services)
cloud by using the internet connection. If you do not have good AWS is Amazon's cloud web hosting platform which offers fast,
internet connectivity, you cannot access these data. However, we flexible, reliable and cost-effective solutions. It is one of the top
have no any other way to access data from the cloud. cloud service providers which offers a service in the form of building
block which can be used to create and deploy any kind of
2) Vendor lock-in application in the cloud. It is the most popular as it was the first to
Vendor lock-in is the biggest disadvantage of cloud computing. enter the cloud computing space.
Organizations may face problems when transferring their services
from one vendor to another. As different vendors provide different Features:
platforms, that can cause difficulty moving from one cloud to  Easy sign-up process
 Fast Deployments
3) Limited Control  Allows easy management of add or remove capacity
As we know, cloud infrastructure is completely owned, managed,  Access to effectively limitless capacity
and monitored by the service provider, so the cloud users have less  Centralized Billing and management
control over the function and execution of services within a cloud  It is one of the cloud companies that offers Hybrid
infrastructure. Capabilities and per hour billing

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Companies using AWS AWS Services

 Instagram
Here are some of AWS's essential offerings:
 Pinterest
 Netflix
 Dropbox 1. Amazon S3
This tool is used for internet back up, and it's the cheapest storage
Applications of AWS services
Amazon Web services are widely used for various computing option in the object-storage category. The best part: you can
purposes like: retrieve stored data from almost anywhere whenever you need it.
 Web site hosting
 Application hosting/SaaS hosting
2. AWS Data Transfer Products
 Media Sharing (Image/ Video)
As the name suggests, these are migration, data collection, and data
 Mobile and Social Applications
 Content delivery and Media Distribution transfer products that help you collect data seamlessly. They also
 Storage, backup, and disaster recovery enable you to monitor and analyze data in real-time.
 Development and test environments
 Academic Computing 3. Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud)
 Search Engines
EC2 is a virtual machine in the cloud on which you have OS level
 Social Networking
control. You can run this cloud server whenever you want.
Advantages of AWS
Following are the pros of using AWS services:
4. Amazon SNS (Simple Notification Services)
 AWS allows organizations to use the already familiar
programming models, operating systems, databases, and This is a notification tool that delivers messages to a large number
architectures. of subscribers through email or SMS. You can send alarms, service
 It is a cost-effective service that allows you to pay only for
notifications, and other messages intended to call attention to
what you use, without any up-front or long-term
commitments. important information.
 You will not require to spend money on running and
maintaining data centers.
5. Amazon KMS (Key Management System)
 Offers fast deployments
This is a security tool that uses 256-bit encryption for your data. It
 You can easily add or remove capacity.
 You are allowed cloud access quickly with limitless also safeguards it from hackers and cyber attacks.
 Total Cost of Ownership is very low compared to any 6. Amazon Lambda
private/dedicated servers.
This service runs your code depending on specific events and
 Offers Centralized Billing and management
 Offers Hybrid Capabilities manages the dependent resources. You need neither managing nor
 Allows you to deploy your application in multiple regions provisioning servers, and how much you pay depends on how long it
around the world with just a few clicks takes to execute your code. It saves a lot of money compared with
Disadvantages of AWS services that charge hourly rates.
 If you need more immediate or intensive assistance, you'll
have to opt for paid support packages.
7. Route 53
 Amazon Web Services may have some common cloud
computing issues when you move to a cloud. For example, This is a DNS service in the cloud that doesn't require you to
downtime, limited control, and backup protection. maintain a separate DNS account. It's designed to provide
 AWS sets default limits on resources which differ from
businesses with a reliable and cost-effective method to route users
region to region. These resources consist of images,
volumes, and snapshots. to internet applications.
 Hardware-level changes happen to your application which
may not offer the best performance and usage of your
applications. 2. Google Clould Platform
Google Cloud is a set of solution and products which includes GCP &
G suite. It is one of the top cloud service providers which helps you
to solve all kind of business challenges with ease.

Google Cloud Services

 Compute Services
 Storage Services

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 Networking Services:
 Big Data Services  Cloud Services: PaaS (Platform as a Service) can be utilised
 Security and Identity Management to build applications and services.
 Management Tools  Websites: Azure allows its users to develop sites on
ASP.NET, Node.js, PHP, or Python.
 Cloud AI
 Virtual Machines: Primarily a migration tool, allowing
 IoT developers to migrate apps and infrastructure without
altering code.
Features:  Data: SQL Database extends applications into the cloud,
 It is one of the cloud companies that allows you to scale utilising SQL Server.
with open, flexible technology  Media: This is a Platform as a Service feature that can be
 Solve issues with accessible AI & data analytics utilised for protecting content, streaming media, and
 Eliminate the need for installing costly servers more.
 Allows you to transform your business with a full suite of
cloud-based services. 4. IBM Cloud
IBM cloud is a full stack cloud platform which spans public, private
Services: and hybrid environments. It is one of the best cloud providers which
is built with a robust suite of advanced and AI tools.
1. Google Compute Engine, which is an infrastructure-as-a-service
(IaaS) offering that provides users with virtual Features:
 IBM cloud offers infrastructure as a service (IaaS),
machine instances for workload hosting. software as a service (SaaS) and platform as a service
2. Google App Engine, which is a platform-as-a-service (PaaS) (PaaS)
 IBM Cloud is used to build pioneering which helps you to
offering that gives software developers access to Google's gain value for your businesses
scalable hosting. Developers can also use a software  It offers high performing cloud communications and
services into your IT environment
developer kit (SDK) to develop software products that run on
App Engine. Services:
3. Google Cloud Storage, which is a cloud storage platform  Compute Infrastructure — includes its bare metal servers
(single-tenant servers that are highly customizable), virtual
designed to store large, unstructured data sets. Google also servers, GPU computing, POWER servers (based on IBM's
POWER architecture) and server software
offers database storage options, including Cloud Datastore
 Compute Services — includes OpenWhisk serverless
for NoSQL nonrelational storage, Cloud SQL for MySQL fully computing, containers and Cloud Foundry runtimes
relational storage and Google's native Cloud Bigtable  Storage — includes object, block and file storage, as well
as server-backup capabilities
 Network — includes load balancing, Direct Link private
4. Google Container Engine, which is a management and secure connections, network appliances, content delivery
network and domain services
orchestration system for Docker containers that runs within
 Mobile — includes IBM's Swift tools for creating iOS apps,
Google's public cloud. Google Container Engine is based on its MobileFirst Starter package for getting a mobile app up
and running, and its Mobile Foundation app back-end
the Google Kubernetes container orchestration engine.

3. Microsoft Azure
 Data and analytics — includes data services, analytics
services, big data hosting, Cloudera hosting, MongoDB
Azure is a cloud platform which is launched by Microsoft in February
hosting and Riak hosting
2010. This open source and flexible cloud platform which helps in
development, data storage, service management & hosting  Internet of Things — includes IBM's IoT platform and its
solutions. IoT starter packages
 Security — includes tools for securing cloud environments,
Features: such as a firewall, hardware security modules (physical
 Windows Azure offers the most effective solution for your devices with key management capabilities), Intel Trusted
data needs Execution Technology, security software and SSL
 Provides scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness
 Application services — includes Blockchain, Message hub
 Offers consistency across clouds with familiar tools and
and business rules, among others
 Integration — includes tools for building virtual bridges for
 Allow you to scale your IT resources up and down
hybrid cloud and multi-cloud environments, such as API
according to your business needs
Connect and Secure Gateway

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